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60458146 No.60458146 [Reply] [Original]

>vtuber makes it big
>her family asks for money
>tells them to fuck off
Is it right?

>> No.60458430

Depends on how their family has treated them and what the relationship is like now.
Depends on what they're asking for help for. "Grandma needs a life-saving surgery" is one thing, "your dropout unemployed brother has this great business idea and needs some seed money" is something else.

>> No.60458731

Do you think it's less important than a $2000 figurine?

>> No.60458862

based millie

>> No.60458893

This is how any Asian family works. They believe they own their kids like a pet, wallets and all.
I've listened to too many Asian vtubers talk about how they've been "forced" to buy their aunt a new cart or their mom a $3k purse.

>> No.60458907

they should have thought of the importance of family before she made it big

>> No.60458910

Fillipinos are always like that. Once one of them make some cash, the rest of the family will go "gibs me dat"

>> No.60458933

What you want to do with your money will always be more important than what someone else wants to do with your money.

>> No.60459016

This ugly mindset of the nouveau riche is far too common. Those born into wealth are always charitable and help those around us while those who stumble into wealth just go "fuck you, got mine" when their friends and family ask for help.

>> No.60459150

Knowing how flip families are, YES, it's very much right

>> No.60459236

Yes because Millie's father put her in a sack of potatoes, beat the shit out of her and left her in a locked closet for 2 hours, then he cheated on her mom and then her mom said that it was Millie's fault, Millie's only family she's in good terms with is her sister and she actually pays for her university

>> No.60459293


>> No.60459342

Ah... It's funny how people like OP can misrepresent stuff on 4chan, huh.

>> No.60459358


>> No.60459381

Sorry OP, but I can't sympathize with flips.

>> No.60459502

A 2000 dollar figurine of your oshi fucking the male vtuber you hate the most is better than giving seed money to a con artist relative.

>> No.60459819

if those family members never helped her then it's a based response

>> No.60459968

People that respond this way clearly have never felt any sort of power for themselves before reaching success so they handle it very immaturely. They "own" the people that spurred them and gloat about it afterward. It goes to show you you can take the poor out of the ghetto but the ghetto will always be in the poor.

>> No.60460121

wow that's fucked up, do you know when did she talk about this?

>> No.60460196

I hate Millie, but HOLY BASED, fuck this kind of parents.

>> No.60460212

I don't get this, her family didn't have money back then to help her and shit. Now they still don't have money so they are asking for some help from her and she fucks off? huh?

>> No.60460308

Stealth wealth...
You are supposed to hide your wealth from your friends and family because most people on this planet never grew up from being a greedy uncontrolled child.
Money will destroy those who have unhealthy beliefs.

>> No.60460315

>filipino family

>> No.60460409

>useless old fart dying vs promising young lad with ideas
shit dichotomy, of course she would choose the brother

>> No.60460411

She can do whatever she wants with her money, but it does reflect a level of pettiness that borders on malevolence. And it’s a waste of money too.

>> No.60460464

Typical filipino family

>> No.60460467

If you have money and flip relatives, your flip relatives will always be asking you for money. It's never just once. It's in her best interest to not give them anything.

>> No.60460620

wow that's fucking hot, do you know when did she talk about this?

>> No.60460737

Most families are dysfunctional so yes, probably. Anyone who has grown up with bum family members knows just how shallow that blood connection actually is and the smarter ones cut off those dud connections when they grow up.

>> No.60460800

This is very based of her. Ive been there. Relatives who dont help you when you are in need but there at your door step when they are the ones in need are shit. Like bitch, go work. Children are not your insurance nor your extra bank account.

>> No.60460916

Her family treated her like shit, so she ran away to Canada and built up a life for herself, and now her parents are coming looking for money

>> No.60461067

Flips also have this weird idea that someone working overseas is automatically rich
Had a relative who flew to Saudi to work construction and his sister’s family who never asked anything from him now suddenly needs money for their expenses every month
Said relative working overseas didn’t even earn that much more compared to when he was still working in flipland
Eventually he went home because working overseas wasn’t worth it anyway

>> No.60461136

I wish you dumb fucks get cursed with a Filipino family

>> No.60461144

nice projection

>> No.60461218

Are you not a good little Nijikekold? Will you not pay her (and het familys) bills before the next off collab with males?

>> No.60461228

There is enough context in that image to surmise that Millie has a bad relationship with her family and that they are only in contact with her for her money.

>> No.60461266

Its the typical "I am your parent so when I say something you should do it" side of asian families. Like, when one of their children actually makes money they expect that part of that money will go to them just because they are parents. Bruh can you imagine? You have your own life and relatives just come barging in to say you owe them money just by simply existing.

>> No.60461323
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as a niji-hater and clique disliker in general who would never normally post in defense of this dumb bitch...she just has issues with her skinflint dad. this is visible from outer space.

>> No.60461583

Yes. Peoples families can vary so fuckin wildly, sometimes you'll have people with loving parents and a loving relationship, othertimes they're pieces of shit and deserve nothing. Lucky to count themselves that the child didn't cut ties with them completely. Millies talked about how abusive her parents were I'm pretty sure

>> No.60462040

Millie gives proportionally more of her income to charity than possibly any other corpo vtuber, and also regularly does volunteer work and donates blood. I don't think you guys understand how rough her relationship with her family is if you're just labeling this pettiness on her part

>> No.60462311


>> No.60462377

Lmao at first Millie promised to give her membership money to charity, but later backed out of this promise and asked her fans for "permission" to use the money on an apartment instead, so she could move to the expensive place Enna lives. She diverted all her 'charity' money to a luxury apartment so she could live like a king.

>> No.60462408

Ennaschizo is in here

>> No.60462420
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>> No.60462442

ennaschizo is among us

>> No.60462571

This idiot doesnt know...

>> No.60462602
File: 39 KB, 389x464, 1692935888808375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on how much is being asked, what for, how frequently, and who they are. You should feel obliged to help your immediate family (parents, siblings, children) in DIRE need, if they have been good to you, but per your capacity. I think a black celeb (Shaq or someone else) talked about "giving back" to his family and friends and they all kept asking for more so he put a stop to it.
Real family won't ask for money, and you'd still give it to them 'cos they looked out for you. Whether you're rich or poor, money doesn't grow on trees.

>> No.60462619

Based. Fuck charities honestly. Volunteered for so many and they're all fucking shit. I refuse to give any time or money to a charity that isn't religiously connected anymore. At least the religious ones fear they'll go to hell if they misuse the money.

