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[ERROR] No.6208926 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is this shit? Why the fuck is Amashiro so fucking arrogant and self-centered? Fucking hell. Poor Kana

>> No.6208962

Kana kinda deserves it to be honest, she can be very arrogant sometimes

>> No.6209013

Japanese banishment room shit, they are terrified of straight up just saying they don't want to work with someone, since it's a stigma (rebuking someone who is a paying client, especially bad if they have already a history with said person)
They are such omega tier passive-aggressive people they will ignore you until you quit chasing them, then immediately state "oh i'm so sorry, i was busy you see!"

it's what Cover did to Mizu, but unlike Kana being patient for a year onwards, Mizu fucked up by having a mental breakdown on social media a week later, which is literally the only thing worse than Banishment Room

>> No.6209040
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>> No.6209079

Nacho is in it for fame, it's why she basically forced herself into Gura's collab, her FIRST non-holo collab, and what was it?
A fucking hour of nacho barely making sentences while Gura activated 100% of her brain to piece together some japanese
If Prism Project wasn't willing to royally fuck her over, should she ever try to dodge Luto, Nacho would only be concerned with Gura

>> No.6209084

In what way is Kana arrogant?
Is there any indication of why Amashiro doesn't want to work with Kana or is it just speculation

>> No.6209122

Just like Nabi they are in it for the hololive fame she interacts with ame a lot and always talks about her

>> No.6209127

How new? This was talked about to death 2 weeks ago.

>> No.6209173

If you guys are too busy to watch the vid, here's the tldr
>Kana says she is finding a new artist for herself
>says that her current mama likes Gura the most
>says that her mama ghost her for everything
>says that her mama is always busy when not getting ghosted
>says that her mama ignores her sub but acknowledge the person that sent bits
>this is only what can be found publicly

>> No.6209177

It's always funny to see some NEET anon pretending as if he's an expert in japanese relations and culture.

>> No.6209183

I think you're confusing Ame for Uto

>> No.6209198

Then that would mean Nacho is just a fucking bitch.

>> No.6209212

She is, just like her fav daughter

>> No.6209217

Kana will incline HARD with Henreader as her new artist.

>> No.6209222

>subbing during a stream to try to get free advertising by forcing amashiro to talk about you
Wow kana sounds like a leech to me

>> No.6209226

>Everything she is doing is textbook jap expulsion room shit
>"Y-you have to be nihonjin to know!"
Okay, so she's a fucking bitch who only cares about popularity, i've "westernized" this for your basic brain to comprehend it

>> No.6209250

That wad because she want to fuck with her for ignoring her for so long.

>> No.6209257

Yes because ghosting and passive-aggressiveness are exclusive japanese traits, you truly are an expert anthropologist anon.

>> No.6209303

I feel bad for kana why is Nacho like this

>> No.6209333

Mama Amashiro is busy working on her own channel too, on top of being a mama for Gura, Luto, Naname, and even herself. I'm sure it takes an immense amount of work to set up all of the assets for a new Youtube channel. I'm not saying Kana is wrong but there's more to it than just her story.

>> No.6209363

Kana's been ghosted for over a year, that goes a bit beyond just being busy.

>> No.6209390

This spans a year +, and she has worked on Luto during this time and very famously, Gura's new outfit. Nacho is going to hard dodge Kana until Kana tells her she's done with her, then Nacho will either say nothing, or say "oh gomenasai kana-chan, was busy-desu"
P.S. - The rigger we all love, was recommended by Nacho as well

>> No.6209413

Kana doesnt pay her enough and nacho is too autistic to raise the price so her "best" option was to ghosted kana

>> No.6209429

How the fuck did that rigger get work was his/her first work gura? I cant imagine someone would hire them if they saw their previous work

>> No.6209438

>Is there any indication of why Amashiro doesn't want to work with Kana or is it just speculation
Gura brings the easy clout and money.

Luto and Donut get along fine with Amashiro but they know they aren't her favorite.

>> No.6209460

IRyS was right. Everything is repeating. We're timelooping, and we don't know it yet.

>> No.6209467

NTA, but why the fuck are you doubling down on your idiocy? She is japanese and does something that is pretty common in japanese business.
true, but 0 communication with someone you already worked with is pretty rude. It can be rude, but a whole year is a lot of time for ghosting someone.

