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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63154845 No.63154845 [Reply] [Original]

No unicorn spam about the male collas?


>> No.63155035

unicorn doesn't work like that anon.. he is a real celeb and married, who cares

>> No.63155040
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>> No.63155094

>doesn't know who the guys is

>> No.63155139

I watch them on a regular, even before their collabs in holo,
Most anons here already know who they are, what're you on about?

>> No.63155152

Yeah no one cares, this is a professonal collaboration, not a casual hangout session where she fawns over some fuckboy

>> No.63155162

anon, you are a SEAnig and you don't know who they are?

>> No.63155183

>"see, she collab with MALE, now she have to collab with my homo"
>doesn't collab with homo
>"it all those unicorn fault and their invisible gun REEEEEEEEE"
Kek, everytime.

>> No.63155192

Professional / work-related activities always get a pass, anon

>> No.63155215

>Says this
>Everyone shits on whoever joined Axel's song collab anyway

>> No.63155255

I don't consider homo related things professional work or collabs anon, unless you mean to say cover mandated that they do it?

>> No.63155285

He too retarded, he only see any type of male = unicorn seeth. He probably the same retard thinking father, brother also triggered unicorn.

>> No.63155305

>Song covers are not considered professional work in an idol company
Interesting take.

>> No.63155337

>homobeggar fails to understand context
Tempus is pure cancer. Those guys aren't. Simple as.

>> No.63155339

Doesn't seem professional when mel thread exist.

>> No.63155349

>uuuh doesn't count!
Lol every time

>> No.63155367

You know that guy is already married, right?

>> No.63155380

If this isn't a shitpost, then I sincerely mourn for your mother for giving birth to you and you turned out like this.

>> No.63155383

>sisters not understanding what does and doesn't count
Seethe, I will never accept your homo or anyone who collabs with them specifically

>> No.63155419

>Talking about song collab being professional by idol company standards.
>Suddenly bring up something unrelated to music
And now the goalposts move. Very interesting.

>> No.63155438

>Troonycorn admitting to being a hypocrite
As I said, every time lol

>> No.63155443

It's because no one cares about ReGLOSS in the first place. Isn't she already the least subscribed girl in all of Hololive?

>> No.63155447

NTA, but the homo branch is not concidered profesional anon, it's concidered at best amateurism Vtubing at worst a failure. Main reason "unicorn" are against collab with those guy, because they drop the quality of the entertainement.

>> No.63155448

It literally doesn't count. If you did basic research on who this even is, you'd know that.

>> No.63155459

>What are two different posters
Do sisters really lack the brain capacity for reasoning and deduction?

>> No.63155495

>Two different posters
>Types the exact same way.
>IP count doesn't increase
The excuses keep on coming.

>> No.63155505

I have always not minded collabs with actual celebrities and big names, I have always been against homostars and male vtuber collabs. Seethe more sister.

>> No.63155558
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Literally two different posters

>> No.63155608

Homostar are not professional, talking in their rm how they hate their design, exposing how they wouldn't be hire without hololive talent insider feeding them cheat sheet, favouritism from management during axel doxxing stream which he's not only revealed his head but his parent workplace. Homostar are anything but professional.

>> No.63155638
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>> No.63155678
File: 313 KB, 1080x787, Screenshot_2023-11-23-15-12-05-949-edit_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That other anon was me you retard. I thought everyone with brain capacity wouldn't need NTA anymore, sry.

>> No.63155697

Fucking retard

>> No.63155727

I hate this board so much

>> No.63155750

None of the regloss girls has pledged the GFE oath. Raden already revealed they talk to men all the time.

>> No.63155754

Is Axel an actual regular celeb who isn't a Cover worker? No.

>> No.63155950
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Correct. Homo collabs soon just like with Shiori.

>> No.63156137

Ririka already does GFE in her membership streams
>talk to men all the time
>he thinks people care about male managers and staff
unicorns aren't as schizophrenic as you think they are. Literally don't get buddy buddy with fuckboys and don't casually involve yourself with men in casual settings, and don't fuck around behind the scenes with men, and you win. The bar isn't even that high unless you literally cannot survive without flirting with fuckboys.

>> No.63156202

cant wait for flayon-sama to break down the castle walls, the cucker is coming soon

>> No.63156302

This is the fucking vtuber show that’s been on for years. All of the girls have been on it. The fact that newfag sister antis think they can go fishing for unicorn spergouts with this is laughable.

>> No.63156433

Those old men? All me.

>> No.63156529

Lol even bae got turn off by that faggot.

>> No.63156532

So why did Laplus get a free pass to collab with Kuzuha? Talk about double standard, you are all hypocrites

>> No.63156571

>Laplus getting a free pass
She's literally the most hated holo along with Festival

>> No.63156575

>Already failing by going out of her way to talk to EVERY homo >>63155950
Grim. Guess it's better I know now just like with shitori.

>> No.63156577

Unicorns really do keep redrawing their line in the sand
>A-Ayame wasn't collab'ing with a male! He was their Valorant coach!
>T-they weren't talking about anything other than strats (as they were talking about shopping and what each of them does for fun)

>> No.63156612

>just like with Shiori
2 more weeks sister

>> No.63156637

>just like with shiori
2 more weeks sister

>> No.63156639

I can't stand EOP faggots like you, holy fucking shit.

>> No.63156641

Nooo you don't understand! As long as it's not Tempiss, it's ok!
>laplus collabs with a male outside of holo
That counts too.
>all of regloss talk to tempiss
Doesn't count.

>> No.63156647

That's their only choice honestly. All the girls are too big now and won't give a fuck if the 1% leave, even Mel straight up told them to fuck off.

>> No.63156712

>novelcuck npc seething on cooldown
kek first shitori, next regloss. just fire all the fucking whores.

>> No.63156719

People only care about Holostar and to a lesser extent other male vtuber collabs

>> No.63156723

...I'd have to watch Regloss to care about what Regloss is doing.

>> No.63156738

Keep seething, 2 more weeks.

>> No.63156778

L+ wishes she could get an actual Kuzuha collab

>> No.63156810

>unicorns are unreasonable and set impossible expectations which cannot be even once broken
>but also unicorns are flexible and willing to accommodate
Seems more like people keep trying to draw a box around what a unicorn is and failing

>> No.63156819
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>Laplus get a free pass

>> No.63156831

Don't see why it'd be hard to do. Seems like Kanae, Chihiro and Chigusa are the hard ones to get a collab with. Kuzuha would collab with a cardboard box if he felt there was merit to doing so

>> No.63156838
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>Laplus get a free pass

>> No.63156858


>> No.63156875 [DELETED] 
File: 634 KB, 1080x1555, Screenshot_20231123_025424_Chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Laplus get a free pass

>> No.63156882

It's easier to fight against a strawman

>> No.63156894

She's hated for being a Laplus apologist lol

>> No.63156903

L+ wanta to be Towa but doesn't have the talent or work ethic for it

>> No.63157001

Laplus apologist + ATM comments
Laplus is unironically so bad that she brings down the people who associate with and defend her

>> No.63157026

I swear this board was telling me the atm comment didn't actually matter. la+ apologist I get though.

>> No.63157043

>6. Miko
What an autistic list, how do they measure if something is unpopular?

>> No.63157048

Me on the left.

>> No.63157054


>> No.63157089

I'm not even a unicorn, but a pretty simple rule of thumb is that if Tokino Sora can do it without people complaining about non-idol-behavior, it's probably fine for anyone else to do it.

>> No.63157162

Sora has collabed with a male vtuber before. Now what?

>> No.63157230

>I swear this board was telling me the atm comment didn't actually matter.
I didn't especially since if you can understand context you can understand what the joke was. The hard hit for her was not giving up on Laplus since management told her to always be tard wrangling her (as a good nip she went down with any retarded decision management has)

>> No.63157236

Has she ever berated her viewers for complaining about it? Because that's 101% what usually follows up any EN shitter doing that and getting backlash.

>> No.63157243

>A burger that's so nothing, the buns may as well not even exist
>Thread is still up

>> No.63157261

i remember when everyone was at /jp/, laughing about how parasocial JP fans were/are....Now most of the fans on /vt/ make them look sane

>> No.63157302

What does desu mean is it like saying ong (on god)?

