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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 610 KB, 777x873, a31a2fe3d75cf9cbde08d7dde8e0ce59f68fc5ca2c8f039fb16a13c2b656e42c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
573946 No.573946 [Reply] [Original]

Uto thread. Arimasen edition.

>> No.575514

I miss her

>> No.575529

found dead under a pile of rubble during earthquake yesterday

>> No.575541

Signed up with a big company (Hopefully, the company will not be Chinese this time), they're filling up the roster so you'll have to wait a while. If I recall, Kagura Nana (A chink puppet) did say it's going to take a long time before she streams again. The leeching problem hasn't been addressed. She didn't tell her fans to cancel their memberships after not making any new content for them for a month straight. A bunch of Utofans are trying to justify what she did. She abandoned her fans with barely a word. Nothing burger. I'll check back another year and see if she's still here.

>> No.575570


>> No.575611

>She didn't tell her fans to cancel their memberships
People should be able to think for themselves, and it's only 5 dollars.
Also caring about tags is the sign of being a turbo autist.

>> No.575625

If you're going to be a jap speaking cringelord weeb at least get it right.

>> No.575683

If you don't know who Arimasen is, then you haven't been doing your reps.

>> No.575694

Friendly reminder to ignore any Plebbit posts you see They has anger issues.

>> No.575714

Arimasen is a guy!!!


>> No.578984

I wonder when tenshi will do the calligraphy stream she said she was going to do.

>> No.579028

maybe she will sign up for hololive gen 2!

>> No.579242

I think you mean the 2nd generation of Hololive EN.

>> No.579286

yes, she'd surely get in because she already has a cute design and big numbers for streaming

>> No.579369

The only problem would be that it might be hard to collabs with her genmates. Although she can entertain an English audience, her level of English might not be enough to collab very well.

>> No.579441

So is it confirmed, after her Eigo-studying streams she's ready to actually join Hololive EN Gen 2 as reverse Kiara?? Would be great but they probably wouldn't let her keep the avatar :((

>> No.579808

Reminder: Uto isn't streaming on valentine's day

>> No.580444

>Uto stopped streaming so that she had more time for sex
I hadn't heard that rrat yet. I doubt that's true because she is an angel.

>> No.581337

Do we really need to keep killing other threads about active chuubas for this leech?

>> No.584207

Most of the threads are made by the same schizo anti, it's not like there's anything to discus or any news about her.

>> No.584913

>Blaming me when I stop making a thread like 4 days ago >>439121

I'm pretty sure last 4 thread was made by Utofag. I'm starting to pity them because they had nothing to talk about. These thread seems like a grave plate day by day

>> No.587886

If it wasn't for you constantly making threads they would've died out long ago.

>> No.589147

I killed the Uto anti thread with this thread.

>> No.590339
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いません not ありません

>> No.590525

ありません is name. It is not いません

>> No.591615


>> No.592902


>> No.602427

Since Uto had streams making Christmas and New Years cards it might have been fun to have a Valentines stream where she made Valentines Day cards. Too bad she is probably not going to stream today.

>> No.604092
File: 253 KB, 652x652, 1607687326373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valentine's would've been a nice day to return, I had a very slight hope.

>> No.611274

HololiveEN lets gooooo

>> No.617046

I guess the next thing to wait for is the 1 month mark from when she said brb. It is coming up this week.

>> No.617242

Still find it hilarious people think youtubers spamming tags for views is taboo and not incredibly common

>> No.617605

Yeah we know it's in your blood, Chink leech.

>> No.617606

Please stay dead just like sio and roa. She got what she deserved

>> No.617717

she wouldnt even pass the audition. You need to know english on a native level

>> No.619209

uto antis are getting pathetic huh

>> No.619235

She's never coming back, cope faggot

>> No.619309

>You need to know english on a native level
No, the applications says.
>- Must be an English speaker (ability to speak Japanese is a plus)
She can speak English. Since knowing Japanese is a plus it could make up for her lower level of English.

>> No.622381

Did you know that Tenshi can fly?
ぱたぱた ぱたぱた

>> No.627905

I miss her...

>> No.628376

I've never watched a single one of her streams but nice strawman

>> No.628518

>She can speak English.
Yeah enough to order something from the mcDonalds menu, not as a full time streamer representing the English speaking branch of a company.

>> No.628638


>> No.629411


>> No.632206

why are you people so delusional?

>> No.633922

I think they're funposting.

>> No.635385

>that one guy still uploading clips of her

>> No.635559

Look at this newfag and laugh!