>> No.6209468

>P.S. - The rigger we all love, was recommended by Nacho as well
The one Kana said only gave her half a body? Do you have sauce for those fries?

>> No.6209471

I'm only just now watching it since I saw Henreader mentioned. The summary posted in this thread did not mention these things.
They rigged an early Matsuri outfit and Coco's original model.

>> No.6209490

this girl is cute, why is she not more popular

>> No.6209493

Also Donut speaks the language and very likely has visited or tried to visit Nacho
Luto has PRISM project behind her, along with contractual work that she is bound to
Kana is an EOP and is indy, and is low tier.
It's an obvious choice of which one Nacho is going to ignore when she needs to focus on other projects

>> No.6209510

Yes yes you know all about how japanese do business.

>> No.6209513

She was - she was basically the face of Tsunderia for almost 2 years.

She decided to pack it up and go back to being indie. She's still relatively big for an indie though.

>> No.6209521

She really, really, doesn't want to be more popular.

>> No.6209527


>> No.6209528

She's far better than cute

>> No.6209547

She split from them this year bro. The girl is NOT a team player.

>> No.6209573

Thought Tsunderia was the blackest of black companies though

>> No.6209588

Holy fuck you retard, its not some super secret crabby patty formula. It is literally one of the most famous things japs are known for in business.

>> No.6209593

Whois that?

>> No.6209604

Who can blame her? Tsundaria's management is trash.

>> No.6209606

doesn't make it ok

>> No.6209612

Oh, I'm not saying it was her fault. To be honest, I can't tell you much about it.

>> No.6209634

Banishment room meme isn't even related to what's going on here, retard.

>> No.6209653

yes, its an explanation, not an excuse. I literally said in my post that its rude.

>> No.6209663

Tsunderia is full of losers. She was right to bail.

>> No.6209680

S-train is a nigga creep craving for Tsunderia cunny.

>> No.6209687

Kana deserves being shat on by Nacho. Nacho Based

>> No.6209697

Le meme cunny shark

>> No.6209718

>Tsunderia is located in california
No wonder she left, she's too based for them

>> No.6209732

Maybe kana mama is too introverted to comit to an eop daugbter interaction, until gura that is, where she wasnt much of a show anyway.

>> No.6209734

Seriously?? It's only been 7 hours since a 1 min pic display and there are IRySfags in 4chan. Neck youself

>> No.6209737

Except it's exactly how the "Oidashibeya" shit goes down, except for 1 on 1 encounters
It's like when holo-tribalsts sided with Cover when Mizu was getting f'd in the a, and the same when Holobass was basically shouting into the void when Cover removed all his songs and work

They sweat you out, outlast you, and then throw you some pity cash when you finally relent. In Nacho's case, she's going to throw a half-assed apology when Henreader follows through

if you wanna know more about this shit, just read up on Kyoto's "double meaning" conversations (offering you tea means you need to get the fuck out)

>> No.6209757

But that wouldnt make any sense. Shark is opposite of being a bitch.

>> No.6209808

Retard, I was referencing that ||: is the simple repeat sign in Music

>> No.6209813

>Ghosts her own Manager
>Ghosts discord messages until its too late
>Forgets the schedules she made and basically refuses to log on to twitter afterwards
Gura would be a perfect manager in a japanese company

>> No.6209816

I honestly don't understand why some people just cannot accept that some japs are like this. Like what the fuck man? They've been doing this kind of shit for centuries. You think they can change that?

>> No.6209817

She split because Tsunderia did jack for her and even put a groomer in charge of her for a long time

>> No.6209840

>bad mother
>bad rigger rec
>passive aggressive flake
>forced her way into a one on one collab with a streamer who doesn't even speak her language and likely never will
How many more cities do we have to nuke before she learns her lesson?

>> No.6209861

>Kiara DMs shark for MonHun collab, Kiara gets ghosted
>Haachama messages shark for any collab, also gets ghosted
>Ghosts Coco's graduation farewell message, only showed up when she was given a 1-on-1 session with Kaichou

Le cunny meme shark ghosts anyone she thinks isn't up to her level. Gura was and is always a bitch

>> No.6209888

Nah she's just socially retarded.