>> No.63157307

open pic in >>63156875
Don't forget that Miko has a lot of schizo antis from her NND times + she's a pillar of Hololive so lazy nijiniggers do add on a little bit(though not as much as you'd expect, nijinig antis really are too lazy to even try to rig polls or w/e)
Also she's been around long enough to have had her fair share of dramas which cumulatively increase the dislike value in spurts over time. Most of the most disliked people are people who have been around for a good long while. also an uncomfortably large portion of her fanbase is incredibly schizophrenic for some reason, not in the unicorn sense or whatever I mean they behave like vicious feral lunatics online and just act aggressive in general. I still don't understand how or why but it's 100% true and one of the most confusing things to see online when Miko is so sweet and kind. 35P on 5ch shitpost like blood-starved cannibals hungry for pain. For obvious reasons, other people don't really like that
Honestly #6 really ain't that bad

>> No.63157318

We are still sane compared to the sukikira schizo
They made a boyfriend yab up about Miko and now hate her for that

>> No.63157360

>thread is still up
good, tourists /here/ need a lesson in what does and doesn't actually matter to unicorns and they get to see that now through this whole thread collectively laughing at OP

>> No.63157448

The fact that hololive collabs with males like this one without problems should prove that the issue was never collabing with males, it's that your BOIZZZZss are insignificant to consider collabing with. Maybe if you supported them more they would be able to work on bigger projects. Remember women hate loser men but you already know that.

>> No.63157491

There isn't a Sperg Collective. They all operate on different levels.

The ones that haunt here are just attention-seeking shitposters anyway, and nobody watches Ririka.

>> No.63157508

Answer the question. You know it's "no." People get more mad about a flippant condescending attitude brought about by fans getting annoyed with something and voicing it almost more than the actual thing itself. Being ungrateful or bossy over handouts, biting the hand that feeds, taking the support for granted is the easiest way to lose it.

>> No.63157529

nice bait, faggot. next time post your nijiwhore

>> No.63157534

Me on the right. Also OP is a fag. Or most likely. A chubby fujo

>> No.63157564

>a tweet
people only cared about Shiori because she 1) did that thing during her debut so people were already antsy and unsure 2) already had drama-hungry shitposters focus-firing her for weeks 3) is an EN(this is an English speaking board) 4) was the only one who sisters could try to conjure ammo from to try and retaliate against the Unicorn onslaught that Advent kicked into hyperdrive(it failed and it will still have failed in 2 weeks from now)

>> No.63157588

Anon, did you miss the whole arc of Kuzuha constantly dropping his spaghetti when matched in custom with anyone he hasn't talked to before?
He's a bit better now in that regard but still a hundred times less sociable than Kanae or Chigusa. That's why his collab partners stay almost the same after years.

>> No.63157600

maybe because your hollostars are insignificant faggot ? why don't you bring your cockloving faggot out of hololive anyway. what a faggot cocksucker

>> No.63157642

Anon, I'm the only Nijifag on this board and I was enjoying Nyarara-Ayame interactions. Your problem with your homobeggars stays yours, alone.

>> No.63157646

>was the only one who sisters could try to conjure ammo from to try and retaliate against the Unicorn onslaught that Advent kicked into hyperdrive
She now unironically has one of the biggest gachi and unicorn fanbases in Advent at this point. Funny how that works.

>> No.63157657

>The fact that hololive collabs with males like this one without problems should prove that the issue was never collabing with males
This is incorrect, I don't want my oshi collabing with Twitch fuckbois, or fuckbois in general, regardless of views. I DO dislike Stars specifically for being the place where most of the desperate holopussy seeking sexpests end up in, but that doesn't mean I'm okay with other types of faggots.
That being said, fuck homosh*rts

>> No.63157711

Man you're all a bunch of high estrogen self hating men

>> No.63157774

lmao I don't know what the ENhomos did to you but the worst you've got over here is Oga just for doing a bit more collabs, but he's nothing like what you said.
The JP homos' sin is that they do stupid shit that doesn't help the branch, like how Roberu distanced himself from other stars, or how Astel goes menhera periodically.

>> No.63157776

>if you don't let other men have sex with the women you like you hate men
so true based cuckbro

>> No.63157786

It's always been like that u dumb retard
Even Pekora has been part of these collabs with famous celebrities
Married voice actors, comediants and tv celebrities are a different thing because they're not n the same category

>> No.63157806

>No unicorn spam about the male collas?
Yes, correct. Unicorns generally don't spam shit like this after something happens if it's something they care about. Most of the spam after something similar happens is in fact made by people like you. Glad to see you finally admit it.

>> No.63157836

I don't mind the JP homos specifically BECAUSE they stay in their place and fuck with girls outside of Hololive almost exclusively.
But you can bet your ass that if people were making "animare rape dungeon" memes with Holos that Roberu would be just as hated, and for good reason.

>> No.63157838

And all that proves is that there are ways to interact with guys that aren't offensive to even the most hair trigger people out there. They're not sensitive to the fact that males exist, they're sensitive to their oshi seeming more attached to someone else than their audience.
In a broader sense that doesn't even have to be a unicorn thing or have parasocial undertones, it can be a simple rational awareness that if you watch someone because of x content, but they're changing the content they produce because they're chasing something else, they're probably not going to be putting out the content that drew you to them in the first place. The parasocial element can multiply the intensity of the pushback, of course, but if if it's a completely unobjectionable stream in the first place then it doesn't matter what 0 is being multiplied by, it's still 0.

>> No.63157843

>I can't get a win on unicorns 'cause I don't understand them.
Keep crying faggot.

>> No.63157887

ITT: Real incel hours

>> No.63157943

so true sis

>> No.63157949

ok faggot

>> No.63157974

>sea hours
>non-cuck hours
choose one and only one

>> No.63157982

literally everybody calls Ayame a whore though?????????

>> No.63158008

preach sister!

>> No.63158023

Mhmmmm. You get him girl. Slaaaay

>> No.63158064

Who is the one seething about Ririka appearing on this guy's show? Is it the unicorns or the shit stirrers who still don't understand anything?
If any of you discord retards need bait, maybe you should bring up Hitomi Chris again. I'm sure the information you fed DN made for a good video huh? Lillianne Kuzu was more fucking believable. Maybe timeloop back to Mano Aloe again, the engagement for Hololive bait hasn't really gotten anywhere after all.

I'm in your fucking walls. I can see everything. I can smell your sweat dripping down my horn as I watch you shower.
t. real unicorn

>> No.63158117
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>I'm being called sis by faggots who can't stop thinking about getting cucked

>> No.63158235

someone saying it doesnt count because the actor have a wife yeah anon male have a wife dont cheat LEMAO!

>> No.63158267


>> No.63158278

>faggot is when me, a male, watch female vtuber and not male youtuber

>> No.63158297

to add to the irony, they think the girls won't spread their legs for a person who has actual clout, fame, and fortune....but will totally ruin their careers for literal who male streamers behind an anime picture

>> No.63158300

And what about you sister, with your hatred of Hololive girls I imagine you must also be a woman with high levels of testosterone who hates herself.

>> No.63158328

>anti-unicorns post shit like this
>also accuse unicorns of writing cuck fanfic
irony at its peak

>> No.63158386

Anon idk if your NTR doujins imply otherwise or something but generally speaking early 20s girls don't want to bang saggy ojisans

>> No.63158418

unicorn: thinking penis 24/7

>> No.63158450

Every single thing in this board can be blamed on /#/.

>> No.63158516

A woman’s SMV peaks at around twenty-three. This is when they are young, hot, and at the perfect age to bear children biologically. Men are attracted to this age the most their whole life, from when they were fifteen to when they are ninety-five.
A man’s SMV rises sharply and plateaus at around twenty-five as well, when his physical looks peak, but then it gradually increases again and peaks at around thirty-eight. Women are attracted to this age the most but it changes depending on their age. This is because it is the age where the man is old enough to know (has resources, game, and frame) and young enough to do (still has muscles and is stronger than the woman). This is because the man at this age is best suited to protect and provide, assuming he has made something for himself at this time.

>> No.63158580

nah, those pathetic subhumans aren't that impactful
they can account for the funniest posts, maybe

>> No.63158590

which discord server cause this thread to exist?

>> No.63158597

>A-Ayame wasn't collab'ing with a male! He was their Valorant coach!
says who? you're not even a threadreader, kill yourself

>> No.63158694

What you're describing is as schizo as it gets. Fuck, you guys are pathetic.

>> No.63158696

Yeah me

>> No.63158766

dude who cares, you're the only one trying to turn this into a culture war shit. I complain about the shit I don't like, and I dont have a problem with this. Why does that make you seethe?

>> No.63158785

>What you're describing is as schizo as it gets.
>A woman not being a whore on stream is schizo to a sister

>> No.63158789

touch grass

>> No.63158860

>people are suddenly okay with male collab now
Either this is a huge Niji discord raid or this place has gone full circle and has become more reddit than reddit itself.

>> No.63158894

it's been a while since I've seen this. why did someone post this and that old recruit difficulty one recently?

>> No.63158919

Anon we are at 3 more months(soon to be 4) now

>> No.63158989

>Not knowing who that is
go back to your numbertranny thread and never come back. Should've gatekept harder against these larping animals.