>> No.639268
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Hope she's fine and coming back soon

>> No.640446
File: 15 KB, 281x328, 1599959787568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads legit make me feel sad for those of you clinging on for hope that she'll return.
Why bother? In the few months that she streamed, did she really leave that much of an impression on you?
Move on, because it sure seems like she did.

>> No.640499
File: 1.49 MB, 1490x1667, 1611115498821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you really say she was ever your oshi if you just give up on her that easily? If it was Mori who went missing for a month, you'd be damn sure Deadbeats would be shilling her around the clock just to keep her relevant.

>> No.643311

>In the few months that she streamed, did she really leave that much of an impression on you?

>> No.643504
File: 280 KB, 687x458, 1612997010888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please remember to take your meds.

>> No.643658

Uto is my meds.

>> No.643767

Then you haven't take your meds since last month. Bad schizo. Take your meds.

>> No.643947

Mori isn't a leech. They're incomparable.

>> No.646131

>being loyal to your oshi and waiting for her is bad

>> No.646234

>being loyal to a chink-backed Hololive leecher

>> No.646292

>last upload 1 month ago

cant decide if she's based for cucking 300k viewers or she's a disingenuous cunt

>> No.646360

Well this is the consequences for climbing through Hololive 95% of her subs are EN people RIP this girl just want to become JP Vtuber but forced to speak english

>> No.646424

>become JP Vtuber but forced to speak english
She wanted to learn English though.

>> No.648477

It's possible to rewatch VODs of her streams. I like watching her new years stream.

>> No.649664

She chased the money, it's her fault for pandering so hard to them and then disappearing.

>> No.651907

Maybe Tenshi is taking a break so that all of the people who said they were going to learn Japanese because of her get to a basic level.

>> No.654345

Trying to learn anything from her braindead chat that just spammed stale memes would be a detriment.

>> No.654839



>> No.655368


>> No.655696
File: 695 KB, 1427x766, utoconnect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were exit scammed. You're in shock. It's time to let the bags go.

>> No.655811

I think it’s time guys...farewell our beloved tenshi go have a good life...

>> No.655881

For antis you sure care a lot about her.

>> No.655898

I'll keep waiting for an announcement, whatever it may be.

>> No.656067

she will come back one day prob as JP gen6

>> No.659733

She used other resources to learn English she wasn't solely relying on chat, but it was good practice for her to read it.
Stay strong.

>> No.662527

Tenshi loves strawberries

>> No.665145

I love tenshi

>> No.667184

I want to eat strawberries out of tenshi's butthole

>> No.667397


>> No.668521

I recommend Hoshifuri Iku. She's new, seiso and speak English. Many Tenshimp are already her fans, including Uto's mods.

>> No.669986

>As you slowly plunge your cock into her heavenly ass she let's out a yelp:
>"Aaaaaaa! Ittai it-tai! Aaahhaaha...
>As you slow down to let her her adjust she let's out lots of tiny breaths in a quick succession
>She then bites the pillow she is laying her on a bit and gives you a quick nod to let you know that you can continue
>When you plunge your sword of destiny deep within her cave of wonders she arcs her back high out of pleasure while gritting her teeth and pinching her eyes shut
>The dance back and forth, up and down, in and out, quickly wears out her tiny frail angelic body and she starts to glisten with sweat
>It's slowly getting too much for you and as you are getting close to erupting she wraps you within her arms and instinctually locks her legs behind your lower back
>"Okai! Do eet!"
>Erupting within her harder than Krakatoa in 1883 you see the face of God himself, all of your old injuries are healed and you feel a moment of pure holy bliss.
>You pull out and your dick has grown an inch and is cleaner than the air in the garden of Eden
>She lays in front of you, glistening with sweat pearlier than the gates of heaven and while looking deep into your eyes with her beautiful blue mirrors of her soul she says:
>"Heeheh, GG men, I'm winner! Elmao"

>> No.670069

What's the appeal?

>> No.670820


>> No.670903

Holy shit, she's actually coming back

>> No.670907
File: 317 KB, 1284x1972, EuZeryhVkAU2fc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For people to lazy to open a link

>> No.670969

The tweet says she will return. But who will keep the model? Uto or the company?

>> No.671006

tl;dr she made a contract with a shitty company that had control on her youtube account doing shit without her consent, she negotiated and will resume streaming with out that company

>> No.671069


hot, i cummed

>> No.671090

do yu rely believe?

I ain't got anything against her, but unless she comes back with a new model, I'm pretty damn sure she'll still have company backing. Hell, I wonder who wrote that english translation...

>> No.671152

I am so happy that she is coming back.

