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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.64670143
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Also, small correction:
SUN - SMRPG was changed to a Lethal Company collab with IRyS, Bae and Mori at 8 PM EST | 5 PM PST | 10 AM JST

>> No.64670166
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Biboo cute!

>> No.64670487
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Vtuber Awards spam soon

>> No.64670563

Home Alone for Christmas

>> No.64670590

is die hard really a christmas movie tho?

>> No.64670604

If Bijou doesn't win, the voters are all casuals.

>> No.64670671

Of course it is.

>> No.64670698

>great taste in games
>shit taste in movies

>> No.64670772

that's fine since most movies suck massive ass anyway.

>> No.64670813

Yes, stop whining

>> No.64670837


>> No.64670967


>> No.64670965

Sad news

>> No.64670971

fweewen watchawong soon uwu!!

>> No.64671009

it got memefied into one.

>> No.64671107

It's bijouver

>> No.64671112

>play 1 (one) game
>be gamer
I know Biboo is pretty new still and i dont know the other two, but fucking selen???

>> No.64671140

Biboo's chat is cancer

>> No.64671180


>> No.64671214
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I love my rock

>> No.64671229

lame. None of the voters actually know how fucking hard Malenia is in Elden Ring is without Mimic Tears.

>> No.64671301

Selen plays a lot of games popular with zoomers. That's basically why.

>> No.64671332

I guess apex is the only valid game to be "good" at uh?

>> No.64671362

Nigger it literally has Christmas all over it AND a happy ending

>> No.64671376

Who cares. Shitty awards show biased against holo. Don't even watch it

>> No.64671464 [DELETED] 

Didn't ask
Don't care

>> No.64671475

It was always a marketing ploy, lots of action and comedy movies play on christmas for that reason. I wouldn't call Home Alone a christmas movie either

>> No.64671487

these people should have seen selen's stream of mgr:r, she got her gamer cred removed right then and there.

>> No.64671523

if you saw her performance and attitude in the vsai tourney, so it cant be apex

>> No.64671562

I'm actually glad she didn't win this shit, she's happy to be nominated and thats fine
Winning "gamer" of the year would bring a lot of tourists

>> No.64671589

Someone superchat Biboo to watch prisma ilya, its about magical girls

>> No.64671590

Wake up, meidos.

>> No.64671619


>> No.64671629

>Shitty awards show biased against holo

pretty sure hololive won whenever they appear except this one.

>> No.64671653
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>There's been some naughtyness
She knows Pebbles want to plap her..

>> No.64671652

Cry harder.

>> No.64671658

This is honestly the best possible take. You guys need to gatekeep harder. Anyone who comes from that trash is an undesirable

>> No.64671788


>> No.64671793

Wouldn't know, didn't watch any of it. I came to that conclusion when I saw the nominations.

>> No.64671805

>Kiara, Botan, Holo Minecraft event

>> No.64671806

the clips they showed for biboo weren't even good example of her gamer moments. Imagine not showing the 3hp AC6 clip. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3WXpxricTY&t=12454s

>> No.64671873

It takes place on Christmas, so yes

>> No.64671914

They should have shown beating vergil

>> No.64671945 [DELETED] 


>> No.64671990
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>biboo is off
>thread is full of tourist, diggers and retards replying
Yeah, time to go. Real pebbles take care, everyone else should just fuck off

>> No.64672018

Yeah, but does that show off her being a gamer better than her intro and Minecraft clip?

>> No.64672028



Biboo is wonderful and she's the best gamer in holoEN for sure but Selen is almost low pro tier in fps games.

>> No.64672029

im literally talking about biboo though? not anyone else?

>> No.64672076

You would be talking about it if she won

>> No.64672100

They showed her into screen, her flying in Minecraft, and Home Sweet Home. They did the same thing with the others too besides Selen.

>> No.64672151

dont reply to /pol/ schizo

>> No.64672165

The one time where she kills Aster Crown and Umber Ox only to destroy raven afterwards is one of the hardest missions in the game and she goes sicko mode on it.

