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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 226 KB, 892x629, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
60248570 No.60248570 [Reply] [Original]

Froot's mommy is going scortched earth on the alleged asian Ant-hime.

>> No.60248688

British people, but more specifically the English, are such fucking tattletales

>> No.60248819
File: 362 KB, 743x621, Screenshot 2023-10-10 193133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would take the phone away from my mom, this is a little embarrassing..

>> No.60248933
File: 47 KB, 324x422, 1692988193429245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that her ACTUAL birth mother? Why is she on twitter acting like a tranny sjw that's trying to "own the haters"?

>> No.60249107

>your mom publicly fights your haters for you online
>you start drama with a bigger vtuber for clout and her mom slaps you down
rumao x2

>> No.60249189

Whoever loses I win

>> No.60249237

This isn't even the first time, Froots mom seems to make everything worse everytime she tries to fight the haters for her daughter, it would be almost wholesome if it weren't so retarded.

>> No.60249259

>English using a fucking Braveheart meme (a movie about Scotland rebelling against English tyranny)
Disgusting. Hope England loses the next 8 Euro cup finals that they make.

>> No.60249363

It's like a schoolyard bully who shuts the fuck up when his victim's dad comes see him. Very wholesome

>> No.60249511

Imagine having your literal mom defend you on the internet

>> No.60249731
File: 472 KB, 600x675, 1691934711532153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Letting your mom to be internet and social media
wtf is wrong with people?

>> No.60249806

Froot's family really isn't beating the cuckolding allegation lol.
This is not how you fight the PR fight.

>> No.60249884

i dont watch vshojo but having seen her vids because of these retarded catalog threads...
all im gonna say about that literal 1 view barely legal forced drama shit stirrer is that you probably should have better opsec if you're gonna start causing throwing stones

>> No.60249945

Froot is a bully by upbringing. Retard bitch parents protecting their sweethearts even though they're in the wrong.
Not that Anthime is innocent in the slightest. She's also a cunt.

>> No.60249974

A 2 view drama whore getting owned by some retarded old British woman is wholesome entertainment

>> No.60250231

her videos were textbook harassments. she literally is insane

>> No.60250331

i might be misremembering but she also had some kind of weird autistic hatred towards mexicans because there was one mexican guy on twitter that drew porn of some characters she didnt like or something
really bizarre and unmedicated or just underage and autistic

>> No.60250457


>> No.60250466


>> No.60250533

Isn't Ant Hime actually Korean?

>> No.60250620

Think about the kind of woman somebody would have to be to raise somebody like Froot. There's your answer.

>> No.60250718

What is Froot guilty of that warrents deplatforming?

What is Aprimum guilty of that warrents deplatforming?

What is Ant-hime guilty of that warrents deplatforming?

Answer carefully, for it will be judged upon your answer.

>> No.60250838

Wouldn't call it harassment since all the drama related to Froot's past is literally connected to her current namesake, but definitely uncalled for. Even the cucked military guy moved on from it, who gives a fuck about Froot aside from tourist newfags.

>> No.60250903

>What is Froot guilty of that warrents deplatforming?
being born
>What is Aprimum guilty of that warrents deplatforming?
giving birth to that whore
>What is Ant-hime guilty of that warrents deplatforming?
being retarded

>> No.60250934
File: 377 KB, 781x500, 1683982520350823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>openly admitting to targeted harassment "for entertainment value"

>> No.60250990

>What is Froot guilty of that warrents deplatforming?
Some minor scamming and cheating by being an ethot, then there is all the more recent donation BS, dunno if she ever donated the money to any charity at all.
>What is Aprimum guilty of that warrents deplatforming?
>What is Ant-hime guilty of that warrents deplatforming?
Zoomerschizo (self righteous)

>> No.60251205
File: 91 KB, 221x196, Screenshot 2023-08-27 172142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's funny is now tons of people are reporting her, since that is target harassment. We will go full circle.

>> No.60251409

I thought she was Thai or some other SEA

>> No.60251568

KEK based

>> No.60251682

An extremely autistic young woman decided to try to become the next DN by "exposing" Froot who did nothing wrong. She did "research" wherein she got trolled by a bunch of random teenagers in Discord and given AI porn, She then made a video that's pretty much entirely slander because she's too dumb to do any fact checking. Then some company DMCA'd her and later retracted it after Vshojo came out that it was done without their knowledge or consent. Then she became hyperfixated on Froot and turned into a lolcow.

>> No.60251818

Froot is a whore and her mom is a probably a whore too since she raised her, but I am completely fine with them fucking over this unfunny kiwi farms gifter cunt

>> No.60251975

Froot and Froot mom are in the rigth this time, fuck that leach

>> No.60252063

her real mom??