>> No.60462672

Depends desu. If I ever made it, I would literally do everything I could for my Mom and Dad since they did so much for me.

>> No.60462755

Based streamwatcher.

>> No.60462854

Honestly based, blood link means shit if her family didnt treat her as such

>> No.60463066

She has already answered. A good parent is the one who helps their children overcome the struggle first. If they are good, the children will help them back as obligations. If they are bad, then it's easy to understand why they get no money from them

>> No.60463089

yeah third worlders are like that

>> No.60463113

Completely depends on the circumstance. Generally family asking for money is bad form.

>> No.60463131

why the fuck would you need to share this

>> No.60463140

>her family asks for money
>tells them to fuck off
for flips
100% in the right

>> No.60463226

Why are they like this?

>> No.60463238
File: 35 KB, 466x645, I happen to be an expert on this topic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's doing the right thing. Scumbag family members will always ask you for more if you give them anything. If they were truly good people worthy of her money, she would have assisted them. Don't budge an inch. Fuck them.

>> No.60463268

>I would literally do everything I could for my Mom and Dad since they did so much for me.
its flips the beggar is your nephew whos actually older than you and a bunch of cousins youve met once 5 years ago

>> No.60463352

If only Gura and Ame actually had a spine for that

>> No.60463390

Because in their minds, its their kids and what their kids have is essentially their property also. And theres this thing called formality between family members. Like its bad image if you dont get what they want coz it makes you look weak or incapable.

>> No.60463429

>Those born into wealth are always charitable and help those around us

>> No.60463509

Yes, without a doubt. Family who tries to reach out for you for money and nothing else should fuck right off. Especially if they were an asshole beforehand. You seem like one of those asshat family members, OP, so go fuck yourself.

>> No.60463564

Is that so? Mr. Bill Gates

>> No.60464173

Millie is so right on this one. Fuck these types of parents specially. What? Children are your insurance now? Fuck that.

>> No.60464181

Actually based.

>> No.60464269

>Filipino family
>Never helped her
>Actually abused her
>Now that she's famous they try and grift
I don't like Millie but I like grifters even less.

>> No.60464416

If Millie really did then good for her. Most charities are a fucking scam anyway so might as well just spend it on yourself to better your own life.

>> No.60464434

I was going to do a jab at holo or other niji, but jesus the amount of abuse in vtubers is astronomical

>> No.60464672

why is she talking to chat about this lol

>> No.60464706

I don't like Millie but if her parents didn't help her at all then yeah, she really doesn't need to feel morally or legally obligated.

But if I were in that situation where I'm not on good terms with my family, especially if I'm a Latino (All Catholics mostly) or SEA, I wouldn't make that shit public either.

>> No.60464786
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This thread is getting pretty dark. We should talk about Millies feet instead.

>> No.60464861

Not a big fan of Millie but she's not only correct but it's also well within her right to do so.

>> No.60465169

I don't think Vtubers even those in Nijisanji besides Luxiem has THAT much money to support their deadbeat/leeching families, at best they'd be middle class and in these times, that isn't even enough

>> No.60465328

She is parasocial with her chat

>> No.60465444

What does that have to do with getting a job there and Millie's airing out her grievances with her family?

>> No.60465477


Found some more info looking through the archives. The information is a little conflicting. Here are the rrats: (None of this was deleted info, looking at you mods)
1) Millie's family is likely at least middle to upper-middle class because there's no way she would have been able to afford to go abroad from Flip land.
2) Millie's family situation is "complicated". The guess is that she was told to make her own money to afford her education since she was an adult (i.e. 18 and older)
3) Millie's mom is probably a nurse or caregiver abroad, as Millie was able to afford to go to one of the best hospitals in Flip land when she still used to live there.
4) It's unknown where Millie's direct family are (besides her sister), but they are probably also in Canada.
5) Millie was sending all the money she had left after paying for her basic living expenses (typical in Flip families, but weird when her mom was probably making more money than her anyway)
6) Her mom was buying shit like LV/designer bags while Millie was living like a wagie -> This is what made Enna step in and told her to stop sending them money.
7) Physical abuse is typical for Flip families, but I couldn't find anything concrete about what exactly Millie went through.

All in all, Millie's family is pretty common for a 1st generation flip family. 1.5 - 2nd gen is usually more supportive of their kids even when they become adults, but they still generally push for them to get jobs in healthcare. Culturally, Millie's situation was "normal" but that doesn't mean it wasn't fucked up. Also, Millie's mom is most likely still working and who knows wtf her dad is doing. They don't need Millie's money so fuck them. I'm pretty sure if Millie's mom suddenly couldn't work anymore, Millie would be guilt-tripped into helping them, but seeing as how Millie still feels contempt towards them, this likely isn't the case.

Couldn't find any other examples of this rrat. Probably schizo ramblings/projecting, but wouldn't be surprised from a Flip family.

>> No.60465485

I think this is pre-chat? Cant see it now from her vod so its pretty much gone anyway. Its nice to vent these things out once in a while tho.

>> No.60465631

Post proof, i don't believe from the whore who make the secret discord rp.

>> No.60465700

Just now, that was her posting.

>> No.60466037

flip beggers are never just direct family its everyone. direct family is more annoying but its anybody with even a slight relationship begging once they found out X made it and even worse if they found out an indirect person thats not them got gibs like that cousin got money i should also get money im a cousin.

>> No.60466136


There is some truth to >>60459236 post.
https://streamable.com/2ue056 this is a clip of Millie getting abused by her father (beating her and locking her in the closet for hours)

Dont know about the mom one but Millie really cares for her sister. They got each other's back from what I can tell (based on her memba posts)

>> No.60466144

If they're just leeches who never did anything for her it's the morally correct thing to do

>> No.60466186

I don't care what Millie does with her money. She has her reasons. I was just answering the OP. For my standards, it doesn't matter how rich your parents are. If they have been good to you, you should share the wealth with them. When I had a job, I would always give a little money to my parents and aunts, because they looked out for me when I was little. It was chump change for them and they didn't need it, but it was my way of showing appreciation.

>> No.60466349


>> No.60466410

Both of the choices the anon above provided are worth much less than a 3k figure, yes.

>> No.60466429

Good for you for having good parents. Unfortunately not everyone has them.

