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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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6617558 No.6617558 [Reply] [Original]

Good job on your reps anon
You *are* doing your reps, right?

>> No.6617576
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I'm busy learning indonesian.

>> No.6617596

She speaks English, anon.

>> No.6617612

I gave up after around 100 kanji.

>> No.6617613

you will never be japanese

>> No.6617616

I can read a little bit, still stuck on so many kanji, but I can understand the idea of what's being spoken. Producing sentences is fucking hard, I don't know how to check if I'm right.

>> No.6617623

I have to say listening to chuubas for hours has worked wonders for my listening skills.

>> No.6617642

There's nothing wrong with a little cultural exchange. She's learning about SEA outside of Indonesia.

>> No.6617664

Honestly the best way to check is to just google the phrase you're not confident about and see if it's being used in a similar context

>> No.6617689

I already know 5 languages. I'm burned out on learning another one

>> No.6617739
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I can only read the Kanji...The squiggles burn me out...R2AXY

>> No.6617812

Bro every chink I know that can already read kanji picks up Japanese so fast. You already did the hard part, what's adding 46+46 squiggles and lines

>> No.6617933

Dropped after Coco.

>> No.6617937

They keep switching over, and I just hesitate when I'm about to pick up the gana because I worry I don't have the Kanji down.

>> No.6617978

The structure of Japanese is pretty simple to get. I don't understand how it filters people. The Kanji is brutal though. Especially when every website wants to render font small.

>> No.6618026
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>he didnt learn radicals

>> No.6618046

I know hiragana and some katakana. I try to sometimes look up words I don't know when I do my archive reps, but I usually come across 5 different meanings and I'm never sure which is correct. For now, I'll focus on finishing my katakana reps

>> No.6618079


>> No.6618123

I can understand most Japanese at this point. I won't bother with Kanji though, complete waste of time.

>> No.6618149
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>I wont bother with vocabulary
>I know most japanese

>> No.6618167

I can understand most conversation Japanese and can read some kanji. I had given up on kanji but now I want to pick it up again so I can learn more vocab for commenting in Japanese.

>> No.6618174
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my oshi doesn't speak japanese but I've been studying diligently

>> No.6618211

Attempting with wanikani, worth paying for?

>> No.6618264


Wanikani + italki = you'll be speaking and reading at a higher level in 6 months than college students who took 4 years of Japanese in university

>> No.6618308
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I finish n4 vocabulary tomorrow then I start on core 6k

>> No.6618332

Don't. Start mining your own deck after N4

>> No.6618347

No. They need to learn the lingua franca of English

>> No.6618511

Making an account now, much appreciated anon

>> No.6618676

I've been consuming Japanese media for so long that I can understand conversation fairly easily. I just can't actually speak it

>> No.6619022

very worth it, just remember that it's specifically a kanji learning tool, while you get a lot of vocab, those are picked more for the reinforcement of the kanji and different readings, instead of how common they are in native material.
by the way, don't let the slow start deceive you, the workload increases very quickly after the free levels if you go at full speed

>> No.6619073

You can do fucking anything for 6 months and learn more than someone who's just taking language classes for the points at uni

>> No.6619701

Huh, I didn't know about italki. How is it in terms of conversation practice, and what do you even talk about during it? I feel like I'm somewhere between N2 and N1 and know a good amount of vocab, but freeze up a lot when thinking about what words would sound the most natural for what I'm trying to say. I was looking for a practice partner that can correct me when I convey something weird, but all my interests lie in weeb content, so if I had a conversation with a normie it would be pretty dull unless they took the lead.
I was honestly about to try the Nijisanji Yumenographia thing where you talk to someone in VR for an hour. That would likely be a more interesting conversation, but they'd be less likely to correct my mistakes. That and they're expensive as hell at 4400 yen/30 minutes

>> No.6619965

JPs are getting nervous

>> No.6622125

No I don't drill shit, I just read whatever japanese shit I'm interested in and look up every kanji I don't recognize every single time. As soon as I try drilling words or flash cards it becomes too boring to keep up so I've settled for slow but interesting and fun progress instead.

