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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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64260997 No.64260997 [Reply] [Original]

>CGDCT on top
>homo lovers bottom
but kronies you said that homo collabs won't kill Kronii's numbers?

>> No.64261069


>> No.64261180

>hololive closet - EN
Mori Calliope Casual Outfit 174 $11.00 $1,914.00
Takanashi Kiara Casual Outfit 107 $11.00 $1,177.00
Ninomae Ina'nis Casual Outfit 250 $11.00 $2,750.00
Gawr Gura Casual Outfit 366 $11.00 $4,026.00
Watson Amelia Casual Outfit 173 $11.00 $1,903.00
Ceres Fauna Casual Outfit 220 $11.00 $2,420.00
Ouro Kronii Casual Outfit 151 $11.00 $1,661.00
Nanashi Mumei Casual Outfit 344 $11.00 $3,784.00
Hakos Baelz Casual Outfit 188 $11.00 $2,068.00

>> No.64261369

Kronii only stream obscure debuff games and when she does not (like minecraft) she get above 10k
cope and seethe

>> No.64261484

what happened between July 31st and August 14th 2022 anon? when Fauna avg passed Kronii? what happened anon?

>> No.64261543

Look just one post above you fag. Kronii has an absolutely sex model and yet her merch sells the shittiest. How do we explain this away now?

>> No.64261575

Kronii made it clear that she doesn't like a large portion of her fanbase and worked hard to get rid of them
This is the result

>> No.64261686

Councilrys has been around for 2 years and they feel like they've been on hiatus for 70% of that time.

>> No.64261752

Hiring Koreans was a mistake

>> No.64261828

>a bunch of lines all around the same bracket
>kronii briefly taking first place after months of homocollabs
The unicorn/cgdct shit is so exaggerated. Do you really think Kronii gives a shit that she's at 5k instead of 8k, she's jealously seething at Fauna and Mumei for being slightly higher than her? Give me a break.
I don't even want them to spam homocollabs let alone integrate the branches but this shit is retarded.

>> No.64261871

Aside from 1 random stream and a horror collab with Mori, Kronii's highest stream in the past month was the fucking MSI sponsership.

>> No.64262040

>this shit is retarded
Numberfags are retards, but the numbers aren't necessarily meaningless

>> No.64262172

>3k is slightly higher
>60% is slightly higher

>> No.64262262

They're not meaningless, they just don't support the narrative that CCV is primarily driven by unicorns. There's only two times when Kronii has been at the top of Council: immediately after debut (and before homocollabs), and in early 2023, after a bunch of homocollabing.
Are we really expected to believe the reason she's reclining NOW, relative to big inclines from Mumei and Irys, is because people are mad at her for homocollabs that happened over a year ago? Bullshit. It makes no sense.

>> No.64262373

Yes. There isn't a big difference between being a mid 4-view and a high 4-view. If she were a 3view and Fauna was a 5view that would matter, this means fuck all.

>> No.64262567

look at mumei, on top without any drama, knowing her past i didn't expect her to be on top.

>> No.64262623

Well, it's a bit telling when the two lowest are the open homocollabers of Promise. There's no doubt several factors that an actual numberfag, or someone more invested in the happenings of Hololive could point out but it makes less sense to me to assume that homocollabing isn't a significant factor

>> No.64262642

The delicious Kronie cope
Go listen to your girl tell stories about all the guys she picks up at the airport some more cuck

>> No.64262698
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Who cares about
>numbers and women
Fucking stats cucks can't into advanced math so they become numberniggers while yume stacies like me are writing their phd in topology and spend their scholarship money on akasupas and merch

>> No.64262724

And if we'd made this thread 8 months ago, the top spot would be a homocollaber.
I have no doubt it's an influence but it's obnoxious that it's the only thing ever talked about.

>> No.64262764

>but kronies you said that homo collabs won't kill Kronii's numbers?
literally who the fuck has ever said this? you're making people up.

