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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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66638270 No.66638270 [Reply] [Original]

>collab where Marine and Okayu are reading holomems profile
>read every JP profile and even DEV_IS
>skips EN and ID
This proves once again the JP girls don't want unity in Hololive, whenever they are merciful enough to collab with EN it's either to leech from them or pose as a saint and gain sympathy. But just look at this if the management doesn't tell them to put EN they will just do as if it doesn't exist staying in their small JP racist bubble seething about ENs growing more and more each day without management support.
JPs were served on a silver plate with full management support, competent managers who they are close to, 3d debut within 6 months and even 2 3D streams a year while EN had nothing. I still remember when they first debuted and how the JP girls were all depressed because it was the end of their domination, just watch the clips of gokisei saying they were fucking afraid of Myth back in the day. A gen as promising as Myth will never exist again because the JP side knows only an oversea gen can be that popular and they don't want to be overshadowed by some "filthy gaijins".
The JP girls have been sabotaging the EN girls for over 3 years now, they made a shitty Vsinger which ruined all the unity and on top of that gave her an atrocious model, then released Sana and upper management basically bullied her out of Hololive. And when HoloEN was at its lowest after all these spiteful attack they fucking released two homo gens and convinced some of the girls to go full homoslut mode and that's how we forever lost Kronii and Ame. No wonder that's when Gura stopped streaming probably to fight against upper management who have been fucking them over and over for years.
And now that Advent is popular we see the same girls who were shitting on EN like Pekora leeching them as much as possible because they know the twins will soon overcome her and all of JP.

>Shion, Okayu somehow being Gura's fans
Most blatant leeching I've ever seen
>Guramarine song
Again just Marine using the most popular vtuber in the world to advertise her song

And now we have BauPeko for max virtue points and leeching

>> No.66638301

Not reading all that kys scizo

>> No.66638303

I'm not reading all of that

>> No.66638331

Mucho texto

>> No.66638370

Honestly based. Close the borders

>> No.66638404

Pekora farming Gura as a 3D guest was the most blatant case of leeching I have ever seen in all of hololive probably

>> No.66638406

It's not that long and when you will start your will understand I'm right.
How is fucking is being a spiteful cunt "Based"?

>> No.66638450

I love the smell of ENcel seethe in the morning. You will always be inferior. You will never be relevant.

>> No.66638465

20 words or less

>> No.66638482

Sorry I did some typo, I'm still tremulous thinking about that shit.

>> No.66638502

Why do all the schizos thinking we will read 9 page essays show up at this hour

>> No.66638694


>> No.66638744

faggots, nijicunts

>> No.66638746

begging kek

>> No.66638755

Did Selen get terminated or something else sisters ?

>> No.66638785

That's you JPcuck

>> No.66638799

Im just sad for bae to be honest.

>> No.66638847

>afraid of Myth
>will soon overcome her and all of JP
holy delusional

>> No.66638938

>>skips EN and ID

>> No.66639040

Dont mind this guy, He was a faggot that got banned in # and has now posted his retardation in the catalogue because he was laughed at there

>> No.66639060

ENcel mald. Stop begging for affirmative action kek

>> No.66639088

Nobody cares about the flash in the pan that was EN vtubing

>> No.66639100


>> No.66639136

They clearly said hololive members not sidebranches, stop sperging out.

>> No.66639137
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>> No.66639182

you called them racist and you don't expect me to call them based?

>> No.66639251
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Watch ENfag's mind get blown when he realizes for the first time every branch other than JP is just a side dish to the main attraction.

>> No.66639294

Imagine the height of these likely asian individuals.

>> No.66639339

All of this is true, but honestly it's good they keep JP insulated and I hope they keep doing it. It's the only reason JP content is quality and different from western garbage.
All the EN girls content has been dissapointing western garbage, popular in the west because western garbage is mainstream. FuwaMoco is the closest there is to JP-style content, but its still only JP-style, not JP content.

>> No.66639343

>holo vs holo thread
rope yourself

>> No.66639472
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>> No.66639487
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This is what the average JP only connoisseur looks like

>> No.66639524
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>Holo vs Holo
I love that we are at a point where Holo is only being compared to other Holo, because it shows that there is no one else worth comparing to anymore.

