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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67639240 No.67639240 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.67639376

What do Perry's ships have to do with it?

>> No.67639611


>> No.67639714


>> No.67639925

Yeah I looked it up and I don't get it at all lol

>> No.67640465


>> No.67640691

So the Beryl I heard so much about is joining the deadest of Jp branches????? is this osmehow a win or something?
>She'll get 2k ccv regularly just watch!!
Then why the fuck debuff her that fucking much?

>> No.67640750

>fishman wasting beryl in his doomed jp gen
for what purpose

>> No.67640985

We simply don't know, and I'm fearing that she'll end up doing a Reine and be a mostly JP streamer for the first few months until she once again goes back to being primarily an English chuuba but by that time the damage would already be done.

>> No.67641285

good job phase for wasting potential of beryl in a dead branch. ill forever anti fishman because of this

>> No.67642412

maybe if you all go and actually watch her and her genmates instead of complaining, the branch won't end up being dead

>> No.67642825

She already tried that in Star Ring before realizing that we're just going to follow her where ever she goes

>> No.67642968

Dude it's a JP branch from a western agency. It's already DOA with the first 3 debuts having way less viewers than your average Pippa stream.

Sure but she'll never grow if ends up repeating the exact same mistake she did in her previous incarnation.

>> No.67643165

I think you're not understanding the concept of why people watch vtubers.

>> No.67643221

Beryl wants to be japanese. She always wanted to be japanese.

>> No.67643240

We watch them to make their numbers go up right?

>> No.67643295

Then she's doing a terrible job at it when in all her incarnations she always ends up speaking mostly in English.

>> No.67643494

I thought phase didn't hire males?

>> No.67644955

i think they have a male CEO

>> No.67645325

>Kurofune (meaning 'Black Ships') is the word Japanese used to describe the American gunboats that came to open Japan to Western trade in the 19th century.

Did Sakana resurrect Commodore Perry just to have him recruit people into Phase Connect? That's actually kind of based desu

>> No.67646051

I remember the Black Ship posting when Myth debuted. It was a great time.

>> No.67646199

Phase JP needs to do what Michiru and Nasa have mostly refused to do: network with other JP vtubers.

A part of why Phase grew is because of networking and being seen by new audiences. How will vtuber fans know you exist if they can't find you?

>> No.67646463

i dont understand how this proves who this is

>> No.67646469

Phase never grew, Pippa did.

>> No.67646546

the only way it is doomed is if they get impatient and don't hustle like >>67646199 says
one of sakana's strengths is he can be patient. he has been patient spacing out new gens, hell he was patient with lia most vtuber agencies would have graduated her when it appeared it wasn't working out but he let her cook and now she is one of the marquee chuubas for his company

this aren't gonna be big to start maybe 80-200 viewers, but the talents themselves have to hustle and start networking with other jp agencies. build those bridges.

>> No.67646810

Pippa has been huge for the last 18 months this isn't a new development. When Pippa was 2000+ ccv, Phase was still viewed as mickey mouse and it wasn't looked at as a serious option.

So what changed from then to the last 6 months?
What changed was you had the girls grow like Tenma, Lia, Shiina, Lumi. They have scored high profile streams and been seen by new people.
When you work with names like Pomu, Henya, Vedal, Fillian etc and have successful collabs it adds credibility to their name and the company name.

>> No.67646843

I can see Yuu natively incline from participating in those popular japanese eceleb thingys but idk about anyone else.

>> No.67647090

>Pomu, Henya, Vedal, Fillian etc
and the only one of these Pippa had anything to do with in terms of securing was Fillian.
>Lia got Pomu on her own.
>Tenma got Henya and had to drag Pippa's bumass to it.
>Lia got vedal on her own.
>Tenma got Albino on her own.
>Tenma got Giri on her own.
>Lia got manlybadasshero on her own.
>Lumi got max0r on her own.
>the first holo collab, where was Pippa? nowhere.

>> No.67647337

Hololive doesn't want pippa on collabs because she's a brank risk.

>> No.67647801

Nasa HAS started networking a lot actually. She just did a 5 girl role playing collab
Though Michiru is too much of an autist to talk to others

>> No.67648672

That is good then. They should have been doing this all along
If JP1 are gonna make it, they have to build networks with other JPs big or small.

>> No.67648921

The Beryl schizos are something else. I'm truly worried they'll hang themselves tomorrow when it's confirmed Clara isn't her.

>> No.67649047

I think the 3 OG JP girls mentioned that Phase are planning to take part in more JP events now during their stream together after the PhaseJP reveal.

>> No.67649099

even if the JP branch dies, what would stop fishman from just transferring beryl to the EN branch with Pippa and Tenma? It isn't like phase EN doesn't already have like a half dozen ESLs, some of whom don't even speak english

>> No.67649224

The risk is that means you will have ended up accelerating EN, which is bad.

>> No.67649225

>way less viewers than your average Pippa stream
You've just described NijiEN.

>> No.67649451

its not hololive. Phase is very much sink or swim compared to hololive. if she is good she will get views like pippa tenma and lia, the other girls will suffer

>> No.67649456
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>> No.67649652

>She could have easily been in hololive as she is a better caliber than a lot of the girls in EN, but I feel like at a certain point, she has to take accountability for her actions. She chose to be part of a side branch in a totally novel venture in Japan for an EN-focused vtuber corpo. It's looking like it's a total flop too, but who knows.
>While being a millionaire might be appealing for some, it seems to me she chose Phase because it has people she is friends with, fishman respects the shit out of her and was willing to hire her for JP despite being an EN streamer, and she has access to a social circle that is much more open than hololive's ivory tower where everyone tries to leech off you and never acknowledges you as an individual but rather the brand. Her standout talents might also lend credence to the fact fishman might prioritize giving her a solo concert or 3D model as depicted in the PV, simply from her experience in showmanship (according to very old threads when she was Peari). While the numbers might never reach hololive's tower, she has enough people who respect her and simp over her that it won't really matter, and it will be even more apparent once Phase's broader community starts to shill her properly because believe me, she is very shillable.