>> No.64262845

And they say they dont coed collab out of their own volition.


YOU THREATEN THEM, WITH MONEY, WITH NUMBERS, WITH HATE/PUBLICITY. Take away the money and numbers and what are you? Worse than nothing. Youre all pieces of shit and thats a fact.

>> No.64263110
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>> No.64263211

Just a theory, but I think the effect of a homo collab is not immediate. Fans need time to find something or someone new to replace her. Some fans might continue to watch but only stop watching when she spammed yet another homo collab. Simply dropping her from an oshi spot or from a paying member to a casual viewer might also be possible, with them leaving completely once their new oshi has enough content to satisfy them.
That was how it was for one of my past oshi. Her content changed, but I still clinged on to watch her, but eventually realized I was just not happy watching her anymore and left to find someone new.

>> No.64263323

Was the same with me. First she does something you dislike, but you keep on keeping on 'cause maybe you still like the girl. But as time passes, you start noticing more and more cracks in the image you had of her and suddenly the grass is greener on the other side.

>> No.64263482

>And they say they don't collab out of their own volition.
And other things homobeggars tell themselves.
People want to watch one thing, but you give them something they don't want to watch instead, so they leave. You must be an actual retard to not understand something so basic. Go back to redtard faggot.

>> No.64263564

Basically how it went when I dropped Ame
I was disgruntled from "The Homo Collab" talk she did but didn't end up dropping her for good until December, nearly half a year later.

>> No.64263604

That's not what the graph shows though. She DID lose viewers immediately in the weeks and months after homocollabing.
Then, she inclined by about 3k and took the top slot.
Then she reclined back, inclined slightly less, and reclined again.
I don't find it plausible that unicorns stuck with her for 15 months before finally dropping her for Mumei, the vast majority all dropped her in those first months. There were probably some "sticky" unicorns but they were marginal, if collabing with Vesper is influencing her numbers at all now it's by hindering her growth with new viewers, not sticky unicorns pulling the plug after a coon's age passes.

>> No.64263656

You guys are unironically fighting an imaginary culture war against an enemy you made up and it’s so funny to see. Go tell anyone in real life about le epic unicorn vs homobeggar sister battle and see how they react to it. I’m sure they will care very much.

>> No.64263749

Kronii has to be the biggest fall ever.

>> No.64263872

Go tell anyone about any interest you have and see how they react to it. I'm sure they will care very much.

>> No.64263924

>nijinig easily manages to pit holo against holo

>> No.64263987

I wouldn't believe it but her merch isn't selling as much as it used to. Guess there's a correlation there.

>> No.64264050

ccv is a bad metric for measuring popularity.

low ccv is normal when they stream often, because people just catch the stream they can.

while with streamers that dont stream often all the fans gather in the sporadic times that there is a stream, if you streamer does 2 streams a week you will try to find time to watch them,

if your streamer streams daily you will catch those that you can or you have the most interest in and watch vods of those that you didnt watch in live, daily streamers also suffer more in overlaps because lets say you have 2 oshis and one streams once a week and the other daily and there is a overlap you will watch who only streams once a week because is her only stream of the week, instead of watching your oshi that streams daily.

>> No.64264126

>homobeggars (nijifags)
>CGDCT (holochads)

>> No.64264316


>> No.64264318

More numbers and more seals means more support from cover, unless the girls want to start footing the bill for things instead. If you're a real fan of your oshi you want her to do well so that she continues to receive support so you can enjoy concerts and more merch. There really doesn't have to be a deeper meaning to #fagging than that.

>> No.64264350

>Bae grifting and leeching at every opportunity still get absolutely mogged by even Kronii
I fucking can't, man. She needs to graduate already, worthless leech

>> No.64264469

Bae still the runt of promise kek

>> No.64264551

FUWAMOCO reminded me of what I thought Vtubers were like (cringe weeb shit) before I actually started watching Vtubers (geeky girls) and It was downhill from there. They really are the JP experience in English, watching them feels like reading those dreadfully shallow moe visual novels. It's impressive in a way. The councilrys baking stream was one of my favourite streams of the year, but it had a sort of bittersweet quality to it, like the end of an era and I now think of myself as being retired from Vtuber watching, I used to watch every Kronii stream, but now I mostly watch collabs (with Kronii), clips, T. Rexford (I only started watching stars after Advent debuted funnily enough), and Nerissa's BG3 streams.

