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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.64883637
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>> No.64883741
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Wait no, this one

>> No.64883753

This one seems less malicious in intent

>> No.64883755

>I hope you die quickly

>> No.64883788

nvm I'm picking this one

>> No.64883804

She will never use an EX3 move on stream...

>> No.64883828

just noticed /pol/ schizo made the other thread

>> No.64883832
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Waifu cute today (and by today I mean every day)

>> No.64883836

Does Biboo's mind just forget everything she learns after a few minutes??

>> No.64883850

how long until she plays as dante?

>> No.64883854

This one better

>> No.64883865

after the 'big guy'

>> No.64883869
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>> No.64883884

after this mission I believe

>> No.64883891
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Biboo cute!

>> No.64883895 [DELETED] 

Friendly reminder to report the other thread's OP.

>> No.64883899

That's part of the experience.

>> No.64883904

That's me.

>> No.64883921
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>> No.64883959

i need biboo to step on me

>> No.64883977

Lick lick lick lick lick

>> No.64884010

Every time I see this I put my tip against her finger.

>> No.64884019

Biboo has made so many retard sex noises today

>> No.64884036

This stream is a goldmine.

>> No.64884040
File: 2.87 MB, 1738x2048, gem girl cutest girl in t(...).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me some rock

>> No.64884049

It may as well be the Hololive experience, honestly. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.64884055

I bet she's ovulating

>> No.64884057

that greed is going to be the end of her

>> No.64884083

All is right with the world.

>> No.64884114

>can I rev up in devil trigger

>> No.64884133
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Clean it up janny.

>> No.64884174
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Is Biboo the smartest dumb girl or the dumbest smart girl?

>> No.64884222


>> No.64884228

Devil May Cry 4: Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry™ Series

>> No.64884260

Man, she does not understand the concept of timing these grim grips...

>> No.64884262

Dumbest smart girl

>> No.64884274


>> No.64884305

Smartest dumb girl

>> No.64884336

The duality of pebbles

>> No.64884388

It's obvious why she has trouble. She needs to brush her hair out of the way so she can see properly.

>> No.64884436

Time for Biboo to beat the shit out of the elderly

>> No.64884454

Style always beats gameplay

>> No.64884481

Nerfing herself or the game would be too easy

>> No.64884532

It's pretty standard DMC new player experience honestly, game can be beaten with 2-3 attacks or mechanics, most of the skill ceiling is getting the extra few dozen less-useful attacks and mechanics into muscle memory and also figuring out when you're supposed to use them properly
She's remembering to mix shit up a lot for a first timer, especially considering the weeklong gaps in her playthrough and chat constantly telling her to try random stuff

>> No.64884535

ooooh it's a big one

>> No.64884575

the zangief grab is always cool

>> No.64884609

Yeah, me. I'm her wife (male).

>> No.64884620
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>> No.64884626

Becoming one with Biboo!

>> No.64884675

>"Go blow yourself"
>Kyrie smirks
She was supposed to be a good Christian girl...

>> No.64884694

>It's pretty standard DMC new player experience
from what i've seen from holos and other vtubers the dmc experience is stinger stinger stinger. Biboo is going the extra mile using every move she can.

>> No.64884697

Why do I remember Gura doing this fight? I have intense deja vu... but I know she didn't beat Dante.

Did someone else in EN play DMC4?

>> No.64884730

Woah, nice combo

>> No.64884735

I thought you could play as Dante in 4

>> No.64884739

Biboo having the time of her life punching the hell out of a hapless old man kek

>> No.64884741


>> No.64884759

After this fight

>> No.64884781


>> No.64884806

That old man? Yeah, me.

>> No.64884844

Nice. I can finally see uncle in action

>> No.64884845

Is there a similar fight to this in Bayonetta 1/2? Like, almost identical?

>> No.64884862 [SPOILER] 
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People in Nijisani EN, yes

>> No.64884873

I'm just going to remind everyone that Devil May Cry is better with the JP audio.

>> No.64884897

do do do do do is that true?

>> No.64884981

Most enemies in Bayonetta look exactly like that big statue so if there is I wouldn't be able to tell.

>> No.64885015


>> No.64885068

Sanctus or the Savior? Jubileus at the end of Bayo 1 is pretty similar aesthetically and has the big beams/punches and old priest guy attached (Balder)

>> No.64885078
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>She was supposed to be a good Christian girl...
You should know by now the Christan sheltered girls are the biggest freaks.

>She yearns for your touch.

>> No.64885079

holy moly I was on the edge of my seat, thank you so much biboo

>> No.64885105


>> No.64885108

Damn it. I was hoping for a salty second try.

>> No.64885163

>Dunk on the old man for half his life
>Try to unga bunga gorilla through his attacks for next 90% of her own life
>"oh wait I should not throw"
God damn it, this brat

>> No.64885177

Wacky woohoo pizza man time

>> No.64885203

Oh man, I'm kinda sad

>> No.64885204

Rip, Credo.

>> No.64885221

Too bad both DMC and Bayonetta are sperate universes as a crossover would've been amazing.

>> No.64885245
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Biboo likes coomer art too. Now if only it was accurate to her flat chest.