>> No.64672272

You can cry all you want. It's not going to change anything.

>> No.64672352 [DELETED] 
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>> No.64672400

i'm angy now, i need a true compilation of biboo gamer moments, maybe by monday at 4 PM PST?

>> No.64672522 [DELETED] 
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Fuck off niji cancer

>> No.64672553

ignore him

>> No.64672592

Guess he made it obvious now

>> No.64672634

Oh, you're falseflagging. Thanks for making it so obvious.

>> No.64672646

niji fana versus /pol/schizo, this'll be interesting.

>> No.64672825

i look foward to the biboo vs selen catalog threads to replace the matsuri whore ones over the next couple of days

>> No.64672951

Well, selen fans are just celebrating amongst themselves, not seething about biboo. So if that happens, it's going to be from (you)

>> No.64673010

I love watching movies together with my wife. See you pebbles for LC tomorrow

>> No.64673043

Fuwamoco won! Congratz fuwamoco

>> No.64673331

i didnt say anything about selen fans

>> No.64673408 [DELETED] 

Based tranny janny defending the nijitroons shitting up the thread

>> No.64673616

I'm hyped for tomorrow. LC is KINO

>> No.64673630

Congrats to the dogs!

>> No.64673783

I can't wait! Lethal Company is gonna be great!

>> No.64673849

I'm excited to see how this group is compared to Advent, same for the Sweaty Tryhards.

>> No.64673956

about as much of one as It's a wonderful life

>> No.64673992

I think Biboo will do better this time now that shes played the game at least once

>> No.64674016
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I love her so much.
MILK is a way to live.

>> No.64674025

Just gonna game for the rest of the day and sleep like a rock after that comfy watchalong
Same, hyped for how Biboo and Irys are going to work together, last time Apex collab was comfy but Biboo was running out of energy

>> No.64674065 [DELETED] 
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No fucking wonder I get those whores recommended to me on YouTube. You're all a bunch of fucking subhumans.

>> No.64674113

I'm ootl. Who is doing LC tomorrow? Nothing on holodex but mori + kobo in 6 hours

>> No.64674146


>> No.64674165

This >>64670143
>Also, small correction:
>SUN - SMRPG was changed to a Lethal Company collab with IRyS, Bae and Mori at 8 PM EST | 5 PM PST | 10 AM JST

>> No.64674208

I really hope Lethal Company completely replaces phasmo.

>> No.64674309
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>> No.64674328

what is the chemistry of CHADcast as a group like anyway, wanna see how biboo adds to that as a whole

>> No.64674396

oh it will unless phasmo gets a big update

>> No.64674407

I like phasmo streams but since EN refuses to learn it even after years, I completely agree.

>> No.64674537

They unironically talk about piss and poop every single stream they are together

>> No.64674752

Man I Love Koseki! Words to live by!

>> No.64674810

Piss is nice, I want biboo to piss on my dick
Poop... Nope...

>> No.64675064

duality of /gem/

>> No.64675340

While having sex? Otherwise, when would that even happen?

>> No.64675376

phasmo is stale as fuck. the rng nature of lethal company mogs it, not to mention it has actual more gameplay than investigation. it just needs to look a bit better or look a bit worse graphically.

>> No.64675516

the proximity chat biboo laugh is great

>> No.64675752

Phasmo is boring after an hour, and it gets worse once they know what they're doing because everything is predictable.

>> No.64676431

People who only saw that one stream have no fucking idea what this game has to offer. They were still in the tutorial.

>> No.64676496 [DELETED] 

Reminder that you faggots deserve to die alone, especially tranny janny

>> No.64676614

home alone is 100% a christmas movie.

the best christmas film is christmas vacation desu so fuck both

>> No.64676838

>>Christmas Vacation
Best Christmas movie. Wish that was the one we were watching with Biboo.

>> No.64676883

wait that was a tutorial? they couldn't beat the tutorial?