>> No.64264570

Could also just be new fans she might have picked up from big events that didn't wind up sticking around, seems easy enough to explain.

>> No.64264587

Hiring a female who wants to be male was a mistake.

>> No.64264655

Numbers is money faggot

>> No.64264701

>Brings up Fuwamoco for no reason
Sister please take a break.

>> No.64264814

Again, all of these girls are making plenty of money, so it doesn't really matter. If Kronii makes $500k and Mumei makes $800k I'm sure both of them are perfectly happy with that.

>> No.64264927

Normally I’d shit on you for numberfagging outside of /#/ thread, but I will forgive you since Fauna and IRyS both look pretty stable there

>> No.64265520
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>> No.64266289

>Probably SEA
You really do just encapsulate everything wrong with this board

>> No.64266469

No, that's (you) and people like (you) for falling for extremely obvious falseflags.

>> No.64267652

it's actually more sad than funny at this point, she tries so hard and is just genuinely unlikeable.

>> No.64268145
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It's not about what they think.

It's about validiating the truth: That we unicorns rule and dictate this entire industry. We determine who rises and falls. Everybody who isn't a unicorn talks a big talk, but ultimately, you're just the little red wagon we pull behind us. You can thank us for the free ride if you ant, but don't ever mistake whose driving this bus.

>> No.64268472

Unicorns are the epitome of big fish in a small pond.
Who do you think is the holo that brings in the most revenue?

>> No.64268959

Take you pills. Even the OP graph for all it's retardation shows how little you matter.

>> No.64269274

So the one hit the most by all the homoEN drama was Mumei? Something's wrong with your theory unitroons.

>> No.64270230
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You can't even read your graph

>> No.64270618

>unicors important
>mumei and fauna the two least unicorn friendly, on top.

anon you are confusing cgdct with unicorns.

>> No.64270983

You don't even dictate Hololive, they still keep collabing with homos.
Hololive keeps debuting homos and doesn't block talents from collabing with them.
And then there's an entire Vtuber ecosystem outside of Hololive that doesn't cater to unicorns.
Vtubing was never about unicorns, they didn't exist in the early days. It's always been about having fun in the Virtual World. I was here before you, and I will be here after you're gone.

>> No.64271560

Kronii? More like trannii

>> No.64272599

Based Ruffian.

>> No.64272878

Based Moco-chan making the trannies seethe at facts

>> No.64272953

Most people, unicorns included, don’t care about rm, anon. It doesn’t matter what their rms do - heck, they could be having an orgy with dozens of men every nights for all they want - as long as it doesn’t come up on stream or in public, all is well

>> No.64273102

Holy based
Krokeks can only seethe

>> No.64273185

Mumei and Fauna know how to treat men. It's that simple.

>> No.64273210

unicorns care about their purity in every way,
cgdct care about them only interacting with other girls on stream.

>> No.64273380

Is this a copy paste about the whale ecosystem?
a good environment would balance between normal and hardcore consumers

>> No.64273580

It matters to unicorns. It also matters to you seeing how you claim to not care yet still report anyone even alluding to boyfriends. Lmaoing @ unikeks

>> No.64273616

The real reason Kronii's numbers are so unstable is because she herself is unstable with how she treats her audience. One day she'll be very encouraging and supportive, the next she can't stop talking about how they're gross and she doesn't like them.