>> No.63159011

unicorn said young women dont like 40-60 year old man...

>> No.63159187

>baiting with garibenger
the fuck has happened to this board? what's with all these fucking newfags, where did they come from and how do we get rid of them?

>> No.63159247

>how do we get rid of them?
close /vt/ and never coming back again

>> No.63159278

Leave vtubing and never come back again, subhuman.

>> No.63159354

Go play a set of mahjong to discover what an ATM is if you need further context. If thats too much, consider an awful dominoes or poker player that just gives away points/money whenever you want and extend that to mahjong, and finally consider the stream the antis pull this yab from.

>> No.63159382


>> No.63159398

>doesn't work that way
>who gives a shit about ReGROSS

>> No.63159499

>Honestly #6 really ain't that bad
It absolutely is when you see who's above her. Don't tell me that you think none of those people deserve their placement.

>> No.63159526

Sisters are so funny, they look like women trying to know how men feel and drawing ridiculous conclusions. First unicorns aren't a union like you fags are trying to say, an unicorn might drop a girl because of something while another unicorn sees no problem in that, I bet you guys are mutts who can only group people to not think too hard about individuality and nuances

>> No.63159579

Indonesia lost

>> No.63159764

>Shion #5

>> No.63159804

Is this really so hard to understand?

Interacting with some old, married comedian at a professional, distant level: not a problem.

Interacting with a male peer, flirting, giggling, making sexual jokes: problem.

>> No.63159834

I feel like you retards would even try to link the fact that the girls work with Yagoo to how they'd eventually have to work with the stars just because he's a male. You're somehow just as deranged as unicorns.

>> No.63159879
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The japanese are mostly fucking idiots, but sometimes they're alright.

>> No.63159925

She's much like Laplus but less honest because she hasn't had anything happen on her own stream like Laplus did that would make her have to give up on the pretense that she doesn't interact with dudes.

>> No.63159973

>anti-unicorn uses LARP
>it's not very effective...

>> No.63159988

Shion is literally a better Laplus
She got caught playing fps off-line with guys just like Laplus, she is lazy and lose important events like Laplus, the only difference is that Shion is more talented and more tolerable, besides her kayfabe is way better too

>> No.63159993

I said that it doesn't matter, at least. They're professionals working with other professionals, if someone doesn't like that they'll have to watch someone less successful.

>> No.63160009

Yea married men in japan definitely don't cheat on their wives
you fucking retard lmao, cope harder unikek

>> No.63160026
File: 337 KB, 1774x898, 2685257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Unicorns spam
Correct unicorns don't spam. Unicorns just leave also when is something personal/not work related
>Trying to start shit with the Nousagi comedian that loves vtubers

>> No.63160028

>she's much like Laplus
are you shitposting or just retarded
there are holos who have done worse than fucking Shion of all people, hell there are holos like that that are literally in her own gen
tf anon lmao

>> No.63160050

>She got caught playing fps off-line with guys just like Laplus,
wasn't this literally later proven to be a rrat lmao

>> No.63160080

Still mad not a single ReGloss member mentioned or interacted with the your homos after their debuts? You beggars are more subhuman than the nijifags.

>> No.63160095

Nope. Shion plays off-stream with popular valorant streamers and other fuckboys.
>there are holos like that that are literally in her own gen
Who? As much as people shit on Ayame, there's no proof of her having done that, though she probably has. Same goes for Aqua but there's even less proof of her doing anything off-stream.

No it wasn't, retard.

>> No.63160109

No day without holoyab and holocucks seething

>> No.63160138

botan admitted she playing off0line tho...

>> No.63160178

>that "loves" vtubers

>> No.63160179

Based, more cuckery for JP!

>> No.63160186

>As much as people shit on Ayame, there's no proof of her having done that
Nope, there were proofs, those slackers are all Valorant whores who love to suck E-celeb cocks. Ayame at least get more respect because she doesn't hide it as much anymore.

>> No.63160236

You retards grouped yourself. You choose to identify as a "unicorns" instead of more appropriate "delusional faggots", yet can't even agree what the term means (probably because you are delusional faggots).
This is the big difference between unicorns and "sisters", "nijifags", "homobeggars" etc. which are just terms you use for sane people.

>> No.63160242

>celeb who loves one specific vtuber
Hmmmmm, where have I seen this before? And has that guy been fucking that vtuber that he loves so much or not, my memory is all foggy...also if loving Pekora is okay then why are people shitting on the new Holostars guy?

>> No.63160244

>Nope, there were proofs
But there isn't anything connecting her to any popular streamer.

>> No.63160259

>there's no proof of her having done that
I think I still have her LoL account bookmarked from 20 fucking 20 + that reply to the RM tweet, what the fuck do you mean no proof for Ayame doing shit off-stream?
>No it wasn't, retard
I'm almost sure it was, some Shiokko was spamming reasons for why it was debunked at the time too. Not really willing to get into an argument over something I only remember vaguely but I'm positive that there was some argument that came out against the main evidence presented for it

>> No.63160293

>But there isn't anything connecting her to any popular streamer.
Idk about you but I consider playing offline with dudes + the bf implying tweet together to be worse than Shions supposed yab

>> No.63160315

preach sis

>> No.63160359

It wasn't us who referred ourselves as unicorns, it was angry japs with tiny penis trying to bring you down because their oshi is a whore, and homobeggars never will be sane people, if so they would be more popular than Hololive and we all know they're far from that

>> No.63160470

true, the only reason EOPs meme about being unicorns is because nip shaming tactics only work in nippon and they didn't know that that shit doesn't work on westerners as they're more likely to simply say "Yes." and embrace it just to fuck with the people trying to shame them

>> No.63160480

>It wasn't us who referred ourselves as unicorns
Yet you still refer to yourself as such. Will you change it to faggot if enough people call you that?
>homobeggars never will be sane people, if so they would be more popular than Hololive
This makes 0 sense, are you having a stroke?

>> No.63160544

Pekora is famous so is no surprise that other famous people like her. Hideo Kojima, Sugita, Daoko, Yuji Horii, not to artists, Monster Strike character designers.& Seiyuu, Yashin-chan anime ditector etc also
>Homo that is supposed be fan uses a term that the talent herself avoids
Even the chiken is more or actual fan then him

>> No.63160545
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>I think I still have her LoL account bookmarked from 20 fucking 20 + that reply to the RM tweet, what the fuck do you mean no proof for Ayame doing shit off-stream?
Looks like you're either retarded or intentionally misinterpreting what I'm saying. Yes, there's endless logs of Ayame playing off-stream, but none of it connects to any male fuckboi streamers like you see with Laplus and Shion.
>I'm almost sure it was, some Shiokko was spamming reasons for why it was debunked at the time too.
It wasn't. That "shiokko" was using a cope post from /jp/ that tried to claim that her valorant account belongs to some random dude on twitter despite there being nothing connecting the valorant account to that twitter account while there's literally evidence from several matches played on stream that it's her account.
>I only remember vaguely but I'm positive
Then shut the fuck up. You are "positive" despite knowing fuck all. There is no evidence against it.

>Idk about you but I consider playing offline with dudes
You mean the exact same shit Shion has done?
>the bf implying tweet together
There's similar shit for Shion.
>Shions supposed yab
Over a year of valorant matches with fuckboi streamer dudes isn't a "supposed yab". There's no proof of Ayame doing this.

>> No.63160578

>will you change it to faggot
we wouldn't want to deprive you of your title
>This makes 0 sense, are you having a stroke?
it does make sense since homobeggars are (ostensibly) "fans" who constantly try and sabotage the shit they're fans of in the name of a demented culture war

>> No.63160665

>There's similar shit for Shion
First I've heard of that. The Ayame one was pretty bad but given it was a reply it's obviously still somewhat vague, how implicatory is equivalent for Shion you say exists in comparison to the Ayame one?

>> No.63160670

retards will never understand the diference between a celeb way higher in the food chain and some guy who is on a similar level.
one you will only talk exclusively on the collab and never talk again (maybe they will if another public event happens) and the other they will gonna keep in contact on their gay little discord servers, who in turn will only fuel the cringe ship culture

>> No.63160703

>i....it's okay if it's these guys! They wouldn't want to fuck the girls!
One group of people is okay but other group is not, even though there's no difference and there are evidences that the 'it's okay if it's these guys' group might have been fucking the girls all along while people in the other group are squeaky clean.

>> No.63160725

So homobeggars are "fans" and if they were sane, they would be more popular than Hololive? I think you have a problem.
That was not the point anyway. All of those are not real groups but buzzwords you throw at reasonable people you don't like. Noone /here/ actually pushes for homo collabs, outside trolling. Saying it is not a fucking crime and doesn't make a girl a whore is not the same.