>> No.60252113

>Ant's discord gets nuked for CP
>People still siding with her
You people are deeply unserious

>> No.60252124


>> No.60252704

Prime bait for justified revenge lmao
Talk about Mutually Assured Destruction

>> No.60252725

Did you even read the thread

>> No.60252758

Are you retarded?
Two wrongs doesn't make >>60251975

>> No.60253457
File: 981 KB, 1920x1080, antcrush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is missing something

>> No.60253596
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>> No.60253726

Hard to decide who's more retarded

>> No.60253938
File: 197 KB, 330x301, 1667623521545269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just embarrassing from all parties

>> No.60254346
File: 558 KB, 1333x324, Rance_Gahahahahahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1view dramawhore who's literally only known for starting shit with a bigger name whore gets nuked by the mom of said whore.
The mightiest of keks

>> No.60254478

based mom
well deserved L for the ant

>> No.60254563

but enough about marine

>> No.60254727
File: 227 KB, 512x512, 1696546741737237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still seething over some video a 2view made of you months ago
If Froot had actual antis her mental state would collapse like a house of cards.

>> No.60255242


>> No.60255283

Ant would probably fade into complete irrelevance if Froot and her mom would just move on. "Don't feed the trolls" is one of the most basic concepts of existing on the internet and I don't know how people don't understand this in current year.

>> No.60255397

stop trying to fuck everything with a pulse anon.

>> No.60255445

braveheart is actually the story of a corrupt scottish lord (wallace) rebelling against the scottish king (who was trying to abolish primae noctis) so that he could keep fucking them kids. following the scottish traitor defeating the king on the field of battle the english king intervened under orders from the pope by international sanction to aid the abolition of the rebel heresy and crush the scottish traitor
but burger movies have to retell stories to make england the bad guy

>> No.60255550

Vtweeter can't tweet
Career over

>> No.60255706

froot don't even knows about her it's just her mom.

>> No.60256155

I'm pretty sure she knows, I just don't think she gives enough of a shit to stop her. Rightfully so, nobody should actually think about Ant ever.

>> No.60256351

>whore mother and daughter fucks a retarded ass

>> No.60256380


>> No.60256963

Ant is a classic troll, which is funny, so her antics has my support.

>> No.60256975

This. Professional fucking snitches.

>> No.60257159

Didn't Froot DMCA the original youtube video Ant made? I can't remember if Froot did that or if that was just Vshojo.

>> No.60257174

>her ANTics

>> No.60258009

Are we sure this isn't just froot on a burner the whole time? Like a whole "you never see them both in the same room at the same time" sort of deal.

>> No.60258097

Probably Vshojo, but it was done quietly. It only got any traction because Ant ran back to kiwifarms or whatever.

>> No.60258118
File: 1.69 MB, 1920x1080, totalantdeath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill ants. Behead ants. Grind an ant into the sidewalk. Ground pound an ant. Pin ants to a corkboard. Defecate on an ant's home. Punt ants into the sun. Stir fry ants in a wok. Drop ants into boiling tea kettles. Urinate on an anthill. Push ants into a pencil sharpener. Twist ants’ heads off. Report ants. Turn ants into red mist. Pose dead ants. Place ants in antlion pit traps. Crush ants between your fingers. Liquefy ants in stomach acid. Eat ants. Dissect ants. Exterminate ants with Terro. Stomp ants with high heels. Cremate ants in the oven. Infect ants with brain fungus. Mandatory steppies for ants. Grind ants between your teeth. Drown ants in your sweat. Turn ants into stains on your skin. Pop an ant like a grape. Feed ants to frogs. Slice ants with an X-Acto knife.

>> No.60258135

Heccin' kekerino.

Ganbatte Ant-chan, someday you can still hit 15 CCV!

>> No.60258230

Nah, she's in her chat all the time.

>> No.60258242

Primae noctis was never existed historically. There were rapists, but there was never a law allowing lords to fuck peasants wives.

Don't correct people with false information and read a damn book.

Hell, just google it.

>> No.60258324

That's easy enough to fake actually

>> No.60258459

she is very well known for being a karen, there is a reason why her daughter is so shit.

>> No.60258653

Why is there alot of 3D art of Froot's foot? Not even regular drawn feet art, it's always 3D model foot stuff.

>> No.60258845

Is anybody in Ant's Discord? The join link is broken and I really want to know if she's said anything about this yet.

>> No.60258929

Discord was suspended for sharing illegal pornography, so good luck dude

>> No.60258963

>OP sits in /vsj+/ all day waiting to find something to make catalog bait

>> No.60258968

Froot's mom bragged about getting Ant's discord removed in a tweet so..

>> No.60258989
File: 105 KB, 350x350, 1688836932661089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically because of Ant

>> No.60259026

>sharing illegal pornography
loli shit...really? you care about that?

>> No.60259357

I heard it was IRL pics, but I was never on the discord so I can't say for sure.

>> No.60259373

its gone, is not really hard to close a discord group, just post some illegal porn with an alt account and report, discord staff is lazy af, they are not going to do much digging.

>> No.60259438

Turns out she posted here.

>> No.60259468

Britain can suck my hairy balls.

>> No.60259594
File: 288 KB, 419x462, Screenshot 2023-08-27 011933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I heard it
fem!anon, stop with your 'he said she said' gossip

>> No.60259707
File: 58 KB, 1017x218, Screenshot 2023-10-10 223652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Femanon why do you make up lies? Is it cause you are a woman and it's just your way of life?

