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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63810986 No.63810986 [Reply] [Original]

>Tempus was a disaster
>Armis confirmed flop
>StarsEN still makes no money
>low ccv, incapable of expanding
>actively destroys the career of any girl they collab or interact with
>Single-handedly mogged by Advent
When will Yagoo realize that unicorns are the life-blood of his company?

>> No.63811016

You're the problem..

>> No.63811081
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>> No.63811110

Nah, I'm a part of the solution.

>> No.63811118

parents will always pay more attention to the retarded child

>> No.63811122

Get some help

>> No.63811189

>I'm a part of the solution.
So what exactly is your plan? It's more than just whining on /vt/ right?

>> No.63811265

send supas or yagoo will never know

>> No.63811267

>watch unicorn-friendly girls and superchat them
>ignore the rest
Evidently, I'm doing what everyone's doing right now. FuwaMoco alone keeps mogging the homos in superchats, ccv, and just general interest.

>> No.63811368

Meh lame, thats what everyone is doing already and it aint getting rid of the homos. Here I thought you had something more drastic in mind.

>> No.63811369

You should try superchatting the other advent girls and Fauna also since the homos mogged them all yesterday.

>> No.63811571

stop using the only pure holoENs to shitpost, faggot.

>> No.63811597

No fuck you anon, yagoo will recruit vox and he will fuck your oshi. UNITY!!!!

>> No.63811639

they have to use fresh bait for their screencap/yt vid

>> No.63812204

Ruze is the only one who "mogged" anyone last night and his monetization stream was still beaten by a single karaoke from FWMC. The other three recieved less than half of what ruze did and it was already low even compared to the other males.
Those streams are pretty much as good as it gets.

>> No.63812553

kys nijinigger

>> No.63812656

I thought they had a chance to come back for like a day, then that retard started talking about character's consent, the homos destroyed themselves.

>> No.63812733

>And super chat
Sure anon, sure

>> No.63812785

I hate unicorns and don't care if they have boyfriends because i don't think they are my girlfriends or something cringe like that, but somehow i end liking the unicorn friendly more, perhaps they are just better.

>> No.63812874


>> No.63813220

I watch my oshi because I love her. Watching VTubers as entertainment, now that's cringe

>> No.63813879

I mean, most of the men are low view but to say they "dont make money" is silly.
Memberships are a steady supply of cash and there is always plenty of merchandise people will buy

>> No.63814130

Its because he knows that unicorns are the life blood of his company that he can waste their money on homostars nobody wants

>> No.63814199

glad to see despite the continued irrelevancy of holostars they still cause enough seethe to get their own catalog threads

>> No.63814293

It's entirely warranted considering that cover wastes a lot of money and does massive shilling for StarsEN while ignoring most of HoloEN.

>> No.63814319

Have you written an email to Cover lately? So they can throw it in the trash while they laugh at you pissing yourself in anger? You should do that.

>> No.63814341

They all make money.
If getting homo numbers made them unprofitable 90% of NijiJP and 100% of NijiEN would get shitcanned.

>> No.63814348

Sounds more like a management issue. Pretty sure i see plenty of holoEN shilling for girls that actually do stuff though like Mori in my feeds from time to time or at least certainly more than any holostar.

>> No.63814390

>I hate the people who make the entertainment I watch possible by funding it

>> No.63814395

So you don't keep track of it but you still think your opinion on this matters?
Why don't you go watch your homos instead sister?

>> No.63814431

Unicorns are low testosterone faggots whose primary character trait is being made to feel incredibly insecure by tranime boys that are prettier than them.
Every Holomem thinks you’re pathetic. Some will play along with your delusion to make a quick buck. But none of them think of you as a real man.

>> No.63814502

I like laughing at you who have wonderful girls with lots of content on their channels that you could watch instead of seething about boys.

>> No.63814591

Why don't you watch the girls instead of posting homo bait threads?

>> No.63814622

I dont watch holostars i still follow hololive girls and the hololive english twitter but those are just holdovers sometimes they rt cute art. Just feels like these threads make mountains out of molehills, only time the holostars were ever really a threat to any sanctity hololive fans have for their girls only dried up when those 2 dudes got axed like half a year ago im pretty sure

>> No.63814723

>unitard thinks Cover cares about his pocket change
Cover wants brand recognition, merchandising, and licensing, not the $50/hr you make being a mediocre tech twink.
Rushia spent her whole career catering to incels, then was shitcanned without a second thought, and her coworkers barely cared. You are not important.

>> No.63814733
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>Homos don't get anything
not counting handmade VN from 6 managers and the recent comic

>> No.63814793

I think it's nice that hololive started pandering to younger audiences. Very few chubbas target the pre adolescent demographic.

>> No.63815083

Did you just strawman

>> No.63815174

>>actively destroys the career of any girl they collab or interact with
it's not the talents doing this, unicuck, it's you.

