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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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65001544 No.65001544 [Reply] [Original]

Not very nice of Mori desu

>> No.65001593


>> No.65001661

Merry Christmas!

>> No.65002748

At least he won't need to see his whore daughter anymore

>> No.65002890

>Sociopathy barely disguised as humor.
The thread.

>> No.65003009

Sometimes I think we're better than other boards in terms of dark humor/desensitization

>> No.65003160

>boomer dad isn’t able to see her son
>boomer dad wasn’t selfish to leave behind his whore of a daughter
That dad was never proud of her.

>> No.65003659

Damn. I may not Vei at all but dealing with losing a parent is pretty shitty.
I hope she does alright with the grief.

>> No.65003695 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.65003820

good riddance

>> No.65003906

fuck that sucks

>> No.65003986

He probably searched his daughter's name on the internet, and died of a heart attack after seeing the results.

>> No.65004101

womp womp

>> No.65004147

Justice for ripping off Shylily's voice.

>> No.65004537

Jesus. I forget 4chan is full of fucking psychopaths sometimes. I don't really like Vei but I'm sorry for her loss, that sucks. Hope she can work through it.

>> No.65004687


>> No.65004772

gonna be honest this comes off insincere but only because it's veibae and nothing she does is sincere

>> No.65004789

I wasn't gonna meme because I felt bad but I bet Vei was jiggling her anime tits for strangers on the internet when her Dad slipped into dreamland for the last time.
Kind of makes me want to create a Twitch account called Vei's Dad and just talk in her chat and see what happens.

>> No.65005027

oh sweetie, you REALLY don't want to see the actual psychos that lurk this hellhole, most peeps in this board are just, at most, insensitive cunts

>> No.65005243
File: 65 KB, 577x577, 1667514633022556.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>womp womp
Fuck I laugh at that anon

>> No.65005326

Not an excuse to miss the shift key.

>> No.65005410

>board full of catty women
>surprised when women act catty
>I bet Vei was jiggling her anime tits for strangers on the internet when her Dad slipped into dreamland for the last time
He died today. Her last stream was almost 20 days ago.

>> No.65005429

It's veibae, she probably deserves it tbqh

>> No.65005461

That's not how you spell Pfizer, dummy.

>> No.65005561

Sounds like what a edgy teen would do. When at some point in life karma massively fucks you in the ass, just remember that you fully deserve it.

>> No.65005564

Everyone point and laugh at the bioweapon vector.

>> No.65005569

>I forget 4chan is full of fucking psychopaths sometimes
If you think this thread is bad you're definitely tourists. Nobody's even talked about defiling the corpse.

>> No.65005733

>Everyone point and laugh at the bioweapon vector.
I'm not an adenovirus shell tho

>> No.65005735

>board full of catty women
>full of (...) women

>> No.65005796

This board is basically the National Enquirer for e-celebrities, so yes.

>> No.65005819

>. When at some point in life karma massively fucks you in the ass
Is this about vei or OP?

>> No.65005852

where do you think we are? most users here are underage and live off of being edgy little brats. just ignore this post and move on with your day, lol.

>> No.65005869

Pretty much, or even about taking it for a ride Hangover style. /vt/ in general is still a blue board.

>> No.65006165

Mass vax die-off any day now, sister

>> No.65006258

Did he drop any good loot?

>> No.65006360

Haven't been paying attention to the excess death stats lately, eh? Whatever. Not my problem. You'd let them shoot you in the head with a gun if doctors told you it'd cure brain cancer.

>> No.65006474

>believeing in karma
Much worse people have led very fulfilling lives for me to even entertain that idea.

>> No.65006512

Stuff like this is very traumatizing.

>> No.65006612

sleep tite lil nigga

>> No.65006649

yeah It would be pretty traumatizing having veibae as your daughter

>> No.65007427

I'm extremely sorry for Vei's dad.
Life is cruel.

>> No.65007436

IMO it's because of a few subtle things -
>she needs only "a bit" of time to "process" everything, can't just straight up say "I'll be away for a while mourning" or something more earnest.
>ends it with a "call ur parents (heart emoji)" which makes it all seem flippant

It all sounds too casual actually considering the magnitude of what that is, that is one the top hardest losses to take period and she treated it with her nonchalant lower-case post as if she just had to postpone a stream for indigestion or something. Funny thing is I don't know much about Vei but I did hear she found it really important to support her dad with her vtuber bucks, she is just incapable of coming across as a sincere person I guess.

>> No.65007438

Nta but /pol/-anon? I looked up some death stats and non-vaccinated individuals had the highest death rates...

>> No.65007494
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>> No.65007556

Unironically, she's probably a terminal case of irony poisoning.

>> No.65007614

Veibae didn't reply to a particular vt post

>> No.65007703

I'm only joking and memeing because I'm scared to actual death of the day when it's my mamma's turn. That day is my greatest fear and I have no other method of coping with the reality of it.

>> No.65007732

>I looked up some death stats and non-vaccinated individuals had the highest death rates...
Smaller sample groups have higher rates than large sample groups. I can tell you 80% of a town was massacred and it'll be true if 4 of 5 people that live there died.