>> No.60259746

>Froot who did nothing wrong
Has she donated that $30K yet?

>> No.60259947

Which happens on Twitter all the fucking time. If she gets in trouble for it I'll be shocked.

>> No.60260013

where is the 30K she was suppose to donate?

>> No.60260084

>If Froot had actual antis her mental state would collapse like a house of cards.
You clearly don't pay attention to Froot at all.

>> No.60260101
File: 250 KB, 545x481, 1688581207325801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behind your eyes, better dig it out

>> No.60260182

It's up to how many people care to report her in that short time. She said her reporting took months against Ant, and it was mostly cause she did the reports alone. People are mass reporting her now, which does get results.. sometimes..

>> No.60260259

Why did she cheat on her military husband?

>> No.60260361

>openly admitting to targeted harassment "for entertainment value"
That pretty much sums up 4chan's entire history, especially the first few years

>> No.60260364

Meh. If people are seriously concerned about "targeted harassment" on Twitter then half the fucking populace should be banned.

>> No.60260431
File: 475 KB, 662x593, 1687313016530988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Froot has only ever been married to my cock

>> No.60260439

so suddenly this board cares about dramafags and doxxfag? cool

>> No.60260464

you are giving me second hand embarrassment

>> No.60260471

True, nothing to say against that.

>> No.60260502

except 4chan is a bunch of anonymous posters, not a streamers mom, idiot

>> No.60260509
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>> No.60260573

>he seems upset people are shitting on Froot and needs to use avatars to defend her

>> No.60260578

Literally no difference and it's amusing to me that you care so much

>> No.60260580

Fuck not anymore it isn't. I can go out on Twitter and spot containment breakers all over the fucking place. Some of the dipshits post word for word messages there that they do in threads here.

>> No.60260616

because she's fucking based lmao fuck the military

>> No.60260639

the irony of this retard complaining that somebody has a "hate boner" against her when she's built her entire career on trashing a more successful chuuba

>> No.60260665

Bruh, nobody cares about you and your bait. You're literally being baited yourself you just haven't realized it yet.

This is why antis are retards. You actually care about your dumb bullshit.

>> No.60260762

So she's a whore who doesn't know how to stay in a committed relationship and can't keep her legs closed.. and her fans like that about her? kek

>> No.60260853
File: 351 KB, 534x534, 1695861432496372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't care about bait
>cares enough to reply to said bait

>> No.60260909

>when she's built her entire career
She made one video and a video in response to Froot filing a false claim on said video.

>> No.60260917
File: 705 KB, 1260x896, 1686324820484101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty weird that he's still friends with the other guy

>> No.60260920

one could argue being a dramafag leech who doxxes the inner workings of a chuuba is worse

>> No.60260921 [DELETED] 

>he actually cares and is seething

>> No.60260946

So her mom raid her discord with cp, i wouldn't be suprise by how much she brag. Sound like a pos.

>> No.60261044
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>> No.60261076
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No, we just don't care. Just like we don't care about any other "super sekrut dox!" you have on any other VShojo member. We've heard it all, we don't give a fuck.

Have some Froot ass.

>> No.60261081
File: 1.08 MB, 1379x859, Screenshot 2023-10-10 at 20-57-26 Ant Hime Ch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'mma be real chief it looks like there was no career before that

>> No.60261100

I would believe it if she went in there and started posting CP herself. Froot and her mom seem like crazy bitches who don't know how to handle internet drama.

>> No.60261176

And yet this is the person who Froot and her mom have been seething about for months. It's just sad.

>> No.60261216

That's hot

>> No.60261239
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>> No.60261243

a british using a picture of a man robbed of his freedom seems very on point, tho?
dude died horribly in the movie and IRL by some posh faggot

>> No.60261304
File: 637 KB, 2957x4096, FruitCake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, have some more

>> No.60261343
File: 2 KB, 119x125, 1693000599415833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what Froot and her mom was threatened by? Sensitive whores, both of them.

>> No.60261394
File: 403 KB, 2048x2010, 1614923419085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clearly just want me to post Froot ass. You just have to ask, anon.

>> No.60261414


>> No.60261425

>muh pope
kys child molester

>> No.60261551

I knew Froot got her cry baby sensitivity from someone, of course it's the batshit crazy mom. That's white women for you I guess.

>> No.60261718

Man I just have no idea where this distaste for Vshojo comes from. It's clearly just evil incels and it has nothing to do with the fact that the talents and now their family members are all huge assholes who couldn't do a moral deed if they had a gun to their head. It's just hatred of women!

>> No.60261750

He has to mass respond with art because he has nothing to say against this. poor cuck..

>> No.60261759

yours hates you, huh

>> No.60261837

Looking at this thread shows me how easily frootcucks get upset.

>> No.60261856

It's probably Froot's mom

>> No.60261938

She needs her mommy to defend her from mean internet trolls, how cute.