>> No.60466471
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>promising young lad
found the NEET

>> No.60466545

>nijien talking money

>> No.60466691

NTA but most Asian families see the children as an extension of their belongings and expect them to support them until the day they die

>> No.60466713

>this is a clip of Millie getting abused by her father (beating her and locking her in the closet for hours)
The way you worded this, I thought I was about to watch a clip of one of her streams being interrupted by a beating from her dad

>> No.60466764

Filial piety and narcissistic personality disorder that gets passed down to future generations by emotionally mistreating their children

>> No.60466788

Sounds like typical family upbringing in the Philippines. Even when you are middle to middle-upper, what that guarantees is your ability to speak English well and hold a job abroad. When you reach the new country you are literally low-income to low middle-income but depending on the country that's still 5 to 10 times more than you would make living in the Philippines.

In her situation the mum isn't neglecting her, she's the fucking bread winner but the distance makes it feel like that. The dad is a piece of shit, but like every lazy cunt asks for money instead of earning it the hard way. The mother ends up like certain women who work abroad and that's this weird 'single life' culture these ladies set up for themselves to de stress.

>> No.60466893 [DELETED] 

and shes still a whore they didnt beat her enough

>> No.60466949


>> No.60467034

I hope you dont have children then. Or if you do, I hope they abandon you. Look, I dont like Millie but this is a time when she was a kid. But abusing children? Thats where I gotta draw the line

>> No.60467126

Should've spent it on sushi for herself instead.

>> No.60467305

I dont like Millie at all but dude fuck her gay ass family
If they arent there for her why the fuck should she owe them anything when they are just trying to use her?

>> No.60467377

Asians are family-oriented, which is mistaken as being what you said. In my culture, filial piety is important and we make no big deal supporting our parents. Of course, some families go too far by asking for too much and for stupid things and by then it won't be about filial piety at all. There are Asian families who are money-centric who practice what you said, but filial piety is wayyy different.

>> No.60467381

Beatings are needed if the children do stupid and malicious shit even after you told them not to do that, so they know they did wrong and learn the lesson. It's bad to beat children to vent your anger because they learn nothing, but it's also bad to never try to discipline them, so you end up with shitty spoiled kids that get beaten by others instead. The west is literally falling apart because of this kind of parenthood

>> No.60467403

wasnt she giving moeny to charity at the beggining
i swear it was a thing back then.

>> No.60467486

mumei loves black men and this is what you have to show for it?

>> No.60467553
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Outside of they have no money for food, shelter, clothing, and medicine and someone isn't dying without the medicine yea it is right.
If their only contact with Millie only involves money that right there is all one needs to know where her family is between their relationship and regardless of fake fucks should not have any guilt if she decides not to help them when they were not there for her when she needed their help.
Even the bible which Millie mentions at times says to withhold her bread to the ungodly because even if she helps them they might be worser towards her then they already were before the aid.

>> No.60467624

strong delusions.

>> No.60467659

>The west is literally falling apart because of this kind of parenthood

Basing on their economies, I think they are doing right. Simply because their children grew up mentally stable and not traumatised.

You dont need physical abuse to discipline children. Literally just talk to them about what they did and why is it wrong. Jesus christ adults really underestimate children's understanding. If you've worked with children, it is sometimes freaky that they can see/understand things fast.

>> No.60467706
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Man you can just tell OP is seething because his bait thread didn't do as well as he expected and now he's out there making even more bait threads.
No matter who you are, pinoy, burger, french or even poo in loo we can all agree that we should be grateful and happy with our lives because we are not schizos fixated on seething at nijisanji during every waking hour of our day.

>> No.60467802

Nigga I want to see you beat your kids and land in jail or better yet have your kid pull out your rifle from the gun locker and go full 1488 on your ass.
You are a weak ass man with weak morals, you have no charisma, nor empathy, you have no intelligence but projecting and puffing your chest, you are a virgin and you will die alone too.

>> No.60467918

What the FUCK are you talking about?

>> No.60468009

Paying rent is not living like a King you fucking retarded moron. You can't be this stupid Millie's rent is half that Enna's because Enna's is a two room Millie's is not. You're fucking holding a grudge because she didn't waste her money on some shitty charity to be that mad after all this time holy shit spiteful petty mf. I wouldn't be surprised on how many promises you've broken if you were put under the microscope.

>> No.60468063


>> No.60468085

She's a flip and that's one of the toxic traits of a Filipino family.

>> No.60468148

Don't get tricked by the magic numbers, there has been a general purchasing power loss since the 70s and 80s. Salaries have increased at a lower rate than inflation, housing prices and taxes

>> No.60468183


>> No.60468192

Depends on the family, but its is her money.

I don't see how it is NOT RIGHT

>> No.60468218

Actual scum of the earth kek, if someone says they are raising funds for charity it's their duty to go through with it until the money reaches that charity no matter what because it is a CHARITY. You defending her doing dumbass shit like this speaks volumes of what kind of character you are.

>> No.60468223

>You dont need physical abuse to discipline children. Literally just talk to them about what they did and why is it wrong. Jesus christ adults really underestimate children's understanding. If you've worked with children, it is sometimes freaky that they can see/understand things fast.
No wonder zoomers are doomed

>> No.60468277

Couldn't be all the media and institutions destroying western values and morality, nope.
You're a childless dreg so what do you know about raising kids?

>> No.60468349

Bro literally everyone and every country is experiencing this.

Point still stands: Dont abuse children. And if you do, you are a piece of shit and I hope you die a painful death

>> No.60468356

And guess why that happens so easily in the west

>> No.60468496

>Mr. Bill Gates
He's literally the reason subsaharan Africa has 3/4 the population that it does

>> No.60468498

You becoming a tranny was directly caused by not getting a good beating at the right time

>> No.60468511

Youre just exposing that you dont have children of your own or you dont have nephews/nieces. Literal virgin thru and thru. Born alone and will die alone

>> No.60468654

So this is what an abused individual posts. Naruhodo naruhodo.

>> No.60468759

>And guess why that happens so easily in the west

>> No.60468770

Don't forget to dial 8

>> No.60468814

Retarded tourist that can't crossboard quote lmao

>> No.60468890

newfag retard doesn't know what archived threads look like
you're not only a virgin but a fat retard

>> No.60468993

thin skinned insecure incel detected, go on telling us how to raise our children while you die a KHV obsessed with vtubers kek

>> No.60469163

>Thinks it's economic that growing up in the west brings anybody with mental stability.
>Thinks physical abuse to discipline children is not necessary when the abuse she received had nothing to do with disciplining but outright an beating that is deeper rooted by her father who is not pleased with his life taking it out on his daughter.
>Think only talking to them will get any child to recognize their wrong doing.
Typical western liar and devil talk. Trash like you are the problem. No wonder the next generation are weak af.

