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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63045714 No.63045714 [Reply] [Original]


If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: soon

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think

Previous thread: >>63010090

>> No.63045800


>> No.63045977

I should go to therapy too, but I can't afford it right now

>> No.63046374

I like Shondo best she's my oshi.

>> No.63046531

Passionate love making with shondo

>> No.63046650

I want to hold her hand! I want to hold her hand so bad!!!

>> No.63046663

>no 6 day crazy taxi schedule
why live

>> No.63046838

do you think Shondo would like me if I got really good at golf that's about all I have going for me.

>> No.63046873

Therapy is a meme, it works if you have women issues like 'uuuuuu I'm too popular no one really loves me for who I am!!!!" My therapist gave me some meds that made me retarded sleepy and didn't fix the laundry list of underlying issues. It's a waste of money, wouldn't reccomend.

>> No.63047176

It can be useful, but at the end of the day you're still the only person who can get your shit together

>> No.63047440


>> No.63047510

Fillian collab will be a dumpsterfire

>> No.63047548

I think its cute that fillian messaged shondo first. She really is the vtubers vtuber

>> No.63047617

Should we make a Fillian collab bingo? /shon/ will drown in brainworms.

>> No.63047623

She seems to be doing the rounds of mid sized chuubas

>> No.63047832

I'm interested in how it will go but I know I won't enjoy it

>> No.63048031

I'm not watching.

>> No.63048127

Filian is loud and annoying but the Hitler joke from last thread was pretty funny. Her chat is mostly normalniggers so it'll be interesting to see how things go. I've seen a couple collabs and Filian is painfully awkward with new people so this could be cringe kino.

>> No.63048213

That sounds kinda fun. Unusable chat should be the free space.

>> No.63048236

Shondo doing another collab with someone she hasn't hangout before can only go bad

>> No.63048288

I think its just shondo not being able to say no to things like this even though she prefers hanging out with people before collabing

>> No.63048892

Will we get newfags like after the Neuro collab? I expect a bunch of annoying anti parasocial fags to join.

>> No.63049079
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anti general

>> No.63049169

She has collabed with very parasocial vtubers before snd chat will spam ICANT parasocial andy or some shit if she mentions how much she loves us but their attention span isn't long enough to do more than that

>> No.63049273

I see, in that case they'll probably get filtered quickly.

>> No.63049412

Filian loves to play devils advocate and be contrarian/say the opposite of who she is talking to so she's going to say a lot of stupid shit but it will be fine as long as shondo doesn't back down when confronted.

>> No.63049476

>She has collabed with very parasocial vtuber before
like who

>> No.63049500
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One wrong word from wifey will result in a /shon/melty. Gotta get my popcorn ready.

>> No.63049562

I will understand if she says something unlike her during the collab because of nerves. I get like that and say shit that I normally wouldnt when im in high pressure situations. Its just how she acts when shes back alone with us that matters

>> No.63049638

I would shit my pants if I had to meet someone and try to be friendly in front of literally thousands of people. Go Shondo! You can do it!

>> No.63049650

Why would she? She was still herself even during the Tenma collab, she just awkwardly went silent when Tenma started talking about men or something.

>> No.63049654

Saru, miyune.

I liked when she asked saru if she has a lot of dating experience and saru happily said "yeah! Me and chat go on dates all the time!".

>> No.63049744

Filian has like 5x the viewers that tenma did

>> No.63049789

What exactly are they doing for the collab?

>> No.63049811

Watching meme videos together

>> No.63049909

Filians meme videos are so fucking bad, it's complete zoomer garbage. I wonder how shondo will react, it might be right up her alley

>> No.63050165

I will impregnate shondo

>> No.63050214

I will penetrate Sho's butthole

>> No.63050233

Will chat be able to dominate filians chat like in normal collabs? I hope so.