>> No.60262048


>> No.60262078 [SPOILER] 
File: 62 KB, 522x522, 1689173881878235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

refute this then

>> No.60262213
File: 79 KB, 288x288, 1691629171425614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT Froot SIMPs seethe over a 2view drama whore.

>> No.60262403
File: 184 KB, 1021x994, 1638914743503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who has no horse in this race, this is quite entertaining.

>> No.60262483

Froot simps really are upset about this huh? They are going crazy in this thread with the avatarfagging

>> No.60262552

does Ant have a KK card?

>> No.60262595

This is how we know your female, the other guy is the only reason he knew, and guys tend to have a "well at least you told me" mentality about the guy and are more upset at their girl, while women get more upset at whoever the guy cheated with instead of the guy themselves.

>> No.60262665
File: 7 KB, 227x222, 1632864198045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so to sum up the facts
>ant hime : spends an entire summer harassing froot and dedicates two full lengths videos to spreading rrats about her in a quest for internet clout
>froot : does nothing except quietly block ant hime on twitter months ago
>froot's mom : rightfully reports her daughter's harasser on twitter, and weeks later celebrates said harasser's suspension
and somehow the idiots speaking in broken english ITT interpret this whole thing as "froot and her mom are evil whores who've been SEETHING for MONTHS and harassing the poor vtuber ant-chan!!"
you people have to be from ant hime's discord, I refuse to believe you could be so disingenuous about this nothing burger of a situation without having a stake in it yourself

>> No.60262784


>> No.60262808

>Average Twitch Drama Rebroadcast

>> No.60262843

>Falseflagging with avatar

>> No.60262960
File: 364 KB, 521x672, 1688115336231065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just so funny, ain't it?

>> No.60263082
File: 69 KB, 176x191, Screenshot 2023-08-27 012756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting for her mom to have a mental break down once she starts getting some real anti's after her. Maybe Froot will break down again too at the fact her mom is getting attacked while trying to defend her

>> No.60263156

This is one of the instances where if you just ignore something it goes away. Having your mom fight your internet battles for you is pretty cringe.

>> No.60263252

>ant hime : spends an entire summer harassing froot and dedicates two full lengths videos
She made one video, the other is a response to Froot falsely taking down the first one with a copyright claim, which you conveniently left out for some reason. And Froot's mom didn't report any harassment, she dug through Ant's twitter to find whatever she could, there's nothing rightful about it.
You have a lot of gall calling anyone else disingenuous here.

>> No.60263289

busy day, huh?

>> No.60263508

Sure sister!

>> No.60263925 [DELETED] 

her actual mom wtf

>> No.60263930

This retard really has her mom fighting her internet battles for her? And not doing a good job from the looks of it, she's making it worse for her daughter.

>> No.60264042

The sad thing is that everybody here knows froot is complete garbage. nobody would defend her if she wasnt in vshojo. you shitters are fucking pathetic, hanging onto that worthless banner as if your lives depended on it.

>> No.60264119
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I love Froot so much

>> No.60264431
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>> No.60264432
File: 440 KB, 925x841, 1693007169225055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Needs her mommy to fight her battles because she can't handle mean internet trolls

>> No.60264701 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up, Bettel

>> No.60265281

Homies over hoes.

>> No.60265878

>What is Froot guilty of that warrents deplatforming?
Wanting to mutilate children
>What is Aprimum guilty of that warrents deplatforming?
Raising someone who wants to mutilate children
>What is Ant-hime guilty of that warrents deplatforming?
Idk what her take is child mutilation, but it can't be worse than the other two.

>> No.60266016

but I thought she didn't donate to the charity?

>> No.60266063

I didn't know the clown used 4channel.

>> No.60266496

Is this the latest joke the new discord came up with?

>> No.60266911

Anyone who involve in this topic, pls kindly kill yourself

>> No.60267138
File: 121 KB, 850x1229, sample_687d9f55c228ede66ff39623dec00ea8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After you, anon.

>> No.60267807


>> No.60268028

absolutely literally who

>> No.60268244

you realize file names are a thing right? you big silly billy retard

>> No.60268379
File: 118 KB, 1300x276, Screenshot 2023-07-28 171949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not defending Froot, I hate her as much as the next guy. But why do you guys like this whore, and make her out to be so "le heckin based"?

>> No.60268629
File: 1.04 MB, 290x189, 1665759748692069.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vshojo bad
thats it thats all there is to it, its just nijiniggers pissed off because Vshojo is taking all their chuubas for better opportunities

>> No.60268767

I was hoping she didn't because it was for tranny kid orgs.

>> No.60268817

Vwhorejo IS bad. Froot especially. And so are nijiniggers.

>> No.60269278

Are we finally getting our badges boys?

>> No.60269609

It is so cringe and entertaining at the same time. Like watching 2 crackhead stabbing each other on the street.

>> No.60269766

>hates mexicans
Holy based, i'm going to sub now

>> No.60269771


>> No.60269902

>a discord that had specific rules against CP and loli

>> No.60270288
File: 198 KB, 463x453, 1630545529082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*cof* *cof*
>taps the glass half full of peko wine twice
*clears throat*
>takes a sip
Thank you.

