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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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659175 No.659175 [Reply] [Original]

>has double the subs of the next-most-popular chuubas
>gets half the viewers
I can't believe EN is declining...

>> No.659195

Just in time for a gen2 injection. Cover big brained.

>> No.659199 [DELETED] 

You will never be a woman.

>> No.659215

Did she lose memberships too?

>> No.659231

hololive is reclining

>> No.659269

No she's not even declining. She only has all those dead subs because a bunch of people who don't even watch Vtubers mass subscribed because memeshark

>> No.659303

Why do people stay subscribed to channels they don't watch? Doesn't it bother them to get videos in their feed that they never click on?

>> No.659304

they keep getting girls with the same interests and skillset.

>> No.659374

I honestly have no idea I could never deal with it myself. but it's such a pervasive phenomenon there must be a reason

>> No.659391

If you don't watch every video a channel makes, or if the channel doesn't upload constantly, Youtube will just silently remove it from your notifications without you even knowing. It's why Youtubers tell you to click the bell next to the subscribe button, which prevents that from happening.

>> No.659393

Like a chair?

>> No.659431

Live viewers are meaningless though
she still has a VOD view average of about 700k per video which moggs the shit ouf of every single other holo

>> No.659469

It's ok because chumbuddies are rich and donate a lot. Don't worry for her.

>> No.659474

Because lazy/have no time dude,
I did the same for other hololives tio
I only watch what I find too interesting to resist, otherbthan that I only rewatch streams

>> No.659480

what happens is a video goes viral and a small portion of the tens of millions of bots subs to them to fake being a person.

bot farms have to boost people like gura so people don't catch who they're being paid to boost

>> No.659523

YouTube bug.

>> No.659546

I've noticed a decrease across a lot of big channels that aren't trending or usually big trendsetters. The tip I give is for Chuubas to keep their subs close cause you want people more close than -just- a sub. That's also how some of the bigger channels maintained their big growth.

>> No.659588

Nobody really has the numbers of Peko or Marine generally despite quite a few others being million+ subs. Also consider that Coco will soon hit a mil yet many of her streams get only like 4-5k viewers outside of meme review. So what does that tell us? Reddit fags mass sub to her because meme review but don't actually watch the streams normally. Similarly Gura's "a" shit getting all over the place back in Sep-November last year got her a million no problem of dead weight subs. There are a lot of legit ones because her numbers are still pretty high, just not as high as they could/should be.

>> No.659611

Dunno man, that stream earlier this morning was averaging around 8k and it was just karaoke. Surprised she didn't hit a million but she did gain from it.

>> No.659680
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You can turn off notifications. I have plenty of channels I'm subbed too and don't watch very much.

But still, she got 82k in superchats, even after all the cuts, that's still 34k.

>> No.659702

I simply unsub choobas when I'm sure I won't watch them anymore. It hurts, but I dont wanna give them false hope and I care less about unity shit

>> No.659729


She has the absolute wildest variance in viewers, probably the highest in Holo. You can IMO judge the real fans by who bothers to watch her do the most low-hype stuff like Superliminal or the zatsudans. She's easily 1/3rd deadsubs, probably close to half. Then again all Holos have some proportion of deadsubs, it's just hard to get a reading. Fubuki must be well over half, same with Gura. Korone has quite a few legit fans though, same with Aqua, and Pekora definitely has a ton of dedicated fans/hype.

Miko and Rushia also pull really high numbers despite being under a mil so they've probably got fewer deadsubs too. Generally you can spot a trend here - the more Western-focused/broken out a Holo is, the more deadsubs. Think Eekum Bokum and "a" and so on.

>> No.660632 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 483x104, annoying_stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was over from the start

>> No.660695 [DELETED] 
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It was over from the start

>> No.660755 [SPOILER] 
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Never stood a chance

>> No.660785
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>Over million subscribers
>Three times less views than even Guras absolutely pitiful numbers
>Absolute pittance of a supa money
Its over bros. Hololive is kill.

>> No.660799

I only unsub if the content creator starts running his/her mouth about politics.
Last one I unsubbed was LTT.
Otherwise I have no interest in what I'm subbed to as yt will only update me on shit I watch at least once a month or so.
I subbed to memeshark as well, rarely watch tho.

>> No.660873

This basically. If your average Holo has about 10-15% dead subs, Gura has about 20-25% but the sheer volume of the active 75% carries her.

>> No.660997

YouTube kills bot subscribers pretty frequently, you can see it in live time when someone hits a milestone.

