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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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65856977 No.65856977 [Reply] [Original]

Why yes, you're exactly right. Why should I care otherwise? The truth is, you can be the most talented, the most resourceful, the most clever entity in the entertainment industry but if you don't have the exposure you'll never get anywhere.

Simply put, the market is beyond oversaturated and I as a consumer have no desire to navigate the sea of twitter pre-debut whiny bitches too ugly to be e-thots (or in some cases, female).

Hololive is where you win. I can look at hololive talents and be almost sure they're entertaining. I can watch content without having to think about drama or the next graduation. If you're not in Hololive, you might as well not exist. Other coperations might exist, but you're getting only crumbs from them.

The blue triangle means you're worth watching. It means you are not a waste of my time. And more importantly, it means you won't be gone the next day or be found in a ditch.

Without the triangle, you are nothing. No one knows you exist. You're fated to an uneventful, empty graduation. Play the game or be consumed by it.

>> No.65857035
File: 181 KB, 293x319, remember our channel of old, opulent and imperial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit spacing
>bait thread

>> No.65857061

Kill yourself fake Ruffian (this isnt your blog also kill yourself)

>> No.65857149

>Everyone on /vt/ and plebbit swears they were their fans
>Meanwhile their average views were low hundreds
So, is there a chance people are liars?

>> No.65857313

The most IPs I've seen on here was probably around 200 so they're probably telling the truth

>> No.65857801

People want desperately to think they're part of the community but the truth is that they missed being able to support the dogs when they needed them the most and were not present for the saddest departure of their lives.

But they want to feel special so they will go apeshit when you simply tell them they're not, they're late, they're fodder that exist to give them money, and neither Fuwawa or Mococo feel anything special toward them.

>> No.65858190

You didn't watch them.

>> No.65858237
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>> No.65858452
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Who are you talking to?

>> No.65858628

I saw them live when they were still part of a 3D idol group

>> No.65858880

I didn't care about them then and I care even LESS about them now. STFU and go buy an ad like everybody else.

>> No.65859049

excuse me sir, i was wondering if you could impregnate my daughter?

>> No.65859138

I watched them a little bit but they played a lot of games I didn't care about

>> No.65859160

Its the easy holo to say "you watched them before they joined" since even though no one actually watched they were posted a lot /here/

>> No.65860294

I mean I was actually there, cant speak for others but I have a few irl friends who enjoyed them semi consistently too. I watched all their yakuza and resident evil streams

>> No.65860373

Anon, this is not the writing board

>> No.65860426

NOOOOO you're not a true fan unless you knew them from the moment you pushed them out of your own womb!!!

>> No.65860566

its a cope since saviourfag types are often the poorest viewers with the least to give back so long time fans are instantly overshadowed by the new rich ones

>> No.65860710

You expect me to read all that bullshit?
Fuck off faggot, go watch a stream instead of being a salted shitstain.

>> No.65861473

Japanese hiker duo was not a fun gimmick

>> No.65861842

i didn't care because i didn't know they existed. why are saplings like this?

>> No.65862141

>he keeps self-bumping his shit thread

>> No.65862503

LARPers. faggots bandwagoning now that the girls have the blue triangle.

>> No.65862657

You're wrong I still don't care about them now.

>> No.65864434
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I'm a day one sub since I thought they might talk about Rance.
They didn't, so I wound up not watching them much. I do regret it since I started tuning to more of their streams after the graduation announcement and they were pretty fun.

>> No.65866487

Same thing with Gura. No one watched her "old" streams.

>> No.65867014

Is it just me, or do the dogs just lean on screaming "bau bau" for like 90% of everything now?

>> No.65867264
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>> No.65867900

>100% of their viewers were 4channers

>> No.65868504

I didn't read all that but I have supported them since their birth last summer

>> No.65869233

Just you nijinigger

>> No.65870524

You can just fucking tell, the only films this guy watches is Marvel slop

>> No.65870708

I knew about them but didn't watch.
I still don't watch but I'm genuinely happy for them and wish them continual success.

>> No.65873181


>> No.65873368

New fans who actually donate >>> old saviorfag fans from r*ddit

>> No.65873651
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I didn't care about the twins PL and I don't care that much about the twins. You make a thread about these two every fucking day like they're the best thing since sliced bread.