>> No.6209903

Honestly i just wanna see what happends if Kana calls her "Nacho-chan"

>> No.6209928

This would require Nacho to actually tune in to Kana's streams

>> No.6209929

>bad rigger rec
This shit gets me angry the most. Kana could have gotten Iron Vertex, the best in the industry.

>> No.6209982

Both Holobass and Mizuryu were entirely in the wrong. One is a simpoid trying to make money off fan content, which goes against Cover's guideliness. The other is a menhera artist not doing his homework and wanting a bigger cut after realizing how big Hololive really was. You're a retard if you think Cover should've humor them at all or if this counts as banishment room bullshit.

>> No.6210043

This is the part that gets me the most. She could have just treated her sub like a normal person but she acted like a bitch in public and incriminated herself.

>> No.6210129

Holobass had all of his music removed from spotify and was ghosted by Cover when he asked why this was the case, since he was previously told unofficially that since it falls under fan content, it was a-okay. He only snapped when they used the BGM music he MADE for the Pops on Rocks (As in all voices from the talent were removed)
They literally ignored him until the breaking point at the charity when he threatened to claim theft on Ame's stream. That is Banishment room to the letter

Mizu was wronged only in that he was also ghosted by Cover, because he wanted a renegotiation of his contract after previous work was done and completed. No matter how much of a dick he was and still is, he had every right to request more pay when the timeframe lined up

You blind yourself into thinking Cover is some family, but even if Tanigo/Yagoo is a good and wholesome person, the HR and Payroll people he employs will Oidashibeya the fuck out of anyone, including Pekora (collabs being shot down), Coco (Don't even need to explain this one)

>> No.6210200

That is not what a bitch does. Thats what an overly introverted person who overthinks things does. That or an airhead. Bitch implies intended maliciousness.

>> No.6210284

Or a lazy bitch

>> No.6210286

Intent will always play second fiddle to outcome

>> No.6210529

Gura is similar to Kiara in one main way, she gets an insane amount of anti posts on here. However, Kiara legitimately deserves a lot of the hate. Gura simply gets hate because of her numbers. Look at this thread for example. This thread should be about Kana and Nacho, but instead, some try to derail it to talk about some unrelated nonsense because they have a hate-boner for Gura. Gura's actions have no relevance to the topic at hand, but because some schizos are mad at her because of her popularity, they need to insert her into every conversation to insult her. Not even a Chumbud, but this is really pathetic.

>> No.6210535

i fucking hate cover and i double hate ip law but the idea that holobass was anything other than menhera here is hilarious

trying to monetize your fan content that is only popular because it is fan content, without permission, is completely fucking retarded and you only have yourself to blame. it's a profoundly stupid move as the world currently exists.

he literally said outright that he only did it to try and open a dialogue with cover and he got exactly what he wanted, which was being blown up for monetizing fan content. and getting mad about the streamer you leeched from to make the song using it when she has no relation whatsoever with the corporate side of the company, is also moronic

im sure mizuryu kei got deep dicked but holobass is just a fucking idiot lmao

>> No.6210585

Wouldn't be surprised if Nacho got soft blacklisted by the western whisper network. I can't imagine women take kindly to other women screwing them over. Even if it's only Kana's problem now, whose to say it won't be a problem for any other western vtuber not able to manhandle nacho in her native language using the same passive aggressive verbal ju jitsu.

If any of EN2 have her as their character designer, now's probably a good time for them to rip off the band-aid and get themself adopted by someone not suffering from tunnel vision. Because if it ever becomes necessary post-debut, that's not gonna look good. On the other hand, I'd chuckle if Cover itself has her EN1 and EN2 characters redesigned by someone else while ghosting her out of the picture. Or even just gura. Honestly, I'd imagine shark's made enough by now to cover a model and design upgrade. And if nachos a liability, that'd be the chance to oust her.

>> No.6210591

idk about the Gura hate, but she was brought up in relation to Nacho and her treatment of her in comparison to her other daughters, as well as the really retarded forced collab Gura and Nacho had making more of a case for Nacho's priorities

>> No.6210613

Stop getting your narratives wrong moron. There are so many things you are omitting that I honestly believe you just read the narratives and that was it.