>> No.60469232

A $2k figurine chat actually asked her to buy and gave her money for, so she's actually kind of obligated to buy it now.

>> No.60469258

I only see 1 Millie thread. What are you on man and can I get some?

>> No.60469344


>> No.60469410

>then her mom said that it was Millie's fault
This means the one he cheated on her with was Millie.

>> No.60469421

The later example is common in Asia. Younger kids get fucked if they're more successful than their older brother (gender specific here). Expect them to be a permanent leech if you went so much as gaining moderate fame (which Millie does) unless told to fuck off.
At which point they will impotently disown her.

>> No.60469441

Pretty based actually. Don't expect your kid to be there for you when you treat them like trash. The fuck is your family going to do about it? Cry like the self-entitled bitches they are?

>> No.60469455 [DELETED] 

She sounds like an insufferable cunt just like her parents. It's one thing to decline to help an unsupportive family, but making a post like this to publicly shit on your parents is disgusting.

>> No.60469515

Nigga they all bought their own houses. 2% is a fuckin meme

>> No.60469541

Get raped in prison, you insecure faggot

>> No.60469579

afaik only Luxiem does that. (Mysta specifically) Everyone else is still renting apartments and such

>> No.60469613
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Good post.

>> No.60469635

It is actually necessary if you're a public figure. Either accept their leeching (basically lifetime blackmail) or you go full hilt and shit on them in public setting and take the L reputation (because of course there are cunts who favor the family no matter what)

>> No.60469647
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My character I can assure you is righteous compared to a literal trash like yourself petty mf. A charity that is going to pocket the majority of those funds would be lucky if they received 5 cent per dollar to where ever it was heading to making her chat which freely gave and Millie herself as the representative of said funds to come out of it as the biggest losers while the charity profits off their stupid asses.

A low life piece of shit like you is saying that she should of kept her word to evil organizations either way she and her chat will lose because I am pretty certain whichever way Millie of gone with you a wretched evil mf would hound on her for donating the money and mocked her for doing it as you are right now that somehow she is living like a King paying rent of all things lmao holy fuck how retarded you are for writing such blatantly bullshit as that haha stupid fuck. No one with a brain would say that shit petty bitch.

>> No.60469795

SHE wanted to give it in the first place, whatever the fuck happened afterwards is scum behavior

>> No.60469812 [DELETED] 

She could just say she's on bad terms with her parents and refused to help them. It didn't need to be this whole "I WILL DO THIS OUT OF SPITE HAHAHA TAKE THAT" post that she did.

>> No.60469850

How do you know if this was even publicly posted? It's no secret even memberships from Millie's are posted here. Where do you get your moral compass from her being seen by you for bringing up family issue she is having to her chat?

>> No.60469901

what the fuck are you talking about? Millie and Enna are living in a fucking apartment still and still dependent on Uber and trains. lol tf.

>> No.60469979

Personally dont really care about what she does with her money.

Other replies related to this anon post >>60462619 , >>60464416

>> No.60470010

nta. The one who'll be raped are weak mf's like you. Even in prison my people (black and hispanics) know to beat your kids if they refuse to stop doing wrong stupid fuck. You show you actually love them by doing that. If you don't do that it shows you don't give a fucking damn about them. You're backward as fuck.

>> No.60470038

Who cares, people would still shit on her as ungrateful little child. It's no difference she's doing it politely or rudely when the judgment is the same L take.

>> No.60470041

I've seen so many piece of shit families who only acts nice when their kid has money.

>> No.60470074

Pedos and child abusers get lynched in prison m8. What the fuck are you talking about?
And I'm not going to prison because I'm literally too neurotic to beat my children, YOU WOULD.

>> No.60470180

There's a big difference between refusing to help someone and refusing to help someone + insulting and laughing at them.

>> No.60470210 [DELETED] 

"L take" Holy kill yourself you retarded faggot, average niji viewer

>> No.60470254

You obvious know nothing about my people stupid shit. Abusers are literal people who abuse kids as in beat them for no reason you deluded pile of shit. You obviously do not know the differences between disciplining and abusers uneducated trash. You fucking hate your children because you're weak and you do not want what is right for them. You don't know even what is righteousness is.

>> No.60470282

If (You) come from the poors, "being charitable and helping those around" results in your money being spent on alchohol, possibly drugs, gaudy clothes and jewelry, expensive electronics(that get stolen), leases on expensive cars(that get crashed while drunk driving) on top of people from nearby neighborhoods who "know" you now pestering you for some money on their own, if not outright planning to rob you directly as they are 80 IQ ex-convicts.
Poor people who stay poor 90% of the time are degenerates who don't deserve better

>> No.60470346

Bruh, its not uncommon for parents to insult and laugh at their children behind their backs. Shes based on this. Fuck relatives that are opportunists. Like go get an actual job fucker. You werent there when I needed you and you come crawling to me for money now? Suffer bitch. Considering this is from a flip family too? Suffer more bitch

>> No.60470362

No they dont, this is larp. They get PROTECTED in prison, sometimes even celebrated. same with terrorists

>> No.60470406

Jesus look at all the people projecting their feelings on their own shitty parents, pathetic

>> No.60470480

Not entirely related, but wasn't Risu had the same issue? And she's still living in Indoland
Feels like it's an universal shit you have to go through in Asia (Moreso when you're SEA)

>> No.60470617

Eh, people have different experiences. Some got lucky, some are shittier than the others

>> No.60470626

>Poor people who stay poor 90% of the time are degenerates who don't deserve better
Evil mf's like this rightfully deserve what is going to come to them. Working on the plantation for free from sun up to sun down 6 days a week receiving zero mercy because they showed none themselves when they had the liberty to.

>> No.60470661

pretty based not gonna lie.

>> No.60470752

>male figure
>loli figure

>> No.60471042

Ain't she Filipino? If so, then absolutely, especially if her parents are first gen immigrants from the Philippines. From the moment you step in a 1st world country, you're basically slaving away to send money back to the Philippines. No shit, I've heard some cases where the people in the first world country have a shittier life than their family in the Philippines.

