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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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62071681 No.62071681 [Reply] [Original]

>see a massive amount of screeching holobronies making anti-nijisanji threads
>check google
Ahhh, yup, so that's the reason.
Nijisanji winning again.

>> No.62071731

Oh nyo, the numberinos

>> No.62071742

This is a numbersthread

>> No.62071774

Anon there's no doubt that Nijisanji does well from the perspective of business. But the way they treat their talents is utterly abysmal. Sweatshops make money too.

>> No.62071807

imagine if they got rid of nijiEN, Anycolor stock would go through the roof

>> No.62071824

Based nijichadnji mogging holotrannies

>> No.62071841

>they don't make money even Holostars make more than them lmao!
>uhhhhh....actually yes they do make money but they treat their talents like shit!

>> No.62071840
File: 85 KB, 888x748, peko peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 holo makes more money than all ninji

>> No.62071862

Based Nijisanji mogging not just Hololive but also their own livers

>> No.62071866

Of course their CN shareholders are happy when the company takes 98% cut from their talents

>> No.62071994
File: 27 KB, 713x393, 11f7ed8a4c37b33747e630135ee4d05aa4a45be9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee, I wonder why OP specifically compared the stock prices to last month. Let me che...oh of course.

>> No.62072037

get a vasectomy

>> No.62072062

OP just got fucking destroyed

>> No.62072159

OH NO NO NO NO NO, op got btfo and refuse to reply anymore.

>> No.62072160

>blaming holos out of knowhere again because of their oshi, talents/black company failing.
ahh yes, rent free yet again.

this, and also the fact that the merches/collabs are only 2% given to the talent

not sure why op is acting smug here when his oshi is literally having a hard time in their company.
But you do you I guess.

>> No.62072328
File: 37 KB, 1018x142, 1670158102115656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also the fact that the merches/collabs are only 2% given to the talent
something that can't ever be proven?
>But..... kuzuha tweet from 2019
you mean the jewelry collab where they were selling 10K white gold rings.
Both had the same margins.

>> No.62072396

Hey bitch, you skipped a post, stop squirming

>> No.62072403

probably because he was trying to explain recent holobrony behavior
read the OP again

>> No.62072405

>they bought the dip

>> No.62072421

what headcanon is this

>> No.62072458
File: 2 KB, 187x36, 1670754475544268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I can do that one also dumbass high stock time during the 180 day lockout period for original VCs where they couldn't sell the stock.
It's pretty funny when people want to try and talk about things they know nothing about.
Anycolor original stock value was 750 yen its 5x that currently.

>> No.62072496
File: 291 KB, 438x683, BatVtuber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Nyo

>> No.62072538

>It's pretty funny when people want to try and talk about things they know nothing about
Yeah, agreed. You got assblasted lil bro, better luck next thread

>> No.62072573

wants to compare a YoY when cover's stock started in march.

>> No.62072578

Cope holodrones

>> No.62072695
File: 60 KB, 865x519, 1668879166357123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cover's stock has never come close and started lower, monkey's look at % and jump around when both company's were valued at the same price.

>> No.62072728

Who cares about talents. Your oshi is the company itself

>> No.62072763

OP mogged yet again
How does he keep embarrassing himself like this?

>> No.62072827

>his oshi are the stocks
Yep, its a nijifag thread

>> No.62072844

once again a % doesn't mean anything when the opening prices weren't the same.
Cover:1,349 Yen
Anycolor:3,255 Yen

>> No.62072873

Of course nijsanji, the company, makes money. They literally take 99% from their chuubas lmao

>> No.62072917
File: 40 KB, 440x113, kazakhstan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are confusing goods sold with financialization of the company/stock price which are two separate metrics.

The stock price doesn't rely on 'making money' but 'creating value for shareholders'. In the case of Elon Musk, it even relies on creating hype for le mars missions. Cover is stronger from the perspective of fundamental economics- it has happier workers, a strong longterm growth strategy with few problems and no one is badmouthing it on the internet because 10 of their 20 oshis have graduated. But Anycolor is more attractive from an investment standpoint precisely because it is a horrible place to work for, because it means the company can create value for shareholders by number going up. Perhaps they will even offer dividends soon.