>> No.64885255


>> No.64885308

I fucking love Nero, what a charismatic douchebag.

>> No.64885323

>Biboo wants the Biboobs
What now

>> No.64885325

They're LCL now...

>> No.64885348

More like the outfit

>> No.64885357

it truly was a wondrous time

>> No.64885359

More like she wanted Virgin Killer art and she has to settle for that off-model shit

>> No.64885360

wait, I could swear there was a sorta-crossover boss in one of the bayo games. Did I dream it up?

>> No.64885379

This isn't the first time she's liked the Biboobs anon

>> No.64885386

she is a zoomer, if a meme is hot she wants to be a part in it.

>> No.64885402

yeah but this time is literally for the outfit.

>> No.64885425


>> No.64885440

Why did Dante just stand there though

>> No.64885461

I love how Dante and Trish shitpost through the whole game around this serious story for Nero

>> No.64885465

>that pronunciation of Yamato

>> No.64885469
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>likes coomer art too
Always been there
This latest one almost certainly counts as "showing pantsu" too but I guess she figured she could get away with it since memes

>> No.64885482

he's quirky like that

>> No.64885508

Beep I was hoping he would live, he was kinda cool

>> No.64885539

god damn Trish is jiggly in this

>> No.64885580

Cutscene/Lorewise at least he can one shot everything in this game by drunkenly fucking around and block the big statue guy with his bare hands and regen from whatever they do, it's basically like watching two tiny dogs yapping at each other on the street and laughing at them instead of breaking it up

>> No.64885589

Wait, THAT'S where that soundclip is from? I only ever knew it from AMV Hell...

>> No.64885588

I'm glad the Japs exist.

>> No.64885684

4D Chess

>> No.64885707

That's some divine gaslighting there.

>> No.64885712

God I missed Dante's quips

>> No.64885721

>clap clap clap
More like plap plap plap

>> No.64885722

they're barely contained

>> No.64885755


>> No.64885776

Oh god this is my first time seeing LDK's render up close like this and not just "purple coat version in ps2"
He looks so fruity lmao

>> No.64885787

>Nice monocle, I guess...

>> No.64885804

Okay I definitely watched someone play DMC4 past the point to where Gura got stuck but I have no fucking idea who. I wonder if it was one of the homos? Man this is fucking killing me.

>> No.64885833

Why do girls in this weeb-ish space gush so much over Dante?

>> No.64885866


>> No.64885909

I mean every chuuba who likes Japanese things seem to gush over him. That's what I mean.

>> No.64885922

>Biboo finally got her air trick
'bout time
>Literal just a cool uncle
>"Can fix him" but it's easy, even a literal loli could do it, just fucking clean up his pizza boxes
>Rare anime dude with facial hair
Way more understandable than fucking Vergil tbdesu

>> No.64885933

Anon, it's not just the girls

>> No.64885950

Cool, older men appeal to young girls a lot. And I do mean a fuckton. That's also why Biboo likes Vergil

>> No.64885985

Ah, that's what stinger is, naruhodo

>> No.64886007

She's not as skilled as Beebs though

>> No.64886011

I've never watched any of the homos, so I'll believe you.

>> No.64886038

Does anyone actually use all 4 styles? Seems a lot to remember

>> No.64886045

Vergil is completely understandable when you just compare him to Sasuke and how many women fawn over him through the years.

>> No.64886069

>he isn't gar for dante

>> No.64886137

>Biboo teabagging by accident

>> No.64886145

It's spam time!

>> No.64886183

For a good moment I thought she was spamming the taunt lmao

>> No.64886190

The way she talks about Dante makes me jealous...

>> No.64886202

I know more girls that are into Vergil than Dante.

>> No.64886224


>> No.64886227

>Actually tried style switching to teleport after a stinger'd enemy then launch combo with swordmaster
Love this rock
Even if she whiffed half of it and it was scuffed as hell lol

>> No.64886330

Have any of you played 2?

>> No.64886388

I gave up after infested chopper, it was too much.

>> No.64886403

It's just bland and it's just never referrenced again unlike 1,3 and 4

>> No.64886410

she has the spirit

>> No.64886413

>no DT stinger spam, only regular stinger
Man, DT'd Stinger in 4 is like a jet engine going off, I love it so much.

Yes. I remember constantly almost killing myself as a kid in game to activate DDT.

>> No.64886475

>Shotgun instagibs the shadowcloaks
>Nevermind I like dante more now.
Fucking kek

>> No.64886494

I see. I was just curious. I just cheesed the fuck out of it with guns and standing in places where bosses couldn't hit me.

>> No.64886517

The suffering lmao

>> No.64886584
File: 214 KB, 750x750, decrilus dmc3 agni rudra fuwamoco yeah F9-eZx_b0AAa3ZY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The two she's using have the most general use for beginner/mid-level players, most beginners stick with just 1 - a single style played well is more than enough to clear and get high ranks, the swapping experience she has from DMC3 was only added in the rerelease.
You can see high level players use all 4, but there's no reason to stay in gun or guard style for an extended period, so it's just popping in to use on of the fancy gun flex moves, or to parry a really big enemy attack for style points.
Really high level players do dumb shit like spam style swap between every blow in the combo just to flex by padding the game's APM to retardedly high levels.