>> No.60471992

I’m Filipino and I would treat my family like shit too, it’s literally Filipino culture to treat children like slaves that whose sole purpose is to dispense cash for their lazy parents and relatives

>> No.60472145

I don't know if she is a true Filipinos. Last year there were people mocking her being some indigenous tribe (before Filipinos came to that land) and not really Filipino. They were calling her something I guess those few changed their mind as I haven't seen it brought up again since then.
Every ethnicity comes to slave away and profit off the destruction of the natives and blacks. I can tell you how many Chinese, Japanese, East Indians and so on are in the ghetto and barrios including grocery stores dressed catering to black and hispanics but is owned by an Arab, Chinese, Japanese, East Indian and so forth.

Somehow I do not believe you. I think you're just a horrible person and that the west just manifested it. Milie had a reason you admit if they treated you like shit you'd do that which they haven't.

>> No.60472508

>somehow I don’t believe you
What the fuck is there to believe? you’re clearly not Filipino cuz literally every fucking one I know has a relative working in LA or Toronto that everyone leeches from. the concept or retirement savings doesn’t exist either. it’s so ingrained in Filipino culture that there are literally buildings in LA whose sole job is to help Filipinos ship their money back to the Philippines. the relatives then spend it on dumb shit like iPhones instead of something useful like buying a house. it takes some next level retardation to speak like an authority on something you clearly know nothing about

>> No.60472813

I'm sure it stings when I call it out despite it was you who exposed yourself dumb fuck. Learn to fucking read what I wrote and don't add words I never said pathetic bitch. All you've done is move the goalpost like the typical horrible person you really are and tried making baseless lies and generalizations you can't back up whatsoever even if you're life depended on it so shut your bitch ass up mf. You're talking to a black and hispanic man who has family in latin america and has family who send money to there so I know what you're saying is full of shit.

>> No.60472913

>don't add words I never said
??? What? I literally just quoted what you said up there. I called you retarded as an insult but I didn’t expect you to be an actual retard. either way, i don’t give a fuck if you’re some crybaby mutt nigger but that doesn’t mean you get to talk about shit you don’t know about

>> No.60472927

When the family doesn't treat you like family, it's fair to tell them to fuck off

>> No.60473039

>literally admits to not being the ethnicity they’re arguing for
kek, where do you people come from

>> No.60473045

How the fuck can you hate her? She's constantly volunteering for charity, even when she's ill.

>> No.60473161

This depends entirely on the context. Some family doesn't give a fuck about you unless you're of use to them and they'll do nothing but take from you your entire life. Most of my family is great but I've got one sister who has been nothing but a shitstain leech to everyone her entire life. I'd watch her die and wouldn't lift a finger to help but the rest of my family I'll support however I can.

>> No.60473200

i thought nijis are all poor? how can she spend 2k in a figurine without compromising her wealth??

>> No.60473224

4chan isn't a source for correct information

>> No.60473233

Secret gc and overall crass behavior especially with men. Basically, a normal(dumbass) woman.

>> No.60473340

No you didn't dumb ass. You literally called me retard that I am speaking with authority on something I know nothing about. LOL. Then you tried to add context as if that would deceive me when my culture literally invented the shit that your people are using in a pathetic attempt to hide that you're a horrible person who wouldn't help you're family when you have no reason not to because the west only manifested what you already were to begin with and have such history as Millie does with her own family. Enjoy your vacation rat eater.

>> No.60473368

Virtue signalling whore. If she was a good person, you wouldn't even know that she gives money to charity.

>> No.60473381

>Basically, a normal(dumbass) woman.

Wow how do you live in this world when there are normal people everywhere?

>> No.60473404
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>the ethnicities known for brutality addiction crime and truancy beat their kids
>the ones known for discipline industry restraint and careful planning barely do
Almost as if it's just about revenge rather than education.

>> No.60473429

This is an oversimplification and the degree varies from culture to culture. It's more accurate to say parents will care for, house and support their children for most of their lives but in return it's expected that the children will care for and support the parents in their twilight years.

In Millie's case her parents are coming off as leeches because they don't need any support and they're not elderly yet they're expecting an allowance for some reason. Fuck them.

>> No.60473430

Well you're definitely not a good person.

>> No.60473530

>doubling down on being a newfag retard
I have 4chan x and your quote goes nowhere, don't you think it's because /vt/ hasn't reached 9 digit post numbers yet?

>> No.60473534

How would something that is lower than an animal such as yourself know what's actually going on?

>> No.60473575

don’t know if you’re American but you’re definitely some variety of actually mentally retarded. tangina mo gago bumalik ka sa Twitter at halikan mong mga sira ulong SJW dun. pasalamat ako yung mga negro kung kaibigan hindi pinanganak sa America kagaya mo

>> No.60473645

I hope people would understand why flips are self-hating
I went to Singapore as a tourist and for some dumb reason a couple of family members thought it was a good idea to go to a place full of Filipinos and eat at Jollibee instead of trying out the local cuisine and literally the first Filipino we meet was begging us for money lmao

>> No.60473747

It would be better to not share this with thousands of strangers. It's not anyone else's business. I thought nijis were anti-parasocial

>> No.60473842


See >>60465485
Ngl its pretty based of her. Wish other vtubers had a spine and actually tell their family to fuck off.

>> No.60473885 [DELETED] 

English mf not your ugly rat eating language. Outside of vtubers nobody would give a shit about you and your country besides buying gold and shit for their online MMORPG games or the white man or fake jew flying there to fuck your teenage sisters.

>> No.60473912

you guys are getting baited by an obvious troll. this entire thread is dumb

>> No.60473913

No it's not. Now there's a people projecting their own situations and arguing over her personal life and finances when this could be avoided by knowing how to filter yourself. Surely she has friends in real life to discuss this with.

>> No.60473973

>I thought nijis were anti-parasocial
They were not entirely wrong but many of the females in niji like Enna and Millie were still having a rough time in their lives during the first year. After that they've slowly been more positive and more "parasocial" towards their fanbase. The fanbase is one of the reasons that helped both of them come out of the rough time they were having. I say this as a aloupeep seeing Enna change slowly over time.