>> No.66639541

Marine wants her stream to be entertaining. I don't blame her for not talking about ENs she knows fuck all about and her Japanese speaking audience knows fuck all about. There's nothing interesting for them to say without context, not like they have for their fellow Japanese members.

Marine gets nervous about the idea of inviting any Holo who can't speak Japanese very well on her stream. It's not fun seeing people fail to communicate, or only communicate incredibly basic things to each other.

>> No.66639628

NTA but Myth was crushing JP for months after debut, then suddenly one night it stopped. Along with any help from Cover management. Hmmm...

>> No.66639794

Well, NijiEN is basically non-existent by now so who else is there to around to compete? Everyone else is whoring on twitch full speed.

>> No.66639852

They never do ID/EN in those streams. Like ever.
The only "surprise" would be the Regloss shilling, but at that point you should know they're basically JP7, and that they have to appear everywhere no matter what (call it new gen leeching or company mandate, I don't know).

>> No.66639888

There simply is never going to be "true unity" when you can't even understand each other. op knows this but is being deliberately retarded because he's a sea monkey faggot

>> No.66639997

This is a truly, genuinely mentally ill post. I don't mean it in the 4chan way like "lol ur a schizo"I mean genuinely you have mental problems and should probably go seek therapy. Goddamn.

>> No.66640044

I'm sorry, let my apologize with another HoloX3D live.

>> No.66640205

EN will never be popular or relevant. Deal with it, cuck.

>> No.66640387

/Nijinigger/ Thread

>> No.66640436

they also didn't read the staff ones.

>> No.66640491

clearly marine hates A-chan and Nodoka

>> No.66640559

That guy looks like he only speaks English and Latin to attend Catholic service.

>> No.66640614

If you ever thought the popular JP were doing anything other than leeching, you're dead wrong. There's a reason why most of them won't do shit with EN beyond Fauna, FuwaMoco, and Gura, despite 2/3 of those not even speaking kindergrardener level Japanese.

>> No.66640893

Marine had Kiara, Bae, and Reine over to do off-collab streams. Because they can speak Japanese somewhat. Marine, at least, cares whether people can speak Japanese. Because that's what determines whether they can be an asset on stream and actually contribute anything.

>> No.66640919

FuwaMoco are Pekora's long lost sisters
They were cerberus once but got seperated because Moon goddess found out that she's a rabbit princess larping as a demon dog but FuwaMocoPeko are still sisters

>> No.66640961

Oh boy that's a lot of text, sister.

>> No.66641056
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It's almost like it's Japanese company or something

>> No.66641080

This is why marine is my oshi

>> No.66641095

Woah there Dickens, I didn’t come to read a fuckin novel

>> No.66641108

Mori and Kiara have the most JP collabs in EN...
Speaking Japanese helps secure JP collabs. Who would have thought?

>> No.66641352

Gura had a collab with popular JPs?? Any examples?

>> No.66641661
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>its another "holo vs holo" thread

>> No.66641940

Anon, maybe they can't read English or Indonesian?

>> No.66641951

what nijisanji do this time?

>> No.66642009

>Peko tries to force her way into being their sister
>Meanwhile the sisters ask Polka to be their sister, and refer to her as nee-san
Just saying.

>> No.66642101

Oh they did regloss? Did they figure out what the fuck they are supposed to be?

>> No.66642139

Pekora is the ultimate leeching whore
Don't generalize it as a JP thing

>> No.66642184

I remember when Micomet had to resort to the hi honey meme during the meeting in Taiwan, they know people will never fully understand Japanese (despite what fags with yellow fever have to say about this) so English babbling is the only way, funny

>> No.66642227

Subhuman nijifag made that post

>> No.66642293

Wasn't it singapore? If they were actually in Taiwan instead you would probably actually get a lot of Japanese speakers, it was a Japanese colony before the current admin.

>> No.66642295

theyre hololive

>> No.66642366

Between Pomu's graduation, Selen's suspension/termination, and rumors of Petra's graduation, maybe the fact NijiEN's days are numbered.

>> No.66642379

And HoloEN isn't?