>previously told unofficially that since it falls under fan content
First of all, "unofficially". Second, fan-content has never been monetizable and putting it in Spotify is monetizing it.
>BGM music he MADE for the Pops on Rocks
Fan content. When you make it, you are already agreeing that the talents can use the content as they please. Asking for permissions is a formality.
>Mizu was wronged only in that he was also ghosted by Cover
His chink PR person literally said he was refused.
>he had every right to request more pay when the timeframe lined up
Yeah sure he does, but real convenient of you to omit his menhera outburst and PR shitshow that got him fired.

Cover does a lot of things wrong, but defending these two dickheads just make you sound disingenuous.

>> No.6210640

Yes, and that's fine. But Coco's graduation stream and Gura's DMs have nothing to do with the topic, but yet, that's where the conversation went. Literally nothing to do with Nacho or Kana. They were only brought up to shitpost about her in an unrelated thread, which is what I was saying before.

>> No.6210673

well given her popularity, theres bound to be some folks anti-posting about her given the chance, its not hard to consider no matter how wrong and irrelevant it might be.

As for Kana herself, she is a darling and it is really fucking sad to watch her stressed out for over a year by her mama refusing to cooperate even just for one single piece of art with pay.

>> No.6210675

I'm not a fan of Cover as a company but Holobass could have just read the guidelines, Cover didn't really owe him any explanation. And as far as Mizu goes he was an idiot.

>> No.6210736

Let's also be fair here - we don't know the whole story.
Kana could also be embellishing the story so it sounds like she's the victim.
All we're doing here is concernfagging for something that might be nothing.

>> No.6210752

There's no question they were both idiots, the problem however is they were ghosted. Cover says they reached out to them both, but both of the foundations of their stories tell the opposite.
Now do they mean "they didn't respond to every single one of my messages" or "Literally shouting in an empty room", we are inclined to listen to Cover as they are seen as the "better" option, but when 2 of 2 sources are saying they weren't getting contact, you have to stop and ask

>> No.6210796

We indeed dont know the full story, but this issue dates back over a year and I watched her post and talk about it both on stream and in her discord. Honestly given how she is, I dont think she would be talking about it if she herself was aware of the root of the issue. Most of her reaction seems to come from bewilderment and disappointment rather than anger.

>> No.6210821

Fuck me. Cover need to stop working with this fucker in the future. Both of them actually.
Doesn't matter how cheap they are.

>> No.6210948

this is funny to me because everyone kept raving about how kana's rigging is one of the best, it seems like her rigger just couldn't meet the deadline but she got her full rig eventually. IV rigs are overrated and don't look that great desu.

>> No.6210958

>the problem however is they were ghosted
Only Holobass was ghosted. Mizuryu was in direct contact with them.
>Cover says they reached out to them both
They never said shit about Holobass. Mizuryu got live executed by them.

Again, stop it with the misinformation.

>> No.6210976

Wrong, Kana's current rig is by a different rigger. She already dropped the original rig because the rigger was shady.

>> No.6211008

>IV rigs are overrated
You do know there are multiple riggers in IV right? The best ones are literally the fucking best.

>> No.6211070

This statement directly contradicts >>6210613
this one in reference to contact

>> No.6211099

imagine paying that much for a rig

>> No.6211135

There is no contradiction. He was in direct contact with his contact at Cover. He was refused. Some communication happened between him and his staff. His chink PR person complained about it in Bilibili. You really don't know anything and are just shooting your shot weren't you? Fucking read the archives next time.

>> No.6211163

All dead channels and a literal who

>> No.6211206

While I disagree with the anon you responded to, refrain from insulting my oshi, Haachama. Please don't kill my hopes of her coming back even more.

>> No.6211225

Haato has already ran her course, just like Coco.

>> No.6211249

Sorry anon I love Haachama too, I was just trying to be a cunt, I'll delete it

>> No.6211280

Sorry for asking to be spoonfed but what did Tsunderia do? Is it actually that bad? I was thinking about auditioning for them.

>> No.6211304

I disagree. While I am not just going to say that she'll come back and stream regularly, I will say that plenty of other Holos have taken extended breaks. Just look at Ayame and Shion. They are not dead. Therefore, i will believe that Haachama can and will come back.

>> No.6211309

They arent "bad" but they lack solid management. Kana left for a number of reasons but mostly because management was too busy with Gen 1 instead of sorting out the internal issues that Kana was having. Also leaving a toxic groomer in charge of moderating and managing Kana.