>> No.64677038

Not a literal tutorial. Just the introduction to the game, there's higher ranked moons

>> No.64677060

>christmas vacation
It's good but I respectfully disagree
Besides, Biboo loves action. Die Hard is the perfect Christmas movie.

>> No.64677084

Anon, in phasmo they played the tutorial mode for multiple streams over many many hours. They (nerissa) refuse to try harder levels

>> No.64677145

Will biboo go tryhard for the MK8 tournament? Can we expect a 12h practice stream?

>> No.64677161

Yeah. But to be fair not having 4th player sucks. Somebody should stay near the ship.

>> No.64677188

They haven't seen yet how unforgiving the game is and haven't seen the scarier monsters yet

>> No.64677215

>tfw Nerissa meta games because she's terrible at them

>> No.64677258

I hope so.

>> No.64677278

Personally I think Christmas can suck a fat log and that all Christmas movies suck and I'd prefer if we just watched a movie that people actually enjoy rather than shoehorning some sub-par film that has the same mass appeal as church-safe gospel music so we can celebrate the most corpo-infested holiday of the year. But that's just me

>> No.64677379

She's gonna dominate. I feel it in my bones

>> No.64677484

They saw like 10% of monsters.

>> No.64677537

>meta games easy mode

>> No.64677547

Biboo wants to feel happy and cozy and share a special holiday with us. Thats what Christmas is.

>> No.64677591

Bibster should do a public Die Hard watchalong with open mic.

>> No.64677606
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I hope biboo sees the ghost who can track you perpetually until you leave the planet

>> No.64677623
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I'm 33. Xmas just reminds me I'm getting old
I'll probably just have her stream in the background to hear her cute voice while I'm making food

>> No.64677664

I hate Christmas too, one of my least favorite times of the year. My family can't fathom the idea that I don't like it and that I don't want any gifts which makes it even more stressful. I am looking forward to spending time with Biboo, but I'll probably have to miss the Karaoke on Christmas Eve which is unfortunate.

>> No.64677669

She'll be friends with her

>> No.64677744

I was shocked they saw so few, to be honest. I saw as much as they did in a single game on the easiest map.
What did they see again?
>hoard bug
The only truly interesting one in that lot is the braken. And, go figure, it had the best moment in the stream with nerissa getting dragged into the darkness

>> No.64677801
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Can't wait for that shit.

>> No.64677809

Sorry anon, there's no way that's going to happen. Even if she practices 5+ hours a day every day until the tourney she's going to place mid at best. Too many JP are autistic tryhards when it comes to Mario Kart.

>> No.64677874

>>Open mic
What? What's the purpose of that?

>> No.64677887

what are the format/rules of mk tourney, i heard towa said she was gonna change it

>> No.64677915

Slime, Blind dog, Turret as well

>> No.64677914

They didn't see the giant too surprisingly. They also saw a slime but didn't try getting close to it.

>> No.64677934

So I, her boyfriend, can join

>> No.64677937
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>> No.64677940

Christmas is about spending time with family and loved ones. Forget about all that americanized capitalist corpo crap and just enjoy the holidays with Biboo

>> No.64678021

Think about the meltdown Suisei would have if she got beat by Biboo again though
Absolute kino

>> No.64678096

Would the Christmas watchalong be better as a member stream or non members stream?

>> No.64678203

It's gonna be the same yearly xmas movie you'll see anyways. Doesn't matter which

>> No.64678240

I think about that more than I should

>> No.64678245

It's entirely possible for Suisei to get MK'd but it's unlikely to happen enough times to drag her down.

>> No.64678249

There are a lot of people who can't afford to membership that regularly watch Biboo. She loves her pebbles.

>> No.64678323

I'd prefer it was just members, but even regular pebbles deserve Biboo's Christmas cheer

>> No.64678332


>> No.64678438

sui only cares about winning so if biboo somehow got a higher place it wouldnt matter mio tower and ogayu are the biggest threats with sui

>> No.64678484

Those nuts...Mine

>> No.64678533

Oh yeah they did see him, surprisingly. It took me Rend and Titan to see him

>> No.64678602
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>Doesn't matter which
I forget we have "Pebbles" here who don't value spending time with Biboo and seeing her reactions to stuff.

