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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61307136 No.61307136 [Reply] [Original]

>Be a couch potato with a cushy job, work only on weekends, regularly miss work because you go to bed at noon or make yourself sick through a self-inflicted health condition you refuse to see a doctor for, let your career become a shadow of its former self
>Her message: Improve yourself

>Make a living exclusively drawing pinups for an industry propped up by wealthy coomers, draw nothing else, roleplay as one of these pinups yourself within the comforts of complete anonymity, have thousands of people watch your content, engage with you, and draw art of you because you have a sexy avatar
>Her message: Don't sexualize my character

>Be a mid-tier streamer with unremarkable content, who nevertheless finds an audience and gains popularity because people find you cute, get attached to you, and develop a bond with you which will keep them watching your content even if it may not be the best
>Her message: We are not and will never be friends

>> No.61307195

Based, but what about Gura?

>> No.61307230

>nijiEN wave announced
>catalog is full of holoEN seethe threads
I don't get it.

>> No.61307243

Her message:

>> No.61307303

Squeeb yourself

>> No.61307399

Why are you defending a complete stranger, anon?

>> No.61307470

Ina doesn't exclusively draw sexy art, and her model isn't inherently sexual.
also, it's reasonable to want fanart of your model to at least be accurate to your model.

>> No.61307593


>> No.61307786

Why would anyone truly respect or care about what a bunch of paypigs want? Some will always stick anyway.

>> No.61307956 [DELETED] 

Do everybody in Myth and hope.

>> No.61307995

Do everyone in Myth and promise

>> No.61308169

It feels like an all out war out there

>> No.61308253

Kill yourself OP

>> No.61308288

>We are not and will never be friends
I always found it hilarious how antis latched onto this yab when "Cool it!" already happened and was said with more frustration.

>> No.61308341


>> No.61308425

autoimmune conditions are not self-inflicted, bro.

>> No.61308437

>Fauna: "Cool it!" (said with frustration)

>> No.61308500

>get sick when eating bread
>don't get sick when not eating bread
>keep eating bread and getting sick
>Ame: "There is nothing more that can be done, by me or anyone else on Earth. This is my life now."

>> No.61308551

>chat being lame
>streamer says hey stop doing that

>> No.61308935

Wasn't Ina's thing the comment she said during Mori's collab?

>> No.61309053

why are >they like this

>> No.61309063

>Her message: Don't sexualize my character
Anon you know that coomers send extremely sexual messages that would concern most people. Hololive talents don't get any input on their models or default outfits so Ina got stuck with a design that would typically be used by a lewd vtuber. How can you accuse a vtuber of hypocrisy when Cover is the one at fault?

>> No.61309109

well, that one wasn't followed by a pseud ramble full of obvious statements that arguably insult the audience's intelligence, so that's not a surprise.

>> No.61309129

/vt/ found out where he lives and where he works. It’s only a matter of time before his life is utterly ruined so might as well go all out while he can.

>> No.61309144

>insult the audience's intelligence

>> No.61309242

not that she hasn't done that, but what really sucks is that you also get sick from stuff that's merely contaminated with bread, not just from bread itself.

>> No.61309393

If she said that, it's a bit more understandable.
Doesn't she like... straight up eat bread and bread products, though?

>> No.61310335

>two months on hrt

>> No.61310488

Looks like OP isn't grown-up enough to improve himself.

>> No.61310526

They know the new wave will be another failure so they need to fill the catalog with seethe threads to deflect.

>> No.61310630

I will never understand why people are mad that Ame and Fauna don’t want to lie to their audience.

>> No.61310667

Because they enjoy the lies

>> No.61310719
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TTTflop deflection post

>> No.61310879

That isn’t healthy though. It’s like a drug addict getting mad when people say drugs are bad.

>> No.61311070

...so like every single drug addict in the world?

>> No.61311114

Self aware drug addicts exist.

>> No.61311358

>be thin
>go to fast food place to get a burger
>decor is plastered with images of naked morbidly obese people, fat rolls, liposuction, COPD, greasy clogged arteries
>no longer feel hungry

>> No.61311359

Anon this a hobby where lonely men throw money at women pretend to be cutesy for money. Its a stupid sad hobby top to bottom.