>> No.60271001

>While there are many references to the custom throughout the centuries, scholars since the 1800s have questioned whether such a law ever truly existed or was practiced, with many believing it was simply a trope used to make rulers seem more barbaric. Over the centuries, it became commonly portrayed in European literature as a practice that had occurred in earlier times and/or outside Europe. In practice, it may have been the feudal lords using their power and influence over serfs to sexually exploit the women free of consequences, as opposed to a legitimate legal right.

>> No.60271126

On one hand, Froot's 3D model has nice tits and there's a clip of her doing a POV lap dance in VR, but on the other hand I think Ant Hime is funny and I like pickmes. You could say Ant is a literal who but Froot is a genuine cunt and she seems to have taken some of that from her mom.

>> No.60271230
File: 2.94 MB, 540x540, 1687164111444269.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60271426

Hello ant lol.

>> No.60271446
File: 372 KB, 665x525, Screenshot 2023-10-11 011743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you

>> No.60271623

Hello Froot's mom. Stop doing that cringe shit on twitter, it's not helping your daughter. In fact, I think it's making it worse because now she'll be worried about you when all the doxxfags and anti's come for you rather than her.

>> No.60271704

why are 50 year old karens like this

>> No.60271789

The sad thing is this is literally the only circumstance where this image will get any use. It'll never have any application ever again.

>> No.60271938
File: 139 KB, 1060x747, 23232323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60272017
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, 1688680613721579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ant got crushed again, we need some more giantess art for that.

>> No.60272270

I don't think Froot's mum would know about /vt/. Ant on the other hand has like a 90% chance of being in this thread.
The mummy shit is embarrassing and is funny. The hate boner Ant has for Froot, is a little bit more embarrassing though desu.

>> No.60272487


>> No.60272791

less than 1k people would have seen the video if froot didn't strike it

>> No.60272850

Never heard of this Ant girl before, but as a yurofag schizo SEA women turn me the fuck on so I'll check her out.

>> No.60272870

Nothing will be more embarrassing than someone giving an irrelevant 2 view a platform because they can't handle them criticizing her

>> No.60273003

>schizo SEA women
You are my kind of person anon.

>> No.60273034

Ant is 100% ITT
she ritualposted in /vsj+/ saying Froot should kill herself for a month until she was called out

>> No.60273205

I love fucked up SEA women

>> No.60273525

Reminder that the money was actually going to go to a 'charity' for chopping the dicks off of children and froot pulled the donation once she found out.

>> No.60273647
File: 507 KB, 546x815, 1696046315962972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit kek.
This "drama" is great.

>> No.60274336

Imagine your only claim to fame being your daughter's shitty vtube career

>> No.60274403

This is a terrible argument seeing as how i want to fuck pekoras mom.

>> No.60274792

I don't understand 80% of that tweet, and that's a good thing.

>> No.60274972

And Froot fully deserves it. Say what you want but Ant did nothing wrong.

>> No.60275484

So where Froot nudes Ant "leaked"

>> No.60275681

Nice one ant. Also, nice thighs. Want to clap them badly.

>> No.60275795

But where's the money tho?

>> No.60275811

It's nice to know that it's so easy to piss off Froot and her family.

>> No.60275920

She never took money from anyone else, so still in her pocket where it always was

>> No.60275936

>alleged asian
You mean she might not be asian?

>> No.60276012

>Letting your mom to be internet

>> No.60276056

>no longer have to see a 2view parroting the same drama for clicks
Froot is shit, Ant is shit. Mom is based.

>> No.60276130

So she lied about donating for clout. Alright

>> No.60276170

Not surprised the amount of 1view/2view schizos that spam /vt/ is fucking nauseating you'd think this place was a mental asylum.

>> No.60277016

falseeyed referred to ant as an "alleged asian" in his hit piece on her, she decided to take that term and roll with it
she is actually asian thoughever

>> No.60277117

rip zhang hime
at least she is united with her oshi shartia in hell

>> No.60277249

Enabling infidelity. Ishiggydiggy.

>> No.60277261

>his hit piece on her
What's really funny is he probably wouldn't have talked about it if it wasn't for Khyo's terrible video.
False only talked about Ant so he could completely humiliate Khyo

>> No.60277921

I hope the UK will finally be forbidden from fielding multiple teams despite being one country.

>> No.60278086

>Hope England loses the next 8 Euro cup finals that they make
You fool, we were going to do that anyway

>> No.60278472

Vshojo is an embarrassment to vtubing

>> No.60278841

i'd probably watch them more if froot got kicked out, she's the only member that i have a policy of never watching anything she's a part of

>> No.60279024

Nice. All trannies and tranny enablers should have their faces crushed in a face-crushing vice.

