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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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62705663 No.62705663 [Reply] [Original]

>greets the new homos in their chats
>/vt/ is fine with this

>> No.62705712

Why do you insist on lying OP?

>> No.62706316

Sora is the daisenpai. She pays her respects to everyone equally.

>> No.62706340

Do you realize how much stock she owns? Their success is her success.

>> No.62706988
File: 2.59 MB, 1280x720, SoraSex[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0ppg1v.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up, faggot.

>> No.62707183

>Their success is her success
So she loses money?

>> No.62707443

Yeah I sure hate when people recognize the existence of other people who work for the same company

What the fuck is that about

>> No.62707553

Imagine if AZKi did it. Imagine if Miko did it. Even Suisei and Roboco would be fucking weird to appear in their chats like Sora does when there are new males.

>> No.62707739

>Imagine if AZKi did it. Imagine if Miko did it. Even Suisei and Roboco
OK, I'm imagining

I continue to see nothing wrong with this

>> No.62707783

Miko would be the only wtf one considering she is in the no males camp at this point. AZKi, Suisei and Roboco more recently have no real issue acknowledging men exist.

>> No.62707817


>> No.62707856

They still don't randomly appear in chats, especially fucking EN male chats. Sora just comes out of nowhere and starts flirting with them. Axel actually appeared in her chat once and she basically came on-stream when he called her english 'beautiful'.

>> No.62707889

she is Sora, no problem

>> No.62707908

>Hi, congratulations on your debut!
Shut the fuck up

>> No.62707942


>> No.62707969

Reddit-tier shit that gets posted every time someone criticizes Sora. She shouldn't make them feel so welcome or chat with them at all. During special events is fine and expected of her, but not in their fucking chats. These flip faggots need to prove themselves.

>> No.62708004

>During special events is fine
So... like their debuts?

>> No.62708090

No, the shit they have on the main Hololive channel. That kind of crap.
>She pays her respects to everyone equally
Most of you stick up for Sora appearing in their chats, welcoming new kohai, yet NONE of you can explain why she only does this for EN males. I don't remember her saying hello to Advent, do (You)?

>> No.62708319

Sora cute and, lately, sexy

>> No.62708475

No we are not fine with this. Sora is just as bad as Fagoo or A-chan. If you give homos positive attention you are NG. Exceptions cannot be made to the rule.

>> No.62708533

Based. Too many cucks in here.

>> No.62708576

it's ok it's sora

>> No.62708579

Based. The amount of cucks apologising for this shit is pathetic.

One of many reasons why nu-Hololive is soulless

>> No.62708613

>to everyone equally.
What about Advent

>> No.62708628

Shut the fuck up, cuck. Exceptions cannot be made to the standards placed upon all Holos.

If you interact with males, you're NG. Exceptions cannot be made for this.

>> No.62708630

Sora is the grandma of holo so nobody cares what she does.

>> No.62708650

yes it can it's sora

>> No.62708681

Just ignore him mate the cucks will be feeling different things when Holostars is eventually merged into Hololive. Only a true litmus test to see how hard Fagoo pushes normalisation of Holostars.

>> No.62708714

Why are there so many cucks in here? This is why Hololive is becoming soulless. Stop apologising for interacting with males. This is why viewership is declining across.

>> No.62708721

it's because no one cares about sora.

>> No.62708729

you have to be retarded... i just told you it's sora

>> No.62708738

No one gives a fuck about Sora. Redditors just pretend to.

>> No.62708756

They have become used to Holostars being normalised. Over time when the pot boiled too much the frog cannot jump out. They have learned to accept Holostars and further degradation of Hololive as we know it. It's only a matter of time their decedence leads to the dissolution of Holostars and merge into Hololive.

>> No.62708782

I mean it is Sora

>> No.62708791

There's a reason why we care. All male interaction is bad. Exceptions cannot be made for someone, even if they are the first member. They deserve to be shit on as a result. Not antiied, but shat on for fucking up.

>> No.62708809

I trust Sora over /vt/

>> No.62708816

So when is Sora gonna pop into the new EN girls chats to say hello? They've been around awhile now. I thought muh daisenpai just wanted to support all her kohai?

>> No.62708839

And she interacted with males and therefore fucked up. So expect criticism from those who matter.