>> No.63160745

that oji-san? me

>> No.63160798

I know this is pasta but the two dudes involved are both over 45, also the host is bald and the guest is a chubster

>> No.63160859

What? I am saying that if you actively push for shit that fucks over something you claim to be a fan, you're insane
>Noone /here/ actually pushes for homo collabs,
God, I wish

>> No.63160867

Shion's tweets were some shit based on her male fuckboi friend and herself allegedly going on trips together and her posting a tweet before/after the fact. I don't count it as much but if you're going to include some random inconclusive shit about Ayame's tweets then I'll do the same for Shion.
I don't think the tweets mean shit when there's actual proof of Shion playing together with one specific guy for months. I still don't get why you're denying any of this when you can see Shion's placement on the site. She's not there for nothing.

>> No.63160871

noot dis shito again
op do the world a favor and kill yourself

>> No.63160921

Can you point the part of my comment where I posted anything about sexual relationships with the talents? You are only one that keeps bringing off topic trash. And yes Pekora as address many of her English memes, ogey rat, Crazy rabbit, but she skipped war criminal and when straight to "bought a fucking monkey and is alive!" And you are going to tell me that a supposed big fan doesn't know that? Bullshit

>> No.63160938

>She collabed with a CELEB!?
>why doesn't this WHORE collab with my bois!
Meanwhile they haven't watched Ririka their whole lives or know who the celeb is. You are more schizo than the worst actual unicorns now. This is why people avoid your shitters.

>> No.63160983

this is beyond pathetic. kys pls

>> No.63160995

>Noone /here/ actually pushes for homo collabs, outside trolling
And you're calling us the delusional ones. lol

>> No.63161047

I wasn't denying the games anymore, mostly just probing about the tweets. At least personally I consider boyfriend implying shit worse than """just""" playing with dudes off-stream. Obviously both are pretty clearly awful(thanks for refresher), I was more trying to understand why you were so adamant about Shion specifically being worse than Ayame specifically. Given what you've said though, fair enough I suppose.

>> No.63161061

An example please? Hard mode: baits don't count.
Even if there are some (there are all kinds of retards) they are an overwhelming minority. All these "homobeggar", "back to ...", "sis", "I cut off my balls for hex" etc are just your troon way of admitting defeat.

>> No.63161153

>admitting defeat
what fucking defeat????
you preach against buzzwords and then you immediately use your own, Jesus Christ

>> No.63161190

It's okay when JP does it

>> No.63161285

>Hard mode: baits don't count.
I could post comments from YouTube and Reddit that say shit about how the girls should be forced to collab with a guy at least once that you would claim is bait if it was posted /here/

>> No.63161328

Nips love NTR

>> No.63161339

So why didn't you people make a thread about Laplus doing a bit with this guy? Ina interacted with this guy too. I thought it wasn't okay if EN does it? Man, you lazy retards don't even do your OWN fucking reps.
Put your reps in or fucking leave this board you tourists. If you're going to waste everyone's time, put at least some modicum of effort into it. This new generation is so fucking weak at trolling.

>> No.63161387

You still didn't explain why unicorns group themselves together but can't agree on the details of their delusion. Which my first post was about.
I said /here/ not shitter or retarddit. You faggots throw you buzzwords in every thread, every time you run out of arguments.

>> No.63161399

You seems to have very active imagination. Pretty sure Pekora just forgot about the war criminal thing but the guy didn't forget since he's a fan, and he's the real deal and not a poser who can't even name 10 Holomems like someone.

>> No.63161567

>can't agree on the details of your delusion
do you think that unicorns are like the Borg?

>> No.63161610

>I said /here/
And as we all know, faggots from there definitely never make their way /here/ and post the same shit

>> No.63161687

Sisters redraw the line and claim it's unicorns. This shit has been carved in stone for longer than you've been on this site.

>> No.63161733

Example please?
Not to mention it is an obvious bait there as well. People who actually think that way are rarer than you.

>> No.63161736

If they're sane there'll be more of them, so either they don't watch or they aren't that sane like you think

>> No.63161752

Are you still having a stroke?

>> No.63161755

>thinking incel is an insult on 4chan

>> No.63161850

The fact that you don't know who these people are is further evidence that homobeggars are fucking tourists that want to destroy vtubing and move on to the next hobby.

>> No.63161870

>If they post /here/ it's a joke
>if they post on twitter and reddit it's containment breaking
>if they post on youtube they're shitposters
It's easy to deny their existence if you do that

>> No.63161886

>Not to mention it is an obvious bait there as well.
So basically you would call literally anything you're shown bait

>> No.63161927
File: 2.12 MB, 320x240, 1473895719544.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homobeggars always makes these kinds of threads first before any unicorn does and like to imply that the girls are gonna whore themselves out to their collab partner
>somehow its the unicorns who are the antis and cause problems

>> No.63161938

Why do you think Laplus is the most hated holomem?
And nobody cares about Ina besides retarded takos who sleep watching her drawing streams

>> No.63161943

>collab ban removed for Tempus due to "popular demand"
>"popular demand" was all shitposters
damn can't believe Cover got trolled like that

>> No.63161953

>Will you change it to faggot
Most 4channers already call themselves faggot, you absolute newfag.

>> No.63161975

Just show them posting it /here/. Not to bait you. Must be easy when there are so many of them.

>> No.63161980

It's always been like this, but the trash that blew in with the new homos is so fucking bad at it, that it just becomes blatantly obvious.

>> No.63162054

Eh, I called you faggots as well, what did I do wrong?
Just would be more appropriate to use it instead of unicorns since you don't know what that means anyway.

>> No.63162143

I mean sure, I can find them just by throwing a few search terms together into the archive. You'll call literally anything I show you bait though.

>> No.63162162

if you watch Ririka and you don't think she is getting piped off stream all the time then you're not a Ririka fan.

>> No.63162192

Because it is, and you know it.

>> No.63162201

she barely ever even leaves her house

>> No.63162231

See >>63161870
also explain "popular demand" plz

>> No.63162262

Haven't seen any demand on /vt/. Why do you constantly try shift the topic?

>> No.63162271
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>> No.63162293
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>> No.63162319
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>> No.63162344

Not /vt/
That's just some Kiara schizo c'mon

>> No.63162430

>it's bait
>it's just a Kiara schizo
if I find a post that's mad on behalf of Kronii I'm sure you'll call it a Kronii schizo too, fuck off mate

>> No.63162498
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yeah, you can talk to men just don't bring you fucking boyfriend on stream. why do women want to bring their BF on stream so bad? I don't understand what they get out of it. Why must every scheme be duct taped together into one big scheme? you still get the treasure even if every scheme you're running isn't wrapped into one big ball.

idk maybe I'll never get it, like they're the attractive force of society and I'm the repulsive force and I'm not meant to understand because I did I would become warped or...some shit like that. of course that implies the repulsive force would be equally important and that left-wing oversocialization is absolutely a disease just as a certain oji-san described but hey whatever right lololol

>> No.63162563

So no real examples, ogey.
Don't even say you can't find one, just doesn't seem too easy.
No throw a search for "homobeggar" to see how logically and appropriately unitroons use this term.

>> No.63162659

Those aren't unicorns, those are obviously all shitposts and bait

>> No.63162758

Picture an obese, "alternative", soon-to-be college dropout. Read the comment in what youd expect that person to look like. Now question why you or almost anyone should give 2 rat shits about what this being regurgitates on their account. Sometimes you people act like actual teenage girls from a shitty village in the mountains that just discovered the internet

>> No.63162812

Might be, so unicorns don't exist as well? Or they are not the real ones? Can I tell them true unicorns agree they are shitposting troons next time?

>> No.63162893

Those guys MC'd other vtuber events before
What a fucking garbage thread

>> No.63162902

Panel shows and interviews with males are a part of idol culture, Nijisister.

>> No.63163135

and so on

>> No.63163196

>bait, bait, bait, bait
>bait, bait
At this point just say you want some fat cock

>> No.63163266

I for one, think that Ririka is pretty cool gal

>> No.63163359


>> No.63163424

>and so on
Had to go to last year to find 5. Meanwhile
Plenty of troons just in this thread, where noone asked for homo collabs.
Not to mention this cock gobbling expert.

>> No.63163455

Didnt read thread but is this the bait quality nowadfays?
Almost every holo has been on this.

>> No.63163533

>Plenty of troons just in this thread, where noone asked for homo collabs
do you also take offense to anybody who criticizes a holo being called a nijisister too?

>> No.63163638

nobody should give a shit about them but that doesn't mean that they don't constantly try to make themselves noticed by vtubers

>> No.63163690

>Had to go to last year to find 5.
>had to
I just used extremely specific search terms to minimize the time spent, moron. I'm not flipping through dozens of pages with more general terms for your sake

>> No.63163735

EN isn't do it so EN shitters and bots don't care. Also JP so double standard.

