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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 814 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20231123-110657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
63159791 No.63159791 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.63159833
File: 313 KB, 558x570, finana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63159900

With all the Holochads joining, this will become bigger than the actual Niji subreddit lmao

>> No.63159904
File: 1.84 MB, 1080x7882, Screenshot_20231123_111244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subreddit has existed for only 2 days and on single dude has already posted a shit ton of Niji yabes. Guy must have been holding it in for a while.

>> No.63159913

buy an ad

>> No.63159951

thats not nijisanji fans we dont act like that

>> No.63160117

>be vtuber agency
>fans of chuubas are usually schizos but that is normal in the industry
>chuubas are gathering fans and among them are unironically in love schizos
>hurt those chuubas
>schizos are actively trying to harm your company with hate as passionate as love to chuuba
I won't be surprised when Riku will be Abe Shinzo'd on his yacht
Too bad that average Holofag doesn't give a shit about niji lately and just uses them as a lolcow

>> No.63160140

keep it up, anon shill faggot. I'm down for more spreading and ruining Nijisanji's reputation more onr eddit

>> No.63160159

I saw sayu horny clip but there no sound, do you guys have it?

>> No.63160162

its a trap anikara going to sue you

>> No.63160194

you'd think they can sue fuckers outside of Japan? I doubt it

>> No.63160226


>> No.63160227

>1 members

>> No.63160273

I doubt anyone would be retarded enough to post this shit not via some TOR
Even if he was then reddit is American and you can shit on anybody if it is true and no judge would take this case

>> No.63160295

you'd be surprised on how retarded zoomers and the internet can be

>> No.63160334

Their username is accurate.

>> No.63160339

obligatory, buy a fucking ad, faggot

>> No.63160344

Probably just took that copypasta from here and made them reddit posts lol

>> No.63160371
File: 59 KB, 664x569, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63160373

yeah because of all vt are reddit cucks

>> No.63160377

Some yab must've pissed off OP schizo to make the subreddit, make the rules, etc. I made a subreddit like this and it took many hours. This schizo got triggered by something LOL

>> No.63160390

I said sayu dumbass, i already have this.

>> No.63160421

nta, work on reading archive more instead of being spoonfed, fucking idiot

>> No.63160459


>> No.63160482

hey I'm the OP, can you like fucking subscribe to my shitty subreddit because I got triggered over some Nijifaggot?

>> No.63160552

3 members now actually

>> No.63160591

Keep going schizo
Your burner accounts will surely deframe enikara

>> No.63160610


>> No.63160641

What the fuck? This is just 1 guy posting all this?

>> No.63160647

I hold it in for a while too. I should post something

>> No.63160674

Never underestimate a man with a purpose

>> No.63160673

Usually subreddits that start out or really small is 1 guy'd because people are lazy as fuck to post. I'm also same-fagging this retarded thread, you're welcome OP - I hope your subreddit dies and it gets banned

>> No.63160712

that post about Finana's MV is totally autism-tier lmao. it's just nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking and not actual criticism.

>> No.63160713

imagine spending all your time on getting mad over Kurosanji, sasuga Nijiniggerschizo

>> No.63160718

Don't lie. You made it

>> No.63160787

obviously, anybody who can't tell is retarded. 1 member subreddit, 1 guy posting all of the yabs. Who else would promote this retarded subreddit besides the creator?

>> No.63160810

Where are my Jakarta SEA niggers?

>> No.63160839

But enough about Shiori

>> No.63160855
File: 381 KB, 600x694, nijifag riku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know

>> No.63160880

can you also post the rikuboat image?

>> No.63160937

Hey Subreddit Creator, can you post the Enna Schizo List? https://rentry.org/rtz9g

>> No.63160953

Unironic schizo behaviour. Just laugh at their daily yabs like a normal dramafaggot.

>> No.63160969

No because I fucking hate kurosanji and I fucking hate you

>> No.63160999

This fucking homo cheated getting into Nijisanji!!! https://files.catbox.moe/qp1w8p.mp4

>> No.63161007


>> No.63161012

Hey man, fair enough. You do you.

>> No.63161032

share it on nijisanji OR OP

>> No.63161035

Why would you willingly become a reddit janny? And over fucking nijisanji of all things?

>> No.63161052

The millie yab always gets me kek,
she really is retarded lmao.

>> No.63161059

Wait, I love you, man. I'm just a /u/MajorFamilyDisgrace who can't control his emotions because my family disowned me. I loved Nijisanji and thought they were family!!!!

>> No.63161098

even nijisanji fans don't think about nijisanji this much

>> No.63161177

dramawhores am I right?

>> No.63161206

Because I'm a fucking idiot lol

>> No.63161229

>bringing out holoshit for no reason
why are holobronies like this?

>> No.63161243
File: 20 KB, 857x320, 123412341234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you remove my post, OP? Can you not take criticism?

>> No.63161315

shut the fuck up westoid

>> No.63161385

you're going to get like at most 100 members and then everyone including you will forget about this shitpost you made.

>> No.63161406

>he does it for free

>> No.63161426

I fucked your mom from the behind

>> No.63161523
File: 28 KB, 822x348, fucking-weirdo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man is also leaving sources in his fucking posts, what an idiot

>> No.63161560

Gura deflection thread

>> No.63161568

Based anon, I don't have reddit but I'll think about making one just to sub to you

>> No.63161615
File: 366 KB, 1066x726, 1700734965028071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63161652

WhY ARe HolObroNies lIKe This???

>> No.63161691

Nijisisters, if we stopped Zaion sooner, this wouldn't have happened...