>> No.65874121

You are not wrong that I never heard of them before hololive.

But you are wrong stating that indies not in hololive cannot "Win" And you come off pretty douchey about it.

Just because you don't win the Vtuber lottery doesn't mean you can't succeed enough to live off of being a non-hololive vtuber.

Hololive being super successful has rotted everyone's perceptive as to what is successful. Its like saying you can't be a winner at youtube unless you are as successful as Pewdiepie. Sure it is very very hard but it isn't impossible.

>> No.65874159

They are

>> No.65874221

Shit i did teh reddit spacing

>> No.65874745

I'll admit I didn't know who they were before they joined Hololive. But I'm glad I do now.
Anyway, it's retarded to act like Hololive is the only game in town when there are plenty of popular talents outside of it. And it's fine to admit you aren't interested in exploring outside your personal comfort zone, but it's stupid to act so smug about it.

>> No.65874838

I actively disliked my current oshi before she was in hololive

>> No.65875485


>> No.65875584

They were doomed in their past incarnations.
They were lower than indies, they were mascots for a crappy company. Despite that they managed to gain some following, especially here, but they were bound to graduate sooner than later.
Getting into Hololive is more than just spotlight, it's a guarantee for their fans that they're going to have a future.

>> No.65875785


>> No.65875959

>And more importantly, it means you won't be gone the next day or be found in a ditch.
So thats why half of HoloEN disapear for months constantly?

>> No.65876441

Too many words didn't read whatsoever. Unless you are in holo you do not matter. Seethe more, or good for you or something.

>> No.65876461

I'm only reading the first sentence of the OP
Of course I didn't watch them before hololive, they weren't cute dogs and couldn't interact with hololive

>> No.65876597

I am the opposite.
Blue unicorn shitters have tarnished my perception of them. I used to hope and wish they would join Hololive when they graduated. I regret that. I wish they could have gone indie now.

>> No.65876636

>couldn't interact with Hololive
Skill issue on their end because there are Holos between ID AND EN that unironically interact with outsiders more than they do with other members these days

>> No.65877202
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I watched their PL graduation and liked their passion so I promised I would check them out if they ever reincarnated, it just so happens that finding them was extremely easy

>> No.65877294

Yeah, the most shit ones that gets isolated within the company to not poison the well of the good menbers LMAO

>> No.65877375

Which Niji is graduating this time?

>> No.65877511

Seethe more

>> No.65877851

Corpo loyalty and pride lmao
you guys are as bad as sportsball boomers

>> No.65877904

Honest answer to your shitty bait
I simple feel safe when the talent is under the blue triangle
Since at very least if the talent is going to be retarded, it's easier to find out and avoid
It also gives a little bit of certainty that the talent can be themselves and not fake shit
Although like I said above if the talent decides to be retarded it can't be helped

>> No.65877942

True, it's the seal of quality

>> No.65878055

>It also gives a little bit of certainty that the talent can be themselves and not fake shit

>> No.65878197

On the not fake shit part you are fucking retarded.

>> No.65878502
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Most holos are fake as fuck but you watch then EXACTLY because they are fake, real women in position of superiorty over males are fucking annoying when they are honest.
In fact i wish for managemebt to enforce keyfabe harder

>> No.65878697

This is actually the second time I found an Indy with a cool gimmick that made me want to watch them unfortauntely they stopped streaming before I could get into them. Fortunately a suspiciously similar character poped up in Hololive and made up for it

>> No.65878776

>I can look at hololive talents and be almost sure they're entertaining
Myth are some of the most boring vtubers I've ever watched
Council is only marginally better
And FWMC's strict adherence to kayfabe will wind up biting them in the ass over time

>I can watch content without having to think
Yeah, we know

>> No.65878857

>t. seething 2view

>> No.65879012

Imho i can only stick aound to Kiara for the whole myth.
Not just because she is stream which is something more than half of myth fails at but she keeps herself fresh and always prepare something.
Ame ina gura could graduate if it wouldn't be for the notice to be spammed i would take weeks to notice, thats how bad myth is overall.

>> No.65879544

I had them on my subs but never actually watched them. I watched maybe the first twenty minutes of a couple streams and two vods. Never membered either. Their models kept filtering me.