>> No.6622296

Anon, speaking is the critical and the hardest part of learning
>t. mutt studying in Europe and failed to learn two languages because I didn't do/didn't have to do my speaking reps to live

>> No.6622428

College students use all those apps, no one learns anything by going to to the lessons

>> No.6622872

I can't read hiragana, katakana or any kanji, because all of that shit is useless.
I can understand 98% of their speech though.
Only studied vocabulary, in romaji. That's all you need for understanding vtubers.

>> No.6622914

How to spot a liar.txt

>> No.6623038

I can understand almost 70-80% of Holo streams, so my listening is solid.
Once I can convince myself to get off my ass and actually do Kanji reps, it'll be smooth sailing.

>> No.6624480

Finished my hiragana/katakana learning, now I can decipher characters without necessarily understand what I'm reading while trapped in the grammar/vocabulary/kanji trifecta.

>> No.6624545

What's the point of learning Indonesian though?

>> No.6624584

this is not the fantasy. the fantasy is to be the cool extroverted foreigner who fucks all the girls. if you want to mock white guy japanese learners you have to understand them.

>> No.6625038
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It's unironically easy. I'm a flip who knows 3-4 Filipino languages and all these languages plus Indonesian are in the Austronesian group. Different parts of the Philippines have dispersed different parts of the Malay language tree, and with these, I can construct an understandable vocab to connect to Indonesian. That and I'm some sort of culture autist.

>> No.6625580

That's like an Italian guy saying "Learning Spanish French and Portuguese is easy"

>> No.6625755

Fun fact - most languages are at least 2 languages - a spoken and written language.
In almost all cases, they are totally different to each other. This is especially true for this shitty language, English, that doesn't even remotely look like how it sounds.
Some languages are only spoken, some are only written / drawn.

>> No.6626064

Should I just start spamming duolingo reps. All those duolingo streams finally getting to me and making me weak wanting to give in.

>> No.6626130

duolingo a shit

>> No.6626643
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Some Filipino languages are closer to Indonesian than others. Particularly the ones in the central islands. If only know Tagalog as your point of reference, boy you're going to have a hard time. Try Karay-a, Bisaya and Hiligaynon for size. The ones in the northwest are a bit close too, with their hard and thick intonations. Now, I'm not saying all Austronesian languages are easy to learn, because I'm sure as fuck I won't be able to get Tongan or Hawaiian any time soon. But archipelagic SEA (Nusantara) is closer to each other than mainland SEA (Indochina) and Polynesia. Yes, I have a bunch of these PDFs lying around because some .edu keeps sending them.

>> No.6627501

Duolingo doesn't really help you understand a language, it will only teach you enough to get by in small talk or as a tourist. Personally I memorised hiragana+katakana, then used Anki for sentence mining. It's also important to listen to conversational Japanese, so I watch vtubers and listen to radio shows that are easy to understand.

>> No.6627673

Japanese do not learn radicals. Do you want to know who does? The Chinese. What would Coco say if she knew you were trying to learn using the Chinese method?

>> No.6627837

It is though. I can read and understand Portuguese and Italian even though these are not my native language.

>> No.6627970

Reading and writing? Fuck no. I have been able to pick up on words and some context behind a conversation better than before since I started watch streams. But isn't much.

>> No.6629273

I know it is. That's why I said it. I'm italian

>> No.6629308

Why would anyone care about the opinion of some american chick? lmfao

>> No.6629374

There's no point unless you want an Indo gf or something but even then you don't need that. My bff doesn't even know Indo and married one.

>> No.6629471

you must understand, jp's cope with their language inadequacy/laziness pretty poorly.
an english speaker can easily cope because most everything caters to them -- jp's cannot say as much and are constantly reminded they can't understand a great amount of things.

>> No.6629587

anglesh kahn bi undastuhd even wit 'rible writin

>> No.6635060

To those saying they don't need to learn how to read kanji, I'd say it's almost essential. It really opens up the world when reading your favorite chuubas tweets, stream chat, events, fanart comics, etc.
It's work, but it's completely worth it if Japanese media is going to be a long term hobby for you

>> No.6635089
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Maybe they should've won, then

>> No.6635298

Everyday. Currently working on grammar and written output with the new vocabulary I've learned to press it even further into my long term.

>> No.6636626


>> No.6640019


>> No.6640123

The context on the screen also helps a lot.

>> No.6640240

dweeb got schooled kek

>> No.6640472 [DELETED] 

Does he realize most of them have dedicated translators fans

>> No.6640509

I can not read anything that isn't written in the most plain of wordfonts

>> No.6640650

I can read Chinese, haven't spent the effort to read and understand Kanji in Japanese context though.