>> No.64886592

>biboo is the type to compare the manliness of two guys
It's over... I would lose every time...

>> No.64886612

>Comparing Nero to a baby
oof, it's over for him. When a woman does that, there's no return.

>> No.64886634

>the type
Every woman does that. Hell, everyone does that. It's just natural.

>> No.64886643

Swapping in 3 just shouldn't exist

>> No.64886648

Only Dante's route. Its as bad as everyone says avoid it.

>> No.64886659


>> No.64886681

I'm sorry, I should have said outwardly doing it. But I'm just kidding around anyway.

>> No.64886693


>> No.64886717

I see what you mean, it's all good fun anyway

>> No.64886746

Is Vergil even in this game?

>> No.64886771

Lady time

>> No.64886781


>> No.64886785
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>> No.64886790

Biboo's getting horny

>> No.64886824

I'm actually kinda surprised that chat isn't spoiling Vergil every time she brings it up, it's always filled with people telling her that she killed him in DMC1 and that he's dead.

>> No.64886832
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>> No.64886872

To get Biboo's attention, I need to be as comparable to Vergil or a sexy girl. Fuck...

>> No.64886884

Whenever someone does that, chat start elevating it with WEEEEEEEE spam

>> No.64886886

Biboo I was looking at fat tiddies

>> No.64886911

Horny for pizza. Pebbles, how do we compete with this?

>> No.64886914

Unfortunately, yes
The penultimate boss's voiceover was a lot funnier than it should've been because I became steadily less sober throughout, and the worst part is that it probably had no meaningful impact on my gameplay because DMC2 is a one-button game

>> No.64886924

There have been people dropping "hints" the whole time she's been playing. It's just that Bijou finally asked chat to step in if spoilers get posted

>> No.64886928

Time for the whole game again, backwards

>> No.64886948

Damn that was some fine juicy lookin' pizza.

>> No.64886969

don't need to
I make a mean pizza

>> No.64886976
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Now biboo will learn the second half of the game is a repeat...

>> No.64886974

they run out of time, pureasu andusutando

>> No.64886999

There was pizza?

>> No.64887008

Not from lack of trying from the drooling retard half of chat
The other half of ytc pebbles just have the bare minimum spoiler etiquette to tell her to not look, and she told them last time to elevator spoilers into the void, which they thankfully took to heart

>> No.64887010

shioritalin's big ass smirk....

>> No.64887025

it's kind of nice fighting the bosses as Dante, but yeah not great

>> No.64887028

cute biboo wink

>> No.64887034


>> No.64887086

Just be a gigachad like Dante. Not everyone can be born as edgekino as Vergil.

>> No.64887142

it's honestly not that bad the first time because you don't have the stages memorized by heart yet and you're focusing more on trying Dante's new weapons and his goofy ass cutscenes
Gets a little questionable afterwards though yeah

>> No.64887163
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>That unintentional teabagging

>> No.64887167

What would be the girl equivalent character or characters that men universally drool over in vidya? Especially on stream?

>> No.64887182

Imagine being exually drained by Biboo, and then when you try to sneak away, she cries out, "WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?"

>> No.64887243

The answer is still Dante

>> No.64887265

Zero suit Samus

>> No.64887330

Odds she finishes the game tonight?

>> No.64887339
File: 292 KB, 1488x1254, 1695951082896513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I ever try to sneak away?

>> No.64887394

I'm gonna say low but she could surprise me
3rd stream could be final part + extra stuff if she goes for like 5-6 hours today

>> No.64887395

Had the game been made in the modern day with modern graphics but no design alterations like in the remake, Jill in RE3 100%.

>> No.64887401

To not die of exhaustion and dehydration?

>> No.64887410


>> No.64887429

Lara Croft Tomb Raider back in the day I guess
DVa or 2B or Xenoblade HomuHika might have the highest raw numbers now for entry level waifus
none of them have ever done anything for me

>> No.64887433

How did she get through it the first time, just luck?

>> No.64887447

lol I forgot that she never really figured out the trick last time

>> No.64887466


>> No.64887471

pure dumb luck yes.

>> No.64887488

>Lara Croft Tomb Raider back in the day I guess
Ah, yep. This is the ultimate answer.

>> No.64887519

kind of, yeah
she was just basing it on how bright the path was

>> No.64887562

looks like she is figuring it out now at least

>> No.64887585


>> No.64887613

from whatever she's babbling about now it sounds like she had an actual working strat all along but it's too tensai for me

>> No.64887637

>tfw they turned ultimate badass lady into rapebait

>> No.64887641

Honestly Dante's move set doesn't mesh very well with 4's enemies in general
Also Chimeras fucking suck

>> No.64887644

You're forgetting that it's not typically normal or acceptable for guys to say how hot they find a girl, but girls can with no issues. So we don't really have any examples.

>> No.64887675

*on a stream
Of course, in private, it's normal for guys to do that.

>> No.64887754

She trickswording!