>> No.63815199

Fuwamoco are for literal smoothbrains who like to be treated like preschoolers. I'm subscribed to every girl in EN and their streams are the only ones I've yet to willingly watch. Maybe if they stream something cool or change their act I'll watch, but their whiney, fake voices make me want to vomit. I appreciate their hustle though!

>> No.63815341

For you.

>> No.63815375

>don't collab with males
>unicorns heap money on you by the wheelbarrow-full for the girlfriend experience
>apparently this is the worst thing to ever happen in vtubing and it's actually because the girls are all terrified even though they signed up to this knowing the GFE is profitable

>> No.63815535

Either "unicorns" are a irrelevant minority that have no effect on anything OR they are representative enough to damage talents careers by their absence when "wronged" It can't be both but I see sisters flitting between these two arguments when it suits them.
The reality is that it works the same way as with any female streamer who banks on parasocial feelings to retain an audience - males get into the mix people stop watching and stop donating as much, people who would never consider themselves a unicorn or even know what that term means.
So yes they do damage their own careers by interacting with males and no it isn't a unique thing even to vtubers, just more pronounced.

>> No.63815651

I'm sorry, the "Twitch Takeover" event being there is the dumbest thing anon. Nothing is stopping the HoloEN girls from doing the same. They all have the availability to stream on Twitch if they want to do so.

>> No.63815953

Half of the list is basically padding
>3d debuts are normal in sub 9 months for jp
>live concerts is literally what cover offers
>hologra a long standing staple of covers offerings
>custom merch and voice packs (??????) just more normal shit
Id keep going but things like the animated shorts and debut watchalongs which were clear effort to try and get them out there more that girl groups dont have but also dont need looking at it.

>> No.63816062

>t. Homosister.

>> No.63816137

>kys nijinigger
I love hololive retard. The homos are not hololive.

>> No.63816362

Nah it's the homos. No one want them to collab with the holos. This has been proven time and time again by every single metric.
Dent it all you want. Chuubas that ignore the homos objectively make more money. Cry about it.

>> No.63816510

More and more these catalog threads look like they're ai generated.

>> No.63816554
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>> No.63816853
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>holo v holo
Nice try, homosister.

>> No.63816885

You’re the tranny, tranny

>> No.63817067

>trying to use an Advent against another Advent
You know the Advent fanbase is pretty tight-knit right?

>> No.63817310

Real FWMC fans don’t like the rest of advent

>> No.63817384
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>get obliterated in the thread
>immediately falseflag
Reminder that anti-unicorns are literally all pathetic cucks who fantasize about their oshi fucking random men.

>> No.63817562


>> No.63817585

>sister posting
Everyone who calls you a retard isn’t the same person, faggot. I don’t watch Holostars and don’t even know any members’ names or what they sound like. Which is apparently more than you faggots can say, with how often you seethe about them.
Stay irrelevant and seething. Your egirl of choice is not your friend or your lover.

>> No.63817703

Crimson Ruze got 4.2k on his monetization stream. The EN homos will continue to be pushed because Gaven Bestel at 2k and Shinri Banri at 1k are doing way better than most of the JP homos. If Vesper and Fagni had not sudoku'd they'd actually be almost on par with the niji EN males, having a few 'big' guys and a lot of shitters.

Yagoo wants to prove to investors that hololive can compete with nijisanji for fujo bucks so they will always exist. Whether it will be worth it when Gayze Foru, member of Armis gen 2, decides to 'accidentally' grope a female member of hololive and then brags about it because he is filipinx or something idk.

>> No.63817715

Youre almost there bud, keep thinking.

>> No.63817778

You don't have to be a homofag to be a sister, sister. You just have to seethe continuously at the girls and their fanbase for just existing.

>> No.63818165

>Crimson Ruze got 4.2k on his monetization stream.
And FuwaMoco got about 5k on a random karaoke yesterday for no real reason. I know they'll continue to be pushed, but it's just baffling when the girls make infinitely more money doing nothing.
If Yagoo wanted to actually make money off of the stars, he'd copy/paste Vox.

>> No.63818384
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>> No.63818417

They're actually really deep, but you wouldn't understand because you're a zoomie normie with no understanding of subtext and only understands things on the level of peepoo poo poo jokes.

>> No.63818466
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>Crimson Ruze got 4.2k on his monetization stream
And Shiori got an average of 4-5k viewers and peak of 6k viewers on what was essentially a Zatsudan.

>> No.63818486

They're not losing any money by debuting males, in fact they're earning more money since they're getting it from a different demographic than the girls. Both the girls and boys are successful at Hololive so what's the point of this thread?

>> No.63818511

Fuwamoco work a lot harder than Crimson Ruze. They deserve what they get.

>> No.63818517

Yesterday might I add, last night

>> No.63818677

That's a cuckold, not a unicorn.