The longer term is that kurosanji will probably drag cover down with it as investors gain control of the company and force yagoo out. This will signal the longterm decline of the company as younger, superior companies like Vspo and JIDF take their place. This is largely because the nijisanji audience is populated by women and women only make bad decisions.

This only ends when women have their tongue scut off and are in chains. Not "no rights but being a wife" but "no rights at all, you are not a person but a slave". Because women when given freedom do not use that to do good things but ruin everything they touch- like King Midas, but Queen Prymni turned the entire island of Crete to SHIT.

>> No.62073011

>like Vspo
It's under Brave Group retard, these guys are blacker than Anycolor

>> No.62073075

>we've reached the point to where people post stock market values numberinos

>> No.62073236

Okay, now post Cover's original stock value you little bitch

>> No.62073333

I already did
covers opening was twice the value of it
what don't you understand
both companies had a 750 yen per stock

>> No.62073373

Nijichangjis have made it clear that their oshis are RIku and the stocks for a year now
Where have you been?

>> No.62073453

>both companies had a 750 yen per stock
Source:your schizo ass
As anyone can see, >>62072695 Cover is 90% up from their original value while Any color is only 13% up

>> No.62073495

Number posting outside of /#/ should be banned

>> No.62073555
File: 42 KB, 1010x154, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iron law of woke projection really fits with nijiniggers.

>> No.62073614

are you fucking retarded?
do you not know what "VALUED"means jesus.
Okay little anon time to teach you.
so when you go and make rounds for investors you show them your financials both anycolor and cover sold stocks before opening at 750 yen a stock.
Anycolor had a stipulation of they couldn't sell till after 180 days.
Cover had one that said the same thing, but with a added clause that if the stock went up double the amount of the original investment they could sell which happened day one.

>> No.62073774

>In the case of Elon Musk, it even relies on creating hype for le mars missions.
spacex is a private company

>> No.62073861

I don't speak numbers, can anyone who's not a schizo from either side explain to me what's the deal

>> No.62073919

Don't forget to wash your favorite CEO cum out off your mouth numberfags

>> No.62073991

Nothing, both Hololive and Nijisanji are still way more valued than they ever were from original VC investment.
both have a market cap of 1 billion+ USD.

>> No.62074082

We did it Riku-sama! Let me suck your dick in celebration!

>> No.62074189

you could tell who are the holodrones ITT KEK

>> No.62074210

Aren't stock prices basically imaginary

>> No.62074259

Wrong. Saying this is like saying the inflated housing market is imaginary, or the value of cryptocurrencies is imaginary, or the strength of the dollar is imaginary, or the banking system is imaginary, or the value of gold is imaginary, or the God is imaginary.

>> No.62074291

Don't look!

>> No.62074318

All true.

>> No.62074319

Yes they already made the money they wanted.
It's why they could release good financial numbers and the stock could go down 15%.

>> No.62074324

it's speculation yes
stock market is all rrats

>> No.62074331

> cover has the smaller number
what does this prove

>> No.62074332

I agree with half of that so you're going to have to elaborate

>> No.62074368

Yes, anon. Nijisanji, the company makes money, not the chuubas themselves.

>> No.62074402

>as investors gain control of the company and force yagoo out
I don't think you understand how stocks works.

>> No.62074407

This proves that Nijisisters only care about the company itself. Checks out.

>> No.62074556

Employee salaries are considered costs, so less money given to the talents = higher profits for the company

>> No.62074738

ooof is OP okay?
can someone do a wellness check?

>> No.62074804

How does Hololive get bigger numbers yet their stocks are crap. Do they bot o what

>> No.62074893

Dishonest. Cover stock release was less than a year ago, +80% means they started off at 1k at release

>> No.62075047

>How does he keep embarrassing himself like this?
Nijiniggers have a humiliation fetish, it's the only explanation.

>> No.62075468

>didnt even recover that start
wow what a big win
