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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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60480240 No.60480240 [Reply] [Original]

Have you bought YouTube Premium to support your oshi?

>> No.60480256


>> No.60480260


>> No.60480269


>> No.60480282

I bought it for YT Music, desu.

>> No.60480289

Bought youtube premium? HAHAHAHHAhAHAHAHHAHAHAA

>> No.60480294

>using goyim-designated browsers

>> No.60480321

But it in ARS bros, worth it for a few pennies.

>> No.60480324

Ages ago. I bought it just for the ability to do other shit on my phone while using picture-in-picture. Hell, just being able to use Midori to look up unfamiliar kanji while not interrupting a stream was worth it. Listening to Koro-san's rendition of Pollyanna while I drive was just gravy.

>> No.60480362

to think these people run the world

>> No.60480373

lel, which pajeet translated this?

>> No.60480382


>> No.60480392

>what is [re]vanced

>> No.60480446

I will support my oshi, not yt

>> No.60480528

If it said whitelisted people would complain that it's racist

>> No.60480558

If you allowlist you can subscrobble

>> No.60480584

>PC: LibreWolf + Ublock
>Mobile: YouTube Vanced
Life is so easy

>> No.60480651
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>> No.60480747

Good morning sir! But seriously just use Kiwi or Firefox nightly with ublock if you're on mobile instead of that pajeet shit.

>> No.60480755

Enjoy your mal/spyware anons

>> No.60480782
File: 120 KB, 763x428, 4561456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah see senior messi number 1 taco taco i too would like mucho youtube primo grassy ass

>> No.60480801

Neal isn't my oshi, shill-chama

>> No.60480807

I'm on a family plan.

>> No.60480834

Just disable every adblocker on YouTube.com and then enable adblocking in your Enhancer for YouTube extension. Works perfectly fine.

>> No.60480841

This isn't an ESL thing, it's a SJW thing.

>> No.60480934

And having google/youtube account isn't Spyware in the first place? lol

>> No.60481770

I would buy premium if it came with a free membership or two.

>> No.60481828

Yeah something like this would make me consider it.

>> No.60481883



>> No.60481998

Wait really?
>that one github thing where the changed "master" to "main"

>> No.60482015

as an anon from the caribbean, i never needed to use adblock because for some reason i don't get youtube ads where im from.
not even the ones that are on the right side.
so kek you fags that have to pay

>> No.60482157

Enjoy your chromium slop.

>> No.60482659

just drop the links to your preferred media player

>> No.60483031


>> No.60483266

I'm already paying for membership. If I pay for YT premium then the CEO should let me shit on his mouth then thank me for the privilege.

>> No.60483421

Fucking esl

>> No.60483451

>watching YT on a mobile browser
Are you retarded?

>> No.60485423

can I actually buy Youtube Premium in ARS?

>> No.60485905

yes and no
i buy membership to support my oshi, and buy premium to support everyone i watch

>> No.60486006

Chromiumcucks are beyond retarded

>> No.60486495

>to support your oshi
more like
>to support a shit corpo which exploits content creators by giving them nothing more than crumbs and leaving them completely unprotected against attacks from other corrupted corporations led by anti-anime, anti-freedom and anti everything else boomers.
No, i will use every single tool available to block ads.

>> No.60486563

Yes, really. This shit stopped all air traffic in the US for a day when retards broke the flight control software trying to get all the nono words out. I get an automated angry email every month for using web APIs that use the word "master."

>> No.60486785

If everyone just stopped using chrome based browsers Neal woul be fired. Switch to Firefox today.

>> No.60487117
File: 59 KB, 600x829, 1666376753340678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to support your oshi?
>he thinks Jewtube gives the money to the creator
ngmi anon

>> No.60487167

I'd rather eat a turd than give money to youtube. Ads are a crime, advertisement shouldn't even exist. I also hope all of you are aware that if you buy "premium" it just signals to youtube that you're available for milking. They'll probably (certainly) increase the price at some point like Netflix and other grifts have done.