>> No.64887805

I said what I said
the video footage proves me right

>> No.64887856

>Plapping Biboo
>She keeps saying no babies no babies

>> No.64887918

Biboo doesn't like when you get it in her hair...

>> No.64887932
File: 1.96 MB, 470x494, chu is forbidden[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Foqs5fi.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no babies
>no chu
Biboo, please...

>> No.64887955

Why would you anyway? Finish in her mouth like a real man.

>> No.64888017

I just redownloaded the game to do some missions, I was surprised at how lenient the ranking system was. I would have been getting Bs or As in 3, but I get S or A ranks in 4. Provided I find those stupid fucking hidden orb caches anyway.

>> No.64888028

>no kissing
>no babies
>not the hair
She's quite picky in bed isn't she

>> No.64888051

>female characters were stronger and more badass *before* feminism infected gaming

It's bizarre.

>> No.64888081
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>> No.64888213

Hey Biboo, there are gorbs in the eggs all around the arena
we know you got this on autoscroll

>> No.64888242

>doesn't realize she can just jump up in the chimera spawning face and DT stinger spam
Speak of the devil, she just accidentally jumped up on that phase.

>> No.64888280

Bruce Lee reference incoming

>> No.64888306

What is that chuuni stuff, Danteman?

>> No.64888337

Alright chat, go spam those DRI inputs so she can instantly annihilate all the bosses.

>> No.64888365

I love how Biboo understands the male fantasy

>> No.64888402

Shit, I stepped out for a moment. What did she say/do?

>> No.64888421

She remembers Beowulf but not Ifrit's combo, sad...

>> No.64888433

Only losing a few style ranks and not all and visible point ranking system helps a lot, also Nero gets free style just for doing buster stuff
Tradeoff for orb being arguably harsher I guess
I'm reasonably convinced new Tomb Raider had to have had an unironic ryona/guro dude somewhere on staff to explain all that stuff

>> No.64888461

she tried to go super sayan

>> No.64888464


>> No.64888466

She said she understands how much we want to impregnate her.

>> No.64888474

C for.... Cool Dante!

>> No.64888493

Beowulf was used by Vergil
of course she remembers it

>> No.64888495

She was saying how cool one inch punch is and she loves it

>> No.64888500

likes the one inch punch
just the way she understood the male romance with the AC6 bunker

>> No.64888509

You hear that pebbles? Cool Dante. C absolutely does not stand for anything else, right?

>> No.64888550


>> No.64888562


>> No.64888590

fuck those guys

>> No.64888601

>people are already talking about DRI in chat and they don't even know how to do it

>> No.64888609

>What is those
Biboo...your ESL is showing...

>> No.64888646

She's usually good at hiding it...

>> No.64888650

>supercharged explosion punch
Oh that looks like it feels fucking good

>> No.64888655

fuck, I forgot about the master hand mother fuckers

>> No.64888663

>chat trying to tell her about RI/DRI in DMC3
>they got it mixed up with Beowulf's standard uppercut

>> No.64888750

Beowulf was all linear chargeup even, the only thing remotely special was the beast uppercut

>> No.64888753

The crowning moment of biboo's ytc retardation.

>> No.64888764

How do I describe her high pitched laugh that's kind of unique to her?

>> No.64888786

Biboo got stunlocked...

>> No.64888811

windshield wiper

>> No.64888932

Call me a zoomer if you want, but this is the closest equivalent laugh I've seen.

>> No.64889004

Okay Zoomer

>> No.64889068

Besides the suitcase and the meme daggers I really don't remember what else Dante gets for weapons in 4.

>> No.64889101


>> No.64889102

Yamato and I think that's it

>> No.64889103

I'm perfect for my zoomer wife.

>> No.64889139

lol instant correction

>> No.64889154

Zoomer? Isn't this an old episode of Spongebob?

>> No.64889178

To be fair, that's how Vergil's in DMC4 works iirc.

>> No.64889223

Zoomers began on 96 or 97. I grew up watching Spongebob and was born in 98. So it's zoomer and late millennial stuff.

>> No.64889236

That's it. 3 swords, 3 guns, and you can't unequip anything.

>> No.64889240

Surpassed in the same streams by the combo statue advice
That's basically it, style switching was supposed to be more than enough extra options back then and 3 melee/ranged lets him always access the others with one button press
DMC5 had no such reservations though

>> No.64889254

It got charge levels and the extra damage on just release but can't be distorted the same way as Real Impact

>> No.64889297

Pretty sure you could do both, I think I remember basically one shotting the Savior with Vergil on DMD.

>> No.64889329

>look! I got an ASS

>> No.64889335

A! Just like her cupsize!

>> No.64889341

double distortion doesn't work

>> No.64889350

Huh. holodex is back up, but Bijou's not listed as live. Guess anyone that was on before it came back isn't there.

>> No.64889461

That tired her little cunny out

>> No.64889471

Erotic noises.

>> No.64889484

Time for Blitz to rape her.

>> No.64889495

Oh no, not those guys.

>> No.64889500

If it didn't, this will

>> No.64889592

>oh, that's it
This damn brat...

>> No.64889610

Did well for her first Blitz encounter.