>> No.6211369

I just recently got into Kana, but was she the one that got like 1k donations from some schizo ex mod on her birthday? Was that the toxic groomer mod you are talking about?

>> No.6211394

I just hear "henreader" and think "absolutely based"

But man fuck, the way she came to that is depressing

>> No.6211408

No, but that guy was part of said groomer's troop and left alongside him after their meltdown on the discord server.

>> No.6211453

Holy fuck that seems like an interesting story. I'll have to do some archive reps later, but if someone is willing to throw out some spoonfeeding, i won't decline.

>> No.6211471

Indie, man, that's how it be. If you like her support her

>> No.6211572

Whats the excitement for hen? I get the loli part, but in terms of designing interesting and identifiable character features he/she is really bland and samey. I fear it will come out as dull.

>> No.6211615

Doesn't look like she collabs either. That's part of it. As far as I can tell her marketing is limited to word of mouth, and her appeal is entirely solo streams. That's the most basic type of vtubing content, and a far cry from the more ambitious endeavors hololive shits out.

>> No.6211631
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This looks nice to me

Anyways pure softness goes a long way. While I agree that he's not a good designer (honestly, he makes very standard designs so I can't call him "good") he has a base to work with so I'm not concerned

>> No.6211644

Meanwhile Naco draws the same face same body type same hair and same eyes for everything she does

>> No.6211662

>muh mama
>muh sister
get your facts straight Kanafags https://youtu.be/xeKz9a9C6fQ

>> No.6211663
File: 22 KB, 128x126, lul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ambitious endeavors

>> No.6211700

Shin umiushi didn't rig Kana so why would she rig Gura? Gura just got unlucky enough to get stuck with that hack, same thing that happened to Anya.

>> No.6211770

Oh that actually looks super cute, look promising.
Thats also true. But kind of common for alot of mamas.

>> No.6211789

literally only to get her attention to see if she was purposely ignoring her which how she acted she really was.

>> No.6211815

Manager is speculated to be a cunt and twitter is a cesspool.

>> No.6211816

I mean honestly so does henreader

It's a great set though, I love it

>> No.6211869

Gura is also one of the most loved here too.

>> No.6212070

A manager in Cover being bad? No way, anon! Sure they forbid collabs, molest talents, and delete entire channels' worth of content due to fear of copyright and their inability to secure permissions, but would Gura's REALLY be bad TOO?

>> No.6212149

Of course Nacho is going to treat her most successful daughter differently. Gura’s success makes Nacho more successful and a lot of Gura’s success is her design.

>> No.6212153

Look up kamiko kana birthday in the archive and read the threads. Then once you find the schizo's name search that. The guy sent a shit ton of superchats

>> No.6212183

So as far as I can tell, nothing that beats Cover?

>> No.6212184

The rig she has now wasn't by the person recommended by Nacho. Nacho recommended the artist who gave Kana a rig with no legs.

>> No.6212190

I don't understand why Nacho can't just explicitly decline further work with Kana and leave it at that. I doubt that would look as bad as straight ghosting her for year.

>> No.6212367

It was already said a thousand times in the thread. Japanese business tactic and trait.

>> No.6212689

you're a godsend, thank you anon

>> No.6213046

wasn't kana originally designed by someone else? nacho did the current l2d only as a contract work with tsunderia. probably why she never put kana as her own daughter in her bio. that didn't change until naname and luto.
how does this work after henreader make a new one? does he become kana's papa?

>> No.6213323

she leaves stepmom for new stepdad

>> No.6213657

Because she's Japanese.

I know there was an anon who mentioned that, and it's in the video, and people are like HYUCK YEAH SURE IT'S JUST JAPAN but I work in Japan and yeah, when you don't want to work with someone the last thing you do is flatly deny them, instead you completely ignore them and/or give them awful work and hope that they quick. Seen it happen a few times

>> No.6213901

This isn’t a trick or a tactic. When a Japanese person says “oh that will be very difficult” other Japs immediately understand what they are saying is “that isn’t going to happen” politely. There’s no ambiguity. It’s just a polite no. When Cover didn’t answer Holobass’s assnine inquiries they were saying no. When Nacho says she is “very busy” she is saying “I do not want to take on your contract”. Also she’s probably very busy.

