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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 66 KB, 234x167, 54eccdeed6c5c39b75ddb1209db4f037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
66964997 No.66964997 [Reply] [Original]

bake faster edition

>> No.66965031

Mococo isn't going to make it

>> No.66965034

what took you so long

>> No.66965041

Ojisans are asleep

>> No.66965046

sex with sleepy Mococo

>> No.66965050

Mococo is done for. She's not making it to the end without sleeping.

>> No.66965060

God, this is fucked. The one other route I care about, Ayu, is gonna get a third of the episodes dedicated to it that fucking Makoto got.

>> No.66965066


>> No.66965077

isnt mococo kinda rude

>> No.66965080

this isn't better than demon slayer, fuwawa

>> No.66965095


>> No.66965101
File: 186 KB, 1920x1080, [MTBB] Kanon (2006) - 14 [D39C6B96].mkv_snapshot_00_21_18.527_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66965121

Makoto only got like 3 episodes lol, most of the first 10 were the common route.

>> No.66965128

yes it is, but that's a pretty low bar

>> No.66965154

makoto's arc was like 4 episodes what are you talking about

>> No.66965184

this demon hunter arc feels really out of place with the rest of the show

>> No.66965192

Name 5 anime better than Demon Slayer

>> No.66965194

yes it is zoomer

>> No.66965198

Wrong. Demon Slayer is kino. This is cryporn for women, which is fine but nowhere near as good as shonenkino.

>> No.66965270

Black Clover
One Piece
Dragon Ball Z

>> No.66965286

Sorry but demon slayer is Better than this old slop. I respect your wrong opinion fuwawa

>> No.66965295
File: 720 KB, 381x360, 92880684734e408fc04780b852a9946dda1222dd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright fine, I'm just tired of this shit and want THE GOODS

>> No.66965307

>unironic shonenshitters itt
I'm disappointed in you ruffians

>> No.66965348

>black plague
it's over for mai

>> No.66965384

Every anime ever made. That was easy

>> No.66965385

I mean, it's ufotable. How is

>> No.66965396

What do you expect for babbies who were not around for the time of cute and drama in the 00's on this god forsaken website.

>> No.66965418

mai's theme is so good

>> No.66965442
File: 1.53 MB, 2250x3000, F9CPnbHaQAA0RJF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo will not survive the night. Will you let her rest her head on your lap, Raffian?

>> No.66965453

i want to have sex with fuwawa and mococo abyssgard

>> No.66965485

Always and forever. I will kiss her cheek and lips when she is asleep.

>> No.66965488

last time a girl put her head in my lap i got an erection.

>> No.66965506

Mai is becoming a nigger...the re-vittiligo...

>> No.66965527

Based on demon slayer being so popular in the current year, I have to assume it is

>> No.66965538

previous thread

>> No.66965553

I hope that school got enough budget for repairs

>> No.66965563

Legit who the fuck is this for?

>> No.66965561

I will always defend battle shonen here. I am confident in my tastes.

>> No.66965568
File: 186 KB, 454x600, Mococo Abayo[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F526q0v.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66965570

how do you explain an entire floor of a school collapsing

>> No.66965571

Is that the opposite of what Michael Jackson had?

>> No.66965575

Mai is the only character I couldn't care less about

>> No.66965651

Women. All key adaptations can be described as "cryporn."
Despite all that, they aren't bad anime.

>> No.66965655

The graphics, the setting, the Sugita, this is definitely a lot like Haruhi

>> No.66965682


>> No.66965683

>rolling midair for styling points

>> No.66965704

She's cool as heck

>> No.66965710

No, I meant all this battle shit in my romantic drama harem.

>> No.66965714


>> No.66965722

she did a heckin' flip

>> No.66965737

what do the demons represent

>> No.66965740

Being a contrarion doesn't make you cool.

>> No.66965756

I wish I was as cool as Mai

>> No.66965771

you'll find out in a bit

>> No.66965779


>> No.66965783

About to be explained.

>> No.66965789


>> No.66965812

Repression of her emotions I'm assuming, based on him battling the spirit and yelling about her repression and hiding of her emotions.

>> No.66965821

no john you are the demons

>> No.66965845

I feel like the subtitles on my version of the show are just Google translated, they're dogshit

>> No.66965863

Watching old KyoAni makes me wanna rewatch Full Metal Panic with them

>> No.66965877

This is like Tsukihime but not as good.
And also if Tsukihime had an anime.

>> No.66965886


>> No.66965892


>> No.66965897

Not surprising. Same studio and made in the same year.

>> No.66965907

this route is a nice setup for an anime, I'm sure there must be something like this... but with more time.

>> No.66965910

Lots of unkept promises…

>> No.66965917


>> No.66965955

There's like 50 battle harems out there. Just start digging into 00's harem stuff.

>> No.66965974

They skipped Mai making the bunny outside the school so idk why they bothered including that here.

>> No.66965977

I wonder what their opinions on The Second Raid would be? I feel like the only one who sees that as the best FMP season. Better than Fumofuu

>> No.66965990

Monogatari series, Bunny Girl Senpai, Haruhi, take your pick.

>> No.66966041

>im ok
>but im actually not
do women really

>> No.66966058

Notice, no tears for this. This shit is retarded.

>> No.66966059

is she going to ashita no joe on that bench

>> No.66966103

You're retarded of COURSE they will cry at this too.

>> No.66966123


>> No.66966126

oh nvm I forgot the zoo part

>> No.66966125

I'm going to believe this is what happened.

>> No.66966148

because the know

>> No.66966178
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I feel like I shouldn't be feeling this way, but the both of them softly crying and sniffling into the mic is unironically getting me REALLY REALLY hard

>> No.66966215


>> No.66966226
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>> No.66966229

Shittiest route. This blows. Get me on to the next girl please.

>> No.66966243

This show really should have been one route this is all over the place

>> No.66966283

this entire show is just my most hated anime trope on repeat. i can't stand the "childhood friends who reconnect but don't remember each other."

>> No.66966296

With the length, 2 fully dedicated ones would have been fine.

>> No.66966300
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Me too

>> No.66966305
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Fuwawa's breathing does me in every time...

>> No.66966311

that's perfectly natural reaction

>> No.66966318


>> No.66966321

honestly the fucking bgm ruins ever emotional moment

>> No.66966332

The demons...

>> No.66966335


>> No.66966347


>> No.66966384

I didn't have any fucking friends as a kid, let alone a bunch of girls in one summer.

>> No.66966391

>The school uses to be fields
This was mentioned in episode 1, holy fuck

>> No.66966392

uuuuh sure

>> No.66966447

three girls, AND a fox
and they aren't even his target

>> No.66966452

...and 1 fox.

>> No.66966454

he went there multiple years

>> No.66966470

do kids really think about these stuff
all i did was stupid shit

>> No.66966472


>> No.66966474

If an anime's story isn't completely original, then it's just an advertisement for the source material. Mainly why I've stopped watching anime entirely.

>> No.66966526

It wasn't just 1 summer break he went there every year until he was 10.

>> No.66966528

I mean this show does have quite lot of retarded women

>> No.66966541


>> No.66966542

i muted the anime and turned my speakers to 100 and I'm the hardest I've been in ages

>> No.66966546


>> No.66966548


>> No.66966551


>> No.66966556


>> No.66966575

Why the fuck did she do that

>> No.66966577

>fucking kills herself
that was so out of nowhere I laughed...

>> No.66966580


>> No.66966582


>> No.66966595

why would she do that

>> No.66966600

>abandon demonhunting
>return to bunny
Oh, wait, nevermind. Time to move on to the next girl.

>> No.66966601


>> No.66966616

>the president actually right all along
>Mai is the one destroying the window and shit

>> No.66966618
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>> No.66966625
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>> No.66966636

getting girls at that age is fucking easy. the first and only "girlfriend" i ever had was when i was 7 and she was 12.

>> No.66966643

I wasn't paying attention and I come back to the chuuni comitting sudoku. The fuck happened?

>> No.66966644

>Zero tears
Yep, worst route.

>> No.66966645

I've read the VN and I still don't know why she did this.

>> No.66966647
File: 65 KB, 1010x876, 1705186682094080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it.

>> No.66966651

Jesus, this is a comedy now.