>> No.65007798

Let me guess, you still believe Santa is bringing you presents in a few days, too. Life is not inherently fair and there is no one balancing the scales. Terrible people will live to a ripe old age before dying from snorting cocaine off the backs of a dozen hookers, at the same time a person with a bright future ahead of them where they become a doctor and save hundreds of lives will meet an abrupt end in a traffic accident.

>> No.65007851

Didn't this woman cause a man's suicide because she made fun of his small dick or something? Jesus why do you expect sympathy

>> No.65007968

This definitely falls under the "too much information" range Vei. Did you leave your streamlabs open after this?

>> No.65008000

if your suicide was caused by some roastie laughing at your small dick, I dont know why you'd expect sympathy

>> No.65008125

It sounds like if the mood struck her she was not far off from literally writing something "sheesh my dad died, totally not poggers dude FU god, I need to take a min off, this totally sucks maaan :(((" and that would only come across as a little less respectful/soulful than what she did write.

I remember when asmon lost his mom he made like a half hour video about it very carefully explaining everything about the situation and what led up to it and you could just feel his soul. That is sincerity. Vei.. not really. I guess she will address it whenever she does resume streaming at least but for now this is like "wow she sounds disconnected from reality/humanity

>> No.65008150

You're imply I'm the guy who an heroed. Not the own you think it is.
The fact that she showed no remorse for it makes me think she's sociopathic.

>> No.65008181

>Smaller sample groups have higher rates than large sample groups
And large groups are going to have more numerical deaths than small groups. A group of 1 million could have 10 deaths while a group of 5 could have 3 deaths.

>> No.65008244


>> No.65009023

>And large groups are going to have more numerical deaths than small groups
When you're measuring for the same statistic and nothing else, sure. Clinically speaking one of them is a control group.

>> No.65009071
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Not gonna spend money to check it out, nor do I know what it would like closed, but this is what it looks like now.

>> No.65009080

Shitposts aside, I still think Mori's saying something like "uhh wasn't me" in regards to learning about the Linkin Park singer's death was easily one of the funniest moments in vtubing history.

>> No.65009143

>in his sleep
the guy got lucky, most of us are going to get a slow, painful, expensive and lonely death being milked by corporations and shit relatives, i will be lucky if at least i ended up being dropped in a common pit, lucky canadians at least they can choose a peaceful death, fucking christians and jews and their habit of dictating to others how to live and die.

>> No.65009272

I killed him

>> No.65009356

Lmao. Did she? Can you show me?

>> No.65009364

>Shows lack of empathy from that same person
>He deserved it anyway
Hypocrisy at it's finest

And don't even come calling my dicklet, mine is a little smaller than 8 inches, it isn't that big but it isn't small either

>> No.65009510

That’s a retarded analogy but go off

>> No.65009572

>That’s a retarded analogy
hehe, hah

>> No.65009594

A control group would be unvaccinated. If the control group ends up having more deaths than the treatment must be more effective than no treatment

>> No.65009625

Imagine dying and having a whore as a daughter, you failed as a father

>> No.65009637

What are you, 14?

>> No.65009663

act like a bitch get treated like a bitch

>> No.65009739

Didn’t Asmon literally cause his mothers death?
If anything doing a half hour video I’d bet money is monetised feels way scummier.

>> No.65009759

>If the control group ends up having more deaths than the treatment must be more effective than no treatment
You didn't say more deaths. You said higher death rates. It's amazing how many people can be tricked by academics with simple math.

>> No.65009835

Whores generally are indifferent towards their father, or even hate them, so not surprising

>> No.65010021

>It's amazing how many people can be tricked by academics with simple math
It's more amazing how many people can think semantics outweigh statistics

>> No.65010040

I'm talking about your analogy of the gun to the head.
Even then wow, a fuckup happened with a vaccine. How does this prove anything besides vaccines aren't 100.00% safe which even the booster-getting people know?

>> No.65010142

>the distinction between a raw number and a ratio is semantic
You are incredibly retarded.

>> No.65010239

mori fucked him good huh

>> No.65010250

She doesn't really care, her dad was absent in her life, that's why she's a whore.

>> No.65010287

>Even then wow, a fuckup happened with a vaccine
I wonder how many people have to die before the public goes from "so what?" to "the people who did this should be held accountable."

>> No.65010298

He died of disgust, not of vaccination, you two cucks

>> No.65010304

For me, it was someone sending Mori a SC about a friend/viewer passing away, and Mori honoring the fallen Deadbeat with a sick recorder solo.

>> No.65010354

Spoilers: Mori didn't kill him either.

>> No.65010371

>argues against data
>"You are incredibly retarded."
Not sure why you'd want people to look at stats if you don't like the results of those stats

>> No.65010433

Cigarettes and cars cause far more deaths, do we hold them accountable?

>> No.65010491

>Not sure why you'd want people to look at stat
Because I expected people to have a basic grasp of statistics, how they are structured and can be flawed, and how the mathematics involved in them function. A terrible mistake, I know.
That court case was in 2006, genius.

>> No.65010548

So a single court case solves everything? I'm sure there's been one for vaccines, or if not sure let's do one since that'll solve that apparently.