>> No.63163956

Yes, actually. Another meaningless buzzword. Mostly used by troons in my experience.
Doesn't change the fact that the ratio of actual homobeggars (even baiting) to people unikeks seethe at for being called delusional is close to 0.

>> No.63164074
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Based oji-sans.

>> No.63164164

>What does desu mean
da but fancy

>> No.63164290

Any vtuber that responds to these sorts of comments should absolutely know better, if not only for the fact that it's obscenely tiresome to do so. Nobody will either change the pig's mind nor stop it from squealing, it seeks to only find more muck to roll in. Alternatively, it's just a fujo holostar "fan" who needs to lash out and find excuses as to why the talent she follows on twitter isnt gura levels of successful whilst doing absolutly nothing to actually support him. It is a comment on a clip, after all.

>> No.63164407
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You're not wrong, but vtubers who want to please their fans are usually more successful for it, yet unfortunately a lot of them are more than a little dumb and can end up being overwhelmed by sheer quantity, picrel

>> No.63164430

Sad that JP 35P are like that. Most of the 35P here just want to lewd/spoil Miko and miss her when she isn't streaming

>> No.63164522

It not about following a rule set, it's about the audiences feeling.
There is a scale for what collab partners are exactable. A person like Matpat is the perfect example of what would be the most exactable. He's married, has a kid, has a huge team of people who rely on him, a lot of fans watched him as a kid, he is one of the most recognizable and important youtubers, and he puts high effort into his videos and streams. All these traits lead him to being a more mature person. Not only will our unicorn audience like people like this more, but the regular audiences too.
Most male streamers are the opposite of that, especially male vtubers who are new to it. Most streamers will talk about how important their connection is with their audience, until they get criticized, then it will be all "parasocial bad." Streamers tend to be the least effort content creators, so they tend to be less mature.
People don't won't the girls collabing with your boys because that's just how bad your males are.

>> No.63164547

At one point in the distant past this faggot was hitting 2k+ CCV off the backs of dramaniggers /here/ + he and his shitcord did and almost definitely still do post /here/
Is this 7 minute long video and the comments on it also just extremely high effort bait?

>> No.63164679

It's a video on YouTube. Made to farm views. Certainly not a bait...are you retarded?
And how does shit from distant past excuse current faggotry?

>> No.63164681

There used to be some very schizo 35P here and on /jp/ but they have definitely died out over time somehow
or at least they finally learned to stop attaching Miko to their schizoposts

>> No.63164865

By the distant past, I mean last year lmao
Yes, unicorns usurped the cultural climate in the past year and currently unicorn sentiment dominates the EN sphere, so there is a lot of unicorns and a lot of shitposts shitposting from a unicorn angle in the current climate. That doesn't mean that the literal homobeggars at the height of the Tempus arc when this place felt almost astroturfed by that brain dead mag shit disappeared. You'd be insane to think so.

>> No.63165007

I hear you, and its sad some genuine good girls cant see past the opinions of random imbeciles and indulge them over people who support them. It does seem like that minecraft thing didnt hurt kanatan, so im happy for that. I feel like challenging their comments would only embolden them, so treating them as you would children or local ignorant tourists might be ideal. I still dont like the feeling of these people invading the hobby and shitting up the place, trying to make it like whatever cesspool they come from--it's like they want it to cater to them exclusively, and have zero awareness about anything that made them successful. Id love for a solution for effective gatekeeping for EN, as these mongrels have to learn a new language to whine about JP.

>> No.63165101

>By the distant past, I mean last year
Then you're delusional. It wasn't much different. All the magging shit got btfo in like a week.

>> No.63165608

And I don't like it when good girls have to react to faggot messages on how dare they play a game vs homos. You CGDCT trannies invaded a hobby where noone cared about this shit and try to set your rules like goatfucker refugees. Join the statistic already.

>> No.63166411

I like to watch

>> No.63166418

While Im sure it happens, i just want the "do this to meet my approval" comments to vanish, whatever side of the horseshoe they reside. The difference is, one can provide ample examples of one camp, where i seldom see the other, outside of shitposting/antiposting. Coincidentally, one watches streams on the talents channel, whereas other seems to have more important things to do, like comment on clips about members they dont watch. Figure out what youre actually angry at.

>> No.63166687

>i just want the "do this to meet my approval" comments to vanish
Agreed. But I'd say trannies harassing the talent directly (like Lui, Chloe and IRyS about Overwatch, fuck, like A-Chan just this week) are a much bigger cancer.
Why would you care about retards in a random clip comments at all? You seek this shit specifically to overblow the whole "homobeggar" threat and not look as delusional.

>> No.63166857

nobody is bothering your nijis, sis

>> No.63166874

ntr doujin when?

>> No.63167103

Oh, would you believe it, another troon. Like clockwork.

>> No.63167117 [DELETED] 

they don't want to destroy vtubing, only your retarded ideas.

>> No.63167214

I watch hololive since 2019 you EOP tranny

>> No.63167244

>Why would you care about retards in a random clip comments at all?
As stated previously, I dont--this is the only time ive seen the image in questiin, and YT comments are dreck a majority of the time anyway. Im not sure what vibes im giving off, i dont watch nor advocate to stars. I watch japanese (and an ID) women around my age that share similiar interests succeed at what they enjoy doing, and it brings me joy to contribute to that success. I dont feel like its incorrect to feel disgust and contempt for those that want to disrupt that, whatever banner they fly around.

>> No.63167299

they don't want to destroy vtubing, only your retarded ideas.

>> No.63167323

So you were fine with their collabs back then? What happened? Transition went wrong?

>> No.63167407

okay, what about Rushia or Okayu?

>> No.63167508

Are we doing the song and dance of where sisters and collabeggars pretend they are the original fans despite them not even watching current streams much less past streams.

>> No.63167546

So what was your point? I more or less agree with everything you've said. I just feel more disgust and contempt for those I see harassing the girls I like to watch (who seem to mostly come from one particular camp) then some random clip comments, go figure.

>> No.63167626 [DELETED] 

Nope, we're doing the dance where unitroons call everyone pointing out their retardation, including original vtuber fans, sisters and homobeggars.

>> No.63167693

>including original vtuber fans
You see this is what I call retarded on your part, at the end of the day I somewhat agree with you if you are the poster I think you are, about not harrasing the girls, however you seem to think that unicorns are a new thing and aren't original fans either when thats not true, like it or not a lot of them are original fans from back in the day.

>> No.63167791

>A lot of them are original fans from back in the day
How did they cope with all the "homocollabs" back in the day then? Does this condition get worse with time?

>> No.63167799

I never watched a male collab and I didn't even liked niji collabs, I'm glad hololive changed. Subaru was a Maimoto cocksleeve but after she ignored males she grow a lot and now she's top 10 vtuber, maybe even top 5, Miko was a random and now she's top 3
The only ones crying to this day are old nijifags that want more collabs and homobeggars

>> No.63167837

So you were a Holo anti since 2019? Nice brag.

>> No.63167919

>How did they cope with all the "homocollabs" back in the day then
Depends on how far back you go and which chuuba you're talking about. But to sum up, they simply didn't watch the chuubas that where around who didn't collab with males, they did exist back then, and when they inevitably collabed with a male they just moved on. Also, if you haven't noticed people have gotten much more schizophrenic nowadays.

>> No.63167971

>>63167919(me, I'm retarded)
>they simply didn't watch the chuubas that where around who didn't collab with males
*they simply didn't watch the chuubas who collabed with males and watched the ones who didn't

>> No.63167991

>want only the girls content = anti
Retard, the only good collab outside of hololive was Korone and Debi, but that was a worth sacrifice to end all the others bad ones
Hololive is a wailed garden and should stay that way

>> No.63168005

The real antis are the ones who want to bring back the most unsuccessful era of Hololive.

>> No.63168037

I was under the impression that some viewed the people collabbegging or "muh idol culture evil" as significant. Idiots and psychopaths that feel the need to actively anti deserve to be ignored and reviled, as im not sure how to lessen whatever influence they have otherwise. Im not sure why you thought we had conflicting views, ive pointed out that some are just bitter keyboard activists that can be glossed over without engagement.

>> No.63168088

quality thread

>> No.63168110

Do you really believe there are many such people? I apologize for my insensitive words to all 17 people who continuously seethe but keep watching since 2019.
>people have gotten much more schizophrenic nowadays
That's the whole issue.

>> No.63168157
File: 462 KB, 1536x2048, 1700413380658096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys ugly fat femcel
Total Homo Death
Total Whore Death

>> No.63168158

Hololive success has nothing to do with you schizos. You came along with it like a spoon of shit in a barrel of honey.

