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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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60493001 No.60493001 [Reply] [Original]

What is your opinion on pickmetubers?

>> No.60493043

they're ok

>> No.60493076

I like Kirsche and OP is a fag

>> No.60493125

Seems based to me.

>> No.60493139

I pick them.

>> No.60493151

What issue do you have with that video so I know which slur to call you?

>> No.60493163

America number 1

>> No.60493193

I don't know who this is, but they're right.

>> No.60493195

A what?

>> No.60493230

yall keep saying menhera or pickme or gremlin or whatever but i go to the stream and it's just normal women

>> No.60493260

a buzzword invented by femcels and troons

>> No.60493289


>> No.60493321

Will never watch them.

>> No.60493329

The women who call other women pickmes are much more mentally ill.

>> No.60493340

>chuuba inserting polítics in entertainment
No matter the side, not interested.

>> No.60493355

Buy an ad

I only watch Hololive

>> No.60493414

I love Kiwi and their offshoot forums audience, it's great seeing politics and troons inserted into everything

>> No.60493493

You see creating content people want to see is a bad thing.

>> No.60493582

that pickme is a term used by the type of roasties that no self respecting man would want anything with.

>> No.60493677

thumbnail is not wrong tho, happened in fire emblem engage

>> No.60493795

I should've guessed OP was a fucking femoid, I guess. These breathing cumrags should've stayed out of vtubing.

>> No.60493871

I did not pick her
I did not

>> No.60493904

where do you fags come from, you know this entire hobby is about enjoying women, right

>> No.60493935

If you ever meet a man who likes a pickme they have low to zero standards and should be avoided at all costs.

>> No.60493968

>OP stretches this much to defend dubs

OP is a Crunchyroll shill.

>> No.60494014

>should've stayed out of vtubing
Based, only men should be vtubers and do BFE for my pleasure.

>> No.60494126

Holy based

>> No.60494622

A vtuber who does what their audience wants rather than doing everything possible to own the parasocial fucks

>> No.60494630

I pick them. Not you. Your shit sucks 1 view.

>> No.60494927

I know. I meant they should've stayed out of the fanbase.

>> No.60495150

They target a certain audience like any other entertainer, if you as a potential viewer are part of that niche then great, if not then better look elsewhere

>> No.60495306

This clip thumbnail actually reeks of pandering, almost seems like an anti making bait. I'm assuming the actually stream moment is more nuanced?

>> No.60495317

Any dickme chuubas besides Nyaru

>> No.60495412

You sound very stupid

>> No.60495661

Not gonna elaborate? I don't even know who this is i'm just saying the clip looks like intentional bait. How about explaining it then retard

>> No.60495722
File: 356 KB, 1328x992, ae4170284c0ecaa45d138a35519b3b0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anons keep falling in love with "based" tubers
>the pickme never believes anything they say
>they get paid by legions of simps regardless
>they become more successful and more popular
>they slowly start to abandon most of their "based and redpilled" takes
>anons start feeling betrayed
>they slowly become their biggest antis
>they find a new pickme tuber
>the cycle continues
Sooner or later, you're gonna have to learn your lesson

>> No.60495734

Shes not wrong unfortunately, its a known thing localizers tend to hate Japanese culture.

>> No.60495811

>tell me more about why I'm stupid
No, you talk like a retard and now said you were talking like a retard about something you know literally nothing about. That will do.

>> No.60495958

They're never going to learn it. The newfags aren't capable of it.

>> No.60496025

>I'm not gonna explain shit and just let the vtuber i'm defending look bad because of an attention grabbing clipper
Ok dude, whatever floats your boat. Don't say i didn't give the 2view a chance

>> No.60496134


>> No.60496680
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Localizers do great work, chuds.

>> No.60496707

this girl is annoying but I hate localizers more so whatever

>> No.60496867

Pogu Pogu Dance

>> No.60497189

A lot of the time it's just translating for a different cultural context. Anime localizations aren't for turboweebs who prefer watching with subs anyway, it's for people who don't give a shit about Japan and just want to understand what is happening without thinking too much. But that's not as clickbaity and feel-good as inserting your politics wherever you look.

>> No.60497271

I pick them.
Kirsche is a fat whore tho

>> No.60497333

You're on /vt/.