>> No.60279472

>1view tries to leech off of you using years old "drama"
>tell her to fuck off (aka block her) and do nothing else, moving on with life
>1view desperately tries to leech more
>mom starts reporting her accs out of her own free will
>successfully gets 1view's twitter and discord suspended
>basically win by doing nothing
Incredibly based, fucking kek

>> No.60279529

>"and do nothing else"
>conveniently leave out the part where froot falsely DMCA'd the documentary

>> No.60279904

Ant please, this is like me calling my 4chan schizo rambles "novellas"

>> No.60280198

>he doesn't call his retard rambles novellas

>> No.60280433

now say that again but at englis

>> No.60280574
File: 187 KB, 463x453, 1693822752460126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find the people with the best parents tend to be fucking horrible people, I wonder why decent people always have to have 'mid', if not terrible parents. The distribution of parents is fucked up.

>> No.60280609

'ave you got a loicense for that shitpost?
unironically bongistan will lock you up for shitposts

>> No.60280626

Because her failed at life son is a literal tranny.

>> No.60280669

my company just bumped Vshojo up from "high risk" to "Do not interact"

>> No.60280708

Tranny son is the least mentally ill family member, just a victim very obniously groomed into trooning out by a mother who hates men

>> No.60280792

nice headcanon

>> No.60280944

>froot's mom : rightfully reports her daughter's harasser
She literally said she was doing it 'for entertainment'. Like, if she said she was doing it because Ant defamed her daughter or something, I would get it, but nope, she just straight up said she's trying to get Ant cancelled for teh lulz.

>> No.60281006
File: 3.77 MB, 1362x764, 1690132910772737.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the weak should fear the strong

>> No.60281126

Why is there so much feet art of Froot stepping on Ant?

>> No.60281302
File: 217 KB, 464x452, 1683968735857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two sides locked in a pathetic bitchfest for the internet's enjoyment
They're truly reaching peak entertainment value for western "vtubing" over here.

>> No.60281361

t. conquered brownoid

>> No.60281364

>hatred towards mexicans
wtf i love anthime now???

>> No.60281416

the troon sibling is an ftm retards

>> No.60281420

>ant chimps out non-stop for half a year
>froot clicks the block button once
>her mom reports like 5 of zhang hime's chimp posts then laughs about her being banned
what a fierce battle

>> No.60281425

Since she is /here/ let me just say one thing, but I will spoiler it below so that Froot's mom doesn't see it,
Your daughter is a cheating whore. You FAILED at raising her properly. You and your daughter are FAILURES. The only way for both of you to redeem yourselves is to suck anons cock eternally.

>> No.60281439

>froot defense force arrives mid-thread
this is entertaining to read through

>> No.60281735

Anon, it's a fucking mom defending her adult daughter against a literal who online. Don't you see how bizzare that is?

>> No.60281746

>>Ant's discord gets nuked for CP
False allegations (or maybe a raid with the specific purpose, I can't rule that out). I was in that server for a long time and it had nothing of the sort.

>> No.60281779

most based post itt
Mom should replace Froot as vtuber

>> No.60281785

about what you'd expect from froot to be honest

>> No.60281817

I think its 2 freaks because they use the same images and are always in these threads

>> No.60281825

True, I wonder if her mum is hot or a run-of-the-mill council estate dole claimer

>> No.60281840

im bored and crave drama but this shit is impenetrable qrd?

>> No.60281908

a literal who and thousands of third world /#/+bvtm troglodytes

>> No.60282002

>Froot cheated on her military husband
>1view anthime tries to gain clout by starting drama about how Froot is evil
>Froot's actual mother spams reports on Twitter to get the 1view blocked, gloats about it

>> No.60282116

i fucking love vtubing, man

>> No.60282298

Whoever loses, wer win. Froot is Froot and Ant hime is actual human trash for spreading AI generated revenge porn and shit like that.

>> No.60282440

Just in case someone is still retarded enough to actually believe this shit. Its not her mother, think of it more as a "discord kitten" but its a full grown cat

>> No.60282620

idk that spread seems like garbage but in a funny trash way. Never seen ant

>> No.60282698

based hater

>> No.60282703

That's great. What do you think about the world in general?

>> No.60282735

>1 post saying "I can be your boogeyman" is "proof" for schizos
Literally anyone can do that. If I say I'm Ant you will automatically believe me?

>> No.60282769

That's more than anything your mother has done for you.

>> No.60282832

Do we know for sure it was AI generated? Still a cunt either way

>> No.60282852

>she was seething for months over factual truth about her daughter

>> No.60283499

>someone calls their daughter a whore
>mother gets upset because like daughter like mother

>> No.60284567

That's the craziest part to me, most terminally online and zoombrained one in the family is the decrepit 70 year old mother, while her tranny daugher is presumably off the web. Reality really is stranger than fiction

>> No.60284728

But getting your schizo anti banished from the internet is the best revenge you can get

>> No.60284847

Total ant death

>> No.60284954

>ai porn
>fake info

No one tell anon to do his own research and find out its all real

>> No.60284994
File: 433 KB, 606x769, 1676820222926527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ant Hime is just straight up cancer for the community. Doesn't even fact check. Obvious low-level, 2 brain-cell clout chasing. The fact that she takes up any time in anyone's head is baffling.

>> No.60285076

why are roasties resort to lying and making up shit like this post >>60251682?

