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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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60425282 No.60425282 [Reply] [Original]

Did you know that /vp/ has a rule against inciting flamewars between fans of different gens? Wouldn't it be great if /vt/ also had a rule against tribalfaggotry between fans of different corpos?

>Do not incite genwars. Keep discussions civil and don't let them devolve into flaming.

>> No.60425361

Did you know that /vt/ has a shitty translator who infiltrated the jannyteam and bans discussion of any translations of pokemon episodes except for his group?

>> No.60425764

>no more holo vs holo
then what the fuck are we supposed to talk about? other corpos? who the fuck wants to do that.

>> No.60425919

No, he's saying no more holo vs niji. Basically kill all the retards like you who cry nijinigger whenever anything negative is said about a blue dorito.

>> No.60425979
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>/vt/ implements this rule
>90% of the catalog overnight

>> No.60426054

Don't threat me with a good time

>> No.60426167

There are rules against a lot of things on this board that don't get enforced so I don't see how that would do any good.

>> No.60426283 [DELETED] 

Oh, so we should just encourage nijiniggers to shit up the board more?
Great idea, sis

>> No.60426287
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The jannies will not tolerate this vicious racism against their chosen people

>> No.60426369
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You know /v/ has that same rule, right? Guess how often that's enforced.

>> No.60426406

why? I like this feeling of an all-out total war, beats the last total war game anyways

>> No.60426438
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Fuck Vshojo, suck my dick.

>> No.60426498

the jannies encourage tribalfaggotry and use their powers to editorialize the board's content regularly. there's no way such a rule would come to pass when the people enforcing the rules are the biggest shitposters.

>> No.60426646

No I agree. It'd be a good thing lol. It would also take a massive effort to enforce, but if they did it the board would improve by leagues

>> No.60426805

is /vt/ the most bitchy board on this site? nu-/a/ comes close but the sisters here are making it hard to compete

>> No.60426864

Better to say less informed and retarded board than bitchy, but being bitchy belongs to the faggots from /trash/

>> No.60426871

In theory yes it totally should be there but in practice it sounds like it'd be incredibly hard to enforce it without banning like 10,000 posts a day, which I don't think the mods have the manpower/will to do.

>> No.60427068

>blue dorito
hi nijinigger

>> No.60427155


>> No.60427306

mods don't care
more shitposts mean the site gets more activity and they get more money

>> No.60427333

Just rangeban Indonesia
All problems solved

>> No.60427403
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>> No.60427477

how new? mods get paid, jannies dont

>> No.60427484

It's one way to stop the nijinigs from shitting up the board, I guess.

>> No.60427501

mods get paid

>> No.60427736

>imagine having rules of fuckin forchang

>> No.60427930

I like how the same SEAmonkeys who shit up the board are always the first to deflect to "the nijiniggers are doing it!" When there isn't even an active niji fanbase here and one look at /nijiEN/ ought to tell you that they're not the same sub humans

>> No.60427952

but on /vp/ they have daily genwar threads every single day. go on there right now and 90% of the time you'll find a unovabortion thread or some gen 4/2/6 hate thread though for the most part people are good at staying in their own containments except for that autistic Cynthia vore poster. dunno what thats all about

>> No.60428107

Its just a bunch of retarded SEA's who want you to watch their 2-3 view indie.

>> No.60428301

then don't post

>> No.60428414

We need mods, not just jannys. The jannys actually delete stuff at first and then give up because the subhumans just post again after their first shitpost gets deleted. Too bad the mods are actually the ones being samefagging retards.

>> No.60428445

Go back Poketranny. Gen 1 and 2 are canon and nothing else die mad.