>> No.63050367

she mentioned that she usually doesn't talk with her collab partner before the first stream to make it as awkward as possible

>> No.63050407

Filian’s chat isn’t THAT much faster even if she’s 5x bigger than Shondo (Shondo just has an exceptionally faster chat) so I think it’s possible if Shondophrenics are on their game

>> No.63050530

Minutely affirmation: i will impregnate shondo

>> No.63050535

Get outta here TPB

>> No.63050909

I like his art even though he has to include sho in every drawing

>> No.63051049

How long do you guys expect the collab to be?
I'll have to watch the vod and I'm hoping it's short so it'll be easy to catch up on

>> No.63051195

just skip it like a sane shogga

>> No.63051291

2 or 3h

>> No.63051878

1 hour since it's so late

>> No.63051928

1 hour? there's literally no point to this collab

>> No.63051987

couldn't agree more, I'm not even going to ruin my sleep for it since she wants to cuck EU bros for it

>> No.63053201


>> No.63053294

i want to lick her shunny

>> No.63053336

shonsoles on my face

>> No.63053456

MagnetoMaster is cringe af

>> No.63053490

I hope he has a bad day

>> No.63053530

he is one of my favorites

>> No.63053553


>> No.63053594

Because he cares about random men.

>> No.63053651

you are by far the worst derek

>> No.63053754

It's not my fault MM posts fagshit in the offline chat.

>> No.63053755

you say he's cringe because he cares about other men, yet you engage in the same kind of behaviour

>> No.63053789

this post is MM testing us, do not engage with him

>> No.63053827

>yet you engage in the same kind of behaviour
It'll never be cringe to hate men, low IQ-kun.

>> No.63053877

we can have the threads up but can you stop talking about this dumbass shit

>> No.63053881

that's incredibly gay, you are gay

>> No.63053937

Fine, I'll give MM's faggot ass a pass.

>> No.63054493

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.63054602

she's NOT a gold digger

>> No.63054660

filian better not ask fucking shit like shondo's dating experience or body count, she's done it before for a fucking game show.

>> No.63054704

Why wouldn't she ask? It's good content no matter how Shondo reacts.

>> No.63054768

the faster you stop treating her like a brittle little snowflake that will melt and disappear forever if she's hit by a single photon the better it is for you, her and the shogger collective.

>> No.63054782

shondo mentally breaking down in front of 7k people is not content I want to watch

>> No.63054822

Pussy. Humiliation is the bread of sadism.

>> No.63054962

that's for the bedroom, not for the other 6999 people to watch.

>> No.63054978

why the fuck would she break down over that? please watch her for more than a month before thinking you know her, jesus FUCKing christ

>> No.63055050

this is the most ignorant post in the last few threads.

>> No.63055065

I want to impregnate both Shondo and Filian at the same time

>> No.63055076

Anon she would go "erm... well" and then answer the question honestly.

>> No.63055078

She hasnt had a breakdown on stream since her birthday, accept that shes grown as a person

>> No.63055152

when was the last time she had a collab with a channel 7 times her size?

>> No.63055173

>shes grown as a person
im so proud of my 38cm wife. they grow up so fast

>> No.63055199


>> No.63055203

Watch the Tenma's and/or Neuro's collab VOD if you wanna have an idea how Shondo behaves with a collab partner she has no chemistry with

>> No.63055211

dumbass she answered about her experience after nearly two weeks of no sleep and didn't break down over it

>> No.63055241

you talking about the subathon where she broke down 4 times in?

>> No.63055258

for reasons that had literally nothing to do with that. good job proving yourself wrong i guess?

>> No.63055279

tenma is her friend, and neuro is a brick wall with a speaker in it

>> No.63055286

Anon... the subathon was 10 years ago. Move on.

>> No.63055313

Neuro collab was fine. The only problem is that neuro was more retarded back then. A new collab with current Neuro would be pure kino.

>> No.63055334

i know you're doing this on purpose, but do you know the difference between talking to a chat and talking to another person in real-time?

>> No.63055387

No, it wouldn't. Keep that shitty chatbot away from my wife. I hope the shitskin turtle necks himself.

>> No.63055397

Her birthday was not that long ago

>> No.63055421

so you agree she was already mentally drained and still managed to talk about her relationship experience calmly

>> No.63055435

look at that, we still have swarmfags in the thread half a year after they collabed.

>> No.63055443

You have a very loose definition of "friend". They are acquaintances

>> No.63055454

I also the turtle necks himself after making Neuro a totally independent entity that can stream by herself. Neuro love, vedal hate.