>> No.64678681

How many monsters? I thought this game was shit but apparently theres a lot of variety?

>> No.64678721
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Biboo is magical.

>> No.64678749

I think more about biboo being happy to win and get even more noticed by her senpais than the losers having a meltdown

>> No.64678769

They got that rare 1-2% spawn chance which was pretty kino to end the stream off with.

>> No.64678811

20 on the wiki
And there's a reason it's overwhelmingly positive on steam, anon
I've never seen a stream that wasn't kino. Even the advent one had great moments

>> No.64678821


>> No.64678830

We'll see her react to the same Christmas video that she probably saw a million times already no matter if it's membered or not

>> No.64678968
File: 1.00 MB, 2500x4000, 1676430872063381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my 30's and never watched Die Hard. I don't even know what actors are in the movie.

>> No.64679071

I'm in my 30's and also never watched Die Hard. That said, how do you not know it's Bruce Willis. I thought that was common knowledge

>> No.64679136

I've watched it because of Gura and Ame during their 1st year

>> No.64679191

Candy Biboo is on the Genchiro grind

>> No.64679280
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>Bruce Willis
Ah, I knew it was some bald fuck. I just didn't know the name.

>> No.64679358

Listining to FuwaMoco sing All I Want For Christmas Is You just makes me want to hear Biboo sing it

>> No.64679365

From what I saw it's
>winners in the prelims go straight to the winner bracket
>the top placers in prelim races race against the other top placers
>the winners of the second race go to winners bracket, and the people with the highest points after the winner also go to the winners bracker
>the people with the lowest points go to the losers bracket
That's the gist of what I saw, but I'd take it with a grain of salt since I got it here and not from Towa.

>> No.64679486
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All I want for Christmas is Biboo.

>> No.64679557

I want Biboo to shitpost with that song

>> No.64679742

I just want more biboo singing man
>captcha: 0XKRAW

>> No.64679761

The winner gets a sololive, right? Imagine if Biboo won, it would be great

>> No.64679844

Okay EOP newfag

>> No.64679891

So Biboo is racing against the group she's in first to decide the elims? I'm a fucking old ass man who needs my hand held
If I recall correctly, biboo also has not seen die hard, so first time reactions would be there

>> No.64679927

wait there's no choco, who will be the new zako champion

>> No.64679950
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>> No.64679959
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Why do we have so many 30+ pebbles here... same

>> No.64680010

From the way she was talking I dont think she saw Home Alone either, I would love her reactions to the traps

>> No.64680018


>> No.64680096

this, this breaks my heart.

>> No.64680142


>> No.64680182

To clarify, I want to see Choco and Biboo collab and for Choco to have her maternal instincts screaming at her the entire time.

>> No.64680291

Biboo's cuteness and positivity is a ray of light in my life, she makes me feel at ease after going through my boring day

>> No.64680434


>> No.64680453

Biboo just does things to our Ojisan hearts. 35 year old Ojisan here. At least the average age here isn't 40+

>> No.64680946
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You get a die hard watchalong from your oshi! Everybody gets a die hard watchalong from their oshi!

>> No.64681047

Chances of Biboo in the Mori Kobo LC stream later tonight?

>> No.64681080

holoen amogus collab on the 23rd, WAIT WHERE'S THE WEEKLY ADVENT COLLAB

>> No.64681129

Well, diehard is off the table now lmao

>> No.64681239

Its over...

>> No.64681283

They hate eachother...

>> No.64681351

I hope the anime we watch with Biboo is Prisma Ilya, or a different super cunny and partially lewd anime.

>> No.64681433

theyre all gonna collab with me in my bed i can stream it if you guys want

>> No.64681440

Yeah Biboo was talking about being teammates with Ina and Mumei, but I think she's actually competing against them.