>> No.66642666

Honestly an accurate observation but faggots are just gonna handwave it away as if it was some schizo rambling or some nijicuck boogeyman as always.

>> No.66642735

How does that have anything to do with leeching EN? Using English is leeching now?

>> No.66642740


>> No.66642752
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eat shit ENtrash

>> No.66642797

they're special guests or pets if you want to be mean

>> No.66642826

i only post here because theres no fuwamoco threas

>> No.66643081

Last year proved that HoloEN was the most profitable branch, JPfag

It's JP that's a side branch to Jap's Hololive.

>> No.66643179

>it's either to leech from them or pose as a saint and gain sympathy
I blame Usada Pekora for this it all started with her 'hey moona'
They saw her number incline once she found Moona so every JP girls went looking for their own version of Moona or at least an accessory for number boost
Marine with Gura
Miko tried with Ame but sadly failed
Suisei with Mori
Korone with Risu
Leeching runs in Japanese blood

>> No.66643208

>holo vs holo

>> No.66643224

>no proof

>> No.66643388

It's accurate, JPfag. Hololive is better off without that dying branch now. Advent mindbroke everyone.

>> No.66643421

>And now we have BauPeko for max virtue points and leeching

you dumb fuck. Peko-chad was flexing on the teletubby twins by stealing the one thing they have, the stupid fucking bau bau. She knows full well they're gonna sink into obscurity once people are sick of their one trick and decided to speed up the process. Literal 200 IQ rabbit

>> No.66643469

The only mindbroken retard here is you

>> No.66643498

Threads like these make me unbelievably smug as fuck because I know for an objective fact that people like OP are correct and know that Advent was the dagger in the Japanese that effectively made Hololive live and die by EN. Especially with the abomination of the year that 2023 was if not for Advent, Jap, and CGDCT being normalised in EN and forsook in JP with the e-celeb and homo onahole streams multiplying and intensifying. You all kneel to OP because he is correct, and so are the rest of the people who bankroll this god forsaken black company, us unicorns.

>> No.66643509

>this fucking thread
EN only fans are truly pathetic.

>> No.66643597

YWNBJ and KYS already JPfag. Hololive is not for you anymore.

>> No.66643610

sorry but pekora is not this based
she might be slightly racist and a bigot but she's not a supervillain

>> No.66643648

I'm thinking based. Fuck ENemies and IDiots.

>> No.66643757

They explicitly addressed them skipping EN/ID, they didn't want the stream to run too long and didn't know enough about a lot of the sidebranch talents to say anything meaningful

>> No.66643780


>> No.66643797

She's in for a rude awakening

>I want to join Hoshimatic project
Sorry, you're too good at dancing and will make the other girls look bad

>I want to release a cover with all of EN
Sorry, our artists couldn't finish their work in time

>I want to do a 3d stream
Sorry, from now on, everyone only gets 1 3d project every year

>I want to collab with senpai
Sorry, her schedule's fully booked for the next 6 months

>> No.66643848

Bullshit. They can't say anything about Hololive's most profitable and well-known branch? This is why Hololive will never go directions on the world's stage. If Fagoo just stepped down and let Jap Man Ting take over, Hololive may supersede both Nijisanji in valuation and mog Kadokawa in valuation as well.

>> No.66643885

>No wonder that's when Gura stopped streaming probably to fight against upper management who have been fucking them over and over for years.
I really love how you just HAD to somehopw spin your psychosis rant into justifying Gura no streaming LOL!

>> No.66643952


>> No.66643963

Fauna's a weird example to throw in because the only one who does anything with her is Watame who is not popular herself and just genuinely has a Fauna fetish. Plus, Fauna's been so cold that even Watame has ultimately moved on.

>> No.66644052

>most profitable and well-known branch
Okay this is a bait right?

>> No.66644058
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My wife is based. Fuck Mukkun's cocksleeve.

>> No.66644073

The separation was bound to happen after en got large enough to be self sufficient.
Myth on its own could easily be incorporated into jp. Once council was there, en had to be able to stand by itself.
The opposite can be seen with id. For the most part they have been absorbed by en or jp and just use some indonesian on top. Though since id gen 3 this isn't completely true anymore too. The spaced out 3 person generation didn't give them critical mass.

