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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 89 KB, 1040x585, FpF8CtqaAAAgAB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
67330002 No.67330002 [Reply] [Original]

Mint Letter Media edition

>What is /wvt/?
/wvt/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss English-speaking VTubers.
Include a picture and a link so we know who they are and how to watch!

>Thread Quality Reminder
Remember to report and ignore trolling, shitposting, and off-topic.

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>Other Threads of Interest

>Previous thread

>> No.67330143

Need soggy paperbag

>> No.67330197

Need loli-er Koragi.

>> No.67331666

Viewer hate!

>> No.67331820

I want to mute so many vtubers on twitter. Maybe call them a dumb bitch before doing so too. Why is it so hard to be a viewer. Vtubers are so dumb and we humble viewers have to hold back our slapping hands, just in case they break on the first strike.

>> No.67331911

Petulant child, learn your place

>> No.67332050

Watch it. I am a viewer. I put the bread on your table. You don't want to cross that line, believe me.

>> No.67332114

Need sluttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiier Koragi

>> No.67332302

Fatrick S. Tomlinson is HERE?

>> No.67333031
File: 372 KB, 1400x2000, 1705522727562974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come he gets cool art all the time? Stupid sexy frog.

>> No.67333724
File: 589 KB, 496x708, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you been working on that kemo model?

>> No.67334614

I think I just got my first cold sore ever. I'm not sure, but it's very possible. This fucking sucks. I would've rathered living my life without having herpes permanently exist in my spinal cord.

Have any /wvt/ chuubas talked about cold sores before? Have you ever gotten one?

>> No.67334654

If only hagpire were still here...

>> No.67334979

It’s really normal to have at least desu…

>> No.67335531

of course there waa

>> No.67336071

it's pretty normal

>> No.67336856

Something that really grinds my gears about these cutesy little meetups is that it's only for vtubers, and you don't even have to be a vtuber of any value. Literal 1-views and people who don't stream anymore get invited to these inner circles, but the people who actually watch and contribute to their streams are left cucked. And the worst part is that everyone is going to be in each other's chats for the next month saying shit like
>broo you remember when we MET IRL and we DID THING at MAGFEST?
I promise I'm not a schizoposter, I just have to get this off my chest because I see it so often. So many people are in the vtubing circle just to benefit their own social life instead of connecting with their audience

>> No.67336940

frankly i just go to cons for the sex

>> No.67337062

so who was fucking who?

>> No.67337103

Mint needs more art of her being on a leash

>> No.67337221

Literally everyone starts streaming to benefit themselves.

>> No.67337267

yeah i'm glad my oshi's not really a con person

>> No.67337298

mint you could probably just comm that yourself instead of asking us for some

>> No.67337779

pretty sure viewercord meets up at these things too

>> No.67337982

it still feels like a fever dream

>> No.67338007

Worst vtuber palworld takes so far? Best ones?

>> No.67338045

worst ones: anything krimbo said

>> No.67338102

Waiting for charlottes awful take to drop.

>> No.67338119

I've mentioned it on stream. Had them since I was two. Some years they never pop, some years its pops every other month. I just make sure to let people know, hey im not sharing drinks, utensils, cigs, or anything while this is up, and most people are understanding. Be more surprised you have gone this long without getting it, as something like 70% of all americans have cold sores and 67% of the global population has them.

You should often feel a tingle in your lip before it presents, and if you have abreva or nixoderm(or an equivalent) you can put it on early and it shouldn't last more then a day.

>> No.67338164

Rratyyyy.... probably because you are ugly both on the inside and outside

>> No.67338174

Leaflit's only because she's fucking retarded and always takes the most asshole money grubbing position possible.

>> No.67338214

Mei organized meetups in her discord for her viewers very cute.

>> No.67338231

Yeah just gotta try your best to avoid these types. Not easy but usually doable

>> No.67338263

Yep. Easy way to take pictures of the vtubers you watch. Glad my oshi avoids vtuber circles like the plague. Perhaps even too much. When things like these happen in such large groups you start to question are they really vtubers or just fleshstreamers in the closet. 1 or 2 vtuber meetup makes sense, but a dozen? Thats just weird.