Slim, she didn't talk about it during the member stream, and it seems to be a 1-on-1 collab with just Mori and Kobo.

>> No.64681544

0%, it's an off collab

>> No.64681585
File: 794 KB, 641x1236, 1698359839398805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this you?

>> No.64681631

>holoen amogus collab on the 23rd
How good is biboo at gaslighting?

>> No.64681632

I'm not that fat

>> No.64681637

>>64681544 (me)
according to kobo's stream title

>> No.64681695

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

>> No.64681700

Where's Shiori, more like

>> No.64681843
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>like cunny
>like mahou shoujo
>like watching single player and autistic solo challenge runs, burned out of playing/watching esports years ago (grandpa shit)
>like watching gamers do reps to see their adaptability and contrarian fighting spirit more than metashit these days (also grandpa)
simple as

also as anons were discussing recently, pebble ytc is the biggest concentration of high-energy idiots in this hemisphere so any grandpas filtered by that probably end up here

>> No.64682284

>biboo lost gamer of the year
>Ironmouse won vtuber of the year
This vtuber awards is a mess like game awards

>> No.64682391

Ironmouse beat Pekora....What?

>> No.64682485
File: 239 KB, 369x531, 169969026445069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna be _Mococo and you'll see her cry again

>> No.64682519

aight thanks for telling me not to look at catalog tonight and stay in /gem/

>> No.64682597

Yes. It was so rigged and people who were commentating Pekora obviously didn't even watch her

>> No.64682707

I want biboo to do a cover of this song, i think it would match her voice well https://youtu.be/FM9AySPC9Ak?si=zLChl1XJeO2mOjfQ

>> No.64682731

It's a shitfes. They even used AI art for Suisei's image and apparently because its the first image result on google if you google "Hoshimachi Suisei". Kiara also lost to Shylily for zatsudan vtuber of the year

>> No.64682818

Sure is a lot of off topic posting

>> No.64682853

>even JP wikis for Biboo are able to find and take note of the most obvious shit like Rykard/pantsu Malenia/Sans
>Eng awards go clip stuff from MC and a horror kusoge when even stuff like DMC or Pinocchio game are right there on recent vods
come on, they could've at least tried a little kek
honestly for the best though, even if I'd argue she deserves it, there's no way winning within half a year of even debuting doesn't make you subconsciously complacent from sheer "the absolute state of the competition" energy
better to keep her aiming for even higher peaks and challenges longer

>> No.64682891

Sure Mumeischizo. It's only fine if you do it, right?

>> No.64682975

biboo has a jp wiki page?

>> No.64682992

Best singer.

>> No.64683047

I'd say it's fine. Biboo's reaction earlier felt like she knew she wont win it. That vtuber award was painly obvious that it's rigged and only picked holos to say it's not fully rigged and votes mattered. Filian a lot of times also sounded like she didn't want to give the awards to the holos

>> No.64683067

I'm not surprised, but I'm disappointed all the same.

>> No.64683329

>uwu baby seiso daughteru impression if you don't collab with her often enough
>known for being a little shit out to fuck with you if you do collab with her often enough
there's material to work with
people having zero trust in what you say can be used to make it easier to gaslight overall too

>> No.64683328

I know, who could have imagined an English contest wouldn't get the attention of non-English fans...

>> No.64683334

maybe they should have done the twitch vtuber awards

>> No.64684015

I'm not surprised that Biboo didn't win the rigged award, but listening to FuwaMoco celebrate their victory is making me a little depressed. In a just world, Biboo would've won.

>> No.64684139

10 AM PST, ESTbros...

>> No.64684157

she was against the apex slop dragon who was close with the host she had no chance of winning and a selenfag earlier was shitposting here fully knowing that

>> No.64684205

She's got one in most of the usual places other Holos would have one, Pixiv wiki and the seesaa one etc
The latter actually tracks some pairing names I've forgotten and seems to be updated, they took note of early stuff like the Undertale mod and also post-debut stuff like 12 hr Raft, Rykard, naked Malenia, the sportsfes showing and interaction with senpais, etc.
Also apparently they have a better understanding of her than a lot of the Eng-speaking concernshitters and greys bitching in chat too, somehow.