>> No.60497429

remember the chud/sjw logic:
catering to me = based
catering to someone else = evil ideology

>> No.60497525

>This mad about anime localizations
This whole thread is pathetic.

>> No.60497526

yeah I enjoy the female vtubers, not the annoying seething non vtuber females like you

>> No.60498007
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Is this any female who does something that feminist roasties don't like now?

>> No.60498186

shut the fuck up localizer apologist

>> No.60498419

I want to fuck kirsche's tits so bad.

>> No.60499026

yes, not being fat and ugly is pickme behavior.

>> No.60499059

Kirsche is fine cos she genuinely believes in the stuff she talks about, Plappa is bad because she doesn't.

>> No.60499309

They're literally the only ones I watch.

>> No.60499535

sub > dub, but also facts > feelings

>> No.60499627

Sorry to loop again, but I don't think Pippa is a deliberate grifter. I think people just made her out to be more based than she really is due to her style of humor. And even then, she's still more based than most women, especially VTubers.
But yes, she's not as hardcore as Kirsche. That's pretty plain to see. Honestly nobody is, except maybe Sawa.

>> No.60499868

I am a 29 year old man that willingly sometimes browses an internet forum dedicated to gossiping about zoomer and hag women pretending, rather badly sometimes, that they are anime women that exist in cyberspace/separate from reality.
This gossip, mind you, isn't done by other females.
Rather, it is done by men, usually 25+, that are not socially well-adjusted, are mostly autistic, have so many delusions regarding these women a new edition of the DSM could be published just on them, and usually have too much time on their hands and they spend their money injudiciously.
Is this healthy?

>> No.60499953

Whenever I see someone using the term "pickme" derrogatively to refer to a chuba I instantly pick the vtuber up

>> No.60500037

I only watch vtubers who have unconventional opinions because that's a sign they're honest and not clout chasing retards, this applies to both rightoids and woketards

>> No.60500112

It also very often implies they're fucking retarded. And because they are not anime, this doesn't mean in the good way.
Still, I can respect this. Variety is the spice of life.

>> No.60500200
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it isn't healthy but I don't think any social rejects here are pretending otherwise

>> No.60500241

Calling out localisers for ruining games isn’t pickme tho

>> No.60500280

>Vtubers but no female fans
That would make it impossible for new gens to respect their Senpai or for new vtubers to emerge.

>> No.60500401

The very same people that spend all their time gossiping here would roll their eyes at a woman knowing celebrity gossip

>> No.60500797

sex with KANEKO LUMI
I pick KANEKO LUMI to have sex with

>> No.60500816

All Vtubers are on some level pickmes

>> No.60501160

Someone having an opinion diverging from that of a liberal arts college degree major doesn't make them a "pick me", woman.

>> No.60501218


>> No.60501710

If you hate localizers just learn japanese you dimwit. Complaining 24/7 about them instead of just learning the language just shows how little invested you are in the content you are consuming.

>> No.60501804

Oh hi Mark

>> No.60502040

>femanons are now pickmeposting fucking kirche

>> No.60502122

You talk like a fag, but you're right, azehara is only tolerated because it's the kind of thing that would get posted here.

>> No.60502403

For real tho, a pickme is some one who market themselves as not the like others ones instead than for who they are.

Pippa is not a Pickme because she is just doing her thing like everyone else and happens to be not like most girls.

While the one in the OP is doing the internet equivalent of a billboard where she says "Hey, look at me! I have the minority opnion between girls!". I never whatch them cuz they often are numberfags, grifters or annoying.

>> No.60502705

>Rather, it is done by men, usually 25+, that are not socially well-adjusted, are mostly autistic
Can you not call me out like that anon?

>> No.60503197

I mean she is right. Pickmetubers are cringe. But she is right.

>> No.60503408

She is right. This shit right here is why I pirate anime and don't pay for official releases. They don't fucking respect the source. It's not only anime some localized games are worse than this shit.

>> No.60503525

Markedly higher than my opinion of those who use the term 'pickme' without a scintilla of irony.

>> No.60505501 [DELETED] 
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>pandering to the Hero Hei crowd

>> No.60505790

>turboweebs who prefer watching with subs
Actual turboweebs understand Japanese and don't need subs.

