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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 137 KB, 850x1278, __mikeneko_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_kaho_oco__sample-aaf4de7f124ad567213003affad6c7a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
67577168 No.67577168 [Reply] [Original]

I think I have a fetish for menhera girls.

>> No.67577441

You mean ones like Mel Nekomata?

>> No.67577496

I think I love her even more

>> No.67577531

I want her to fart on my face

>> No.67577804

And as soon as I mentioned her, there's already a fart-related comment here. Wonderful.

>> No.67579835

I am a menhera girl that wants to be a menhera chuuba, if you pay for my live2D model I will date you.

>> No.67579885


>> No.67580055

I would rather snuff your BPD life out of existence.

>> No.67580230

Jokes on you, I have a getting murdered and suicide fetish. You will just make me cum while you snuff me.

Sure uwu :3333

>> No.67580328

But bullets work too fast to provide any buildup.

>> No.67580388

I don't even like cats, but killing one the way she did is fucked up.

>> No.67580522

>Sure uwu :3333
Is there a way we could discuss this in private?

>> No.67581236

t. Mel Nekomata

>> No.67581393

Delulu Deliria, are you back?

>> No.67581427

Me too. I think i could fix her

>> No.67581455

LAME. Kill me like a real man with your own hands... it is much hotter that way. Or at least stab me to death.


I don't know how u.u <3

Who? :3

>> No.67581606

t. https://youtube.com/@DELULUDELIRIA?si=2nt_HH02_3FZ1Bit

>> No.67581767

Meet me in the parking lot. Make sure to bring your wallet.

>> No.67581857

Who the fuck is this?

>> No.67582286
File: 428 KB, 1080x1616, IMG_20240126_190759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She made a thread a while ago asking for advice to become a GFE chuuba, seemed unironically menhera and was into DDLG, her typing style is very similar to >>67581455
Strangely enough, she disappeared and made her twitter private two months after revealing her model even tho she already had some people going schizo

>> No.67582501

Are you talking about Mel Nekomata? I remember she posted in a thread here asking about games recommendation.

>> No.67582523

>I don't know how u.u <3
email to this address: tkylwn+1btsgxxkyc69g@sharklasers.com

>> No.67582564

Nice try, glowie

>> No.67582573

If I had a model I wouldn't disappear :c
I would be streaming right now or begging for artists to draw gruesome gore and snuff doujinshis about me u.u

I wish I had a model already :'c

>> No.67582625

Retard are you that desperate?

>> No.67582696

you only have yourself to blame

>> No.67582769


>> No.67582850

There's a difference between "Menhera" and an abusive piece of shit who makes no effort to treat their mental issues and instead takes it out on everyone that shows them even the smallest bit of kindness

>> No.67582937

If this weren't a blue board I would literally bare myself fully naked and take a mirror selfie right now, dumbass -.-

>> No.67582963
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>> No.67583022

Yeah, the later is hotter.

>> No.67583032

>Doesn't know how to use cat box
Newfag or tranny?

>> No.67583388

That's LAME
If we meet again on a non blue board (probably /b/) I will do it :3

>> No.67583389

Mel I know you're/here/, apply to VAllure

>> No.67584304 [DELETED] 

>such a shit person you make your cuck husband and bull actually hit it off and are now best friends who would rather hang out with eachother than you


>> No.67584572 [DELETED] 

Easy solution: Murder :D

>> No.67584739 [DELETED] 
File: 351 KB, 1060x1000, 1688770528993645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actual non zero possibility of mafu getting nice boat'd now that mike career is absolutely over
The fact it can happen makes it scary

>> No.67585007

bet >>>/b/912996803

>> No.67585040

Its more than likely mafus singing career is over.
Sucks, i like her stuff

>> No.67587883


>> No.67589269


>> No.67589502

Really? Date me, please. D:

>> No.67590053

Ok, how?

>> No.67590382

I don't know :c
You like crazy menheras, right?
Give me your home adress I will take a flight and meet you there to fuck.

>> No.67590856

The most surprising part of this is that she's a genuine dyed in the wool "kill your cat" type crazy bitch. I knew she was BPD but I thought she was just playing some aspects of it up, goddamn.

>> No.67591010 [DELETED] 

You fucking crazy bitch. I love you the way you think.

Here's my address:

2205 Cordillera Way
Edwards, CO 81632, USA

Don't keep me waiting.

>> No.67591292

>You will never date a landmine girl
>You will never dick her down regularly to keep her menhera tendencies in check
>You will never knock her up multiple times so her obsession spreads over multiple targets to make her more manageable
*chair clattering*

>> No.67591453

>thinks extremely obessive yandere menhera will give birth to spread her targets instead of abort it so she can only focus in you

>> No.67592606

Fuck I want to fuck you so bad while I spit on your face and punch you in your stomach so hard you feel it in your womb.

>> No.67593290

Do you just want to ERP or something? Go back to Discord.

>> No.67593528


>> No.67593571

No, I want a Live2D Model to start chuubing. u.u
I would let a man beat me up to near death if they paid me a model :3

Murder only after marriage, tho.

>> No.67594061

Do you have a concept or idea of what would you be so I can follow you once you debut?

>> No.67594210

She seems cute, how hard did she go with the gfe and do you have any vods? i love menheras

>> No.67594308

Okay, what's your contact then?

>> No.67594860

You would need to come live with me, I'm not letting you fuck any other man after that.

>> No.67594870
File: 1.44 MB, 1600x1139, cutestuffuwu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking on making something similar to this related chuuba. I want to make a extremely menhera-esque character. Maybe change the animal motif so people don't say I am copying someone else.

Something menhera-doomer-esque that screams "i want to kms during a livestream", probably?