>> No.64684214

*10 PM

>> No.64684386

If you want to talk about your off topic shit go to the threads that are to talk about them, they have nothing to do with Biboo

>> No.64684462

>they have nothing to do about biboo
Maybe try learning how to read

>> No.64684488

Dogs are another level. They're aggressive in their wanting to be number one. They shilled the awards thing hard to their fans.

>> No.64684520

you're replying to /pol/schizo

>> No.64684581

Ah right he was here earlier, completely forgot

>> No.64684587

do you think a /pol/ fag (64684386)
knows how to read or what context is?

>> No.64684611

I think both Shiori and Nerissa are taking the holidays off? I guess it makes more sense for Biboo and Fuwamoco to just join in on that Hololive EN collab instead, can't really have an Advent collab with half of Advent missing.

>> No.64684641

Please do not compare me to that retard, I just want shit to stay on topic, about biboo and her streams, this other shit has nothing to do with biboo.

>> No.64684681

to play devils advocate
let's say they aren't rigged. but it obviously favors twitch based vtubers since the awards were on twitch, from a twitch based vtuber, and her friends and community being twitch based. tl;dr youtube (and non-english) vtubers were at a massive disadvantage
maybe that's just what's considered "rigged" nowadays and im just flexing my autism

>> No.64684731

what ever you say /pol/ schizo

>> No.64684820

It's really sad to think about Selen winning it when even the vampire was easily better than her at gaming. Biboo deserves it more especially if you knew about Selen's playthrough of MGR.

>> No.64685324
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These 2-3 hours streams are not enough for me bros
I need 12 hours of biboo injected into my veins

>> No.64685488

It's the tease, to make you come back for me. The first hit's always free.

>> No.64685537

Imagine hitting her with a sledge and then doing high impact nasal insertion with biboo dust

>> No.64685616

Understandable, once we get a biboo body pillow things will be easier because you can cuddle with her when she isn't around, but as it stands it's rough not being with her.

>> No.64685682

it's just edging for the multigame marathon in the upcoming weeks, better save up juice for a proper white christmas celebration ojisan

>> No.64685805

>white Christmas
Pebbles, we better start saving up, so we can properly celebrate

>> No.64685998

Leave it to me, I'm a one man bukkake machine

>> No.64686260
File: 675 KB, 960x960, 1696455341318476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, I'm getting paid next week so I'll be able to-

>> No.64686719

I've already got mine budgeted

>> No.64687559 [DELETED] 


>> No.64687723

I'm 36...

>> No.64687780

I couldn't make it to the watchalong today, how was it?

>> No.64687884

35yo ojipebble reporting in

>> No.64687915

It was fun. I'd recommend watching the vod/movie.

>> No.64687943

It was good, she really got into it. She said she liked the movie a lot as well, worth the VOD view if you got the movie to watch with it

>> No.64688109

Thank you! I'll check the vod one of these days

>> No.64688980

Yea this anon was mostly right, watching Towa's vod
*Day 1 is group stages (4 groups of 9/10 decided from draft), top person from each group moves on to winners cup (5-8 PM JST)
*Day 2 is everything else
*Shuffled group stage -> remaining 33 gets placed in a staggered ladder pattern among 3 teams based on ranking within the group from day 1 with the exception of separating FWMC, top from each group moves on to winners cup
*Points from both group days are added up for the remaining 30, top 5 remaining move to winners cup, bottom 12 is zako cup

>> No.64690842
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>> No.64691034
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>> No.64691417

Not gunna lie I laughed really hard when fuwawa sneezed all over mococo and then Biboo also lost her shit

>> No.64691951


>> No.64692153

is... is her spine a slinky? what? this is probably the worst thing ive seen from him. also tits too big, even for waterring

>> No.64692345

when the dog ate the dogs and bilbo started laughing and the dog came in the boat :D --> :o

>> No.64692414

God the :D -> :o and reverse is just great

>> No.64693645

The only thing somewhat christmasy is the fat fuck driving the parents home but that's just being a decent human. There is no Christmas miracle or anything like that and could have worked on any other day.