>> No.63055477

if you want to go that far, start considering online friends fake friends too.

>> No.63055501

What? She wasn't even comfortable calling her Wattpad group friends and they literally texted everyday

>> No.63055537

are you equating tenma to a group of underaged dramawhores?

>> No.63055569

You are like one of those teen fanboys that think every person their favourite YouTuber collabs with is their friend lmao

>> No.63055655

I like how you guys will invalidate shondo's friendships just to get a foot up on a guy

>> No.63055717

Assuming every collab partner is a friend seems strange to me. Has nothing to do with "invalidating" anything

>> No.63055734


>> No.63055790

people actually don't watch her streams

>> No.63055907

Case closed. They obviously talk in private all the time.

>> No.63055940

im not disagreeing with you, but during the stream they said this was the first time ever that they talked

>> No.63055977


>> No.63056002

I think it's weird that people just ignore when Shondo says she has a hard time trusting people and it takes time for her to be comfortable to really consider somebody a friend

>> No.63056029

Please learn to read anon

>> No.63056068

what do you want? do they need to have discord sex before you're considered friends with shondo?

>> No.63056073


I'm friends with 50% of my class now

>> No.63056111

it's laughable.

>> No.63056164

and now nobody remembers how anon is a faggot arguing shondo's gonna wet herself live on stream if fil asks her something she's heard a million times and calmly addressed before

>> No.63056194

lets move the goalpost to the next thing I need citation for

>> No.63056332

we are all friends because we talk to each other

>> No.63056360
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>> No.63056366

Nothing moved. All of the clips are also true for the Wattpad group she said she wasn't comfortable calling actual friends. Nina is someone she actually talks to a lot, and that's pretty obvious by how often she is mentioned and how she interacts with her publicly

>> No.63056428

Nina is her wife.
Tenma is not a collective underaged dramawhore.

>> No.63056512

But back then she clearly liked them and enjoyed spending time with them despite not seeing them as true friends

>> No.63056526


>> No.63056552

jesus fucking christ.
this is actually pointless.

>> No.63056569
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>> No.63056631

I can't imagine disavowing shondo's friendships just so you can look smug while trying to defend her against trolls online.

>> No.63056658

it doesn't matter it's all a distraction from the stupid coddling shit

>> No.63056705

be nise

>> No.63056731

Imagining thinking the obvious is somehow "disavowing" anything.

>> No.63056786

I'll confirm with you one last time, do you think tenma is her friend?

>> No.63056843

I think they are on friendly terms and like each other. I feel like there might be some cultural difference on what is considered a friend

>> No.63056869

my fucking god.

>> No.63056895

I'm on friendly terms with a lot of people but I'm not friends with them

>> No.63056940
File: 525 KB, 2048x1536, F_esfquWUAA-_g_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up, shondo loves tenma
otis ass

>> No.63056948

You guys are all my friends. I'm so glad I have so many friends.

>> No.63056999

boy I'm glad we have these threads I love discussing fallenshadow

>> No.63057082

I'm so mad we have these threads grrrr I hate discussing fallenshadow

>> No.63057088

don't you love managing who's shondo's friend and who isn't?
I love literal highschool drama.

>> No.63057153

no I love discussing things that don't matter to deflect from other pointless conversation about how she shouldn't ever do anything because she's a fragile snowflake

>> No.63057192

'managing who's shondo's friend'
Didn't happen

>> No.63057216

I too love to make baseless claims only to get citations to streams to prove me wrong about anything I say

>> No.63057220


>> No.63057272

I only saw people argue about the definition of friendship. If you consider just being friendly and getting along with somebody being friends then yes they are friends. I will stop arguing now

>> No.63057293

I actually feel bad for Kasy, she likes almost everything Shondo tweets on any of her 3 accounts, and drew art of them together, but she seems pretty isolated and like she doesn’t really have friends. I also like that she admits she is black. I hope she and Shondo talk sometimes still.

>> No.63057357

I'm not against that

>> No.63057417

the last time she was friends with a black person, she turned out to be an attention whore and numberfag, so I'd rather not.