>> No.67649691

Its not just about her tho anon.
It about future EN gens and diluting that side.
Accelerating is tricky and must be taken seriously

>> No.67650425

She could have been a millionaire with insane popularity and clout... but chose the safety of friends I guess. Personal choice.

>> No.67650653

Fishman being in Canada literally had a golden opportunity to hire the GGN girls (they are fans of Pippa) but somehow failed to do this. He fucks up a lot.

>> No.67650780

They are fans of Uruka, not Pippa. They still follow Uruka.

>> No.67650989

His one and only true passion regarding EN girls is hunting down and collecting all missing Tsunderia girls, crafting schemes towards the ones who rejected him.

>> No.67651040

GGN girls know all of Phase Gen1 they are acquaintances of them, Pam, Nene, Shiki, Coyote etc everybody knows everybody on the small corpo scene

>> No.67651065
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Would Hololive put her in Shibuya crossing as the center of the gen? I think not!

>> No.67651137

They graduated in November 2022, and Gen 3 was half a year after Alias. The timing didn't work out

>> No.67651343
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At least show a pic where her face is on the big TV

>> No.67651368

Baubau wanted hololive and werent settling for anything else. Good for them they got it.

>> No.67651506

This is such a weird take. If hololive hadn't taken a chance with them, they probably would have gone to another corpo.

>> No.67651578

I doubt it. They wanted hololive. GGN was always their stepping stone.

>> No.67652279

Sounds like /vt/ failed to sell her to Yagoo

>> No.67653933

Why do people think this is Beryl

>> No.67654090

kinda seems like her
we expect her to show up someplace soon
fishman likes her

>> No.67654120
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>> No.67655013

It's the voice

>> No.67655330
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Ahem. The English, Clara. I expect you'll make the right choice.

>> No.67655344

Does this mean she's a halfu?

>> No.67656654



>> No.67656704

what's a Beryl?
also who cares. Looking forward to the sex bunny. She has a nice voice. Unfortunately she'll be the one whose chat is riddled with ants because of the English speaking. Guess I'll just watch the other JPs instead.

>> No.67656858

tf you on about? GGN was their most well known and most important identity until mangagamer shut it down. It wasn't even the vtubers either, it was the visual novel that was pretty popular for well known reasons that predated hololive by years.

>> No.67657156

GGN stopped because they got into hololive. It would still be around if they didnt get accepted.

>> No.67658771


>> No.67660257

He was referring to their debut streams, they had like 1-2k viewers

>> No.67661242

>the first 3 debuts having way less viewers than your average Pippa stream.
nta but she averages 4k right? I thought all Euphoria were just above 2k with muyu maybe having over 4k ? For jp numbers the jp1 debuts were pretty big avg. about 1.8k and they're literally starting calling it dead is just short-sighted.

>> No.67661479

the euphoria watchalong on the phase official with lia, dizzy and panko had 3k alone

>> No.67661645

They literally said how many times they applied to Hololive. Stop going with this retarded nijinigger cope that they would settle for less if thing went wrong, it's fucking embarrassing.

Euphoria's debuts went from 6..8k for Eimi up to 8.1k with for Muyu. They were all well above Pippa's average. While 1.8k is not horrible context is important and Phase definitely can get better viewership than that for a debut, so yeah, Kaleido will have a very hard time going forward if these are their initial numbers.

>> No.67662256

It also means something like "interfering foreigners", less kaigai niki and more kaigai dick-ey.

>> No.67662408

>Kaleido will have a very hard time going forward if these are their initial numbers.
they will only have a hard time if they don't put the work in. ENGen1 started their idol journey with nothing and now they are good and 3 of them have playbuttons.

I cannot stress enough that they have to network and build bridges with other japanese vtubers. For years people scapegoated Sakana for "not supporting" the 3 JPs they had. While there is truth in that, the girls themsevles need to be held accountable. maybe instead of playing ark for 8 hours a day, meet some japanese vtubers and become friends?

JP starting with 80-200 is a foundation to build on, but they have to get to work and start building. They have to make it happen. certain girls in phase have made it happen, while others just are fine doing throwaway company group collabs all the time, collecting raids and supas, and have no ambition outside of the company.

The beauty of Phase is that there is support, but you have to want it and work for it. there are no glass ceilings. Be whatever you want to be, but you have to put the work in.

>> No.67662466

>Kaleido will have a very hard time going forward if these are their initial numbers.
Why the fuck are noomberfags this retarded? What did you expect the JPs to start with? With Phase's EN numbers? They are practically starting with 0 in Japan. No one knows about Phase. If they can settle as a high 2view- low 3view, then it was all fucking worth it. The original JPs took fucking 2 years to get into stable low 3view and that's considering their Iori and Nasa which still get the average of 150 CCV per stream. How is this so hard to fucking understand?

>> No.67662754

>maybe instead of playing ark for 8 hours a day
This is a bad example since Michiru is the highest-performing among the three. She can sustain 300+ CCV where 10 hours Dark souls stream.

>> No.67663299

It has taken them almost 3 years to get too 200+ while the rest of the company are crushing it. 300 is not a lot anymore. it was a lot in 2022. it's 2024.
If JP is gonna be 5 vtubers with no ambitions like Michiru, then the branch is doomed.

However, I would hope Sakana has told them what kind of opportunity this is for them. Hopefully in that group of 5 JPs, there are at least 3 who are builders and are ready make their dreams real.

