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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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6605579 No.6605579 [Reply] [Original]

Unlike Hana, Pika actually had a personality. She was cute, and funny, and she got tons of clips showing that off. There's no way HoloEN overshadowed her THAT hard, is there?

>> No.6605636
File: 252 KB, 605x688, Pika 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6605731

Fans are shallow and her new costume is a huge debuff, she's still doing alright but gachikois come and go and competition probably did cut into her English market dominance.

>> No.6605737

Some people want to fuck this thing

>> No.6605739

No one will miss you.

>> No.6605775

HoloEN overshadowed her but her now model is worse than her original by enough that people would rather look at gura do the exact same thing because gura model cute.

You'd be surprised how much looks changes how much people like you. Its the reason 2d>3d afterall

>> No.6605801

Nigger that's fucking Fall Guys, it's a dead game

>> No.6605915

new model debuff, cashing in too hard on clip bait that hurts discerning ears like mine
wish her well but she's not for me anymore

>> No.6605982

Streamer starts off shy and reserved, and slowly opens up and is more energetic as a result. More news at 11.

>> No.6606285

Unfortunately this. Voice and personality are important of course but when you go from being passably cute, almost sexy but more just cute cartoony, to turning into a deformed toddler almost looking from a kid's saturday morning cartoon, that's hard to ignore.

Even if the design change wasn't jarring enough, she is literally affixed staring to the sides at all times and isn't even that easy to recognize with the hoodie covering up most of the antennae. Show the last-year me the new Pika and I'd have said "that must be her little sister or a knockoff or something, there's no way that's her.. right." New costumes are nice but this was way WAY more than just new clothes, it's a total redraw of the character. And it's way worse-looking than before. I'd say the current one is like a 4-5/10 and the old Pika was around 7-8/10. Even if you had the absolute best voice/personality in the world speaking fluent English and Japanese, people aren't gonna want to watch you as much if your character is weird/ugly looking. In a total vacuum of vtubers it wouldn't look bad, but compared to what we're used to and to what Pika herself used to look like, it's a bad downgrade.

>> No.6606313

the power of a model

>> No.6606409

Magnetgate, demonetization normally reducing her chances to pop up in the algorithm and the fact her new costume is a fucking travesty, those are the main reasons.

>> No.6606457

Imagine letting a fucking mode living rent free in your heads so hard, you need to make threads about it daily.

>> No.6606520

>pikamee is obviously declining fucking hard
>people state the obvious fucking reason why
>pffft you guys are schizos go take your meds :)

Yeah no go fuck yourself. Her new model sucks. It ruined her. I didn't think it was even fucking possible to do that just from a costume, but it is. Like was just said the problem isn't just "lol new clothes" it's "lol gyari completely redesigned her from the ground up"

>> No.6606633

TMSK got it even worse with that static kneeling model. But yeah, I stopped watching Pikamee around the time the new designs got revealed and I was getting tired of her just using a high tone that wasn't present on her older streams. Doesn't help that she doesn't alternate between costumes, so she's pretty much become a cartoon version of herself despite already being one (cause she's a fucking vtuber). GYARI's also a fucking retard for making those designs in the first place that make the VOMS members look like they're from different groups.

>> No.6606693

Sounds to me this is just and oldfag vs newfag thing

>> No.6606753

VOMS lost a member and got two dogshit replacement models. I do t hate Pikas but it's worse in every way and TMSK new model is so terrible I haven't even watched a single thing of hers since she started using it.
I'm not a big "the model makes the streamer" person but when I join a stream and physically cringe it really turns me off of enjoying them.

>> No.6606805

One is her most popular video by far released a year ago and one was released last week. GEE I WONDER WHICH WILL HAVE MORE VIEWS
God I wish numberfags would get cancer and die

>> No.6606834 [SPOILER] 
File: 69 KB, 481x470, 1626408521906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I've got the secret spoilers for Pika's next costume, don't worry GYARI's listened to feedback and fixed it. I don't want to hear any complaints it looks great and only antis just about to go on shooting sprees could possibly dislike it OK?

>> No.6606933
File: 216 KB, 875x1235, 1626218075438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man Pika declined SO FUCKING HARD

>> No.6606939

Yeah looking at the average amount of views of her streams, she's actually stayed pretty steady in the 30-40k view range.

>> No.6606959

I'd say Tomoshika's is worse.

>> No.6606986

Losing a Magnet before the 1st anniversary and that new outfit was a huge debuff. Terrible proportions and always looking to the left didn't help that either. She'll probably recover once she gets a better outfit. Maybe those new members will revive interest in VOMS.