>> No.67338269

isn't that kind of dangerous and parasocial

>> No.67338270

I hung out with plenty of viewers and community members at the event. A lot of them were very cool, and some I now can just talk too about dumb shit like Lancer RPG builds.

>Its only for Vtubers

I feel like thats Initial invites only, and thats becuase Vtubing is initially intended as a mask of sorts with the keyfabe and all that, but when you recognize a viewer who is very chill surely they can hang out, and you are bound to have a blast.

>> No.67338272

Now you know why people like rebel and reda exist

>> No.67338324

On the good side there is some fun potential. Imagine if a rin type showed up in one of those events

>> No.67338328

Viewers don't have models so they don't end up in the stupid phone circle pictures. That's it. Lots of viewers hang out.

>> No.67338339

>but when you recognize a viewer who is very chill surely they can hang out, and you are bound to have a blast.
*Only if you're the same gender and straight though

>> No.67338365

I bet she fucked her viewers. Why couldn't it have been me.

>> No.67338390

lol clearly you didn't go to magfest. viewers were involved in pretty much every social event and hangout. they don't put their phones in the little circles because that wouldn't make any sense. but viewers were seriously everywhere, ask anyone who went

>> No.67338425

But cons are public events. If it gets out where its being held anyone that cares enough could drag their ass there and collect photos of them and maybe grab them by the pussy if he has an sexual emergency

>> No.67338476

Obviously the king of groomers should be in the middle to maximize outrage potential

>> No.67338528

I'd rather not have anything to do with the kind of people that go to cons as a vtuber and then broadcast all their flesh shit

>> No.67338552

ratyy socialized more this past weekend than you have in the last 10 years

>> No.67338577

Is it working for them?

>> No.67338582

That's why western vtubing scene is so souless. It has been overtaken by normies who think it's okay to drop their mask in public. If you're a vtuber and you want to meet a viewer you bring a friend with an ipad who will carrie your camera around while you sit in a hotel down the street. You DONT meet viewers face to face, that goes against the Vtuber code of conduct.

>> No.67338593

did anyone see what any chuubas looked like are any secretly trannies

>> No.67338604


>> No.67338619

that meicha kinda did

>> No.67338678

im no tranny

>> No.67338743

Vtubers pretend to like one of them, but they're both completely ostracized. So no it isn't working for them.

>> No.67338788

Do you think Reda would be invited to social events if the rest of southside met up?

>> No.67338813

And thats how we end up with all these low effort 0 view dudes

>> No.67339135
File: 222 KB, 860x1214, 23062935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spooki is back
>they came out as trans

>> No.67339188

Easier to get close to females and look more harmless. Girls watch out.

>> No.67339328

his twitter is still protected

>> No.67339634 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 335x506, spookikneel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the queen is back

>> No.67339715

He has it all figured out. Now everyone must accept him or they will get canceled for transphobia

>> No.67339843

The Modified Kuku Method

>> No.67340325
File: 221 KB, 328x396, 71hk32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolita fashion eggy's live with some mahjong soul

>> No.67340374

is she a con slut?

>> No.67340524

Who are some good trannies.

>> No.67340608

Mako is pretty good.

>> No.67341366
File: 54 KB, 275x205, 1642897673937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alker soul nomad

>> No.67342243

>And the worst part is that everyone is going to be in each other's chats for the next month saying shit like
>broo you remember when we MET IRL and we DID THING at MAGFEST?
this is happening in eggy's stream and it's the worst
i just wanted some comfy mahjong man

>> No.67342293

post screenshots or it's fake and gay

>> No.67342409

So we know this was one of the people who went to the magfest orgy Nelson and Bodega were at

>> No.67342838

i'm in a relationship with a chuuba and somehow i am nowhere near as obnoxious about that as people are with having met someone at magfest. shut up about it it has nothing to do with your content

>> No.67342874

i'm married to a middle-3view

>> No.67342886

I get cold sores when im stressed out. Try gargling salt water and using mouth wash. that should help it heal faster

>> No.67342965

All I want to know is how sore was she after the guys all ran a train on her and did Bodega slurp the cum out of her cunt?