>> No.66966650

If she isn't actually a demonhunter then why would I care about her to begin with?

>> No.66966656

well that just happened

>> No.66966661

she literally just found out she was responsible for almost killing sayuri

>> No.66966665


>> No.66966667

does it get more stupid than this

>> No.66966668

jesas this fucking sucked

>> No.66966686

Kek wtf

>> No.66966688

anime logic

>> No.66966693

so she's not dead?

>> No.66966694


>> No.66966706

>they hated him because he told them the truth

>> No.66966721

>Mococo is worried about the gyudon

>> No.66966732

Are you deaf, they cried during the dying mom.

>> No.66966741

>waaaaahhhhh It's all my fault!
>the only way I can defend people from myself is to DIE
Woman moment.

>> No.66966746

Fuck's sake youtube fuck off with the lag shit for just one night, fuck

>> No.66966749

so she wanted to kill herself so her powers wouldn't go berserk and hurt anyone else

>> No.66966751

she said she gonna kill everyone that hurts sayuri

>> No.66966773

>i almost killed my friend
>should i use my healing powers to help her
>no, i better kill myself

>> No.66966774

shiori isn't a childhood friend at least

>> No.66966780

this is shit

>> No.66966789

but Sayuri didn't die, and neither did anyone else, so killing herself is a baffling response.

>> No.66966790
File: 171 KB, 1920x1080, [MTBB] Kanon (2006) - 15 [89494E87].mkv_snapshot_00_19_39.387_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck even was that route lmao.

>> No.66966794

woman moment

>> No.66966801
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School Days was better

>> No.66966804

Man, that was nothing compared to MaGODtos route, that had me bawling, fight scenes were cool though

>> No.66966809

So we are just speedruning all the routes now before Ayu?

>> No.66966810

cute ghost ep hell yeah

>> No.66966819

What a waste of episodes.
Fuck me, of course I get the shittiest route while I'm actually up.

>> No.66966826

Mai and Makoto's routes are the worst so no.

>> No.66966848

100%, this is trash
extremely well made trash, however

>> No.66966861

Our wives are disappointed by the ending of that route, bros...

>> No.66966862

I mean, I've read Tsukihime so this was...
Not as good.

>> No.66966873

Can't top the fox

>> No.66966889

Macoto route, is the best route so far, Jesus that was embarrassing and funny instead of tragic.

>> No.66966890

explain mai route

>> No.66966887

agreed, although this one has had some good moments

>> No.66966894

Mococo does not give a shit about any of these characters lmao.

>> No.66966896
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ok the story is kinda rough but the structure is fun i understand why so many popular (stuff like monogatari) copied it

>> No.66966898

i like the mai route...

>> No.66966902

I thought Makoto's was really good if you ignored the fox shit

>> No.66966906

This show gets worse every episode.

>> No.66966910

What? You didn't like when Makoto went full Simple Jack?

>> No.66966929

I'm starting to think Key is actually a shit company that makes garbage that normalfags mistakenly think is deep. They are the Naughty Dog of VN studios.

>> No.66966931

she doesn't even remember half of them

>> No.66966962

Crazy how similar this board is to /a/ with the "I don't understand it it's trash lol" posting.

>> No.66966970

>40 minutes of crying
>Complete emotional investment
>1 second of crying for a dying mom
>Thinking of other anime during it.
Shit route, anyone who likes it deserves to be stoned.

>> No.66966973

I don't either because I stopped watching when she did and focused on her while she slept.

>> No.66966974

Hard to ignore when her reverting to a fox is the whole emotional crux of it.

>> No.66966984

Can't speak for the VNs, but my experience with the anime so far is precisely this.

>> No.66966986

>starting to think
This was obvious by 2007

>> No.66966993

esper manifested her guilt and frustration as demon
realized the demon is herself all along
killed herself

>> No.66967018

no one thinks key VNs are deep, pretty much everyone agrees their plotlines are garbage. they're just carried hard by the characters and music

>> No.66967019

Please let the Shiori route be good.

>> No.66967031

It was embarrassingly bad.

>> No.66967042

She's an esper who went full schizo because Yuuichi left her 10 years ago

>> No.66967046

Makoto's route was good but the setup to that was dragged out too much and Mai's autism route was pretty retarded overall

>> No.66967050

That was pure trash cinema though

>> No.66967056

Shiori route - LETS GOOO

>> No.66967060

sister, i understood what happened fine, this part of the anime is shit

>> No.66967073

It's kino in the VN but I dunno if they can do it justice in the anime while removing the romance.

>> No.66967078

mococo is not gonna make it to the end of this ep

>> No.66967088

That's what Yuuichi did in the VN

>> No.66967090

Interesting point, but fortunately I don't fuck fox children. Mai is cuter.

>> No.66967094

The fox part is fine. Foxes turning into humans to sex men is a common folklore trope.

>> No.66967099

Yup, I've always found plotfags bizarre. You're watching anime, not reading a novel. These peoples priorities are all out of order.

>> No.66967100

You feel the same about every studio after you watch enough of their works. You see how the sausage is made. Watching Kanon is making me think less of both Kanon and Clannad.

>> No.66967106
File: 468 KB, 452x600, Fuwawa Is this the time for that_ No, but I thought I should remind him.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3io0ee.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66967128
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>> No.66967124

with the way this is going, I'm sure Kaori is Yuuichi childhood friend too but they're separated by arranged marriage bullshit
And Shiori is Kaori's love manifested

>> No.66967143

it also has the power of kaori, it has to be

>> No.66967147

I've adopted Mococo's strat and I'm just taking short naps now, this sucks hard, will let their sniffling wake me up.

>> No.66967149
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>> No.66967169

I mean, I've watched Fate Stay DEEN so this was...
Not as bad.

>> No.66967204

And Mai is still alive. The fuck was that.

>> No.66967210

>out by spring
Oh so that's how they're getting rid of her and onto the next girl route.

>> No.66967217

>didn't even die
Jesus, women can't do anything right.

>> No.66967233

>fortunately I don't fuck fox children
Your loss

>> No.66967236


>> No.66967283

Nothing says "the criticism is justified" more than the defense being nothing but accusing the people criticizing it of being *insert bad thing*. You didn't get it! You're plotfags! You're just like /a/!

>> No.66967288


>> No.66967295


>> No.66967306
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>> No.66967318

if you say auu~ you gonna regress to childhood wonder

>> No.66967331


>> No.66967357


>> No.66967376

They should have just done it like Amagami and have the MC commit to the romance every route and then reset instead of this half assed shit where every girl is killed or sidelined when her arc is done.

>> No.66967380

wobbly tea

>> No.66967382

nothing says butthurt like going out of your way to pick a fight in a chinese basketweaving forum

>> No.66967412

nobody in this town eats breakfast, but they keep making it anyway

>> No.66967450

Oh they're starting Ayu route too.

>> No.66967483

Akiko route start!
Time to fuck our aunt!

>> No.66967510

it's all for the nayuki route where everyone roots on her after their problem is done

>> No.66967520

Ayu is more concerned than Nayuki.

>> No.66967529

It's been Ayu route the whole time considering ED and the dream segments from the cold opens.

>> No.66967599

Orphan Ayu?

>> No.66967615

Nah Ayu is the ED so pretty sure she's gonna be the true route.

>> No.66967637

bros trust me. crank the volume and listen to Mococo's noises for a little.

>> No.66967650
File: 687 KB, 946x600, FuwaMoco Uguu~[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fcwd277.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66967655
File: 88 KB, 190x266, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for these last two streams yuuichi in his uniform has reminded me of someone, but i couldn't figure it out. i finally realized he reminds me of fucking imai from kyou kara ore wa.

>> No.66967665
File: 303 KB, 1378x2048, GEGDp9QbQAAu8wV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wives.

>> No.66967679

smart move

>> No.66967687

but he ain't in that glorious pompadour

>> No.66967714

piro on the telly

>> No.66967719

ok my cock is hard now, what next?

>> No.66967740

So, which of the Akiko doujins is based on this part of her being sick?

>> No.66967756

stop heavily breathing into the mic fuwawa

>> No.66967791
File: 124 KB, 364x330, 1705476819462148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa...this breathing...

>> No.66967796

The houses in VNs are always fuckhuge. Even the apartments, and even when they complain about them being tiny.