>> No.60474053

>The west is falling apart because adult are not beating the shit out of their children
Thankfully you have already removed yourself from the gene pool by being a pathetic loser

>> No.60474068

Millie's family are pieces of shit

>> No.60474126

Lol, imagine believing that beatings is what prevents this qnd not you know not having daddy or mommy issues, which btw beatings can cause

Also let us not forget that loneliness is a factor for you trying to find somewhere you belong

>> No.60474138

Retard, all studies show the exact opposite. Beatings almost never actually help. The West is collapsing because parents just straight up aren't raising their children. They give them a phone or turn Cocomelon or some Minecraft video on and then leave.

>> No.60474253

you were not raped enough growing up you dumb faggot

>> No.60474305

Shut the fuck up you psycho

>> No.60474350

Trash like this attempting to use pseudo-science is another addition to why the west will fall. Following white people and the fake jew the cancer of the Earth and their ways leads to the destruction of your people.

>> No.60474378

>states facts
>p-p-pseudo science! abuse is the answer!

>> No.60474449

i will ram my cock up your ass until you stop being a retard

>> No.60474760

Ew an aloupeep. No one here is even talking about your oshi. Did she really change tho? Does she have a personality outside of self deprecation now?

>> No.60474850 [DELETED] 

Ironic how the people advocating to discipline ones own child being referred to as abuse are the same people who went around the world causing physical violence and verbal abuse (committing genocide, murder, land theft, and everything evil under the sun). It's like they portray themselves as something they are not.

If you have some semblance of intelligence you would know why I mentioned Enna. If that's all you know you know nothing. I hope people make such assertions towards you so you can know how it's like.

>> No.60474873

Ironic how the people advocating against disciplining ones own child being referred to as abuse are the same people who went around the world causing physical violence and verbal abuse (committing genocide, murder, land theft, and everything evil under the sun). It's like they portray themselves as something they are not.

If you have some semblance of intelligence you would know why I mentioned Enna. If that's all you know you know nothing. I hope people make such assertions towards you so you can know how it's like.

>> No.60474880

Nice job retard.

>> No.60474893

And studies also say there are hundreds of genders and trans children need to get into hormone therapy asap

>> No.60474938

Of course a literal faggot dreaming of raping male asses would be against a common sense beating

>> No.60474984

if her family really did treat her like shit then it's extremely based

t. have a restraining order for my mother

>> No.60475000

Easy concession.

>> No.60475038

If you leave someone high and dry when they need help, don't expect them to give a shit when life goes tits-up for you.

>> No.60475061

Kronii ought to take notes.

>> No.60475089

>uhh err le gay?
do you think i give a shit retard? youre being retarded so its coming to you

>> No.60475180

That anon isn't wrong since you said that to another man i.e. me who that comment was for. You know what's going to happen to all faggots, lesbians, and tranny's when the time comes and it's not only them but those who support them too faggot.

>> No.60475186

>faggot runs away
I accept your concession

>> No.60475190

Yes if they are as*an.

>> No.60475216

So basically no progress at all. I see I see.

>> No.60475220

>literal "no u"
>another fallacy
Concession remains accepted. Not even worth a (You)

>> No.60475236

I know one 40+ year old manchild who earns 200 a day and is poor because he keeps spending it on retarded capeshit, expensive dinners, and weed. A fuckton of poorfags deserve to be poor for having no concept of fiscal responsibility.

>> No.60475313

I know this is 4chan and generally people are edgy but I can't lie my heart broke a little listening to her talk about it and laugh. she's clearly been abused emotionally and physically for potentially large segments of her life and i don't know if she really sees that or understands how wrong it was.

>> No.60475516

Right.... stupid kid.

>> No.60475699

>Kick a child out of home at 18
>Surprised when child feels no obligation to help you in kind

>> No.60475932

Do you know how many people is 90%? It's actually higher. I'm just wondering if you're just so arrogant by your pathetic lame ass attempt to mention one person without the context of how they were raised or anything that may occur such as attending public schools whose function is to push out new generations of wage slaves as they purposely do not teach financial responsibility and how to manage money and many other important and useful skill sets and useful resources as does the private school sector and other essential information in a vain attempt to excuse and justify the vast majority of poor people by such evil words.
When the shoe is on the other foot (which will happen) and your ass is poor don't expect mercy to be given to you when you had none while you also had the liberty to because it will be two times worse then how the poor have been and since been treated even now.

>> No.60476138

Report them for deportation. And nuisance for tourist.

>> No.60476331

one of her "childhood" stories was being tied up in a potato bag and beat up by her dad

>> No.60476361

Feels like because vtubers like to overplay the abuse parents thing because normie view their parents yelling at them once as abuse or trauma it makes it harder for people who had actually abusive parents like millie to take it seriously

>> No.60476665

helping someone out is fine, but if your family is expecting a monthly allotment "just because" then no they can absolutely fuck off.

>> No.60476829

Asian families will do this, and she's absolutely right for telling them to fuck off.

>> No.60477360

Euroanon here, do non-psychotic Asian parents even exist?

>> No.60477399

I won't be poor because I'm not retarded like those idiots. I hope the homeless also get exterminated btw.

>> No.60477444

>how to manage money
>"Kids, do not spend most of your salary on alcohol and women"

>> No.60477952

Imo it's based of her to do that.

>> No.60478485

What a retarded take.

>> No.60478581

Your family isn't entitled to your money.

>> No.60478844

>they gave you birth
>they raised you and fed you
Yes they are, at least for asians anyways

>> No.60478896

>they gave you birth
Nobody asks to be born

>> No.60478956

Lyr-Millie's family was fine aside her Aunt as far as most of us oldfags remember. She's just playing the pity angle because her viewership has been tanking.

>> No.60479097

lmao her aunt was probably the most stable adult in her life. Mom wants expensive shit and an opportunist. Dad is a piece of shit that abuses children.

>> No.60479293

Yeah thats why europe sucks and we should emulate the child-raising practices of prosperous disciplined countries such as the Phillipines, Mexico or India since it has worked so well for them

>> No.60479364
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>> No.60479624

this thread really triggered the SEA crowd.

>> No.60479698

Because she was their largest indie vtuber for awhile.

>> No.60480143

No it's just Millie
She hates her family because they are filipino.
She wants to have a white boyfriend but not every girl can get one.

>> No.60480161

You dont really have to be asian or SEA to sympathize with leeching relatives. Like those who dont help you when you are in need but expects you to help them coz you are their "family". Those leeches dont deserve shit

>> No.60480310

go back to africa

>> No.60480549

>She hates her family because they are filipino.

