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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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60345119 No.60345119 [Reply] [Original]

I'd obviously prefer if she did that with me, but that's completely unrealistic. I love my oshi so much, I want her to be happy. I'd be more sad if she withered her eggs away and ended up alone catering to gachikois like me than experiencing the joys of being a mother.

We're all getting older, we don't have forever to do these things, it doesn't mean our oshi's love us any less but that doesn't mean we should deny them their happiness.

I don't know, maybe I'm the weird one

>> No.60345188

she'll be happy with me or she won't be happy at all

>> No.60345241

This is exactly the kind of shitty attitude i'm talking about. Fuck that bro. You'll never even meet her, you want the woman who brings you so much joy in life to be sad and alone? That's fucked

>> No.60345242
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Don't let unicorn schizos control your thoughts

>> No.60345281

My oshi is a hag, and I just hope someone good can marry her and gives her a happy lives

>> No.60345295

and your oshi prefeers you to stay all your life alone and miserable so you keep giving her money.

>> No.60345352

Gachikoi is singular and plural.

>> No.60345426

I simply don't think that's true. Call me naïve, but I think that's far too cynical a world view to be accurate. I truly believe in my heart of hearts that my oshi wants the best for me and the rest of her fans

>> No.60345704

I don't know man. It's a complicated feeling for sure. I want them to be happy for sure but I certainly don't want to have to see or be a part of that. If they want to retire and go off to the farm to raise a family then more power to them, but I don't want it to be going on while i'm so heavily invested in them. If anyone wants to pull a pewdiepie then I'm all for it.

I don't like this logic though. Marriage isn't some absolute requirement to happiness. You can live a happy life without those things and unlike most schmucks, a content creator still can get regular socialization. What I would want, is for my oshi to be happy and not lonely with us, the viewers, just like the viewers are not lonely with her. Not some dude railing her behind the scenes while her viewer has nothing

>> No.60345970

after graduation? yes... I'll be sad thinking about it but yes
and I don't mean it in a "graduate that whore" kind of way, but an actual graduation, when she's done with vtubing and being an idol, I'll let go of my fantasy. but until then, it's a mutual, unspoken agreement

>> No.60345983

You are completely normal which makes you weird in this hobby full of mentally ill psychopaths.

>> No.60346059
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You live in a world where the hyper-wealthy have talked women into being the embarrassing, entitled gender for generations starting with yours and no amount of bargaining will fix it. No matter what every woman you deal with will be the female equivalent of dealing with a male gold miner from the 1850's with not just zero sensitivity, but zero awareness of other lifestyles. Their "struggle" will be self-contained to the point it's like dealing with a cartoon character. You know that little looney tunes cowboy that's like 2 feet tall? That's every woman's ego now and you have to live through the cringe. You dad didn't, your grandfather didn't and they'll look at you like you're from another planet or some kind of fag for not being head over heels for "the fairer sex".

You know what the worst part is, though? The whole time you'll know it's the anti-natalistic designs of your own upper class. You're not to dirty their planet further so you're not to have children, not without the approval of Yosemite Sam anyway. You will be clean for your masters. You will be alone for your masters. And most importantly, you will work for your masters until you drop dead from 3rd rate medical care. No amount of logic or being nice or figuring out the middle way that pleases everyone is going to save you. You are the fodder their slave empire will be built on. Perhaps it's best you don't reproduce when your children's fate is entirely known.

>> No.60346074

I want my oshi to do whatever she needs to do to keep her happy so she can keep streaming for as long as possible.

>> No.60346097

I see plenty of married couples still spending loads of money on their oshis.

>> No.60346129
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I'm gonna fucking say it.

>than experiencing the joys of being a mother

What "joys"? Many of you are proof that having children, especially an unfortunate male child, is a mistake. Motherhood is a ton of pain, misery, and work for little to no payoff. Having a child is not a guarantee they will take care of you when you get older, no matter how much you love them, provide for them, and care for them. Doing all of that isn't even a guarantee they will even appreciate any of it, either. Modern men do not make for very good fathers, assuming they even choose to stick around for your kids at all. Some will even start throwing their wives away once her health declines just from how hard she works.

Not only all this, but we live in a world that is continually trying to push harmful globohomo ideas and alphabet soup bullshit just to shill. I would not want to raise a child in a world where he or she has to tolerate the pedo-confused sexual identity of other abused children and try to treat that as "normal".

Fuck this world. Let vtubing be a way that your oshi can enjoy herself until she can't even speak anymore, where her 3DPD body declines but her heart stays beautiful forever, and the internet can immortalize her for ages to come.

>> No.60346219

kings children are the best thing you can get

>> No.60346302

I will now have a kid, be a good husband and be a present and loving father figure just to spite you.

>> No.60346352

That's why you already have children yourself, right? You should be caring for them instead of posting here.

If not, your parents are giving you the same pyramid scheme bullshit they were given. You can break the chain and do whatever you want. Not having kids means more money in your pockets.

>> No.60346429

I welcome you to prove me wrong and have a good life.