>> No.66967801


>> No.66967817

kek he has ptsd

>> No.66967826

when did i post this?

>> No.66967870

A common result of trusting foxes

>> No.66967888

Are they mouthbreathers?

>> No.66967893

god, i wish he did. eroge protagonists have such boring designs.

>> No.66967892

>shiori on late gachis

>> No.66967941

I'm enjoying this route so much more already.

>> No.66967949

no, their sinuses are very clear so they definitely breath through their nose

>> No.66967954

I prefer it this way since it makes it a more cohesive show, instead of having to rewatch the same beginning over and over again.

>> No.66967960

They are having so much fun...

>> No.66967968


>> No.66967976

Snowball fights with Fuwawa...

>> No.66967981
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>> No.66967982

Yuuichi subtly throwing all those snowballs far above Shiori is an example of consideration to your GF
Take notes, Ruffians

>> No.66968000

>ywn have a fun winter date with a cute girl
why even live?

>> No.66968009

Wait Fuwawa is cute?

>> No.66968031


>> No.66968039

Yeah but they can't have the MC fall in love with any of the heroines and then they have to get rid of them at the end.

>> No.66968045


>> No.66968065

I'll pelt Mococo right in the face. she has to learn

>> No.66968068

Why are they trying to act like he's an asshole?

>> No.66968071

Why don't more VN animes do the Amagami SS thing....

>> No.66968088

They aren't. Women are just complex.

>> No.66968093

he is a male and they hate males.

>> No.66968131

They just don’t like that he has a spine.

>> No.66968159

Sugita is too based for them

>> No.66968206

I'm fine with that since they keep the character development for the MC and still reference the other girls sometimes.

>> No.66968232

fuwamoco seem to be getting especially sad about the dying sister who has been ill since birth...

>> No.66968236

Ever since they pointed it out I cannot unhear UI-mama voice

>> No.66968302

but if he didn't have a spine, they'd also hate him.

>> No.66968310


>> No.66968314


>> No.66968317

this anime LOVES ladies with terminal illnesses

>> No.66968327

Him and Tomoya and the best Key MCs

>> No.66968339

>my sister is going to die soon
>so i pretend she doesn't exist so i don't get hurt
i hate women so much it's unreal

>> No.66968348

well, kaori's a bitch

>> No.66968354


>> No.66968366

completely earned melodrama

>> No.66968375

It's a Key staple.

>> No.66968379


>> No.66968384

whatever you say, dude

>> No.66968388

It's time for us to cross over into School Days territory. He's gonna fuck not Shiori to calm her down.

>> No.66968391


>> No.66968414
File: 325 KB, 754x468, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not Suzuki Bond

>> No.66968425

It makes sense but this doesnt erase the fact she's by far the shittiest character in this anime. Like, what a massive bitch. Horrible person

>> No.66968426

I hate that this is the first thing that came to my mind kek

>> No.66968428

Now you understand why it's called "sad girls in the snow"

>> No.66968433

>in the vn the mc is fucking terminally ill girls and a fox
based ngl

>> No.66968437

It's because if one of them dies, the other ones life is unironically over. They probably can't comprehend being truly apart.

>> No.66968443

predictions for what happens with ayu?

>> No.66968445

You know there are other ways to write characters besides having them all get sick and die.

>> No.66968450

don't post this

>> No.66968452

fuck, I nearly typed "she has super aids" in chat
I need sleep

>> No.66968453

>sick girl

>> No.66968456

oh welcome to Key

>> No.66968468

We are 1/3rd done for tonight. How are you holding up ojisans?

>> No.66968480

porn really does make everything better

>> No.66968482

If only Makoto were here to fuck every girl and then get murdered, instead of turning out to be a fox

>> No.66968499

the older sister is kind of dumb

>> No.66968516

it's not even 10pm

>> No.66968520

Tired. Bed in 2 more episodes. Sad I had to sit through the esper shit with them, would have been happier if it would have been when I was watching the VoD.

>> No.66968521

didn't mean to reply ignore that

>> No.66968531
File: 327 KB, 1620x1620, 1696486844329299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since it was revealed that one girl was a retarded fox I've become lost on wtf is going...

>> No.66968539

Fuwawa can you take a tea refill break I really need to pee

>> No.66968544

did someone order a car crash? I think someone ordered a car crash

>> No.66968553
File: 977 KB, 1600x900, 1690595688227937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

many such cases

>> No.66968554

the cold is killing me...

>> No.66968558

I'm fine, but it should have started earlier if Moco-chan is gonna struggle again. They should save long watchalongs for weekends 1PM their time.

>> No.66968564

guys I am really worried about Mococo... how much time does she have left? this anime is hitting too hard... please don't forget about Mococo....

>> No.66968566

Post this often

>> No.66968568

Angel Beats was unironically better despite being rushed to shit and only 12 episodes.

>> No.66968574

same kek. I feel like me and Moco-chan are on the same page

>> No.66968580
File: 364 KB, 606x584, 1705268326300543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superchat reading after this btw.

>> No.66968591

just use a shopping bag

>> No.66968602

might go to bed after this episode but I want to finish this route so idk

>> No.66968604


>> No.66968610


>> No.66968616

They are /HERE/

>> No.66968618

My wallet is aware their birthdays are coming up

>> No.66968622

I can't believe FWMC are going to fucking die soon

>> No.66968623

Mococo is dying...

>> No.66968629

mococo is dying...

>> No.66968637

First Jun Maeda work?

>> No.66968643

mococo only has 1 week left...

>> No.66968653

wtf dont do that to you sister mococo

>> No.66968655

They are gonna jinx it and die before their birthdays.

>> No.66968664

can we ask mai to help her

>> No.66968679

Mococo fucking hates this anime.

>> No.66968701

mococo is a shonenfag...

>> No.66968706

I just pointed that out

>> No.66968708
File: 531 KB, 618x999, SLEEP TIGHT MOCO-CHAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mococo is getting sleepy

>> No.66968713

24 hour stream coming up...

>> No.66968715

I took off of work for their birthdays but actually did it for the P3 remake

>> No.66968718

It's not even gone for good, just won't be back in a week when Shiori dies. She's shit out of luck, bad timing.

>> No.66968734
File: 157 KB, 948x720, 1694137447783623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mococo very sleepy...

>> No.66968747

that size difference between yuuichi and ayu is kinda hot

>> No.66968755

I'm more tired today than yesterday. Might be the 3 hours of sleep

>> No.66968758

>calling piro "he"

>> No.66968764

Kind of based to think it's trash even though the cheap melodrama still gets to hear easily, not gonna lie.

>> No.66968776

Mai is alive though?

>> No.66968775

Who does these?

>> No.66968819

For the purposes of this anime, every girl is dead after their arc ends.

>> No.66968830
File: 98 KB, 289x299, 1704941873385344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa solo supa reading it is then. Ruffians will be seducing Fuwawa while Mococo sleeps.

>> No.66968841

That's what that Anon said though. Her healing power offed itself to keep her alive when she tried to commit sudoku.

>> No.66968855

if she didn't stab herself in the abdomen right at the end of her route, she'd still got her healing power now

>> No.66968887

I'm Piro

>> No.66968893

>fuwawa molests sleeping mococo and gives us a play by play of the action

>> No.66968899

Clannad is better, we should have watched that.

>> No.66968903

Piro? That's me.

>> No.66968911

You genuinely can't think of this as a single story even though they tried to do that for the anime, they're separate, alternate timeliens.

>> No.66968923

The late night part will be in jp. Kinda smart of them if they do that.

>> No.66968926

>do you have receipts of that, EOPS??
Fuwawa, you can't say that

>> No.66968928

no idea, i just got it from this thread at some point.

>> No.66968955

7.4 million yen stream

>> No.66968966

clannad is also melodramatic slop

>> No.66968978

>Im trying my best but this anime is really bad

>> No.66969006

it's pretty easy to think of it as one ongoing story, IMO

>> No.66969008

Yeah but it's better.

>> No.66969015

I miss Makoto...

>> No.66969024

couldn't he just get mai to do some magic shit and heal her

>> No.66969026

This is probably far better as a VN with you only seeing one route. The more melodrama they add to the same timeline, the more ridiculous it gets.