>> No.60285144
File: 327 KB, 480x480, C5EA77EE-FC83-450C-8C45-6EB68241A3D0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60285211

froot DMCa'd her herself

>> No.60285248

>saying this while posting a Phase whore

>> No.60285271 [DELETED] 

The irony as someone who watched the froot drama regarding ex husband happen live and the resulting fallout

Seeing people call it fake is fucking hilarious

Check /trash/ archives for the nudes
Theyre real #45651986
Real time coping your oshi is a whore

>> No.60285372

just because nudes exist doesn't mean anything in particular retard. The entire story of Froot and her infidelity is a he-said/she-said. Incredibly naive or just full-on autistic to pretend there's a reason too legitimately care.

>> No.60285385

>roastie cunt

>> No.60285411

because they desperately want froot to fuck them

>> No.60285446 [DELETED] 

So Holobronies seanigggers seamonkeys schizophrenia people from Indonesia as always.^_^ cum eating cuckolds

>> No.60285462

What do the nudes even prove, anyway?

>> No.60285494

Froot and Ant both deserve whatever bad happens to them.

>> No.60285556 [DELETED] 

Hololive cumdumps live Melody being Nerissa having a boyfriend a being a whore in chartubate. And Bijou being Fallenshadow whore too with a boyfriend. Myth have boyfriends too. Fauna,Ame,Gura. And all the other Hololive EN and JP whores. Holofaggots are cuckolds.

>> No.60285582

Oh no…

>> No.60285640

Yes numbertrannies. What.

>> No.60285658

>Nerissa having a boyfriend a being a whore in chartubate

>> No.60285733

>random hololive seethe
Hololive needs to earn a trophy for causing that much seethe everywhere

>> No.60285771

The streisand effect is a thing

>> No.60285827 [DELETED] 

How to out yourself as a newfag or tourist
>Doesn't know that froot was 4chinner notorious for cheating on her husband before becoming a vtuber. Literally fucking common knowledge on multiple boards.
>Unironically liking vshojo and defending froot

>> No.60285842

Don't care. Only telling the truth. Cuck

>> No.60285898

I wonder how many of these shills know that vshojo was banned from the board for a time and they were only allowed to have threads on /trash/

>> No.60285913

>How to out yourself as a catalog fag.

>> No.60285929 [DELETED] 

Look here, bitch was notorious back then. She was well known, literally google her name and you'll see

>> No.60285950
File: 1.02 MB, 1243x666, 1694215569838720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holobronies shitting over Froot, because she's a honorary holo now

>> No.60285955
File: 114 KB, 565x600, 1619649785663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily raids on /vsj/ were a thing but it didn't stop the generals being posted

>> No.60285970

>Discord containing CP
Lmao that seanigger whore is fucked

>> No.60285981

Look here >>60285827 bitch was notorious back then. She was well known, literally google her name and you'll see

>> No.60285993

keep peddling that false narrative bro, froot's still not gonna fuck you

>> No.60286000
File: 3.35 MB, 950x3500, E38C4ABE-8656-44DB-A86A-3C7BD4450476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a very cringe time

>> No.60286015


>> No.60286056

Oh, good morning Ant

>> No.60286055
File: 18 KB, 680x357, 1620066648793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankfully goodness prevailed

>> No.60286057


>> No.60286086

Are you axe wound trannie. Go join the 41% and neck yourself.

>> No.60286092

It doesn't matter if Froot's mom was the one that posted the cp in the discord, the discord still had cp.

>> No.60286150
File: 1.86 MB, 1355x1900, 1656862151480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, who're the ones with the antenna and the horn?

>> No.60286167

Even worse wanting that seanigger pussy kek. You might catch aids anon.

>> No.60286168

Thats a image that didn't age well at all

>> No.60286186

Hopefully Froot's mom gets banned off Twitter because it will cause her unhealthy amounts of asshurt. She is only pretending to not be bothered by it. You can tell how she acts that she will seethe uncontrollably

>> No.60286205

I mean were they wrong?
>Any mentions of their names cause drama
Look at all the drama that's caused when they're brought up
>Western women cause drama on themselves by being stupid
This is self-evident doesn't even need to be said
>The board will be covered in spam
True, look at all the shit tier spam. Gura is a recent example

>> No.60286283

Trips wasted. I can feel the virgin energy in this post.

>> No.60286312

rpr has a coomer model now?

>> No.60286313

Rent free kek

>> No.60286314

I know, that’s why I saved it

>> No.60286321

>>60286205 (me)
I think it's retarded to ban them, but they weren't wrong

>> No.60286329
File: 701 KB, 1670x1750, WesternVtubersAreNotAllowed_Backstory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that image. It brings me joy every time I see it posted.

>> No.60286369

NTA but this is a good thing, why the fuck would any functioning adult want their boomer mom battling internet trolls for them? All this does is keep the drama relevant when they would be better off letting Ant scream into the void as a 1view.

>> No.60286470

It's kinda funny how this board literally turns into the cuck defense force whenever this topic comes up. Maybe he should have tried being a good husband.