>> No.67343422

name and shame

>> No.67344203

skill issue. tons of viewers were around at mag and talked to chubbas. just go to offkai

>> No.67344507

are you retards seriously throwing a fit over streamers hanging out with their other streamer friends (and some trusted viewer friends, lord knows you can't let anybody in or you'll get schizos like that one dude coqui dealt with last year) at a con? this is fucking pathetic.
>b-b-but *I* never got to meet up!
I'm an extremely introverted and isolated NEET living in flyover country, I will literally never meet a single viewerbro or chuuba in person. I'm pretty ok with that, it doesn't make our convos on social media any less real. they're still my friends.

>> No.67344978

they can meet up in private but they really, REALLY don't have to make it their stream content for the next 3 months
that's all

>> No.67344989

Truth slipped out huh, theyre not vtubers, theyre streamers. Hope that rgb wall light and purple gaming mouse was worth to permantly lose your vtuber license.

>> No.67345441

A certain analog vtuber you might know very well

>> No.67345899
File: 2.10 MB, 320x240, bl73Ts-245081490.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open stream
>see model that feels like too much like another chuuba
>think "huh did they rip them off or something"
>open twitter
>that chuuba's their mama and I mistook a case of sameface for art style theft

>> No.67346104
File: 346 KB, 598x528, 1677458735305307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come that every time i see a post like this they always have tens of thousands followers and hundreds of replies? Meanwhile the vtubers that actually have this issue tend to stay quiet about it

>> No.67346276

I’m happy she’s doing so well these days

>> No.67346297

The hobby is literally built around having tight OPSEC. Why is anyone surprised vtubers want privacy?

>> No.67346329
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1705185635439947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those 1views saying hi and paragraphs about the concept of friendship.
>Not a single "Hi" back from her.

Kek, lol and lmao even.

>> No.67346408

Yeah this is why I don't respond to this kind of thing

>> No.67346808

>are you retards seriously throwing a fit

>> No.67346871

this isn't about vtubers wanting privacy it's about viewers demanding vtubers live up to their arbitrary definition of what a vtuber is

>> No.67347243

Because she doesn't have that issue and is Engagement Farming retards.

>> No.67347282
File: 4 KB, 320x180, 1684643124325935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KizunaAI didn't die on the NFT cross just so you could wear her flesh as some cheap fashion accessory. My culture is not your halloween outfit!

>> No.67347444

Yet the viewer could just get a model and be in. The good ones just don't want to game the system like that

>> No.67347552

How has she been doing anyway?

>> No.67347596

Are we going to ignore the elephant that was in the room?

>> No.67348223
File: 164 KB, 592x886, E_vKsYJUcAQzkGy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hedgehog boy's testin out new builds in diablo 4

>> No.67348275
File: 62 KB, 1212x1002, 1681221426146375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welsh imouto fujosheep's indulging her pokemon autism with more palworld!

>> No.67348376

It's safe to ignore things that aren't there or aren't real.
If something important was in that image you'd have just said it rather than vagueposting about it ominously.
Fuck off.

>> No.67348386
File: 99 KB, 432x388, eiraSneep2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67348435


>> No.67348447
File: 857 KB, 1258x708, 1698521036678006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dutch magical girl's having chat tell her their secrets today

>> No.67348840

what elephant?

>> No.67348843
File: 2.09 MB, 3840x2160, Fj7SEeHVUAEIxpn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicken KH nerd also caught the palworld bug! also it's her affiliate anniversary but i dunno if she's doing anything special for it

>> No.67348934

I was talking about Nelson

>> No.67349001

You're calling him obese?

>> No.67349010

300+ ccv these days. Not to mention she’s gonna get partner plus, she’s come a long way

>> No.67349075

cliques makes a 1view into a 3view. name one 3view chuuba who grew from connecting with their audience only

>> No.67349135

Nelson's been in pretty much every phone ring post. This isn't new or exciting.

>> No.67349198

I would name names but I wont. But its the ones that actually have a personality and are talented.

>> No.67350256
File: 289 KB, 498x648, Sharkfumo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharklett is streaming some WRC3!
Come watch her crash her car!

>> No.67350573
File: 1.64 MB, 1258x706, 1706035162105137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eira built a forced labor camp...

>> No.67350761

T4N3's claims... Debunked.