>> No.67664208

>300 is not a lot anymore.
It is a lot for Phase JP. To make an effective comparison, you need to consider the numbers relative to the company's highest performer. In the JP side, it's Da Michi.
>If JP is gonna be 5 vtubers with no ambitions like Michiru, then the branch is doomed.
This is a good point. I am optimistic about the 3 so far though. They seem to have the drive to get big based on their goals then again we'll see. Going back to Michiru, I wouldn't say she's blameless but I understand why she has no drive. Like you said, they have been doing this for almost 3 years. The good thing about the new JPs though is that you can tell Michiru is threatened by it. She has been posting more actively on twitter and has gotten more proactive on streams. Nasa has been streaming quite a lot lately too. Iori is just an enigma to me. She's the most consistent among the 3 but a lot of times becomes the worst performer. Perhaps an identity crisis?

>> No.67664291

examine the current roster minus most of gen3 except purin because we know exactly what she is

super ambition

ambition sometimes

are content coasting and being along for the ride

>> No.67664602

why put her in the main branch when he knows she is just going to quit in a year anyway?

>> No.67664698

You can take a gander with Gen 3 now.
>super ambition
>Ambition sometimes
>content coasting

>> No.67664726

I don't know what's worse, the phasefags who never watched a single one of her streams trying to paint her decision as the best choice in history or you kawaii fags still pushing this rrat.

>> No.67664822

>the phasefags who never watched a single one of her streams trying to paint her decision as the best choice in history
>implying phasefags even know of Beryl

>> No.67664898

I guarantee you that the people shilling her aren't her actual fans.

>> No.67665037
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>Phasekeks being this delusional
Nobody is putting in that much effort to join your shit corpo. Kana graduated and debuted in, what, three months? And she probably decided to just send in an application on a lark when she actually gave up vtubing.

>> No.67665045

There's this one berylschizo on /pcg/ and he has been shilling her ever since KALEiDO was announced. The responses were almost always who?

>> No.67665087

lets put it into perspective with how many EN branch talents each company has
>hololive: 20
>nijisanji: 30
>vshojo: 11
>phase connect: 22
>idol: 10
>prism: 17
>kawaii: 10

if phase were to abandon JP and move those 5 to EN, that makes it 27. That us way too many for the company the size of Phase Connect. Phase is walking the line and has to be careful.

as it is, IMO Phase should be on a EN hiring freeze for at least a year.

>> No.67665137

>beryl hates her EN audience so much that she tries to join a jp branch and be a jp vtuber for the 2nd time.

>> No.67665182

>IMO Phase should be on a EN hiring freeze for at least a year.
Lumi has said there will be no new gens for at least 2 years.

>> No.67665189


>> No.67665221

If they didn't make it in hololive, they would have completely retired from Vtubing.

>> No.67665936

this is assuming Phase doesn't lose girls along the way. They have like 6 girls who it would not shock me tomorrow if they disapeared for one reason or the other.

>> No.67666605

>interfering foreigners
I don't know where this is coming from unless it's incredibly obscure 2ch gibberish, Perry is still pretty popular in Japan and the last time anyone used the phrase in a derogatory way was probably when they were losing money in horse racing to a certain American stallion. Just like the horse it may sometimes be used to describe an American product/thing getting big in Japan (kitschy jargon) but it's still not used in an especially pejorative way that would make sense here, unless it's to say "this is a non-Japanese vtuber who speaks Japanese trying to get a big Japanese following."
kurofune in general have been a meme off and on for over a decade now, with the classic IT'S PERRY! (kurofune funk) from pop'n music
see video related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8mPQr-Ncvk

>> No.67666883

Can back this up.
The only thing Fishman is considering for the immediate future is potential new invaders at best, but nothing beyond that, just 3D models for everyone. (which are being made now)

>> No.67667049

Unless a big name falls into their lap like Rosemi or someone like that, I would not even take invaders. Not even Chikafuji Lisa nope. They have to draw a line.
seeing this >>67665087 puts into perspective how dangerously bloated they are getting

>> No.67667056

With 3D studios in place in Japan so even indies can reach that goal and perform 3D concerts there's a concentrated push by companies to at least meet the golden standard.

>> No.67667607
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>hololive: 20

>> No.67669879

While I agree with you, I don't really think it's that dangerous. Firstly because Phase arguably has the best subs-to-CCV translation of all corpos. Not to mention an extremely loyal fanbase and by 'loyal fanbase', I mean the donations (and to an extent, merch sales). Best example is Dizzy and Airi. They're one of the low-performing talents in Phase but while I do not have the concrete stats, they get donations that could rival bigger talents in Phase. Second, it only looks bloated because the comparison is irrespective of their dominant markets. For instance, Holo and Niji obviously dominant in JP. With that, Holo becomes 34 and Niji goes to lord knows how many members. I'm not counting. Vshojo is an outlier in the sense that it doesn't really do generations so I think it's safe to not include them in the comparison. Now you're left with the usual small corpos. For an EN company that is leading the small corpo space, 22 talents is pretty alright.

>> No.67672007

I like the designs but the proportions are a bit off.

>> No.67673963

I feel like Muyu will get more ambitious when god himself stops trying to eradicate her entire bloodline and/or she moves out.

>> No.67674064

Let's see if it's her or not first

>> No.67674202

She wants to be Japanese, badly.

>> No.67674388

Yeah. That's the reason why I grouped her in content coasting.

>> No.67676599

Because Cover just won't fucking hire.

>> No.67677582

We know for a fact Sakana filtered for ambition since we've heard a first hand account of someone failing because she lacked it. The pre-debut work they've done is not something they could've done without ambition. I have faith.

