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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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64210403 No.64210403 [Reply] [Original]

Reset the "gyaru baiting otakus for money" clock

>> No.64210560

Whores gonna whore, what a surprise. Why do people think Dress Up Darling is so popular, because it is what all these otaku want to see as a gyaru having an genuine interest in an otaku

>> No.64210601

do nerds really think that japanese women can't be whores? holy delusion

>> No.64210631

Get a fucking life already.

>> No.64210754


>> No.64210788

That's not the issue at all, people just don't want women to openly act as whores. Its been that way since literally the dawn of humanity, if women wanted to be whores then they'd go be a whore. Its only a problem in modern society because of how "progressive" people have been and now being a slut or whore is something to be celebrated and its actually just called being a "sex worker" now.

>> No.64210870

Seriously tho, who the fuck does Ririka think she is? Not even half a year into Hololive and still the runt of her gen, yet she goes off on her fans like this. She was literally saved by these fuckin people who she openly mocks as being so easy that doing an ASMR stream will make them "forgive her" for streaming with men. It took Lap and other similar girls at least 1 year to be like this, Ririka went mask off in legit 3 fuckin months.

>> No.64211001

It's like the girls who made fun of you in school for liking anime and games suddenly doing tik tok cosplays.

>> No.64211159

That's exactly what its like. Anime and games were for nerds so people kept it on the downlow if they enjoyed it, now its "cool and trendy" to like this stuff just like with vtubing. Like idk how it is in schools now but the people who were part of the anime club and shit when I was a teenager were the fuckin outcasts of the school, its still probably the same but the general acceptance of this culture and the medium itself has welcomed in so many people who made fun of it and wanted nothing to do with it years ago

>> No.64211359

You can be rich, fit and handsome, if you're an otaku women will look down on you, even the fujos

>> No.64211434

It's "cool and trendy" on the most superficial level, if you genuinely enjoy it you're a creepy

>> No.64211606

If it's anything beyond generic shonen no. 321321 then you're an outcast creep, they're like ironic weebs but worse

>> No.64212017
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everything chris the wise says is always right

>> No.64212213

Anyone who complains about being an "outcast" is just a failed normie.

>> No.64213164

t. angry at a Japanese e-girl that will never even know they exist

>> No.64213251

Bruh, isn't that what outcast means? If you're intentionally segregated from society that's just called being a literal hermit.

>> No.64213355 [DELETED] 
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>> No.64213522

>even the fujos
why? youd have things in common

>> No.64213925
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Galko exists, I swear.

No wonder Flare, IRyS and probably Sana hated their tanned models.

>> No.64214160

Fujos don't like 3D men.

>> No.64214361

>See a Ririka bait thread
>Check /#/
>Ririka is doing the equivalent of going out with some friends then coming back to you at home alone later in the night
>People are freaking out over it
Can someone actually explain what's the problem?

>> No.64214435

like i said
>things in common

>> No.64214549

It's just a fact, I'm an engineer, 6'1 and fairly handsome yet a woman already called me a loser for enjoying anime, to them if you don't drink until your lungs fail every weekend you're a party killer and a freak

>> No.64214667

That's like saying Incels and Femcels can be friends. It doesn't work like that.

>> No.64214728

That's fair, I guess. Sorry for assuming.

>> No.64215028

Just go back to watching Niji, sister. You wouldn't get it anyway.

>> No.64215299

Chris was driven insane from strangers coming up to her irl and calling her ugly when she was a kid I don't trust that woman to tell me the weather

>> No.64215982

horse necks? what?

>> No.64216541

God what a terrible comparison

>> No.64216838

Her assessment was right, look at you crying over anime women you can't have instead of fucking pussy, you claim to have a white collar job, be 6'1" and handsome and you're still not getting laid? either you lying or she could smell the loser on you a mile away, having those qualities don't mean shit if you're rotten on the inside.

>> No.64217060

>Ririka is doing the equivalent of going out with some friends then coming back to you at home alone later in the night
That's one of the most cucked things I ever read, no wonder cheating rate is over 50% on most countries if people think that's good

>> No.64217481


>> No.64217505

geeze /vt/
i'm told you guys are all smart, rich and well endowed therefore you can easily learn nihongo, go to japan, and correct this brat with the power of your 8 inch dong

>> No.64217918

How? She isn't flirting with those friends nor is she having sex or even hugging them and then she says you get all her attention after the party. The girl just wants to socialize.
You even get to keep an eye on her so she won't even cheat while she's out. So where's the insecurity coming from? Am I just not mentally ill enough?