>> No.60346494

>t. Zoomer newfag

>> No.60347327

keep telling yourself that lol

>> No.60347376

Depends on who it is.

>> No.60347541

Anon, you're thinking about a society that no longer exists. Most women don't want kids and will never have kids. Rather, what they want is to go through a lot of different boyfriends for fun. If you feel bad about imposing on their ability to do that and still get your money, that's fine, but don't go dressing it up like they're going to go build a family because in most cases they absolutely are not going to.

>> No.60347635

I think this is a fair and good take

>> No.60347791

I hope she does so once she's done with the job.
As is, I expect her to not talk about shit like that on stream because I'm here for entertainment and cute girls acting cute for ME (me being the amorphous being that is the viewers/chat). Whatever she does in her private life is up to her, and I wouldn't anti her if she started talking about a boyfriend or husband, but I'd probably stop watching.

>> No.60348143
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Not everyone has to have the experience, but dismissing having kids as all downs and no ups is retarded. It's a lot of work, and you won't always make the right choices, but you (and what should be your spouse) try your best to provide and foster a loving home full of growth and positive development to raise a being that can carry on. There's nothing wrong with either choice, it's the knee-jerk fags who prosyletize that need the rope.

>> No.60348505

I am definitely not emphatic enough to be wishing something good to someone if it won't impact me positively by the same occasion. I would be glad to see my oshi living a good life, don't get me wrong, but I would be truly happy only if it involves me at least to some degree.
We're all secondary characters of each other's lives, but if there's even the slimmest chance of convincing the "author" to give me a main role in her life, then I'm taking it without a single doubt. You can call that a delusion, but I call that a personal purpose in life.
Of course, being obsessive is not a field in which anyone should ever consider to step, it's evident. Here we're talking about more of a dream. It's like a kid saying "I will play along with my favorite player in his team once I grow up!".

>> No.60348603


>> No.60348775

I'm with you, she's beautiful and her genes are just going to be wasted because she'll become a spinster just not to lose her job. It's a shame
I don't want that either. I want her to get married AND to continue streaming. But unfortunately idol culture is a thing.

>> No.60348812

Then you're in luck since she doesn't care about you or her listeners and will get knocked up when she wants to. She'll do a "Haachama break" and you wont even find out.

>> No.60348914

I literally wish that to happen

>> No.60348985

ogey moona

>> No.60349049
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TL;DR: She doesn't care if I die alone or not and I don't care if she dies alone or ends up building a family - simple as.

I think that's a healthy thought to have but, to be completely honest, its better if you simply don't care.

She does not care if I have (or haven't) a wife and kids - there are thousands watching her everyday, she'll never meet me, have a friendly one-on-one conversation or, hell, ever know my name. It simply isn't reasonable nor possible for any of these things to happen.

>> No.60349074

>I am definitely not emphatic enough to be wishing something good to someone
Thats should've been you whole post anon. Actual psycho in the making

>> No.60349100

You're not dumb for wanting that, you're dumb for thinking she's in danger of dying alone, not to mention pretentious to think she NEEDS a dick to save her. You already suffer ten times more than she ever will. Focus on yourself, my brother. She will be fine.

>> No.60349545

The dating market for women over 35 in Japan is fucking brutal. The chances of the hags to have progeny is almost nil at this point.

>> No.60349742

Hell, it's in their best interest to try and get obsessive fans that stay at arm's length. People who are paypigs like you are perfect because you just play into the fantasy she sells. You feel good for a little while while she gets money to keeo going.

>> No.60350967

Wishfull thinking, but I think that's changing with the slow demographic reform in japan. we'll have to wait and see though

>> No.60352541

Cuck OP

>> No.60354522

I feel the same way you do.

>> No.60358340


>> No.60362075

based psyopper demoralizing the borderlines that might otherwise unincel themselves

>> No.60363373

Props for not being a delusional cunt anon. You'll have retards screaming that you're a cuck though.

>> No.60364179
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>> No.60365013

My Oshi want me to get married tho

>> No.60365016

I'm with you brother. I hope my oshi gets fucked and enjoys the time of her youth. Being submissive and breedable, enjoying the pleasures of pleasure, then the greatness of motherhood. Living happily with a partner. I want nothing more than that for my oshi.

>> No.60365158

If she actually did want you to be happy she'd start refunding your contributions.

>> No.60365770

I'm a vspo watcher so my girls are always with guys.
One has talked about having boyfriends before, but almost certainly doesn't have one now. She would be good wife material.
The other claims to have never been in a relationship, but is probably dating someone at the moment. She's quite menhera though so I can't see anything lasting.

In both cases I would ideally like their partners to be me, but that's impossible. When they decide to give up vtubing it would be nice if they could settle down and live a good life with an oil baron.

>> No.60365828


>> No.60365904


>> No.60366993

I feel you, to an extent. I don't care about having kids and I do think you're viewing them from an unrealistic, rose-tinted point of view. Most men that ever lived have never reproduced and while over half of women did that still means billions didn't - and in the process our population has exploded. The decision to have a child is a personal one, society doesn't need your children and you can be happy without one.