>> No.60505903

Ban appeal didn’t go through schizo creep?

>> No.60506579

how fat are we talking here?

>> No.60507392

Except the lolicon part this is on point.

>> No.60507477

only the lolicon part is on point

>> No.60507879

So it's completely on point

>> No.60508010

Loli is not related to a very young age. The concept of Loli=prepubescent child is a western bastardization.

>> No.60508064

i pick them, also ill never watch phase connect

>> No.60508334

>Pippa is not a Pickme because—
She's a /here/tuber who repeats general consensus and stirs controversy (wow so based) only to back out in the end. She is THE pickme for base level idiots.
Funny how you felt the need to defend her out of nowhere when all that guy asked for was a definition.

So you're saying she's "accidentally" grifting. If the truth doesn't sit well with you, maybe you should support a more worthy VTuber.

>> No.60508355

>cares enough about japanese culture to want the original context and meaning behind every word uttered
>doesn't care enough to actually learn japanese

>> No.60508471

>cares about eating healthy food
>doesn't grow their own
this is stupid logic. there are many different people and different ways and levels of caring

>> No.60508513
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>> No.60508598

The moment Crunchyroll stopped being a piracy site is the moment it all went downhill.

>> No.60508784

Nta but he's right, you need less than a year to start consuming japanese media like anime and manga. Also, most people who complain about localization put a lot of effort into whining and crying on Twitter, the same amount of effort that could be used in actually learning the fucking language. Also ye not learning japanese and complaining about localization is the same as having an ort and not growing a fucking thing on it, you are a lazy retard in both cases.

>> No.60508832

So basically, >>60493260 >>60493493 >>60494622 are correct.

>> No.60508947

This is garbage forced by trannies who are trying to make lolicons same thing as pedos.

>> No.60508996

Ok. None of that justifies bad localization tho. Just because you can ignore something, doesn’t mean it’s not bad. Quite the opposite, in fact.

>> No.60509046

She's correct on that one.
Localizers are shit and woke obssesed, a lot of anime and games suffer from it.

>> No.60509096

no he's not wrong. human society only operates because of division of labor. i should not be expected to do everything myself, i should be able to trade my money (instead of time) for other people's time and effort, and localizers aren't worth the money

>> No.60509212

no he's not right/no he's wrong*

>> No.60509344
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>S-she totally believes this shit! DEFINITELY nit like every other former anti-SJW e-celeb who grifted me before! This time she’s the one!

>> No.60509438

Why should I care? I consume that media in Japanese, localizers choices and their turfs with eop don't concern me in the slightest. As long as retards like this>>60509096 are too lazy and pay those fuckers they are free to do as they like, anime and manga is low level entertainment anyways so it's not like they are gonna ever hire competent translators.

>> No.60509577

i don't pay them, that's the point. their services are not required. i want translations not localizations and people who know japanese should care because they MAKE the translations rather than consume it.

>> No.60510059

>people who know japanese should care because they MAKE the translations rather than consume it.
Most of the translators don't even have N1 buddy, and even those who have more often than not don't know japanese. I used to translate Azuma manga for fun a few years ago then I realized EOPs don't deserve anything.

>> No.60510181

cool story bro but you're just one random guy why should i give a fuck about you

>> No.60510334

Pippin just blurts out whatever /vt/ wants to hear, and she's fully admitted to pandering to the /pol/tard audience, idk what you're talking about.

>> No.60510365

Ok. But again, nothing you said defends localization, or shows why it needs to exist. So why defend them? Or at least, why are you against others disliking them?

>> No.60510482
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>> No.60510654

but i saw her hand it looked normal

>> No.60510731

Why don't you guys just commission proper 1:1 Japanese translations with no localizing or word changes?
Oh wait, you expect everyone to cater to you for free

>> No.60511086

this is still all beside the point. localizers do a shit job. everything else is deflection

>> No.60511188

Yeah they do a shit job but you fucks won't support or create a market for a better job

>> No.60511339

it costs them nothing to just not add their politics

>> No.60511692

My point is both translators and EOPs are the same scum, the second ones enable with their laziness the abuses of the first. It's a vicious cycle, and complaints against them are part of this cycle, the only thing they should do is learn the fucking language, but they never will because they are too lazy and care more about arguing and shouting on Twitter than engaging with any actual Japanese form of media.
You don't need to go that far, most of those retards who complain like the whore in that clip just need to use MTL, most of the time it does a better job than any actual "translator", and they are not gonna notice the MTLism anyways since most of the times a vinne full of those is fine for an EOP as long as it doesn't bring up muh politics, but again they just want to complain and setting up a MTL would require some effort from those lardsacks.