>> No.61311502

The people that are mad are extremely mentally ill. Thankfully these events act as a filter, which should mean that all those mentally ill people now have fucked off and will be mentally ill somewhere else.

>> No.61311513

Yep. Now you understand

>> No.61311674

Yeah we know but ultimately it's like screaming that someone as gross as Assmongoloid is worth 10 million dollars or that Pewdiepie and Notch could buy your mom and become your new dad. In the end it's not worth worrying about, it's just a factor of the modern economy's decline.

>> No.61312137

she doesn't work but also doesn't shit talk her fans

>> No.61312913

Because they work for a Japanese idol company who's main purpose is to package and sell these lies in order to exploit lonely men out of their money. Most viewers understand the truth but it doesn't mean they want to hear it directly while watching.

>> No.61313437

Become a gacha fan instead, you can spend thousands on PNGs with zero stigma and they won't talk back

>> No.61313453

But Yagoo came out a long time ago and said Hololive is not an idol agency

>> No.61313728

The world is unfair sis. This is a fact even kids know.

>> No.61313820

>>Her message: Don't sexualize my character
retard bait OP but I'll bite because other retards might actually take this at face value.
Ina had exactly two """""incidents""""" that are being misconstrued to reach this conclusion.
The first was the Ina's Back meme that saw massive popularity. Her issue with it wasn't that people were drawing her back and giant ass, but that people were talking about it in other peoples chats and was concerned it woulda nnoy her colleagues. It's the standard hololive-wide rule to not bring up other vtubers unprompted.
The second was the "4th wah" where Ina simply asked that people not post NSFW or explicit art in her SFW art tag, a completely reasonable request.

In short OP is a faggot dramabaiter who doesn't watch streams, as usual.

>> No.61313870
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>Be a mid-tier streamer with unremarkable content

>> No.61313946

>food analogy

>> No.61314063

NTA but I literally tuned in to her streams randomly a few times this year and saw her lecturing her chat at least HALF those times, I didn't stay more than 15 minutes too.
So either I was the unluckiest watcher on earth or this is a more common occurrence than you claim.

>> No.61315482
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>> No.61316811

Who thinks a streamer could be their friend? You can't be so fragile that being reminded of the reality of vtubers once in a blue moon makes you seethe and cry.

>> No.61317516

nooooooooooo not le heckin baserino vtuber!!!

>> No.61318834

>NOOoo why are you giving her views! She said she's not your friend!

>> No.61321752

Fauna is a great streamer. She has some of the best wit and chat interaction in EN who constantly produces memes and running jokes with her community. She's also a very interesting person with deep knowledge of internet culture but also has many hobbies outside that keeps her commentary varied. But you wouldn't know because you're just a thread reader.

>> No.61321791

>make hundreds of thousands of dollars
>complain about being poor

>> No.61322308

>She has some of the best wit and chat interaction in EN who constantly produces memes and running jokes with her community. She's also a very interesting person with deep knowledge of internet culture but also has many hobbies outside that keeps her commentary varied.
I occasionally watch Fauna and none of that comes across.

>> No.61322885

Fuck you op, but thanks for summarizing this thread's constant hate boner for these 3

>> No.61323751

>Ame, Improve yourself
Honestly it was funny when she said it, but I'm more annoyed at how much she blames everyone but herself. It's become her brand to be a salty gamer, which is something that popular streamers are known for like Tyler1 and xQc, but it's just not as funny when Ame does it.