>> No.67677637

They got shut down before then. The application process for Advent didn't start until at least january going off of the other members
They weren't on their own for long, but they were in deed on their own after GGN

>> No.67678154


>> No.67678167

yeah i agree. it is up to the 5 jp girls to turn it into something and it needs to be looked at as almost a new company.

it isn't gonna be easy they aren't gonna start off with a huge following, but if they hustle and have the talent, they can get there.

against all odds gen1 started with nothing and built phase connect into a home.

>> No.67678400

>they are fans of Pippa

>> No.67678651

They literally debuted Advent half a year ago and had a whole new auditions form exclusive to HoloLIVE EN that was dropped like less than a week before her graduation announcement. She either doesn't want it or isn't like Bijou and the twins who were Hololive or bust.

>> No.67678846

there is a difference between talking about ambition and actually doing it. there are only like 5 or 6 girls that really have that drive to take it to the next level, 3 of them came from Origins, 1 of them came from Cyberlive. Chinchilla auditoned for Gen2, so it's like he's hired a

and I am not using that to shit on the girls that don't. I equate it to when you're in school in youre in a group project, some people are fine sitting in the back and letting others take control of the presentation and handle it and get the credit. I was one of those so I can relate.

the literally followed all of the original Phase girls. I don't know if they still do, but the small corpo circle is small everybody knows everybody. Don't mean they are fans or besties, but Fuwamoco knows the early Phase girls, Kawaii girls, Pam, Prism, Tsunderia

>> No.67678915

Should have been Nerissa!!!!!!

>> No.67678979

They are not NijiEN retards

>> No.67679013

Nerissa can't even speak JP

>> No.67679046

Yeah, they hired a grand total of 10 girls after 2 years of focusing on men instead.
Bijou and Fuwamoco got lucky that they decided to stop being retarded for just long enough to notice them. Beryl most likely didn't have that luck, unless JP8 is on the horizon already (doubtful).

>> No.67679100

it's gotta be weird watching girls you crossed paths with when they were nobody's strike it big.
guess it goes to show you should be nice to everybody, because you never know who the next holo will be.

like does fuwamoco remember them? are they humble like that? will they eventually give back to the scene like how ollie does (minus the homos)?

>> No.67679183

The branches are fully separated now that the old troon director is gone and the new auditions form is proof of that. EN4 will debut this year, likely around summer (heh) and she would likely have a really easy time getting noticed considering her skills, but I guess she really didn't want to do it.

>> No.67679247

It's been an established rrat that Beryl likely applied in 2022, the period when omegatranny had no plans for EN but two gens for males.

>> No.67679409

>Beryl most likely didn't have that luck
Hololive is the gold standard of vtubing. You wait for them, they don't wait for you. If you truly want it you will keep applying and won't settle for a lesser org like Phase. If she settled for Phase she clearly didn't want it enough. Biboo had to apply like 3 times before she even got an interview.

>> No.67679421

It's more likely fishman gave her a pretty good deal and she took it instead of waiting for hololive to notice her. I don't fault her desu, the numbers are shit but she was the star at Shibuya and the PV with the Phase budget. Hololive would never show her that type of preferential treatment.

>> No.67679441

Why is Beryl such a dumbass? She should just join EN4.

>> No.67679498

Let's be clear, we don't know how many times she applied, we just know of one time (probably).

>> No.67679510
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99% of vtubers give up before making it in Hololive

>> No.67679583

companies like Phase can be a stepping stone. it is not either/or.
I seriously doubt they forbid auditions to hololive. Hell, up until Pomu quit people were wondering if Lia would audition for NIJIEN.

>> No.67679791

>Hololive would never show her that type of preferential treatment
Sure, but her ceiling would be infinitely higher compared to Phase and she would likely be very popular considering her singing skills. And let's be real here, she might end up becoming the biggest JP talent but she'll never be the most popular Phase girl as long as Pippa exists, and if she leaves her fans will either abandon the agency or go to one of her closest friends in the company so Beryl is not really getting the opportunity to be the one-eyed man in the land of the blind here.

>> No.67680076

>she'll never be the most popular Phase girl as long as Pippa exist
who cares?
That is a retarded way of looking at things.
Phase has several top talents that get plenty of high profile shine. If you get popular, Phase will push you.

She will never be the most popular girl in hololive, either, so why even bother?

>> No.67680093

>companies like Phase can be a stepping stone. it is not either/or.
Yet this still hasn't happened. I am still wondering how the fish does it. There must be a reason that the girls end up settling with Phase. Is the company culture there that great?
>she might end up becoming the biggest JP talent but she'll never be the most popular Phase girl as long as Pippa exists
This is irrelevant. She's not competing in the EN market.

>> No.67680118

I don't disagree, hololive comes with an insane amount of clout and influence, but if she's able to afford her lifestyle and get a 3D and sololive in JP, then that's much better than most holoEN.

>> No.67680222

Sure, and while you're trying to win the lottery all your bills pile up and your money runs dry. You can choose to take a chance to make your name bigger, even if just slightly, as you continue working on something you enjoy or you can keep praying that you'll win one day as you slowly die.

>> No.67680275

What is a brank risk.

>> No.67680362

>If you get popular, Phase will push you
So the Nijisanji way? Because Hololive pushes even the utter runts, sometimes to their own detriment as seen with the homos.

>She's not competing in the EN market
Anon, come on. You really think the same thing that happened when she was Beryl won't happen again?

>> No.67680494

I think it is because people just think "audition for hololive = get in."
getting into hololive is like getting struck by lightning. I am sure some phase talents auditioned for en3.
as a vtuber, why would you not try and try again?
it's like saying you're a baseball player who doesn't want to tryout for the new york yankess

>> No.67680609

Ember is stupid but not stupid enough to choke on her own food. Hina, however...

