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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61119919 No.61119919 [Reply] [Original]

>Suisei teaching her audience how to ignore everything and become a yesman

>> No.61120006

yes, and?

>> No.61120023

>unicorns getting riled up be an obvious anti op

>> No.61120059

Youre days late clipnigger
Learn english before you post on this website

>> No.61120072


>> No.61120073 [DELETED] 

heres matome site about this drama with her questionable things


>> No.61120147


>> No.61120305

I was wondering who the guy was but it was just the snowman band guy who promoted suisei on live tv and worn kanata's rag.
Not even good drama.

>> No.61120373

I really don't understand why anybody cares about this on the Hololive side. Suisei has never been GFE, she actively discouraged it. Gachikoing for somebody who is THAT unavailable is your fault, not hers. No idea if the Johnny's guy does BFE idol stuff or not (but I'm assuming not because he's apparently not hidden how much of a fan of Hololive and Suisei in particular he is).

>> No.61120382

>suisei antis
You'd best believe it

>> No.61120548 [DELETED] 

the guy was so upset when he got a dm from suisei and instantly quit the stream


>> No.61120666

kill yourself

>> No.61120689

Maybe because he knew even if it was an innocent message and friendly/professional relationship, schizo loser freaks on the internet with no lives who get their kicks from other peoples suffering would freak the fuck out?????

>> No.61120752

Just say you’re gay

>> No.61120783

If only we lived in a world that helped the 'freaks'
You suck as a person
Do you have any idea how much these people suffer

>> No.61120822

>learn english before posting

>> No.61120829

You really don't get idol culture, that guy carrier is over, simple as that, Suisei thinks she's above that but idols way more popular fell because of that, if a true yabe occurs she would fall too

>> No.61120879

being a grammar nazi doesnt disprove you're a mushmouthed asian ant who should be range banned off this website

>> No.61120955

no but it disproves that you aren't a faggot

>> No.61121023

you'd be right, i'm not a faggot
learn english

>> No.61121093

LMAO I just can't believe how stupid are you

>> No.61121110

She's explaining the basic concept of critical thinking and how imbeciles like you fail at it so marvellously

>> No.61121114

You are*

>> No.61121127 [DELETED] 

its a fucking fact that some male voice was on her stream and she removed the part


and after that she made an excuse like "it was a voice from a haihinkaisyu sya = a kind of garbage truck for recycled stuff" but in japan it couldnt happen since doing it at 11pm where she was streaming is illegal

shes lying anyway.

>> No.61121187

You type like that and call out others on grammar?

>> No.61121220

Yes, my english is far from perfect, but you are just plain stupid

>> No.61121241

it's an announcement warning that would dox her location, you monkey brained retard.

>> No.61121261

The voice was removed because some schizo could doxx her location

>> No.61121305

Dumbass anti schizo piece of shit freak. You are one dumb mother fucker. Stop posting forever and check yourself into a mental hospital.

>> No.61121310

I like how she has one basic job of not fucking around in the house or at the place where she streams but fails. Like we all know she is getting dicked since people are into idols but she cant even keep man away from her stream lol

>> No.61121315

I call out fuckers that call out others while typing like an ESL in the same fucking post

>> No.61121441

shameful samefagging after getting btfo'd by

>> No.61121508

Stop crying, save up money, leave your third world country and log off 4chan

>> No.61121581 [DELETED] 
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Ah yes. The vtuber cuckholds playbook holomanagement tried to hamfist into /our/ hobby this summer. I remember it. Abd i will not fall for it. Hang in there, Susi. Preferably from a rooftop by the neck.

>> No.61121686

>using iroha to anti suisei
holy newfag

>> No.61121734

>don't think about anything and believe only on what I say
That's the opposite of critical thinking

>> No.61121735


you dont even get a point. the point is that at 11pm the truck never appears.

>> No.61121772


>> No.61121776


>> No.61121778

Are you japanese?

>> No.61121816 [DELETED] 



>> No.61121825
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These people's "suffering" is a creation of their own design, from a staunch refusal to even attempt to rid themselves of their sense of entitlement and exaggerated victim complex that demands they be exclusively pandered to at every waking minute.
I have no sympathy for any of them.

>> No.61121834


>> No.61121859

See >>61120147

>> No.61121862

It wasn't from a truck, retard. Do one minute of digging before posting.

>> No.61121864

>linking back to your own post

>> No.61121881

antis got btfod so hard in the big thread they had to run away to a new one? >>61112326

>> No.61121954

And you have sympathy for women who get millionaire exploiting those guys?