>> No.65010551

>died in his sleep

>> No.65010642

>So a single court case solves everything?
Oh there was more than one.

>> No.65010647

IIRC she was in a coma and nonresponsive with end stage COPD, there is no coming back from that and she was just done period. The options were to put her on a ventilator which only would be her out as a potato or not do that, and he and is dad (and the doctors) after a lot of discussion thought she would not have wanted to drain money like that (she never wanted to go to the hospital even for emergencies because the bills) so they didn't have her ventilated. One of those things where I guess they never discussed it in someone's will and well that question came up. Even if they ventilated her that was not gonna fix shit, just prolong her in a coma for a bit, she was already done.

>> No.65010752

Didn't she hate her dad? I vaguely remember her talking shit about him since he was always drunk

>> No.65010815

Okay, find as many as you want. Hell I agree that we should compensate those injured by vaccines. That's why there's a federal fund set aside for it. But it doesn't kill even a fraction as many people as you seem to think it does.

>> No.65010937

And I already explained to you how raw numericals are flawed. Your "control group" cope would only work if the control group was a similar size to the experimented groups. But what can I expect from an anti-science group attempting to use science to refute science?

>> No.65010971

>Hell I agree that we should compensate those injured by vaccines. That's why there's a federal fund set aside for it.
I would also like to remind you that the government contracts signed to purchase these vaccines included protection from prosecution. Nobody seemed to notice or care.
>But it doesn't kill even a fraction as many people as you seem to think it does.
If it killed more than exactly ZERO people then there's a serious god damned problem. You and I were told, parents were told, 100% safe and effective. I can link you an autopsy report from a German medical institution that proves a guy died from brain inflammation caused by vaccine spike proteins. Every single fucking person who died is negligent manslaughter at best.
>anti-science group
You don't even know how statistics function shut the fuck up.

>> No.65011029

Forgot to reply to this fag for the last line: >>65010937

>> No.65011033

Calliope "the vax tax is heart attacks" Mori

>> No.65011092

>You don't even know how statistics function shut the fuck up.
>argues against how statistics have always functioned

>> No.65011100

Not a single vshojo mem has responded

>> No.65011148

You literally JUST claimed that there is no distinction between a raw number and a ratio derived from it other than a semantic one. I don't even have to explain how and why you're a fucking retard. You are the last person that should pretend to know anything about science.

>> No.65011277

cry bout it?

>> No.65011353

Fucking kek anon don't do it you ass

>> No.65011362

you are talking to people who believe that the tallest bar on a chart means its better than the others lol, nobody knows whats a regression analysis which is the most basic thing to know to be able to notice if someone is bullshitting you.

>> No.65011367

>You literally JUST claimed that there is no distinction between a raw number and a ratio derived from it
No, anon, the fact that I stated was that the raw numbers are irrelevant unless both groups are similar size. Once again, if you compare a group of 1 million to a group of 10 who all died, the group of 1 million would only need 11 deaths for their treatment to be "ineffective" in your eyes. Please continue to defend this line of thinking, troglodyte.

>> No.65011563

>No, anon, the fact that I stated was that the raw numbers are irrelevant unless both groups are similar size.
Yeah and it's almost like they backburned all the data that could have made that more accurate. Y'know, like vaccinating the control group of the clinical studies? So what do you get to work with? Comparisons of general populations which are marginally accurate at best...but when you notice a spike in unexplained deaths not accounte for by other factors that sure is interesting isn't it?

Doctors baffled. Specialists unsure. Meanwhile I know how this shit works and I know when something smells like greed, rot, and lies.

>> No.65011972

>like vaccinating the control group of the clinical studies
They should've died since the vaccine is deadly, right? You said so yourself.
Since you've clearly never done any research in your life allow me to enlighten you how they work: ALL research uses a sample of a population to gauge the outcome of the experiment on the population at large. "Why" your monkey brain ponders? Because it is physically impossible to have every single person in a country, let alone the world, participate in the study. And that is exactly why rates are used rather than raw data.

>> No.65011979

Do you think he died with the shame of knowing his daughter was fucked like a pipe?

>> No.65012191

>They should've died since the vaccine is deadly, right? You said so yourself.
Yes, the vaccine kills people. Here is indisputable proof. You can pretend like nothing is happening and people aren't dying. You can ignore it by presenting it as hyperbole. But it's happening.

It's incredible to me how far in denial you retards really are. Blood clots, strokes, myocarditis, heart attacks, necrotizing encephalitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome...the list just gets longer and your copes just get weaker. 100% safe and effective ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.65012342

Did he know that his daughter was a drug-addicted whore?

>> No.65012659

Vei is the real psychopath. She's only tweeting about this for clout. She never actually cared about her father. If she did, she wouldn't turn into the disgusting cumdumpster that she is. And after she laughed at her most loyal fans for being loyal to her, I have no sympathy for her. I hope she overdoses and drowns in her own vomit.

>> No.65012839
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My oshi is just too based sometimes.