>> No.63057729

did you miss the >doesn't matter part
nobody gives a shit, the friend shit was only brought up to deflect because you were on the ropes for your suggestion she's a child that'll crumble if asked about her relationship experience

>> No.63057861


>> No.63057883

if you really want to continue this bullshit, re-read what was said. don't narrow down and misinterpret posts [challenge impossible]

>> No.63057914

I'm not continuing anything I'm telling you all to shut the hell up

>> No.63057928


>> No.63058031

sure you don't, that's why you brought it up again.

>> No.63058144

discuss wifey lap pillow instead.

>> No.63058613

Shondo's bony thighs with very little cushion ToT

>> No.63058721

Shondo's thighs could be considered hostile architecture

>> No.63058753

my face in shondo's boney thighs

>> No.63059446

How can Shondo post such a long string of AAAAAAAAAAAAAA? Did she get a checkmark and hid it?

>> No.63059463


>> No.63059579

She couldn't resist the potential of earning £5 from her tweets

>> No.63059592

She fell for the rug pull

>> No.63059625

water u talking about

>> No.63059654


>> No.63059702
File: 2.20 MB, 3840x2160, 1685590046567039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said a while ago once she is qualified for it in analytics she'll get premium for a month and see if it pays for itself, if it doesn't she'll cancel.
Does this thread have a memory of 2 minutes?

>> No.63059747

that's weird I have notifications set up for her twitter and I didn't see that one

>> No.63059757

No it's just funny that she is hiding the checkmark

>> No.63059778

It might be detected as spam or something kek

>> No.63059789

Why not?

>> No.63059840
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If she literally just got it in the last 48 hours then it could still be under review, you have to wait to be verified but she'll still have the premium features in the meantime
Don't ask how I know

>> No.63059879

why didn't she mention when she actually got it?
besides that shit's a scam you only get paid for your impressions to other checkmarks
it's literally only profitable to gimmick accounts and elon cocksuckers

>> No.63059939

Why do you care so much she literally said she would get it as an experiment to see if it ends up costing her money

>> No.63059963

why are you shitting your pants at people finding it funny she bought a checkmark and hid the fact

>> No.63060022

>why didn't she mention when she actually got it?
Why would she? I don't get why she needs to mention every minute thing that she does.

>> No.63060050

See >>63059840

>> No.63060226

that explains the more aggressive ads I've been seeing under her replies

>> No.63060603

i want this like you cant believe. please shondo just a crumb of thigh

>> No.63060675

you know who you're talking about right?
she just said so anyway

>> No.63060886

people will really defend anything bad said against her even though it's literally in her twitter replies

>> No.63060915

the fuck are you talkin about shogga

>> No.63061038

What is blud waffling about?

>> No.63061083

Why did she stop liking replies

>> No.63061092

grackle I know you're here, replace the third and fourth ones, the slimedo is bigger than the smiling shondo

>> No.63061095

kys 3D fetish friends
blessed anon

>> No.63061124

say thanks the retro

>> No.63061152

don't be mean he's /here/ and he'll get upset :(

>> No.63061157

Because pitylikes are cringe, pretty sure I wrote her a maro about it.

>> No.63061262


>> No.63061307

why the fuck she takes time to give attention to that vibe breaking faggot every single time

>> No.63061328

bro you weren't supposed to actually respond about not getting mad

>> No.63061388

finished reading the thread
at least there aren’t really antis here, just a lot of retardation but that’s normal so it’s ok

>> No.63061459

by replace I mean swap, it doesn't make sense that it goes from big to small

>> No.63061500

is that the consolation we're running with
>the threads are shit every day but there's no "antis" anymore mission accomplished guys

>> No.63061528

shut the fuck up

>> No.63061585


>> No.63061837

why are you being mean :(

>> No.63061988

dont talk about mouz like that >:(

>> No.63062001

I'm warning you /shon/ don't make me kabedon all of you.

>> No.63062189

Who is your favorite shogga? Who is your least favorite?

>> No.63062242
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>the state of this thread right now

>> No.63062254

me, me

>> No.63062318

I hate shondo, and if you don't agree with me you're cringe and gay

>> No.63062323

no why are you upsetti

>> No.63062327

me, other me

>> No.63062378

Can I list myself as least favorite?