>> No.64218127

>still not getting laid?
When you're starving you eat even cinder blocks, but when you're on a buffet you chose what you want, I wouldn't fuck that girl anyways, it's just unnecessary to judge people based on their hobbies(unless it's harmful shit like drugs), just a few days ago a coworker showed photos of her tits to me by "accident" while showing work related stuff on her phone, and after that she started to send messages to me saying she isn't married anymore, if I want I could get laid, but what's the point in fucking a woman who uses such low level scheming.

>> No.64218497

>I'm an engineer, 6'1 and fairly hands
Sure, Jan.

>> No.64218814

She should collab with Akira Mazono more, it was fun

>> No.64221750
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>> No.64221816

Chris is just a defeatist. She personally knows several gyaru (Rene) who are kind to otakus (her)

>> No.64222601


>> No.64223013

>Am I just not mentally ill enough?
This is mostly a SEA board so depending on your ethnicity it's possible

>> No.64223314

I know 5 guys who had wives like that, 3 of them are cucks and got divorced, 1 is an unconvinced cuck and only 1 has a healthy relationship, it's just the truth, you can call it insecurity or whatever but it happens all the time

>> No.64223402

That's why I read gyaru/otaku manga but I don't watch gyaru vtubers.

>> No.64224105

I bet she still smelled divine.

>> No.64224214

Rene is just a dumbass, though. I'm not sure she counts.

>> No.64224645

what im hearing is you're a virgin

>> No.64224799

Actual pickme behavior.
>all those girls? lying sluts
>but not me, so be sure to keep watching and donating <3

>> No.64224941

I don't know if the Ririka situation is legit or just a stupid rrat, but the problem is that when entitled incels or fat neckbeards are too picky, people rightly call them out, but when entitled femcels and fujos are too picky, we either ignore them or society affirms their delusions. If a low quality woman doesn't like rich attractive men just because they happen to like anime, that's her loss, not his.

>> No.64225019

>defending fem*oids
show your tits

>> No.64225410

In Dress Up Darling's case it does help that the guy was tall, handsome, skilled with his hands and is going to inherit the family business.

>> No.64225603

Yes, and?
If I want I can change that today, why people care as if getting your dick wet changes anything

>> No.64225913

I watched anime and was open about it was was fairly popular. Maybe the issue isn't liking anime, it's that the type of person who would join an anime club is kind of a fucking weirdo who would be outcasted even if their hobby they made a large part of their personality wasn't just "watches cartoons."

>> No.64226139

Tell that to Disney adults. They are fundamentally the same as weebs, but society promotes Disney adults because they were profitable. Same reason why Anime became more socially acceptable when western companies got involved.

>> No.64226172

Kindness is kindness.

>> No.64226300

>it's just unnecessary to judge people based on their hobbies
You're a pathetic loser
>if I want I could get laid, but what's the point in fucking a woman who uses such low level scheming
Because you unironically a loser too with a shitty personality
I'd be surprised if you had/ever will have a successful relationship given how you act

>> No.64228024

dunno if you're aware but you're only making yourself look bad desu

>> No.64228677

>backing out of GTA now

>> No.64230766

It happens, right in front of them?
Like they're sitting at the party with their girl and it just happens?
Because Ririka is right there, streaming the party she's attending.

>> No.64231603

I thought gyarua actually don't really exist at all. Isn't it a fad that died a couple of decades ago (in reality).

>> No.64231899

You're thinking of ganguro probably. Those are a different type and died out. Kogal and landmines are the big thing right now.

>> No.64235268


>> No.64236647


>> No.64236709


>> No.64236933

He's probably talking about 地雷女. Not sure they are inherently considered gyaru, though. More menhera.

>> No.64237051

he means 地雷系 probably
they are somewhat trendy at the moment
I think they're distinct to gyaru though.

It's more about 1. secretly crazy chicks that seem normal at first glance and 2. a fashion subculture/aesthetic

Think about the stereotype of borderline personality disorder girls and you probably have a sense of it

>> No.64237177

she's not backing out yet, she literally just tweeted that she was excited for it

>> No.64237231

where are the jiraikei vtubers

>> No.64237379

and he was particularly useful to her as well, and completely submissive and compliant with whatever she wanted from him so long as she gave him a scrap of attention

>> No.64237504
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>> No.64237672 [DELETED] 

This board is full of females who mistakenly think that having a vagina makes them instantly cool, rather than a fucking loser. So they come here and talk shit not realizing what a joke they sound like extolling the virtue of "always getting pussy". Because loser women need men to value their pussy otherwise they got nothing, even less than a loser man because at least a loser man is a man.