>> No.65012851

checked, kek'd

>> No.65012984

another vaxxie dies mysteriously

>> No.65013015

>Yes, the vaccine kills people.
But didn't you say earlier there's way more vaccinated people than unvaccinated? Idk about you but I sure haven't noticed any declines in population.
>You can pretend like nothing is happening and people aren't dying
>You can ignore it by presenting it as hyperbole. But it's happening
>It's incredible to me how far in denial you retards really are
Schizo-chama arguing with the voices in your head doesn't reflect reality.

>> No.65013362
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>I sure haven't noticed any declines in population.
Then your eyes are firmly shut.
Ah, you're down to gaslighting now? Typical.

>> No.65013805
File: 67 KB, 729x360, decline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's odd. I could've sworn "decline in population" meant numbers going down, not up...
>Ah, you're down to gaslighting now? Typical.
Actually, I started this converstion with unvaccinated people having a higher rate of death than vaccinated people, which means both sides have deaths but the unvaccinated side has more. Yet you claimed that I said no one has ever died from a vaccine as well as claimed the vaccine is more deadly than contracting covid unvaccinated. Typical of your kind to resort to gaslighting.

>> No.65013917

>That's odd. I could've sworn "decline in population" meant numbers going down, not up...
That's odd, it's almost like you're talking about a completely different subject and are now attempting to divert the conversation using a semantic pilpul. All that I can say to that is "lmao"
>I started this converstion with unvaccinated people having a higher rate of death than vaccinated people
Which is an anecdote by the way and totally meaningless since you never posted anything to prove it and I never cared enough to look. You already admitted comparing general populations wasn't accurate or reliable so it's funny to me you're still sticking to that point. Very funny, in fact.

>> No.65014313

One less family issue.

>> No.65014496

The worst thing is that the OP is probably some subhuman vshitshow faggot who cried endlessly about the "IM is scared of Mori" jokes and art a few years ago. What made those funny is that IM was always an obvious fraud and grifter and thus no real ill intent was meant by them.

>> No.65014733

>it's almost like you're talking about a completely different subject
>But didn't you say earlier there's way more vaccinated people than unvaccinated? Idk about you but I sure haven't noticed any DECLINES IN POPULATION.
Retard, if the vaccine was really that dangerous the population wouldn't increase since most people are vaccinated.
>Which is an anecdote by the way and totally meaningless since you never posted anything to prove it
Actually, I didn't post anything to prove it because: 1. you didn't provide proof when I relied, only for others to do their own research 2. you responded by claiming statistics are bullshit and I genuinely couldn't fathom how you can dress yourself in the morning. Anyways oh look evidence proving you wrong! https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/deaths-involving-covid-19-by-vaccination-status/resource/2aa6e2ce-40de-4910-a737-81762e014b0b
Tldr: in every age bracket, fully vaccinated individuals with a booster had no deaths or comparable death rates to non-fully vaccinated individuals, while non-fully vaccinated individuals ranged from no deaths to much, much higher rates. Fully vaccinated with no boost almost always had the lowest death rates.

>> No.65014742

Oh also just for fun I'd also like to point out how fucking stupid your reasoning is. "Uhhh...if people are dying then why did the population go up? Checkmate!" You might as well walk into a funeral home and say that death is a myth because the population is still going up. Well let me tell you why the population goes up: People have sex. A lot of it. Yeah I know, crazy. Insane, even.

>> No.65014912

>I'd also like to point out how fucking stupid your reasoning is. "Uhhh...if people are dying then why did the population go up? Checkmate!"
Actually, it's because you claimed the vaccine is like "putting a bullet in your head to cure brain cancer" while acknowledging most people are vaccinated. If both these statements were true, than yes, the population would, in fact, go down as people would die faster than people can be born.

>> No.65014929

>you didn't provide proof when I relied
I have posted an autopsy report. You posted jack shit.
> you responded by claiming statistics are bullshit
Now who's talking to the voices in their head? fucking lol

>“Not fully vaccinated” category includes people with no vaccine and one dose of double-dose vaccine. “People with one dose of double-dose vaccine” category has a small and constantly changing number. The combination will stabilize the results.
LOL you absolute fucking retard, you didn't even read the additional notes

>> No.65015005


>> No.65015113
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>Actually, it's because you claimed the vaccine is like "putting a bullet in your head to cure brain cancer" while acknowledging most people are vaccinated.
You know your argument is falling apart when you misquote someone and pretend like you didn't.

>> No.65015201

>I have posted an autopsy report. You posted jack shit.
I posted death rates of all age ranges from 2021 to last week, you posted a guy that had pneumonia.
>Now who's talking to the voices in their head? fucking lol
>>65007732 you can't run from your past, retard.
>LOL you absolute fucking retard, you didn't even read the additional notes
It seems you didn't. Here's the keyword: small. >>65015113
>>65006360 you can't run from your past, retard.

>> No.65015305

>you posted a guy that had pneumonia.
What the fuck are you talking about? The spike proteins lacking nucleocapsids (i.e. vaccine spikes) in his brain gave him necrotizing encephalitis. Can you fucking read? Holy shit. God damn you're stupid.
>you can't run from your past, retard.
I guess you can't read because the word BULLET appears in this thread for the very first time in one of your posts.