>> No.67351255

BakaMitaiAU deserve all the success

>> No.67351649

hell yeah

>> No.67351760
File: 482 KB, 1229x1229, FM80L8TXMA0u82f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

robo kamen rider's doing more fun vergil stuff in DMC5

>> No.67352112
File: 718 KB, 734x660, 1703360038768456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super saffa bunny's playing far cry 3!

>> No.67352172
File: 238 KB, 1200x1200, FZCXeKiVEAEmfF-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seiso flower AI's swimming around in subnautica

>> No.67352219
File: 221 KB, 399x418, 1702927403264606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cozy treetuber rigger's working on model art again tonight!

>> No.67352311

he's hardly the odd man out there

>> No.67352405

its still funny how the most successful person at that meetup is a male

>> No.67352581

The fuck is that outfit

>> No.67352680
File: 248 KB, 402x370, 1697740986884953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i liked the autumn outfit better

>> No.67352759

This is sex. The above looks like 80s vision of the 00s

>> No.67352789

One of my regulars has started going kinda schizo and I'm not sure how to deal with it. He's been getting weirdly combative in chat and on Twitter over every little thing and has been saying I'm not acting like myself anymore even though I feel like I've just been getting more comfortable and natural after getting used to streaming now so I'm less nervous and have loosened up which the majority of my chat really likes. I've made general statements about the behavior without calling him directly because he's generally nice and has been supportive for a long time, both in terms of money and in chat but he's been getting worse and it's getting to be a problem. What should I do? wasn't sure if here or the other thread was the right place to post this

>> No.67353206

when viewers normally feel that they usually just move on, don't feel bad about putting your foot down on his behavior

>> No.67353263

Don't groom your viewers if you are planning to do a full personality change later on. There will be disappointed people.

>> No.67353373

If you did in fact try addressing it and warned them about making shit weird and they still keep going you should not feel bad about banning them since they were given a clear chance to stop

>> No.67353629

Assuming you have mods, you should tell them about this person's behavior and ask them to time the person out if for a short period of time if they're getting too aggressive. If they ask what happened, either have the mod explain to them they're being overly combative and to ease up a bit or if you're feeling bold do it yourself. If they keep pushing past this point, just ban them.

>> No.67353670

about time we do something to this Furo guy

>> No.67353867
File: 2.85 MB, 1920x1080, zenyagosling[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdszoh8.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67354118

her breath crackling up the mic just makes it better...

>> No.67354260

yesss, goslings are eating good today ;w;

>> No.67354340


>> No.67354408

I was that viewer, and still partially am, except i never acted out on it, at least not to that degree. I think he might have lost trust in you, its his problem since he has an ideal of you that you no longer fit in, which makes him feel betrayed. Its really stupid, but hard to really fight against this parasocial emotion if you lack self awareness. Could try talking to him directly, but to me that feels wrong, giving personal attention, which they crave, to a person whois already way too sensitive. It may make them more of that, so the problem could return. If you just let it ride out, they might calm down, leave quietly, or leave after shitting your environment up. Best option if they see themselves in the mirror, how they're acting from your perspective, like an angry baby.

That said my oshi was partially in the wrong there and gave too much personal attention to a groomer. Which still pisses me off. And i have the right to be angry at her! Even if i wont ever point her actions out.

>> No.67355388

Treat your viewers like proper human beings and they never get to that point.

>> No.67355415
File: 385 KB, 1920x1080, GEhIVptWAAAHgTu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meat bnuy boltgun
I thought the notif said Gunvolt and got excited...

>> No.67355446


>> No.67355470

furo_cindras, the harry potter tranny schizo

>> No.67355575
File: 94 KB, 1000x1000, GEcNj9VaUAAwd70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

da wose in /wvt/!!!!! >:D

>> No.67355613

>implying this thread can do anything but manufacture easily disprovable rrats
Just mute his stupid ass.

>> No.67355625

graduation incoming

>> No.67355753
File: 310 KB, 744x338, year-of-the-elf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

year of the elf

>> No.67355878

i love this funny bani

>> No.67356137


>> No.67356169

isn't he a mimic?