>> No.671171

>negotiations with the company were ongoing
>company meta tagging with hololive tags and doing other things with her name without consent
it's either a vantablack company that doesn't exist or it's a scapegoat to wash her hands off this leech problem

this is really shady

>> No.671175

I mean, ultimately we don't know about their real life situation. But unless it impacts us, the viewers, in some negative way, we can let the unimportant things be considered moot.

>> No.671186

probably she got better offers, and got a contract with a company that at least will consult her about her yt channel. It is really convenient that all past problems where shifted to the previous company.

>> No.671210

This page confirms what antis did in the past. and Utoshills calls them schizo.

>> No.671216

I thought she was independent? What company is she talking about?

>> No.671243

the english is actually pretty good so we know it's not a chinese company

>> No.671248
File: 188 KB, 255x252, 1436217870598.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally blew all the non-believers above this post out of the water

>> No.671249


Seconded. It doesn't make sense that she can talk as Uto when she is supposedly trying to break away from the company. In all likelihood the avatar is company owned since Nabi does not do personal requests. If the company is truly shitty they will make sure she won't get to use Uto again.

>> No.671269

She was independent
probably a chink company

>> No.671273



>> No.671313

well, the antis generally accuse her of being a Chinese apologist, and if that was a Chinese company she was working with that translation would have infinitely more engrish than it does.

>> No.671371

I doubt it, none of her viewers actually care about the "leech" nonsense, if it was her doing and she didn't feel guilty about the situation she would have just stayed quiet and kept streaming. Ditch the narrative already.

>> No.671380
File: 531 KB, 916x788, 1600224946172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, and I just called you guys who were waiting on her return sad the other day. Sorry for the doubt, hope you guys get her back soon.

>> No.671392
File: 9 KB, 353x82, 1613185182408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blaming it on fans
>blaming it on her friend
>blaming it on the company behind her
>blaming everyone else but herself
My post from 7 days ago still legit.

>> No.671401

I thought the storyline was that she worked at some unrelated agency, went indie, got picked up by another agency, that second agency did shit she didn't like, and she's now breaking away again. Should this be true, its realistic to assume she'll be able to keep the character unless she was dumb enough to sign all the rights away to the second company.

>> No.671422

It's easy enough to pay for a translation, seeing how she has so many overseas fans it makes sense to pay for one, if she didn't have a friend do it or something.

>> No.671452

It's almost like she was under a contract and couldn't talk about it or something.

>> No.671464

She literally didn't do anything wrong

>> No.671487

This is why you shouldn't trust any shady companies.

>> No.671500

The wording of negotiations and mentioning help from many people (monetary most likely) I believe she bought back the model from the company.

>> No.671508

In the interest of fairness: Uto did claim she had a staff. But things about Chinese companies, Coco spammers, or CCP infiltrators.... were all dank rumors without evidence. And they still are.

The problem was with accepting rumors without evidence, and people ran along with them. Not that the rumors were true or partially true.

It might even turn out that this company does not exist and she is just off-loading blame. Or that the company exists, and there is some NDA that prevents her from saying more about it (as hinted in the tweet). The point is that speculations can go all way to Brazil. But we should not blindly accept them without critical thinking.

>> No.671522

Yeah, good for her that she's returning but this explanation sounds way too convenient.

>> No.671531

You can buy your way out of contracts

>> No.671557

>Then that shady company literally didn't do anything wrong

>> No.671654
File: 171 KB, 1203x896, 1585801176485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda ironic that cover is looking less like a black company these days

>> No.671666


To me it's not relevant whether the company was chinese or not. What matters is that she was working with a black company where she benefited from the meta tag abuse and whatever else the company used to make sure she pops up in everyone's recommendations. If Uto is able to wipe her hands clean from this and keep her avatar then what does that tell the other indie vtubers, that they are all suckers who won't do whatever is necessary for viewership?

>> No.671683


>picked up by a Chinese company
>faking indie after the Chinese agency helped her to get a redesign, hence Nabi mama accepted
>refused to pay an artist until it was made a big issued by said artist
>ghosted an artist, unfollowed him, only paid him after the artist decided to make it an issue
>leech hololive with Hololive meta tags
>Talking about past incarnations and causing trouble to Shion

hot, i cummed

>> No.671706

>black company
compared to other idol options, Cover is a fucking saint. The problem is that says more about how terrible the idol world is than how "good" Cover is.

>> No.671716


>> No.671721

Then how is Haachama a membe....

>> No.671731

All narrative are real HOLY SHIT!!!

>> No.671766
File: 324 KB, 960x960, 0373ddb937807d10394ef2b507a1c53929d01bb7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.671811

And she still hasn't cleared up about the drama with her previous identity. She had a link to Uto's channel from her previous identity's videos. I doubt the company she worked for want themselves related to Uto and whatever shit she was bringing with her.