>> No.66969050

I don't mind this one because it's going to be 20x less retarded and out there than the last one, but I don't think it'll hit as hard.
I need Ayu pls.

>> No.66969060

In the VN are there happy endings or does Makoto still die etc?

>> No.66969071

her magic kaput after she committed sudoku

>> No.66969081

So Fuwawa has a boner for all these tragic stuff, and that's why Mococo loves cheesy rom com movies with happy endings.
It makes sense

>> No.66969083

Mai's powers were sacrificed in exchange for her life being spared.

>> No.66969128

Yeah. Fuwawa likes darker stuff and Mococo likes lighter stuff.

>> No.66969130

oh, i wasn't really paying too much attention to that part.

>> No.66969133

Tragic stuff is good, but there's better written tragic stuff too. Fuwawa needs depressionkino correction.

>> No.66969139

she has keyitis

>> No.66969163

But we'll never watch cute romantic fluff with light drama because the average viewer FUCKING HATES IT.
I just want to cuddle up with Moco-chan and watch stuff like Insomniacs After School.

>> No.66969164

just eat carnivore and you'll be healed of most illnesses

>> No.66969175

the mysterious unnamed anime sickness with 100% fatality rate

>> No.66969186

All Shiori’s character has been thus far has been
>dude I have aids

>> No.66969204

alright i will switch to a diet of only lions

>> No.66969209


>> No.66969246

she sounds like ui

>> No.66969250

Big brother...... Don't remind me

>> No.66969268

but he fucks her in the vn

>> No.66969271


>> No.66969273

Her and every other female in this show. Some even have AIDS AND amnesia.

>> No.66969292
File: 3.79 MB, 1654x1050, Fuwawa Mocochan, can we do this_ I wanna have a snowball fight.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqp6jba.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66969293

she likes ice cream
she's childish and enjoy game even though she's bad at it
you can also say she's possessive due to how she's pursuin yuuichi every damn lunch

>> No.66969308
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x1080, shuba about fuwamoco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're called miracles because they can never happen

>> No.66969319

>Miracles don't happen
>When two arcs ago a literal miracle happened

>> No.66969342


>> No.66969346
File: 63 KB, 190x266, piro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66969352

it's over....

>> No.66969360


>> No.66969363

I just don't understand what he did...

>> No.66969384

Fuck Ayu

>> No.66969397

imagine how easily you could manhandle her

>> No.66969406
File: 114 KB, 452x453, 1702466760239196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not today fucker

>> No.66969427


>> No.66969457


>> No.66969478

>Be a total cunt to your dying sister and make it all about you
What the fuck

>> No.66969498

woman moment

>> No.66969503
File: 329 KB, 454x600, Mococo All I know is that I want to cuddle[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqa2kkf.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66969512

stop calling fuwawa names

>> No.66969523

Japanese curry isn't even spicy

>> No.66969531
File: 140 KB, 600x770, 86f64fc292aa624a713d5da3d1c8f1b7986254a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66969533

I want to fuck Shiori

>> No.66969534 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.07 MB, 1954x2048, 20230716_022844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66969557

>Bad with spicy
They will never be Japanese

>> No.66969559

When did Mococo get a fluffy pillow?

>> No.66969563

she even got a pillow asset
fucking kek

>> No.66969568

why does curry put Mococo to sleep?

>> No.66969570
File: 910 KB, 1081x1080, 1684964524025723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66969575

>prepared a pillow

>> No.66969576

this is when Fuwawa gives you the handjob under the table

>> No.66969577
File: 750 KB, 788x772, 【KANON WATCHALONG】we're not crying, it's just snowing is all ❄️🐾_ 【KANON WATCHALONG】we're not crying, it's just snowing is all ❄️🐾-2024-1-17-231318.996-1080p-streamshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's ngmi

>> No.66969592

>tabasco is gross!
Based character. Disgusting shit, literally just spicy salty vinegar. Millions of infinitely better hot sauces exist.

>> No.66969605

I love her

>> No.66969610

curry upsets her tummy...

>> No.66969636
File: 1.73 MB, 1551x1080, 1698382795665399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shiori is cute

>> No.66969648


>> No.66969650 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 1100x1200, GDaXha-XYAAph3U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66969651

how the fuck are they going to make the takoyaki stream if Mococo is like this

>> No.66969654

I like watching Moco-chan's eyes get droopy.

>> No.66969656

unlike makoto, this one needs to deal with mortality while still sane

>> No.66969678


>> No.66969693

Pero can take over for Mococo

>> No.66969691

her sister is a bitch

>> No.66969694

Every year. thousands of anime girls lose their lives to "Die immediately and tragically just before your 16th birthday" disease. Please cherish your sad anime girls while you can

>> No.66969698

Oh my

>> No.66969703

kaori's a bitch

>> No.66969708
File: 138 KB, 1026x1242, 1705334974954169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66969707

>brought a pillow to sleep while watching

>> No.66969709

so can we all agree kaori is the worst character in this show? what a fucking cunt.

>> No.66969739

One more win for us hag enjoyers.

>> No.66969750

golly gee whiz!

>> No.66969756

not even amano is that much of a cunt honestly

>> No.66969760

This has to be the most boring route thus far. Mai's, while nonsensical with a total tone shift, was at least interesting.

>> No.66969762

People have a hard time coping with death. Shiori has seemingly come to terms with her mortality, but it's understandable that people around her might still have issues.

>> No.66969770
File: 195 KB, 682x1008, sleepymoco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife is extremely sleepy again

>> No.66969796

Without any doubt. I wonder why the fuck her mom doesnt just slap her and says "dont make this about you, stay by your sister's side"
There isnt any good redemption for her actions.

>> No.66969803


>> No.66969807

It's that time of the night where I miss 90% of what happens and watch Moco-chan drifting slowly in and out of sleep instead

>> No.66969809

Why is Mococo so tired lately? This isn’t even that late for them

>> No.66969810

I genuinely have no idea... They have a karaoke then a JST stream. Maybe they'll sleep between, but then their sleep schedule will be even more fucked.
I don't think they thought it through kek

>> No.66969826
File: 593 KB, 714x619, 【KANON WATCHALONG】we're not crying, it's just snowing is all ❄️🐾_ 【KANON WATCHALONG】we're not crying, it's just snowing is all ❄️🐾-2024-1-17-231722.714-1080p-streamshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66969841

because she's not playing a game

>> No.66969849

They're supposed to read the SCs today too aren't they?

>> No.66969855

Mococo... is...

>> No.66969857

She spends all day kissing, touching, and fucking me. Sorry.

>> No.66969864

she's dying...

>> No.66969866

wouldn't say the worst, but she is clearly making a big mistake.

>> No.66969868

Still doesnt changes the fact the one hurting the most is shiori, ignoring her sister until she dies to not feel pain is asshole behavior because she's only thinking about herself.

>> No.66969873


>> No.66969879

I guess it's from waking up early or just the anime being too boring for mococo

>> No.66969904

Because they're not going to bed after FWMC morning recently.

>> No.66969909

Fuwawa didn't do it last night because chat insisted that Mococo go to sleep. They talked about not liking when superchat readings are postponed and piled up, so I guess Fuwawa might just do this solo. Either that, or she'll concede.

>> No.66969918

only one more week...

>> No.66969923

I guess I can just say that I at least understand why. It's not good, but it's understandable.

>> No.66969926

She's maximum comfy. All cozy watching old anime with the wuffians and her sister

>> No.66969933

sleeping shhh

>> No.66969934

I think she's playing into it a little today.

>> No.66969948
File: 968 KB, 661x973, sleepymoco2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sleep tight moco chan

>> No.66969958

Fuwawa talks super fucking loudly into the mic when she's trying to wake Mococo up

>> No.66969988

It’s even more surprising because they watched all 24 episodes of schools days in one sitting with superchats included. My theory is that Moco-chan isn’t as invested and thus the show makes her sleepy.

>> No.66969996

Fuwawa please pay attention

>> No.66970000

I was about to say, I think she's fucking around a bit because she knows people like it.

>> No.66970002

She definitely is. Chat gives her a lot of attention.

>> No.66970010

school days was 12

>> No.66970022

>24 episodes
school days was longer than i remember

>> No.66970021

school days was 12 episodes??