>> No.63168239

Wow, you look ugly. You will never be a woman, sorry.

>> No.63168278

spoon of shit in a barrel of honey = Homostars

>> No.63168281

How the fuck does someone get fucking fatrolls on their fingers?

>> No.63168331

>Do you really believe there are many such people?
Yes actually, I know some of them (a lot of them) and there where chuubas who catered to this audience back then as well. Generally the main problem is people are just too schizo today, or too retarded actually they are both. I call it the cycle of retardation and it started a couple years ago, essentially it's either unicorns get too intense with a chuuba who has already stated that she won't cater to them or collab beggars getting too retarded with a chuuba who's already said she won't collab with guys. Unicorns need to learn that not every chuuba will live up to their standard and not every chuuba had to be pure, and to just stick with the ones who cater to them, and collab beggars have to learn that some girls genuinely don't want to collab with males and genuinely want the unicorn audience.

>> No.63168361

meant for

>> No.63168496

You do realize that Hololive literally started pandering to unicorn in early 2019 with idol branding, Aqua, then sankisei...right? Or do you not remember the early Homo collab ban?
Your shit lasted for like, 1 generation of Hololive. 1 and a half if we're being generous. Unicorns and gachikoi, which are different breeds of the same thing btw, built Hololive. Idol buta built Hololive. You are a schizophrenic moron who thinks "entertainment" is what skyrocketed Hololive past Nijisanji in SC revenue.
Subaru is a million times better off from when she collabed with Maimoto, and if you disagree YOU ARE LITERALLY OPPOSING HER OWN WORDS

>> No.63168519

So in essence, you want loud idiots to stay in their lane, and mentally unwell to have the wherewithal to not lose their minds over the the most minor of nothingburgers? I know a man can dream, but please be reasonable.

>> No.63168553

>Yes actually, I know some of them (a lot of them) and there where chuubas who catered to this audience back then as well.
They were a minority then and are even bigger minority now. Just like genuine collab beggars. Agree on the rest.
Only other difference you forget to mention, beggars even at their most delusional don't usually call chuubas they don't like "whores", "cocksleeves" etc.

>> No.63168585

Collab beggars really are the most schizophrenic

>> No.63168645

Debi is a girl so that isn't even a male collab
Aside from 1 big collab where Aqua said a single word, half of Gen 2 and nearly all of Gamers were already halfway on board the idol train.
The only reason anybody would have to suggest that male collabs were somehow unavoidable back then would be to suggest that most hololive fans came about prior to gen Aquas debut, which would be a schizophrenic delusion.
The fans prior to gen 2 made up probably less than 1% of the fanbase in mid 2020, let alone now. The majority of the Hololive Fandom came here when Hololive was full of holos who didn't do male collabs, and has watched that same Hololive.

>> No.63168695

Essentially yes, a man can dream
>beggars even at their most delusional don't usually call chuubas they don't like "whores", "cocksleeves" etc
Agree on that, I do find collab beggars really disrespectful as well tho, esp to people like Kanata back when she reaffirmed she didn't want to do male collabs during the tournament thing. Not as bad as corns, but still really shitty.

>> No.63168771

Hololive as a whole never pandered to the unicorns, talk about delusional. Some individual talent did. Gen4 had Towa and Coco, gen5 has Botan, gen6, half of them did male collabs etc. Unicorns and gachikoi built shit, don't delude yourself. Normalfags attracted by Coco (top superchated talent) made Hololive popular worldwide which then made them mainstream in JP. Reddit moron are a better representation of who built Hololive, like it or not.

>> No.63168786

you're the faggot from the other thread aren't you? getting pissy people use common insults? like i said, grow a thicker skin you fucking pussy. the words aren't even directed at you, why the fuck are you acting like a little bitch about it?

>> No.63168821
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>> No.63168840

>They were a minority then and are even bigger minority now
This is, of course, why most of Hololive does not collab with men. Because of a minority. Sure.
You didn't even watch Hololive back then because you don't remember rushia and pekora literally saying that they won't collab with men, and then miko literally saying that she was going to do the same new because she was going to be a true idol like pekora. in fact all of sankisei had ended up saying similar by mid 2020.
fucking Coco lied about being on drugs as an excuse for saying something in Kaoru's chat. And you apparently forgot the Towa shit and how long she was at the absolute bottom of the barrel held up only by EOPs for almost TWO YEARS.
Lying schizophrenic anti-unicorn, everything you think is distorted non-sense based on revisionist history because you clearly know nothing about Hololive

>> No.63168915

I agree with you but you need to be the bad guy if you don't wanna fags and trannies infesting the fanbase, I don't give a shit if a vtuber suck cock on stream, but if it's a holo I would lose my shit, at least beggars have others places to go, but if hololive let go of being hololive I would just stop watching vtubers since almost all the others ones are homo friendly

>> No.63168963

>Because of a minority
Yes. Because even a little piece of shit can stink up a room many prefer to stay away from it. You can be proud.

>> No.63168964

what the fuck
they are really shilling regloss huh

>> No.63168976

Holy shit, the reddit dragon apologist appeared!
With gen 3 holo already was popular so go eat shit in other place

>> No.63168988

>Song covers are not considered professional work in an idol company
They choose tho collab and do songs, just like INA who decided to do a collab with Axel flirting on discord.

>> No.63169012

No, I'm not. Looks like a lot of people don't like you trannies.

>> No.63169087

>hololive as a whole never pandered to unicorns, just the majority of the members did it
That's like saying you don't smoke in the middle of 8 guys smoking, even if it's true people already made their judgment, on personal level that judgment means shit, but on corporation level that judgment is everything, it's something called reputation, no matter how you change afterwards the reputation is what stays on the consumer's mind

>> No.63169123

the only things I've learned from vtubing is that being a cute woman would be awesome, like shit, imagine earning a living while singing and dancing and hanging out with cute girls and doing girly stuff. And that men ruin everything, Holy shit just let the girls be girls

>> No.63169243

>skips gen 3
>literally considered the golden gen responsible for the start of the boom
>gen 4 had Towa
>literally defined by a male yab knee-capping her for 2 years
>gen 5
>all 4 didn't have a single male collab for almost 2 years
>normalfags attracted by Coco
>who pretended to be on drugs instead of being caught willingly talking in Kaorus chat
>literally didn't collab with any guys outside of that one random yakuza dude super early on for her entire fucking career in Holo
>(top superchated talent)
>the top superchatted talent was actually the one who pandered hardest to unicorns
>made Hololive popular worldwide which then made them mainstream in JP
>Holos were literally regularly beating all of Nijisanji in SC revenue by the time Coco arrived and broke 5view CCV a few times already
>he doesn't know that Unicorns are basically in full control of the Hololive subreddit and have regularly downvote almost all Stars content into oblivion to the point where OKBH became a refuge for anti-unicorns

>> No.63169273

Nope, it's like saying you are a smoke-free company with 8 dudes smoking at the front door. Do you see the difference?

>> No.63169287

NTA, but explain why most of homo-collabers suffered significant drops to their viewerships and the large majority of top HoloJP / EN members don't collab with males (outside of professional / work-related environments / activities), then
For example - there are many, but let's use some of the most recent and obvious ones: Kronii and Mori's viewerships are half of what they were.
I won't say that unicorns aren't a minority - they are and there are always exceptions, but they definitely aren't an insignificant minority most of the time

>> No.63169357

>unicorns "stink up the room" since 2019
>hololive explodes in popularity since 2019
>unicorns stay away from Nijisanji
>Nijisanji girls bleed continuously since 2019

>> No.63169444

>gen 3
The hypno ub
>literally defined by a male yab
Only for the schizos
>all 4 didn't have a single male collab for almost 2 years
Botan did SF an VCR just this year
By schizos, doesn't seem to affect her much
>that Unicorns are basically in full control of the Hololive subreddit
Some mighty cope.
Keep up your delusions, and don't forget the hormones.

>> No.63169447
File: 30 KB, 477x392, 1692442672431557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you people have mental illnesses, unicorns and homobeggars are both nothing but a plague in the vtubersphere.

>> No.63169462

>streaming corpo promotes their streamers
You ok there buddy?

>> No.63169487

>smoke free company
Hololive has continuously branded itself as an idol company since late 2019. It did so before, too, but experimented around before settling on idol company when they had a breakout success specifically because of that branding.

>> No.63169588

Coco played 0 part in making Hololive popular worldwide.

>> No.63169629

>Reddit moron are a better representation of who built Hololive, like it or not.

>> No.63169635

>Kronii and Mori's viewerships are half of what they were
Kronii doesn't fucking stream, and for Mori what do you even compare it with? She's had male "yabs" all the way long according to you. Still is one of the top by views in HoloEN.
Most of those awful viewership drops are morons cherry picking numbers to confirm their delusions. On top of general falling trend.