>> No.67356433

What do you mean

>> No.67356684
File: 588 KB, 1258x708, 1702769814931457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweet potato saleswoman's finishing up drawing her viewers' new years emas!

>> No.67356857

I was that schizo too. After getting me do embarassing stuff for her entertainment in DMs, she stopped DMing after she found her vtuber friends. Which also coincided with me stopping giving her gifts most she hasn't thanked me without calling her out.

I kinda get it though. She never thought she'd grow this big. Although, that didn't help. She promised a lot of things to me she'd do but almost none were met. I was played for a fool. I bet she's doing that to her new oilers now. I dunno

tl;dr you have power over your viewers, don't play with them and throw them away expecting no retribution of some sort

>> No.67356931

I have yet to read this thread but I bet everyone is being gay and retarded again

>> No.67357568
File: 320 KB, 1500x2000, E-DP12WUYAQvM-P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alker zatsudan

>> No.67357794
File: 293 KB, 574x586, classyglassy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.twitch.tv/chickenpres Pres is drawing, come in and throw coffee beans at the chicken until she explodes

>> No.67357854

why do the beans make her explode

>> No.67358078

Self hatred is a common thing among trans in denial

>> No.67358082

>fails to get girls

I see the Chris chan strategy works
Who else is doing this?

>> No.67358277

what's his new account

>> No.67358300
File: 347 KB, 1325x2048, 1701500176800856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tsundere otaku maid's doing a catch-up zatsudan tonight!

>> No.67358348

Decent chance he'll off himself now at least

>> No.67358352

she fucks dogs

>> No.67358381

I got fucked by multiple chuubas I like and it was pretty cool.

>> No.67358395

I'm going to say something really mean and I don't mean it, but it's still very funny to me
>all these vtubers meet up at magfest for their little irl circlejerk
>all of them are now tweeting about feeling sick and having covid

>> No.67358404

Clip? Picked up if true

>> No.67358470

Nah, she fucks cyber angels

>> No.67358480


>> No.67358533

and tigers

>> No.67358671

I appreciate the consolation.
I see, thank you anon. Yeah, it feels faintly numb. It doesn't hurt and it's not really obvious, so I'm hoping against hope that it's just a weird case of chapped lips.. That's my cope. I'll ask the doc about it and remember your advice in any case.
>salt water
This is good advice regardless. I'll go for it, thank you anon.

>> No.67358836

I didnt think his model could get worse

>> No.67358909

Hal's cute

>> No.67358929

he has a fat voice

>> No.67358966

Ok hal

>> No.67359081

caffeine overload

>> No.67359135

What's with the 3AM discord, you have to be in a patreon to actually see a buncha channels?

>> No.67359203

what the fuck was that gluten eating bit

>> No.67359276
File: 583 KB, 611x601, n97owh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mecha mechanic jellyfish is probably shooting up a bunch of innocent worker robots in titanfall 2

>> No.67359386
File: 211 KB, 428x470, 1700328368601507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

southern belle goat's trying out vampire survivors!

>> No.67359520

Yes and there are monthly orgies you need to be a patron to attend

>> No.67359747

Western vtubers are huge sluts https://twitter.com/Etoillach/status/1749704124298571967

>> No.67359780

is that a man?

>> No.67359880

Permaban in chat, block on Twitter.
Problem solved. Never take bullshit.

>> No.67359889

>This obsessed

>> No.67359910

mate those shoulders are wide as fuck

>> No.67359993

"Bros if you look at the estimated diameter of her solar plexus" nigger come the fuck on

>> No.67360018

your reactions just confirm it is a man

>> No.67360453

>tfw in the patron channels and was never told

>> No.67360461

Unfortunately most of that stat comes from pre-transition.

>> No.67360985
File: 116 KB, 1172x829, E6vOGYiUYAE5Ozn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forest halfling's live with arknights

>> No.67361467
File: 548 KB, 1536x2048, 4012231815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the full orgy list

>> No.67361593

More women than I expected
How many of them are fuckable? Eggy gives off very fuckable vibes.