>> No.63161716


>> No.63161743

Seethe sister, seethe

>> No.63161757

read catalog more, idiot

>> No.63161788

yes you do

>> No.63161816

Can someone post the Vox Akuma yabs list?

>> No.63161817

But that’s worthy of a medal, though.

>> No.63161822

Kinda funny to see nijisisters mad but also kinda cringe since OP is apparently similarly sensitive to criticism >>63161243

>> No.63161847


>> No.63161879

Jesas christ, the Flips are everywhere at this time. Can you guys stop spamming catalog with this Nijidrama bullshit?

>> No.63161905

imagine caring this much about a company you don't even watch

>> No.63161910

Can you also post how Hana has fallen off? That's a critique, right? She must be critiqued!

>> No.63161949

NijisanjiEN is smaller than the other EN corpos, I remember when they used to be a competitor to Hololive... I blame Elira's clique

>> No.63161973

Is that wigger still banned?

>> No.63162001

Finana should just dedicate to making coomer ASMR, she should know at this point that that's the only thing she is good for.

>> No.63162004

feels like he's a nijifan trying to get anycolor to nuke all the evidence

>> No.63162008

I'm the Enna Schizo, anon.... I watch streams.......

>> No.63162033

he last streamed 3 days ago: https://www.youtube.com/@KyoKaneko/streams

>> No.63162037

no you aren't

>> No.63162064

I do

>> No.63162065

this is awesome, can someone start a /r/hololivecritique too?

>> No.63162087

I got you, anon, I'll make it now

>> No.63162120

Can't nuke the evidence because he's sourcing from streamers and dramavtubers, there is the one dramavtuber that almost got nuked by Nijisanji. Some of this shit will remain up

>> No.63162155

Congratulations on getting 10 burner accounts to join your retarded subreddit

>> No.63162212

Fucking finally, I needed this subreddit to send to friends outside of 4chan

>> No.63162243

I'm not sensitive to criticism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.63162246

to keep the community safe, civil, and true to its purpose

>> No.63162275

Safe from what?

>> No.63162296

Me too, I think I'll post something too. Can't forget how they cancelled the NijiEN Concert...

>> No.63162312

from you, specifically

>> No.63162322

Based anon

>> No.63162324

Post more of it. I wanna see it all

>> No.63162345

Don't be a snowflake, nigger

>> No.63162377

Maybe you shouldn't sound like an asshole?

>> No.63162426

yeah seriously OP is weird

>> No.63162452

Maybe you should learn to not be so sensitive?

>> No.63162508

This anon is right, Anikara can sue you, OP

>> No.63162557

Yeah OP, they have a defamation team to sue individuals who act like this... maybe you should close the subreddit

>> No.63162592
File: 275 KB, 1447x2047, 1700168285533511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you critique this?

>> No.63162594

Okay but NijisanjiJP is completely fine though. It's the NijiEN shitters that ruin everything. Please stop saying just Nijisanji

>> No.63162627


>> No.63162656

>Gundou terminated over a baseball joke

>> No.63162691

No, this shouldn't be just for NijiJP... everyone at Kurokara deserves critique.

>> No.63162724


>> No.63162764

>covid for reason for cancellation
>everyone in NijiEN calls it bullshit
The beginning of the end...

>> No.63162781

You actually fucking do, you massive lying fagcuck. This is from your fellow fans over on the sister site. You're not in the fanbase that you think you are, asshole.

>> No.63162783

You mean the 4chan stream? That was where everyone turned their opinions on NijiEN. At least that was for me, sister.

>> No.63162807

fuck off back to your sister site, you stupid sister

>> No.63162833

Holy Based

>> No.63162848

Where the fuck are the meidos? Why the fuck haven't we already rangebanned SEAfucks like OP?

>> No.63162859
File: 969 KB, 1000x1080, 1699757130860213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going to click that link. You can keep your aids virus to yourself.

>> No.63162982

Tits too big, 5/7.

>> No.63163316

22 points

>> No.63163672

>a shit ton
That's not a lot. I'm not even a niji anti and I don't follow their shit and I have like 1.2gb of niji yabs.

>> No.63163718

it's up to you now to make a burner reddit account and start posting

>> No.63163781
File: 87 KB, 1010x206, 1683226756131737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I'll just wait for a good moment and grudgepost it where those filthy nijiniggers reside the most. /here/

>> No.63163827

oh you

>> No.63163852

Not petite enough 0/10

>> No.63163855

>one retard posts retarded shit

>> No.63163884

mods = gods

>> No.63163900

But enough about Kyo.

>> No.63163922
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>> No.63164712


>> No.63164734
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>> No.63164875
File: 531 KB, 992x1721, 3239dbb34c485d8a58156c3cd13b921c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small sized anons don't know how to handle big things.

>> No.63164886

I hate Nijisanji as much as the next guy but this thread genuinely proves that this shit hole is full of reddit cucks.

>> No.63164914

Little girls look better with little breasts.

>> No.63164955

fucking plebbitors get the fuck off my board

>> No.63164991

Im at the point starting to think he’s just that desperate for attention
Larping as well known schizo as well as intentionally making that username
His desperate chase for attention will cost him greatly in 1 year

>> No.63165008


>> No.63165047

If we see a big doxx unrelated to any liver then we’ll know whose the lucky lad

>> No.63165135

I feel like the quality of larping and falseflagging has gone downhill lately.

>> No.63165243

Damn tribalismfags need their own safe space now?

>> No.63165428

God, who is that? And what is wrong with her face?