>> No.671857

The old company was called Cover, they had previous dealings with the artist and got her an amateur rigger to lower the cost. They also used meta tags connected to a small independent company called Hololive, which is under Cover's conglomerate. The twitter account is handled by the same manager as Hololive JP EN. She was considered an indie and not a Cover employee was because Cover was testing stuff for their upcoming EN2 line up. That's why she was released easily and not much problem ensued except for non disclosure of said company into the public.

Now she'll be able to sign up with Ichikara which is the better company and not a black company and will hopefully be able to join the talents at Nijisanji which is very well known in Japan.

>> No.671867

start black, make money, then get white

>> No.671882

anti cope

>> No.671946





>> No.671953

Holofags seething

>> No.671976

This girl stinks of china.
I'm out

>> No.671993

https://twitter.com/amatsukauto/status/1361880048068796416?s=19 Antis stay mad

>> No.671997

just like any startups

>> No.672004

She's perfect, why would she blame herself?

Ofc it is, our conniving tenshi is just SO FUCKING SMART, your oshi is dogshit compared to her. She has no regard for human lives and will suck every ounce of blood from your body just to get 1 extra viewer. She is the ultimate business woman and all other Vtubers are shit compared to her since they will never be able to be even a tenth as ruthless or conniving as she is. Bow dow to your new queen or you will be her next sacrifice.

>> No.672019

>It's literally anyone in the world's fault but my own

Do you guys honestly accept all of this?

>> No.672021

So she was fake indie

>> No.672023
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>utoshill phoneposting

>> No.672044

A rather clean english, so it's not DeepL or Gugulu. I wonder who wrote this for her? Her discord? Maybe a new company?

>> No.672048


>> No.672057

Time to see shills schizos vs "truth" faggots fight again
This is going to be fun

>> No.672082


>> No.672134

It must be nice to blame a shadow group for every bad thing said about you and have absolute retards believe you.

>> No.672143


>> No.672144

this girl is sketchy as fuck holy shit. tenshi my ass, she's a bitch.

>> No.672169

I am addressing not your personal take, but the rampant misinformation and propping up unconfirmed rumors as truth by many (example, the post right below you). Antis, trolls, good fun, schizos... whatever they claim themselves to be.

Now, for your personal take (which is a different issue): you think it is unfair and Uto should face punishment for gaming the algorithm (assuming she is just off-loading blame). But how would that benefit me as a viewer? It wouldn't. I don't even feel mad if Google's algorithm is being gamed, as I could not care less about its feelings, only that it should give me what I like. The only people who are mad are jealous ones, and we see them a lot (like in holo threads, people saying Ame / Gura is untalented hacks etc.). Other indies can game the algorithm all they want. In the end it is still up to me to see whether the algorithm delivers something I like.

>> No.672176


>> No.672183



>> No.672188


>> No.672192

I don't buy it that she was streaming as an independent from the start and only then got approached by some company.

>> No.672208

>she's a bitch
>NO she's an angel
You guys don't even know the full picture so why even whine?

>> No.672213

This is true, my uncle works at Ichikara and said the same thing.

>> No.672218

Yes, now watch me supacha

>> No.672220

How can you not mention the company, there are limits to NDA’s? This super secret black company that she can’t name was behind all her problems how convenient.

>> No.672301

Algorithm just brings me to the door. Entering and staying inside is of my own accord.

>> No.672317

i guess she really cant let go her 300k subs huh

>> No.672325


>> No.672331
File: 1.01 MB, 206x286, adHZOO4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why care about the drama, just enjoy her

>> No.672415

We did it we won!

>> No.672443

Welp, why would she post this 2 days before the big Feb 18 Hololive announcement which also includes her? Is this her good bye to the channel before becoming official Hololive? So she won't continue on this channel but move to a new one owned by Hololive?

>> No.672523

I hope she was doin' her reps because now her entire audience is going to be EOPs lmao

>> No.672540

Apparently this is common in industry. Especially if you are a ghostwriter or doing something sensitive.


If this company exists (and that's a big if), they are at least smart enough to know they don't want to risk their reputation for just 1 vtuber. It does make you wonder whether the company is still sponsoring other vtubers as well. But just as the private life of WWE fighters doesn't change how I enjoy their fights, I don't really care that much to find out about this company.

>> No.672563
File: 881 KB, 297x277, 1607693441926.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uto was all a part of Hachaama's ARG all along...?

>> No.672650

> big Feb 18 Hololive announcement which also includes her
What are you smoking buddy

>> No.672680


>> No.672701


>> No.672705
File: 146 KB, 238x216, 1605499690702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people that unironically kept their memberships after a whole month of no streams
Tensimps, indeed

>> No.672758

I mean realistically the only bad choice she made was company choice.