>> No.60428479
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>> No.60429156

Racism outside of /b/ has been against the rules sitewide for like 10 years. Rules on 4chan mean literally nothing because the mods just enforce what they feel like enforcing and there are basically no standards/screening process for an anonymous userbase

>> No.60429531

>tfw /vt/ killed any chances of we getting an /incel/ - internet celebrities board

>> No.60429546

I was off of the site for like a year and coming back to see that single rule enforced was bizarre

>> No.60429715

>Gook moot won't enable tripcodes for /vt/ because it's a "blue" board
>Meidos are unironically diehard fans for different corpos
>Range banning SEA is off the table still
Imagine a world where you can see and instantly filter schizo posters trying to stir shit up every day, and Mods were impartial

>> No.60429799

good, I just wish the jannies would actually bring down the hammer on the people who try to make this board /incel/ with twitter screencaps and gossipy bullshit

>> No.60429841

>not even /v/
inferiors should know their place

>> No.60429888

I think they just never bothered to update or clarify, eg just checked /pol/ and you can't report for racism over there.
you could always say -fag or -nigger sitewide, but going beyond that to talk about lead levels in SEA and schizophrenia is offtopic anyways. it is weird that a certain combination of -nigger triggers immediate action.

>> No.60429960

This is the only board I've ever gotten banned for racism on, for casual flippant mention and not actually /pol/ shit

>> No.60430056

All I know is we wouldn't be in this situation if moot hadn't abandon us

>> No.60430074

Meanwhile mods on this board condone breaking the website's global rules.

>> No.60430121

Hey faggot, a place for you already exists. Go to fucking reddit, you'll probably be way happier. Little piss baby.

>> No.60430180
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Based and bratpilled

>> No.60430202

Long before SEA was the scourge it is today, Aussies were the unironic bane of existence for mooty-kun, which may have been a huge reason he shifted ownership

>> No.60430385

Just imagine, Moot could have banned all of Oceania before SEA would have even had the chance to spill onto this site.

>> No.60430512

This is gonna happen as soon as they add post IDs /here/, so never

>> No.60430563

homobegger detected, opinion disregarded

>> No.60431208 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.60431396 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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This was within 10 minutes of posting, and ended in a 3 day vacation. Really makes you wonder how brown the mods really are.

>> No.60431510

Pretty sure a majority of jannies are SEA, which would explain why this is still up. They're all asleep right now.

>> No.60431548

The one good thing this board has accomplished

>> No.60431623

Well see, you posted that during SEAhours. SEAmod is all for tribalism and shitting on anyone that isn't Gura and some others. He actively encourages it by banning people making fun of posters and anyone pointing out any bullshit. It's pretty funny seeing other mod, prob NA, come in at around 8AM PST and start cleaning up all the spam tribal /#/dog threads that SEAmod purposefully left up. It happens every single day.

>> No.60431680

you clearly haven't spent much time on /vp/ it's like 70% gen wars (and shit because of it), point is the rule does nothing probably because actually enforcing it fairly would be impossible due to mod bias on what is and isn't proper criticism and comparison

>> No.60432058

SER you cannot just make fun of wangy wangy language

>> No.60432645

Yes but then vt would lose its purpose

>> No.60432710

your oshi will end up with us someday lmao

>> No.60432785

They'd have to actually enforce it and that would require certain people to actually do their job

>> No.60432820

>/vp/ it's like 70% gen wars
/vp/ is 70% "how do i get my hair to look pretty like leafeon's"

>> No.60432876

nobody asked

>> No.60433645

I think you should just go back to fucking reddit.

>> No.60433814

Yeah, dumped in the gutter. You guys only pick up the shit nobody wants anymore.

>> No.60434223

But Glaceon's hair is cuter than Leafeon's

>> No.60434272

Don't talk to me about league of legends

>> No.60434461

/nijiEN/ has no one left except women and gays, and it baffles me that threads with more of a focus on Niji girls don't really get any more active when said girls are streaming. Imagine trying to talk about Pomu's stream in that fujo hellhole.

>> No.60435907

There's a separate Lazulight thread for a reason.