>> No.65015513


>> No.65015535
File: 2 KB, 442x33, covid_totally_did_it_btw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck are you talking about?
>admits he didn't even read his own report
>"Uhhh...a-actually, I didn't say bullet! The gun w-was actually a water gun! Checkmate!"
Holy cope

>> No.65015589
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Please kill yourself immediately.

>> No.65015640

tbf I went through the same thing when my dad died. When it happened I appeared as very casual about it, basically an attitude of "well at least his suffering is finally over". It's not I didn't care, it just hadn't really set in yet because about a week and a half later I felt like absolute shit and didn't even want to get out of bed.

>> No.65015669

Dying in your sleep is pretty awful. Yeah, maybe it's fine if you're 95 and you know your time is coming before you close your eyes, but realistically you're going to go to sleep at 55 thinking about work tomorrow and then you just never, ever wake up. No final moments to collect your thoughts, no last words, not a chance to reflect on your life - just poof.

>> No.65015868

Most people kinda hope they die in their sleep, assuming it doesn't just come out of nowhere.

>> No.65015886

Better than getting shot.

>> No.65016045
File: 5 KB, 698x47, kill_yourself_immediately.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get vaccinated
>"It appears the individual was vaccinated!"
Wow what a breaking find.
Can you tell me why the vaccine allegedly took 3 weeks to kill him and not the reoccurring pneumonia? Bear in mind, he was vaccinated twice before already and didn't die.

>> No.65016068

>get pneumonia
>get pneumonia
>get pneumonia, brain rot, and inflamed heart

>> No.65016208

This mfer actually asking why pneumonia is listed as cause of death on the certificate when you can literally be brain dead of massive head trauma and kept alive on life support for years. Unreal.

>> No.65016284

Or drowning

>> No.65016292

Im glad he went peacefully with his pride in his daughter in tact

>> No.65016438

Well, considering he got vaccinated and was fine for three weeks then got pneumonia and died, I'm willing to bet it was probably the pneumonia. Besides, I only mentioned pneumonia because you wanted to pretend it wasn't involved.

>> No.65016653

>Well, considering he got vaccinated and was fine for three weeks
Other than his brain literally rotting in his skull you fucking moron.

>> No.65016785

What the fuck is this thread? Are there still facebook boomers that honestly believe in this Qanon shit?

>> No.65016945

I have no idea what these retards are talking about I just think it's funny vei's dad died.

>> No.65017153

>Other than his brain literally rotting in his skull you fucking moron
Actually that appeared after his first vaccination. Almost a year earlier. "On the day of his first vaccination" no less, quoted directly from your source. Interesting that his first vaccine was allegedly so immediate, yet the third had no effect until 3 weeks later...

>> No.65017711
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>Sociopaths combined with /pol/tards because nobody ever died in their sleep before till covid
I always think ive seen the depths this board can sink to and then something like this happens and I'm just blown away by how much worse this place can get.
Hardly even a shred sympathy just HAHA BASED MORI and LE VAXX GUYZ.

>> No.65018262

she laughed about it

>> No.65018308

>I'm just blown away by how much worse this place can get
>this shit
sasuga, snowflakechama

>> No.65018508

It can get way worse.

>> No.65019280

>Hardly even a shred sympath
why would you have sympathy for someone like veibae?

>> No.65019520

In terms of /pol/tards, it's just one guy going "GUYS IT'S TOTALLY THE VAXX FOR REAL THIS TIME" and another calling him a retard. In terms of lack of sympathy, that's par for the course on /vt/ for anyone outside the CGDCT sphere. You can tell they have no clue what they're talking about with posts like >>65008244

>> No.65019856

Wipe those tears with your millions baby.

>> No.65019991

>Interesting that his first vaccine was allegedly so immediate, yet the third had no effect until 3 weeks later...
Prove it. For all you know each vaccine made the problem worse or made no difference at all.
Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.65020071

Actually I just made a joke equivalent to the Mori one but then some vaxxie vaxxie heart attacksie had to sperg out and I never turn away from a fun argument.

>> No.65020934

its Veibae what did you expect from here

>> No.65021657

>Prove it
Your source.

>> No.65021978

Funny, because I'm pretty sure they can't perform an autopsy until after you're dead. Pretty hard to perform it after each individual dose.

>> No.65022525

>can't determine if the third shot had an effect the day he got it because he was still alive
>can somehow magically know the first shot had an effect the day he got it despite the fact he was still alive
The absolute state

>> No.65022738

do it
for teh lolz

>> No.65022744

>greentext strawman

>> No.65022965

Anonymous websites tend to be full of anti-social people that borderline on sociopathy because they were rejected everywhere else.

>> No.65023164

>muh stawman
It's exactly what you said. You said they need to perform an autopsy to see if the third had an effect, yet they somehow new the first had an effect despite him not getting an autopsy.
I'd like the derail your derailment by reintegrating the original point: getting vaccinated is safer than not being vaccinated.

>> No.65023246

>It's exactly what you said
Yes I'm sure you think that, just like you think changing and adding words to other peoples' sentences is a direct accurate quote. Yawn.

>> No.65023271

You inferior being immunity system says otherwise.