>> No.64237795

She has the most annoying, fake voice even in a world of annoying, fake and insane zoomer girls trying to get ojiisan dollars.

>> No.64239505

from the regloss streaming 5ch thread


>so ririka is getting cancelled
>well, it's pretty easy to get the gist of why
>imagine collabing with rando male streamers before your holo senpai
>of course people are going to say you're trying to break the unicorns' horns if that's what you're going to do


>It's not that she's collabbing with guys, it's that she said if you're a unicorn whose horn gets broken by this, she'll just do an asmr and regrow your horns. That's obviously problematic.
>surely that crosses the line


>are the managers incompetent or something? normally they'd stop you from doing this
>if she was going to play GTA5 I'd want to see her play story mode


>the way she went about it is like she covered herself head to toe with cooking oil and jumped into the fire
>between her food and her gaffes I figured she'd get cancelled one way or another eventually
>she doesn't seem like a bad kid but she keeps playing with fire, this ichijou ririka


>she said that on stream?
>if that's true she's nuts


>cooking oil having a high ignition point is an important piece of the analogy too
>if it was gasoline or alcohol then you'd catch fire in an instant, but with oil you might simply end up dirtied without anything actually kicking off

worth remembering that all the 'catching fire' analogies are about 炎上 or enjou, which means 'to go up in flames' and is the language that people use to talk about people getting cancelled or getting embroiled in an internet hatestorm/witchhunt/controversy/whatever

>> No.64240077

Sounds like Chris and Ririka need to collab then and bury the hatchet. If it's an offcollab be sure to keep chris out of the bed however so she doesn't shit it.

>> No.64240405

>Dress Up Darling
Written by a woman who self-inserted into Marin, btw

>> No.64240589

I still don't get very well what she did.
But funny enough, not even 24 hours ago, when I saw Ao talking about joining a streamer server I predicted than another genmate would do male collabs soon.
Didn't expect it to be her.

>> No.64242329

>still pretending to hate males
ive been a fan of ririka since day 1 and im going to watch all of her VCR vods with a smile on my face

>> No.64242517

why aint you watchin live

>> No.64242585

i watch vods in 2x speed so i can watch more content

>> No.64242697

There are fake and vain people in all subgroups, but obviously it's wrong to paint them all single way.

This is like saying there are no goths that are actually happy, because they're all depressed and emo. Such a statement just shows the ignorance of whoever said it.

>> No.64243931

She's probably very young. If you're young and got guaranteed success, you won't know how to appreciate the fans. Same thing happened to some young later gens like Laplus and Iroha.
Even with the guaranteed popularity some like Botan and Koyori were humble since the beginning cuz they're both hags and know how to appreciate things.

>> No.64243979

>the fans
small minority

>> No.64244154

She's getting hammered in her comments though, she'll definitely notice if that shit keeps up.

>> No.64244247

>>imagine collabing with rando male streamers before your holo senpai
.. but she has collabed with senpai already, Marine no less. Does that not count unless she has been with every single Holo girl first or something to them? That's dumb if so.

In any case I'm not a fan of her doing VCR GTA but I always always expected regloss to eventually do this kinda shit considering how the whole gen was freely talking with homostars pre-debut. management is pushing them for it and they've just been ignoring the suggestions to homocollab mostly until now.

>> No.64244296

what are you talking about
millions of indies have played bimajo too and you wouldn't say they collabbed with marine

>> No.64244355

no she isnt. most of the comments are regular people with brains shitting on unicorns.

>> No.64244400

Do ENs count then?


>> No.64244596

she will collab with more senpai playing vcr than she has up to this point

>> No.64244654

Tf did Iroha ever do?

>> No.64244798

don't listen to retards, anon.

>> No.64244981

She was disliked for being more of a fan than equal. She is very well liked now.

>> No.64245431
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chris is always right

>> No.64245493

Well she is a landmine girl what did you expect

>> No.64245720

Is she even a gyaru in reality though?
I don't really watch her, I just whack off to pictures of her ass.