>> No.62708843

You're right for everyone else but Sora

>> No.62708880

Imagine putting a traitorous whore over yourself and your comrades. Couldn't be me.
And it's not OK to do that. That's called fucking up.
And it's still bad.

>> No.62708883

It’s ok we forgive her

>> No.62708887

>he fell for the hating males meme
its a big inside joke retard. nobody actually cares

>> No.62708900

I won't stop you, just saying why no one is raising a stink about it. Cause no one actually watches or cares about her. They just pretend to.

>> No.62708901
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>”I said I watched them but it was really only their debut”
She is on the same level as your typical homobeggar except she actually has a reason to want them to succeed

>> No.62708922

Exceptions cannot be made to the rule. You lost, cuck.
>he thinks it's a meme
You must not interact around fans and unicorns, mate.
No we don't, cuck

>> No.62708949

kill yourself retard, you couldn't be more wrong

>> No.62708962

One of the best things about not being on /jp/ anymore is that I dont have to pretend to care about sora or fubuki anymore.

>> No.62708965

And she fucked up here. There's no place for males in Hololive. Inviting males to the walled garden destroys any goodwill it has to fans.

>> No.62708984

Nah it’s chill if it’s her, i will anti anyone else tho and i seriously mean that

>> No.62709004

i just made it an exception

>> No.62709014

Let the cuck sit as he boils to death. When Holostars is dissolved and merged into Hololive every girl will be mandated by management to acknowledge the boys if they aren't right now.

>> No.62709041

>You must not interact around unicorns
Why would I hang out in snake pits?

>> No.62709056

Just you. Not the fanbase, which you are not a part of, sister.
Exceptions cannot be made for rules set forth by us fans. Sora is bad as Fagoo or A-chan.

>> No.62709071

Brainrot. You are retarded and this thread is boring.

>> No.62709085

but it's sora

>> No.62709107

Because you're too scared to be a real Hololive fan. Our expectations are what drives their successes. As more of us leave silently the well becomes further poisoned.

>> No.62709157

It's a legitimate question being asked for newfags who don't know what we think and how to adapt to the unicorn code.
And she's not an exception to the rule.

>> No.62709211

she's cute

>> No.62709270

You can call her cute all you want cuck, she's still NG because she violated the fan's code of conduct.

>> No.62709342

ok but don't you think she's cute?

>> No.62709380

Based. Keep up the good fight. I wouldn't be annoyed with Sora if she said hello to everyone, but intentionally only saying hello to males...fucking (EN) males...and not her actually successful EN kohais that are making her money is insane. I really don't like the teletubby twins but even I can see they're absolutely great for Hololive and Sora's original vision. So why the fuck has she made no effort to even say hello in their chat after all this time. She will 100% say hello to these new flip fucks. This is my only complaint about Sora and it's a very valid one that make the new males feel like they've made it and have nothing to prove, when in reality they've fucked things up even more just by existing.

>> No.62709396

You should know the drill by now, but I'll give you a hint:
I__ O_ W___ J_ D___ I_

>> No.62709432

I doubt anyone will care unless the dinosaur fag shows up in her chat and starts discord kittening her and offering his nitro.

>> No.62709482

This is outfit is illegally hot.

>> No.62709546

Sora can do whatever the fuck she wants. She is the daisenpai. Without her, there would be no Hololive.

>> No.62709605

Probably because she already talked with them a lot and groped Mococo ass and Fuwawa tits several years ago and it felt weird to act like they're newcomers.

>> No.62709724

Why would anyone need to explain anything to some retarded EOP on 4chin? You irrelevant. Do nips care? No? then that is your explanation.

>> No.62709759

There's no proof of Sora greeting the new males
Unicorns are really desperate to get us to anti Holos aren't they?

>> No.62709823

>Without her, there would be no Hololive
Yeah maybe for a few months. Once others joined it actually made the company worthwhile. If she continued on her own it would've collapsed. She's only succeeded because she's surrounded by people more talented than her. I think Sora is much better these days and entertaining but lets not kid ourselves and be reddit about this: no one actually gives a flying fuck about her most of the time apart from some new whoreish thing she's done. For her to one minute say she's sick of feeling lonely and treated special, to then appearing in EN males' chats like she's given them a knighthood for existing and her goddess' stamp of approval is retarded and contradictory based on how she wants to be potrayed. She needs to stop approving of fucking faggots, especially in a branch where she's not even affected by it. JPs don't have to put up with the shit that we do.