>> No.60512376


>> No.60512423

cool imaginary people arguing and shouting on twitter but in reality you have me just arguing about it now for the first time in my life mostly to pass the time and that vtuber who turned it into content and also doesn't talk about it all the time. localizers do a shit job and that is fact, don't care about the rest of your drivel

>> No.60512697

Anon, I just wanna call bad things bad. Is it really that much of a bother for you that people like me just wanna state facts?

>> No.60513638

The vtuber in the video panders to the same "imaginary" cucks who complain 24/7 about localizers. The same shit happened with Lolicon, it's useless to have a discussion with people who refuse to understand the history and environment around a phenomenon, all the discussion around it becomes trivial and polarized to some absurd degree. "Localizers do a bad job and put politics into anime" is a correct statement but it became so asinine that most of the people who complain about localization forgot why it is this way and often overlook some other subpar aspects of those "translations". "Localizers are bad" ye retard it has been this way for years, don't you remember Tokyopop Battle royale? The only thing left to do is learn Japanese, if i see retards still complaining about it in 2023 they are either newfags, lazy fucks who still are dekinais, or grifters like the whore in the video who panders to those dekinais.

>> No.60516178

I like being pandered

>> No.60516672

>does male collabs
That doesn't check out

>> No.60519094

>learn a second language you don't get to complain about Californians ruining shit that used to be good

Kill yourself and THEN return to r*ddit

>> No.60519272

>You don't like that the water out of the faucet is coming out brown? Well just collect rainwater or stop complaining!
This is how you faggots sound.
you don't, you're just defending the shit "localizations" by deflecting the problem to the consumers. You're basically doing the "gamers are so fucking entitled UGH so what if the new AAA game is ugly" shtick but for anime translations.

>> No.60519434

I learnt Jap

>> No.60520536

You are the problem as much as localizers, same with retards who buy AAA full price at launch. You are both lazy retards and deserve to be fucked by people who don't even know Japanese, there are countless resources on the internet to learn jap without spending a cent but you stubbornly refuse to do so. You have a fisherman who is willing to teach you how to fish good stuff for free but you still decide to go to the market to pay for rancid fish, that's what you are.
>B-b-but I should be able to consume that content without learning a second language
You are a lazy fuck that's the issue, you need 1 year to consume untranslated anime and manga and it's not like you don't consume that shit already on a daily basis. As I said translation has always been bad, EOPs don't deserve good translators, the non japanese who are truly invested in that stuff know japanese already. The others don't deserve anything, they had years to learn the language but they didn't because they don't care about what they are consuming. Literal pigs.

>> No.60520640

Enjoy your cats

>> No.60526303
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Not at all, the anime translation arguments of old being within my living memory informs me that you are wrong. There used to be a much, much higher standard of impartiality in fansubbing of all kinds to the point that leaving a translator's note or leaving a single word untranslated was contriversial to the point of people changing what group they watched. None of this was even over politics yet, the offenders were socialite goofballs who wanted to punch above their weight in terms of getting lots of attention. Compared to this every single one of these arguments is garbage, also leaving dated slang in the translation of something that's going to age on a shelf is obviously an issue you fucking muppet.

Remember when Unwarranted Self-Importance was the biggest threat we had to face? Just random sociopaths and no teams? I miss it.

>> No.60526512

You’re lying every vtuber that’s gets called a menhera in the catalog are genuinely crazy and most of them have been diagnosed

>> No.60526889

Bottom of the barrel. Can be fun for a bit for their more edgy funny moments but they get old fast.

>> No.60526962

“I’m not like other girls, see? I’m racist!”

>> No.60527232

/vt/ users don't watch vtubers? No way

>> No.60527320

There is no such thing as a pickme. It's just a normal woman. Brainwashed feminists use the word "pickme" to describe normal women who don't hate the opposite gender.