>> No.672789

It was something like 9/10 EOPs already before so not much has changed.

>> No.672814

I honestly just forgot about that shit because I don't live in 3rd world and $5 is chump change kek.

>> No.672843

Is this how retards cope?

>> No.672932
File: 40 KB, 527x465, 1612038654698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes anon, you're the next Bill Gates just because you can waste $5 on accident. I'm SO wet right now; coming over to suck your cock dry brb

>> No.673020
File: 477 KB, 420x315, michael-jackson-eating-popcorn-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>time to sit back and watch the anti's and simps rip each other apart

>> No.673052

Geez, just a bit of honesty and people are already jumping on my cock. What has the world come to?

>> No.673095

yeah, yeah, cope harder, faggot

>> No.673100

This. It's all coming together.

>> No.673121

Y so mad tho?

>> No.673125

They're releasing something on February 18 that's why Haato decided to release on the same date. It was confirmed by a post before, was it here or /jp/? At first it was thought that it concerned Aloe but it seems different. Other sites say it concerns a different kind of devil, akin to a 'fallen angel' or some sort.

>> No.673156

>To poor to afford 5 dollars
And you say he's coping? KEK

>> No.673188

she can even kill my dog I'll still watch her

>> No.673253

I like what you are smoking, but I doubt it has anything to do with Uto.

>> No.673272
File: 33 KB, 525x525, 1612394312524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that lightspeed chat

>> No.673341


wait, what happened with Shion?

>> No.673364

wtf I like her even more?

>> No.673462

its kind of disgusting how many people hate this girl incredibly minor reasons. last time I saw something like this it was when a bunch of dicklet bugs got upset a girl said taiwan

>> No.673516

>Now, for your personal take (which is a different issue): you think it is unfair and Uto should face punishment for gaming the algorithm (assuming she is just off-loading blame). But how would that benefit me as a viewer? It wouldn't.

I think this issue is on a more macro level. One thing that people appreciate about the vtubing community is that not everything is about the bottom line. People can be who they want to be and be appreciated for who they are regardless of viewership count. I think that if Uto is allowed to continue it's going to poison the well and invite more bad apples to game the system. If everyone games the system then you will start seeing recommends for content that you don't even like, and if everything becomes a race to the bottom line then streamers are less likely going to do niche content, which will reduce the diversity that we see in the vtubing community.

Maybe these are not changes that will happen right now, but if more people like Uto can abuse the system and not get punished then the community will get shittier and it'd be too late to stop the trend.

>> No.673519

she can even fuck my mom I'll still watch her

>> No.673547
File: 628 KB, 1125x1148, king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh!! kagura nana OK!!!

>> No.673553

You’d watch her fuck your mom? Damn dude

>> No.673556
File: 248 KB, 781x1199, EuZeryhVkAU2fc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of her misdeeds are caused by a mysterious company, and it is a miracle that she has been able to communicate with them to solve her problems even though she has lost contact with them .

She's a Vtuber. Perhaps she belonged to a virtual company that existed only in her brain lol.

>> No.673570
File: 494 KB, 2000x3048, 1609142351417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Tenshi

>> No.673580


>> No.673604

>If everyone games the system then you will start seeing recommends for content that you don't even like
This will not happen because the youtube algorithm will notice people not putting in watch time.

>> No.673667
File: 101 KB, 600x454, 1606439762997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2021's looking good, bros

>> No.673676

Side note, I do like how the YouTube algorithm works sometimes. Along with hololive I like to watch math videos so YouTube has started recommending me 10 year old Japanese math videos and they’re honestly fantastic

>> No.673709

anon i just came here to see the news, you're the one who's getting irrationally upset about an entertainer on the internet

>> No.673712

Lying about being an indie is where most people will draw the line, its so fucking scummy.

>> No.673756

He probably meant haters being obsessed. If not, that's the answer to your original post anyway.

>> No.673768

Kek how much of self centered narcissistic bitch can you be? She needs to take her meds

>> No.673791

Watson was so right to disassociate herself from her.

>> No.673847
File: 12 KB, 543x136, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhh the numbies

>> No.673917
File: 11 KB, 711x105, 5ch uto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The particulars when it comes to Uto are well known on 4chan.
>Unlike on reddit and twitter, there are people who are skeptical, unlike reddit and twitter where everyone is universally positive.

>ありがとう. 海外にも疑問持ってる人がいるのを知れてよかった
>Thank you. It's nice to know there's at least some foreigners who are skeptical.

>> No.673927
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broke 10k

>> No.673955
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This voice... I never thought I'd get to hear it again...