>> No.65879593

Knew about them, didn't care, stll don't.
A lot of people did and even more do now.
Happy they're successful

>> No.65880171

I used to watch them before, and when they graduated it hurt but I moved on. I don't feel like getting invested in them again, but I'm happy they're raking in money while doing what they like.

>> No.65880329

They had regular threads here for a while, brownoid. You were too busy in hlg, numbers or some other seamonkey enclosure to notice. But yes, viewers from /here/ tend to notice things first.

>> No.65881627

harsh, but truth
I trust cover to do more extensive background check instead of myself.
To become idol, you have to have specific mindset about your fans and if you are average western whore then boosted confidence will make you arrogant and you will see those nerds in chat as incels not worth your attention

>> No.65881904

How come the majority of Holo EN is complete garbage then?

>> No.65881955

No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.

>> No.65882770

yagoo san, buy an ad.

>> No.65883475

They are way too childish now and feel kinda soulless

>> No.65883584
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I don't care much about them now, if I watch Advent at all I go with effort pebble, throwing all the newer chuubas together I usually watch Kanade because she's a retard like my oshi but also very sweet and loves to laugh.

>> No.65883652
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they're not even the best ENs and I usually shill JP to EOPs.

>> No.65885216

unironically the case for most small vtubers

>> No.65885283

I liked them more before the blue triangle

>> No.65885470

>they missed being able to support the dogs when they needed them the most
I feel bad about that, but you can't go back in time and fix mistakes you can only move forward and redeem yourself

>> No.65885595
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It pains me that this is the only merch that exists of GGN live with you. Damn jew company could have at least made acrylics or something.

We had a small but dedicated group here so a decent chunk of them probably were travelers.

>> No.65885629

There are only a hundred people on /vt/

>> No.65885647

I specifically remember people telling them to buy an ad for the graduation stream lmao.

>> No.65885683
File: 190 KB, 387x339, 1607774867435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you did not care about this actor until they appeared in this big movie/show from this studio/channel you liked to watch
Getting real tired of this sort of argument. What's next? You weren't there when they sang a song on the class podium?

>> No.65885685

They can still make shirts if they want to
it's not like they don't own the IP or the characters

>> No.65885880

It'd just be reused assets of the games art since Mangagamer seems to have washed their hands of anything relating to the Vtuber project. They didn't care about them while they were active they wouldn't care about them now.

>> No.65885957

I actually did, I even posted their graduation stream in my friends-group Discord and then blew their minds when it came out they got in. I don't watch them anymore though, not much fun supporting someone when they've already made it.

>> No.65886045

>not caring
People here cared enough to shit on them and their fans when they were graduating

>> No.65886362

Yes? Have you ever actually been to our inverse board /tv/? If you havent been stalking a starlet from the very first time she appeared in some made for netflix C-list horror film then you unironically do not deserve to fap to her in the big pictures. Bonus points because the stalkers got to her when she was younger and tighter.

>> No.65886423

And most of you faggots didn't care for hololive either until Miko had her nigga moment when she played GTA 5. You all started watching because she curled your racism and you found it based. You didn't knew who the fuck Hatsune Miku or Kizuna AI were before then.

>> No.65886585

>Hatsune Miku
There’s probably more people who know Miku than people who know anyone from Holo.

>> No.65886715

>be double niggerfaggot advise OP
>search for good vtubers to groom
>find really good twins 2views
>they aren't menhera and know they worth, so you fail to groom them as any similar to you retard
>actually they are so good that they got into Hololive and are no longer 2views
>plummets your chances to groom them
>"y-you weren't for them back then like ME. I'm SPECIAL"
Only one from olds worth respect is Mustache guy. Anyone else is cringe gaylord for me

>> No.65889063


>> No.65889548

>when they've already made it.
>not pushing them to even greater heights

>> No.65889592

The last sentence destroys your whole point, gj

>> No.65891422

If I pull that off, would you die?