Nacho isn’t literally her mother. She’s not obligated to do more work for anyone. If you want an artist on retainer then pay them to be at your beck and call. Otherwise the artist for the worlds most popular vtuber probably has a commission backlog that stretches into months if not years. Fuck your average shit furry he two artist has a backlog that long. They don’t close commissions all the time because they don’t like money.

>> No.6214034

This is probably what this is all about. There's no reason to ignore Kana if she's paying adequately for services. If Kana offered Amashiro $100k right now to give her a new costume, she would immediately stop ghosting her.

The alternative reason is that Hololive or Gura told Amashiro to do it, and she listened because she would rather stay on good terms with them than a random indie.

I don't think Amashiro is a bad person. Either she doesn't know how to handle business negotiations, or she was forced into this position. It's just very sad for Kana.

>> No.6214321

I don't agree.

I think it's just another vile and duplicitous showing of their false society of masks that drives so many of them to off themselves. It isn't polite. Polite is being honest, but gentle in your delivery. Impolite is never saying no, assuming your no is implicit, and hoping to god that the other person literally quits and no: this is NOT implicitly understood by all other japanese. Rather the types who usually get shunned only seem to realize what's going on far too late.

>Nacho isn’t literally her mother. She’s not obligated to do more work for anyone.
Yeah, no shit, which is why the thing she should say is "Sorry, I can't take on any work/I'll have to politely decline" literally any honest answer. Supposedly Kana isn't too miffed about it, but from what it sounds like she was genuinely trying to make business and professional contact, and got nothing. Japanese, but still shit. It's understandably frustrating, and it shouldn't be excused as Japanese bullshit, shouganai. It can be helped, if you have some common tact and professionalism rather than succumbing to deeply ingrained passive aggression.

>> No.6214681

A leech for mentionning her artist is being an asshole, what? Come on

>> No.6214726

One of her only option to check if she was actually just busy or literally ignoring her, just "thanks for the sub" would have been enough, but she couldn't even say that.

>> No.6214773

But Nacho is supposed to be the one setting her prices, if she feels she's not "paid enough" she can increase her prices because of recent success and overload of work, that's how it goes, not the other way around.
It's more likely about which brings more fame, and that, you can't really snap your finger and bring more than you have.

>> No.6214819

She's insanely popular for an indie, top 0.1% easily, not sure what you're on about
A good and pretty successful indie is more likely to stay around 2k~10k subs and 40~100 average viewer

>> No.6214848

Tsunderia is far from the blackest company, they're more transparent than most of their size, and far better than the literal twitter companies with no legal ground that swarm twitter. They obviously have issues, the first being the power S train had over some internal decisions

>> No.6214969

>a far cry from the more ambitious endeavors hololive shits out
Really? If you actually look, most holos do pretty basic stuff too. Only very few stand out in content, like Polka, Coco (f), Marine or even Mori in a way. The ones like Aki, Kanata, Ayame, Nene, Roboco, Mio, or even Fubuki and Aqua, really don't do much set them apart from most vtubers in term of content.

>> No.6214983

He was the CCO. He had quite a bit of power over the talents.

>> No.6215340

Is she generally acknowledging every other sub by comparison?

>> No.6215353

Yes, even bits. She stopped what she was saying and was about to thanks and saw the name and did not.

>> No.6215376

Thats spicy. Ill have to source that moment somewhere.

>> No.6215389
File: 198 KB, 592x730, 108399204839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kana isn't much better

>> No.6215431

I don't get it. What is your point?

>> No.6215438

She wasn't even with Tsunderia for one year. Even taking into account the time she was with them before announcing it, it was only 10 months
She's an EN indie with over 100k subs. She's incredibly popular

>> No.6215475

Miori didn't seem to think so when she joined. I'd think she's an expert in knowing what trash management looks like

>> No.6215551

Yeah that was a bit leechy. Expecting attention from an antisocial shark is a bit pushy.

>> No.6215555

As a complete outsider with no knowledge of Tsunderia or Miori I would say if you move from a place of complete ass manage to something that is mostly ass, but not complete ass management, you might see it as great

>> No.6215593

Fuck this bitch, she's here and calling me nigger

>> No.6215603

Other than Scoopta having his first mental breakdown around the same time as the S-train shit went down, there's absolutely nothing tying those two together at all. Completely different kinds of schizo

>> No.6215610

Jesus how autistic can people actually be? This isn’t unique to Japan it extends to many counties and to them it isn’t being duplicitous at all. If you have anything approaching the social skills of a toddler and are familiar with the culture what is being communicated is crystal clear. Openly saying no would be considered rude to the Japanese, a deflection is polite. Social norms differ between counties try to wrap your mind around it.