>> No.64245754

Laplus is a legit one, but that's also why people hate her.

>> No.64245843
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Why can't i just have my slutty gyaru vtubers that want to seduce me for my foreigner cock with their bad eigo and short skirts without all this shitposting

>> No.64245985

you can. just stop coming /here/

>> No.64246683

close chat, don't look at the comments, and don't come to 4chan
just watch her if you like the content

>> No.64247489

My cousin fucks at least 2 girls per week yet he's broke, live with his parents and now he got roped in a relationship with a cracked single mother, if that's success for you then idk what to tell you
Fucking girls now is the easiest thing ever, when I was a teenager I got horny one day and posted a nude(without showing the face)on some random date site and there's literally 15+ women ranging from 18-35 asking if I want to fuck

>> No.64247947

She was hated by JP fans at the very beginning for several reasons.
She first said no to gachikoi, not in a playful way but too seriously before making connections with the fans.
Also she somehow always found one negative or annoying comment of all the supportive ones and spoilt the atmosphere of the stream.
At the time she tried to play a cool character and ended up being kinda told towards the fans.
Now she realized it wouldn't work and stared to be really sweet and don't hesitate to act cute and not agaist gachikoi either.

>> No.64248072

>Also she somehow always found one negative or annoying comment of all the supportive ones and spoilt the atmosphere of the stream.
Women always do this. There could be 9,999 cheering fans and they’d still go out of their way to find the 1 not having a good time.

>> No.64248244

Honestly even better if she shows her true colors early, that way people don't lose more time with her

>> No.64248254

You can, wait for the AI.
These women don’t exist in the real world.

>> No.64248345

The earlier Iroha is summed up in this old post in 5ch.
>Chat: "Iroha-chan is seiso!"
>Gozaru: "Please don't call me seiso. It puts pressure on me. Please look at the real Kazama."
>Chat: "You are good at games!"
>Gozaru: "It is kinda rude to call someone like me is "good" at games when I'm not.
>Chat: "...you're cute!
>Gozaru: "Please don't call me cute too often. Newcomers will be put off by it".
>Chat: "...(stamps repeatedly)"
>Gozaru: "It's hard to see the normal comments when you keep spamming stamps".
>Chat: "..."
>Gozaru: "Hey please comment more in the chat!"

>> No.64248402

how did she overcome this reputation

>> No.64248649

just appealing to gachis

>> No.64248696

By accepting she's a retard

>> No.64248739

Turnover. All of the original viewers left and the new ones don’t know how shitty her attitude was.

>> No.64248818

same way Mori did >>64248739

>> No.64248921

ITT: /vt/ schizos believing what turbo schizos from 5ch head canon

>> No.64249142

Even youtube comments are saying that was retard, I love that simps immediately deflect those things
>it's 4chan incels
>it's 5ch retards
>it's shitposters
>it's antis
>it's nijisisters

>> No.64249229

Chris is just insane. Don't mind her.


>> No.64249794

Looks emo with japanese gayness. What happened to yami-kawaii?

>> No.64250798
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>have a hobby centered around japanese culture
>have zero knowledge about japanese culture
we really should have a test before you are allowed to post here

>> No.64250981

He is the author's ideal man

>> No.64252402

Woman can be wrong and so are a lot of guys who think they are better to give themselves a hit of daily satisfaction. Even if you like anime as long as you can healthily explain your fascinations and enjoy it together with others there is nothing wrong about it.
There is a younger generation who have embraced anime culture, he can always get with someone younger who isn't cynical.

>> No.64252626

Fuck no this is so far from the truth now you probably haven't hung around teens or people in their early 20s. It's literally looks (height + fit), wealth (status), charisma (alpha or sigma), passion, and character in that order of compatibility 85% of the time. Character the one woman fuck up on, get fucked by, as well as their own.

>> No.64252643

Way too blatant about pretending to be a loser just like her fans
Girls like this are way more likely to be normalfag slits than someone like Riroka

>> No.64252727

I don't think you quite understand.
She is has clinically assessed to be insane.

>> No.64253118

Crazy chicks always end up spending their youth as walking cum dumpsters
Chris probably has a bodycount to rival a pornstar

>> No.64253515

The fuck. Why would people go up to a child and talk to them, let alone insult them like that?

>> No.64253591

She‘s genuinely freakshow levels of ugly, there will always be some people who‘ll make fun of someone like that no matter how young she is.