>> No.60487247

it was already mentioned it's eopcucks being afraid of being called racist

>> No.60487269

I think they already did actually

>> No.60487334

I stopped using firefox when they kicked off their CEO for not being woke enough.

>> No.60487564

Purge filter cache
Reload filters
Restart browser
Everything's fine once again.

>> No.60487909

Really? Not surprised in the least. Here's the basic rundown of everything in greentext:

>global economic hardship made money more expensive and credit sources dried up
>all big American software/streaming sites are dinosaurs from a considerably wealthier period
>this includes everything from Google to Facebook to Twitter to Netflix to Microsoft to Apple to Youtube
>streaming sites in particular are unprofitable and their continued existence was made possible by eternal credit and assumption that the good times will never end, which meant perpetual subscribers and watchers. A delicate balance.
>all that is now over, which is why even Microsoft is trying to make their software and Windows itself into a "subscription" and is trying to phase out perfectly good and capable hardware (PC's) by making windows 12 "incompatible" with it.
>this is a hidden deal with hardware manufacturers, since their profits are also down and futures uncertain
>tech layoffs all around, all tech companies are bloated
>youtube wants in on the Netflix kind of deal, where they become a purely subscription based platform

This is just the roughest sketch but you get the general idea. The basic fact is in terms of hardware and software tech has peaked and there's zero reason to buy new PC's or phones or anything else, and the age of consumer electronics as a perpetual money maker is now done. And so is the whole streaming thing, the platforms are just bleeding money and may not even exist in the near future. What may happen is that we return to a hobbyish "old school" Internet with forums and decentralized sites and communities, but in the meantime all these tech giants will do absolutely anything to grift money off of us all and try to lock us in in closed ecosystems (the Apple grift). The point is not to yield. Don't pay, save your money, install Linux.

With time we may even end up with a purely vtuber based streaming site backed by actual corpos like Hololive, Nijisanji etc. In essence this is an extinction event for gigantic dinosaur websites, streaming sites and bloated tech corpos.

>> No.60488030

I'm on a family plan with a coworker and leech off his premium.

If you know like 5 people you can do a google family plan to share youtube premium and google play pass and shit and pool the money to make it not cost much. or let whoever makes the most pay for it all.

>> No.60488084

Is there any reason to do that if I don't give a shit about privacy, just want to get rid of ads, and also use my account?

>> No.60489135

Can I get a source for the air traffic thing? Sounds hilarious.

>> No.60489142

Use firefox and ublock

>> No.60490395

Anon, I am not giving Susan money until we can upload porn, tyvm

>> No.60492095

>not going to sleep listening to your oshi

>> No.60492160

long time ago
im always looking at youtube and use several devices so its a no brainer

>> No.60492305

Yeah, I got it when ARS was at its highest. I still pay 15 cents a month for it.

>> No.60492408

I did but only because I watch YouTube on my TV when I'm going to sleep and having to reach for the remote to skip the ads when a new video autoplays is annoying

>> No.60492641
File: 228 KB, 1200x1600, FLkRj2lWQAk5HfP.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are users on /vt/ actually suggesting giving money to a dying platform with no actual value? Youtube doesn't deserve any of your money when it treats the vTubers you love and enjoy like trash, and provide terrible service such as not making videos available offline even if you pay for their membership. You could go on a road trip and prepare your Youtube music playlist beforehand, but when you hit the road and come across an area with no signal, expect to be able to listen to music, but can't even though you pay for their service.

Rossman is a long-time whistleblower who covers issues where big corps try to step on the little guys and control how you use your property. https://youtu.be/DMaFH4KzOVg?si=qNDkoDAHmKaS82d6

Install uBlock, and update your filters often. YT is waging war because their platform is a sinking ship. It needs to finally die out so there can be proper competition.

>> No.60492715

I used Hola VPN, it's free

>> No.60492790

I have Twitch Prime to support my oshi Vinny Vinesauce

>> No.60493129

No you don't retard, they recently increased the price to 389 ARS which is about $1.10USD or $1.50CAD