>> No.65023668

>"they can't perform an autopsy until after you're dead"
>so how did they know the first shot was the case of le brainrot?
/pol/ isn't sending their brightest

>> No.65026256


>> No.65026455

do you guys think when ironmouse dies, will her death thread be just as savage?

>> No.65027359
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Sucks losing a father, especially around Christmas. Best wishes to Vei.

>> No.65027550

idk but I'm sure when you die nobody will talk about you.

>> No.65027717

The posts will be like
>She died doing what she loved: sleeping

>> No.65027774

No punishment is too extreme for my ideological enemies.

>> No.65028072

Why are people afraid of the lack of empathy here, is this twitter?

>> No.65028229

Yes and also reddit.

>> No.65028303

Empathy is the difference between the 30-somethings who got over their internet hate machine phase on 4chan in 2008 and the zoomers who came here from x.com who are still stuck in it

>> No.65028556

People hating on Vei are still bitter about her getting a BF. When she talked about fucking and sucking guys, no one gave a shit in /vsj+/. Some believed she was lying and was actually still a virgin. Once she was being open about dating Soda, some people really lost their shit.

>> No.65028651

Nobody cared about Vei getting a bf, it was the VShojo gosling queen Nyanners getting a bf that made people flip

>> No.65028811

Empathy is nonsence.
No one really knows what she's feeling.

>> No.65028853


>> No.65028883

I hold my head
Veibai's dad gone
a nigga dead

>> No.65029517

I think she should stop posting things that aren't relevant to her entertaining me. God what a parasocial loser.

>> No.65029579


>> No.65031226

honey the eastern bunny wont come if you dont eat your vegatables

>> No.65031445

No no, they are. That's their brightest anon right there

>> No.65031634
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big ups

>> No.65031690

>nooo you have to be heckin wholesome
Kill yourself

>> No.65031700

>big ups chester, wasn't me though
One of Mori's top moments, definitely

>> No.65034814
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I doubt she was close to him. If she were, she wouldn't be whoring herself out online for strangers.

>> No.65034852

>come to a website notorious for dark humor
>dark humor occurs

maybe it's time for you to head back over to X

>> No.65034931

pic related is looking too smug all things considered

>> No.65034976

There's nothing particularly savage about this thread

>> No.65035218

I agree with you.
I hope I never get to the point where I lack such an extent of basic compassion that I'm able to mock someone when their parents die. How unbelievably cold hearted.

>> No.65037392

Well, unfortunately vei isn't the one dead so there isn't much to mock.

>> No.65038373

>Dates conveniently erased
Nice try, this tweet is from 2013.

>> No.65038434

don't care. go cry on sodas cock dumb cunt

>> No.65038659

wow i wonder why we would dogpile on someone like that
truly one of the mysteries of all time

>> No.65038682

Dark Humor needs to be funny retard, your just assholes

>> No.65038713

Chumpbud I get that your used to radio silence 24/7 but most streamer's tell their fans if something happens in their personal lives that require them to take a break from streaming for a while.

>> No.65038733

She's informing her audience of her potential absence anon. Not everything is an incel conspiracy.

>> No.65038899
File: 93 KB, 582x384, attachment-14.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck that sucks.
losing a parent is awful.

>> No.65038943

I don't care about this gold digging whore, sorry.

>> No.65039357

She was already absent anyway. Just say you're going on a break, no one cares about your personal life, tell us when you're back to dancing on the screen like a court jester for our amusement only. I'm not parasocial so I only care about entertainment. No entertainment? Ok, go away until you're entertaining me again.

>> No.65039630


Someone should link her this thread.

>> No.65039631

Redditbros trying too hard to fit in

>> No.65039725

She's the only vtuber I can tolerate (from the ones I've watched) so I'd be a bit upset, but at the end of the day she's just another manipulative femoid getting rich on the backs of lonely simps. The entire vtuber industry could get wiped out tomorrow and I wouldn't care, desu.

>> No.65039786

And yet you participate in the vtuber community.

>> No.65039858

I post on /vt/ for a few days once in a blue moon, and up until Mouse started playing GTA RP I haven't watched her stream in like 4-5 months probably. I don't watch any other vtubers. Heck, I don't even watch Mouse because she's a vtuber, only because she's entertaining (sometimes).

>> No.65040080

Was her dad a pole or a br*t, don't know if I should feel bad.

>> No.65040180

That's vtubing in a nutshell

>> No.65040262

Imagine being a piece of shit human being that you feel the need to ridicule a girl who's father just die on a shit hole like 4chan. This is why you faggots will never bury your dick in pussy and will always remain a incels virgin until the day you die

>> No.65040823
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>> No.65040988

When is her next stream? I don't really delve into the personal life of the vtubers(VIRTUAL) I watch.

>> No.65041095

Humans are the only ones who can decide on and deal out karma.

>> No.65041094

Can't wait to see how this place will react the day Ironmouse finally bites the dust

>> No.65041214

Can't wait to watch the funeral subathon.

>> No.65041320

My buddy Jesus paid off my karmic debt

>> No.65041379

I can't even imagine how much of a bad person he was if he raised a daughter like her.