>> No.64695087

Biboo's schedule next week:
Monday: 500k celebration
Tuesday to Friday: Solo Gaming or non-advent collabs (no Advent collab this Friday)
Saturday: Probably another stream, holoEN amogus
Sunday: Christmas Eve Karaoke!!!!

Games likely in the play list for this week:
basically guaranteed:
*DMC 4

Highly Likely:
*Lethal Company

*MK8 practice

>> No.64695321

She talked about MK8 practice in prechat so theres a 90% chance she's schedule that

>> No.64695521

Biboo's little child holes.

>> No.64695778

I thought monday was also LC? Biboo, and Fauna for sure, and two others that I don't remember

>> No.64695859

I don't recall hearing about this, I know fauna is hosting a single pov collab LC (someone tell her that this is a bad idea) for promise next week but that's not biboo

>> No.64695989

Oh I didn't realize there's another chillaslop now, imma put that as a possible but very unlikely

>> No.64698365

bosebi biboo

>> No.64698648

What biboo-tax is actually?

>> No.64698675

When she sneezes you gotta pay up

>> No.64699844
File: 792 KB, 1376x768, halloween impending knife murder arisu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blood tribute
imagine how many firstborns have been sacrificed to her

>> No.64701339

This is what most of you look like except you're also brown

>> No.64701393


>> No.64701508

its funny and gives good moments all the time without trying too hard. the homos playing the game is probably the peak gameplay of it

>> No.64701737

I love carrots. Does Biboo like carrots?

>> No.64702118
File: 19 KB, 632x124, 1691306568921824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rock on a cock?

>> No.64702220

Yeah, mine

>> No.64702271

Yeah, mine.

>> No.64702552
File: 3.20 MB, 480x271, double wink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biboo with the double wink!

>> No.64702571


>> No.64702608
File: 746 KB, 1136x1003, :o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64702717

The :o is the second best face she had

>> No.64702738
File: 263 KB, 456x538, head tilt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64703310
File: 2.98 MB, 364x364, :D :o.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64704147

Biboo is in Kiara's chat.

>> No.64705996


>> No.64706223

This is Biboo's thread, we're talking where biboo is
She is reacting live btw

>> No.64706245


>> No.64706321

That's just /pol/schizo, don't tell it seriously.

>> No.64706402

>not a KFP raid

>> No.64706439


>> No.64706721
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>> No.64707132
File: 11 KB, 575x121, 1702820322556216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this rock

>> No.64707372

yes biboo, you are cute

>> No.64708795
File: 151 KB, 1079x381, Screenshot_20231217_110139_X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64708939
File: 340 KB, 2048x1536, ce197b0bd2ed56eebb18d8f50c065016bd065045e4078ad6fb16e580fcc52734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really hyped for Biboo's idol journey. It makes me happy knowing that I can be here to bear witness to it all

>> No.64708994

I fucking love that we get the chance to see some legit Cinderella shit happening in real time with Biboo. Cannot stress how much I love this gem.

>> No.64709210

Can't wait for biboo's 3D lives

>> No.64710486
File: 167 KB, 809x777, maidbiboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will wear anything

>> No.64710805

T o T

>> No.64711935

Good morning, I love biboo.

>> No.64712757
File: 401 KB, 1679x2048, a96ba0691c8c4e799d07aba685511a330e1b45c52988023a1b7de7f2424f4d3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, brother.

>> No.64713166
File: 553 KB, 692x760, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This absolute dork...

>> No.64713545

does anything include nothing

>> No.64713550


>> No.64714157

She basically works on JP time.

>> No.64714429

If I were a NEET I'd do the same. It's the best timezone for weeb stuff and I'm the same as Biboo - much more productive in the late night so it all works out.