>> No.62709908

There are no unicorns on this board anon. Unicorns just disappear when they are unhappy. What this board as is the just typical /v/ behavior but with Vtubers.

>> No.62710013

Retard both her and AIchan started the Idea. In a timeline without Sora/Aichan Hololive was never created and Cover is still a shitty tech company

>> No.62710045

Sora is angel and approaches them in pure intentions to welcome them in company that she basically owns next to Yagoo
Unlike your western whores that drools on thought of bouncing on club

>> No.62710174

They didn't do shit. They just pointed at someone else doing it and said to Cover they want to do the same but with their tech instead. Don't forget that it was Mito that found the special formula that Hololive leeched. Technically they're the catalyst for Hololive, but they've both done a lot of damage to the company regarding males and should therefore not have so much religous support just because they got lucky at the right time. They're both retarded women surrounded by (mostly) competent people doing the hard work.

>> No.62710238

Surprised hololive still has unicorns considering holostars has been a thing for over 4 years now.

>> No.62710247

Welcome to Hololive, the daisenpai can interact with whomever she wants and it's okay. Any other questions?

>> No.62711819

Sora IS Hololive. If you anti Sora you anti Hololive.

>> No.62711866

Sora can do whatever the fuck she wants

>> No.62712067

she had the idea and got it off the ground. without her there would be nothing.

>> No.62712129

To no surprise it's nijinigger lol, what special formula that Mito found ? Don't tell you are going to say that she invented live streaming lmao

>> No.62712150
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Ah sweet a schizo thread

>> No.62712277

>why enhomos and not advent?
simple: management nudged her and suggested that this already UNWANTED group of faggots might be a little more acceptable if the holo daisenpai acknowledged their existence
en3's reception was a given
enhomo3 is not (and never will be)
i wouldn't go as far to say that she was coerced, but I can imagine that the idea was given to her by someone upstream as a suggestion as a "nice thing to do" to aid a flagging part of the company that's already mired in controversy and scandal
if not for the suggestion, for tempus1 and this new lot whatever they're called, i doubt Sora would've bothered, content to sit in her messy room full of bugs whilst admiring her miku merch and schlicking to that pile of BL shit she hides under her matress from the watchful eyes of her parents and cats

>> No.62712314


>> No.62712323

>These flip faggots need to prove themselves.
They did. They went through a whole audition process and probably a training period as well.

>> No.62712361

>/vt/ is fine with this
lol it happened before. Also nobody gives a fuck about Sora.

>> No.62712584

Azki already shared a stage with Rikka 2 years ago and somehow this scenario is bad because?

>> No.62712895

when is she welcoming advent?

>> No.62712946

You've never watched even one of her streams faggot redditor.

>> No.62712964

Remember when shitposters used to at least do research about the vtubers they shitpost about?

>> No.62713044


>> No.62713126

Sora IS Hololive. If you anti Sora you anti Hololive.

>> No.62713315

They don't need to prove fucking anything to retards like you. That already made it, they literally passed the auditions. More than what you can say, complaining like a spoiled child.

>> No.62713503
File: 358 KB, 1690x1500, 1646004305453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll make it simple for you OP:
Everyone in Gen 0 can do whatever the fuck they want with no consequences regardless of how much you seethe and samefag. This especially applies to Sora.

Hope this helps!

>> No.62713608

Anon, when has that ever been that case?

>> No.62714542

I'm not repeating myself redditbot.

>> No.62714799

I do and yes, she is Hololive, other member also said that, seems like you never watch any of their stream, catalognigger newfag

>> No.62714849


>> No.62714854

No you don't redditnigger. No one does.

>> No.62714940
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>>/vt/ is fine with this
yes >we are, and will always be because it's sora
>m-muh reddit!!
die in a fire for all i care nigger.

>> No.62714976

nta, but I also watch Sora. Stop acting like a dumb retard, man.

>> No.62715004

>Imagine if Miko did it
>So new he doesn't remembe
Miko collabed with males for much of her early days anon.