>> No.66970033


>> No.66970042
File: 120 KB, 565x538, 1702434432202725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moco-chan... not tonight. Wake up. Right now.

>> No.66970045

mococo is so cute...

>> No.66970049

Yeah it became a meme/clippable so they're leaning into it, it's only natural

>> No.66970050

She was dreaming of me.

>> No.66970052

BREAKING NEWS: moco chan is straight up dreaming on stream

>> No.66970055

I don't think anyone here would endure 24 episodes in one sitting

>> No.66970065

when did she have time to dream

>> No.66970066

It is that thing that sure makes sense, but also doesnt changes the fact she's an egoistical asshole. Everyone should pray to not have family members like that because they will abandon you without thinking twice.

>> No.66970072

mococo my wife

>> No.66970075


>> No.66970091

This, plus it gives her an out to let her rest more

>> No.66970095

Biboo was talking about wanting to play Palworld with Kaela earlier...

>> No.66970096

>isn't as invested
She pretty much skipped 2-3 episodes yesterday through her delirium and pretty much lost any investment in the characters that should have happened during those episodes.

>> No.66970097

why are dream Biboo and dream Shiori like this

>> No.66970099

i posted this

>> No.66970104
File: 1.19 MB, 1191x1191, 1697549441527614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo is going mad with power. She knows now that she can sleep on stream and get praised for it. She can't be stopped.

>> No.66970103

mococo will dream about the anteater and not ruffians tonight

>> No.66970111

but I watched TTGL in one sitting

>> No.66970114

Mococo is cute but I wish Fuwawa had someone to discuss the show with...

>> No.66970120

i would

>> No.66970129
File: 364 KB, 618x999, Sleep tight moco chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66970138

I'd prefer a realistic character arc over something like "I'm battling the esper scourge! This shit is real!".

>> No.66970145

i am not young anymore...

>> No.66970146

Give me your energy...

>> No.66970147
File: 1.11 MB, 1299x1080, 1704548861104492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if Fuwawa fell asleep during The Princess Switch.

>> No.66970159


>> No.66970164

i can't believe we peaked with makoto

>> No.66970165

I wouldn't blame her

>> No.66970169

young stallions...

>> No.66970181


>> No.66970193
File: 3.96 MB, 732x968, 1687499098801176.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep tight Moco-chan

>> No.66970194

Are you not posting in the chat for her to bounce off of?

>> No.66970197
File: 1.29 MB, 1920x1080, 1704509301391388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa's Fuwawas have been defeated

>> No.66970214

i'm in my 30s

>> No.66970215

Sleep tight Moco-chan!

>> No.66970228

Thank you for seeing my pee post Fuwawa

>> No.66970230

Ayu will get them for sure even if next episode doesn't.

>> No.66970232
File: 176 KB, 329x389, 1693332055156696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wuffians! We're gonna go get some tea!
>I'm gonna make sure Moco-chan is awake again!

>> No.66970233


>> No.66970234


>> No.66970240

Fuwawa is slapping the shit out of Mococo right now.

>> No.66970250

fuwawa is smacking mococo around right now

>> No.66970251


>> No.66970256

I could
you guys are old as fuck

>> No.66970257

power nap time

>> No.66970271

that tea? my piss.

>> No.66970272

Toradora. Done it multiple times. Even did it this year with various friends filtering in and out throughout the day to play games and watch.

>> No.66970274


>> No.66970278

Turns out I have no problem doing twelve still so I'm sure I could do 24 with company like Fuwawa

>> No.66970280

Oh no, Fuwawa is going to abuse Mocochan into waking up.

>> No.66970285

only if it's something I enjoyed

>> No.66970302


>> No.66970304

Makoto made me cry. Mai made me laugh and Shiori so far has me bored. For me the anime ended at episode 10.

>> No.66970311
File: 225 KB, 688x682, 1705164898731642.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66970314
File: 561 KB, 2048x1152, GBh3vj7boAAoGN-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had a couple light days before school days which might have helped

>> No.66970322

HOw is Mococo so cute? she is the best

>> No.66970324


>> No.66970370

One Piece marathon...

>> No.66970386

I ain't hugging you fags

>> No.66970398

If Mococo is playing it up then Fuwawa didn't get the memo cause she sounds like really wishes Mococo would be wide awake kek

>> No.66970404

Like, i dont mind arcs like makoto because even if they are based on magic concepts, at the end of the day they are also focusing on "this is an arc about someone losing their ability to do the most basic things and you'll see their health slowly degrade"
So it works for me.
And i'm not even saying this arc is bad, shiori is a really realistic character that exists irl so seeing her in the story is cool, but she's just a bad person.

>> No.66970407
File: 3 KB, 259x89, 2_what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent all my emotions with makoto as well. I should have budgeted better.

>> No.66970409

I think for FWMC should combine their charm points by having Mococo sleep on Fuwawa's bare fat tits

>> No.66970425 [DELETED] 

I don't like how Kaela is trying to force her way into being an EN Holo.

>> No.66970434
File: 205 KB, 429x464, 1704325679333070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're gonna "chat a little bit more" once we finish. Fuwawa needs Mococo to be as alert as can be when that happens.

>> No.66970456

eh kaela's fine

>> No.66970465

do you really wanna get into this in the fuwamoco thread you retard

>> No.66970466

bro they are the same fucking company shut the fuck up

>> No.66970472

Cry more. There's always been a few ID's who are a bit more EN collab friendly.

>> No.66970485

Just have her intake a 5 hour energy through her rectum.

>> No.66970497

Great idea anon, you should superchat it to them

>> No.66970503

she's dying.
watch streams

>> No.66970507

I like the ela

>> No.66970509
File: 330 KB, 1920x1080, 1694365027557367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you already did but don't

>> No.66970525

why are fags hugging each other in the chat

>> No.66970537

if I had to choose any ID it would be Kaela

>> No.66970540

I'll feed it to her ass like a Mama bird.

>> No.66970548

fuwawas fingering mococo in order to wake her up

>> No.66970550

sorry mogotyan i lub you

>> No.66970560

I did NOT pay attention to that episode.

>> No.66970566

She would prefer to not be sleepy over the anime, but since she can't help it, she chooses to play into it.

>> No.66970573

superchat it, retard.
Kaela is fine, she's extremely autistic and willing to put in time to teach and support other members playing games.

>> No.66970580

I still don’t get the pon de ring 7 spam during morning…

>> No.66970585

I'm gonna go lie down for a bit, rest my eyes for a couple minutes

>> No.66970588

but that'll just make her sleepier?

>> No.66970590


>> No.66970607

Fuwawa should sleep on stream too

>> No.66970619

o7 salute

>> No.66970626

it's the salute to pre-chat which is not included in the archive

>> No.66970629

its like o7 but instead of o its pondering because its a round shape so its looks like it

>> No.66970637

it's supposed to look like a salute

>> No.66970652


>> No.66970654

she wont let mococo cum. shes edging her

>> No.66970658
File: 427 KB, 452x600, Fuwawa Go in, go in, go in.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fyyfb5u.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66970659

i wish my face served as fuwawa's chair

>> No.66970681

its a saluting kaomoji

>> No.66970695

damn you really got the fags butt mad with this one

>> No.66970701

I like you, you're a good diversion from retarded bullshit.
The secret is when the fags are posting, asking an easily answered innocuous question to rerail the thread.

>> No.66970705

As someone who doesn't like fwmc jp streams I kinda feel bad for the indogs who watch kaela speaking English 90% of the time

>> No.66970710

in japanese, a bear is kumo, but a spider is also kumo?

>> No.66970713

>pillow gone
She got punished

>> No.66970716

she doesnt want to accidently sleepfart on stream

>> No.66970731

Pretty weak for one of those

>> No.66970765
File: 344 KB, 556x623, 1705470473284782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sounds even more tired kek.

>> No.66970775

bear is kuma, kumo can be spider or cloud

>> No.66970783
File: 608 KB, 2896x4096, 786687067868768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

instead of rerailing the thread, I would rather just rail Fuwawa

>> No.66970801

still 7 episodes to go...

>> No.66970804

kumon deez nuts

>> No.66970833

I’m actually ngmi.

>> No.66970843

because she did jumping jacks like a retard kek

>> No.66970856

Moco-chan will sleepfart for me though. So who's the real winner here?