>> No.673962

> you will start seeing recommends for content that you don't even like
The algorithm is not that useless. Especially when I can tell it what I don't like. I did that about Ben Shapiro, and never saw his face again. Generally I am happy with the algo. If you think gaming the algo is her main reason for success, you are smoking something heavy.

I'm listening to her song and remembering why I like her voice again.

>> No.673986
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>> No.674005
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I'm counting so hard

>> No.674013


That goes into the second point, which is streamers only streaming content that get viewers to stay, and Uto fit that to a T. Doing memes, interacting mostly with English viewers, using similar thumbnails to Holo talents, streaming titles that other Holos are playing. She pretty much created the perfect formula to make people stay after people are aware of her existence.

This could just be a whole lot of nothing, but vtubing is one of the few things I can appreciate for its diversity and the end result is not the end all be all. It would be sad if the bottom line becomes the thing that content creators care about. Heck, I am already seeing it with the Holo clippers. They just copy and paste minute long clips which gets uploaded before the stream is even over.

>> No.674050


>> No.674113
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look at all the haters

>> No.674137

14k peak premiere shes done it boys

>> No.674215

Based jpfags. Good to know there's people who won't leave this bitch alone.

>> No.674260

She won

>> No.674261

elmao ggmen

>> No.674270


>> No.674283

99% like-dislike ratio, keep crying haters, African children appreciate it

>> No.674331

Look what we have here, Goslings cheating on Amelia

>> No.674339

>She pretty much created the perfect formula to make people stay after people are aware of her existence.

The vtuber industry is about rewarding popularity and eyeballs. Vtubers who chase after popular content are functioning as they should. This doesn't mean vtubers who do niche content are wrong. But it's a choice they have to make. Like people write genre fiction vs people who write literary fiction / domain-specific books.

It's Gawr Gura vs Ina. Gura is the queen of memes and popular content like minecraft / horrors. But Ina has a strong niche with her drawing streams / hardcore gaming (Yes, funnily enough, her games like Hades and Hollow Knight suggest she's more hardcore than Ame).

>> No.674359

>keep crying haters

>> No.674367
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kek what are they gonna do

>> No.674394
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N-no Anon you don't understand it's not what it looks like

>> No.674395

>Yes, funnily enough, her games like Hades and Hollow Knight suggest she's more hardcore than Ame

You mean Final Fantasy XIV?

>> No.674445
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Never. Ame was always like a sister to me. The kind of girl who showed all her flaws and her cute sides without shame. I could never be attracted to her, but it doesn't mean I don't care for her.

>> No.674498

Having antis is just proof that a vtuber is good.

>> No.674532


>> No.674541

Nobody can make talentless hack, literal whos seethe like someone who actually knows what they're doing.

>> No.674577
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>> No.674640

The timeloop has been broken.

>> No.674656

fucking based

>> No.674657

I would finish my sentence if Tenshi didn't take my breath away

>> No.674666

thats right fellow tenshits! the more hate you get the more loved you are, or something?

>> No.674677
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>> No.674697


>> No.674745

Get that semen demon out of our pure angel thread.

>> No.674758

Nanakagura, who does the thumbnails for UTO's cover song, also says in her profile that she doesn't accept requests from individuals, but has UTO joined a new company again???LOOOOOOOL

She's extremely bad at lying.


We do not accept requests from individuals at this time...!

>> No.674841

Thanks for asking me to illustrate and make a video!

Well Uto did ask, and she received.

>> No.674850

I imagine that would apply to knew individuals. Why would you turn down business from someone you already have a working business relationship with?
Begone, rrat.

>> No.674857

Sura sure blablabla look how cute my angel is

>> No.674883
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Nabi-mama is happy

>> No.674896

have sex

>> No.674922

There's only a handful of antis

>> No.674991

hoc sine ironia

>> No.674996

I'm so fucking happy bros.

>> No.675000

Wait... The Kagura Nana has been doing her art? I like Nana so eh whatever. Though Nana is still very popular in chink land and there was that chink rrat... With all her connections (assuming indie still) and skill set, maybe she did actually apply for JP gen 6.

>> No.675299


>> No.675320
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Kagura Nana not only knows Uto, but she is a frequent visitor of the discord, drawing Uto while chatting. Uto's discord celebrated Nana's birthday stream, for instance.

Also, ignore shitposters.

>> No.675347

I love Nana! Looking forward to their collab

>> No.675378

That's a pretty good excuse for why Watson doesn't follow UTO on Twitter.

>> No.675766

Haha I bet you feel stupid right now

>> No.675817

>first bought utocoin when she had 70k subs
>didn't sell any and even bought more

>> No.675868

hololive would never in a million years accept her, she's a walking timebomb.