>Ina: "Don't sexualize my character"
One of the many incredible things about /vt/ is that even after something has been explained multiple times, ESL (usually SEA) fail to comprehend or just want to shit up the catalog. The only thing she has said on this subject is that if you are going to sexualize her character she does not want to see it, as in don't fucking use her tags. That's why there is an unofficial ecchi art tag for her on twitter: #4thwah

>Fauna: "We are not and will never be friends"
This was basically the mental illness test. People who were upset at this were either convinced they were actually friends with Fauna (when Fauna knows almost nothing about each individual fan compared to how much her fans know about her) or just wanted to shit up the catalog. And the only reason why she went out of her way to say this was because she responded to a bait SC that said: ""For me to call a man my friend, he must be equal to me in all respects"-Griffith. Do you agree with this quote, do hierarchies define friendships, could you befriend a sapling or are they just simps." This little bitch is an example of someone with borderline personality disorder with his white or black reasoning. You are either a friend or a simp. I'm assuming that he's claiming this because you if you are a fan of a female you are actually just a simp, but with that same logic you can't be friends with a female you are only interested in fucking her (so if she is already dating someone you are either a cuck or waiting for your chance). Fauna should have never entertained the SC, but her response made me realize she is one of the few vtubers that don't have mental illness.

>> No.61324244
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It's literally impossible to not escape the redpill. Even with vtubers. The woman-brain is universal.

>> No.61324307
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*impossible to escape

>> No.61324565

exactly, it's so obvious as to be unnecessary.

>> No.61324597

No, she was drawing a not LOZ artpiece and was doing the sketch and someone pointed out the way the trees were done it looked like the small of her back. Ina then made a comment about how not everything has to be sexual and drug it out for a bit too long. It was an innocent comment that a greynig was cruxified for.

>> No.61324699

she may not be mentally ill, but the fact that she thought she should say it suggests she's not that smart, either.

>> No.61324807

Exploit isn't the right word, everyone knows what's up. Lonely men get fake emotional attention and yhe girls get money, is not like if your average chuuba viewer stop watching they will get a gf.

>> No.61324849

A lot of vtubers say unnecessary things every stream. If something unnecessary is said you tend to ignore it unless it actually strikes a nerve, and at that point you either needed to hear it, or it wasn't that obvious to you because it caused a strong enough reaction to seethe about for months.

>> No.61324909

Nah, I think it shows she is highly intelligent.

>> No.61325244

OP has discovered a society where money is derived from buying and selling things rather than laboring and building is one in which people who are good atbullshitting other people out-earn people who 'work really hard' and protestant work ethic is a sad meme for suckers.

>> No.61325276

lol not a redpill but that's pretty funny.

>> No.61326081

>make meaningless progress on your tree in a dead minecraft server
>hey do you guys remember that cursed meme from reddit 8 years ago
>I want to be real with you guys but I will NEVER use my real voice

>> No.61326290

>I want to be real with you guys but I will NEVER use my real voice
>*stubs toe*
>ow FUCK!

>> No.61327106

God I wish more vtubers were this cute, funny, and kept up the kayfabe for this long

>> No.61328363

Ina was furious with coomers for making boob jokes while she was drawing Kronii. When she asked viewers to tone down the fan art because she wanted to keep her art tag suitable for children. Her comment about revealing outfits that she made before Cover gave her that 3 month radio silent "health" break. The time she was asked by chat whether she would release a sexy daki and laughed before saying that will never happen. The 10 minute lecture where she told viewers that she isn't a lewd vtuber and the back meme doesn't represent her content. She clearly doesn't want to play the role of a sexy waifu.

>> No.61328484
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>She clearly doesn't want to play the role of a sexy waifu.
And her opinion on this matters because..........?

>> No.61329645

On your second point and third to a lesser extent I'll fully tell you that it's not that they don't understand it's that it's easier to make a strawman out of it when you leave out the context.
You also have /#/s who purposely schizo out about rrats because someone they don't like is doing better than someone they do like which is why fauna attracted so many schizos in that thread.

The world really would be better if we banned that thread in particular

>> No.61332490

You know the word “audience” typically equates to more than just one person right? Of course what she said can be insulting to those that already understand, but there are definitely those amongst the thousands that don’t see the obvious. The thing is that she, along with many streamers who’s audience grows pass a certain threshold, can’t feasibly search for every single last low IQ fan and privately say this to each of them. I think her only mistake was not putting enough emphasis on who she was and was not directing this towards.