>> No.60286508


>> No.60286731

>I mean were they wrong?
>Look at all the drama that's caused when they're brought up
Only if you never leave the catalog.
>Western women cause drama on themselves by being stupid
Imagine saying this after Rushia.
>True, look at all the shit tier spam. Gura is a recent example
It was Ayame before this, JP isn’t drama free. If baitposters didn’t have EN they would just use JP more.

>> No.60286789

>Holoniggers mad at Froot over some rrats from before /vt/ existed.
Like why the fuck do you even care?
Your weird whores are getting shared around and gangbanged by managers all the time and you don't see anyone bringing it up as some form of gotcha anytime they have some unrelated drama.

>> No.60286825

>it doesn't matter that froot's mom posted CP

>> No.60286848 [DELETED] 

I just doubt a teenager randomly married a foreign soldier
Well without being invaded obviously

>> No.60286924

Not random. Groomed.

>> No.60286984

Even IF, it was her mom on an alt, (which was a rrat created ITT)
Ant’s Discord let it stay up apparently, seemingly having no issue with it

>> No.60286998


>> No.60287006

so it's okay for froots mom to post CP?

>> No.60287045

I literally don't care about this thing's gender.

>> No.60287087

Her tits are nicer than her pussy, but I still would.

>> No.60287101

The Ant Discord though it was, apparently

>> No.60287125

you didn't answer me, is froots mom excused for posting CP?

>> No.60287144

Incredibly insignificant.

>> No.60287179

So if this is allowed can we start talking about 10 yea old NND offpako drama too?

>> No.60287183

She didn’t post CP

>> No.60287265

>froot uses same alias and accounts from BSApricot time
>NND drama that has no actual tie


>> No.60287340

Do we even know if CP was posted at all, let alone if Froots mom posted it? Where is this rrat coming from?

>> No.60287413

it's a dumb rrat but that anon sounded like it was justified for froots mom to post CP in some twisted way
only a roastie could come up with that

>> No.60287432

>Where is this rrat coming from?
it was invented ITT because ant fags are trying everything they can to not take the blame for it

>> No.60287444

from what I can gather, it's basically retards going from "Ant's discord got nuked for CP(or more likely Loli)" to "Ant's mom planted CP on the discord to get them banned" based off of things told to them in a dream. The thing is, Discord treats loli porn as CP, and I 100% believe the type of spergs that follow Ant are into loli.

>> No.60287535

>Please note that discussion should pertain to a VTuber's streams and content, and should not pertain to their real lives, relationships, or appearances ("IRL").
if something happened before froot was a vtuber that never had any impact on froot's vtuber streams is allowed, then surely pekora's drama that doesn't effect pekora streams should be allowed too. the people need to know

>> No.60287560

Oh shoot. Froot's mom using cp to get ant banned isn't too far a behavior from what op posted. Bet she's also gloating like a retard like this time.

>> No.60287693

Sure, but it probably wouldn't be necessary. All she'd need to do is go to their nsfw channel that almost certainly exists, screenshot one piece of loli and forward it to discord police to get it nuked.

It takes a real schizo brain to conclude that she'd actually get real CP and upload it to a discord to get it nuked when it's way easier to do than that.

>> No.60287723

Most embarrassing shit I've ever seen.
Imagine having your mother fight your battles for you as a grown as adult that cheats on their spouse with multiple people.

>> No.60287727

I could see her doing it, she is a retarded karen

>> No.60287787

You are a fucking retard you know that?

>> No.60287801

if you think an elderly woman who is probably nearly computer illiterate venturing to the dark web to find actual cp is more likely than seeing a loli picture in a vtuber discord, then you are very stupid. no offense.

>> No.60287856

she has her retarded simps to fetch it for her

>> No.60287864

>Disingenuous anon calls others disingenuous.
In what fucking world? Do you ever see yourself in the mirror?

>> No.60288082

froot's elderly mom who has no internet presence other than a twitter account has simps, who are willing to commit crimes for her. this is more likely than a 4channer posting a loli picture to you?

>> No.60288168

its not im just trolling to burn time fag

>> No.60288232

Disappointing. Pomu's nudes were much hotter.

>> No.60288446

Vshojo simps are the weirdest motherfuckers I've ever met, not because they like their oshis, that's just normal. But because they REFUSE to accept reality. They call everything rrats and I've met people that genuinely believe projekt melody is a virgin and that she never did porn before
It's just wild, you don't see noel fans acting like this and denying the truth. They still love her and watch her.

>> No.60288515

t. never talked to holofags about PLs

>> No.60288712

You're talking to one now, and one that knows ALL of their PL's, retard.

>> No.60288855

if she's even showing fat 4chancels her tits, then how low would she go for tyrone while mr private ryan is away on duty.

>> No.60288890

But they were leaked weren’t they?

>> No.60288949

Yeah, pretty sure one of the guys she cheated with leaked them

>> No.60289028

And a lot of them aren’t even real, apparently?

>> No.60289037


>> No.60289146

I've never heard the "They're AI generated" argument before, but a lot of people say they're fake. I've never looked into it enough to say if they're 100% real or fake, but it wouldn't surprise me if they were real