>She wants to have a white boyfriend but not every girl can get one.
Post is about opportunistic relatives wanting a piece of your own money (just bcoz) and not about a bf... anon what are you smoking?

>> No.60480635

>Those born into wealth are always charitable
Anon doesn't know about tax deduction

>> No.60480784

A non-vtuber i follow has that exact life. The parents work overseas and send all the money back home to family or orphanage and the kid grows up living on the poverty line in the first world country.

>> No.60480862

It's called generational trauma for a reason, because it gets passed down often regardless of the receiver not wanting to repeat it.
It takes a LOT to break the cycle of violence, like growing up from infancy in a new and different culture compared to what the parents were raised in.

>> No.60481318 [DELETED] 


>> No.60481399
File: 559 KB, 1024x640, Hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dropout unemployed brother has this great business idea and needs some seed money
How do you know me so well?

>> No.60481955

I hate both her and nijis and even I can see how she's 100% in the right here. You aren't obligated to give back to your family after making it, especially if the physical abuse stories she's told are true

>> No.60482371
File: 3.02 MB, 640x640, niggawut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>helping charity le bad
do we really

>> No.60482643


>> No.60482840

get his ass sis!

>> No.60482873

meant for

>> No.60482900

I have zero context but if your family abandoned you when you needed them, you have zero reason to help. Fuck them. I say that from experience.

>> No.60482910

And they didn't ask for you specifically.

>> No.60483173

There is a clear dichotomy between people in this thread who had good home lives and those who did not. Sometimes you have to cut people out of your life for being toxic.

>> No.60483264

>living in an apartment is living like a king

When's your next welfare check coming in, NEET?

>> No.60483343

Nothing wrong with the act of donating money to charity. It's just that there are only 2 types of charities:
>scams where most of the money goes to the salaries of the higher ups and legal advisors
>those that were created by rich people to avoid paying inheritance taxes

>> No.60483645

Looking at the protests in Europe and the whites cowering in fear, you're on to something

>> No.60484761

Millie BASED. OP is a faggot.

>> No.60485004

Might as well rape and kill them anon. Makes no difference. If you're gonna go for the psychological scarring, might as well go all the way.

>> No.60485037

If you have a kid, then you're expected to feed and raise it. That's simply an obligation that comes with it, if you can't handle that, then don't have a kid.
If you go above and beyond that, then sure, hopefully the child will be thankful and reciprocate later in life. But "survived and didn't have to starve" isn't enough to warrant anything, that's just the baseline you'd be expected to provide even for a pet

>> No.60485229

>Slapping your children in the ass with a belt because they misbehaved is the same as raping them.
What this anon mean by this?

>> No.60485276

did* fuck I'm tired

>> No.60485288

BDSM but for children
Forcing them to be a masochist

>> No.60485904

No, what beatings actually do is teach the child that if you want to have things your way, use violence. Guess why that is a bad idea

>> No.60486153

That's exactly what child predators say too when they rape kids. Honestly, there isn't a difference between a predator and a child beater. Some of them are both, they beat up kids if they don't listen their demands, especially sexual ones. Even blackmailing them.

>> No.60486207

>It's called generational trauma for a reason, because it gets passed down often regardless of the receiver not wanting to repeat it.
HAHAHAHAHHAH, oh noes my free will completely disappears and I simply must beat my children help me niggerman aaaaaaaa

>> No.60486275

You can tell a lot about a person (some would even say everything) from how they relate with their family.

>> No.60486309

fucking based

>> No.60486363

i friend's friend of mine used to get beat up by their parents and now they turned out to be some sjw tranny
all those years of resentment and hatred from the abuse all bottled up they tried to be the exact opposite of what their parents are

one of my old mates used to get beaten up pretty badly too as a kid, turned to hard drugs and alcoholism to cope with the trauma and never recovered
honestly violence isn't the way desu

>> No.60486429

As a person who was spanked growing up, I don't really sense any of that. My parents never spanked me out of anger. I think you're just assuming the intentions of people just to make them seem worse. Not that I support child spanking. Many studies show that spanking is just uneccessary, especially when parents take it too far.

>> No.60486552

>My parents never spanked me out of anger
Your parents never spanked you at all nigga. You haven't seen what real spanking is. And they use "disciplining" as an excuse to enable their shitty behaviour. There is literally nothing stopping a parent from harassing, scarring and beating you until you're almost dead if they can get away with making that excuse.

>> No.60486711

>As a person who was spanked growing up
makes sense why you're a loser posting on 4chan, especially on a vtuber board

>> No.60486787

What the fuck does "real spanking" even mean? I got the classic asian spanking with the slippers and belt. I also never got spanked until I was about 5 years old and I stopped getting spanked when I reached 13. Your definition of "spanking" seems to be synonymous with unfiltered violence.

>> No.60486810

Imagine what you could've been if your parents were rich instead of acting like a nigger spanking you since they project their own failures onto you.

>> No.60486876

Slippers and belt is unfiltered violence anon. If doing that to another adult gets you prison time, even more so doing that to a kid.

>> No.60486968

I probably would have become like Elliot Rodger.

>> No.60487024

Dude definitely got abused by his mom ngl
Also he ain't rich, he's a poorfag incel, which what you've become now

>> No.60487095

If he was rich, he'd be surrounded by gold diggers and hookers. He can't even get a single woman anon.

>> No.60487188

No he didn't. As far as I'm concerned, Elliot never mentioned anything about being abused as a kid in his long ass manifesto.
>Verification not required.

>> No.60487228

Not all abuse are physical
He's def neglected by his mom, which is abuse in of itself

>> No.60487339

Why are men so entitled like this?

>> No.60487572

He could have get laid by hiring a prostitute but decided against it because he wanted a real relationship where a woman would like him for what he is. I know, very delusional.

Now you're just moving the goalpost. I thought we were talking about whether or not physical abuse was involved? You could say the same thing for most parenting nowadays. Mothers and fathers just neglecting their kids and letting them rot their brains on Youtube kids.

>> No.60487626

Yeah and? You being abused as a child is why you're here in the first place acting like an incel

>> No.60487694

He could literally get a real relationship with gold diggers if he had been rich. Prostitutes aren't everything anon.

>> No.60487724

"""People""" like you get called niggers even by other black people. Die in a fire.

>> No.60487908

You could say the same thing about yourself. Why act like you're in some kind of moral high ground? In 4chan of all places.