>> No.61332909

u wanna suk fuk bladeline? morpheus awoon one nega deez

>> No.61333125

No one cares outfitschizo. Go back to /wah/

>> No.61333478

the difference here is that the person lecturing you about drugs being bad is your dealer

>> No.61333613

i like this post

>> No.61334500

>Fauna should have never entertained the SC
It's probably something that was on her mind anyway. She explained it all, how she felt about becoming friends with YouTubers, about importance of real friends, and so on. Some of that was her fear of creating fanbase who is too parasocial (especially after Kronii fiasco that happened around the same time I believe), some of that was actual concern for her fans. The only person she hated at that time was herself, and by telling her fans that they should aim for real friends, or get closer with their family, she told them that they deserve more than herself. Some people got mad over that because they prefer lies and just being told they are friends, and I'm their anger rejected Fauna when she was the most open and showing her vulnerability - one that only a friend wouldn't hide from you. Ironic, really.

>> No.61334739

picrel is them mocking my small penis

>> No.61334992

actually its that fate artists fault for having good taste

>> No.61336602


>> No.61338627

>And her opinion on this matters because..........?
Management seems to agree with that since they put a far higher priority on getting coomer money. After what they did with Aventure Holic they don't have any issue sexualizing the JP talents even when it pisses them off. There is no question how little they would care about foreigners and that would be a simple explanation for why the EN branch has so many problems if employee morale is constantly in the sewer.

>> No.61339226

"hurr durr the trees look like ur back!"
She was right to call him out, that's a dumb comment to keep to yourself.

>> No.61339326

You're right, she should have ignored the SC. Anyone trying to be clever by using a quote from someone should be ignored no matter what the amount of their donation was.

>> No.61340416

you just hiding the fact that the Ina's back meme had been spammed to hell and back at this point, and all she said really was that she didn't want her streams getting derailed by uoooogh ina's back memes

>> No.61340420

I like CGDCT, not GFE

>> No.61340975

kek underrated post

>> No.61342471


If only the perfect were allowed to criticize, then there’d be no criticism. & “Improve yourself” is applicable to many different things. Don’t know how aware she is about the fans that feel entitlement for reasons that AREN’T overly-parasocial (eg fans of CGDCT, highly self-aware GFE fans, etc). But I‘m fairly certain that she was criticizing particular fans of hers whose over-parasocialness was causing their issues with the mixed collabs; so she was telling them to “improve yourself” in that regard. Can you find an example of any overly-parasocial behaviors from Ame? And no, parasocial ≠ overly-parasocial. If you can’t, then it’s not about her definitely being a hypocrite for also being overly-parasocial, it’s about her only technically being a hypocrite because of her struggles with improvement.

Do you not see the difference between Risqué & Borderline Hardcore Porn nor the spectrum surrounding them? What about between Appreciating the Physique & Lusting? Because she obviously does since she’s able to make pinups, while also have boundaries about posts with portrayals of what’s essentially her Alter Ego. Can you find an example of her either being legitimately thirsty or her not apologizing for making artwork of someone’s model that made the person uncomfortable? If not then she’s just sensitive about her Alter Ego.

Bonds aren’t limited to romance, lust, and friendship. She definitely could’ve went about it better. Like having a clear disclaimer about who she is and is not directing this towards. And could’ve gone into more detail about the value of the relationship she & her community have with each other and how it’s not nothing, rather than only really detailing its limits. But this doesn’t make her a hypocrite.

>> No.61342805

Whores. All women are whores.

>> No.61342842

Didn't Ina just say there's a time and place for that
And Fauna and Ame's things are them trying to get rid of the creeps. If women telling you to fuck off triggers you that much maybe you should find a new hobby or something dude

>> No.61343046

Keep seething anon. Fuana will never be your friend. Unlike me, who she does nightly asmr and nursing hj's for.

>> No.61343098

It's astonishing how Fauna antis cling to that one moment where she blew out this annoying faggot schizo who has a history of harassing all of the girls. Though I know the trash spreading this don't care about specifics or even logic and just want fuel to spam.

>> No.61343106

>after Kronii fiasco that happened around the same time I believe
Actually this was right after the off-collab with Kronii. Fauna said Kronii "gave her a reality check", so people were immediately wary of Kronii being a poor influence.