>> No.661102

karaoke streams.

>> No.661225

>I can't believe EN is declining...
Trees can't grow all the way to the sky.

>> No.661265

Low effort

>> No.661268

And literally who fucking cares?
Stop being a fucking point whore.

>> No.661327

holo en matters and should keep dealing with EOPs and western casual geeks

>> No.661690

FYI, live viewer numbers aren't accurate and it's a known problem. Among other things, it doesn't count anyone who's using an adblocker. Like if you've ever seen how when the viewer count drops by thousands within the first few seconds after a stream goes from its waiting room to live, that's the reason.

>> No.661762

Her timeslot is complete shit for Europe as well. She literally starts streaming anywhere from 1am - 5am CET most of the time. Nobody with any sort of real life obligations can sustain that sort of schedule for long (I tried).

>> No.661769

I don't think it's that, she just has a lot more casual viewers that don't dedicate themselves to watching every stream.

>> No.661775

Not a VTuber.

>> No.661797

This. The vods get pretty good views

>> No.661841

Y-you mean to truly support my oshi, I need to turn off adblock? I see...

>> No.661872

>still gaining subs at a faster rate than any holo has ever done
>meanwhile there's a known viewer count bug going on with youtube
Yeah, reclining? Lol no. There's no logical reason to believe her views are reclining when her subs keep inclining when we know there's a bug culling like 60% of her viewership.

>> No.661892

her videogame taste is really reddit and thats good. hope she keeps playing western aaa shit

>> No.661930

Eat shit EU fag.

Your oshi streams exclusively for me

>> No.661940

I don't know, the video games aren't that interesting to watch, I did enjoy the hardcore MC.

>> No.661943

I'm subbed to a lot of channels I don't watch regularly. I'm only interested in one of five videos they upload, but if I don't subscribe I may forget them.
I use the bell notification for channels I don't want to miss one video from, I only have it active for 3 while being subbed to around 100 channels.

>> No.662170

Is it really a problem? People keep saying it's a bug, but it's obvious by now that it's an intended feature.

>> No.663384

she's boring

>> No.663567

This, half of those subscribers are just normie tourists. They were curious but aren't going to actively watch the streams.

>> No.664831

This isnt Hololive or Vtuber specific, I sub to more streamers than I actually watch.

>> No.665629

>Among other things, it doesn't count anyone who's using an adblocker
There's no way that's true. Use your brain

>> No.665767

I watch the ads like a good Christian

>> No.665854


no one with any kind of life obligations watches this shit

>> No.665900
File: 345 KB, 406x384, unknown-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonchama, she was ranked 37 SC count wise last time I checked. Even demonetized Suisei with zero GFE pandering ranked 25.

>> No.665941

same can be said for people who browse 4chan

>> No.665979

> bait

>> No.666045

Anonchama, FBK sold out her birthday merchs, sells nendoroids and is invited to numerous radio shows that pays her to be there. She also participated in Holofes 2, 2 and Bloom, and has her song ranked top 5 Vtuber Original Song Awards. All those are money.

>> No.666135
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Never stood a chance

>> No.666277
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>> No.666309
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Anonchama, I lost....

>> No.666364

Tbf EN should focus on VOD and Highlight videos, due to global audiences don't always have time to caught their streams

>> No.666480

She had really high vod views last time I checked. Her subscribers probably aren't tuning in live because of time zone issues.

>> No.666544

Youtube is a piece of shit and doesn't send you alerts when you hit the big button that says subscribe with the intention of be alerted to new videos. Why do you think every other channel asks you hit the bell icon? Subscriptions don't mean shit, it's all about average views per video, which is why comparing subscriptions beween channels is pointless. That doesn't even get into how the English language is spread out halfway across the planet, which also makes concurrent viewers not the best metric for English streamers either.

>> No.666900
File: 2 KB, 228x34, Screenshot_221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even look at the subscription tab anymore. The home page usually recommends me everything I want to watch. Pic related is the amount of people I'm subbed to.

>> No.667504

Youtube is pretty spot on about hololive recommendations, but don't try and get it to recommend you anything it doesn't like.

>> No.667568

A large majority of EOPs don't watch live streams. Yes, even if the chuubas speak eigo.

>> No.667617

>at says subscribe with the intention of be alerted to new videos
No, the subscribe button puts that channel in your subscription feed. People subscribe to a lot of channels and most people do not want to get notifications for things they are not interested in.

>> No.667657

Im subbed to ever Holo and Homo and I only watch about three.

>> No.667691