Do you tell girls they are ugly and fat and aside from sex you have no interest in them when you turn them down? Why are you such a coward? Fuck given the user base here I wouldn’t be surprised if you did. Basic manners isn’t dishonesty you moron.

>> No.6215639

Get fucked stinky fox, we only know your side of the story so I have no reason to believe it

>> No.6215661

Kana needs to get out of her fox hole and be more proactive. I bet she’d get along well with Gura.

>> No.6215701

The irony of you calling someone autistic for reading "give a gentle rejection" and interpreting it as "Do you tell girls they are ugly and fat".

Fuck yourself.

>> No.6215741

I've been following Tsunderia for a while now and other than moderation, I still have no clue what this guy supposedly did that was so bad. The general community seemed to like him fine, which is more praise than most Discord moderators get, and with this new Kana controversy, I don't trust a damn thing she says on the subject

>> No.6215767

>Openly saying no would be considered rude to the Japanese, a deflection is polite. Social norms differ between counties try to wrap your mind around it.
Also I already explained to you the flaw in this, partially in that it is no implicitly understood. What, faggot, did you vaguely interpret my post as "He disagrees with me, oh no!!" and flip out? Come work in the country for a bit and understand what I'm talking about rather than speculating and assuming.

>> No.6216272

Whats the apeal of this child dog?

>> No.6216605

> Rather the types who usually get shunned only seem to realize what's going on far too late.

Yes the socially inept exist across cultures. Japanese customs aren’t superior or inferior to typical American ones. Even in the US there are drastically different norms between regions industries companies and even departments or subdivision within a company. Navigating these things are the basic social skills everyone learns and develops from childhood onward. Or should. Obviously a lot of people don’t.

When interacting with another culture either socially or professionally acting like their culture is inferior is sort of stupid but really common among expats loathed by locals and foreigners alike. I wonder if the same spergs who feel like they are superior to Japanese culture are the same ones who are baffled by women and flirting. There seems to be a shocking amount of overlap.

>> No.6217636
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>Anon reads a screencapped portion of a Wikipedia article on a segment of Japanese business culture and is now an expert

>> No.6218028
File: 388 KB, 640x640, salty whore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura fucking with Kana
Gura doesn't even care about her genmates and her fans, she gives no shits about any of this bullshit. She has no relevance to this whole situation except being the one Kana is jealous of.

>Nacho is in it for fame
That's why she collabed with Gokigen who isn't popular at all.

>Nacho only cares about popularity
Nabi mentioned future collabs with Nacho and her subs aren't that impressive. Nacho collabed with Gokigen who doesn't have many subs even compared to Kana. Nacho only collabed on stream ONCE with Gura, same number as Gokigen who has lower subs than Kana. If she's only it for the fame, none of these would make sense. Here are the facts: Kana pretty much admitted that she's terrible with communication (she was in talks with her rigger and her mama and failed to ensure getting the product she wanted). We don't fucking know Nacho's IRL situation if she was really busy at the time, it's all just speculation and weak rrats. Gura also has managers and Hololive staffs to help with communication behind the scenes, we don't know if Kana does. The problem with this thread is it's all just salty headcanon and ignoring other factors. Hell, even if Kana really isn't her favorite daughter so what? She's not obligated to be. Nacho STILL drew that piece for Kana months ago and STILL has her name right under hers on Twitter. Kana also admitted her way of dealing with this is "evil" in her own words when she tried antics during one of Nacho's streams. You're all crying and bitching over nothing.

>> No.6218306

Amashiro is a huge numbersfag and only wants herself known as the artist that is responsible for #1 vTuber.

>> No.6218386

When did she say that?

>> No.6218524

Source: my ass

>> No.6218699

We're going full UUUUUUOOOOOOOHHH, i don't give a damn about all this drama now.

>> No.6219178

Kana's kind of a bitch so I'm not surprised in the slightest her mama hates her. I remember she was extremely rude and hard to work in the past.

>> No.6219452

This is 100% Kana's fault without a doubt.