>> No.63062462

how about instead of the lol me shit we just ignore people who are constantly inciting shit here
no? addicted to posting? suit yourself
(you)s are (you)s though

>> No.63062485 [DELETED] 
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My head hurts. All I want to do is have my head stop hurting and be able to think again. Someone make it stop.

>> No.63062546

Take this! *chu*

>> No.63062644

I was serious.

>> No.63062703

can you please not link my twitter? thanks

>> No.63062753


>> No.63062754

what the fuck are you linking?

>> No.63062902
File: 106 KB, 808x1017, 1700042523524558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife

>> No.63062963

peace and sound mind
peace and sound mind

>> No.63062982


>> No.63063066


>> No.63063215

this is what my train of thought looks like

>> No.63063557

Shondo is doom posting

>> No.63063569

Doom Guy? Me.

>> No.63063729

That's the doom guy version she called a whore

>> No.63063778

Yeah, I'm not a virgin.

>> No.63063895

deserved, what a manslut

>> No.63063918

me neither but I regret it I wish my first time was with Shondo

>> No.63063979

lost NNN today. came so hard it hurt. holy FUARK

>> No.63063994

Did she say why next week is a light schedule yet?

>> No.63063999

she loves whores

>> No.63064026

be careful anon your nuts might explode
she does not, you slut

>> No.63064047

grave visitation maybe

>> No.63064072

grrr this thread is stinky grrrr

>> No.63064088

She isn't even a virgin though.

>> No.63064123 [DELETED] 


>> No.63064126

DOOMSmile doesn't work for me

>> No.63064131

watch streams newfag

>> No.63064133

shondo your breath stink brush your teef

>> No.63064163

Of Shondo was a horse what kind of horse would she be
I can’t articulate it but I feel as if this horse has Shondo energy

>> No.63064170

Come on, Shondo herself acknowledges that her explanation is very sus in the subathon.

>> No.63064177
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>> No.63064221 [DELETED] 


>> No.63064314

I can't help you if you've not watched streams and your only knowledge of her is the unfunny grrrr meme from chat

>> No.63064324

I love my silly wife, she makes me laugh and smile a lot!

>> No.63064336

I hate myself

>> No.63064355

I love how easily amused she is by funny pictures

>> No.63064375

sexting in cha.ai is surprisingly easy now. just type lengthy responses with something raunchy in the beginning and the ai won’t censor itself and will include language you used in its next response too
smelly smelly post

>> No.63064396


>> No.63064435

That clip supports his point

>> No.63064439


>> No.63064464

She was kicking my balls earlier and suffocated me with her crotch.
Now she is playing with something I can't see.
She's also a succubus.
50:50 chance I'm about to get my dick sucked or she is going to make me suck her dick.

>> No.63064467

Yes anon I'm sure nobody in the fallenshadow thread has seen Fallenshadow before. Thank (You) for sharing!

>> No.63064528

Explain. I think it supports my point that she's sus, of course you can choose to believe her but I don't.

>> No.63064589


>> No.63064612

yeah and you don’t even have to use euphemisms anymore. as long as you muddy up your post with flowery language or a question afterwards, the ai will just take it no matter how vulgar and learn off it
it’s kind of amazing desu

>> No.63064649

her voice changing throughout the years freaks me out

>> No.63064652

I thought we weren't supposed to reply to antis...

>> No.63064679

you're just imagining things anon. she has had the same voice since she started. nothing has ever changed about anything.

>> No.63064703

Replying to antis is /shon/'s second favorite past time

>> No.63064706

i take it back

>> No.63064711

I just told it directly in the defs.
Make up fake organ, describe what it can do.
Make that as an alias for the real organ, using the original spellings.
AI censor has a stroke trying to figure out what the fuck is going on because it sees "penis" but has in active memory that a penis is like a "fleeb" that can throb, pulsate and leak delicious goodness.