>> No.61343153

>trying to get rid of the creeps
No, Fauna's intentions were not to filter anyone. She just wants people to not neglect their real-life friends because of vtubers/streamers. It's a naive take, but not an unreasonable or unfriendly one.

She's squeaky-clean otherwise, so it's all they have to go on.

>> No.61343178

This. Name one reason to unironically watch a female outside of GFE. You can't. These women demand too much.

>> No.61343223

Holofag false flagging Niji seeth

>> No.61343351

>s-she totally did it to btfo that one creep haha! she even knew about his past!
embarrassing post

>> No.61343454


>> No.61343463

>she blew out this annoying faggot schizo who has a history of harassing all of the girls.
That's a bad thing because that guy represented what we're actually all thinking. Remember, vtubers are only good for GFE, to simulate the experience of having a wife and possibly raising a family together. Actual "entertainment" is nowhere to be seen, so purity and innocence is of the utmost importance.

>> No.61343683

Fauna's "yab" was so weak that I was more concerned when she talked about going to frat parties.

>> No.61343715

>frat parties
Unicorns on suicide watch

>> No.61343773

All 3 of them because she never developer that kind of fanbase.

>> No.61343790

>Whores. All women are whores.
who hurt you anon?
or are you just easily influenced?

>> No.61343826

Go up to your local meth addict and start explaining how meth is bad dfor your health.

>> No.61343889

>vtubers are only good for GFE
speak for yourself,
I find them entertaining to listen to

>> No.61344280

if you went to watch WWE and the wrestlers weren't even pretending that it's real what'd be the point of the whole thing?

>> No.61344383

Clearly, to see sweaty men touch each other you fag

>> No.61344495

How can you be this fucking stupid? She pushes the meme again and again and got tons of engagement from it and then decided she's above it and insulted her fans, it's entitled cunt behavior in every single circumstance.
>boohoo my model is sexualized

>> No.61344558

based and true
fauna is the best pure youtuber/lets player of en

>> No.61344567
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>don't sexualize my model
>has an NSFW art tag
you retards didn't think this through

>> No.61344766


>> No.61344822
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>> No.61345108

She knows people are going to do it no matter what she says, so she gives a separate tag so that she never has to see it. She still hates it and prefers it didn't exist.

>> No.61345194

Chinless manlet stubby hands wrote this

>> No.61345500

Funny how you are baffled by the threadreader level of catalog faggotry for Ina and Fauna but just go along and completely spew out the exact same thing you are baffled by for Ame. Literally nothing there is even remotely beyond bullshit spewed catalogfaggotry. You are quite literally the mentally ill you are talking about

>> No.61345768


>> No.61345827

She doesn't even acknowledge their existence, that's honestly worse than getting shittalked

>> No.61346114

Her real voice is more straining on her throat than the "new" voice.

>> No.61346316

This gen might very well break the records for biggest flop of all time.

>> No.61346348


>> No.61346372


>> No.61347619

>vtubers are only good for GFE
I almost feel bad for you.

>> No.61347686

Fauna told chat to cool it with the anti-semitic remarks

>> No.61348010

The whole point of vtubers is to be your surrogate friend/girlfriend, if one is telling you to find a real one they're essentially telling you to stop watching them. I thought Fauna was smart but if she can't see the contradiction here then she's pretty dumb, or as usual it's woman think that men are super nice to you just because they value what you're saying and not because they are semi in love with you.

>> No.61348046

If I want to be entertained I'll watch a male flesh streamer.
Women in general are bad at entertainment (case in point name a female comedian that isn't Kathy Griffin).
And the only male vtubers that entertained me were Fulgur and Flayon, even then the nature of vtubing (GFE/BFE being the #1 draw) means they have to pander to females which ruins my entertainment.

>> No.61348063

No one would be watching them if they were men

>> No.61348108

this is demonstrably true with holostars

>> No.61348170

This. If a guy was doing the things they do literally no one would watch them. They are not good at games, they don't have well developed understanding of the world and they are not that funny. Men watch them because they want female attention, them thinking they are doing more than that is exactly the same as a porn actress thinking she is an artist and shaming her fans for being coomers.