>> No.60528854

Or I wanted an exemple? I don't even like Pippa, but I never see her doing this types of thumbnails or shorts

>> No.60533786

Kirsche is a wonderful lady, fuck you.

>> No.60534827

No vtuber accused of being a "pick-me" has said anything remotely close to racist.

>> No.60535744

>Pippa is not a pickme
Oh you sweet summer child

>> No.60535884 [DELETED] 
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Yes, it is.
The concept of loli = 2D is a western bastardization.

>> No.60535957
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Ignoring the fact the op is a low value woman with 11 cats or butthurt ftm tranny, i would watch Kirsche if she did not sound like a Skeptic hamplanet and her model wasnt a second life blow up doll.

>> No.60536234

It is not. Clarisse was a loli and she clearly has breasts.

>> No.60536266

lmao, you are equating anime lolis with the japanese concept of lolicon. You are the one being an ignorant western pigdog here.

>> No.60536352

>It doesn't bother me personally so it's not a problem

>> No.60536400

What the fuck does that yellow shit on her backpack strap do?

>> No.60536415

Pick me tubers are just grifters most of the time.

>> No.60536450

Not gonna go on a rant but even if we are talking about his use outside anime and manga it was never a synonym for prepubescent child. In shojo Alice or Burikko you could find a range of girls between 10 and 20 years old, both were classified as Bishojo/loli, you could argue if we are talking about 2d some of the authors made some distinction between bishojo and biyojo, but in both cases you were still a lolicon.

>> No.60536481

>You have to care about shitty EOPs who refuse to learn japanese after so many years.
No I don't think I will, eat shit faggot.

>> No.60536721

If you don’t care, then why are you defending the localizers that insert trannyshit and orange man memes into other people’s works without their permission? You care enough about Japanese media to learn Japanese, but you don’t care about the Japanese artists themselves being disrespected and used as mouthpieces for other people’s politics?

You’re a rather schizophrenic individual, and I say that in the least derogatory, most literal sense possible.

>> No.60536738

Do we need to remind westerntards that even Ui herself said fiction and reality are separate and that westerntards are the problem.

>> No.60536758

I think they should... Buy an Ad

>> No.60536858

Is Shondo a pickmetuber?

>> No.60536924

Westoids ruin everything with their woke SJW projection garbage.

This is the worst forced meme of 2023, next to the worst buzzword of 2023 which is "Pickme".

>> No.60536929

you ever wonder if this guy gets tired of getting BTFO every thread

>> No.60537007

This faggot is pickme poster

>> No.60537074 [DELETED] 
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Do we need to remind westerntards how lolicon is defined in every Japanese dictionary?
No, because I never get BTFO. I am objectively smarter and know more Japanese than ironic lolicons.

>> No.60537102

Then stop trying to shill your 2view then

>> No.60537170

Cope and seethe about it. 2 views are better than your trash of an oshi.

>> No.60537197

you get btfo every thread thoughbeit

>> No.60537206
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>don't shill her, shill mine instead

>> No.60537269 [DELETED] 
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Nah, I win every pointless argument on the internet.

>> No.60537289
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>muh google translate dictionary
nothing there proves against the fact that reality and fiction are separate
groomer troons like you deserve your throats slit

>> No.60537318

I don't care because japanese artists themselves don't care, the only retards who still buy localizer shit are you retards. If you want them to stop disrespecting the original works the better thing to do is stop buying their shit and learn the language, they can act that way because you retards give them money and importance.

>> No.60537324 [DELETED] 
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>> No.60537335

>blatantly lying
It seems you can't win against peer-reviewed research papers anon. Take your groomer garbage back to the dark web kthx.

>> No.60537353

God she's a whale.

>> No.60537404

Disprove this then lol https://archive.md/U23XK
Antis are child groomers and deserve to hang.

>> No.60537474
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>> No.60537520

Zamn. I every single pickme vtuber gets me so HARD.
I love pick me vtubers with passion they are the best women.

>> No.60537553

no you

>> No.60537613

>If she has the same personal opinion as I do, she's a pickmetuber

>> No.60537803 [DELETED] 
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>nothing there proves against the fact that reality and fiction are separate
I didn't deny that. Lolicon still means pedophile.
The only research I'll believe is penile plethysmography test done on "2D only" lolicons.
I'm not an anti. I'm a lolicon. What am I supposed to disprove?