>> No.67361636

Last person I would expect to show up to this

>> No.67361784

Someone list all the phones pictured and how much they cost

>> No.67361829

of the actual women there, eggy is kind of fat, hespera and bodega are literal hags and probably look old, kk has face posted before and looks okay if a bit skelly tier, takako is supposedly pretty hot but she fucks dogs

>> No.67361999

Eggy may be fat but thats fixable.
What about Gween? The autism is a turnoff but if she keeps her mouth shut

>> No.67362157

Eggy is a literal magazine model, that person doesnt know what he is talking about

>> No.67362173

gween is a biological man

>> No.67362183

Elliott is no stranger to con orgies so he must have a great bussy
Hespera seems fuckable
KK has already face posted
Uwu and Gween have voices that match at least an above average fuckable person
Hal is a twink
Gyaru also face posted
I would be surprised if Bloom isn't the most handsome of the bunch based only on voice and hobbies
Bodega is probably a short stack that looks like Midna

>> No.67362203

>The cute german chuuba I was grooming didn't stream since January 2023
>The cute japanese indie chuuba I loved watching has not streamed since 2 months ago
>The small japanese group I like will lose 50% of their active talents at the end of the month
>Vshojo is still relevant
Is this a sign to finally stop with vtubers?

>> No.67362211

she posted pictures in her gothic lolita shit and was very clearly chubby

>> No.67362273

the men in the thread love chubby white women especially if they don't shave

>> No.67362317

she's french canadian so the not shaving part is probably true

>> No.67362329

>Elliott is no stranger to con orgies

>> No.67362364

bloom is divorced

>> No.67362401

Oh right French. She's probably been fucking since she was 8 then

>> No.67362452

Con orgies are why I only watch euros. They don't have cons to go to

>> No.67362454

I don't think that applies to quebecois

>> No.67362474

rrat has a cute voice so I choose to believe she's hot

>> No.67362483

nina goes to twitchcon in europe

>> No.67362685

The trick is to watch the ones who are poor
They tend to also be small so they'll actually talk to you in streams
I'm grooming a sweet british boy its great

>> No.67362771

To think that people used to insist that there is no circlejerk

>> No.67362801

I was there as a viewer
>Elliot is a ftm tranny
>Takako is a cosplay model
>Nelson is an obese ginger
>uwu is a very muscular chad
>Gween isn't trans
>Hal is a pretty Korean man
>Bloom is black
>Bodega is the mexican version of Christina Hendricks

>> No.67362851

You must not be very good then. None of my oshis have quit yet

>> No.67362967

That might not be sustainable. If they are fem they might still want to go once they can afford it. Bros should be safe regardless of where they live because they are bros and wouldn't betray fellow bros

>> No.67362975

>it's about viewers demanding vtubers live up to their arbitrary definition of what a vtuber is

When you discover sorrel was actually rin all along, you will understand the viewers were always right

>> No.67363039

No one is gonna mention that Jones and Mau attended but clearly weren't allowed in the group photos?

>> No.67363077

who is the fucking Rock and the home screen to the left of gween

>> No.67363132

Good lol

>> No.67363149

>Bloom is black
I always knew he was my nigga

>> No.67363152

sorrel is a nice boy, don't put that evil on him

>> No.67363161

Who cares? I dont know why they still want to be a part of the community they left. Maybe because focusing to much into one niche desperate for content doesnt last and now they are realizing that.

>> No.67363276

It's always the ones you least suspect

>> No.67363279

Probably not, I knew I should have spent more time holed up in my room. It's way too late now

>> No.67363287
File: 218 KB, 398x352, 1687560149381705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

caramel idol's taking a look at palworld!

>> No.67363417

what could chuubas possibly gain from going to a con together

>> No.67363526

A tighter circlejerk and networking.

>> No.67363527

venereal diseases

>> No.67363546
File: 25 KB, 640x480, 1687656790702045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67363575
File: 786 KB, 1258x708, 3rac0n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aussie tomboy pilot's playing through more routes in ace combat 3!

>> No.67363597

check who got covid and who didn't, that's how you know

>> No.67363635
File: 222 KB, 553x430, 1704416879697385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

farming sim enjoyer marionette's live with eastward

>> No.67363639

What about Charlotte?