The homo-drama with Kronii is just one small example of this, but it contains the perfect microcosm of this routine. When she started colabing with the guys a part of her audience was vocally against it. She did a whole members stream where she talked to them about it, and at the end was saying things like "I don't want to make you guys uncomfortable" and "I'll try to respect you're feelings on this stuff in the future". The next day she's vague posting on Twitter about how she'll collab with whomever she feels like, audience be damned.

She's a best emotionally unstable, and more likely just bad at pretending to not despise her weeb-ass audience. That's just not going to lead to big numbers.

>> No.64273665

So true sister! Go slay queen!

>> No.64273733

Shitposting won't make Kronii numbers go up my man

>> No.64274343


>> No.64274625
File: 1.61 MB, 700x568, You guys care too much about numbers[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fg2g6xn.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should stick to fanfiction.net or ao3 for your creative writing projects.

>> No.64274665

>Play nothing but puzzle games for the past month
>"SeE, ItS ThE HoMoCoLLAbS"

>> No.64274718

>homo beggars calling anyone sister
Sis you might want to do an iq test

>> No.64274897

And Fauna streames nothing but indieslop, yet somehow still manages to get 10k almost every stream. Watch her get big number on indie game today too

>> No.64274978

Now say that without crying and -acking, troonicorn

>> No.64275119

>They're still using the troon projection
Kek. Never change sis

>> No.64275210

And Kronii normally streams at a time that's more inconvenient for EST, you're acting like this is some giant revelation

>> No.64275413
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>> No.64275864

Thank god. Unicorns are scum.

>> No.64275997


>> No.64276089

It's not worth it if it comes at the cost of accepting toxic people into her fandom.

>> No.64276176

Money makes the world go round sister. You are a worthless "fan".

>> No.64276200

JPs care

>> No.64276278

please try to explain Ina's fall off from the homocollaber/CGDCT standpoint and not from content choice and abandoning the strong timeslot for a long time
go ahead

>> No.64276294

Fauna streamed civilization, assassin's creed and other games

>> No.64276311


>> No.64276433

This. There's also the vocal mod debacle. Kronii is just very good at debuffing herself at every turn. She got a winning lottery ticket by getting Wada's model though, and that mitigates the effects of her stupid decisions.

>> No.64276609

>That we unicorns rule and dictate this entire industry.
why does Gura have over the twice of subs/viewers/merch sales than the Myths that didn't homocollab ever (like Kiara/Ina)
why does she have that many compared to Fauna or Mumei, or any of the Advents
she doesn't avoid them any harder for the most part
if unicorns/CGDCT watchers were the driving force wouldn't the girls who stick to their rules do about the same? it shouldn't be that hard for them to tune into those streams now that Gura's absent to continue directing the industry her direction, wouldn't it?

>> No.64277083

>The next day she's vague posting on Twitter about how she'll collab with whomever she feels like, audience be damned.
It was 2 weeks later because she took a break, and you're omitting the fact that, during that time, unicorns spent the entire time calling her a lying backstabbing traitorous tranny whore, giving her a VERY good reason to say "actually nah fuck you".

>> No.64277154

She deserved every single one of those comments.

>> No.64277185

hey, at least you're not denying it

>> No.64277188


>> No.64277225


>> No.64277306

Fauna is about to get 10k on indieslop again. How do krokeks cope?

>> No.64277380

Christmas kirin confirmed

>> No.64277406

>Most people, unicorns included, don’t care about rm
tell that to people who constantly bring up Mori's rm

>> No.64277847

>Unicorns and gachikoi actually love and support the girls who love them
>conversely, girls who reject their gachis and unicorns have low viewership and low supas
We've been trying to tell you all this from day 1, but retarded tourists always deny it. Hololive is an idol company. If you join without loving the culture, you will fail or fall into obscurity.

>> No.64277851

This is all well and good but stream numbers shouldn't affect merch sales, so why is Kronii at the bottom? I have yet to see a good response as to why Kronii 's merch isn't selling if it's all just because of debuff gaming and taking constant breaks (which pretty much every other EN does)

>> No.64278006

>>mumei and fauna the two least unicorn
They are extremely unicorn friendly
The masses don't care about doxxshit, retard. Hololive fans want to watch cute girls doing cute things. None of them know about behind-the-scenes shit. It's just that simple

>> No.64278045

While I agree with your sentiment, Signalis is a good game.