>> No.64255303
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>name is Chris aka Chris-chan
>talks about drinking your own jizz

History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme etc

>> No.64255406

They get their japanese lore from games like Yakuza and anime.

>> No.64255488

tits or gtfo

>> No.64255598

Was she wrong? Having a decent paying job does not save you from the consequences of your own actions like someone else mentioned either you're lying about who you're claiming to be here or you're just a weird incel who just happened to have an engineering job and is trying to substitute real women for cartoon pussy something your ass will never get.

>> No.64255783

anon, those are called prostitutes kek, and most of them end up as desperate single mothers because they dont have a lot of social aid (or whatever yankees call it) at japan, so you can actually get a good quality one if you live at japan for a few years, learn the language and have a half decent job.

>> No.64256061

Every female character in Yakuza is a whore

>> No.64256338
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I know a vtuber that loves jiaikei fashion and talks about it on stream...
But her vtuber identity is actually an ojou library committee girl so she doesn't behave nor look landmine-ish on stream.

>> No.64257600

For that to be true I would have to be incapable of having real women, and if you think a guy with my looks and money can't get laid with women you're retarded, besides while I'm not extrovert I for sure don't look like an introvert nerd, I just see no reason to have momentary pleasures with someone that you don't care and never will see again
Getting back from home and watching hololive while I work on my fan game is way more rewarding than trying to get under the skirt of a woman I don't care about, at least for me, if you think me choosing to live like that is being a loser feel free to think like that
And I'm not hating on women if that's what you think I'm doing

>> No.64257781

>they forgot regloss is dev_is
not idols.
i dont care what she did.

>> No.64257846

So she was basically JP Ina

>> No.64257962

qrd? at least link the stream or clip to provide some context

>> No.64258129

She sounds like she's gay based on the few clips i've watched of her. But idk i don't watch her streams. All i know is that she wants to get fucked by a crocodile.

>> No.64258250

technically he is an otaku, but when people say otaku they usually mean fat smelly anime/idol otaku, not tall handsome yaoi-hands guy who makes traditional japanese dolls because it's his family business

>> No.64258299

>to them
It wouldn't even cross my mind to entertain the thought of giving women like this any sort of consideration. Are you exclusively surrounded by shit women? It reminds me of my roommie who's constantly bitching about how she tries dating but "always" ends up with a bunch of retarded misogynistic muscleheads but that's because she can't stop trying to appeal to those subsconciously and keeps surrounding herself with friends that would only present them such shit men.

>> No.64258425

She‘d fuck anyone and anything at this point

>> No.64258678

>I just whack off to pictures of her ass.

Please post

>> No.64258719

To be fair you have to ask yourself who the hell you think to are to cry about this? Some random insignicant EOP that only found about this because someone translate it for you? I understand if nips care, I understand if her fans care. But you are irrelevant.

>> No.64258931


>> No.64259007

If even EOPs are crying about it you can be sure there's the double of japs doing it too, whatever that happens on this side is just a reflection of what happens in the JP side since the main market and community are there

>> No.64259142

How many times have you posted today? Take a breather, touch some grass.
Try to use different words at least.

>> No.64259230

Japs aren‘t half as psychotic as you losers

>> No.64260277

>Japs aren‘t half as psychotic as you losers

>> No.64260349

Men also do this

>> No.64260371

I want to fuck her armpits.

>> No.64260941

your dick would rot

>> No.64261403

Worth it

>> No.64261887

what EXACTLY did she do? I stopped watching her and JP for awhile

>> No.64262494

You think Kirsche and Inis are pretending too?

>> No.64262787

gfe chuuba who joined eceleb gta server, declared unicorn genocide and tried to pretend to be drunk after she realized her money bags would disappear

>> No.64262889

>>It's not that she's collabbing with guys, it's that she said if you're a unicorn whose horn gets broken by this, she'll just do an asmr and regrow your horns. That's obviously problematic.
>>surely that crosses the line

They hated her for telling the truth. Unicorns are pathetic

>> No.64263188

I remember stumbling on a nail painting stream of hers and thinking she was one of the more normal members from 774. How gravely I was mistaken, thank you for these I haven't laughed this much in a long time.

>> No.64263261
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>Unicorns are pathetic
Anti-unicorns are even more pathetic because you're all actual cuckolds

>> No.64263291

Nothing of what you said is true. You are even below catalog-reader at this point.

>> No.64263868

This is Ririka how?