>> No.66644097
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>They can't say anything about Hololive's most profitable and well-known branch?
They did, that was what they covered for their entire stream.

>> No.66644104

He's right, JPcuck. It's not 2022 anymore. Advent and Jap gave HoloEN the unicorns' love while JP has been nosediving since Advent's debut since in everything from merch sales to CCV to SCs to sub growth.

>> No.66644111

Miko's thing with Kaela was better than her thing with Ame ever was. Mel's the one who tried to make Ame hers. And I think it's retardedly cynical to call it leeching, more like they all want their personal pet gaijin since most of them are westaboos.

>> No.66644114

Pekora uses the hard R
Pekora crosses to the other side of the street when a gaijin approaches in the opposite direction
Pekora only orders uber eats from places that don't have an english menu
Pekora doesn't make eye contact with foreigners at the Cover offices
Pekora posts random slurs on 5ch after every stream
Pekora only masturbates to japanese porn

>> No.66644149

And yet, HoloEN had it's best year yet with Advent, Jap, CTW, and CGDCT being the norm. JP on the other hand fell off a cliff with the IPO, ReFLOP, HLZNTL, VCR GTA, and Omega being transferred to the JP branch.

>> No.66644212

When did Okayu get the NTR heroine bangs?

>> No.66644227

Literally false (other than sub growth which was inflated to begin with because of the pandemic boom, and even then marine is growing faster than anyone)

If you want to talk about actual problems in the main branch you can point to management clearly trying to push more eceleb shit like VCR GTA to try and court riajuu, but even then it's mostly just the established homocollabers who are doing that

>> No.66644283

ReGloss isn't part of Hololive JP. EN's 2023 was mostly Tempus and nothing else.

>> No.66644292

was quietly shuffled because they figured out that the hololive audience doesn't give a fuck about esports

If you think that's a relevant problem you're either a /hlgg/ subhuman or (more likely) a falseflagging niji/phasefag

>> No.66644335

It's not 2021 anymore. VTuber boom is over in the West, you're completely delusional.

>> No.66644373

Fauna is a weird example, but in the last two months she appeared as the sole EN in Nene, Koyori, and Watame's 3d lives. Also, she was 1 of the 2 ENs (and only White woman) in the holoSEX unit during the summer.

>> No.66644403

>JP has been nosediving since Advent's debut
what fucking world do the retards in this board live in?

>> No.66644472

They come from the nijisister doxsite. You wouldn't believe the shit you can find there

>> No.66644482
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>> No.66644540
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from 2021 to 2023
Every JP inclined except Flare
Every EN reclined except Fauna

>> No.66644579

>just the established homocollabers
Explain Korone and Aki then

>> No.66644621

It will probably just get brought back as something different. And the mixed gender SF6 tournament was close to happening but the homo behind it chickened out last minute.

>> No.66644628

No way some of them here actually think Advent is doing better than JP
Advent is being highly praised because the EN was being shit. Nobody was expecting the good from EN anymore so Advent was a big surprise
As for JP, Marine is by far the most popular vtuber in the world rn, Pekora is just doing Pekora thing, and Miko is at her all time high.
If you don't care about some unpopular ones doing homo collabs, which you shouldn't even care in the first place, JP is just doing fine and EN can't even imagine doing their "fine"

>> No.66644633

proof that japan is racist

>> No.66644642

because she plays ungodly amount of Splatoon to 6 AM, nobody is watching that shit for that long, at least back in 20/21 she was playing Meincraft

>> No.66644658

>Connect the World
>Jap Man Ting
>all positive strides for Hololive if not the most telling contributions
You're the delusional one.
Since they allowed homos and fleshies and ruined the kino experience that once made Hololive great.

>> No.66644668

Ogey I only talked about why the separation between en and jp happened without any malice. No need to mention any numbers.

>> No.66644727

Almost as if they can't read Engrish or caveman.