>> No.63819046


>They're not losing any money by debuting males
Wrong. Debuting talents is a costly investment. And males aren't even earning enough money to cover the costs, not to mention making profit. They're wasting money earned by girls, which should have been invested back into the girls.

>in fact they're earning more money since they're getting it from a different demographic than the girls
That's not an argument. Money from different source isn't worth more.

>Both the girls and boys are successful at Hololive
There are no boys in Hololive.

>what's the point of this thread?
Exposing retards like you.

>> No.63820160

My favorite part of the homos being massive flops and wastes of resources is the seethe and cope from trannies

>> No.63820502

>When will Yagoo realize that unicorns are the life-blood of his company?
That only applies to EN, JP is another story where Yagoo's dream lives

>> No.63820632

Brother talks like he knows the ins and outs of Cover corp, kek. Is there anything else you want to pull out of your ass?

>> No.63820830

>And males aren't even earning enough money to cover the costs, not to mention making profit.
Literally everyone in Holopro including Uyu has made a profit for Cover. Debuting a vtuber is a one-time cost with effectively zero upkeep and most in big corpos are going to make back what was put in on their monetization stream. Unless they're commissioning overpriced top tier artists and riggers, every single one of Armis last night probably doubled or tripled their investment even AFTER they and Google take their share.
If you want to argue opportunity cost, fine, but don't be a retard and think Cover is losing millions for shitters that are still in the top 0.01% of all of streaming.

>> No.63820984

Just ignore the girls you don't like, making it a moral crusade and acting like this is embarrassing for everyone without your mental illness. No other fans make threads on how incredible they are. If this isn't false flagging you're intentionally making yourselves look terrible like then niji male fans from two years ago

>> No.63821100

>If you want to argue opportunity cost, fine, but don't be a retard and think Cover is losing millions for shitters that are still in the top 0.01% of all of streaming.
Even then, there's something to be said about diversifying your revenue streams instead of putting it all into one basket. The biggest tell tale sign that StarsEN is making profit is that they've split the management off from HoloEN both basically acting as their own entities management wise. There might have been an initial cost in starting the branch last year but it's obvious they're self sufficient now.

>> No.63821359

Shit if you have even 1,000 $5 members you're going to make up for the initial costs of setting you up as a talent within a few months at absolute tops. To say nothing of the supas, general youtube revenue from views, etc. Vtubing has become so ubiquitous so quickly because it isn't very resource intensive to start up.

>> No.63821464

I honestly want more homos(if they don't collab with the girls), it would be easier to notice their failure, imagine the homos having 100 members yet just one holo gen beats all of them together

>> No.63822437

>perhaps they are just better.
Yes. Why do you think we're unicorns in the first place?
The chubas who seek to actively please and entertain the fans are and always will be superior to the ones who stir shit to own le heckin incels.

>> No.63823069

Genuine question, are threads like this designed to make Ruffians look worse?

>> No.63823190

Not this one, for it's shitting on males.

>> No.63823627

Look man it doesn't matter if you choose to be willfully dense, Holostars EN kicks the shit out of Holostars JP which is why Yagoo keeps funding them because he wants successful BOYZ to show to his investors and no amount of impotent seething will change that.

Holofemale numbers don't matter in this context because Yagoo, like most CEOs, wants to show that Holostars is improving over time from an average of shit to not so shit to maybe okay. As nijien males are going down and starsen are going up this just helps yagoo make the argument that Cover is more successful at gaining marketshare in the English Male vtuber audience than nijisanji, which is the metric by which they are actually measured.

>> No.63823678

It's probably easier to say "all you need is a shitty vtuberstudio model and you're good2go", the people dropping thousands on their models are just retarded.

>> No.63823981

>here’s my bronze shitpile versus my normal shitpile, pls invest

>> No.63824055

Yagoo is playing the long game and trying to convert Kpop stans

>> No.63824340

There is the opportunity cost of limited studio time (even with the large upgrade it's still booked solid) but also holostars EN has a discrete management team at this point larger than myth had in their first year, all of whom are paid salaries. It would be interesting to know if the boys supas/memberships/merch sales even offset the cost of paying the staff let alone make much profit for cover. After the boys cut and youtubes cut that is.

I get that they are going to be compared against other EN males and not the girls but until we see the next financial statment cover releases prove otherwise I think it's fair to say they are still a subsidized project at this point.

>> No.63824572
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>holo vs holo
Fuck off nijicuck.

>> No.63826509

So much seethe. I love this thread.

>> No.63827404

Though buying ads and one showing up in front of a NijiEN vid is honestly kind of funny, isn't that what you'd want in a "All Out War"?

>> No.63831547


>> No.63831862

The Holos have like all of those promotions and more. I think they are the only ones that have some sort of sport related one.
Btw, the concerts are pretty much self founded and on other cases the 'projects' were cancelled or finished long ago like the case of Hologra.

>> No.63835664

what kind of soulless nigger bases who they watch on their numbers?