>> No.64265175

Every time people criticize unicorns I wonder how they would justify ever spending more than just a membership on a vtuber, and how they suggest that the entire industry would be bankrolled. Why spend any money at all?
Understandable, but only if there's regular membership content.
Is there a single example of merchandise being worth it as its own product? If not, why do you want to pay for the priviledge of advertising for a millionaire?
You are just handing money over to the vtuber, their company and youtube, and all you get is maybe having your chat read.
If it weren't for the parasocial aspect, why bother supporting a vtuber financially at all? You want them to succeed? Why? Why should that success hinge on your/the community's charity? If they were truly talented they would make it without receiving charity. Why do you want them to succeed in spite of their apparent lack of talent?

>> No.64265782

Being an outcast inside and outside internet made me peaceful. To not having any obligation with fake people makes me happier.

>> No.64266361

every women have the "whore" instinct in her genes and subconscious. Some women are aware of that, some aren't and some try to refrain that at maximum while some uses that to manipulate men. Problem is when society, instead of stop that, starts to glorificate, same with cuckery and same with unstable relationships. Humanity is corrupted and the only hope is a giant meteor that wipe us from this existence.

>> No.64266968

You can easily be a gachikoi and not a unicorn. But otherwise, yes, the only ones who actually financially support their oshi's are the ones who feel some level of attachment

>> No.64267091

It always makes me laugh when I read posts over-analyzing the "nature of women" on a board dedicated to virtual youtubers. It's almost as funny as the tradcath/muslim larpers, but at least most of them seem like they're shitposting.

>> No.64268075

So? I already seen fat people talking about muscle building, if what you're speaking makes sense it doesn't matter what you are
A male doctor won't be able to speak about the women body since they aren't women if that's the case

>> No.64268498

In your opinion, what would be a reasonable cause for a gachikoi(not unicorn) to voice their discontent and cause an uproar? Can you point to examples where they do? Are there any well known gachikoi uprisings where it had a sizeable impact on a vtuber/idol?

>> No.64269320

>In your opinion, what would be a reasonable cause for a gachikoi(not unicorn) to voice their discontent and cause an uproar?
Probably if a chuuba outright rejects/denies them when they haven't done anything wrong at all. It's happened a few times, but I'd rather not start any autism wars.
From what I've seen, it has an impact but not NEARLY the impact unicorns have. Gachikoi are more likely to stick by no matter what, oftentimes to the point of denying reality sometimes.

>> No.64269387

>A male doctor won't be able to speak about the women body since they aren't women if that's the case
Teuw, but he'll only ever have a textbook understanding, not a personal understanding.

>> No.64269558

>pay for the priviledge of advertising for a millionaire
you clearly have some deep seated hatred that is clouding your judgment.

>> No.64271023

>nail painting stream of hers

>> No.64271346

vtubers taught me that if hoe says "do you really believe that X thinks Y" it is always projection

>> No.64271449

just ignore the males, the same way you ignore the thousands of other male viewers.

>> No.64273230

she also had a few cringe/fail interactions early on.

>> No.64273726

Gyaru fashion has become for of an otaku fashion thing now a days though

>> No.64273795

This just sounds like she a little retarded and nervous more then her being a bitch. I don't get it

>> No.64274216

Okayu has talked pretty extensively about how she liked the gyarus in her school because they were open-minded about her interests (and voice) while most other groups bullied her. There's plenty of truth to the stereotype, but I don't doubt that there are cunts playing off of it to take advantage of otaku.

>> No.64274339

Its like high school movies where the popukar cheerleader falls for the nerd, its pure fantasy, you are a retard if you think its real.

>> No.64274366

What happened to "its okay when JP does it" ?

>> No.64274422

Which is why I am a Raden enjoyer. Girl has been straight with us from the get go, even admitting to the Idol sin of being a heavy smoker.

>> No.64274626

But why? Why did she that was wrong, she didn't insult otaku, she just said something obvious. Of course gyary dont like otaku, its the equivalent of the hot popular girl dating an anime nerd.

>> No.64275008

VCR = Vapid whores Cucking Real fans

>> No.64277801

>why give them money at all?
because you like their work? same with artists.
people also buy sports team merchandise.

>> No.64277976

Do you send letters with money to your favorite artists?

>> No.64278265

You are a literal last samurai ken-sama retard if you think this is true. Jesus fuck, there are many schizo nips in japan you dumbfuck