>> No.64889639

>perfect dodges the lightning laser 4 times
>just stands there and gets hit the next 4 times
>no attempt to even try and dodge
>just stands there
> ow ow ow ow


>> No.64889647

hope none of you guys were the ones betting a round hundred she gets corrected by it

>> No.64889715

This DAMN zoomer girl with Elsa nonsense...

>> No.64889719


>> No.64889721

She was flexing on him.

>> No.64889734

Why were people worried about that thing? She just destroyed it, didnt even look hard

>> No.64889748

I'm surprised she didn't get hit by the Blitz suicide grab/

>> No.64889772

PTSD from higher difficulties

>> No.64889798


>> No.64889830
File: 2.72 MB, 1280x720, gamer of EN[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F7umsdz.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamer of EN moment.

>> No.64889838

Is everyone here some turbo gamer that has played everything she streams? I don't play much vidya and haven't played 99% of the stuff she streams. You are kind of missing out experiencing things with your wife for the first time...

>> No.64889840

>14k watching DMC4
Odds she gets over 20k playing 5?

>> No.64889864

She's a comedian.

>> No.64889884


>> No.64889885

dont know, dont care, go back to the number thread

>> No.64889896

She's being botted by #monkeys

>> No.64889903

Filling dead air with her stream of consciousness unironically more important than executing properly in games pls understand
See every time in this stream and others she starts talking about how she should stop greeding or do some specific attack while absolutely not changing course in the slightest

also I don't think she understands how much shit you can safely cancel out of in DMC with her soulsbrain, she seems to think taunts are a hard commitment for example

>> No.64889907

I lurk more if she plays a game I haven't played, I post more if I have experience with it.

>> No.64889910

if she keeps playing older games, chances are I've played it

>> No.64889983

They have a self-destruct grapple attack that does like 10 bars of damage if you don't have enough DT to break out of it.

Come to think of it, has she learned that you can use DT to escape grabs yet?

>> No.64889992

most games won't even let you do the stupid shit DMC does encourage you to do

>> No.64890046

I play video games as a hobby, along with watching vtubers and anime by the season. I dont know why it's crazy to think that I have experienced a lot of shit.

>> No.64890071

She did against agnus.

>> No.64890105

>Biboo's soulsbrain vs DMC
That explains a lot already desu

>> No.64890113

>stinger spam on no damage secret mission with those fucking chimera scarecrows
We'll be here for a while.

>> No.64890137

She should have learned it against Nevan, alas...

>> No.64890162

I used to be hyper into anime, watching like 10 or more series at once live with /a/. But when /a/ went to shit at about 2014 or so, I stopped. I literally don't know what's been airing for a decade. And now YouTube takes up most of my free time...

>> No.64890202

It's just how it works, anon. Everyone who played the game is discussing and engaging into the discussion while everyone else is commentating on the stream or her reactions, so it seems like everyone played the game.

>> No.64890217

time to get some food

>> No.64890248

She's a gamer, thats gonna attract other gamers. I've been playing games for 30 years anon, and I'd wager most of the people watching her also game regularly. 'fraid you're the outlier here

>> No.64890301


>> No.64890321

She was told but always used DT for damage during the down phase so never had it up for NO KISSING NO KISSING

>> No.64890327

If I'm the outlier, then I will be the one to steal her heart by being unique.

>> No.64890376

Anime is much nicer to watch when you dont have a million people telling what to watch and what not to watch and shitting on the shit you like. Just watch what you want bro. Watch trailers and read synopsis on shit and pick up things you want.

>> No.64890403

Does... does she realize the Chimera blades flailing around actually deals damage?

>> No.64890408

Her competency at games is what attracts people who are into games. It's honestly a novelty among vtubers. So yeah, her most dedicated audience is composed mostly of gamers.

>> No.64890435

Yes. But doesn't know that shooting them will disable the chimera for a while.

>> No.64890443

Powerful, GEEZ

>> No.64890449

I'm sure she does, but I don't think she realizes that the blades can't be stunned

>> No.64890499

The duality of pebbles.

>> No.64890501

You don't understand. Being hyper elitist about it was FUN. I probably enjoyed /a/ more than the anime I was watching. I miss those days...

>> No.64890563

Were you both into Kaela before Biboo?

>> No.64890578
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>> No.64890629
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>> No.64890664

Yeah, Kaela's the one who brought me back to Holo

>> No.64890684
File: 175 KB, 850x1066, 1692322119440829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64890699

Marin from nijiJP, then Ina. I admired Kaela from a distance because of her hardwork, but Biboo made me watch her more.

>> No.64890713
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>>64890664 (me) Picrel

>> No.64890731
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>> No.64890803

This is just autistically hard

>> No.64890851

Secret mission training her for the SSS-rank runs eh
I guess the platforming one was decent for teaching her to dodge the scissormen too

>> No.64890906

Is there a cheese for this mission?

>> No.64890922

>Biboo you need to swap styles more when focusing on a no-hit run
>Biboo use royal guard
where do these people come from

>> No.64890932

Yeah its called coming back later with the better weapon

>> No.64890933

Just tuning in, has my daughterwife been making cute noises?

>> No.64890964


>> No.64891000

Anyone have the art that Biboos mama did with her laying on the bed with plushies?