>> No.66970877

rice and jam sounds pretty good not gonna lie

>> No.66970885

I like when they say bau bau

>> No.66970900

is taiyaki good

>> No.66970904

>So who's the real winner here?
As always, Fuwawa.

>> No.66970906

They waited for me bros... They do care...

>> No.66970910

Those tiny moans...

>> No.66970911

The rest of the world (outside of JP) speaks English.

>> No.66970934

Did Shiori get cured of her aids?

>> No.66970942

almost half way, ruffians. they are moving at a faster pace tonight than last night.

>> No.66970951
File: 792 KB, 484x550, FuwaMoco Don't think just body slam[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fau7ie0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66970952

Mococo noises are making my penis twitch

>> No.66970971

Shiori Body Slam!

>> No.66970982

God I want Fuwawa to give me a love bodyslam

>> No.66970980
File: 327 KB, 576x520, 1705508822425967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lord stop biting bait

>> No.66970990

She has sudden onset instant death AIDS with zero symptoms.

>> No.66971020

Yeah because Mococo isnt going to make it

>> No.66971023
File: 93 KB, 850x1210, BUTT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not wanting to huff your Oshi's farts.

>> No.66971026

Shiori, despite being active, is going to die immediately in 3 hours. That's how illness works, you see. The body just destroys itself in seconds

>> No.66971029

Shiori's route is extremely boring. Mococo will be more awake later

>> No.66971043

>shiori will never make you too much for lunch

>> No.66971046

Evens and there will be a sc reading after this
Odds and there won’t be

>> No.66971065

buckle up

>> No.66971083

Yeah, I'm not feeling Shiori's route at all. Shiori herself isn't very interesting.

>> No.66971089

I'd rather have a crepe, but it is pretty good.

>> No.66971093

it is just a waffle with filling in the shape of a fish anon. I've had to with cream, Nutella, and red bean paste; all were good.

>> No.66971097

Mococo stands no chance

>> No.66971107

I like that her voice sounds like Shigure Ui

>> No.66971126

i made it this far but I"m just going to let it out at this point, the moaning and gasps are too much jesas

>> No.66971127


>> No.66971133

Yeah but it's even better with friends

>> No.66971159

The issue is how they were able to make a "terminal illness arc" with makoto better than what they're doing with shiori. So even if she's cute seeing makoto's health degrade was 10x sadder than what's going on with shiori.

>> No.66971187

Kek, a yellow ARS…

>> No.66971186

This is actually the Kaori route. Or at least it should be.

>> No.66971197
File: 129 KB, 305x299, 1000002792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good wuffian

>> No.66971213

Trying to turn kaori into a not piece of shit character is also not that compelling.

>> No.66971237

love from kazakhstan
i hate kaori so much it's unreal

>> No.66971256

If I like the stuff with girls with terminal illnesses should I play katawa shoujo

>> No.66971264

shiori is the most straightforward dere and the sweetest of the bunch
it's all just filled with fanservice and everyone being sweet to them
she doesn't even clash with kaori much

which, ironically, made it boring

>> No.66971291

KS is unironically better written than what you've watched so far.

>> No.66971300

was that Mana

>> No.66971301

Poor guy sent half his paycheck on a yellow that won't be read.

>> No.66971307

it's not really terminal diseases but if you like girls with a lot of baggage then yeah

>> No.66971309

How do I get over FOMO so I can sleep

>> No.66971312

greetings from germany
i love kaori so much it's unreal
let's save the frames and kick cancer in the butt

>> No.66971324

the route sucked in the vn too

>> No.66971329

aren't plain scones almost offensive?

>> No.66971343


>> No.66971344

if you want to be saviorfag then yes. though you should read it anyways, its great

>> No.66971361

Someone from germany liking kaori is kinda funny.

>> No.66971374

poor bastard...

>> No.66971389

I miss Narumi…

>> No.66971429

you go to sleep now, and realize later that watching the vod while well rested was much more enjoyable

>> No.66971432

Which is weird because i was ready to be wrecked by her route, i like her a lot. But i wasnt imagining makoto destroying me more than shiori's route.

>> No.66971441

I don't think the anime characters can hear you, carnivoreschizo-chama...

>> No.66971479

What the fuck

>> No.66971482
File: 94 KB, 628x594, 1703259523408711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can fix her.

>> No.66971485

lighten up you fucking women

>> No.66971491

no, realtime makes it 100% better

>> No.66971495

>Japanese "comedy"

>> No.66971503


>> No.66971520

They hate men so fucking much.

>> No.66971523

Are FuwaMoco sticks in the mud?

>> No.66971560

no they're demon guard dogs

>> No.66971570

People meme about the eyes but the production of this anime is very fucking good. There was not a single episode where i saw the production quality melt. It is always pretty.

>> No.66971576

you can't sleep. by the end of this it'll be down to only a handful of chatters in a snail's pace chat with every message read.

plus sleepy moco-chan

>> No.66971584


>> No.66971587

wtf random 180

>> No.66971591

I'm 100% asking them during the next Roar and Response who their favorite MC has been from the VNs we've watched/played so far together.

>> No.66971594

All of them except me. My wives are so faithful

>> No.66971602

>Shiori is the little sister and is about to die

>> No.66971614

They hate me....

>> No.66971619

might as well throw it in fwmc morning

>> No.66971625


>> No.66971634

there were a few parts last night where it looked ruff in spots, but tonight has been solid.

>> No.66971640

She's gonna just die at midnight by the way because Jun Maeda said so

>> No.66971646

is kyoani. They dont drop the ball.

>> No.66971656

I know you're dying in 45 minutes, but lets have a long chat sometime and then we can have ice cream and everything! This isn't melodramatic trash! It's very very heartful!

>> No.66971661

the gradual change happened in her mind

>> No.66971662
File: 854 KB, 835x1067, wuffian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it

>> No.66971676

does yuuichi deserve his harem

>> No.66971679

The list of the men they like is as follows:
Papapuppy, Kuro-chan, Yagoo, Jap-Sama, and the Ruffians.

>> No.66971681

It's a little jarring at first but after the first couple of episodes you don't really notice it

>> No.66971688

Over the course of the couple hours the party lasted?

>> No.66971691


>> No.66971697 [SPOILER] 

Ruffians, will you hold MY hand?

>> No.66971696

What, does he have the Death Note?

>> No.66971711

Wait holy shit, she was there?

>> No.66971724

fuck off fag

>> No.66971729

That we, as in them and us, have played/watched.

>> No.66971730

at least an episode and half

>> No.66971735

not much of a harem when they all fucking die shortly after getting close to them

>> No.66971741


>> No.66971743

...add an hero to the list I guess

>> No.66971746

random self harm wtf

>> No.66971758

Oh god Shiori

>> No.66971760

Yeah i never understood the complaints. I laughed watching the first episode but after that i really dont notice the big eyes.

>> No.66971761

Shiori is a menhera?

>> No.66971766
File: 447 KB, 750x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since you asked nicely, here.

>> No.66971771

Doesnt she have a medical condition? I saw her tweets talking about going to the doctor.

>> No.66971811

remember kids, sideways for attention longways for results

>> No.66971809

Still not anywhere near as rough a cutting scene as in Wonder Egg.

>> No.66971813

damn this bitch is fucking crazy

>> No.66971822

I hate everyone who wrote this shit.

>> No.66971839

i mean she's gonna die anyways, so does it matter if it's earlier rather than later?

>> No.66971845

the fuck is her sister's problem?

>> No.66971848

yes fluffy

>> No.66971864


>> No.66971870

This episode is a lot better because ot isnt focusing as much on her asshole sister.

>> No.66971876

if you must know then check her twitter around September when she was away for a couple days

>> No.66971884


>> No.66971889

I like how the pianist goes hard as fuck during emotional scenes. It completely takes me out, but it's cool.

>> No.66971900
File: 1.98 MB, 540x304, 3b8e68de.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on this level.

>> No.66971905

her sister is the hot one

>> No.66971907

>sister you love pretends you don't exist
I'll give Shiori a pass. She has it rough.

>> No.66971930

Shiori is likeable.

>> No.66971935

Big O watchalong when?