>> No.60537853

>no argument
>"I-I don't believe in science!"
Come back when you've won against a peer reviewed research papers, until then, fuck off with your bullshit.

>> No.60537871

So what you’re saying is: your argument completely falls apart the moment I say, “But I DON’T buy their shit anymore”, right?
>b-but you need to learn Japane-
OR, I could just play non-pozzed fan translations on pirated copies. And if those don’t exist, I could just play something else. Something not Japanese, even. I’m at the point where if I need more than an hour of “prep time” to play a game, I just say fuck it and play something else. My backlog is too big to worry about spending even a moderate amount of time doing “homework” for any single game.

>> No.60537909

is it opposite day today? pedophiles now mean they hate children?
lolicons love loli but hate minors, and nothing will change that fact because it's already history and you're in the wrong side of history
you still haven't debunked the research bro therefore you will still be wrong until then

>> No.60537961

If you conflate reality with fiction, that automatically makes you an anti and you should kill yourself.

>> No.60537986 [DELETED] 
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I have a degree in actual science, not shit like "Japan studies." No scientific study exists that confirms lolicons aren't attracted to real children.
Not that there needs to be because people like me (lolicons who are proud pedos) already prove it's bullshit.

>> No.60538019

And I have a degree in Steve Jobs. Yeah m8, you can get your head out your ass now.

>> No.60538054

>source: because i said so

>> No.60538096
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This post glows and we hope u rot in jail.

>> No.60538157

>no study
>purposefully ignores the study that was posted >>60537289 and more

Your kind ain't welcome here. This is a 2D vtuber board.

>> No.60538161 [DELETED] 
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>lolicons love loli but hate minors
Made-up Western Twitter bullshit.
Japanese loli artists laugh at posers like you.
>If you conflate reality with fiction
I don't. I am simply attracted to both real and fictional children.
>that automatically makes you an anti
No, it doesn't. You're only an anti if you want loli art banned/censored/criminalized or if you hate pedophiles.
OK anti

>> No.60538194

>if i'm a psychopath killer whose a gamer that means everyone else is like that too
Keep your mental illness away from here. Go back to the dark web where you came from.

>> No.60538225
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>Japanese loli artists
They won't sell their products to westerners like you who refuse to separate reality and fiction, even more so gaslighting others to be a groomer like you. That's pretty fucking repulsive of you.

>> No.60538255

so peer reviewed research papers are western twitter bs because you can't debunk it so you come crying here in 4chan? gotcha

>> No.60538291

That's fine. My argument was only for retards who consume for the most part japanese media on a daily basis and still complain about translations. My point was not, everyone should learn japanese. But if you do a stream just to cry that translation are bad you are a retard, do other stuff play other games, if you truly cared you would know japanese by now, these people always did a shit work, it's not new and the people who keep complaining are just pathetic at this point.

>> No.60538359

>sjw spouting nonsense
You deserve to be doxxed and killed.

>> No.60538420 [DELETED] 
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>cultural critics
It's hilarious how you retards constantly make fun of liberal arts majors >>60501160, yet you think bullshit like this counts as science.
t. STEM degree graduate
>comparing being a murderer (crimimal) to being a pedophile (law-abiding citizen with a different sexual preference)
Absolutely braindamaged.
Nah, Futaba Channel is full of people like me. I regularly see people posting pics of junior idols and real children there.
>long-time lolicon who has watched hundreds of anime and knows Japanese speaks uncomfortable truths

>> No.60538464

>What is your opinion on pickmetubers
I want to sex them and have us both scream ywnba when we orgasm.

>> No.60538471

There is no difference between a terrorist and a gaslighting groomer like you. Both want to groom people to be a criminal or commit crimes and both deserve the death penalty.

>> No.60538480

>if a girl has a different opinion than the mainstream she is a pick me
Why are you faggots like this?

>> No.60538529

Your pajeet certificate isn't enough to debunk multiple peer reviewed research papers regarding the topic. Not posting anything that debunks said research is you immediately admitting your defeat.