>> No.64891031
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>> No.64891091

It was probably OP wanted to hit bump limit so he could make a thread before he has to go somewhere. Just a guess. I used to bake for generals.

>> No.64891093
File: 1.76 MB, 2200x3112, 1f3b618b86a7f8a926731e72d4b69f6a457e28d5a76d29aaafbe9cde22ecb139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64891130

Not everything, but most of her beat-em-ups or other action games
As other anons have said half her selling points are gaming cunny, where her genre of choice is single-player challenges and beat-em-ups instead of the usual esports stuff, she'll attract people who gush over her for that game choice and her grind mindset alone

>> No.64891161

Nyo, I'm the baker. It was a new IP, and since /gem/ got hijacked a while ago, I got a little suspicious.

>> No.64891235

I'm going to say she's going to be here for another hour just so she can beat it after my post

>> No.64891241

Dang. Maybe he wanted to speed up the pace so he could make a troll split.

>> No.64891260

Where's the shower/toothbrush anon when you need him?

>> No.64891323
File: 251 KB, 707x1149, 1ee7b587a4eab74e49895d8824cf680239fe4ec8297e4a34dc8a9f4e7aa125f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64891362

>fps strat
So she's played DMC 2.

>> No.64891396

I'll go make a 10-minute meal just so she can beat it 30 seconds after I step away.

>> No.64891402

Camera is the final boss indeed, look at this

>> No.64891429

I'll bite the bullet. Time to go brush my teeth, sure hope I don't miss anything :D

>> No.64891432

Come back with the rocket launcher equivalent weapon of DMC4.

>> No.64891438

I mean, these are all pretty popular games she's playing. Anyone who's played games for a while will likely have played DMC, RE, Elden ring, etc.

>> No.64891464


>> No.64891509

Biboo being a woman again...

>> No.64891541

Dante correcting Biboo on livestream...

>> No.64891547

Fuck man... That comparing Vergil to Dante and saying he is so much better has activated PTSD to me... Why must I be reminded of real women?

>> No.64891656

this brat needs correction by me

>> No.64891665


>> No.64891684

Okay Vergil

>> No.64891792

no way this is gonna work

>> No.64891801

Bros, please... Give it to me straight
Is there a third wave after this?

>> No.64891845

No damage or low-hit runs while fighting hordes aggressively is the vanilla DMC endgame, this is pretty good training
She's playing super cautiously now after enough correction but her greedier "isolate one enemy in the corner with stinger and kabedon kill them quickly" is the correct intuition, up until you get good enough to drag an enemy into the skybox with you

>> No.64891859

No touching!

>> No.64891883
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>> No.64891897

She did it!

>> No.64891902

Stubborn cunny is the best cunny

>> No.64891908


>> No.64891910

Cute noises.

>> No.64891923

i love her

>> No.64891940


>> No.64891958

>no babies
>no kissing
>not the hair
>no touching
What am I allowed to do Biboo...

>> No.64891961
File: 237 KB, 1662x1079, SmugRock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my queen

>> No.64892007

Ignore everything she says and PLAP away anyways

>> No.64892018

She times it perfectly. She beat it exactly 10 minutes after this post.

>> No.64892068

bukkake safe

>> No.64892134

She's putting lots of rules just to test your patience. Her end goal is to get corrected.

>> No.64892182

Ayo, these niggas humping a rock!

>> No.64892203

>Rock girl kick-comboing the shit out of Frosts just like DMC1 a few weeks ago
Time is a flat circle, eh
>She thinks DMC2 is just spamming shotty once per second and not pistols as fast as she can
Oh Biboo...

>> No.64892210

she is an only anal pure idol

>> No.64892480

cute whistle attempts

>> No.64892488

Dante took a whiff of that ass

>> No.64892507

coomer dante! he's just like the pebbles calling the frog antenna cunny

>> No.64892538

To this day I wonder if Dante would have actually fucked them.

>> No.64892553

>she fell for it

>> No.64892573

Of course not It's Dante

>> No.64892579

Dante would look for it on the back of the knee

>> No.64892632

Let your boys fuck, Capcom.

>> No.64892642

Biboo's gonna see this and start streaming on TikTok

>> No.64892643

isnt dante a virgin like kiryu?

>> No.64892661

I love my cute rockdaughtergamerwife

>> No.64892706

What the FUCK is this weapon?

>> No.64892718
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She loves it!

>> No.64892749

Biboo is so easily impressed

>> No.64892751

significantly less effective in practice than it is in the cutscene

>> No.64892759

Its honestly a shame DMC4 Dante is fucking hard the first time you play with him and you don't have a lab to figure out the nuances.

>> No.64892816
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>> No.64892828

it's the obligatory gun that's only useful when using gunslinger

>> No.64892905

That's hot.

>> No.64892942

Swamp zone

>> No.64892962

Right along with Ryu and Leon.

>> No.64892970

>Throws you into a pseudo-timed mission immediately after you get a new toy you want to experiment with

I love this game but there are a lot of design decisions that make me go "what the fuck were they thinking"

>> No.64893003

Dang it, she got corrected TWICE after getting into Balteus mode

>> No.64893071

Fuck it, I'm tempted to member. What's the content like, pebbles?