>> No.64278108

>why does Gura have over the twice of subs/viewers/merch sales than the Myths that didn't homocollab ever (like Kiara/Ina)
Gura never homocollabed, retard.
>she doesn't avoid them any harder for the most part
She literally refuses to acknowledge their existence. Are you fucking schizophrenic?

>> No.64278134

>the unicorn pandering girl constantly "get sick" and "burn out" and barely interact with their audience even on alternative platforms like Twitter
>the non-pandering ones love and enjoy their audience on multiple channels

>> No.64278204

did you fail reading comprehension completely? that's my entire point
Gura didn't homocollab
Kiara didn't homocollab
Fauna didn't homocollab
FWMC didn't homocollab
why do they not do similar numbers if unicorns/CGDCT viewers are the driving force behind their success?

>> No.64278256

>"we can't even be friends!!"
>number 1 on viewers

>> No.64278269

The only ones that bitch about the girls taking breaks are the beggars trying to stir shit up. Unicorns will fund their oshi's vacation so they can come back refreshed for more kino streams.

>> No.64278282

NTA, but Gura, Fauna, and FuwaMoco do have similar numbers. Gura just doesn't stream. For Kiara, the Chicken voice is grating and she has an abrasive personality, which I can see lessening her reach.

>> No.64278317

when will chumbuds stop paying gura vacations?

>> No.64278333

Aren't number threads outside of # against the rules? Or do the mods just enjoy seeing falseflaggers fighting eachother?

>> No.64278363
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>You don't even dictate Hololive, they still keep collabing with homos.
>Hololive keeps debuting homos and doesn't block talents from collabing with them.
See Advent. They literally hired an entire gen that refuses to collab with the homos. FWMC adn Bijou literally pretend they don't even exist to such an extent, I wouldn't be surprised if they blocked all of them on discord lmao
>And then there's an entire Vtuber ecosystem outside of Hololive that doesn't cater to unicorns.
Yes, All Nijisanji girls have pathetically low viewership. Vshojo is the ONLY outlier and that's because they specifically try to cater to twitchfags. They are glorified fleshtubers.
>Vtubing was never about unicorns, they didn't exist in the early days. It's always been about having fun in the Virtual World. I was here before you, and I will be here after you're gone.
Yes, but Hololive is centered around idol culture. This is an undeniable fact. Unicorns and gachikoi control who does and does not become successful. End of story.
There's a reason why the Stars have pathetically low viewership, and the girls absolutely mog them in every conceivable way.

>> No.64278380

Krokeks seething hard

>> No.64278401


>> No.64278414

>only the ones i say count, because reasons.
basically unicorns are trying to attribute to themselves the success of the girls.

>> No.64278416
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Counterpoint: pic related.

>> No.64278430

Perfect example and further proof that unicorns are the best. They will keep paying you even if you don't stream, they will wait patiently and will support their oshis so long as they don't do any of the shit that pisses them off, which Gura has managed since her debut. Why do the other girls make that seem so fucking hard?

>> No.64278446

She also had some of her wisdom teeth removed during that break and did a space with a fucked-up sounding mouth too so she was going to be taking time off regardless of how that situation played out.

>> No.64278460

Did you even read the reply chain? Those are the 4 listed in the post I was responded to.

>> No.64278481

They unironcially get better noombers and higher supas than literally everyone else. Gura is an outlier for ten million reasons.

>> No.64278523

Why does nobody like Bae lmao

>> No.64278600

your too sane for this place

>> No.64278645

>Gura, Fauna, and FuwaMoco do have similar numbers
not particularly close at all, according to Holo_Data the averages for the year are

>Gura: 16561
>Fauna: 7428 (~44% of Gura)
>FWMC: 8087 (~49% of Gura)
at the same time, the lowest average homo collaber Bae has ~64% of Fauna's viewership
if CGDCT was the driving force, those numbers would logically be swapped?