>> No.65891464

>People didn't care until they care

>> No.65892005


>> No.65892324

People lie all the time, nothing new.
I didn't know about them at all before they joined Hololive, and I actually almost missed them completely in Hololive too because when I heard about Advent I honestly couldn't be bothered to add even more streams that I knew I would not be able to watch.
I didn't watch their debut live, I was lucky enough to watch a clip in another react stream the day after just a few hours before the first FWMC Morning and it peaked my interest. A couple of streams in and I was hooked; I haven't looked back since and I even ended up supporting them outside of Hololive too.

>> No.65894722

that is right, Pomu bau bau.

>> No.65896206

>like they're the best thing since sliced bread.
they are, anon

>> No.65896315

I unironically knew about them before 99% of this board. Since that one free visual novel they made before vtubers were even a thing.

>> No.65896451

OP here. I completely agree with you. I don't think I'm special in any way for being there before the triangle and I think people who think that are faggots (the whole point of the thread). Ordinarily I'd ignore your post but I must reaffirm that the only based traveler was moustache anon.

>> No.65896721

Anon was right they do just want to lie

Acrylics would’ve given them almost no money and decent chunk is also a lie. The most generous take you could give is tens of thousands of fans before which translates to hundreds of thousands of fans now. Even if every one transferred over it would barely be a blip.

>> No.65896806

There was like 3-4 threads shitting on them saying they weren’t worthy of hololive every other week after their graduation. Your schizo example means nothing

>> No.65896816

Well, did you expect Twitter or reddit to watch streams? They are too busy sharing memes about clips they got recommended

>> No.65896869

>you did not care about them until blue triangle
Why do people say this like it's some sort of gotcha? It's like saying you didn't care about X basketball player until they made it into the NBA, no shit nobody cares until you've made it into the big leagues and have gotten the official seal of quality

>> No.65896916

Weird how many people are proving your point immediately either doubling down or getting mad they got called out

>> No.65897016

That’s actually wrong people big into basketball pretend they are actual scouts and watch highschool ball. And then right below that are people that watch college, which is anyone that doesn’t watch the sport casually. So no you’re just a schizo

>> No.65897110

You know sometimes I think the “le /vt/ incels” thing is just a meme, but other times im not so sure.

>> No.65898352
File: 5 KB, 377x99, 1686293058970537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need to pretend. Me and Yagoo are now best friends.

>> No.65903103


>> No.65905046

I didn't care about them because it was impossible to find them. Not everyone has time to trawl every performer in Twitch and Youtube. As if I would care about everyone in Hololive? I don't.
Now they've got the exposure. We should be thankful, not bitter.

>> No.65905904

As a Holo-only fan, I only became aware of them on the last few weeks when they announced their graduation (watched a few clips of them), and every thread of them I was in was full of travellers calling for of Yagoo to save them and Holofans, including myself, telling them to come home.
Basically, you're full of shit.

>> No.65907438

I don't quite comprehend the concept of people not understanding the idea of branding. No shit people won't know about you. I also make cute wooden figurines that i sell sometimes through small circles. There is probably market somewhere for my stuff, i can setup an online shop and shit like that (i won't). Should i also mald and seethe at the obvious fact that an average consumer lacks time and clairvoyance to know about every small schmuck out there?

>> No.65911329


>> No.65912490

To be fair, I knew about them before they debuted, checked one vod and that's it, most anons are probably like me in that regard. When anons said they're X, I'm like, I think I remember watching someone like that once, and that's it.
Although, I never said I was a fan or anything, but there is something a bit special when you know chuuba's PL before she debuts, I guess lying anons cling to that.

>> No.65912568

I thought they were neat but in all reality watching streams takes a lot of time. I was sad to see them go because their gimmick was more fun than the sea of generic vtubers riding the hype, but I didn't find them more interesting than those I committed my time to.

I'm glad they were saved but I'm not going to pretend they were ever (or are now) my favorites or anything, I'll just be happy for them from a distance, same as before.

>> No.65912599

I did.
OP is a faggot btw

>> No.65912822

But I know her from modded CS and gmod servers back in 2012?

>> No.65915113

Never knew they existed until hololive.
Then I saw the pomu arc and that pissed me off.
Glad the doggos have succeeded and have a loving supportive fanbase, they deserve it.

>> No.65915468

I did, I used to feel sorry for them, I wonder if the anon who made threads when they were streaming is still here
honestly, they were adorable and hard-working girls but not that entertaining to watch desu, although that sushi game stream was fun