That said, my oshi is young and dumb. She says she wants to do this forever but she can't honestly predict how she will feel in the future. I don't really mind whichever decision she takes but I fear this dilemma leaves her confused and sad either way, thinking the grass is greener on the other side.

>> No.60367100

I kneel...

>> No.60367191

This, unironically.

>> No.60370464


>> No.60373433

to who

>> No.60374685


Know what I mean?

>> No.60376541

>You'll never even meet her
Take the groomer pill.

>> No.60376553

You can only choose one.
1. Your oshi will give up her career and start a family at the age of 35.
2. Your oshi will stay until she is 50 years old streaming, but will never have children, so all the characteristics you loved about her will never be passed on biologically and culturally, until eventually she disappears from the earth, failing the main quest of life which is reproduction .

>> No.60376920

This would be my take as well.
There is something beautiful in the ephemerality of something that gave you joy.
Nothing good lasts forever, but for now, I'll enjoy my time with her until the end.
Eventually I'll have to leave her behind, and there will be new things to occupy my time until I pass.

>> No.60377141

>failing the main quest of life which is reproduction .
no. you're either talking about life purpose as in your genes and no they don't have a purpose, it is a simple fact that genes that get passed on are genes that get passed on. there is no intrinsic value to going extinct or not, you simply do or don't. it's like gravity or any other force of nature, it doesn't have a goal it just is.

and if you're talking about human life purpose obviously it would be something greater than reproduction which even monocellular organisms can do. something related to the actual meaning of purpose because we have intentionality and unlike genes can actually have purpose.

>> No.60381134

A schizo female made this post.
Which one are you, which chuuba.
I will get you pregnant!

>> No.60381351

could be just someone that has a mom, lol. i know when i look at my mom it makes me not want to have kids judging how we acted

>> No.60381589
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I too want my oshi to get married and have kids (with me).

>> No.60382920

>maybe I'm the weird one
Yes you're still in the majority of weirdos who obsess over the personal life of someone they don't know. Why don't you just wish for your oshi's happiness in whatever form that may be instead of having this image in your head like you know what that is supposed to look like for them?

>> No.60382978
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>> No.60383373

I would honestly find it very sad if my oshi (or any girl) did nothing but sit at her computer for the rest of her life and died alone with literally no one by her side. I would hope at some point they all find someone to have in their life and give them kids. Imagine being 80 and still being a vtuber with no relationships or child to speak of. Sounds like some lonely cat lady shit..

>> No.60383774

my oshi wants to become an international superstar and revolutionize the world of vtubing.
no idea how marriage and kids are going to fit in to her grand master plan.

>> No.60383892

>international superstar and revolutionize the world of vtubing
tell me anon.

>> No.60384285
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>I don't want another person to be a happy, functioning adult because I will never be
Nigger-tier thinking.

>> No.60384430

Average hololive/ mikenekofag

>> No.60384570

i mean, many want to be pop stars but only one has made any actual progress. literally only one

>> No.60384679

I want my oshi to get married and have a kid, but to be fair, I use my oshi as a surrogate mother due to my motherless behavior so it may be an unfair statement.

>> No.60386985

IDK, I think you are a retard for thinking the only way to happiness, especialy nowodays, is mariage. In those days and ages you probably don't want either a partner nor decendents.

>> No.60390217

You are a retarded cuck.
My oshi should be happy and satisfied spending the rest of her life with her fans. I won't get a girlfriend, will never lose my virginity, and will never watch other girls, so she should be respectful and do the same. I'm happy with my life like this and I want my oshi to be happy with this kind of life too. I don't need a 3d partner and kids to be happy, thats propaganda that normies tell you so society can keep running. And you're just a normalfag, failed norman, or a wannabe norman yourself so of course you think that's the only way to be happy. Go be a normie if thats the life you want, but being a normie isn't the only way to live a happy life.

>> No.60390290

A harsh truth

>> No.60391132

I expect her to move on and be happy, but I really really really really really don't want to know about it.

>> No.60397712


>> No.60399452

Don't care if my oshi gets married or has kids, if that is what makes her happy so be it

>> No.60399820


>> No.60399853


>> No.60399902

>He doesn't want his oshi to talk about how her body is changing while she's pregnant

>> No.60403093

>Am I in the minority for wanting my oshi to get married and have kids?
Yes, you probably are

>> No.60403645

no anon that's a man

>> No.60403856

Least selfish holofag

>> No.60403884

No your in the majority for vtuber fans, and the minority /here/ because this place is full of retards

>> No.60403922

I think it would apply to the people with hag oshi. Who doesn't look at someone like Lui and want her to gain that happiness

>> No.60403932


>> No.60404369

have fun paying for you oshi's condom money and child support, retard

>> No.60404405

they can, just dont fucking tell us about it

>> No.60405706

Eh, fair enough I guess?
I'll take this mind germ and germinate it in my brain for a while.