>> No.6607045


>> No.6607062

>Fall Guys

>> No.6607080

how is it possible for one outfit to cause this much seething?
it's cute, it's stylized, she likes it, and you don't even see the parts that are offending you 90% of the time

>> No.6607149

She just collabed with Ina last month. You think Holoen is gonna collab with any random? Its literally the 2 biggest non Holo English vtubers in Pika and Nyanners that they collabed with for a reason

>> No.6608263

>cherry pickin her birthday stream

>> No.6608449
File: 11 KB, 890x250, Screenshot 2021-07-15 at 23-22-40 天野ピカミィ Pikamee's YouTube Stats (Summary Profile) - Social Blade Stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, we all know this line is actually going down right now.

>> No.6608479
File: 11 KB, 890x250, Screenshot 2021-07-15 at 23-19-18 天野ピカミィ Pikamee's YouTube Stats (Summary Profile) - Social Blade Stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's losing subs too. Just look at that!

>> No.6608763

I used to watch her a lot but her new model was a massive turn off for me. I just hope she keeps doing well even if I don't watch her anymore.

>> No.6608819

>muh numbers
i miss her old model too but you're being ridiculous

>> No.6608917

... She's doing fine, anon. What?

>> No.6609025

This. I love Pika, but I can't stand watching the new model. It caused me to cancel my membership.

>> No.6609090

Her shit avatar
Is she being forced to use it or is she just blind?

>> No.6609145

I can't speak for anyone else but personally it wasn't the model (I liked the concept even if the execution is lacking) that made me stop watching her so much as the stuff with magnet just leaving such a sour taste in my mouth that I lost all passion for VOMS in general.

>> No.6609366

I wish she'd go back to the old model sometimes and alternate between them. Original Pikamee was cute. TMSK really got the short end though, she was already the lest popular voms and that new model is atrocious.

>> No.6609559

She obviously loves it. It feels like TMSK loves hers too.

>> No.6609575

I honestly can not comprehend why her and tomoshikas new outfits get shat on so much, like not at all. I don't understand it. At worse pikas has goofy proportions and tomoshikas has a goofy spider face but they're otherwise inoffensive. They're no were near gura's new outfit being scuffed or irys levels of bad aesthetics or uglyness.dvnzk

>> No.6609647

new outfits should be just that, new clothes. not a complete redesign. even nene's new outfit was way too different.

>> No.6609761

Everyone lost subs in November. That's when the VTuber craze was ending and now only people who are genuinely interested stuck around.

>> No.6609800

For Tomoshika it's cause only her head moves while the rest of her body is. Just frozen in place. Plus it almost feels overtly sexual.

>> No.6611709

It's the model. I REALLY don't understand why she keeps using it.

>> No.6611848


>> No.6612296

Drugs are bad but Numberfags are worse.

>> No.6612537

The modelmakers appear to be on a "fuck everyone's shit up" bender.

>> No.6612767

but... Pikamee actually really likes her new model.

>> No.6612956

i like the new model

>> No.6615358


>> No.6615993

>numberfag doesn't even know how numbers work

>> No.6616278

not only that but most videos around that time have mostly the same views as her current ones despite being a year old, even the Fall Guys ones which are the videos faggot OP should've posted instead of the Stickmin one.
the only exeption being the Fall Guys collabs.

>> No.6616291

Fair point. I won't even use the term numberfag on such low effort bait.

>> No.6616362

She stopped showing her cute and funny side of her personality

>> No.6616394

You are so retarded. Her stickman video is a huge outlier. She's actually more watched now than bach then. You are brain dead. Kill yourself

>> No.6616402

Monoe didn't like her new model and we all saw how that turned out.

>> No.6616506


Better than seeing Amoshit and the shitty fucking memes

>> No.6617088

>Nerfs her own model
>Plays dead game
>Hololive basically conquered vtubing
Pretty self explanatory.

>> No.6617140

Same, really. Magnet was comfy to tune in to and her TTRPG sessions were fun to watch. With her just unpersoned like that literally overnight and everyone being hush-hush about it (save for Pika bawling her eyes out in her conspicuously removed announcement stream), the VOMS magic is just gone.

>> No.6618284

Pika's popularity is unchanged, despite this board complaining about the model all the time. The only thing that changed is that her massive growth stopped when holo EN dropped because they became the new EOP containment zone.

>> No.6619066

Her new model is so fucking awful, so bad that I started going audio only and not watching the screen. But after a while it's not as interesting so I just dropped her.