>> No.67680703

Every vtuber you have heard of has more than likely auditioned for Hololive

>> No.67680723

>You really think the same thing that happened when she was Beryl won't happen again?
Yes. Her condition in Phase is far better than when she was Beryl. Call me optimistic. Also, I still don't get your argument. How is her 'not being the most popular Phase girl" relevant? You can apply the same argument if she was in Hololive.

>> No.67680779

It's true, you guys are useless and 70% of you are from r*ddit.

>> No.67680850

Guy number 5 is my favorite. Gives no fucks.

>> No.67680949

idk what the niji or holo way is, all I know is Phase gives Uruka her own solo con concerts. They let Jelly sing in the Ironmosue concert. They picked Pippa, Lia, Shiina and Hime for 3d at cons. Lia got a celebrity DND panel at acen. Lia, Tenma and Panko were sent to rep the company at the vtuber awards. Lumi is allowed as many sponsorships as she wants.

my point is that it's not just "Pippa is the most popular so Pippa gets everything."

>> No.67681137
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>> No.67681169

NTA but you were wrong for saying this
>If you get popular, Phase will push you.
Then have Hime as an example. Phase tries to push everyone in creative ways.

>> No.67681249

The whole point of that other anon's argument was that she got a better deal in Phase by being pushed as her gen's face than she would ever get in Hololive which is just pure cope.

Then they don't only push those who get popular, they just push everyone when it's applicable just like Hololive.

>> No.67681608

fair enough i misspoke. I shouldn't have used the world popular.
Phase doesnt push every talent equally, but if you are hungry and want to be fed, they will feed you.

>> No.67682053

>Yet this still hasn't happened. I am still wondering how the fish does it. There must be a reason that the girls end up settling with Phase. Is the company culture there that great?
I'm sure some phase girls did try out for Hololive despite being in Phase, but I think the main reason is that they are already making a good living doing what they love with Phase. I don't know the #s but I assume at least half of phase girls are in the comfortable level of income. why walk away from that?

>> No.67682263

So, schizophrenia and coping aside, she's either an American Living in Japan or Japanese living in America, yes?

>> No.67682322

>why walk away from that
If Fishman is fine with them auditioning while still employed then there's no hurt in trying for something that will only increase their level of income, and Cover doesn't mind people who are currently working under an agency applying to Hololive as long as they end their current contract after they get accepted.

Canadian living in Japan.

>> No.67682432

>Guy number 5
That's Wittgenstein, one of the most important philosophers of the 20th century.

>> No.67682438

Only Pippa makes comfortable money.
Tenma is a top 5 earner, streams 20 hours a week and works a regular job.
Lia is a top 5 earner and still lives at home.
Shiina is paid to be the company artist
Jelly is paid to be the company music editor
Lumi takes any and every sponsorship and streams 7 hours a day to make a full time living.
Airi works a regular job.
Hime is a trust fund babby if rumors are true.

>> No.67682557

>The whole point of that other anon's argument was that she got a better deal in Phase by being pushed as her gen's face than she would ever get in Hololive which is just pure cope.
I see. I can expound on that anon's argument. While she'll be not getting Hololive numbers with Phase (Obviously), Phase offers that potential. Yes, any small corpo can offer that potential but only Phase has the backing for it. That whole stunt in Shibuya was Phase legitimizing itself as a R E A L JP vtuber corpo. Beryl/Peari probably thinks that is good enough value for her so it's all good. Her being so fucking great at singing just makes her stand out more. This is assuming Clara is actually Beryl which I am still yet to be convinced.

>> No.67682800

I dont understand why a singer or musical vtuber would go to Phase Connect.
The fanbase just doesn’t give a damn about tryhard idol music.

>> No.67682902

>If Fishman is fine with them auditioning while still employed
I mean, they could just not tell him. It's just like any other job, if you apply and get an offer for a better deal their is nothing holding them back from going to Hololive, although they may have to wait out a current contract or something like that.

>> No.67683240
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>> No.67683339

And that Shibuya ad isn't doing anything looking at the numbers of the first 3 because barely anyone knows about Phase in the country that's utterly spoiled for choice regarding vtubers. These big ad campaigns only truly work when the company has a presence in the region and even then it's not guaranteed to help going by Cover doing a similar thing with their last JP homo gen and barely getting anything out of it.

>> No.67683625

Like I said I don't follow the numbers. But to play devils advocate, I thought Pippa made alot more than "Comfortable" money. They could be making good money now, but they have only been at this level for maybe a year, so it is no surprise some might still be living at home or have other jobs. Don't some hololive girls still live at home too?

Another possible reason they might retain loyalty to phase could be that there might be some sort of profit sharing/ buy into the company stuff we don't know about. Doubtful but if the chuubas has stakes in the company, it would be more reason to stay on.

>> No.67683801

>And that Shibuya ad isn't doing anything looking at the numbers
>because barely anyone knows about Phase in the country
Hence the 'legitimizing' part. With my limited marketing experience, that ad seems more like a "Hey we exist!" rather than trying to rake potential watchers (Granted, they did this with YouTube/Twitter ads, and posters in Akihabara.) because it is as what you said, barely anyone knows Phase in Japan. This stunt generated JP articles about which is good. But this a digression from the original topic about Beryl.

>> No.67683802

They retain loyalty to Phase because the only better option is HoloLive or vshojo.
Yuri thought she’d be better off as a vtuber on her own, and she is now pretty much not a vtuber anymore and doing art commissions instead.

>> No.67683895

>Don't some hololive girls still live at home too
Afaik the only one who currently lives with her family is Nerissa but she has a huge family and is probably already rich so it's more of a case of comfort and not lack of funds. Roboco for example is one of the worst performing Holos and still managed to buy her own house.

>This stunt generated JP articles
It did?

>> No.67683947

Yeah I agree. I was just saying why they might choose to stay with Phase over defecting to Hololive.

>> No.67684066

Yes. These are the two main ones. Other sites just credit these two.