>> No.66644743

>No way some of them here actually think Advent is doing better than JP
Advent isn't the one inviting homos or fleshies on stream
>Advent is being highly praised because the EN was being shit. Nobody was expecting the good from EN anymore so Advent was a big surprise
Advent is being praised because it's a return to the core of what made Hololive once great. Cute girls doing the things you love for the people that are fans of the things you love. Males objectively ruin the experience and this is the path JP took.
>As for JP, Marine is by far the most popular vtuber in the world rn, Pekora is just doing Pekora thing, and Miko is at her all time high.
3 leeches are nowhere near the magnitude of popularity that Fuwamoco and debatably Bijou have reached since their debuts. They have the potential to make Hololive a GLOBAL power.
>If you don't care about some unpopular ones doing homo collabs, which you shouldn't even care in the first place, JP is just doing fine and EN can't even imagine doing their "fine"
And you are a tourist and a cuckold.

>> No.66644749

because no one (good) in en streams

>> No.66644757

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>> No.66644790

FWMC are the most popular Holos in the world right now. Yes, #1 in Japan too. Bijou is inclining very hard right now too thanks to her viral song. The Japanese think it's cuter than any corposlop vocaloidslop cover.

>> No.66644812

meh you're making your shitposting too obvious now. it's not funny if it's too in-your-face, try harder.

>> No.66644839


>> No.66644881

You know I am correct. It's just retarded cucks like you who just simply put their faces in the sand when they realise the gravity of what males have done to ruin the sovl of Hololive as Advent is a return to that essence.

>> No.66644892

We literally have on record from most of the EN girls that Marine is very supportive. Why even try to make a rrat out of this

>> No.66644922

Like the other anon said you are trying to hard now. At first I really did believe you were just a delusional ENonly but now I see you are just shitposting. No more (you) from me now. Bye.

>> No.66644936

nope, not doing it for me. you suck at this.

>> No.66644947

Then why the fuck did she skip over them, faggot? Just proves all the more what a horrid two-faced bitch she is.

>> No.66644969

All shit that literally no one outside /here/ knows or cares about. VTubers were a fad in the West for a year, in Japan they permeate pop culture, stop the cope and get the rope

>> No.66644989

>FWMC are the most popular Holos in the world right now
>can't even bring 30k+ consistently
what kind of joke is this

>> No.66644991


>> No.66644993

>just shitposting
It must suck living in denial mate. There is unironically nothing good about JP right now. Advent has them completely beat in everything possible.
The silent majority knows I am right, unlike you, sis. Enjoy your homos and fleshies.

>> No.66645044

>Then why the fuck did she skip over them, faggot?
see >>66639541

>> No.66645046

Why are you downplaying the successes of Connect the World and Advent? Hololive had its worst year last year if not for both.

>> No.66645085

Based numberchad

>> No.66645086

I don't fucking know, maybe because they were just reading off the fucking Japanese profiles? You said they skipped over ID, too, and last I checked, DEV's JP, too.

Its rare but somehow miraculously Marine loves her coworkers. I don't know enough about Okayu beyond streams but she's too mellow and good vibes to be the type of person you are projecting her to be.

What a stupid thread.

>> No.66645091

I'm not Marineschizo. What makes you think that?
Bullshit. She said all of Hololive but instead skipped over the only Holos that made 2023 a worthwhile year for the entire black company.

>> No.66645097


>> No.66645106


>> No.66645141

>Its rare but somehow miraculously Marine loves her coworker
Enough for her to skip over the people that contributed the most to Hololive's successes in 2023 and leeches for them when she isn't ignoring those that mog her.

Horrid and two-faced aren't even enough to describe what a terrible person she is.

>> No.66645154

It's someone trying too hard to make ENfags look delusional on purpose

>> No.66645175

Marine buying into the boxpush mentality is such a boon for hololive. She really tries to instil a culture of rising tides lifting all boats from the top down.

>> No.66645190

JPfags are the delusional ones. They actually believe that homos and fleshies are acceptable when in fact they do nothing but alienate the core fanbase that moved onto EN as they provided that refuge. Jap Man Ting I kneel.

>> No.66645197
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Bro, what is your fucking prerogative right now what the hell?