>> No.64893087

>watching someone enjoy playing Pandora for the first time before they release how jank it is
To be young again...

>> No.64893100

Weren't there SMGs in 2?

>> No.64893129

dante's part are like that in 5 too the series expects multiple playthorughs...

>> No.64893205

might as well be, you hold the button and they shoot at max speed like you're using turbo and it increases times 3 when you're in DT

>> No.64893237

There's the Borat "very nice!"

>> No.64893254

For now, multiplayer games and watchalongs
More in the future (ASMR, zatsu, cooking, etc)

>> No.64893265
File: 350 KB, 2012x1440, pew pew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biboo got her gun.

>> No.64893313

she is choking

>> No.64893324

DMC4 Dante really is the epitome of weird weapons in an era where they suffered from not having a lab.

>> No.64893380

Huh...Tempting. Not sure if Bijou is my go to for ASMR but she surprised me with that ara ara. Still, probably gonna member her. Girl's won me over hard.

>> No.64893386

You can scroll through the community tab schedules on her channel, member content should be visible on them. Generally it should be
>Members watchalong for shit she likes
>Members multiplayer vidya
>Zatsu, planning
There's some other stuff she's discussed like ASMR or drawing that we haven't seen yet, could end up as normal streams or member ones.

>> No.64893437

Oh. I didn't realize you could actually just look at that without membership. I'm a retard. Thank you!

>> No.64893471

She got some pretty good SSSes there

>> No.64893473


>> No.64893480

>All she needed was a big fucking gun

>> No.64893488

>that instant SSS

>> No.64893494
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>> No.64893553

a bike chainsaw*

>> No.64893559

She doesn't know she can be self DMCA'd because of Youtube's retarded bot

>> No.64893560

>She accidentally SSS'd with the dumb Balteus attack
Fuck me kek
Pandora was probably the end result of them having too many gun ideas but not wanting to force the player to cycle through too many on the wheel like in DMC3 Switch.
Lucifer was...yeah, I got nothing

>> No.64893622
File: 108 KB, 1400x788, Dio-Diosworld-Jojo-Bizarre-Adventure-2081983153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't see the clear inspiration?

>> No.64893669
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>> No.64893725

I'm sad! :DD

>> No.64893764
File: 1.34 MB, 2048x1536, 1700709154503327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64893784

It's always funny to me that we still get people thinking Beebs is just a dex baby. Clearly our 400kg big gun and bigger hammer loving gremlins innocent disguise is working.

>> No.64893785

She's /here/ she saw the post

>> No.64893791
File: 312 KB, 410x519, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real sad hours (fake)

>> No.64893842

It could be from Dio or any other dude with a throwing knife weapon, sure
Was referring more to the labbing/testing/weird functionality part though

>> No.64893841

she's /here/

>> No.64893850
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Someone get the webms ready please, she's being the cutest thing ever

>> No.64893853

:D :O :0

>> No.64893909

Oh yeah no Lucifer is fucking WEIRD AS HELL under the hood

>> No.64893937

>whiffed the real impact on stunned berial
She was so excited...

>> No.64893948

To be fair, she's one of the ones insisting herself that she's a glass cannon/dex babu
Despite all the taste she's shown since debut being unga bunga gorilla tank or STRchad stuff

>> No.64894009

Dante is so cool...

>> No.64894030


>> No.64894041

There it is, one of the most complicated weaposn in all of video games.

>> No.64894040

I feel like she's had an overall easy time on the bosses for this game

>> No.64894046

Get back to the stream, Biboo

>> No.64894058

Your dorky uncle showing off every sophomoric sex joke in his repertoire...

>> No.64894064


>> No.64894101

You want me to believe this man is a virgin.

>> No.64894116

He's a good actor.

>> No.64894127

Come on, Biboo...

>> No.64894129


>> No.64894146

>the time and come and so have i meant the other thing

>> No.64894166

It's baffling, but then you consider everyone here does phrasing but has never actually had sex.

>> No.64894183

>Talking about cumming now
My pure seiso Biboo...

>> No.64894193

Biboo is talking about orgasms, where's the reactions?

>> No.64894195

Bargaining with AYOfags...

>> No.64894207

This fucking rock I swear to Jod.

>> No.64894211

1/2 more experience with what DMC bosses expect out of you, 1/2 bosses in the newer games just generally being more intuitive and having better visibility
Cerberus is also just known for being an especially rude welcome mat to the series

>> No.64894219

I love this silly girl.

>> No.64894221

>His two closest friends are two hot women but one looks like his mom and the other has daddy issues after she killed him
>And jailbait

>> No.64894258


>> No.64894270

There's a reaction in my pants...

>> No.64894289

How long until Biboo starts talking about masturbation habits on stream?

>> No.64894330

Patty turned 18 and calls Dante at the start of DMC5 and it is kinda very obvious what her intentions are.

>> No.64894336

I'll have you know I'm just too used to all the sex

>> No.64894408

Wait, if I haven't had sex why the fuck am I paying child support?