>> No.61121998 [DELETED] 

This isn't /r9k/
Go fuck a lonely tranny and lose your virginity incel-kun

>> No.61122045

damn, suisei knows a lot of 4chan lingo

>> No.61122065

definitely not garbage truck lol, it was something similar to this video (it some kind of announcement that include location and could doxx her) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2G5oSk1K1k

>> No.61122110
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Why are you ESLs so obsessed with drama? Is it an escape from your shitty regular lives?

>> No.61122168

I don't give a shit about any of them, I just find funny you saying one is trash as if the other is a saint, besides I never entered on /r9k/ but your type likes to call incel any different opinion

>> No.61122261

Do you know some of the best countries in the world are ESL, right?

>> No.61122265 [DELETED] 

>oh yea btw guys the male voice was actually an announcement truck!
>at fucking 11 pm
I don't know what's worse, her rolling with this excuse or her fans eating it up

>> No.61122310 [DELETED] 

I'll take the dox ban to let the retards know they're retards.

>> No.61122341 [DELETED] 

No your opinion is an incel opinion because you think your suffering as a virgin man needs to be empathized by anyone when the only person to blame for you being a failure is yourself

>> No.61122408

No...... This cant be possible.... Fuck......

>> No.61122411

Not really. I don't really think about those ones.
I tend to have more sympathy and respect for the ones who do their best to avoid pandering to that personality and sell their content on their own merits as performers and people.
Like Suisei.

>> No.61122471

I don't suffer, I just find both sides bad, if fooling hundreds or even thousands of men for any reason is reasonable for you, you're a terrible human

>> No.61122677

>caring this much what chuuba do offstream
Captcha : G4Y4XX

>> No.61122718

I have to say I'm really bummed about this, Suisei was one of my favourite livers but after this yab I'm not sure anymore...

>> No.61122723

It's over...

>> No.61122738

Suisei is in a relationship with Miko and anything that disturbs this is the work of the devil, designed to sow nothing but discord.

>> No.61122776

No he knew Johnny's was going to fuck him in the ass, this entire thing is because of Johnny's including Suisei's response

>> No.61122820

KEKW. the best pain regardless of bait or not are self inflicted wounds. Cry and seethe more anon, im almost there.

>> No.61122827

>not caring about being played by a e-thot
Are vtuber fans just premium e-thot simps?

>> No.61122838


>> No.61122860

Weak stupid men that give away their hard earned money they got from their mom to 2D anime girls thinking they're more than just a viewer count or ephemeral fast scrolling comment deserve no sympathy

>hurr but they'd be broke
I am pretty certain if companies purged the incel following they'd survive just fine off people who consume them as mere entertainers. It worked like this in the past a long time ago, it can work now still. Instead of millionaires, they'd be slightly poorer millionaires.

>> No.61122897

It never worked like that though? Even decades ago fans already went mental for shit like the Beatles and whatnot.

>> No.61122950

>OH NO virtual woman who streams online owes me specifically everything and cant have a life
rope now

>> No.61122963

Vtubers didn't invent the concept of retards throwing money at rich people for a crumb of attention, armchair psychologist PHD

This is a concept that goes back thousands of years

>> No.61122967

Good thing what my oshi sells is not GFE so i don't care even if she does get married. All i want from her is singing and dancing on stage

>> No.61122969

I'm grabbing my bicycle to sniff her panties.

>> No.61123028

Better hurry. She's planning on moving soon.

>> No.61123032
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The sympathetic part of me understands the SEApag's desire to distract themselves from their sub third world life but that doesn't make me hate them any less.

>> No.61123047

Nice try vshojofag

>> No.61123161

I get you're falseflagging but try harder. It's pathetic to think these tubers are your significant others. That's kinda sad, genetic dead end behavior.

Now, tell me who your favorite is, so I can cuck you.

>> No.61123173

Why are you watching her instead of the thousands of others artists who do the same thing but better than her? Or are you going to say there's no one better than her?
If you watch for pure entertainment you would watch the best of the best, not an average artist

>> No.61123254

Are they adult who larp as anime girl?

>> No.61123312

Many reasons:
>quality is subjective
>seeing someone grow and improve is inspiring to watch
>it is possible to enjoy many different artists at the same time
and so on

>> No.61123357

>OH NO 60 women in their prime age and somehow none of them have boyfriend, nothing strange about that
You know full well why none of them ever announced a relationship

>> No.61123413

>why do people have different tastes from me

>> No.61123482

holy cope
I'm not even an anti

>> No.61123507

>I'm not even an anti
but you sure are retarded

>> No.61123586

Do you guys think garbage truck cums inside her?

>> No.61123744

No, but your mother is a cum dump.

>> No.61123786

Suisei is here?

>> No.61123957

It's easier to code view bots that only say agreeing statements.