>> No.676405

That's actually big. 200 is a lot.

>> No.676415

OH WOW!!!! A COVER OF A SONG SHE ALREADY SANG! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKeENQ_ThOQ
SUGOIII!!! You people are fucking retarded

>> No.676438

lol okay have a (you)

>> No.676454

Cope you virgin

>> No.676500

I don't know if this is supposed to be a retarded anti or a false flag caricature of antis.

>> No.676530

Yeah you don't know shit because you're a retarded faggot, not surprising anyone.

>> No.676539

Ina took her name from FFXIV just like Coco took her name from the Yakuza series

>> No.676554

>No arguments
Not surprising anyone.

>> No.676585

Nana Kagura is a mod at her channel. Uto knows her from before.

>> No.676598

You're supposed to be arguing in favor of Uto the loser you stupid monkey lmao not the other way around

>> No.676633

uto is cute

>> No.676635

So this is the power of monkeys timelooping for 30 days in a row. Anti bros, I fucking kneel. You defiantly used your time well. You're totally not a waste of oxygen.

>> No.676664

uto is adorable

>> No.676672

there are barely 100 people in this thread. do you really think the opinions of some randos in this dive mean anything to normies?

>> No.676728

im blessed

>> No.676738
File: 3.87 MB, 273x275, 6a2f51ab6201.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad this cute angel is back. We'll be having threads up for her again and we get to see constant assblasted faggots in here all throughout. Its gonna be a great year.

>> No.676763

Well yeah. Most of the antis where from 5ch using google translate. Their google english was pretty obvious.

>> No.676781
File: 504 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Jashin-chan Dropkick S2 - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.57.113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First video after weeks is KING
I'm tired of this fucking song

>> No.676938
File: 175 KB, 1080x839, motherdaughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty cute

>> No.676942

>Talking about past incarnations and causing trouble to Shion
Easy to spot the salty hololive faglords

>> No.677009

I wonder if it feels weird having the majority of your audience be foreign and owing some of your success to having people basically laugh at your poor english

>> No.677051


>> No.677060
File: 203 KB, 1639x2048, EuGYypJXUAIx_AR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this shadow company and why don't they want people to disclose where they work?

>> No.677123

>Talking about past incarnations and causing trouble to Shion
spoonfeed me pls

>> No.677168

Too much brain trauma causing you to be unable to chew your food yourself?

>> No.677184

As >>671857 it was clearly Cover who decided to secretly hired an indie and let her do her own thing instead of making her be a part of the next generation of their Japanese branch, which would clearly explained why they had HoloEN girls in the metatags on videos of someone who mainly spoke Japanese. And it was clearly a ploy so she could be a part of Nijisani. Yes, this makes very much sense and not the product of the voices in my head.

>> No.677199

she made vague statements about having played with Shion before, making it look like they were friends or some shit.

>> No.677219

Shion did not stream for a couple of days because it was found out that she played APEX with Uto before. Her manager put her on a 2 weeks leave for that.

Uto's letter talked about leaving a company, and we found out the company is Cover. That's why her mama is a known artist and she has holo tags. And why people who have debuted at the same time as her is close to her (ID2).

>> No.677245
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Not a big deal for shion if she follow her in tw

>> No.677253


>> No.677258

because its not real

>> No.677269

She only debuted as Uto last December 14 and Shion's last APEX stream last year was October 17.
Uto could be referencing that they got to play with each other even before she was Uto or they did manage to play APEX with each other around December 14 ~ 31.
Also, Shion never have once told her chat that she played APEX before with a friend off-stream. Also, I noticed that she claimed that Shion messaged her that they should play again. That alone makes it seems that they're close or already friends since she claimed it's Shion sending a message to her and not Uto to Shion.
You see, Shion is very open about things like this, she will often namedrop people who she messages or interacts with especially if the other party is a vtuber and things that she did off-stream to her chat but I never once heard about a story like that from Shion.

>> No.677316

For a small vtuber (35K on debut) to get noticed by Shion is a big thing.

>> No.677337

Shion was a fan of her previous group, she probably followed when she realized who Uto was.

>> No.677361

>Uto could be referencing that they got to play with each other even before she was Uto or they did manage to play APEX with each other around December 14 ~ 31.

Or they just played a random game that was not streamed and proceeded to like and follow each other on twitter.

>> No.677383

This is what happened. Shion followed her around the time Uto mentioned it.

>> No.677390

A bunch of gullible retard here. (笑)

>> No.677476

Chink tubers stronk!