>> No.60436429

It occurred to me, almost every unicorn bait thread should be off-topic even if it weren't "trolling outside of /b/", since the "yabs" basically always "pertain to their real lives, relationships, or appearances ("IRL")".
It's also weird that, according to the precedent of what actually gets removed around here, SEA is apparently "a race" but the Jews aren't.
It's also weird how much the content of the catalog fundamentally varies by time of day, in a predictable fashion that fucking everyone (e.g. >>60431623) knows about.

>> No.60436491

Yet you’re here seething everytime we do it lmao

>> No.60436564

one time i got 3 days for saying "brown person moment"

>> No.60436776

The funniest thing about /vp/ is that making a public declaration that you will not, in fact, catch them all is grounds for a ban

>> No.60436988

>blue dorito
nijinigger how is the 2%? maybe if you stop falseflagging faggot.

>> No.60437006

I mean everyone pushed them into those 2-3 corners they have. Rightfully so.
If you are a seething anykara femcel bitch, stay the fuck away.

It is weird that specifically female fans of Nijisanji male livers are ... hard simping for the company more than they do for their "oshi" and are ready to piss on them the moment they say something against the corp or are leaving? One rrat is that these femcel hoes are K-Pop stans and shit but I don't think I have seen that behavior in K-Pop ever or as hardcore as in vtubing. Like yes, someone likes SMT or whatever and follows a bunch of the talents they have and get really excited for a new group from the same company but if an SMT talent leaves for whatever reason and it's "justified", the K-Pop retards follow.

>> No.60437089

/vt/ makes /cgl/ and /mlp/ look good again

>> No.60437127
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Come pomu fags we will take better care of your oshi here. We already have your wine mommy with us

>> No.60437190

/vt/ should be a general only board

>> No.60437262

Hint: bilibili

>> No.60437325

all of the worst posters are isolated to generals, catalogthreads are unironically higher quality and more topical than the generals which are filled with, at best, ritualposting drooling retards who are too busy ERPing each other to watch streams.

>> No.60437508

yes, but unfortunately even with rules the enforcement is dogshit. not sure what the issue is with the chicken and egg situation, if it became this way because of poor moderation or the reverse. It was obvious they don't care from the gura spam threads taking up half the catalog for the past year

>> No.60437606

i wouldn't have anything to post about

>> No.60437685

It's the type of thing that would be a ton of work at first but eventually you build a culture that lowers the amount of explicit enforcement needed. Obviously would never reach 0 though.

>> No.60437752 [SPOILER] 
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Only if you let her be an angel, like she said she would be.

>> No.60437933
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>catalogthreads are unironically higher quality

>> No.60438016

I want the wose

>> No.60438032

>t. doesn't watch streams

>> No.60439190

My favorite is when numbermonkeys will sit in anti threads for hours for the sole purpose of bumping them back to page 1. They’re on different IPs each time so it’s either one guy with a dozen phones, or a coordinated effort. Vile behavior either way.

>> No.60439287

>my dick.
you will never be a man

>> No.60439337

Kill yourself, Deadbeat. You and yours deserve the hate.

>> No.60442186

go back. please for the love of god go back.

>> No.60442941

I don't see that rule being enforced when I browse that board whatsoever, and I can't see it being well enforced here either

>> No.60443188

TRUE. based genwunner
god i feel old

>> No.60443602


>> No.60443667


>> No.60445257

>this thread
Thanks for proving that op is right

>> No.60445409

The board would be as slow as /w/ in a matter of weeks

>> No.60446728


>> No.60447288

/sp/ gets really bad about it like /pol/.

I don't get why mods are lazy in enforcing certain rules but are on the dot with others (ex: dox, horse shit, nsfw). The defense that they can't keep up with it all goes out the window when they contradict themselves like this.

>> No.60447788

then this board would be dead cause tribalfaggotry trolling and general posts here are all related. Also /vt/ would need very active mods to enforce that sort of rule.