>> No.60538568

No because he's been spamming his stupid shit in every single loli thread on the entire website since 2018. Save yourself the trouble and filter him, the threads improve tenfold.

>> No.60538582

>muh liberal arts
they have more credibility than you ever will
take the L

>> No.60538655

>goes to cp website filled with likeminded sjw groomers
Yeah all of you should rot in jail. disgusting faggot.
Unironically Kill yourself.

>> No.60538846 [DELETED] 
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>> No.60538949

That's for tards like you who can't separate reality and fiction. No study about lolicon or otaku culture, therefore not a debunk rather an assumption. Try again.

>> No.60539040

Your claim:
>Nobody can separate reality from fiction
What you posted:
>People who can't separate reality from fiction are people who can't separate reality from fiction.

You posting a strawman there m8.

>> No.60539125

>non-sequitur response
>"G-Get BTFO!"
Yeah you. Also kill yourself.

>> No.60541112
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>> No.60541223

Kisha is so based and funny OMG!

>> No.60541357

Using the term pickme in any context is 100% confirmation that the person posting is an angry retard

>> No.60541762

>Unwarranted Self-Importance
god i forgot all about this...

>> No.60544632


>> No.60545302

get to translate YOUSELF and see how easy it is top have a qualitity result.
And yes, i did fansub work long ago, mostly manga, my PC at the moment coudnt deal with video procesing

>> No.60547459

my wives

>> No.60551536

>Women do things that men like and want in a woman instead of treating men like trash and openly hating them so that men will like them
>men proceed to then LIKE them
>this is a bad thing
SEETHING roasties use pickme and no one else
Have you tried just being nice to men?

>> No.60551623

>Pippa is not a Pickme
Yeah she's a grifter

>> No.60551653


>> No.60552115
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For me it's Pickme Pippa

>> No.60552376

They're the same as clickbait content creators. They know what to do for attention and do it to succeed regardless of their own interests.

>> No.60552914

Incorrect. It was invented by straight men that recognized them and their pattern of behavior that frequently destroyed communities. Women have been around on the internet forever and in hobby spaces forever. Girls that present themselves as "not like the other girls" are an archetype as old as time. They've been known to create insane amounts of drama because they are like the other girls when there are more than one in any community. They also have a tendency to chase off girls with a genuine interest in the hobby or community, which leads it to become a sausagefest and probably contributed to growth of incels.

>> No.60552944

Anon you have a fundamental misunderstanding.
There are a LOT of women here.

>> No.60553062

Sooooo true femanon

>> No.60553688

Only a fucking woman would try to deflect this towards men.

>> No.60553800

>muh incels
You should've been part of one of the gang rapes in Gaza.

>> No.60553975

She posted her face in her discord she's very fat she has the type of face that should be slim she could be pretty if she worked in it. Even her hands show she's obese.

>> No.60554136

Because men as far back as UO and EQ and probably further still understood. You can't tolerate them in your guild/forum/chat/community because they will destroy it all just for attention. They're not genuine about their interests and will do underhanded and destructive things to get all the guys fighting over them. They're also not a genuine target for relationships, because their need for attention they will move from guy to guy and ruin long lasting friend groups. That's why men talked about pickme girls, because they're something you're supposed to avoid at all costs and are not worth the trouble.

The only reason some zoomers think they're a good thing is because those zoomers refuse to acknowledge the difference between reality and fantasy.

>> No.60554389
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just using the word "incel" disqualifies you from having a point of view. but of course, I'll humor you and point out that culture you dislike doesn't make someone a pickme, it's a matter of tactics and it's fairly hard to disengage those tactics from what works in pre-1-mil audience building. is the conservative girl a pickme because she pisses you off? no, faggot. does the pickme behavior even interface with the politics at all? no, faggot. see? your ass hurt, done.

>> No.60554485

Then you should understand that you and the rest of the non-"pickme girls" are the cancer festering in the vtuber community.

>> No.60554539

What are you blabbering on about? Maybe you should think first and you might disqualify yourself from posting crap.

>> No.60554823

That is some delusional cope. I merely explained how the term originated and what kind of behavior it refers to.

You're use mental gymnastics to say someone is a cancer if they have genuine interests in the same hobbies as you, that would have a genuine interest in you, and not screw you over. Instead you prefer someone that sees you as a paypig and source of attention but doesn't care about your hobby or you at all. You also seem to believe that old straight male gen X and millennials are all seething women now. That is wild.