>> No.67684259

You joke but Rushia's sister's titty song is pure kino

>> No.67684458

A/LURE is a tremendous flop what were they thinking

>> No.67684541

In what metric? It seems to be doing good in terms of views.

>> No.67684714


>> No.67684889

Tenma keeps working a normal job because she wants to retire early

>> No.67684905

Nobody cared when it debuted and the comments were spammed with “this one is not as good as Pippa the Ripped. Please give us The Ripper” which then caused some of the girls involved to melt down on Twitter about it.

They picked a mid group to start Phase Music with. Not from a singing standpoint, but from a hype standpoint. Nobody in that group gets people excited and it is just meh.

>> No.67685080

the fact people have been way more enthusiastic about the non existent group a/slur tells the tale.

>> No.67685148

Forbidden is my new favorite EN song and Runie has great potential as a singer
Dissonance is creative and fun, but not something I'd listen to on repeat
GODS is pure cringe and not even the good kind, I hope they never do league songs again, they're generally shit songs
Yurika to Sora is great and gives you the feels, lets see if >>67684714 can top it
Bust song is just pure kino

>> No.67685488

>Nobody cared when it debuted
Why is this relevant for a cover?
>the comments were spammed with “this one is not as good as Pippa the Ripped. Please give us The Ripper”
Some comments.* Clearly not the majority. You can still see the PTR comments buried by the positive comments.
>caused some of the girls involved to melt down on Twitter about it.
By some you mean only Hime?
>They picked a mid group to start Phase Music with.
The purpose of Phase Music is to be a channel group covers/OG songs. Other than that, it is also used as an ad to promote the girls involved in the cover.
Is this a thinly-veiled antipost?
>Forbidden is my new favorite EN song
Same. It's just so catchy.

>> No.67685504

I'm nervous bros, it's been months since I last saw her...

>> No.67685567

>it's been months since I last saw her.
>missing the space karaokes she had in the past few months

>> No.67685599

Hearing her on a shitty phone mic isn't the same...

>> No.67685629

Give him a break anon. Some hostages in /pcg/ still yearn for Yuri when Nano still fucking exists.

>> No.67685771

Hime is the main girl of A/LURE. Yes, when you have a public meltdown about nobody caring about your tryhard group cover, it is embarrassing.

They picked a bad group. If the next group involves Pippa, Ten,a or Lia, it is going to destroy them even if the music isn’t the best. Phase fans want fun music and memes. Whoever was in charge with putting A/LURE together forget this is Phase and not Prism Project.

>> No.67685806

>Phase fans want fun music and memes

>> No.67685844

>Phase fans want fun music and memes.
Speak for yourself anon.

>> No.67685923

It is what it is. When the 3 flagship talents can’t sing and are known for off the wall streams, it was never gonna be about music.

Also most the musical talents in Phase are among the bottom earners in the company. These covers are a money sink for girls the who don’t make the company a lot of money.

>> No.67685955


>> No.67685971

Beryl schizo here. I don't what's wrong with all of them. I for one believe that Clara isn't Beryl.

>> No.67686026

Go look at Uruka, Rie, Ember, and Jelly’s supa totals and come back to me.
Nobody gives a fuck about their music. They want shitpost songs.

>> No.67686255

For a company that has decent singers from every gen, why are you seething that Fishman wants to invest in music? No matter how you don't like that and think it's a money sink, Phase is trying to break that market regardless. Gen 3 and JP Gen 1 wanting a 3D concert is evidence of that.

>> No.67686262

Don't we already know her voice from the teaser? And it's not Beryl?

>> No.67686294
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Shitpost songs are pretty popular right now. Thanks Biboo. lol

>> No.67686417


>> No.67686489

Because he is fucking up. Trying to shift the company to music + this JP endeavor are mistakes. That is not what Phase Connect is.

If Phase doesn't take the next step in 2024 like eveybody thinks, those 2 things will be pointed at as why and Phase will be mocked.

>> No.67686504

Moment of truth, Berylbros. Hope you're right.

>> No.67686565


>> No.67686704

Better luck next time Berylshizo. Please don't off yourself.

>> No.67686753

it’s actually her damn

>> No.67686792

I'm pretty certain she's Beryl.

>> No.67686809

So it wasnt her damn

>> No.67686840

>Phase will be mocked.
what exactly do you think will change?

>> No.67686921

I'm getting mixed signals here.

>> No.67686950
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>> No.67686990

Does Beryl know french?

>> No.67687025

My friends in the Lia thread say it’s Woozie she is now fluent in Japanese

>> No.67687028

Its her

>> No.67687130
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Beryl knew french so It's officially confirmed her.

>> No.67687159


>> No.67687210

Any loremasters care to inform a tourist on what's going onhere?

>> No.67687247

fuck its not her.

>> No.67687257

It's heren't

>> No.67687325

It is her. Just pop into /corpo/ if you want to see the general consensus

>> No.67687338

Whomever it is has her work cut out for her these numbers are low.

>> No.67687350

Nigger she's literally doing the rrrrr and weird goofy sounds she likes to do. I know it sucks that she chose PhaseJP out of all the options but it's time to stop coping.

>> No.67687380
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ITT: Armchair content-creation businessmen

>> No.67687441

It's her
Phase Connect

>> No.67687458

Congrats, Berylschizos.

>> No.67687475
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groomcord is convinced it's her

>> No.67687512

Doesn't feel like we won anything today outside of her coming back earlier than we thought.

>> No.67687544

That's weird because every time I posted that it was her, I was just making random guesses because it's funny.

>> No.67687550

if you think about it, we're all beryl in a way

>> No.67687634

She has the chance to be the flagship of a rising company's new branch in a big market.

I just hope she is motivated and can network because they are starting at the ground level. If it works out? She will be a part of something special lime how Phase ENGen1 are.