>> No.61348205
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>The whole point of vtubers is to be your surrogate friend/girlfriend
If that's your only reason then it's pretty sad. You sound like schizo in the making, 70% there.

>> No.61348261
File: 19 KB, 400x300, 1444013996-8ed6f9a2a4aa23e73fe622028ccaa55b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are my precious saplings and I will do my best to entertain them and I am of course grateful for all their attention and support
>But I can not call them a friend, they are not on my level and never will be

>> No.61348280

>be a fan of godlike Hololive
>all out war

>> No.61348283

That's everyone's reason. Do you have a girlfriend who you are completely satisfied with and love, yet still watch and financially support vtubers? Idols grew out of the incel mecca of Japan, where men have decades ago dropped irl romantic relationships for simulations of them.

>> No.61348408

Fauna could have just said "please don't stalk me, the interaction we have should be limited to the approved channels" instead of blowing up her Kayfabe. Fauna you're not a good person for preying on the loneliness of men so don't try to justify yourself.

>> No.61348444

This is why she isn't friends with you

>> No.61348450

>wahhhhh Hololive is... waaaaaa
Cry more fag, your oshi is shit and will never be successful because their fans are a bunch of faggots like you that spend their time crying about Hololive in the Holoboard.

>> No.61348530

Fauna and other women aren't friends with me because I'm not an attractive man that raises their status

>> No.61348712

>They are not good at games, they don't have well developed understanding of the world and they are not that funny.
you just described majority of top male streamers, my guy
streamers in general get by on being personable/relatable, goofy and ,most importantly, AROUND

>> No.61348727

improve yourself then, maybe sexualise her character for good measure

>> No.61348805

I dropped ame for doing homocollabs. I don't really care how parasocial they are, I just like watching cute girls and Fauna is just that

>> No.61348822

Even a retard like Hassan would absolutely destroy Fauna in a discussion on anything

>> No.61348854

well obviously, Fauna actually considers fact-checking her points sometimes

>> No.61348902

No, I watch vtubers instead, if I was doing that I would not watch vtubers. If you are about self improvement you would not be watching vtubers, so why is a vtuber telling me to self improoove?

>> No.61349274

I don't have anyone, and yet I don't watch vtubers for GFE either. It's just entertainment, and especially with big corpo like Hololive you have collabs, concerts, events, it's like watching anime, except you can pick your main character. But maybe that's because I'm more of a loner than lonely.

>> No.61349371

So when dipshit monkeys start acting up in her chat despite all this, it's within her rights as the person running the stream to tell them to shut up

>> No.61349405

Why do they always have stupid names
>Claude Clawmark
Sounds like a cartoon villain

>> No.61349929

Because that's 80% of your income

>> No.61351876

then you wouldnt mind watching holostars, correct? if you mind then you're just lying to yourself. "Wanting a female companion" is the name of the business. Thats why most customers are lonely and mentally ill men. That would mean you're the one invading the hobby catered to them. Who are you anyway to reshape their coping mechanism? A new gen messiah?

>> No.61352046

ina schizos are an amazing breed
probably the most inoffensive vtuber out there and they're still throwing up mad seethe /here/ day in and day out

>> No.61352267

That's the problem. I prefer borderline schizos like Kronii that I can have an unstable GFE relationship with, experience heartbreak, and then have us kiss and make up after about a month or so of arguing and ignoring each other.

>> No.61352847

>subjective opinion
>bad faith interpretation

>subjective opinion
>bad faith interpretation

>subjective opinion
>bad faith interpretation

*clap clap* NEXT THREAD!

>> No.61353416

>She pushes the meme again and again and got tons of engagement from it and then decided she's above it
Management pushes the Ina back meme since it brings in the money and their are two separate forces making decisions on her channel. Hololive talents are corpo vtubers and that is different than indie vtubers so your standard for judging her is based on a false premise.

>> No.61356124

If they are as enjoyable as Vinny/Jerma/NL/Charlie/MrLlama, sure. But they aren't.

>> No.61357567

and you think the girls are entertaining without their female charms? Which part then? Explain to me like Im a kid.

>> No.61358843

They're just fine.

>> No.61359116

unironically mucho texto. this thread is now set to hidden.