>For Kiara, the Chicken voice is grating and she has an abrasive personality, which I can see lessening her reach.
aren't you already stepping back on the point when you admit it's more about the content?

>> No.64278729

Easy 10k for Fauna. Krokeks can continue to seethe in irrelevance

>> No.64278854

Nanashi “Just as Planned” Mumei

>> No.64278855

You're being purposely intellectually dishonest. Gura's average numbers are like this because she barely streams, hence a smaller sample size. If your oshi hasn't streamed in weeks and suddenly comes back, she will get higher numbers. If Gura was a frequent streamer, he numbers would level out.
>aren't you already stepping back on the point when you admit it's more about the content
I'm not a retard like you who is being dishonest by implying anybody said there was only one reason. Kiara gets a boost for being unicorn friendly, but she hampers it by the reasons I listed.

>> No.64278942

Does Kiara even have unicorns? I never got that vibe from her. Sure she doesn't Collab with homos and all that but I dunno. She's the weird outlier in all of this.

>> No.64279169

She has lots of gachis, and there's overlap there

>> No.64279192

Yes KFP will pretend they are unicorns.

>> No.64279201

>Gura's average numbers are like this because she barely streams
Gura's average numbers are like that because large amount of people tune in every time she goes up
this was true in previous year and year before that, when she was significantly more active, in fact, her numbers generally went down due to absence of karaoke streams, which were her most successful content in general
you're being more intellectually dishonest by claiming Fauna/FWMC ever gotten close to Gura's regular numbers

>Kiara gets a boost for being unicorn friendly, but she hampers it by the reasons I listed.
a "boost". in an initially post I referenced it was the driving force and the reason to completely shape your content around the expectation but now it's a "boost"? people already said in previous posts that the 40%/3k difference between Fauna and Kronii is incredibly significant, but the difference between Gura and Fauna/FWMC is far more significant, not even mentioning the difference between Gura and Kiara.
if the level of unicorn-friendliness was the "driving force", this wouldn't be the case, do we agree on that?

the nly reason she wouldn't is rm stuff, but wasn't it claimed (also in this thread) that that doesn't matter at all as long as it's not on-stream?

>> No.64279713

I think the problem lies in the fact that it isn't all off-stream... because Kiara likes to peel back the illusion constantly. When you watch Kiara you are routinely reminded that you are watching an employee at cover, rather than a Phoenix who works at a fast food joint. Again, she doesn't explicitly talk about cock or homos but she's constantly breaking the fourth wall when she goes on her hours long ramblings about random rl shit. Apart from no homocollabs Unicorns want the streamer to at least maintain that character. A bit of fourth wall breaking is ok but Kiara has pretty much destroyed that illusion by this point.

>> No.64279807

I'm sorry but i don't see any Myth members in OP pic

>> No.64279835

lmao cuck

>> No.64279858

nothing about Mumei talking about her troubles on the road or buying grocery "retains the illusion" of a character either, but that's besides the point
the point was - uniconrs/CGDCT viewers are the driving force of the industry, obey their expectations and you will be popular and getting results (the thesis of the thread, judging by the OP)

why does it not line up? why do there appear to be stronger indicators of success than just obeying the expectations?

>> No.64280004

Because it makes kronies seethe

>> No.64280088

Why is Bae about to pass Fauna in subscribers, though?

>> No.64280398

>Bae about to pass Fauna in subscribers
2 more weeks? Even then can Bae even get a 10k viewership on indieslop?

>> No.64280491

I'm actually wondering why this is the case.
Does Fauna just have a higher proportion of stream watchers/subscribers?
Is it the constant music that pushes Bae forward?

>> No.64280672

Oh great a threadreader trying to pretend they watch Kiara.