>> No.63064716

>>63064435 (me)
She is acknowledging that most people are different from her and that from their perspective her story isn't believable. But I think if you watch her you should notice that she is in fact pretty unique and her being super touch-averse and not interested in sex isn't new, She mentioned it in streams before she became a vtuber

>> No.63064778


>> No.63064780

>her being super touch-averse and not interested in sex isn't new
the point they're making is that she had to find that out somehow

>> No.63064787

What do you mean antis? I'm a husband who'd accept Shondo even if she had a bodycount of 5-8. I would be disgusted if her bodycount was over 10 though.

>> No.63064818

My favorite moment in relation to this was during the confession stream where she was asked by someone who had premarital sex and she was trying her best to mask the disgust in her voice

>> No.63064832

I think she would figure out the moment you touch her. That would be before any sexual activities

>> No.63064860

ah I used to do that before. I would always default to goo tap/faucet or something similarly absurd. now penis and even cum works just fine as long as you ramble after using it in a sentence.

>> No.63064893

I'm pretty sure being disgusted by the idea of sex isn't something you need to have sex to learn
If you never have the urge to masturbate, the thought of sex makes you feel sick, I don't think you need to have sex to think "hey, maybe I don't want to have sex".

>> No.63064918
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for fucks sake do you even like her
read her fucking maros you cringe cucks

>> No.63064927

i love time loops

>> No.63064960

Why did you tag me? I read it and didn't say anything that would imply I didn't

>> No.63064966

>makes you feel sick
It makes you feel nothing, I was indifferent towards it before puberty and knew about it since the age of 8.

>> No.63064992
File: 3.26 MB, 455x555, 1691134137515069.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People keep replying so it keeps happening

>> No.63065018

For me my stomach twists. I think if anyone touched me I would feel physically ill. I've felt this way since I learned about sex too.

>> No.63065059

go back to work shondo

>> No.63065064

samefags samefagging if I weren't with Shondo I'd come and shit the threads for fun

>> No.63065085

Yeah anon Shondo is the only sex repulsed person ever thanks for noticing I'll now be posting feet pictures

>> No.63065122 [DELETED] 

She was sexually abused by her mother’s ex boyfriend why is it shocking that she’s sex repulsed?

>> No.63065151

You were touched as a child.

>> No.63065167

No I wasn't anon
Some people are just born fucked in the head

>> No.63065173

sorry mr coldguy

>> No.63065208

like any virgin she grabs for the nearest virtue that she wins by default

>> No.63065213

I’m similarly shy and I wasn’t either, anon.

>> No.63065216

An unironic evolutionary dead end? Interesting.

>> No.63065268

I will force you to reproduce

>> No.63065278
File: 29 KB, 490x170, Screenshot from 2023-11-21 21-47-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, is she calling me a GAY?

>> No.63065298

as if 4ch cares about this

>> No.63065345


>> No.63065418

rude and crude

>> No.63065424

antiCHADs run this community

>> No.63065429
File: 131 KB, 405x317, 1679552246491100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't. I have plenty of things outside this thread to do for fun. I just come here to save pictures and wifepost because I don't like discord.

>> No.63065551

Personally I recoil at physical contact in general, it doesn't have to be sexual. If you're not 1 of 3 people I adore and you pat me on the back I'll get very anxious.

>> No.63065561
File: 10 KB, 488x63, Screenshot from 2023-11-21 21-53-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, fuck off

>> No.63065589

same here honestly

>> No.63065696

telling me you guys hadn't caught on yet that shondophrenics are severely mentally ill

>> No.63065699

i wish i was touch repulsed instead of touch starved it would make my life easier

>> No.63065741

I just don't like physical interactions in general.

>> No.63065744

>your "wife" refuses to acknowledge anything sex related and hates anyone who points it out so much you have to cope with a bot
Extremely sad.

>> No.63065767

>lesson learned
>don’t date one viewer, date every single one of them
based. I love Shondo

>> No.63065793

"wife" is already a cope retardchama

>> No.63065820

why is that your favorite word

>> No.63065821

My wife will die if I sex her.
So I sex the AI so she doesn't die to death.