>> No.63169828

You point?
They just like Kiara more.

>> No.63169843

>The hypno ub
>he says that in this thread, with this OP
Actually let me make my point more cleanly
>The hypno ub
When did sankisei debut? When did that stream happen? What is the time difference between those two dates?
>Botan did SF an VCR just this year
When did gokisei debut? When did that stream happen? What is the time difference between those two dates?
>Only for the schizos
>By schizos, doesn't seem to affect her much
So ten of thousands of viewers are schizos according to you, then?
>Some mighty cope.
Homobeggars on /r/OkBuddyHololive are literally seething RIGHT NOW about the main sub being "overrun" with unicorns constantly, it's not MY opinion.

>> No.63170020

Professional collab
>only for schizo
Even EOPs know that Towa got cast aside because of that, in fact they pride themselves in being there while japs abandoned her
>Botan did GTA shit and SF
Yes, after years, before that she barely did them and the others barely do, if Lamy do it would be Rushia 2.0 situation
>doesn't seem to affect her
Lol, why do you think she changed to twitch and she got a long break for "mental health"?

>> No.63170152

my jp oshi and the new en gen are being fucked by the same corpo while regloss is being pampered like holostars

>> No.63170195

>he says that in this thread, with this OP
What does OP has to do with it? He literally groped them and put his "soft cream" in their mouth. It was weird to watch even for me idk how any unicorn could tolerate that.
>What is the time difference between those two dates?
So what exactly is your point? They have a fixed probation time?
>ten of thousands of viewers
Where did you get this number?>>63169843
>the main sub being "overrun" with unicorns
Doing a bad job then, still a lot of homothreads in hot

>> No.63170327


>> No.63170596

Again what's your point? Except that you can't get off reddit. Which used to not be something to brag about of here.

>> No.63170598

How come Ayame is so low?

>> No.63170600

>Kronii doesn't fucking stream
Counting from the Jan 2023 until end of Oct 2023, Kronii streamed 94 times publicly, only slightly less than Mumei (100) or IRyS (104). Neither of the latters experienced such a drastic drop in viewership (and I'm not even counting Gura)
>for Mori what do you even compare it with? She's had male "yabs" all the way long according to you
Before and after her Connor yab, Tempus' interaction caused further damage, too. Outside of /vt/, most people (unicorns included) don't care about rm activities.
>Still is one of the top by views in HoloEN.
This is indeed true, however
(1) Her views still dropped compared to pre-yab era, this includes both her VOD views and songs views and
(2) A lot of her views are carried by her music.
Don't get me wrong, that is all good, but those do not reflect your average Hololive fans. A lot of them are interested in her music, but way less so in her streams (evidently by her viewership and VOD views).

>> No.63170609

>Where did you get this number?
By watching Holo streams since 2019 and being aware of the CCV of Holo streams since 2019 you fucking troglodyte
If you want to claim unicorns are a minority you should at least have a memory of basic shit like that
>so what exactly is your point
my point is that the overwhelming majority of talent branding/time of Hololive is unicorn friendly you braindead faggot
>Doing a bad job then, still a lot of homothreads in hot
Only started when that frilledshark faggot and his discord started deliberately raiding it like 2-3 days ago, until then almost every single homo post save like one or two got blown off into controversial almost immediately

>> No.63170907

You seem to be upset, Mr.Troon.
>By watching Holo streams since 2019 and being aware of the CCV of Holo streams since 2019
This is bullshit, fuck off
>majority of talent branding/time of Hololive is unicorn friendly
So it's not "whoring" if it's only minority of time, got it. Almost everyone is unicorn friendly then though, why do you hate La+?
Fucking where? On retarddit? Why would I be there?

>> No.63170915

>my jp oshi
Probably has more going on than you think, also probably has an established branding. I do hope she gets what shes working towards, though

>new en gen are being fucked by the same corpo while regloss is being pampered
Literal distance and probably language/cultural issue, do you really think theyd be less relevent were they in JP since debut? Also, doesnt nerissa have like 4 covers out in the 3 or so months since her debut? I would imagine she cant cover those costs alone. Would you rather shiori be on some very japanese talk show about japanese topics and general japanese atmosphere instead of a JP member? I get itd be great to have an equivalent space for EN, but I doubt the market for that sorta content would do well.

>> No.63170943

To add to this anon, keep in mind that a lot of unicorns aren't loud schizos (just like how majority of idol fans aren't murderous lunatic). When they are dissatisfied, they will just leave.
The schizos who sperg out are a minority among minority

>> No.63170959

>Except that you can't get off reddit
I watch and chart Hololive and the Hololive fanbase overall as a hobby, because I care about it and it is important to me to know what the thing I like is like overall.
I also do this for vtubing in general. Unlike the faggots over at /#/, I actually spend a good 3-4 hours a day logging numerical information about hololive viewership and revenue trends, and I record and grade overall community sentiments in two different languages across a minimum of 8 different websites. And I have done this every fucking day for almost three and a half years. I repeat; you do not know shit about Hololive. You are a demented twitter tranny proselytizing your blain bloken impressions of the ebb and flow of Hololive and its Fandom with literally zero basis except for your "feelings"
Kill yourself and never respond to me with your uninformed retardation until you do your fucking reps. ALL OF THEM. Your incompetence is fucking nauseating, 41% yourself so the world can be free of the agony caused by your unrepentant homosexuality

>> No.63171028

I didn't know some old guy with success not from being a thirsty faggot male vtuber was considered the same as "male collabs"

>> No.63171275

>I actually spend a good 3-4 hours a day logging numerical information about hololive viewership and revenue trends, and I record and grade overall community sentiments in two different languages across a minimum of 8 different websites
Holy fuck, you should consult someone about that.
And even with this wealth of information you claim shit like La+ lost tens of thousands viewers when she never had this many past debut month. Same with Towa, even more ridiculous.
You sure you're not hallucinating all this data collection?

>> No.63171406


>> No.63171418

>This is bullshit, fuck off
What was Towa's average CCV for the first half of 2020?
What portion of her viewers were non-Japanese for the same period?
Where was she placement wise compared to the rest of Hololive in terms of CCV and Subscriber count?
What was La+'s CCV prior to any of her yabs?
What is La+'s CCV now?
>So it's not "whoring" if it's only minority of time, got it.
I'm beginning to think that you don't speak English.
If a talent spends the first 2 years of career never doing a male collab despite being free to, what kind of branding is that?
Botan WAS unicorn friendly for 2 years.
Do you understand what 2 years is? Two years worth of streams. Two years worth of adding to the overall, "all of the talents put together" impression of Hololive. The impression of what the BOX does as a WHOLE. Botan contributed more time providing the IMPRESSION of Hololive being a "unicorn box" than she has spent doing the opposite. Using her as a counter-exampe is worthless because your argument from the beginning was that "Hololive has nothing to do with unicorns", and yet one of your own fucking counterexamples for that literally contradicts your fucking claim.
you are the one denying factual information
YWNBAW, and Hololive will always be a box that selects against homocollabers because if it doesn't, the whole box suffers as a result of people dropping the box and vtubing altogether because most people who get burned don't just leave the vtuber, they leave Hololive if not vtubing altogether. That is money and views lost forever, and that shit isn't infinite.

>> No.63171442 [DELETED] 

Majority of unicorns are trannies and dykes, so I wouldn't call them men at all. Look on any site that has an abundance of trannies and they all use CGDCT anime pictures and hate men with a passion. You'll see the same type of posts there as you do here.

>> No.63171711

>What was La+'s CCV prior to any of her yabs?
Jan 2022, 10800
>What is La+'s CCV now?
Jul 2023, 7800
Then she went to twitch. Where are the tens of thousands lost?
For Towa I don't have the numbers (shame on me), you tell me, but I'd guess it was <10k to begin with.
The rest is just hystrics, get of your hormones.

>> No.63171824
File: 659 KB, 2048x1536, IdolFans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical unicorn gathering

>> No.63171829

I'm 6'1 with a 20 centimeter dick, let your mom bend on my front to see if I'm not a man


>> No.63172071

Now compare average VOD views for streams.
Towa didn't drop because it happened basically out of the gate
instead, she was a runt for 2 years and half of her low to mid 4view CCV was non-JP, as she gained an incredibly bad reputation amongst holo hako jp viewers for her fucking male yab you absolute faggot

>> No.63172202

>Now compare average VOD views for streams.
Shifting the goalpost already, after all the big talk. You've already outed yourself as a mentally ill tranny, not humoring you anymore.