>> No.66645206

And if EN did the same stream, would they talk about JPs too? Obviously not.
JP and EN shared same fans long ago but now they are vastly different. Nobody wants them to talk about different branch for another hour

>> No.66645226
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i'm a ruffian but you don't have to straight up lie

>> No.66645229

>Hololive had its worst year last year if not for both.
Lol Pekora's sololive sold out every seat. How is that bad for Hololive? For HoloEN, maybe.

>> No.66645242
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>they know this a bait thread
>they know
>abort the shitposting

>> No.66645251

By skipping them over when not leeching them for this stream? Her Shinkiro VODs are all Chumbuds. And they know that Marine is just desperate for mindshare she doesn't have as Gura is the most subbed for a reason.

>> No.66645255

HoloEN is not Hololive.

>> No.66645271

See? 66645190
I dunno if the dude thinks he's being funny or what but it got old real quick once he got greedy with the shitposting so this doesn't even deserve a (You)

>> No.66645279

aki is an "established homocollaber"

korone's SF6 foray was entirely professional and none of her gachis got upset

>> No.66645311

Reminding the entirety of the HoloJP fandom that they have nothing good about their pathetic sellout of a branch. And I will be redpilling everyone who lurks.
Good. Fuck those irrelevant homo collabing whores.
Why do you downplay their status as Hololive's only true first army reps?
>sold out every seat
>he doesn't know about scalpers
roru rumao

>> No.66645315

>please shit on chumbuds now

>> No.66645358

well you retards have fun replying to the shittiest troll i've seen in a minute. lunch's here.

>> No.66645370

>goalpost status: moved

>> No.66645390

you will never be anglo rajesh

>> No.66645396

first army doesn't mean #1, by every reasonable metric pekora, marine, miko, suisei, subaru, and koyori are ahead of them

>> No.66645431
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You're kind of a loon, huh

>> No.66645520

Genuinely curious what's the motivation for this kind of troll
He's committing to it too much

>> No.66647385

>ENbegging thread
>160 replies

>> No.66647392

It is too embarrassing for Hololive Global that EOPSEETHE has been exported

>> No.66647524

You must be over 18 to post here

>> No.66647564

Is this supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.66648480

Marine is only popular because she used to EOP pander and leech EOPs.

>> No.66648515
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EN needs JPchads' validation

>> No.66649249

Man I guess even Bae is worth leeching since korone and even pekora did not a cover but two orisongs with the rat.

>> No.66650206

Only thing stopping gura is literally her not streaming and the amount she would be streaming, she’s an undeniable monster of streaming only held back by lack of motive. I bet JP are rejoicing her break because if by chance she went full throttle again she’d just leave them in the dust.

>> No.66650463

It’s pretty funny considering whenever the hololive timeline is talked about in interviews Yagoo has gura taking up like 8 spots yet the JP holomem just act like EN and ID don’t exist alongside them. Part of me wants gura to start streaming again just to see if they go back to leeching shamelessly

>> No.66650490
File: 25 KB, 384x216, 1689625109158960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a fucking faggot who can't support your oshi if you just whine and cry like this.

>> No.66650540

>marine is the most popular vtuber in the world rn

By what metric?

>> No.66650626
File: 151 KB, 1920x1080, 1686043327701808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard is a numberfaggot whining about VCR and some collabs that Aki and/or Ao did and feels the need to spam them, feeling the need to "justify" his retarded argument that "unicorns" lost, even though lets be fucking real, unicorns don't even exist and people who don't like shitty holostar collabs tune out.

>> No.66650731

>leech shamelessly
You mean if Gura decides to actually give a shit again? everyone is nice to her because she actually gave a shit about learning Japanese and coming over. comes down to her if she wants to make stuff happen. I got nothing wrong with her doing stuff with Shion and Okayu and Marine. That's what you SHOULD do as a company.

>> No.66651211

It would be really funny if gura came back, just so I can see the absolute chaos it causes, only thing people have on her is “B-But she’s not streaming!” And without that they’ll just go back to malding that she’s overshadowing their mid oshi Kek

>> No.66651259

and this is why nobody liked Chumbuds.

>> No.66653252

I bet you were excited for that to happen last year when "gura cameback" just to get cockblocked when she left again, I'm sorry gura can't fulfill your fantasies but she's too busy fighting le evil management you see.

>> No.66655711

umm......fauna sweep!