That's the point. He doesn't like gold diggers. He wants a girlfriend who would truly love him no matter what, not because he has money or whatever.

>> No.60487989

What moral high ground? I'm dragging your ass through the mud because you somehow think spanking is good when you're a living example of why it's not

>> No.60488046

I never said it was good. Did you even read my first post?
>Not that I support child spanking. Many studies show that spanking is just uneccessary, especially when parents take it too far.

>> No.60488083

Keep seething troon. A good beating at the right time would've stopped you from cutting your dick
Pot, meet kettle

>> No.60488108

>my first post
I don't know what post is your first post nigger
I'm merely replying to the retard who thinks beating up kids is a good thing

>> No.60488189

I feel like threads like these are just roundabout ways for /vt/ for have in depth of topic discussions.

This time: Whether physically disciplining your kid is child abuse or not.

>> No.60488313

>He doesn't like gold diggers
The elite has plenty of options, there are plenty of ripe human-trafficked women. All he wanted was for them to be subservient to his demands right? There are plenty of those if you're rich.

>> No.60488383

Elliot was an heroed before the advent of Vtubing. I imagine him sending akasupas back to back if there had been vtubers back then.

>> No.60488413

good joke made me laugh

>> No.60488482

isn't this normal in filipino families? like I've seen stories of non flips marrying a flip woman and then her entire family starts leeching off his money, acting like it's their right

>> No.60488580

>but it was my way of showing appreciation.
why? you realize they HAD to take care of you right? legally obligated to
if they didn't they go to jail for neglect/child abuse/etc.
taking care of you, giving clothes, teaching lessons/values, being nice are literally baseline things to be expected societally
that's like rewarding someone for not jaywalking or for not killing you, do you go up to random people and say "thanks for not being a criminal"? you don't, because it's literally to be expected to do the bare minimum as a member of society
these are just things expected of human beings in a society, no appreciation is required for doing your obligation

you're rewarding your parents for doing a job at the baseline standard that's expected of every parent

>> No.60488584

>dependent on uber and trains
Uber and trains are unironically more expensive than getting a loan on a used car, even if used cars are 3 times more expensive than they should be. Especially uber. A ride that costs 25 cents in your own car costs 10 bucks in Uber.

>> No.60488615

>I'm merely replying to the retard who thinks beating up kids is a good thing
Who are you talking about? The guy defending spanking kids is probably already gone from this thread. The post that I referred to (60486429) is my first post.

He only wanted women who weren't lobotomized. Naturally occurring women, if you will. Also, he is not rich, his parents were.

>> No.60488621

I think we need social safety nets in case I get fucked over by life (doing okay right now) plus people I dislike get benefits, so benefits should be expanded to include me.

>> No.60488684

>He only wanted women who weren't lobotomized
These days you'll have more chances with human-trafficked women because they haven't been infected by society yet. He could literally groom his own wife if he had been rich.

>> No.60488736 [DELETED] 

>grandparents lavish money on aunt
>when aunt gets divorced from uncle they pay for her to go to college and let her live in their house with her kids so she can become a teacher
>continues living in their house for free while working, before moving back to her old house in neighboring state
>when grandparents are old she pretends to take care of them but uses it for more free room and board, does drugs, goes out with her boyfriend (she was in her 50s) at 2 AM
>when grandparents die she gets a payout of 250,000 and immediately early-retires with her teacher pension, all her 'success' is because of the parents she left to die
>she and her siblings (who are equally shitty including my mom) think their kids also owe them money
Are a uniquely bad generation in history
Millie is correct.

>> No.60488795

There are way too many rich men like Bezos, Gates, Musk, the Rockefeller guy, the Rothschild guy, the Getty guy who all got divorced and lost billions to their bitch ex-wife for that to be true.

The elites might have had balls and power in the past but now they're just simps+

>> No.60488798

Not the asshole.
Flip family life is toxic and gold digging and leeching as fuck.

>> No.60488867

Anon, those aren't the /real/ elites. Those are the actors of the show. They don't even own their fortune, it's shared between operatives. It seems you've got a lot to learn about this world my friend.

>> No.60489321

It is weird that marine's dad was charging her more to live in her childhood bedroom than rent would have cost-a dad she reports having a good relationship with. Like if you hate your child kick them out and if you don't why kneecap their ability to save money by charging them any more than the costs they incur.

Maybe twice a year a bigger bill comes in like heating oil, I pay maybe 1500 or whatever it is, and that's that.

>> No.60489766

Definitely goes back thousands of years in China and that carried over to all the surrounding countries. High level officials in the Chinese imperial court even throughout the 1800s would go back home across the country to sit around grieving for a year after their parent died(so presumably they'd do this twice), not as an indulgence, people wouldn't have respected them if they did otherwise.

I guess there's a certain symmetry to it in that I've heard parents are considered highly responsible for their children to. Can't remember the details but some chinese guy got murdered in Canada or somewhere like that and the murderers mother was getting snowed under by death threats and cyberbullying from all the chinese people in their city because they considered it her fault for not raising them right. The main character in We Need to Talk about Kevin would not have survived if it was set in China.

>> No.60489820

>the rothschilds aren't the real elites okay we're talking about the ones with serpent blood who hide in the shadows
Oh okay so only snake people don't have divorces cool thanks.

>> No.60490032

Nobody mentioned about snake people, nor did he imply anything about them, you retard

>> No.60490044

>Broadcasting your flip degeneracy for the world to see
She's a retard, whether she's justified or not.

>> No.60490116

Kek, you seem overly defensive there anon. Not getting paid?

>> No.60490172

Nobody has ever been called an abuser for hitting their kid in a light, calculated way as a response to something exceptionally bad like a few times across their childhood. That's just not what anyone is talking about when they talk about hitting kids being wrong.

>> No.60490367

Anon your reading comprehension reps?

>> No.60490750

Wtf, that's nothing to do with what I said. It's public information that the elites you see in public are actually all just actors and their relationships could be just as easily faked. Why would they ever put their actual loved ones in the line of fire? The real elites are the hidden scientists, the hidden militaries, the hidden corps like Mitre Corp, Umbrella military, Black Eagle/Nobility, so on and so forth.

>> No.60492449

This has improved my impression of Millie and I'll consider giving one of her streams a chance now. Nothing I hate more than Leech family members.

>> No.60494130

They abused the shit out of her, they deserve nothing.

>> No.60494413

She literally posted her donation to charity in members, her most recent one was 4k.