>> No.66971962

Her smile

>> No.66971970

Who the fuck was this >>66907000
This is much worse than Makoto's route

>> No.66971977

If you watch this anime objectively it's about a guy who has a really sick fetish about getting close to girls who are about to die so he never has to follow through on the commitment. Oh and one became a fucking retarded invalid and then died.

>> No.66971990

too based, will never happen

>> No.66972022


>> No.66972034


>> No.66972039

No, at least she still has her brain and isn't a fucking pants shitting moron.

>> No.66972050

I feel like Shiori's route has a lot of potential depending on how you execute it. Maybe in the novel it is better, but i would say the anime does makoto's route better.

>> No.66972060


>> No.66972063

honestly the best thing about this anime is how cute the outfits are

>> No.66972071

Everyone around this guy fucking dies.

>> No.66972088

She died of cinderella syndrome. very sad, very impossible and retarded

>> No.66972103
File: 163 KB, 1280x960, KUYASHI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The terminal disease was suicide
I hate this

>> No.66972109

Thats the whole point.

>> No.66972111

>Big O watchalong when?
never ever...

>> No.66972116

showing the degeneration was more of a tearjerker than "guess I'll die!" shit

>> No.66972123

This town is fucking cursed

>> No.66972129

fwmc tears levels so far
makoto arc 10/10
mai arc like a 3/10
shiori arc like a 5/10

>> No.66972131

Have fun Ruffians and enjoy the extremely slow chat during the Ayu (good) parts. I'll just have to enjoy the VoD tomorrow and not get to interact.

>> No.66972141

The thing about makoto is how we get around 10 episodes of random interactions with her so seeing her become weaker and weaker hits harder, because we know how active and happy she is all the time.

>> No.66972142


>> No.66972148

sleep tight oji-san

>> No.66972163

wait the shiori arc is fucking over just like that? what happened?

>> No.66972169

I will be sure to hold their hands gently for you, ojisan.

>> No.66972192


>> No.66972195

her arc was over so she vanished

>> No.66972200

Sleep tight, Oji-san!

>> No.66972206

Shiori went back to her home planet

>> No.66972212

I mean she talked about it recently too.

>> No.66972227

They should read Narcissu

>> No.66972234

>2k ccv
wow holy shit what happened? did everyone fall asleep?

>> No.66972265

In the VN she survives in the good end, but they can't show an epilogue since they're not dating in the anime.

>> No.66972266

There is no way they haven't read Narcissu

>> No.66972268

shiori knew her relationship with yuuichi had peaked and left and decides to cut off contact so he doesn't have to see her get weaker by the day until she's dead

>> No.66972273

people get so depressed they can't even kill themselves, so when they get a boost of energy it lets them finally kill themselves

>> No.66972278

happened to me the whole school time, I get her, even the self harm bit, is really shitty when people you care about treat you like that, you can't help but love them and you never understand why they don't love you too

>> No.66972306

only the marriageable candidates remain

>> No.66972321

Young Ayu is reaaaally cute

>> No.66972329

Very good point, ruffian

>> No.66972338

At first I thought this was a tragedy, but now I know it's a comedy

>> No.66972340

i think the stream was botted, this happened last time as well

>> No.66972346
File: 55 KB, 567x534, 1705510087807752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 more episodes and then a superchat reading

>> No.66972348

Have you been read tonight

>> No.66972353

yeah, i wish she didn't have ugly short hair now.

>> No.66972360

chumbud no

>> No.66972370

Have they read any of Uchikoshi's VNs? Maybe not their usual style but it'd be wild to see them try to figure it out

>> No.66972399
File: 1.15 MB, 2731x4096, F-LLvO4aUAA-Jkw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least I can step away from my PC during the sc reading and lay down in bed.

>> No.66972428
File: 50 KB, 256x327, Killer7boxnew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but with the entire body of work of Suda51

>> No.66972444

I just realized the OP spoiled all the ending scene

>> No.66972456

no retard, he means it went from 3k to 2k

>> No.66972471

Once at the start before episode 1 and that’s good enough for me.

>> No.66972478

I failed to kill myself, you are right, that is how it works, I live with fear of that happening again so I rot away trying to die by not trying to stay alive

>> No.66972480
File: 598 KB, 452x600, Fuwawa I'm concerned, Ruffians.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fsc6itv.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66972484

It's too fucking late for 12 episodes. Same thing happened yesterday. Turns out a lot of people have to wake up for work in the morning.

>> No.66972485

OP spoils everything, you just never realize it at the time

>> No.66972494

they're going to make us watch kanon 2002 too, aren't they?

>> No.66972506

ah i see, i wasn't paying attention to the numbers. weird we had 3k because during the end of last stream we only had around 2k.

>> No.66972507

>The thing about makoto is how we get around 10 episodes of random interactions with her so seeing her become weaker and weaker hits harder, because we know how active and happy she is all the time.
All those scenes where she keeps doing pranks on yuuichi are great.
I doubt any girl will top makoto and ayu because they were being built since the start of the story.

>> No.66972515

no and if I don't by the end of the stream I'm going to Shiori myself

>> No.66972517

No More Heroes with the 3D models would be great too

>> No.66972523

You don't know much either because THIS DISEASE MAKES NO SENSE

>> No.66972542

what are you? european?

>> No.66972613

what episodes are the akiko route?

>> No.66972655

a couple times yeah. I didn't get read at all yesterday though, so it evens out.

>> No.66972658

They had 2.7k. Mori raided them to 5.4k and they retained some of it, so they ended at 3.8k. 2.3k peak for a part II is really good. Alot of holos cant even hit that for a normal movie.

>> No.66972679

unfortunately and fortunately, it's in oyakodon route

>> No.66972682

It's anywhere from 9pm to 12am in NA right now. If you have to be up for work in the morning at 7ish and want to get at least 6 hours, it cuts off everyone but the Pacific side, and that's if they only want a max of 6 hours of sleep bfore a workday.
If it would have been the weekend or a holiday like it was for School Days, they would have had more.

>> No.66972695


>> No.66972713


>> No.66972755

Nayuki is such a great girl I wish she were the main girl. Ayu is fine I suppose....

>> No.66972754

She did it because of him Mococo!

>> No.66972764

>losing at the end
That other girl has to feel like shit.

>> No.66972768

>barely even running
"womens sports"

>> No.66972776

I think they're all pretty good!

>> No.66972789

>be up for work in the morning at 7ish
jesas how horrifying

>> No.66972805

she's been there for all other route supporting yuuichi
she's the de facto main girl in the anime

>> No.66972808

So the perpetually cold city is actually purgatory or some shit right?

>> No.66972810
File: 1.86 MB, 3200x2400, F7Vklp8bYAAagm_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66972848

Yeah and Ayu is a literal angel.
Actually I don't know.

>> No.66972851

Nayuki might not be the main girl bit she's certainly best for me.

>> No.66972879

Yeah, I get about four hours after these, and that's if I fall asleep right away

>> No.66972881

Was she. I think she's great but i only see her sleeping, i feel like ayu was in more routes.

>> No.66972919
File: 296 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Kaginado - 20 (1080p) [B21D4FDF].mkv_snapshot_00.31_[2023.04.08_12.17.14].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66972936

So is Shiori dead? I thought there might be a bit more closure to her route.

>> No.66972937


>> No.66972939

i don't care for ayu

>> No.66972940

9-5s dont exist anymore. 8-4 is the new normal shift
though i have to be at work before 8 so i wake up at 6:30 with a hangover tomorrow

>> No.66972962

wtf are you talking about? Kaori doesn't have a sister

>> No.66972978

Ayu is a rare event where i dont mind the main girl being the main girl. I think they do a nice job with her.

>> No.66972983

I would care for Ayu if she were an actual child and not a fucking hag.

>> No.66972984
File: 2.63 MB, 642x600, 1000002738.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*heavy panting*
why is she like this?

>> No.66972997

She died of terminal end-of-route

>> No.66973000

this the thing from attack on titan, right?

>> No.66973038
File: 401 KB, 1024x1024, fuwapat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love her.

>> No.66973046

>Ayu is a rare event where i dont mind the main girl being the main girl. I think they do a nice job with her.
I think the fact she isnt a generic tsundere helps a lot. She is sweet.