>> No.60448076

You'd have to get rid of the current jannies first and their pet thread /#/ since there is nothing but mental illness there

>> No.60448214
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>This was within 10 minutes of posting, and ended in a 3 day vacation. Really makes you wonder how brown the mods really are.
If you call someone a pagpag eater or a balut eater you'll risk a 50% chance of getting a 3 day farm trip from all the boards not just /vt/

>> No.60448244

I assume it's faster to recognize nsfw/feces/someone's address isn't supposed to be on a blue board.
a post from a reply chain of two retards fighting probably needs more context and thread knowledge

>> No.60448811

Surprising this thread hasn't been deleted yet its like sapjanny is asleep

>> No.60449130

Genwars ban would finish off /pkg/ heh.

>> No.60449170

Could be worse, an autist who needed to make league generals /sp/ wormed his way into a janny position and you'll get flagged for a ban if you try to make the threads, and don't follow his autistic way of doing them.

>> No.60449661
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If you enforced and instated such a rule you'd inevitably destroy all tribalniggers and 50% of holofags, all of /#/, all the hoomans, irystokeks and sapcucks, all of the schizos would be permabanned too.
You'd really want to even the playing field between the holojannies and the nijisanji fanbase (all 60 of them?)
Nah its never gonna happen because the holocucks NEED something in their lives to feel accomplished for and this is the only place where they can pile on someone else and pretend for just a moment that they are not worthless bottom of the barrel genetic dead ends with no future.

>> No.60450562
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>If you enforced and instated such a rule you'd inevitably destroy all tribalniggers and 50% of holofags, all of /#/, all the hoomans, irystokeks and sapcucks, all of the schizos would be permabanned too.
You'd just ban all of SEA and brazil, and /vt/ finally discusses streams for once.

>> No.60452251

This, most aren't aware that there's bigger share of anons that's mainly /here/ for phase and liggers than niji, if anything the amount of nijiposters are quite minuscle since most of their viewers prefers dicksword and twittard

>> No.60454977
File: 182 KB, 261x322, snnr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you know mods are fags and allowed anons to shit on vtubers I care about while the popular vtubers have their own pocket jannies and the report function is just like those buttons on pedestrian street lights where it does nothing?

>> No.60455070

>gen wars
>when everyone knows Gen 5 of pokemon is the undisputed best

>> No.60455268

I got banned for calling my fellow SEAnegros for what they are
Can't they not see which country I'm posting?from? It's like a black dude getting punished for saying nigger
And funny how I can actually be racist on other boards without getting bans

>> No.60456078
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This. Anyone have that pic where one of the meidos accidentally posted with their mod account, showing that they were also part of the shitposting?

>> No.60456249

Not me, I couldn't care less about the gutter trash you guys have. It's you faggots falsefagging trying to hype up used goods.

>> No.60456252

>Only ban genwars
>Troll posts about individual vtubers aren't banned

>> No.60456545


>> No.60456631

if they enforced a rule about instigating flamewars 90% of this board would instantly cease to exist and good riddance

>> No.60456931

Stfu nijitroon

>> No.60460153

This thread is a fucking honeypot ahahahahaha

>> No.60463128

t. one of the shitflingers who shits up /#/ and the catalog. I recognize you, you're unironically one of the worst posters on this board because you deliberately feed the retarded numberfaggot who camps /NijiEN/ by taunting him in multiple threads and throwing shit everywhere.

>> No.60463471

>jannies delete the post complaining about SEA but not all the other rule breakers here
Honeypot thread confirmed

>> No.60465150 [DELETED] 

I've gotten banned more on /vt/ in the two years it's existed than I've been banned on the entire rest of the site combined in the last decade. A lot of those were flagged as "racism" for saying that a poster was obviously SEA.
And if you try and appeal the bans or go to the IRC the mods will just autoban you the second they realize you're from /vt/.
This is a containment board, and it is treated as one by the rest of the site.

>> No.60465207

Nice try.
I'm not engaging in a honeypot.
