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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.33 MB, 3240x2160, OH NO unicorn bros....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
67198966 No.67198966 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.67199035

I don’t watch any of those people, nor the homos.

>> No.67199074

Ogey? You know Holofes is in March right?

>> No.67199100

The "collab" in your head versus the one in reality

>> No.67199142

To anons who are understandably confused at what OP is implying, here's the QRD
>Altare, Axel and RPR had a drunk offcollab that devolved into a heated threesome so they had to take the vod down
>Ina and Bae streamed together and then had Ame join in post-stream and sexed each other
>OP is very ashamed of possessing a penis and is currently scheduling trips to thailand to have it surgically removed and have silicone breasts implanted.
Hope this helps!

>> No.67199179

What's this schizo conspiracy yarnboard shit?

>> No.67199183
File: 1.66 MB, 1000x1200, 1703336159271139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, they have sex off-stream. So what? It happens constantly.

>> No.67199272

why the fuck do i have to watch streams to understand catalog crap now

>> No.67199831

0/10 baiting, try harder next time. I won't give any (you)

>> No.67199866
File: 224 KB, 1192x626, HoloEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weak shitpost sis. HoloEN is doing too well and now everyone knows what your side did to Mel. It's over.

>> No.67199915

new year, new homework

>> No.67201559

who is this retard

>> No.67201663

I watch all of them and still don't even get it.
>Guys off-collab with a guy (rpr)
>Ame is on break which she does occassionally
>Ina appeared on Bae's stream about the HoloEN cover
I don't know what is supposed to be the issue or how is it unicorn related

>> No.67201687

i knew it. they're in the same country. they MUST be fucking! right? that's how it works?

>> No.67202219

Im friends with a small few indies and they bring up that that there's an odd amount of guys who get into vtubing just to try picking up anime girls
I feel they're guys that don't know how ot handle the slightest bit of notoriety and girls communicating with them, but I'd believe if a few at least believed it was some secret trick to getting nerdy girls.

>> No.67202275
File: 368 KB, 680x403, 1666549293011018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a message for everyone posting in this thread

>> No.67202347

>I’m in the same country as Maria

>> No.67202435

Seems logical,
>Guy falls in love with vtubers
>Knows that he'll never woo them via supas
>Decides to engage with them as an equal, becomes vtuber himself
>Networks until he makes it to her DM's and shoots his shot

>> No.67202520

I still don't understand how one thing is related to the other 2

>> No.67202549

Literally me (and I also just want to share games and things I like)

>> No.67202603

a. isn't Ina a straight up lesbian? Like not the business yuri that Gura or Ame or Bae ect do and not the >look at me I am a lesbian give me male attention, look I kiss girls give me male attention Kiara is. But like an actual dyke?
B. Ame only likes guys who are at least 6'2"
C. how many times has Bae been to japan? has she ever done anything with any of the fags outside of cover studio? Like I am pretty sure she has only ever interacted with fags in person with Achan and other managers as a chaperone
D. don't the EN faggots straight up want nothing to do with the EN girls anymore since kobo, the IDs and indie girls throw themselves at them and those other 2 faggots got taken outback and shot in the head by dimitri jap?

>> No.67202686

they are streamers/mild ecelebs. literally the only reason they would ever be collabing with a girl is for leeching purposes or because they are trying to fuck the girl. there really is no other reason. think about the yogscast. when it was all dudes and lewis's gf it was great. But the second they started letting women that Lewis wasn't fucking in sjin and turps both started fucking children and Kim would just make sex jokes all the fucking time and then try to claim that wasn't really her/her personality.
No, but seriously, why did so many yogscast members turn into child molesters?

>> No.67202778

>feeling threatened by those femboys

>> No.67202877

Give a nerd who was unpopular in high school the opportunity to date teen girls as an adult and he'll go for it every time

>> No.67202886

>literally the only reason they would ever be collabing with a girl is for leeching purposes or because they are trying to fuck the girl
Just to be the one who's like
>"uhmmn ackshually"

We're literal whos but I'm the odd male among 3 girls and I can stream with them just for the sake of putting the content out. But that could be chalked up to emotional maturity and or the fact we started together changing they dynamics.

If I were to suddenly do a huge collab with some large female chuuba that I'm not currently into though? I could manage that.
But if I were in a dream scenario and got to play Pokemon gen 5 with Okayu? I'd be inclined to start shrimping a little but that's a situation that'll never happen.

>> No.67203218

I feel like this exact scenario plays out with a lot of popular YouTubers, not just Yogscast

>> No.67203219

Man, Ragùs looks so outdated and bad. Dude needs a touch up already.

>> No.67203249

Vesper and magni got updated and look what happened to them

>> No.67203361

After all I read here about those 2, they didn't want to continue under Corpo rules and literally abandoned their friends, and for what I've' read about Ragùs he has committed to stay being him.

>> No.67203482

I watched a few of his streams early on and he seemed like a genuinely decent bloke

>> No.67203688

id treat any male trying to collab with girls with skepticism at first and take a look at their catalogue
>over 50% of their top vods are girl collabs
>never collab with another guy
id immediately assume leech or creep if both of htese were true

>> No.67204119

all of that trash has been kicked out of the herd for a long time except Ina. But she's on thin ice.

>> No.67204264

using a chuuba who actually threw herself off a building is not cool

>> No.67204380


>> No.67204498

This describes /asp/ really well. I tried to get advice there but after looking at their community, it's just a bunch of autistic groomers desperate for egirl attention. 90% of the thread is just gossiping about who's e-dating who.

>> No.67204569

congrats, this is the most retarded thread tonight

>> No.67204643
File: 144 KB, 955x493, bd5cfc92a39c34d9b3ef981281227435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what happened in reality

>> No.67206287
File: 272 KB, 608x608, 1671375379729687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the groomer support network israel

>> No.67206405

Holy shit!

>> No.67206722

>they had to take a vod down
what the fuck. I watched like 30 minutes of that yesterday and decided to watch the rest of that today. Do you have archive somewhere or should I ask sisters in /mans/?

>> No.67206801

Unicorn here. I have no idea what your image is even supposed to mean.

>> No.67207103

Pretty much, unpopular guys who never got any sex suddenly find themselves with a shitton of fans who are willing to send them nudes and have sex with them and pretty much give them the female attention they never had, of course they're not gonna be able to resist that.

>> No.67207453

And why would they resist? It's not their fault that some women are vain enough to throw themselves into the hands of the vilest retards if they're at least sort of popular.

>> No.67208257

if jeff from accounting interacted with kate from HR during a company event, it means they fucked

>> No.67208437

The point of this thread is that we should expect an imminent debut? I would bet that it is ID4 since they were mentioned as being set to debut in late 2023 a while back.

>> No.67209033

>EN whores collabing with homos
No surprise there

>> No.67209857

You don't watch anyone. We get it.

>> No.67210496

faggot op