>> No.60554853

Mucho texto femanon.
Do you want to go out with me tho I totally read it btw.

>> No.60555821

Does this femanon realize this whole passing judgement on which girl holds GENUINE interest on a hobby/subject is easily recognized as a No True Scotsman by women that are resentful towards girls that are seem as either more charismatic of attractive than them by other men?

>> No.60556322

>recognized as a No True Scotsman by women
Women don't recognize logical fallacies

>> No.60556498
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Pickme is a compliment.

>> No.60556694


>> No.60557762

Pickme Is a girl with low self-esteem who bases her whole personality to appeal to men, most commonly alt right incels since they're the most easy to please.

>> No.60557833

>pick me

>> No.60558839
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I watch streams. I don't go into discord channels and pass judgment. She seems fine, you fucks just don't like her. If you want to punch up so badly then don't try the 'No true Scotsman' bullshit.
Seething tranny or femcel no other explanation.

>> No.60563216


>> No.60563599

/vt/ has the highest number of females on 4chan beat only by /cgl/

>> No.60564596

What about dickme vtubers

>> No.60564879


>> No.60565559

you are all being fags.
pickme as a term was popularized among women but the stereotype that it describes existed for way longer.
women interjecting themselves into groups and cause the downfall of those involved is a tale as old as the bible with adam and eve, if not even older with Ishtar trying to get into Gilgamesh's pants.
its just since the age of the internet, everyone now has the ability to see pickme women in action including other women.
i doubt the amount of femanons are the same as they were during peak luxiem, most of those women moved onto the next thing like they always do, the remaining are just as mentally ill as male anons so they might as well be male anons at the end of the day.
plus even before the luxiem event, /vt/ was already acting like women because anons let their shitposts brain rot themselves and others.

>> No.60566347

>you are all being fags.
no u
>pickme as a term was popularized among women but the stereotype that it describes existed for way longer.
yeah we called em chameleons in MGTOW.
the very issue is that pickme is used by other women. it's a woman inserting itself into a hobby saying another woman is inserting herself into the hobby. instead of saying "i'm not like the other girls" they say "she's not like me, a true gamer girl" or whatever. in other words women that call other women pickmes are just unsuccessful pickmes.

>> No.60566416

oh and
>i doubt the amount of femanons are the same as they were during peak luxiem
irrelevant. they stuck to their generals. the real femanon infestation are vtweeters.

>> No.60566681

She's right, localizers are pointless.
In fact, subs and translation are pointless as well. Learn japanese to get the most out of your japanese entertainment.
It might take another half a decade like it did for learning japanese but I'm already in the process of learning spanish, french, italian, german, and russian since a lot of books and media I like are in those languages

>> No.60567890

Or the seething dying indies who can't help but blame everything else for their own failure.

>> No.60568067

Most girls are racist, they just pretend they aren’t

>> No.60568168

Ye, I really don’t like her model. I’ve warmed up to her personality but it’s definitely something you should have in small doses.

>> No.60568666

Kirsche has literally admitted a ton of times on stream that she's a massive pickme

>> No.60568716

/vt/ continues to bolster the fact that a majority of vtuber viewers are homosexual men that only want to be surrounded by other men.

>> No.60568802

another classic seething femanon line, thinking that "hating women" (understanding women) means we're gay

>> No.60568921

Eventually you realize that men unironically make for the better girls (no, I am not talking about cutting off your wiener) and the technology as far as voice filters and etc is already there so it's only a matter of time before one of them hits it really big.
There are already pretty big communities of Japanese 2views that do it.

>> No.60569000

nah that's gay. the future is more likely AI vtubers (coded by men)

>> No.60569104

AI is nice too but that is too far off before it becomes really polished.

>> No.60569736

But I'm here with you.

>> No.60569766

fucking sheep

>> No.60570118

most of you are so deeply retarded and stupid, i hope for the death of you, who have participated in this thread.
You stupid fucking apes, get aids

>> No.60570632

t. seething femanon

>> No.60573089

She should get a better imgen model, then I will pick her.

>> No.60574511

because every woman that is not a bitch is a pickme right?