She's trying to make a public sob-story out of this even though the business side of papa/mama relationships is best handled privately. She probably demanded Nacho to give her Gura-levels of attention since she's her first vtuber, and gave unreasonable demands despite being an indie. There's more to this story that she's not telling us.

>> No.6219789

Kana is such a fucking spoiled brat. No one is obligated to work with you 24/7, especially not an artist who's trying their hardest to jump-start their own career. Badmouthing Amashiro like this behind her back is so unprofessional. If I was Henreader I would bail the fuck out of this contract immediately because Kana is clearly a terrible person to work with.

Fuck this leech fox

>> No.6219861

Who cares, Amashiro is garbage.

>> No.6219874
File: 1.82 MB, 600x338, whaddafak[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fom57d7.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I've been in this situation before as a freelancer. You start work with your first client and give them special rates and attention because they are your first client. Then you move on, start making a name for yourself and get much better offers. Meanwhile, your original client still hasn't moved on, and wants to keep using your services at the original rates. It's pretty hard to say no since you have a special working relationship with said client, as you wouldn't have gotten where you are without using them as a stepping stone. And you also feel bad about charging them 4x what they were originally paying you. It's easier just to ghost them and hope they go away.

>> No.6219880

All of them

>> No.6219965

What did you guys expect from a mentally ill NEET who has daddy issues? She literally leeches shelter off of her father then complains about him on-stream. She's ungrateful as fuck and thinks everyone owes the world to her.

>> No.6219979

>it's what Cover did to Mizu

You mean the same Mizu that already signed a contract and then demanded more money once he realized that the project was going to be massively more profitable than he anticipated?

>> No.6220002

You pulled this out of your ass.

>> No.6220028

Huh? She’s a sweetheart, only gets angry sometimes when people bother her repeatedly.

>> No.6220056
File: 567 KB, 3500x1428, 8y21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know she hired henreader just to touch up her current model but honestly I think she should completely replace it in his style. Henreader is simply a far better artists than nacho

>> No.6220098

He is completely replacing it.

>> No.6224233

Fuck no. His loli stuff while well executed looks absolutely bland and featureless. If what anon posted is true hes not doing it in this style which looks much better.

>> No.6224321

Well what loli artist should she get? One that does open I hope.

>> No.6225189

All of her works have been largely based on references.

>> No.6225374

I dont think you understand what "leaching" even means.

>> No.6225417

If Naco wasnt a Holo-mama, you wouldnt be saying that.

>> No.6225444

He banned Kana's irl friends because he didnt like them.

>> No.6225551

>Nacho STILL drew that piece for Kana months ago and STILL has her name right under hers on Twitter.
Actually Nacho didnt have Kana's name there until Luto showed up. She only had Gura there.

>> No.6225582

Source: my ass

>> No.6226214

Honestly I don’t even want Luto to collab with Kana anymore. She’s always kind of rubbed me the wrong way with her intensive parasocial tendencies, but I still wanted to give her a chance. But now this is going too far. Nacho is not obligated to do anything outside of her contract. Luto dodged a bullet

>> No.6226704

>intensive parasocial tendencies

>> No.6226820

why are you responding you goddamn retard

>> No.6226859

This whole thread is retarded, it's not like it makes a difference

>> No.6226886

that's why you let it die

>> No.6226903


>> No.6226964

cope and dilate holotranny

>> No.6228718

Kana doesnt want to collab with Luto anyway, so yeah fuck off.

>> No.6229884
File: 55 KB, 397x610, 1625140378375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The alternative reason is that Hololive or Gura told Amashiro to do it

>> No.6230160

As a chumbud who is always annoyed at the Kana beggars on this board, this is the first time I've given her a chance. I am aroused.
Tell me, is she as wholesome as Gura or does she swear this often?

>> No.6230197

She's not wholesome but tries not to swear mostly if you care about that...

>> No.6230375


>> No.6230429

This here.

>> No.6230496

She doesnt swear often but she's not always wholesome.

>> No.6230539

I doubt this is what happened because Kana didnt even get a response in order to negotiate prices.

>> No.6230641
File: 2.57 MB, 1648x2916, NabiNacho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the better mama?

>> No.6230964

i guess she was nacho mama, kana

>> No.6231099

ACKSHULLY she put her on there after she left Tsunderia and went indie

>> No.6231533

idk but I like her lack of filter