>> No.64280789

I always refer to the 80/20 rule in stuff like this. Kronii should've figure out the demographic that was 20% of her fanbase that was paying 80% of her income and pandered to them. Too late now.

>> No.64281898

let's say we split the audience at large into 2 groups:
group A: unicorns
group B: normal, healthy people

if you don't interact with males, you get both audience groups A + B.

if you interact with males, you only get audience group B.

what good reason is there to interact with males? is there an invisible group C that you can only get if you do it?

>> No.64282138

Mumei doesn't do it as much as Kiara. She's notorious for spilling what goes on behind the scenes, afterall.

>> No.64282201

Statistically you pretend to watch Kiara too. Kinda sucks, huh?

>> No.64282640

For those uninitiated or seldom follow numbers, I need to remind them that Mumei and Fauna are botted frequently for the past few months, so interpret this graph with caution.

>> No.64282649

Yes, its the same case with mori

>> No.64282858

once again, neither is particularly important to the unicorn/CGDCT agenda
so is that the driving force after all?

>> No.64282944

>is there an invisible group C that you can only get if you do it?
Yes, unironic twitchfags. Vshojo girls, some of whom have OPEN bfs, are relatively popular due to pandering exclusively to normalnig twitchfags.
Group C is probably the LEAST "parasocial," so earning money would have to primarily come from leveraging your popularity.

>> No.64283029

I mean, you can tell by Aki doing far beyond her usual numbers there's a massive group C that's interested in Holo interactions with people outside of their usual streaming scene, with most of the top streamers being male
you are really the guy asking "is there an audience interested in celebrities of opposite gender interacting/possibly flirting" when like 80% of normie popular culture news is about which celebrity is fucking who

>> No.64283041
File: 168 KB, 928x867, Fauna using bot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This for example is how a botted graph looks like.

>> No.64283102

Cuz Bae is an asshole.
No, don't "She's Aussie" me.
Search your feelings, you know it to be true. Amelia, Baelz and Kronii have the same vibe.

>> No.64283229

Yaaaaas sister slay!! Own that incel!! #cut4hex

>> No.64283740

When did they start allowing underage posters on this website?

>> No.64283881

Even though Kronii changed the reason I can't go back to her is because it feels so insincere. The whole debacle could have been easily avoided but she chose the worst route and continued through that path against all odds. It wasn't till shit hit the fan and the wreckage was too exorbitant that she suddenly decide to change. Because she had no other option.
Bae has been a lost cause since day one though. A miracle she's doing this well. That's the Holo brand for you.

>> No.64283991

bae streams a LOT, that means her viewers are more spread out, she also has a lot of fans with incompatible time zones, like korea,china,australia she is popular but her streams are at times that make it hard for them to watch live.
Besides the music i also think she gets her surge of subs because of clips, she gets clipped a lot.

>> No.64284091

alright boss, how many success stories you got?
any of them at the top of hololive? (in terms of viewers, merch, concert, money, or whatever metric you wanna use, you get to choose)

>> No.64284175

Cover wouldn't risk getting their streamers banned due to botting.

>> No.64284614

REAL Hololive fans want for Hololive to turn into Nijisanji. They see a company whose brand and vast majority of content is CGDCT and of course they want it completely changed. And of course they don't care about the homos themselves considering they are consistently at the bottom of the company after years of desperate shilling.
The people who supported Hololive for the past 3 years and want it to stay the same are obviously antis.
We literally have a Nijisister having a meltdown in this very thread, Cover should obviously appeal to this kind of people.

>> No.64284771

all the cuckposting is really just desperate projection isn't it

>> No.64284896

are you retarded?

>> No.64285843

People here has a huge misunderstanding about idol culture in Japan. There is a rule that idol cannot have boyfriend but there was never any rule that they cannot interact with males.

There was a famous dating reality TV shows in Japan, called Terrace House or something, in one of the season, a AKB48 member went to participated in that show, and of course she didn't date anyone and went back to her idol business.