>> No.65041411

Kill yourself.

>> No.65041446

>catalog shitters need to gaslight the dead to feel superior
Never change you bot loving parasites.

>> No.65041447

Hosted by Connor.

>> No.65041478

pajeet whiteknightchama...
she won't give you vegana, give up...

>> No.65041518

Hi Vei!

>> No.65041574

heya, kys schizo, shouldn't you be on the twitch thread?

>> No.65041575

None of your Holo girls will give you the vagina either. Grow up you sack of shit.
Not Vei but hi.

>> No.65041596

Edgy cowards are not psychopaths though.

>> No.65041619

Shouldn't you be hitting your nearest home Depot so you can buy some rope so you can hang yourself? Or do they not have home Depot or Lowe's in shithole Indonesia?

>> No.65041747

Not surprised by the catalogfag behavior here. Making fun of someone losing a father because you don't like their vtubing choices. Dark humor is supposed to be funny. You people are just horrible human beings.

>> No.65041799
File: 255 KB, 549x560, 1515017868298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets angry people make fun of dead people
>tells them to kill themselves

>> No.65041831

You think the reaper decides whose souls she wants to collect? God's the one that wanted another angel. Greedy bastard has enough angels.

>> No.65041890

>pajeet writing non-esl posts challenge (impossible)

>only holofags can hate my perfect princess vei
I'm an indiefag, retard, you don't have to be a unicorn to hate your perfect princess Vei.

>> No.65041936
File: 14 KB, 211x185, 1687172673785049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Behaves like subhuman trash
>Is surprised when treated like subhuman trash.
Totally not consequences from your own subhuman actions.

>> No.65041964

God doesn't care about ethots and why would the devil want a woman in hell?

>> No.65041979

Sea retard calling anybody else a pajeet, only in fucking 4chan these faggots have the confidence to pull stunts like this.

>> No.65042051

But enough about vei

>> No.65042053

I wonder if he visits Mouse when he goes to the US. Probably has to shower and wear a protective suit, kek. Such romance.

>> No.65042071

It just shows me you don't actually treat death as a serious topic and you're just shitposting like the rest of us.

>> No.65042084


>> No.65042135

this, does she think I'm her friend or something?

>> No.65042143

I don't think people hate V*i because of her "vtubing choices". From my impression it's mostly because she's an abusive, toxic gold digging whore.

>> No.65042260

Aww, did calling you pajeet hurt your weewee? Don't deny reality, you can take the pajeet out of his DESIGNATED, but you can't take the shitting away from the pajeet.

She's honest, at least, two years ago she asked her viewers if they wanted to settle for less toxicity, and their answer was yes.

>> No.65042776

I'm a pretty normal empathetic person but this is where I come to unleash my shitty side and laugh at those less fortunate than me. Out of here I'm kind to others but everyone can't be kind all the time.

>> No.65042825

She's a twitch thot you think that's something a dad is proud of? It's a step up from a cam whore. "Jeez I'm sure proud of my daughter monetizing her sexuality like that"

>> No.65042827

her dad died and you thought it somehow has value to make fun of it/use it for a laugh. amazing thought process OP

>> No.65043319

That’s what you get for betraying vshojo.

>> No.65043377

Let's face it, V*i only streams for attention and validation at this point. She's already got a rich guy to mooch off of for the rest of her life if she's not dumb.

>> No.65043526

I give it a year tops before he cuts her loose.

>> No.65043596

Doubt it. Soda is smart but he's absolutely retarded when it comes to women, and ever since he ditched Lea and stopped living with Nick he hasn't been around women really, so he'd take whatever he could get at this point.

>> No.65043833
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Sorry bud but you sound underage

>> No.65044073

If you were the guy that killed yourself you wouldn't be posting genius
>Hypocrisy at it's finest
Suicide is inherently immoral and naturally repugnant. Also, sympathy and empathy aren't the same thing, I can understand why someone might kill themselves but that doesn't mean I sympathize with them.

>> No.65044208

I agree with you anon, vei deserves it for behaving like a subhuman.

>> No.65044355

Anyone else think False will report on this?

>> No.65044410

Stop being parasocial you creeps

>> No.65044453
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>> No.65044621

What the fuck my teacher's dad also... Wait a minute

>> No.65044897

Death didn't exist until the v*x

>> No.65044915

And Bei behaves like a subhuman trash too, your point?

>> No.65044963

>"Can you buy me this Gucci sweatshirt, LV bag and Dior shoes? I'm so sad"
V*i to Soda right now.

>> No.65045042

I didn't even see anyone saying for her to go too, this thread is far from sociopathy

>> No.65045568

>I didn't even see anyone saying for her to go too
Well that just goes without saying, it's obvious she should have been the one to die instead.

>> No.65045626

>my dad just died

>> No.65045712

This. It's far more likely that Vei will dump his ass after she's drained him for everything he's worth.

>> No.65045731

Dying in your sleep is far from the worst way to go.

>> No.65047936

She would have to go for someone who isn't a streamer then, because I can't think of any other big name streamer with lots of $$$ and who'd also put up with degenerate shit. Also, she would have to marry Soda first to get a green card before she dumps him.