>> No.6640727

Based anon preparing himself to the Chinese century

>> No.6640750

I ctrl++++++++ every time I open a Japanese website

>> No.6641628

The grammer is still hard, especially the way they leave out so many words

>> No.6641715

What method do I even use? /jp/ is useless since they post 5 different guides with basically no similarity between them

>> No.6641822

Post in your oshi's chat
>She, and everyone else in the chat, start laughing: you fucked up
>She responds like it's nothing: you got it right

>> No.6649792

I actually started back up last week after dropping Japanese 18 months ago. Have gone through the exams for N5 and N4 so kana is no problem, re practice kanji now (the 660 or so I'd memorized before I stopped) and will add more as time goes on. I'll eventually need to refresh my grammar memory too.

>> No.6651708

What's the point of doing rep when I can instantly translate the kanji I don't know using the power of technology?
>B, but you can't write or speak Japanese
Well yeah I can't, and I don't need to.

>> No.6651767

But how will you understand a stream, they're speaking not typing

>> No.6652303

I want to sound like the aliens in Mars Attacks

>> No.6652759

you just proved his point though, retardchama

>> No.6652816

I actually find Japanese grammar fun, at least the majority of it.
Feel very programmatic once you filter it down. The slang and omissions get a little weird but that's just a matter of exposure, once you're used to it it just makes sense.

>> No.6652954

Fuck I thought I was the only one that did this, it's basically the perfect method

>> No.6655205
File: 53 KB, 960x631, i knew you were my nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit right here.
This guy gets it

>> No.6660284

So you can fully understand what they're saying while also participating in the chat beyond just typing 草
You can coast from listening through context and some words you hear frequently now and then, but everything clicks so much better once you understand the grammar and review vocab/kanji to retain them in your memory
And while there are live translators, they're very hit or miss, and there's no way a few live translators can humanly translate everything the vchuuba is saying.

>> No.6661331

I once got to about 200 kanji and about 2000 word vocab but I'm awful with grammar and haven't done any reps in a few years.
I've wanted to get back to it for a while but whenever I try to find out the most efficent way all I find is people recommending stuff and then everyone calling it shit and recommending something else, which everyone else calls shit.

>> No.6661371

I'm gonna Zhongwen the top 1000 most frequently-used Kanji and hang out on Bilibili until I get it. Don't question anything. Just do.

>> No.6662290

japanese grammar is one of the easiest ones.

>> No.6662409

Imagine learning a dead language and not Chinese. Chinese will be the world's most used language in literature and business few years from now.
Learn and appreciate chinese now

>> No.6662559

I would literally only learn Chink to defeat them.

>> No.6662614

literally become chad

>> No.6662666

radicals make kanji WAAAAAY easier to learn
and kanji and kana are basically just rip-off hanzi anyway, what would coco think of you for learning chinese glyphs

>> No.6662687
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based trips

>> No.6662766
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>> No.6664873

>what would coco think of you for learning chinese glyphs
Stop this meme already. Coco had nothing against China the entire time. Get your shit off the board.

>> No.6668584

>wait for chat translator
>write answer in DeepL
>post in chat

>> No.6669989

People will argue about methods until the end of time, but as long as you do something and keep with it, you will make it before they stop arguing and start learning Japanese.

>> No.6671258
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>> No.6671868

I'm still stuck on cure dolly's 3rd lesson for the past 2 months because I've gotten fucking lazy and all I do is anki reps every day
I haven't done any writing practice either which I should, shit helps memorize kanji better
God I need to take this seriously

>> No.6673246

it's the opposite, treat Chinese like a dead language and never read anything that's less than 100 years old. Who could possibly care about the modern country

>> No.6673252

>Don't learn the language! Your life will become terrible! TERRIBLE!
Wow, man. Wow.

>> No.6673393

I learned 2200 kanjis before beginning on japanese, and I can confirm it makes life so much easier. Never worry about seeing a kanji, and learning a new word just revolves around learning the reading, since I already have a grasp of the meaning of the kanjis

>> No.6674643

unironically yes

>> No.6674881

i was making a joke smoothbrain
or did you forget your /s

>> No.6674897
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>> No.6675270