It is important so I have to emphasize again: There is a rule that idol cannot have boyfriend but there was never any rule that they cannot interact with males. I hope the gweilos during EN hours can see this post too because they always have a severe misunderstanding of Japanese culture, or Asian culture in general.

Yes they can interact with males. You can turn on a random Japanese variety show with AKB48 in them and you can see them interacting with males on national TVs!!! Some dox anons posting things about Kiara and FWMC 24/7 and earlier in this thread. I am sure all of you have seen the heinous dox posted by now.

The idols can never talk to male is only something self imposed by my oshi, because her oshi Gakki broke her. I like her this way but that is not a norm in idol culture, at least not in Japan. "Idols cannot and should not talk to m*les" is just a fantasy conjured up with western incels, and by incels I mean involuntary celibated people, not women haters, because
1. They don't know how to interact with females, so they hope their oshis don't know how to interact with the opposite sex too
2. They are so low in social hierachy that they know their oshi would choose another male over them if they ever interacted
3. They have the delusion that their oshis are their girlfriends

All "CGDCT" are just cope. And I understand why people don't like holostars and the collabs with them, because they are leech, not because they are males. Even if they are females but if they are leech I would hate them for interacting with my oshi too.

>> No.64286087

SAPKEKS RESPONSE???? why do you feel the need to bot just to push an agenda?????

>> No.64286191

Runt status soon.

>> No.64286696

Unicorns absolutely care, you're just a coping cuck who wanted to emulate behavior you thought was cool but didn't do your reps and had to settle for what you had.

>> No.64287147

That stereotype about idols is made by Hololive antis, not fans. For western fans, being in love with your oshi and not liking male collabs have nothing to do with each other (unless if their flirting, but that doesn't really have to be said). Almost every western youtuber is a male, making Hololive the only place for a female only experience. Also, before Hololive, streaming was dominated by twitch. On twitch, anyone who gets popular inevitably collabs with all the same people. Everything just becomes the same thing, which is boring. Western fans like Hololive for their isolation and the girls only experience (Also the cross culture fun). Westerns didn't really care about the idol part at first and still they don't care all that much, but they like singing and dancing and seiso girls. Singing, dancing, being seiso girls, and caring about your fans is pretty much what the word idol has come to mean in the west.

>> No.64287737
File: 94 KB, 774x762, 1000001918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're misunderstanding western "unicorns" as well. Not a single person against homocollabs gives a SHIT about male collabs. Case in point, Gura and Kiara. Gura interacted with matpat, and Kiara interacted with Frodo. No one cared. FuwaMoco already publically said that they want to interact and collab with Japanese comedians, pic related.
The ONLY issue is collabs with male streamers or the homostars. That's it. Anyone saying otherwise is falseflagging or creating a strawman.

>> No.64288213

> yap yap yap

>> No.64288524

explain IRyS' horrible decline then fag. no that hill isn't a gain its her being sick and dead and the only thing on the tally her showcase.
obviously BaeRyS was a buff and they were idiots for killing it

>> No.64288719

Her model goes too far for me, the tits are far too disproportionate to the body and her outfit is too wacky.

I think bae does a better job at being pure sex

>> No.64288757

those bots all me.

>> No.64289612

It's not a clear cut line, but a scale. People like Matpat are on the most favored part of the scale and male streamers are on the most against part of the scale.
Matpat is married, has a kid, has a huge team of people who rely on him, a lot of fans watched him as a kid, he is one of the most recognizable and important youtubers, and he puts high effort into his videos and streams. All these traits lead him to being a more mature person. Most male streamers are the opposite of that. Most streamers will talk about how important their connection is with their audience, until they get criticized, then it will be all "parasocial bad." Streamers tend to be the least effort content creators, so they tend to be less mature.
There's also the fact of how much they will interrupt the female only experience in Hololive. Also, lots of streamers base their entire career of leeching.

>> No.64290597

To be fair I don't think Hololive Indonesia hate their fans...