>> No.67363648

Takako is not a cosplay model. She’s just a short generic white woman. So yeah probably hotter than 99% of wvters

>> No.67363681

That is peak networking done wrong. They all are stagnating just jerking each other

>> No.67363691
File: 976 KB, 1258x706, 4x3a5l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute emo bear's doing a zatsudan on palworld!

>> No.67363698

She does stuff with dogs.

>> No.67363710

They can shake down loyal viewers for money

kk, bodega, and even eggy guilt tripped me and other viewers walking with them into paying for meals and buying them merch

>> No.67363751

I believe all of these

>> No.67363762

Takako is the hottest white woman

>> No.67363773

But they can make fun of 2views like Gael

>> No.67363823

can any viewers that attended magfest tell us what the chuubas smelled like

>> No.67363856


>> No.67363868

>tfw you will never get to go to a con
>you will never get to rail a 1view or 2view
it hurts so much....

>> No.67363893

She’s not even the hottest white woman wvt chuuba but she’s probably in the top 5%

>> No.67364090

they already do that openly

>> No.67364147

is that the wontons groomer? I came across him on a 2view's stream last year in January but he never came back

>> No.67364153

The boychuubas I hung out with smelled nice.

>> No.67364202

Can someone give me the rundown on her? All I remember is she joined that shitty kawa corpo and quit a month later because she realised they did nothing for her.

>> No.67364255

what i dont understand about these meet ups is how they all trust each other to not share information about each other with schizos
the biggest opsec vulnerability is other people
call me paranoid but i would never reveal my identity even if i went to a con

>> No.67364297


>> No.67364384

If Sorrel was rin then he'd still complain about the maid outfit Atropa still owes him.

>> No.67364390

mutually assured destruction I guess

>> No.67364425

Yea pretty wild when you also remember that these are all 4chan people. Couldn't think of anything less trustworthy

>> No.67364459

Nearly all of them are 2views and only like 4 of them break 100 viewers if that. Basically they are nobodies so maybe they don’t care about opsec. What they don’t know is that it only takes one schizo to leak information they don’t want out

>> No.67364590

>Autistic screeching

>> No.67364660

I wish prince reinhard would be at these meet ups. He's the most elusive legend of /wvt/

>> No.67364666

it is called "entitled ignorance"
they dont know in how much danger they put themselves until it is too late
The ones who know are not going to put themselves in a circle

>> No.67364744
File: 795 KB, 2047x1830, Part2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is another batch.

>> No.67364838

It's funny that these pictures got posted yesterday but didn't get schizo'd about until today.

>> No.67364847

That nigger literally still follows rebel

>> No.67364939

rebel is based. imagine not following rebel

>> No.67364970

List of /wvt/ legends id meet up with
>power nelson

>> No.67364973

This and a occasional built up trust over years of interacting. Can someone be a absolute shit lord and share things they shouldn't, but everyone else would likely recognize the dick move and what ever trust existed with that person would be gone.

>> No.67365357

he should go to five guys with mari and sit in the cuck chair

>> No.67365409

Remember when sloth was reading the thread during a collab and got caught? It was so disrespectful to her collab partners.

>> No.67365417
File: 385 KB, 1280x720, Who [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fbjwjki.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67365444

i can't believe you excluded reda you anti unity bastard

>> No.67365466

Predictable as usual

>> No.67365539

didn't realize charlotte was a diehard nintendie

>> No.67365588

if you already knew what response you'd get then why post at all

>> No.67365644

Gotta remind them they are not slick at all

>> No.67365773

list all the magfest chuubas

>> No.67365889


>> No.67366176

The early 30's isn't hag range. Not even close.

>> No.67366356

So Carmine can be salty at them.

>> No.67366402

for the spreadsheets

>> No.67366411

God damn I'd love to sleep with a girl a decade older than me

>> No.67366552

she looked mid 20s shes probably a fake hag

>> No.67366718
File: 77 KB, 400x402, 3awha7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sigbird's live with uh

>> No.67366811
File: 6 KB, 393x57, xyz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67366956

yeah that

>> No.67366988

>didn't know Kuma was a nintenbaby

>> No.67367042
File: 1.51 MB, 1920x1080, 1690160101167787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aussie homunculus raccoon's calling her viewers cute!

>> No.67367126

Kira CUTE! Kira LOVE!