>> No.677563


>> No.677653

You know, as a person who has scammed thousands of dollars from people and murdered at least 2 people, I'm glad I finally have some representation in the vtuber community.
There really was a lack of a truly evil vtuber but I'm glad one has finally showed up.

>> No.677682

So any info on why she was gone for all of January + half of Feb?

>> No.677711

All the bad things that happened were this unnamed shady company that I have no proof of. But they are gone now. Sure thing buddy.

>> No.677839

I expect she's "guilty" but I don't care. This is such minor shit you would have to be mentally ill or Japanese to care.

>> No.677850
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>> No.678006

Love reading the virtual youtubers subreddit and even the level of coping on here. Imagine hiring an artist that worked on a hololive design, adding hololive metatags and then pretending like it's all a shady company's fault. You guys are a bunch of retards if you didn't think this chick was a red flag. No problem if you still follow her knowing that, but sucking up to her shitty excuses and doubling down on her not doing anything wrong is just hilarious.

>> No.678039

Makes sense to me. Anything to feed my cope.

>> No.678097

2bf I'd be happier if she did all of that herself

>> No.678145

>Her shady company did all the work
Now be happy

>> No.678146

She did though, this is just the next act in her cunning plan. The most retarded act of them all, she should have just stayed with the pure innocent angel routine who asked for help from her friends and had no idea what a metatag or a thumbnail was. No one will believe this shadow company bullshit.

>> No.678182


I love reading how some online randos seethe and get mad over the most inconsequential things like yourself. Your impotently calling other people retards, and inability to talk like sane adults, just fills me with delight. It seems that the more inconsequential something is, the more melodramatic and apocalyptic you become.

>> No.678420

She could literally blame me for everything and I would supachat her for it.

>> No.678439



>> No.678501

Good for you anon.

>> No.678519

Are you new to 4chan? Sorry, stupid question. I'm pretty sure any vtuber faggot on here only learned about 4chan when they heard they could spend 24/7 talking about their favourite vtuber since none of them wanted to bother making a subreddit.
You think we reserve terms like "faggot" and "retard" for when we really need to use them? You think that implies seething? This post of mine now is actual seething because you're a newfag who types like a /r/edditor and all this board has done is not only bring in more /r/edditors, but bring in the type of ironic weeb audience that festers that shithole. You get it now, /r/edditor? This post is actual seething. The other was just laughing. But I guess you couldn't see that since I didn't add some sort of /r/eddit indicator. Don't forget to give me an award, okay?

>> No.678529

>antis faces right now

>> No.678561

>I want to learn how to be a part of 4chan
>haha let me learn how to greentext
>haha funny old 4chan meme
>imageboard but forgets how to use the imageboard
Fucking newfags.

>> No.678582

>antis literally out of ammo
>they start attacking the fans now
Mfw lol.

>> No.678615

You already had representation in the community. Just look at the pre-debuts on twitter. There are plenty of faggots.

>> No.681104

>hiring an artist that worked on a hololive design
It's good for the Hololive's papas and mamas? I don't see the issue.

>adding hololive metatags
Nobody cares about it, just the schizos here.

>pretending like it's all a shady company's fault
I agree that it's weird.

>> No.681120

This cope and seething kel

>> No.681965

Just to expound on this. Uto's avatar before her Live2D debut was vastly different from what appeared last December 14. Cover looked for an indie with no Live2D, gave her one and tested the waters. The problems started surfacing when the tuber's popularity skyrocketed faster than expected. They probably talked about getting her into Hololive further down the road, she just needed vtubing experience and Cover needs experience on managing EN pandering JPs. But with what happened, Cover probably panicked and decided to cut short the experiment. That means her road to Hololive is shut and she's stuck to fending for herself.

>> No.682051

I've been in here longer than you have, shitlord.

Seethe harder.

>> No.683475

so uto threads are just full of 5ch retards huh

>> No.685887

always has been

>> No.687839
File: 53 KB, 764x418, 1-lollive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just a hololive fan. I used the power of the company to threaten the collaborating man to stop the video, but it wasn't my intention.
Hololive fans, let's liven up youtube together!

>> No.687943

>when your oshi is a chink backed Hololive leecher

>> No.688693

Based, guess I'll start throwing money at her.

>> No.689164
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>3 threads

>> No.689779

When people say meta tags do they just mean using YouTube’s tagging system? I thought it didn’t impact videos that much.

>> No.689804

Yes to both.

>> No.689843

Makes holofags and japanese schizos seeth
how can u not love her?

>> No.691445

Damn what an over reaction, I think she’s boring as fuck and only gets retarded reddit attention because she has Ames artist and gets carried by clips. Tagging shit with similar tags is standard YouTube practise for discoverability and getting in recommended feeds.