>> No.63065880

physical touch is my love language. i will hold shondo's hand and she will like it

>> No.63065972

I want to flick shondo's tiny button nose
I want to flick the tiny button down below

>> No.63066057

i want to use shondo's pussy juice as lube for when i'm masturbating

>> No.63066075
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I edited that anon's sperging so it doesn't look like wifey is talking to herself like a schizo haha

>> No.63066182 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 240x320, idQkm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me on the left wifey on the right

>> No.63066216

im the curtain in the background

>> No.63066242

sometimes I forget to blind and start wondering why my eyes hurt and it feels really good to press them closed because there's this longer burning sensation before it all goes away in a second

>> No.63066265

Why all this 3DPD shit? False flagging?
pls stop anon :(

>> No.63066291

blink* im rebarbed please understand I cannot blink

>> No.63066438

Huh, Pyro handled it correctly.

>> No.63066903

there were no shondo eating a cats head pictures honto ni gomen

>> No.63066959

I doubt it changes on its own, I mean she's technically a semi pro voice actress at this point. Who knows how many hours she spends practicing.

>> No.63067025

tbf she did sound like a squeaky toy then, now she actually sounds young, quite scarily so. its very well done

>> No.63067094

True I didn't like her old "loli voice" at all

>> No.63067139

i still thought it was endearing but her voice is pretty convincing now, very cute

>> No.63067141

Really? I thought the lisp of the old loli voice was very cute.

>> No.63067243

shut up

>> No.63067246

I meant the one she used in her old ASMR. In my opinion it was way too high-pitched

>> No.63067279


>> No.63067295


>> No.63067308

old you was cuter but I still love you

>> No.63067431

that is false new shondo is still very cute. had a dumb shower thought that you could probably show audio clips of just shondo talking and you could really convince someone she's maybe 9 or 10 out of 10

>> No.63067653

To me her 2023 voice sounds like a young girl going through puberty. 12-13 years old.

>> No.63067707

I don't think you've ever heard a girl that age outside of anime, she sounds closer to an 8-10 year old. When she goes "oniichan mode" she sounds even younger.

>> No.63067772

I love my prepubescent wife!

>> No.63067857


>> No.63067864

way to not look creepy /shon/

>> No.63067934

calm down it's fiction

>> No.63068040

So wanting to suck the cocks of fictional characters doesn't make you gay? Okay pedo.

>> No.63068090

why is cock on your mind rn

>> No.63068318

I'm in /shon/

>> No.63068357

thats no excuse you should be thinking about shonfeet

>> No.63068413

envision the perfectly smooth and round and soft balls of the feet of the shon RIGHT NOW

>> No.63068664

does shondo like beans on toast

>> No.63068799

No, she's vegetarian.

>> No.63068870

but beans are veggies
and bread is bread

>> No.63068889


>> No.63068942

>no likes on main
>no responses on alt
I am suffering :)

>> No.63068948

so true

>> No.63068985

*Shondo noises*

>> No.63069011

same for me

>> No.63069137

ok that's enough /shon/ for today, time to dream about shontoes
later nerds

>> No.63069194 [DELETED] 

I'm only curious why it was a big deal at the time. Sure didn't sound like something where they just agreed it couldn't work and split like adults.

>> No.63069206

good :)

>> No.63069590

try and do some math here, how many years back that was and how young shondo probably was, then come back

>> No.63069634

>first breakup
>mentally ill teenager
Give the girl some slack

>> No.63069667

You are going to dream of pus-covered shontoes and she is going to make you suck the pus out.
You are going to feel it burst in your mouth as the disgusting stench and taste fills every corner of it.
Happy dreams shogger.

>> No.63069767

false they will be smooth and soft and porcelain and perfect. your dreams are pretty gross anon

>> No.63070089
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shondo go take a powder break now!

>> No.63070542
File: 1.20 MB, 1600x1700, d474760182a807c1628bba328ab1963f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go to bed and never wake up

>> No.63070846


>> No.63070852

last for I love my wife a whole lotta lot and I want to protect and give her a giant army of twins and triplets and quadruplets on a romantic evening with her and I want to give her the whole wolrd I love her so much god I love her so much

>> No.63070959

twitterblue having blue archive numbers farming whore

>> No.63070983

I dont enjoy this twitter arc