>> No.67367314
File: 118 KB, 500x630, 1686674001574709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peruvian drow merchant hag's facing her fears in palworld

>> No.67367466

i was there. good blunt rotation.

>> No.67367554


>> No.67367724

I smell good

Also I found a turd on the floor at MAGFest

>> No.67368102

does he know how funny that is?

>> No.67368184

>not hag
Old person cope.

>> No.67368467

>didn't go to Magfest
>didn't get to try bodegas bacon egg cheese
It's not fair
I'm her favorite customer

>> No.67368504

Sorrel is too nice to be Rin

>> No.67368652

nuh uhh gween cute

>> No.67369000

even he is ranting on about fucking palworld my god

>> No.67369005

Prepackaged sandwiches aren't that special

>> No.67369012
File: 223 KB, 963x609, 1682204919443 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone see Mei? Was she hot. I have to know. I love Dot Mei and Kyou.

>> No.67369200


>> No.67369418
File: 1.01 MB, 1820x2294, GEeccmAXgAIAwCM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

serial killer little sister's tackling more bosses in AC6!

>> No.67369433

/lig/ girls mostly stick to girl only groups and are pretty good with opsec

>> No.67369502
File: 1.13 MB, 494x600, cautionzenya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

warning! do not get tired while swimming you will drown! spacenoid who totally knows how to swim is playing mgs3 now

>> No.67369510
File: 612 KB, 640x793, 1678738350708067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genki cavewoman's on with more ganbare goemon

>> No.67369693

she's pretty on pictures from what i've seen

>> No.67369809

If she lost weight she would be the prettiest tranny I've ever seen. She's a bit chubby.

>> No.67369910

chubby girls are the greatest. if you are chubby and a girl, you do not have to lose weight to be beautiful!

>> No.67369991

>Why is it so hard to be a viewer.
It's not.
Don't wanna get treated like a retard, don't act like one.

>> No.67370104
File: 560 KB, 1421x1178, 1675302549460538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ikemen /tg/ elf's painting up warhammer minis on-stream!

>> No.67370275

he sounds rough
con flu is no joke

>> No.67370281
File: 1.60 MB, 1258x708, 1703287164064925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

history hag's live with i think yakuza 0 but that's just a guess

>> No.67370411

She left me on read about a year ago. It would be weird to contact them, right?

>> No.67370468

who were all the trannies there

>> No.67370520

being fat/chubby increases your estrogen levels though

>> No.67370616

mei, gween, gyaru, bodega, elliot, kk cyber

>> No.67370694
File: 2.56 MB, 1280x720, cronch.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67370889

I want to domination loss him

>> No.67371126

Bloom is a very striking and handsome PoC FtM. Passes, only way you can tell is the weird pride pin he wears.

>> No.67371377

I believe this

>> No.67371606

>I want to domination loss him
does that mean you want him to fuck you?

>> No.67372189

Mei can't be trans she looks like a normal woman

>> No.67372505


>> No.67372520
File: 72 KB, 1035x1088, E7bZAauWUAIqRcF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

corpse is acquiring more magic upgrades in dragon's dogma!

>> No.67372589
File: 267 KB, 1577x898, 1691683548263376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chatty fishermink's back and testing out a new stream setup

>> No.67373377
File: 1.38 MB, 2128x2356, 1682607784358312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good evening, I love Charlotte!

>> No.67373515

goo evening honeybear!

>> No.67373645

I wish this artist would draw the duwag

>> No.67373845

it feels like seepdoodler would like the dog
he has DMs open habe you tried recommending the dog to him

>> No.67373979

no it doesn't anon..

>> No.67374029
File: 71 KB, 1080x1080, 1705863388700637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny kusogaki creature's probably playing pokemon tonight!

>> No.67374147
File: 386 KB, 1480x2048, 1696819656826255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funke munke's chatting and doing a bit of vtuber art

>> No.67374385

Mei you don't need to astroturf just because you are insecure

>> No.67375043


>> No.67375296

new >>67375122

>> No.67375314

mei left this thread ages ago

>> No.67375511

Was he even ever /here/? I've never seen any proof.

>> No.67375658

Mei was never in this thread what are you on