>> No.64894422

I should replay 4 and take the time to actually learn Lucifer like I did with 3 and Nevan

>> No.64894471
File: 2.08 MB, 3127x2333, 44126584_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be more self-damage than her yelling on and on about Jester while chat was dead on her screen kek
DMC anime with the strawberry sundaes

>> No.64894478

She's kinda blazing through the missions now so she'll probably finish it tonight
But still chat will tell her to do an extra stream for Vergil and the girls

>> No.64894480

you dated a single mother and the court system deemed you a legal caregiver

>> No.64894530

Damn, that's a pretty good answer

>> No.64894531

I'm a proud virgin willing to wait for marriage with my rock wife before having sex.

>> No.64894567

>Biboo fell in love with the phallic throwing knives
Nyooo...my pure uwu wholesome seiso baby...I guess I have to unmember now...

>> No.64894586

dante is the quintessential virgin whore.

>> No.64894589

Purest Pebble.

>> No.64894621

(belatedly) corrected for her comments earlier doubting Nero being the beginner character kek

>> No.64894624

I'm sleepy as beep and I thought it was older male biboo and loli kaela
Good night pebblebros, it's over for me

>> No.64894632

Kek, I remember faggots saying Biboo is seiso and innocent and then getting mindbroken when she deviated away from that on occasion

>> No.64894684

As long as she stays unicorn friendly, I don't care.

>> No.64894692

honestly, I should have predicted the Lucifer/Pandora run

>> No.64894697

What'd she say?

>> No.64894726

said nero was harder to play than dante because of max-act

>> No.64894757


>> No.64894779

I've somehow never seen anyone try this dumbassery before but it's fucking hilarious
Thanks Biboo
Pretty much just "oh shit Dante has so much more to keep track of now" after getting Pandy and Lucifer

>> No.64894944
File: 3.91 MB, 500x350, adventu adventu [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5s2qy9.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64894994

Best scene in the entire game

>> No.64894999

Dante is so silly lmao

>> No.64895003

Best scene in the game

>> No.64895004

I still remember an argument here about how she wouldn't make lewd jokes during gartic right before she fired off more than basically any other stream before that

>> No.64895007

Is sanity.. the price to pay..

>> No.64895024

This is without a hint of irony one of the greatest cutscenes of all fucking time.

>> No.64895061

Man I love this lmao

>> No.64895066

This cutscene is singlehandedly why they ran out of budget for Dante's half kek

>> No.64895071

That was beautiful

>> No.64895110

You just know they had fun making that.

>> No.64895118

I miss when games didn't take themselves so seriously
I still smile from ear to ear every time I watch that cutscene

>> No.64895178

Dante's part of the game may have been botched but damn if it doesn't contain some of his most memorable scenes

>> No.64895180

savaged him

>> No.64895181

Her laugh is so lovely

>> No.64895182

Let's be honest, if that scene was made today it would be called "cringe" and "ironic weebshit" made by "people that hate videogames".

>> No.64895192

This dork will never not go for the most kino finished

>> No.64895198

first try for real

>> No.64895214

>rising dragon finish
Damn, that was clean. First try too.

Never seen someone love Lucifer so much on a first playthrough.

>> No.64895243


>> No.64895246

>fucking clowned around with Lucifer all fight
>Full DT fist combo into RI
basic as hell but she's got the styling spirit

>> No.64895258

Dante is just the fucking best.

>> No.64895259

Cute claps!

>> No.64895271

Biboo's tiny claps make me unreasonably happy

>> No.64895285
File: 11 KB, 150x158, 1268352239448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64895288


>> No.64895302

Cute child

>> No.64895305


>> No.64895311

Biboo telling our kids that they're gonna fucking die...

>> No.64895325

DMC5's hat cutscene isn't that much different and people are ok with Yakuza's bullshit, it'd probably be fine honestly

>> No.64895387

oh my god i forgot you could see the underwear mark on trish's pants

>> No.64895396

I absolutely LOVE this thing of slicing things but the effect happening only after sheathing the blade

>> No.64895417

Dante using yamato looks so weird, but also perfectly chuuni

>> No.64895426

Damn, I missed

>> No.64895433

everyone talks about her booba but her cake is just as great

>> No.64895437
File: 547 KB, 2480x3508, koizumi_arata disgusted vergil headpats biboo F_mEwY1XYAA0lM3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weeaboo scum...I bet you'd fold nippon steel too if you could

>> No.64895478

why did they cuck you from weebslayer69 until after this mission, what the fuck capcom

>> No.64895488

Tsc, you dare challenge me?
*slices you a thousand times*
*teleports behind you*
*sheathes blase*
*you explode in a cloud of blood*
So easy.

>> No.64895615

DMC is meant to be replayed.

>> No.64895618


>> No.64895655
File: 2.21 MB, 2217x2853, 1691726485636620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judgement Nut

>> No.64895693

She's gaming...

>> No.64895713

I am so surprised she's not using Yamato at all.

>> No.64895744

She forgot

>> No.64895747

Did not know rockets one shot the gems.

>> No.64895761

so are biboo's gems pimples?...

>> No.64895840

New bread:

>> No.64895841

Beebs...please stop trying to use the bowgun at long range