>> No.66973061

>ayu in a tree
can't wait for the scene of her in a tree with a noose around her neck thinking about jumping off

>> No.66973075

she helps makoto
she soothes MC during the demon shenanigans
she coordinates the shiori farewell
she helps ayu when akiko's sick
she's the "normal" that keeps yuuichi sane in the midst of all this mystical bullshit

>> No.66973106

>slippers just sitting outside in the snow
do nips really?

>> No.66973121

I think you're overstating things. She's mostly just kind of there, and is nice when she's given screen time.

>> No.66973155

But i see this more because she's in the house where everything happens, if we're talking about meaningful talks and interactions i feel like ayu is a lot better executed. The whole anime is her route.
Most of the interactions with nayuki are about her sleepy gimmick, i wish it was different, i also like her.

>> No.66973157

I do that if I won't be outside for long

>> No.66973175

Worse. Those were open toed.
Writing rom coms and actually understanding winter weather are mutually exclusive.

>> No.66973198


>> No.66973203

they were sitting outside in the snow. he opened the door, stepped into cold soggy slipper, and then went outside.

>> No.66973218


>> No.66973223

only real ruffians are left
all the others not watching are fake ruffians

>> No.66973229


>> No.66973234

i need a sad scene again to get fuwawa's heavy breathing. I'm softening up...

>> No.66973237

>i always came first and waited for you
What did Ayu mean by this?

>> No.66973244

Ayu gets really good at the last episodes

>> No.66973283

alright, passed the real ruffian test, heading to bed now, later nerds

>> No.66973287

>Have you ever watched as someone important to you slipped away?
Uh, yeah

>> No.66973288

To be honest 12 episodes every day is brutal. I'm kinda surprised i'm watching this these last 2 days. It really grabbed me.

>> No.66973303

>have you experienced this?
>Yeah, this my fourth playthrough

>> No.66973325


>> No.66973338

her route is locked behind finishing other route isn't she
this scene won't happen if you haven't finished the others, right?

>> No.66973344

Fuwawa is getting hot

>> No.66973348

i think it's kino, personally.

>> No.66973352


>> No.66973354


>> No.66973366


>> No.66973374 [DELETED] 

||I have to get up for work at 530 to get to work by 630.

Being a cook is suffering||

>> No.66973377

so where can i pick up retarded girls like this?

>> No.66973386


>> No.66973384

all the death made them horny

>> No.66973389

Wait, there are too many episodes left, wasnt this supposed to be the nayuki route before ayu?

>> No.66973393

screen the kiss

>> No.66973394


>> No.66973400

Ayubros I never had a doubt but it feels good to win

>> No.66973412

they must have skipped nayuki

>> No.66973414


>> No.66973423

i want fuwamoco to one day do an ori song that is meant to feel like and ed with them running in the mv

>> No.66973427


>> No.66973437
File: 2.33 MB, 1239x2000, 1694357600051081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanon's message:
- The younger you meet, the stronger love
- therefore, incest relationships are the strongest
- twincest is the ultimate form of love

>> No.66973444

Yeah i really dont know now.

>> No.66973446


>> No.66973451

That shot with the tear drop reflecting between them was genuine CINEMA

>> No.66973471

>The montage of all the bullshit
I feel bad for laughing

>> No.66973480


>> No.66973481

>would you kiss a girl if her nose is running
this is very important to mococo because of her allergies. i hope you answered correctly, ruffians.

>> No.66973483

like 3/4 of her competition died bro

>> No.66973484


>> No.66973485

dude i was about to tap out and now they're kissing wtf

>> No.66973495

expected of kynoani

>> No.66973497

Nayuki is on the op, she wont be cut, it would be weird...right?

>> No.66973505

natural selection

>> No.66973542

I instantly said yes. I'll kiss her as she sneezes into my mouth

>> No.66973545

Ayu is the main route and true heroine so it must continue all the way through

>> No.66973562
File: 219 KB, 1536x2048, GEGUAUIX0AA31rX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66973586

I always expected that, but if nayuki was cut even if she's there since the start, that's really really weird.

>> No.66973611


>> No.66973635

She's talking about porn

>> No.66973639

They both relate to what happened 7 years ago and Nayuki route is pretty short anyway so they're probably mixing them (while removing Nayuki's romance).

>> No.66973647
File: 229 KB, 454x600, Mococo Would you kiss a girl if her nose was running_[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbig2fs.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66973662


>> No.66973667

Aye, last episode for me. I have work tomorrow.

>> No.66973671


>> No.66973690

i watched this before i cant remember what happens to nayuki tho

>> No.66973701

akiko is for the doujinshis

>> No.66973707

I imagined that. It is probably a scenario where romance in their routes cant be cut and both of them are connected. So nayuki got the short end of the stick.

>> No.66973709

holy sex

>> No.66973711 [DELETED] 
File: 2.98 MB, 576x1024, 1703661131952035.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66973712

nayuki is his fucking cousin. that is degusting, and everyone here would agree incest is bad.

>> No.66973736


>> No.66973740

>hot breath at each other

>> No.66973755

i don't think incest is bad (as long as there isn't a history of incest in the family tree)

>> No.66973758

yuuichi is like one of the only good harem anime protagonists

>> No.66973763

this is way too fast

>> No.66973762

>I imagined that. It is probably a scenario where romance in their routes cant be cut and both of them are connected. So nayuki got the short end of the stick.
Nayuki bros...

>> No.66973775

cousin is legal

>> No.66973776
File: 229 KB, 1920x1080, [MTBB] Kanon (2006) - 20 [E5713CCD].mkv_snapshot_00_00_41.166_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A woman would never say this to me...

>> No.66973787

There's too much time left this is bad

>> No.66973797

be honest. how would you react if a girl you knew kissed you out of the blue then confessed?

>> No.66973799

>i love you

>> No.66973815

i would say "i love you" probably

>> No.66973816


>> No.66973827

honestly ive gotten into 2 relationships way more quickly

>> No.66973835

Everyone is fine with a High school student kissing what looks to be an elementary school kid.

>> No.66973838

This mc works fast, i kneel.

>> No.66973843

I only know family...

>> No.66973848

cum, then cry

>> No.66973852

insert the tongue

>> No.66973851

It happened before
I turned her down because I liked someone else

>> No.66973854

I'd walk away because that girl isn't FuwaMoco.

>> No.66973866

It's not like Fuwamoco live together, they just HAPPEN to live together

>> No.66973871

she's been at the house and been along for two other routes, yubikiri'd 7yrs ago, ain't nothing fast

>> No.66973878


>> No.66973887

theyre the same age in the vn

>> No.66973894

Why do they freak out so much about a public light kiss? It's not like they were making out.

>> No.66973896


>> No.66973913
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Is public kissing a big deal?

>> No.66973919

not really

>> No.66973921

Nayuki has super woman senses

>> No.66973922

They're japanese

>> No.66973924

>everyone here would agree incest is bad.
lmao even

>> No.66973929

It is funny because they dont even live in japan.

>> No.66973931

Not if you're a WHORE.

>> No.66973944
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this happened to me... i did nothing...

>> No.66973953

depends on the girl obviously

>> No.66973964

they are kissless virgins so it is embarrassing

>> No.66973977

wait, ayu is sex?

>> No.66973981


>> No.66973988

Is nayuki really going to be the only one with a cucked route...

>> No.66973987


>> No.66973995

They wish.

>> No.66974002

>I like d*ck!

>> No.66974006

3d duck jumpscare

>> No.66974005

Reject her because I have FWMC

>> No.66974007

in the end, there's no animal abuse in shiori's route

>> No.66974020

I said no...

>> No.66974025

>early 2000s cg rubber duck
best character

>> No.66974032

during the kiss scene, I'm kinda expecting her watching from afar like in WA2 honestly

>> No.66974045

SC reading might have under 1500 people...

>> No.66974060


>> No.66974076

eww salad during breakfast

>> No.66974082
File: 41 KB, 428x371, 1675351003876586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes happy couples deserve death

>> No.66974086


>> No.66974090

My heart falls for Fuwawa every time she giggles...

>> No.66974095

so why are the girls uniforms like santa themed?

>> No.66974102
File: 275 KB, 512x512, 1690264462667436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66974113

>nayuki not sleepy no more
>tfw her being sleepy is because she's comfy around yuuichi, but no more

>> No.66974121

Kissing, no.
Making out, yes.