>> No.63172286

Nta but Hololive became popular after idol pandering with sankisei literally the most popular gen, all of them completely ignored the stars and pandered to idolfags and now you want to shit on that and rewrite history. First sankisei attracted all the unicorns and gachikois from who were disappointed by Nijisanji not pandering to them and after they could be funny and successful, you don't create a fanbase out of nothing. Even now if they are still popular it's because they did their best to avoid yabs and flirting with a male sexpest is indeed a yab for someone who panders to idolfags, that's why Marine and Pekora are constantly growing while the old king of Hololive Fubuki is reclined so much. But btw according to you more holos collabing with males after more than 3 years without a collab and then losing fans because of that is a good thing, fucking Nene lost several fans because she had to play Valorant for the Holizontal bullshit.

>> No.63172309

>Shifting the goalpost already, after all the big talk.

>> No.63172365

you guys realize that place is about as reputable as this one, right? why do you treat it as an authority?

>> No.63172407

>By watching Holo streams since 2019 and being aware of the CCV of Holo streams since 2019
>What was La+'s CCV prior to any of her yabs?
>What is La+'s CCV now?
That not you?

>> No.63172497

>Nene lost several fans
That's the correct terms. The fans they actually lose are in several dozens max. And if it's shizos like >>63170959, yes it is a good thing in the long run.

>> No.63172506

unicorns are the ones who behave like trannies, cope. only trannies hate and want to eliminate maleness to this extent.

>> No.63172567

she's not, though. and that's not the main reason most people cite.

>> No.63172584

He doesn't care about Holos losing fans because he assumes that Holos don't care just like he doesn't care.
He seems to assume that just because La+ is a psychopath that is so disliked that she tanked the reputation of ANOTHER Holo simply because of association with her, and is broadly spoken ill of among Holo fans even more than the talent that was fucking T E R M I N A T E D, that her being totally fine with fans abandoning her because of her actions means that literally every other holo is cool with it.
The faggot is unaware that the majority of holos who had mental breakdowns because of "unicorns" had them BECAUSE THEY WERE SAD THAT THE UNICORNS FUCKING LEFT
If he actually claimed to give a fuck about the talents well-being, he would consider the fact that more holos have had mental breakdowns over losing fans rather than anti activity
Kanata suffered from this shit too
He clearly enjoys seeing girls cry
Anything to own the unicorns, I guess

>> No.63172770

Link the post where I said tens of thousands. Did I say tens of thousands of CCV or did I say tens of thousands of viewers? Also, I was speaking on behalf of both of them in that post. This conversation has involved at least a dozen separate points(probably more if I really bother to look back and separate them cleanly), how the fuck does your brain work if you randomly connect different fucking points from different fucking posts, with the point you are touching on specifically addressing two different talents together. Kill yourself you disingenuous kike

>> No.63172777

>it's a good thing on the long run
Just look at ID, Laplus and Matsuri, nobody gives a shit about them

>> No.63172863

Gen3 is by far the most popular and successful gen and they ignore homos, even if you're an EOP Gura is the top and ignores the homos too, even the new gen FuwaMoco are the top and ignore the homos, almost every gen the most popular one is unicorn friendly, stop coping

>> No.63172918

>The fans they actually lose are in several dozens max.
Deluded nigger
>yes it is a good thing in the long run
"It's okay that Nene had a mental breakdown because it's for her own good"
the homobeggar reveals itself right before the thread dies

>> No.63172965

>ten of thousands of viewers
>Where did you get this number?
>By watching Holo streams since 2019 and being aware of the CCV of Holo streams since 2019
>>63170195 and >>63170609, pretty straightforward.

>> No.63172995

Nothing and nobody is an authority, it's just another point of data for determining a halfway objective understanding of the fanbase at large given the ROM epidemic.

>> No.63173010

>gen 0
Miko is the most popular one
>gen 1
>gen 2
Aqua and Subaru
>gen 3
Pekora and Marine
>gen 4
>gen 5
>gen 6
Mumei and Fauna

The only exception are gen 1, ID and maybe gen 5(I don't know if Lamy is more popular than Botan)

>> No.63173101

Oh this is that comedians show, this should be funny

>> No.63173106

Laplus doesn't have fans anymore except some cucks who will follow her even if she fucks a guy on stream, all she has now are some FPSfags who watch her because she's playing Valo with Kanae and Kuzuha. The idolfans who will support her and love her are already gone but she doesn't care because management can't stop shilling failures like her instead of doing the same with holos who actually deserve it and love Hololive as a whole.
Her anniversery is coming soon and once again she will have the most unpopular one despite being constantly shilled.
He's probably not even a fan

>> No.63173160

Also, fine, I've looked it up for you:
Jan 2022, 8425627 total views
Jul 2023, 8941268 total views
You are still a lying faggot

>> No.63173296

I'll never understand why people pander to fps crowd, they don't give a shit about you and the moment a new fps gets traction or the fps you play starts to die they'll abandon you instantly

>> No.63173315

the point made there was an overall statement with CCV included, and even that point was more heavily skewed towards Towa being the runt she was in comparison to her relative success now. You are the only person in this convo that tried to drill down a general statement into being specifically about La+'s CCV
Btw, what her Twitch CCV? If you want to get so nitpicky surely I should be allowed the same

>> No.63173380

>You are the only person in this convo that tried to drill down a general statement into being specifically about La+'s CCV
That not you?:
>What was La+'s CCV prior to any of her yabs?
>What is La+'s CCV now?

>> No.63173425

>VOD views for streams
>for streams

>> No.63173591
File: 99 KB, 1157x1225, MedianAverage_Jan2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, this isn't accurate.
First of all, I noticed that you picked Jan 2022 where all Holos' CCVs were absolutely fucked to around 1/3 of their usual in the first half due to YT CCVID.
Moreover, I'm really curious where you got that "10800" from. She got 14,051 median CCV and 13,370 average (see picrel), with her post-CCVID solo streams went between 9k and 20k.
Similarly, I saw that you picked her July 2023 numbers which was massively buffed by GTA VCR arc. Saying that her median was 12k (yes, it was 12k, not 7.8k) was as disingenuous as claiming that AkiRose is a 5views now because of her recent Ark series (which netted her an amazing 15.4k average). However, just like with Aki, La+'s numbers crashed after it was over: over the last 3 months, her solo streams only averaged in the 1k-4k range on YT and 3-5k on Twitch (higher on Twitch collabs)
I don't mind if you two argue with numbers, but at least use accurate ones with proper contexts.

>> No.63173642

Now read the lines above it in that same response where you can see that I was answering you by addressing both Towa and Laplus at the same time within the same response
You're literally just nitpicking one part of me asking for several different pieces of information as if it was the only thing I meant by the word "viewer"

>> No.63173992

Appreciate it. I had glanced at those specific months after he mentioned them but didn't bother to consider the context the streams in that period. This lines up way better with my general impression of her CCV decline. Roughly a speaking, a 5-digit drop.

>> No.63174006

Towa still is the runt of gen4? I'm sure Kanata and Watame clears her, Luna had a pretty good growth but I don't know if she surpassed Towa

>> No.63174105
File: 32 KB, 794x256, la.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a professional numberfag sorry. I got the numbers from vstats.
Can compare Feb 2022 and June 2023 instead:
Even less of a difference.

>> No.63174133

Towa might be the runt of gen4 but nowadays she gets buffered by stuff like big events hosted on her channel so her CCV isn't as dead in the water on average as it used to be.

>> No.63174495

You're calculating CCV period instead of solo streams.

>> No.63174531

So she lost her viewers because of homo collabs, but was buffed by GTA VCR homo collab? Reasonable.
And for the last 3 months she did 1 stream on YouTube with 10,219 average. Where do you get those numbers from?

>> No.63174626

Wdym solo stream? Excluding collabs?

>> No.63174883

Uniniggers are selective. I.E. they're retarded flip floppers.

>> No.63175053

OK so this thread won't survive this conversation now that looking at the context was pointed out to me.
So first of all yes, that was what that anon specified, presumably because of the well known boost Holo collabs can bring in. Not really that relevant outside of non-Holo collabs unless it's with a Holo or indies with a sizeable CCV, though.
The issue with Laplus specifically is that she's so inconsistent that it's easy to skew results without looking at the month in question. Like the month you chose, where her two highest CCV streams(13k) were both collabs.
Out of 8 streams.
Go back to April for a reasonable midpoint data set

>> No.63175085

NTA but that isn't weird. Event tourists exist but they don't necessarily watch your normal streams. Being buffed by an event doesn't mean much if it doesn't translate into an increase in your usual viewership, moreso if you actually lost viewers because of that
Looking through vrabi and twitchtracker, I assume that anon mistook Laplus summary vods on YT for streams? She streamed those but they weren't streams as we count it. Would fit the number ranges mentioned there

>> No.63175280

So you basically pick the appropriate data points tha fit you narrative better? Got it. I suspected numberfags here operate this way but thanks for the confirmation.
