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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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66986818 No.66986818 [Reply] [Original]

Half a week later, she is completely forgotten.

>> No.66986843

She was forgotten before she even left.

>> No.66986879

How could I forget Projekt Melody?

>> No.66986922

I miss her :/

>> No.66986954

No shit. Half the board are now Mel superfans. Apparently they didn't watch her since she was consistently one of the least watched JPs. This is Sana all over again.

>> No.66986972

op is a faggot

>> No.66987095


I was just thinking how, at some point, certain channels and clips will be populated only with retired characters.

>> No.66987304

Who is now the least watched JP post-Mel? Roboco?

>> No.66987422

>1/5th of all catalog threads are about here
Guess not.

>> No.66987436

I've got to be honest, i've never watched her live streams solo or her songs. But now that i'm discovering her, she is actually good at singing and really cute.
How was she the least watched holomem ? I don't understand.

>> No.66987472

Mel was closer to mid range anon, Roboco, Matsuri, and 5-10 more had lower average viewers.

>> No.66987483


>> No.66987511

Her, Aki and choco never joined in the hololive boost of late 2019 early 2020

>> No.66987555

I know these three have their own clique and hang around IRL.

>> No.66987638
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>> No.66987641

sadly this

Back in like 2020/early '21 Ame collabed with her and even back then this was like shining a light on a mostly-forgotten JP member.

Regardless she had been very consistent lately (unlike in years past which is how she lost her momentum) and seemed to be quite stable and comfy where she was.

>> No.66987690

>Why was she the least watched?
Spent her first year streaming like Ayame or Gura as HL was a side gig
Double whammy of YT ASMR strike and start of bs with Manager knocked her down when she was gaining traction in 2019
Missed most of the Covid boom of 2020
Returns and immediately gets shadowbanned by YT, months of critical rebound time her livestreams are hidden by YT algo
Low energy compared to the popular members who are all high energy
Inconsistent stream schedule
Never fully meshed herself with Hololive
Always weeks or months late to FOTM games

>> No.66987786
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My oshi has a small but loyal following.

>> No.66987804

The four first points you mentioned are probably the most detrimental. Too bad. Hope she rebounds back with her RM career

>> No.66988117

She was fap material then she’s fap material now nothing more nothing less

>> No.66988141

Not to mention we have a lot less shitposters so joining her streams we get only comfy and pon moments.

>> No.66988227

Anon she was barely ever mentioned /here/ apart from collabs or sexposting.

>> No.66988399

>Makes a thread about Mel


>> No.66988468
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no baits, no drama. Only robot love

>> No.66988904

Roboco thread needs bumping

>> No.66992774

OP meant half a week after debut.

>> No.66992879

>a few years later, OP is still a faggot

>> No.66993103

because she never orbited around the first army. if she was close friends with someone like marine or miko she wouldve been way more popular. this case is also true for sora, choco, roboco and aki

>> No.66993219

Who? No, seriously, why do people suddenly pretend they cared? Nobody watched her, she was only mentioned for being dumb and collabing with homos.

>> No.66993275

lurk more. Choco used to be close with everyone, probably still is, she's just lazy

>> No.66994046

Miko tried to save Mel with the momosuzu sisters thing, but then Mel started collabing with the homos a lot so Miko stopped trying to save her.

>> No.66994268

Momosuzu sisters was a thing created by Mel and Nene, Miko joined much later.

>> No.66994563

>This is Sana all over again.
not even close. Sana showed up and died immediately because ahe didn't want to be there. Mel might not have pulled numbers but she was a founding member of the organization. Sometimes a certain person just always being around is as important as the people you actually interact with. When they're gone you notice how strange it feels.

>> No.66995140

Yes and once Pomu graduates and Selen is terminated there will be too much going on so bait threads won't even gain traction. Sasuga Yagoo.

>> No.66995427

No? it started during the puyoteto tournament by the three of them, mainly by Miko because their first collab is on Miko's channel and that's where they started to go by Momosuzu sisters

>> No.66995708

It was re-saddened seeing her name on the 5th fest lineups.

>> No.66996090

Roboco is weird because she seems to purposely avoid popularity. She may as well be graduated the way Gen 0 handles her routine absence.

>> No.66998213

>if she was close friends with someone like marine or miko she wouldve been way more popular
That's the thing though, she WAS close friends with Marine. They have known each other for over a decade now and initially seemed to be open to doing a bunch together when Marine first joined Hololive. Something happened over the course of 2020 and 2021 and they seemed to drift apart. But at the same time they still talked about each other on occasion on a level that seemed to suggest more. Someone in marine thread said that their different senses of providing entertainment led to the drift between them but who knows honestly.

>> No.66998302

That might be the smart thing to do. She's already popular enough, and the additional popularity might just bring more headaches.

>> No.66998440

Its too easy to forget her when her personal account is far more intresting

>> No.66998784

This is an EN board.

>> No.66998976

She probably had like 200 EOPs as regulars in her normal streams. Of those two hundred how many were from /here/? 20-30? There just wasnt enough people watching her on the board for it to be that much of an outcry. There are probably actual 2views that has more fags from here that watches every single stream than Mel sadly

>> No.67001110

Such is internet fame.

>> No.67001188

That's probably an overestimation unless you include lurkers.

>> No.67001934

Newfags don’t even know about the Disneyland arc

>> No.67005170

I will remember her.

>> No.67005287

>she is completely forgotten.
then why are you posting about her?

>> No.67007872

not forgotten

>> No.67009116

I won't forget her

>> No.67010679

Roboco isn't really ambitious. She did cry after gen 6 debuted because she was happy people aren't leaving her for new members

>> No.67011039

Why are you retarded like this? It makes perfectly sense to me that a bunch of would-be-lurkers come out of the woodworks in order to express sadness and grief now that their oshi or favorite vtuber is suddenly gone. Furthermore there have always been Mel posters in her general who are also most likely participating in random catalogue threads. It is not difficult at all to understand that a termination like this would make fans speak up more than normal.

>> No.67011514

Will her "roommate" account thrive post-Hololive? Comfortably sits over 600k right now which is not too far from her Mel account.

>> No.67011895

>confidently makes shit up

>> No.67012136

I very much doubt she was the oshi or favourite of many of them, but that doesn't mean they can't be sad. The majority of Holo fans are attached to the girls as a collective to some degree in addition to their specific favourites.

>> No.67012777

She was also a very sweet, kind and likeable person who was in Hololive for almost 6 years and only got terminated because she made a mistake in a moment of weakness so it's not surprising that so many people feel sad about this whole situation even if they barely watched her before especially when she handled it so gracefully and professionally.

>> No.67013270

I wish Sana had been terminated instead of having her pre-graduation collab arc, that way people would have forgotten her in less than 24 hours instead of parading her corpse around Weekend at Bernie's style a year and a half later

>> No.67015069

define "thrive"

>> No.67016565

can't remember last time I've seen any Sana discussion

>> No.67018270

Kapu forever

>> No.67019574

>parading her corpse around Weekend at Bernie's style a year and a half later
That's hot.

>> No.67020611

>overtook Gura and almost caught Ayame on pure volume

>> No.67022094


>> No.67023211

are you seriously posting drama tubers?

>> No.67023460

>multiple daily threads
>at least 3 threads on /vt/ at a time
>"is forgotten"

>> No.67024868

More like unperson.

>> No.67028754

I'll miss her model.