>> No.65048005

Do it but she will probably profit off of it in views and donations.

>> No.65049642

Santa's real.
The Easter Bunny's real.

>> No.65050384

IF karma existed it won't affect anyone on this thread anyway, it isn't like one of us killed the guy on his sleep, karma is you taking on the ass later for what you DID before

>> No.65052710


>> No.65052784

Furthermore, he died old with a life full of achievements.

>> No.65052864

No offense, I kind of expected her to be fatherless from the beginning

>> No.65053591

So you can laugh at other people's misfortune but when is done to you, you feel ass blasted? You unicorns are nothing but thin skinned fags.

>> No.65053816

Umm??? off-topic thread much? Her dad wasn't a vtuber. Stop posting self-doxx. pls. MODS XD

>> No.65054106

Unichads are the reason this industry exists. You should be kissing our feet.

>> No.65054155

I borrowed 20£ from that nigga. Rip bozo xD

>> No.65054172

I'm saying you're not consistent, you can either say that people shouldn't make fun of death or tell people to kys, doing both makes it look like you're trolling.

>> No.65054331

I'm sure business is booming but not because of you Kumar. You aren't an filthy rich ojisan or an oil baron.

>> No.65054413

He died within 4 days so when am I dying, anti vax schizoids keep moving the goalpost and saying next month. Im waiting patiently.

>> No.65054465

This thread is full of edgy kids and jealous whores even worse than Veibae somehow.

>> No.65054473

I love this cope. All oil barons and rich ojisans are unicorns. Just look at FuwaMoco. They captured the rich ojisan unicorn demo and have been swimming in money.

>> No.65054499

The £ comes first.
Like £20

>> No.65054550

Why does everyone hate Veibae now? Last I remember everyone calling her based for leaving Vshojo. Is it because there jealous she has a boyfriend?

>> No.65054553

you're too good for this place anon, get out of here while you still can

>> No.65054622

Most income comes from normal people subbing or membering and merch. Theres plenty of non unicorn friendly streamers who do just fine, Veibae being a good example since she has a boyfriend

>> No.65054705

she was based for leaving Vshojo, but even that only promoted her from trash to slightly shinier trash
>Is it because there jealous she has a boyfriend?
not sure if i should call you retardchama or tourist... probably both

>> No.65054824

Vshojo antis are weak and impotent, nothing new.

>> No.65055238

May she be up next, from trees she shall hang, shoot her in the cunt first beforehand.

>> No.65055267

>Her last stream was almost 20 days ago
No wonder he died, those withdrawals must've been rough

>> No.65055292

Welcome to 4chan, retard.

>> No.65056237

One based attitude doesn't make the others 100 retarded/whore attitudes bearable

>> No.65056934
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>> No.65057050

Anon she's a complete stranger on the other side of the world.
No one in this thread even watches her.
Her "dad" is just some vague concept we don't even know shit about.
People die all the time, doesn't mean anons here have to care about every single one of them.
Obviously we're not gonna say all this shit to her face or in her public twitch/twitter either, but memeing about it is fun.
Hell even those directly affected by tragedies sometimes meme about it to dull the pain. Black Comedy is an entire genre for a reason too.

>> No.65058472

Wouldn't even have to announce her death. You could just prop up her corpse on a chair and call it a sleepathon. I doubt the Ironkeks would even notice.

>> No.65058522
File: 713 KB, 550x734, kiara Go Back, Go Back, Go Back [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdapwrj.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65058531

Veibae is worse than anyone currently in VShojo. By far. Just about any criticism you hear of VShojo on /vt/ applies more to Veibae than any current member.

>> No.65058604

Everyone dies
There's no reason to be upset unless its some sort of tragic death

>> No.65058882

anon that's literally what happened to vei, karma

>> No.65060119

Her dad was physically abusive to her and her brother. The father was the one who wanted his distance from his kids. She has issues with her dad's treatment, and would break down if people scream at her. She mentioned that when she talked about an experience early in her relationship with Soda, he went off on her, and she started bawling. However, Soda has made efforts to treat her a lot better now.

>> No.65060297

anon... she's not in vshojo

>> No.65061098

He hasn't implied anywhere she still is, ESL-kun.

>> No.65061765

At least he died asleep, he suffered too much on his life(having a whore daughter)so at least on his death he should go peacefully

>> No.65062154

When you die on your sleep, do you really die peacefully? I think your brainwaves get really funny if you die on your sleep, but I don't remember if that was some paper or a creepypasta.

>> No.65062348

Nice, but on the other hand her father borrowed from ME. How do I get it back now? How can I contact vei about debts?

>> No.65062507
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Vei should seek God now

>> No.65062723

iirc sleep paralysis has something with heart acting weird for a moment. Imagine sleep paralysis going on for hours. I wouldn't call it "peaceful"

>> No.65062862

good for him! finally escaped his nightmare of a life

>> No.65063412

Vei is a cunt, I don't have the energy or interest to feel bad for everyone in the world, and Vei is a cunt.

>> No.65067008


>> No.65071815

>snowflakes the thread
lel, says a lot about veifags