>> No.67594965

post vocaroo, you seem too good to be real

>> No.67595091

Just keep gaslighting her that you would love her forever if she becomes the mother of your children.
Of course, the only way out of that relationship at that point is death, but that is a given.

>> No.67595169 [DELETED] 
File: 657 KB, 1813x1274, bianca devins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are a billion carbon copies of that person on discord, it's called BPD

>> No.67595291

the typing style screams tranny to me. what girl types like that? :3333

>> No.67595703

Takes one to know one.

>> No.67596029 [DELETED] 

My oshi is heavily menhera I suspect she's BPD, I managed to slip into her RM DMs and got mostly positive interactions, she used to give me lots of attention and seemed to care about me but now, she suddenly is ignoring me everywhere even on Twitter this is killing me, what do? Did she discarded me like a tissue?

>> No.67596227

Yeah, you got me :'c
That's my only problem.
I know where the door is, don't worry :'c

My voice is shit. And voice training is a scam for YouTube views. :\

This picture looks like if you just leaked my DMs, lmao.

I just got so depressed now... :'c

>> No.67596284

yes, she did. don't stick your dick in crazy.

>> No.67596342

I want to make a menhera happy.

>> No.67596508

I still can give you a good beat up and pamper you after that because you triggered my saviourfag side, somehow.

>> No.67596786

I tried with one chuuba who does GFE, didn't matter how hard I tried nothing seemed to work, she would get disappointed by other fans and spiral into a depressive episode again, shit drained me so much.

>> No.67597076

she discarded you for not knowing english

>> No.67597903

How to get bigmike gf?

>> No.67599938


>> No.67600138

Post design, no matter how crappy, and Ill see if I can draw you getting fucked up real good.

>> No.67600648

The answer to depressive episodes are mating pressive episodes.

>> No.67600841

You just described Andrea Yates.

>> No.67601045

we know anon we know

>> No.67604152 [DELETED] 

Is there any substance to the allegations of her marriage and divorce?

>> No.67604218

No there isn't. Literally one of the first manga focusing on a menhera character had her lashing out at her brother and boyfriend about perceived cheating, even when either made the slightest effort to help her.

Why do we even live?

>> No.67604344

same I need to sex her so bad

>> No.67604459

Did you get out?

>> No.67604751

Asper Kanojo?

>> No.67604971

No and I won't, I'm too far gone into her.

>> No.67605194

Youtube recommended this to me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBNsmQ_sRaE
maximum keks

>> No.67605351

what did she do

>> No.67605452

Here's a revolutionary idea: Don't stick your dick in crazy.

>> No.67605461

If I was to fuck you while punching you as hard as i can in your womb, would you like that? How bout some impact play, punch you in the face till you open your mouth, fuck your throat and piss down into your tummy.

>> No.67605693

off topic

>> No.67605897


>> No.67606055

I dont get the idea of us men getting turned on by by a bitch who fucked or sucked other men...

>> No.67606244

Like seeks like.

>> No.67606303

Because you're horny and lazy. Simple as.

>> No.67606374

i did too yesterday, coincidentally

>> No.67606516
File: 430 KB, 1000x1080, 1694245620599086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crazier she gets the more wild I want the sex to be, the kind of hardcore debauchery that would be talked about for years, if anyone ever found out

strangely its only when she looks like this and not picrel, in that case I just want to hug and give headpats.

>> No.67606701

Is she gonna say something or just dissapear and let people forget??

>> No.67606793

Burned our crops, poisoned our water supply, and delivered a plague unto our people. At least that's how people talk about it at any rate.

>> No.67606918

>feeling happy, might delete the channel later

>> No.67607258

They are hot, but you only ever stick your dick in it once and then you get the fuck out and never look back.

>> No.67607285

lets get it on

>> No.67607316

Anon if she was the type of person to disappear and let people forget she'd still be Rushia.

>> No.67607399

Crazy doesn't give you a choice

>> No.67609089

>seemed unironically menhera and was into DDLG
sounds like my old oshi.. I hope she comes back I wanna check her out

>> No.67609388

I can read every word in this post separately, but for some reason my brain reads it as "I am a fucking faggot, please rape my face."

>> No.67610350

kek, I still remember all the "you're an incel if you think she did anything wrong" posts

>> No.67614105


I was just wondering how soju was taking the news, I do remember soju jumping to mumei when rushia got the boot and then going back to mknk, but...not seeing it happening again


>> No.67614371

Anyone have the gif / video of that girl beating the shit out of the guy on the ground, then kissing him?
Yeah, shop fandead and any flavour of Michael Rushia on to it.

>> No.67616440

It took her forever to jump ship to Mumei though, like literal months

>> No.67619430

Last stream two weeks ago... please come back

>> No.67619514 [DELETED] 

She turned mafumafu into a cuck

>> No.67620872
File: 2.35 MB, 2360x1318, D2155193-A676-4725-93DA-FF6957F77D91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next best thing

>> No.67621077

Explain this is it really her ? the voice is slightly different

>> No.67621157

La Gato was supposed to debut in Phase today but the leaks happened and she dipped.
This is her last minute replacement.

>> No.67621319

so they just grabbed somebody to voice the model, the blog was released just yesterday

>> No.67622420

Showbiz has understudies for roles. It’s not unexpected. Nee girl’s voice fits well enough too.

>> No.67623544

Good taste

>> No.67625486

That’s clearly Mel ffs, when will you retards learn to stop giving her attention

>> No.67628073

Oh lol my post is still here D:

>> No.67628423


>> No.67630505

Unicórnios Cornúdos kek

>> No.67630675
File: 352 KB, 540x540, imnotjoking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