>> No.67687719

And just like that, I don't care about her anymore
Shit model shit agency, what a fucking downgrade

>> No.67687777

How long before she quits again?

>> No.67687830

>She has the chance to be the flagship of a rising company's new branch in a big market.
I wish I had your optimism. We'll see how much she accomplishes in a year but I'm not expecting much.

>> No.67687843

Are we watching the same chuuba?

>> No.67687900

Clara's design is definitely less interesting than Beryl's unless you only care about boobs.

>> No.67687901
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The model is a little underwhelming desu. Even Akioair managed to make pic related.

>> No.67687903

Why are some retards like this >>67687719 irrationally mad at Phase Connect?

>> No.67687930

It’s gonna be on the talents to make it something. They have to setup networks with other jp chuubas and agencies. They cant make the same mistakes Michiru Iori and Nasa did for years.

>> No.67687957

I find it hilarious that people dislike phase solely for the fact that /pcg/ exist. I do find it weird that she chose to go into a jp branch when we all know she'll switch back to english sooner or later but honestly I'm glad to know she'll get the support she needs. I just hope to go Pippas fans don't start shitting up her chat.

>> No.67688055

C'mon now

>> No.67688150

yea, it's a downgrade but ill take anything at this point just happy to see her not give up

>> No.67688162

Considering how her fans wanted a place to discuss her that wasn't a literal rented house that was /corpo/ in the past months or a mental asylum that is /pcg/ it makes sense that they're not happy with this.

>> No.67688174

If in 2 months JP isnt collabing with JP’s outside of Phase, the experiment will be over.

Small agencies cant make it on their own you have use unity

>> No.67688197

I'm leaving EN rabbit for JP rabbit.

>> No.67688211

I wonder the same.

>> No.67688242

There are 4 Phase threads. Pick one.
Some have less terminal cancer than others

>> No.67688331


>> No.67688382

Just join the /tsunx/ or Lia threads. Michiposting and Nasanon go there often if you can't handle /pcg/
/pcg/ is fine though, it gets a way worse rep than it deserves

>> No.67688406

I preferred the loli dragon but that bunny suit with those bouncy tits is sexy as hell.

>> No.67688444

pcg is dog shit is it basically numbers jr only with 100 shitty ritual posts

>> No.67688522

>4 Phase threads
/pcg/, /pcgia/, the Lia clubhouse and what? /tsunX/?

>> No.67688528

Literally mentally ill schizos who desperately want this escapist form of entertainment to be reality and/or know nothing about Phase but thru drama surfing/noomba-niggery.

>> No.67688534
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>numbers jr
This is false
>100 shitty ritual posts
Hey they're not all shitty.

>> No.67688555

They complain about /#/ but can't stop talking about it plus the scheduled Holo seething.

>> No.67688557

He doesn't know.

>> No.67688579

>they probably would have gone to another corpo.
Maybe, but they never would have gone to Nijisanji.

>> No.67688593

A better question is, why are you retards biting the obvious bait?
These faggots will take any chance they can to hate Phase, so don't think for a second that the faggot ever watched or even knows who Beryl is.

>> No.67688623

Clara is Beryl 100%.

>> No.67688626

>basically numbers jr

>> No.67688638

Yes, those 4. Possibly 5 in the future, if the Berylbros refuse to leave /corpo/

>> No.67688677
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>> No.67688688

I've used pcg for years, and don't ever remember seeing holoseething outside a lone anon or two shitposting.

>> No.67688690

It is true. numbers and pcg are the designated drama dumping grounds on vt. It has been ruined ever since the lia yab and pippa howarts.
you wouldnt know cause you just got there probably in may.

>> No.67688725

Numbers don't belong

>> No.67688788

It took you over 30 minutes to realize this?

Unless Kaleido has their own thread or miraculously Clara herself gets her own active solo thread I'm probably not leaving /corpo/.

The last time I checked that place was a few days ago and it was full of people shitting on Gura and Hololive.

>> No.67688819

>phase is a con
just don't watch the phase talents you hate, the rules and management and stuff are fine, good even

>> No.67688880

>>She'll get 2k ccv regularly just watch!!

>> No.67688889

you're just making things up

>> No.67688896

Don't forget /jong/
I've been here since long before then. Catalog and number niggers take it to be an excuse to shit up the thread and they get consistently told to fuck off

>> No.67688962

It's over.


>> No.67688995
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I sure am. I'm also blind. Don't ask me how I'm typing.

>> No.67689028

NTA but 90% of pcg are massive holofags

>> No.67689029

You’re always welcome in the Lia thread it is chill we talk about Lia, divegrass, planes, watch movies. and Rurumi.

>> No.67689039

proof next thread?

>> No.67689088
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>shitting on Gura and Hololive.

>> No.67689122

I see /#/fags are coming out of the woodworks and trying to twist their rrat that /pcg/ numberfags a lot. RORU RUMAO. Here's a secret technique to substantiate those claims. On a regular day, for every /#/ thread there is, ctrl+f the word "Phase" and see how many results it gets. Do the same for "numbers" for /pcg/ and see the results.

>> No.67689296


>> No.67689318
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>unless you only care about boobs.
I mean?

>> No.67689403

No _No

>> No.67689484
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>> No.67689487


>> No.67689531

>mental asylum
You can always go back to red dit.

It is because a huge percentage of this board's users are red dit scum newfags.

>> No.67689614

Making fun of /#/ for being mentally ill retards like >>67640691 who fundamentally miss the point of what vtubers are is just part and parcel of /vt/.

>> No.67689683

>anons begging here she should have joined hololive.
New fag here, was beryl a big jp vtuber?

>> No.67689696

Don't forget that phase makes them mad because the nijinumberfags are mad they're getting shit numbers and the holonumberfags get antsy whenever gura disappears because holoen's numbers average drops hard while PC's seems to continuously rise over time.

>> No.67689858

Sounds like her.

>> No.67689960

>shitting on Gura and Hololive
Yeah, that's bullshit. Half the thread earlier was telling Pippa to just end the stream to watch Gura instead. Look for yourself: >>67658601

>> No.67689997

lol no. She was a bilingual 2 view in a no name jp corpo. Nobody knew or cared who she was until she kept getting spammed here, after she graduated.

>> No.67690144

Then I probably went there on a bad day. Still not using a thread that talks about over 20 vtubers. I avoid all Holo unity thread for this exact reason and I hope she grows big enough to have her own dedicated thread.

>> No.67690151
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Phase is the natural home for small but passionate fanbases. It's not about popularity for us it's about loving your oshi.

>> No.67690285

what is this cringe shit. god i hate nu pcg

>> No.67690314
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they'll never know the comfy levels of being up a little too late and anons start linking erina's stream

>> No.67690331
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>> No.67690366

Unity motherfucker

>> No.67690377

Hololives cock is too big on the EN and JP side to care about phase connect which narrows it down to being the 2 most liberal fanbases between nijisanji and vshojo to stop the evil heckin /pol/ connect

>> No.67690480

Nigger what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.67690558


>> No.67690600

>has 4 thread splits
nigga youre retarded

>> No.67690686

High fences for for good neighbours.

>> No.67690771

>the Lia thread invited the Beryl bros to post there if they want
Even in a split, sounds like unity to me

>> No.67690893

>The actual thread
>The second divegrass team
>The adopted brothers from tsun
>pcgia avatarfag containment
There is still massive unity, we just need more threads to get more divegrass teams and actually have a chance at winning the footy

>> No.67690965

>can't be holofags. because they are too big to care.
>can't be idolfags because they declined too hard to be noticed anymore

So it basically narrows down to vshojo and nijifags because one is facing stagnation and the other is declining and don't like an jnclining company.

>> No.67690976

I'm not going to a thread that talks someone who collabed with fucking flygon.

>> No.67691061

Huh what you mean

>> No.67691183

Lia's a treasure, she can do whatever she wants

>> No.67691225

>the real thread
>the thread that started as a meme and then retards took it seriously
>the thread that started as a shitpost and then retards took it seriously
>the graveyard corp thread that stuck around because people really love their oshis

>> No.67691444

>streaming in ID was le bad when gen 2 did it but is le good when Kobo does it

>> No.67691496

>thread started as a meme
i cant believe you still think this. It was started for divegrass lia likers wanted a lia team. They had logos and uniforms and rosters set before the first bake.

>> No.67691598

(You) don't watch Lia holy shit

>> No.67691638

Lia Liker divegrass team wa because Twain wanted to organize a /pcg/ friendlies tournament but only one other guy bothered to do anything for it. That became the Lia from Phase Connect team. Much later the thread was formed. It wasn’t planned.

>> No.67691672

A fucking Japanese vtuber that isn't from those current top jp corpo? Sorry this is a big flop, for example, Vshojo jp is a fucking failure, the Japanese will never watch any jp vtuber who is from western company

>> No.67691697

Oh btw the friendlies happened a couple days ago.
It was 6-6 benuldies and you’ll never guess who won.

>> No.67691711

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vOFB7P9KPUo all we can do is ignore the hate and grow bigger.

>> No.67691778

Sometimes way too passionate see: poachbegging

>> No.67691966

Even after that debut?

>> No.67692015


>> No.67692054

Which one?

>> No.67692172
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>and actually have a chance
Anon... we all know the truth.

>> No.67692195

>It was started for divegrass lia likers wanted a lia team.
How exactly is that NOT starting a thread as a meme?

>> No.67692728

>divegrass is a meme
It is our culture, our way of life

>> No.67692927

It's easy to understand
>hololive- was memed by /jp/ in 2017 until redditors invaded and ruined it around 2020
>nijisanji- some weird thing full of bilibili using chinese people and trannies
>vshojo- actual soi people, no clue how they found their way to /vt/ except through the nyanners connection
>phase connect- the only company of size that appeals to people from /v/ and 4chan, also kiwitards, odd considering the PC girls are the most likely to be tumblrtards
No one from /jp/ watches holoen, only holojp.

>> No.67693039

>odd considering the PC girls are the most likely to be tumblrtards
Oh come on, it's a match made in heaven

>> No.67693698

Who? But if that makes you happy then good for you anon

>> No.67694915

you fucking faggots raid us constantly and have the audacity to say bullshit like this when you know full fucking well that every numberfagging post gets shit on and told to fuck off.
>plus the scheduled Holo seething.
you're literally making shit up.

>> No.67695088

>you're literally making shit up
Yeah, sure.

>> No.67695155

Hey man, at least two of those threads are so that we don't have to constantly be flooded with gay ERPing from StarKinghts and Lia Likers. And /TsunX/ predates us. We can't outright annex them, especially when half of their Chuubas are still indies.

>> No.67695943

Phasefag cope is the funniest shit ever

>> No.67697112
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So, this is the reason she got poached by fishman before Jap had a chance

>> No.67697211


>> No.67698012

>that last one
Imagine the factchecker writing a book calling you a tranny for not including sources.

>> No.67698112

I don't give a fuck who this is. What is "kurofune" supposed to mean? All I'm getting from google is "black ships" and something about whine.

>> No.67698592

i don't feel so happy

>> No.67699517

>Japanese debut
>here let’s sticks cute hahaha Sakana discord messages in English on the debut board
My optimum is gone. They don’t get it and don’t understand why Michiru and Nasa are failures. Enjoy being a low 3view for a DOA branch, Beryl

>> No.67700826