>> No.6620233

The best VOMZ left

>> No.6620350

Nene was a redesign though. Shes never going back to the original.

>> No.6620534
File: 890 KB, 810x1085, pika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you niggers need to fuck off already

>> No.6621487

Mistaking "decline" with "not currently enjoying a viral moment"

You're always going to be disappointed if you expect those to ramp up forever

>> No.6621590
File: 354 KB, 1280x720, 1625321688333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unlike Hana

>> No.6621717

EOPs are fickle and leave for a new shiny toy. If she actually believed them to stay loyal then that's on her.

>> No.6621746

most of /vt/ are waifufags drooling over avatars apparently.
and of course the obsessed idiots seething over her dino model. and pika already told them personally to fuck off which triggered them apparently

>> No.6621801

I hate her new model and magnet getting fired made me lose interest in VOMS, hopefully their second gen is good enough to make me want to watch them again.

>> No.6621884

Are you really comparing the views of her almost 1 year old stream with her 1 week old stream?
And henry stickmin is a huge buff for some reason.

>> No.6621947

>Plus it almost feels overtly sexual.
This but the problem is that it's trying to be sexual but fails at being sexy unlike the old outfit that wasn't trying but ended up being sexy. She looks trashy now. Gyari needs to fix her pose and get a good rigger to redo the model.

>> No.6621969

this is probably the worst comparison you could make.
fuck off OP

>> No.6622218

OP is right. Hana is a bore and a scold. A horrible combination in someone as young as her. Her sense of humor is stunted by her sjw-ness.

>> No.6622512

One tweet. A single tweet from more than half a year ago and it's still living rent free inside your head. Amazing.

>> No.6622687


>> No.6623329

>her new outfit caused a decline in viewership
No one is retarded enough to unironically think this, right?

>> No.6623567

When Pika tried to reason with her, Monoe slapped her in front of Gyari

>> No.6623731

Go back to the IRyS threads if you gonna cope that hard bruh.

>> No.6624020

collabed with vshojo
new outfit is ugly
keeps forcing the kettle laugh

>> No.6624609
File: 55 KB, 500x500, artworks-M0GzVTazCUohhit5-PySGIg-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the only one who can save her? You guessed it.

>> No.6624692

Hana and the rest of NijiID got fucking mogged by a cringe meme zombie who also streams mostly in English.

>> No.6624709

HoloEN happened, basically. Everything else is rrat.

>> No.6624719

>tons of clips
Are there?
The few clips i saw recommended by youtube are all the same few.
Eventually, they faded out from my recommendations because they are just repeating, and i'm not clicking them anymore.

>> No.6624747

Every time I see her in my recommended and check her out, she's speaking Japanese. Also a lot of people despise the new model, so that probably hurts.

>> No.6624830

I actually like pikamee's monster form I think its cute. The reason I don't watch her is because she does that thing where she repeats everything in english and japanese which you think would be good but really it just breaks the flow and makes the stream awkward. She should just do english only and jap only streams or sections if she want to appeal to a dual audience.

>> No.6626072

I unsubbed when she moved to the new model. her personality also seemed to change when she uses a new model compared to old one ironically

>> No.6626174

Imagine the smell dayo

>> No.6626323

smells of mayo, dayo

>> No.6628181

Fall Guys can get boring if you watch it too often, but coming back to it is refreshing

>> No.6628357


>> No.6628388

Pikamee is a lolicon and likes the small form better while GYARI markets them with their original looks.

>> No.6629149

isn't her new "model" super stiff on top of being a mutation of what everyone was used to?

>> No.6629413
File: 269 KB, 1920x1080, E4d0lj0VUAEcSOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You think Holoen is gonna collab with any random?

>> No.6629503

>the problem is that it's trying to be sexual but fails at being sexy
When her new model was revealed, someone commented here that it "looks like a teenager cosplaying a 50 year old crackwhore". That struck a chord with me.

>> No.6629539

that's not a collab with random as much as it is a sponsored appearance

>> No.6629588

I stopped watching when she started using that new model, it's repulsive.

>> No.6629744

You newcomers from /V/ doesn't understand her appeal.
She is not fap material.
She is Chibi.
Have you ever seen Galaxy Angel?
These kind of girls are insanely popular in Japan.

>> No.6634393

Shittiest take i've read this week

>> No.6634511

When she debuted that new model I thought it was a joke, a meme model she'd use for some streams.
Indies do that a lot, they'll have their real model, their special occasions model and their meme model.
But she actually kept using it and only it.