>> No.64714707

Mathematically it does, but it's unclear if Biboo would consider that to be the case.

What is clear, though, is that 'anything' does include a singular shoestring bikini bottom with no corresponding top.

>> No.64715051

Yep, she said would pretty much be able to keep the same schedule/stream time for when she eventually has to go to Japan

>> No.64715675
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>> No.64715747

Biboo is in bed sleeping like a princess rn

>> No.64715750


That's what she thinks. Not that she can. If she wants to collab with any of her JP/ID senpai/kouhai she gonna have to swap into JP time

>> No.64715780

Yeah, mine.

>> No.64715789

My pretty princess Biboo, I will wait on her hand and foot, I will take care of her, brush her hair, feed her meals, give her hugs, dress her, bathe her, see to any needs she has.

>> No.64715843
File: 1.76 MB, 800x450, Ep 04 In the way.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how she's sleeping.

>> No.64715893

uoh her flat chest pushed out, and then her butt...

>> No.64716097

Damn, Kana is thick as hell for a little girl

>> No.64716165
File: 202 KB, 600x600, bongsegi biber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, almost forgot. There's wrestling today again. We're participating in a 5-man match in roughly 2 and a half hours

>> No.64716250

While her slutty cun cun leaks discharge, imagine the smell... T o T

>> No.64716324
File: 1.29 MB, 1240x1748, 1699016257363871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64716582

this is how I imagine her thighs under her dress

>> No.64716593
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x1042, 1685081150679357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dang it, now I have to coom

>> No.64716633
File: 2.44 MB, 1731x2580, 1673032532885627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64716799
File: 234 KB, 2048x1425, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me whenever I browse /gem/

>> No.64716804

Post more kana

>> No.64716829

Because she doesn't have loli proportions. She has Elin proportions.

>> No.64716850

Post more biboo

>> No.64716903

Only to an extent, imo Kanna is perfect middle ground between loli and full Elin.

>> No.64717003
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>> No.64717141
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>> No.64717204
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>> No.64717257

I want to wash her and rub her entire body down so shes squeaky clean

>> No.64717350
File: 168 KB, 1078x1202, 1696813625347513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64717374


>> No.64717378

I want to pinch my wife's cheeks while she's sleeping. All of them.

>> No.64717443

Kana Biboo threesome.

>> No.64717633

I need to be squished to death between two cunnies, God please

>> No.64717748
File: 1.73 MB, 1076x1523, mama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canon proportions. Thanks, mama.

>> No.64719128

Snorting coke off of Biboo's asscrack

>> No.64719314

baking soon

>> No.64719648

die hard is NOT a christmas movie
it is a movie that happens to take place on christmas
there's a difference and i'm sick of fuckers saying otherwise

>> No.64719734

You guys are huge perverts, Biboo doesn't openly endorse lolicons like Goobs or JP Holos

>> No.64719791

She openly endorses my cock with her cunny
>memoryholing the pebblephile debacle

>> No.64720005
File: 38 KB, 179x161, 1674679610389504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single vtuber who larps as a little girl for attention online is a pervert.

>Doesn't openly endorse lolicons
She acts like your cute little daughterwife/sister and is also a huge tease. Bijou knows what she's doing.

>> No.64720059

But Chibidoki...

>> No.64720082
File: 332 KB, 1288x2048, pantsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your valuable input. But consider this picture, retweeted by the Holy Radiance herself.

>> No.64720107

Dumb bitch that's afraid of being canceled.

>> No.64720120
File: 226 KB, 1072x1500, GBgvFxHbUAAwzch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm into UOOOOHHHHHHH myself but consecutively openly posting about it /seeing it being posted so openly kinda makes it a turn off. Don't know why

>> No.64720262
File: 830 KB, 1980x3093, 1694797064808217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get what you mean. I like posting lewd or cute pictures of lolis, but not into the whole talking about sexual fantasies and stuff. I don't mind it if others do it, I'd rather just post pics.

>> No.64720271

New bread:
