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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.59947075

oh fuck yeah nigga

>> No.59948660

With how the last thread was active i didnt think this one would die with only 1 post...

>> No.59949327

That's what happens when you have close to an hour gap between threads. Thanks for baking though. I hope people see it

>> No.59949468

Eh, I was asleep. Maybe people will check it out now that the stream has finished. I will wait for it to finish processing so I can hear the talk in all its glory.

>> No.59949854

Assuming this thread lives, got anything else juicy?

>> No.59949872
File: 431 KB, 632x493, Skye-a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw the good news bros. I'm still taking a break from Skye but I peaked in and it was funny to see some regulars in chat responded with "It was literally one guy" when Skye talked about "problems" in the community at the beginning of stream. Might be too soon to say but maybe staff is getting their shit together one step at a time.

>> No.59949932

Hello this is my rant so I can be less head hurty

Riifu claimed that EIEN was stealing from her because of some fucking steam games and has absolutely little fucking respect for people or her employers. EIEN is a company. She got hired. This was her job. She was given a complete live 2d model and character to use as well as a jump start to her vtubing career, genmates/coworkers and management that I have no doubt tried their best to become close to her.

Riifu was the one who stole something from EIEN, something that cannot be given back. She betrayed her fans, her coworkers and friends, and the staff that clearly cared more about her than she cared about herself. She wasted multiple artists time, love and effort that trusted in her and in EIEN. She disrespected and lashed out to those that were trying their best to help her which we can see and prove from her own fucking leaks. She even disrespected the volunteer mod team at one point. I knew she wasn't going to last long from the start, as soon as I learnt she was a board user and watched her schizo out in her own pre chat. I knew she was going to fuck EIEN over and the other girls who deserved a better gen mate. I would of never of guessed it was this bad behind the scenes though, and I am positive this isn't even everything. I had very little respect for her from very early on and now I have no respect for her which I'm sure you all know by now. I do not care if she is mentally unwell it does not excuse her from her actions, especially when she had such a supportive circle around her. I'm sorry to any Riiflings/ex Riiflings here you deserved better. Truly a shitty person, fuck Riifu.

On the bright side. Eri and staff has once again gained even more of my trust and respect and I know that they have so much potential which is why the whole situations hurts so much to me. Their statement was faultless and the best one I've ever seen. They were not afraid to tell us as much as they could and lowkey/elioquently shit on Riifu. They could of given a half ass statement and left us in the dark like every other company it seems. Riifu did this to EIEN and her fans, she was the one that terminated herself(twice). In my eyes EIEN didn't even need to make this statement, it wasn't something they owed us. Yet they did and I have so much respect for management for trying to be as Gen 2 is confirmed and on it's way, and I hope big hopes for it. I hope with it comes more growth and income for the company.

Anyway I care too much about this company cause some stupid mouse is too pure for this world and I wanted to get my thoughts out because the statement made me emotional. The fact I'm running on 4 hours of sleep and I've been awake for like 30 hours doesn't help but w/e its regular angel things to do. I'm probably going to be taking a break from modding EIEN and maybe from this discord for a day or two :BuoySmile:

>> No.59950260

is this a ritual post now?

>> No.59950378
File: 1.19 MB, 1000x1000, 8873476234524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EIEN is healing.

>> No.59950382

I'm not sure how to take this. Outside of some finer points, it's mostly right, but the last paragraph smells like LARP

>> No.59950497

that's how you know it's genuine

>> No.59950817

Stay alive, thread. Also supposedly Skye is going to put down the fist memes maybe so she can actually get through AC6

>> No.59951483
File: 294 KB, 530x539, 6165151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jwu and saw that zow was banned! Fucking finally. Thanks Skye

>> No.59951545

Honestly wondering if it will be recorded in the "lore document"
Would be funny as fuck.

>> No.59952730

You will never be Zow free. Getting banned will only make him stronger.

>> No.59952841
File: 534 KB, 456x530, firefox_UYGVqgjSA3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats on zow getting banned, we're so back

>> No.59952990

You know, memes aside, this shows real promise for EIEN. This just set a precedent that massive faggots will get banned. Skirting the line is no longer acceptable. There is no need for a major incident to get you banned, just a history of being a faggot. Such a happy day for all of EIEN. Haven't felt this optimistic about this company since before the Kiki yab.

>> No.59953553

Eri and kilia having lesbian sex while I watch

>> No.59953655
File: 1.10 MB, 864x1304, 1696552996849147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59953759
File: 412 KB, 430x433, ezgif-1-a1765ca947.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find the girls fun, and the streams enjoyable

>> No.59954015
File: 643 KB, 544x563, 1684168974099071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gooooood morning /eien/, and what a great morning it is!
How has your week been so far? Anything interesting happen?

>> No.59954093
File: 334 KB, 478x489, 1683755092210982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has been amazing seeing discord retards seethe fuels me

>> No.59954283

Qrd? Why did he get banned?

>> No.59954359

Because skye said so

>> No.59954391

>was a faggot
>got banned

>> No.59954592

About fucking time. I hope this continues with other fuckers like him.

>> No.59954667

The ones that use the server as their personal group chat will probably leave too, good riddance

>> No.59955024

Good. That's the whole reason I dropped their discord in the first month because of the cliques

>> No.59956752


>> No.59956760


>> No.59956873

Fuck off eri

>> No.59956954

The whole thing is larp anon.
You think anyone here would suck off moderation and management unironically?

>> No.59957033

More please! Maybe of Skye's ass getting spanked haha that would be neat

>> No.59957040

I have to agree that staff earned my respect after yesterday

>> No.59957044

Are we finally about to enter an Eien renaissance?

>> No.59957272

i'm the one who genned that one, they got it from the last vtai thread

>> No.59957302

Nta but why is it bad to defend something you believe in just because they're "management?" I get that most companies only care about money and fuck over their employees, but not every company is like that.

>> No.59957319

nta but generate more and give skye bigger tits. Can she get bred by orcs too?

>> No.59957349

Holy shit, what is Skye banned z*w to get art of her getting her ass spanked?
I'd say she deserves it

>> No.59957455
File: 1.46 MB, 864x1304, pixai-1666995977794504614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's possible but i can't guarantee the quality

>> No.59957559

Wow, short hair Skye... This is weirdly doing it for me.

>> No.59957685

Fuck yes. Look at those delicious thighs

>> No.59957716

Kilia in Spica's chat.

>> No.59958031
File: 660 KB, 512x768, pixai-1666775463339336862-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

short hair is what you see most of the time anyways

>> No.59958167

Is it possible to show more thighs and ass? I thought I would like tits but those thighs are activating my neurons

>> No.59958581

Fuck off redditor

>> No.59958695

You're a homosexual and your opinion does not matter. MORE SKYE DUMPY!!

>> No.59958848
File: 4 KB, 305x123, SqueakerCleanf87b7fa8-1d6c-4db7-b0a7-a8f3fd93e3c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know it's a dead thread and all, but i rather not fill it all with stuff i gen 4fun

>> No.59958873

If you're talking about how AI sees it, then yeah, but her actual model has long hair and it can be seen as long hair on streams. It doesn't go into a bob like that picture.

>> No.59958971
File: 840 KB, 657x565, WeaselRoyal233b0013-778e-4e1b-9d25-529bf59af91f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i remember correctly she has toggles for both, but you're right I'm just projecting my preferences here
it's a bit difficult to get right sometimes as well which is why i just settle for "short"

>> No.59959055

I think we can come to an amicable agreement of 5 gens per thread, sprinkled in, then?

>> No.59960285
File: 1.84 MB, 864x1304, pixai-1666820860819002566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever i don't care

>> No.59960298

I want to slurp and swallow Kilia's saliva

>> No.59960338

Hope you like the taste of my cum then

>> No.59960524
File: 447 KB, 582x551, 1684411201431280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She does, but I don't think she ever brought it out as "Skye"
Stephanie has hair like that.

>> No.59960971

Capitalism ho

>> No.59963691

>stops posting Skye
>posts kiki

>> No.59964059


>> No.59964142


>> No.59964293

what the fuck, since when was my bro so hot??

>> No.59964780

i like both so you have to deal with it

>> No.59965180


>> No.59965777

What about the sexo sea mammal?

>> No.59966224
File: 705 KB, 512x768, pixai-1666778899479372613-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indifferent, she's not for me
I don't watch Kiki that much anymore but I did like her enough to get the b-day keychain. She's starting to draw more so I'm most likely going to end up watching more Kiki, for a few months her content was all over the place

>> No.59968160

Kilia's tits on my face

>> No.59968292

They're too far away to have both on your face at the same time

>> No.59968651

I would kiss the flat gap in her chest while she cups both of my ears with her fish tits

>> No.59968770

That's more like it

>> No.59970642

I bet her pussy is actually supreme.

>> No.59971351

So mel is graduating. Says she has a new path that was revealed to her. Honestly? Im kinda excited that she might be in notriifus agency because i think we may get teethbrush farting orchestra with waterworks and i think i need that in my life.

>> No.59971442

What does any of that have to do with Eien?

>> No.59971473

This sounds like an absolutely retarded idea. Which would be fitting of Riifu so it might happen

>> No.59971488

Shes gonna be your half sister kilia

>> No.59971567

I won't bother refuting your retarded bullshit outside of catalog threads where tourists are going to see it, nice try faggot. See you next time.

>> No.59971574

anyone has the screenshot of zow's mod ticket about kichains?

>> No.59971648
File: 351 KB, 1814x1005, hypocrite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59971667

thanks, anon

>> No.59971738

We know for a fact Mel tried to reach out to her on her current Rei Kirihara persona, but riiflings saw it before she deleted the tweet, and made her aware of what kind of person Mel is.
>"You got my back I got yours, I hear you <3" in response
There is no chance she is going to make the mistake of accepting Mel into her group.

>> No.59972030

I'm a brapfag and I don't want her, that should say a lot.

>> No.59972173

You mel watchers are not welcomed here, fucking pathetic fucks

>> No.59972199
File: 333 KB, 1837x1002, hypocrite prequel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the other half that was left out from >>59971648

>> No.59972237

I can't get over the fact that the fat retard shared this himself to brag with it.

>> No.59972249

You underestimate how retarded notRiifu is. You better protect her, Riiflings

>> No.59972459

I wrote her a lengthy message detailing Mel's infamy over the years, and pleaded that she would be a pure cancer if she made the mistake of working with her. I also know others followed suit, although I don't know the length, tone or content of their warnings. I'm a die-hard riitard, but if Mel gets in after this then her riitardation is terminal and no one can protect her.

>> No.59972806
File: 9 KB, 419x70, 1680633412945510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just gonna leave this here
What goes around, comes around, you fat retard

>> No.59972919
File: 55 KB, 436x150, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont, worry. i still have the rest of these

>> No.59973097

What the fuck was his goal? The fag was a huge coomer himself

>> No.59973315

It was always his coom before any other. He's not into femdom, so he always had to be the "daddy dom" around Riifu. He's not a lolicon, so Kichains can get fucked as far as he is concerned. He's not into gfe, he is a degenerate coomer, so Kilia and buoys have to suffer his sexually charged messages. Big part of what was so annoying is that everything had to revolve around him all the time.

>> No.59973412

Your daily dose of ewww

>> No.59973611

Makes sense when you put it that way. I'm a buoy so I thankfully didn't see him often but I get it now.

>> No.59973932

Kiki with Kilia tits... I feel conflicted, but I'll eww just in case

>> No.59974033

That artist doesn't have the guts to draw her actual body shape.

>> No.59974528

Filthy sex...

>> No.59974735

>mama kili

>> No.59974831

Kilia's farts in my nose, skye's farts in my mouth, riifu's farts on my cock, kiki in the trash

>> No.59974867


>> No.59974898

Didn't yab this time

>> No.59974992

Of all people she had to be friends with the korean, ew

>> No.59975070

Acceptable change: I fart on Kiki while she tongues my asshole

>> No.59975082


>> No.59975410

I wonder if that tastes better with her covid tongue

>> No.59976656

Fuck no. Mel can and should stay far away

>> No.59976801

We'll try anon. I will protect her with my life

>> No.59978489


>> No.59979744

Damn basically nothing was said here the whole stream! Well now that the stream is over i can close the thread

>> No.59979979

I was trying to catch green screen moments. What about you, chatty anon?

>> No.59980266

I was busy watching kilia and writing in chat

>> No.59980868

Buoys after today's stream, do you think someone in gen 2 will be British?

>> No.59981172

Offcollab double brit whispering asmr...

>> No.59982220

I think that's basically confirmed

>> No.59982452

Finally i will get my asmr offcollab...

>> No.59984797

I wasn’t able to catch the stream. What did she say that implied that?

>> No.59985474

It would be great if Kilia had someone close by. She's been alone for a long time now

>> No.59985531

how can you claim Kilia is alone when I’ve been keeping her company every right?

>> No.59985619

she could collab with his majesty Rin Penrose

>> No.59987100

they already collabed once

>> No.59987219

I don't remember the exact words but Kilia said something about sounding more British in the future, and then suddenly stopped herself, basically confirming that it was gen 2 related. Most likely guess is that there are British talents in gen2.

>> No.59990358
File: 81 KB, 1629x1063, IMG_8134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59992869

The british gen 2 talent is just kilia with her breasts pressed together and her accent turned up

>> No.59993065

Thought that was Ophie for a quick second from the thumbnail

>> No.59994370
File: 1.59 MB, 864x1304, pixai-1667185165061060762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59994450

imagine the braps

>> No.59994524

very spankable

>> No.59998335
File: 21 KB, 286x264, 1668129587059151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60002360
File: 242 KB, 422x365, Not dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60002698

Stay strong /EIEN/. I'd normally be up for at least a few more hours, but I'm about to pass out

>> No.60007105

Is the YLYL worth watching? The clip looked funny

>> No.60010505

It's historic now, watch it for the final appearance of Zow in an EIEN livechat.

>> No.60010579

with the sweet timestamp

>> No.60010953

this is the sweetest timestamp for me personally.

>> No.60013169
File: 85 KB, 364x312, kukchain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next stream will be some ewwww

>> No.60014717


>> No.60014794

>it was often just one person
She knew that zow was the problem

>> No.60014858

so it's confirmed one person.... zow

>> No.60014930

Isn't it about time you reveal the designs of gen 2 eri?

>> No.60015323

very sure Kilia said in yesterdays stream that it's happening very soon.

>> No.60016286

I mean Kilia has been saying it's happening very soon for like a month now...

>> No.60016581

true, I take what I can get

>> No.60018697

Not today

>> No.60020903

Kiki blowjob

>> No.60021040

Kilia thighjob

>> No.60021444

Spanking Skye Shinryu's ass

>> No.60021717

Eri naked dogeza

>> No.60022904

I'll take this one out of the 4 options presented, only because facefucking is hot and I'm not going gentle on the little pink cumrag

>> No.60022958

You don't get the blowjob anon, you just get to watch

>> No.60022990

NTR corpo...

>> No.60023127

Fuck if either her or her 4'8" bf can stop me.

>> No.60023320

Anon, you might be mindbroken

>> No.60023779

is jork

>> No.60024364
File: 79 KB, 1575x921, good-soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good jork

>> No.60027700

Sometimes i hate the vtuber shit for how limiting it can be, but then i ask myself why I'm watching anime girls and not normal flesh streamers and suddenly I'm fine with the limitations

>> No.60029239

Watch some pink bitch get beat up, or do it yourself:

>> No.60030607

I need to fuck Skye and spank her ass red raw. NEED.

>> No.60030788

I haven't watched Kiki in months. She is cuter than I remembered.

>> No.60031234

Fine, just because I'm in a good mood

>> No.60031461

What is happening here? I opened the stream and watched for quite a while. Thought the same as these 2 anons, and would have watched her more if Erika wasn't streaming.
Or did Kiki improve?

>> No.60031627

>kiki started playing FFXIV again
no wonder she stopped talking on discord, she spends all day with her boyfriend on the game kek

>> No.60034055

Maybe having a real video game on stream helps?

>> No.60036457

The final yab

>> No.60036576

She HATES her buoys!
The rude awakening...

>> No.60036833

That's it, I am an EIEN anti now.

>> No.60036947
File: 570 KB, 644x686, 1684685952530371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohnono what not bouykeks?

>> No.60037132

Kichains became the laughing stock of vt.
Skyelight somehow weathered the storm and we are looking forward to some sunny days ahead.
How will Buoys respond to their rude awakening?

>> No.60037697

poor pooey..

>> No.60038328

You raise a good point. The skyelight's rude awakening: did it happen already or is it still coming? Where is our prophet?

>> No.60038520

The rude awakening is the return of The King. He will break the management and mods, make them bend their knees and triumphantly return to claim his rightful throne, with a public apology and a naked dogeza from the lowly talent that dared speak up against him. And it will happen this weekend.

>> No.60039022

Anyone has a pic of dark kilia

>> No.60039241

speaking of, how has the clique and the official server reacted to the event?

>> No.60039623

Relatively quiet, all things considered. Probably busy sending in tickets. #FreeZow

>> No.60039652

you mean by tomorrow or in a week? I have to shift my schedule so I don't miss the event

>> No.60039732

Suspiciously quiet. A couple of them were about to kick up some dust amongst each other before getting told to chill

>> No.60039750

as >>60039623 said, very quiet. Ironic part is if you look at people defending him, its like 3 buoys.

>> No.60039783


>> No.60039818

>it was a 3 day ban
oh no....
I did see him comment on Skye's twitter posts

>> No.60039838

Funnily enough it looks like the majority also disliked him so other than the clique everyone else seems fine with it.

>> No.60040081
File: 82 KB, 680x680, 1683394463803601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember commenting a few weeks back that rude awakenings don't have to be sudden and that we were going through the slow one at that point. Now I'm scared again if that really wasn't our true rude awakening, and the real one is right around the corner.
Hold me bros, I'm scared

>> No.60040450


>> No.60041055
File: 93 KB, 378x649, 1689783667854198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a couple of fags who've been defending him. here's a pretty funny one

>> No.60041316

>vague, generalized, non-personal statement
That is some grade A projecting going on
>buoy grey
>defending the biggest faggot on discord
pure pottery

>> No.60041586

>unironically watching Kiki streams

>> No.60041809

Always, she's entertaining

>> No.60041813
File: 34 KB, 452x552, CDW3O4DVIAIUZaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'm a Kichad.

>> No.60042003

A her most diehard hater, I forgave her. She just isn't as entertaining as she was before all the shit was revealed.

>> No.60042011

Stream was good other than a few people trying to backseat her into using "better" parts when the build that she was already using was perfectly fine for the playstyle that she was going for.

>> No.60042219


>> No.60042735

Let people watch who they want

>> No.60044345
File: 26 KB, 112x112, 1680811183031140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no gen2 yet
I demand Eri's naked dogeza

>> No.60044415

Skye probably just muted him. She’s too nice to actually block people.

>> No.60044465

Before the end of the year anonchama. Patience.

>> No.60044852

We did get confirmation that he is indeed banned on both yt and discord. Hopefully she did actually mute him on twitter, but even if she didn't, that attention starved coomer will leave soon as he won't be able to get his fix of getting his retarded messages read by a person on monitor in front of 100 people.
All memes, all hate aside, both Skye and EIEN as a whole are better off without him. Good riddance.

>> No.60045059

You guys aren't ready for zow's villain/anti arc

>> No.60046190
File: 132 KB, 384x384, F56bA1IXIAA-hsN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see true form of Punished Zow, a man denied his oshi.

>> No.60046741

>/eien/ defending Kiki
What a time we live in

>> No.60048207

A concerted push in the last months to normalize the cuckchains returning as if nothing ever happened

>> No.60048936

I'll be honest, as long as she doesn't backpedal, I'm over hating her. I'm not a kichain, so my investment was 0 to start. I'm willing to put it behind me, but I will not forget. If she's not boring on stream, I'll consider watching. Unfortunately for her, she now has to contest with Erika, the superior vtuber, for her slot

>> No.60051042
File: 502 KB, 519x504, 1677699236729204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just here to remind you that /eien/ won.

>> No.60051810

Move on faggot, if you don't like what you see you can just leave the thread for good

>> No.60051882

We always win

>> No.60052254

What is it you people say again?
Roru rumao

>> No.60052528

nah, no need to leave. too funny watching the cucks get riled up.

>> No.60052681

We are so back

>> No.60052802
File: 639 KB, 675x603, SkyeSmell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YLYL stream was more fun than I thought. The whole Skye Smell part was kinda funny given the subject and Skye made some prime noises during clips.

>> No.60054241

It was! And better yet, the joke hasn't been run into the ground already by specific people

>> No.60054983

I'm gonna keep ewwing as long as I'm here

>> No.60055512

Really, this is the last piece of culture we have. Goslingposting for X is all but gone, zowposting is also gonna die out soon if his ban was actually permanent, ewwposting is all we have left.
Kichains can come back, and I welcome them, but they need to know that we will always eww them, if only to keep up the tradition.

>> No.60058211

Cucks being around doesnt surprise me anymore. I just wish they stayed in their hugbox discord.

>> No.60063579

I can get behind this

>> No.60065059

we could always bring back brapposting

>> No.60065733

The brap poster was riifu, i dont want to take that from her...

>> No.60070348

I had her best one saves, but I lost the text

>> No.60073708

>S M A C K I T
Dear god I didn't even notice, but she's putting it in her shorts now as well...

>> No.60077024


Interesting scheduling spread. The 15K thing is tomorrow. I have no idea how this is going to go

>> No.60079266

She wants it

>> No.60081739


>> No.60082965

a PSA, she said she wanted to do a trial like they had in discord for her 15k. They used to be trials about "being sussy" but last one was about hot takes. If not the whole stream, expect at least some of it to be dedicated to judging Skye based on her hot takes.
Hopefully she won't get too menhera with all the teasing.

>> No.60084995

ohhh looks like it is 3 zatsu streams this week (on in jp)
nice week, Skye

>> No.60086267

I need to ravage Skye so badly.
Not to mention the two hour post coitus mandatory cuddling

>> No.60086612


>> No.60088059


>> No.60088660

Sea mammal milk...

>> No.60089428

remember, no spanking!

>> No.60090893

I'm looking at the schedule site and I'm wondering, is Skye's next stream a collab or she's just going to talk about the collab?

>> No.60092891


>> No.60092898

yeah, looking at Aino Hime schedule, she is having a celebration. no mention of Skye... wonder what that is all about.

>> No.60093743


The girls are on the thumbnail. This could be kino after all

>> No.60093790

The skye station? It's at 3am for Kilia so it's kinda weird

>> No.60093841

Meant for >>60090893

>> No.60095418

Yeah, we'll see then

>> No.60097809

Please live until Skye's stream

>> No.60098122

What if I don't wanna? Huh? What then fuckboi?

>> No.60098486

You guys could keep it alive by talking about eien you know?

>> No.60100030

There's only so much you can discuss with only 2 watchable talents

>> No.60100675

That goes for you too.

That said, it looks like Kilia has a collab later in the week. It's getting to the point where I'm actually losing track of the collabs she gets into. I only noticed it looking at Akiko Sushi's schedule

>> No.60100770
File: 103 KB, 283x223, Hmph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm a little excited for Skye's stream now. The discord submitted YLYL sounded like a disaster in my head when I saw it on the schedule but after watching the vod I kinda have more faith in Skyelights as a whole and I feel like my past worries are slowly being quelled with Zow also being gone on top of that. I think I just hate AC and the things that come during those streams a lot more than I thought I did so I'll just avoid them from now on insted of trying to watch every single stream.

>> No.60100790

1 to 2 collabs per week isn't that hard to keep track of

>> No.60101376

I agree with this. I found myself skipping through the AC parts of the stream and just watching the zatsu segments. Just not the game for me I guess. But looking at this week, we have 2 (or 3) pure zatsu streams to look forward to.

>> No.60101527

Skye and Kiki

>> No.60101729

Nice try cuckchain

>> No.60102408
File: 246 KB, 1920x1080, 20231008_202143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice schedule

>> No.60102458

10/10 collab already

>> No.60102642

So i guess the last resident evil vod is gone forever? I wasn't paying attention when she streamed that day so I don't remember anything from it and wanted to rewatch it...I'll have to download the one shared by anon then...

>> No.60103468

She said she was going to put it back up after editing out the yab, we might have to remind her

>> No.60104242

She might run into Skye's problem. The scrubbing wasn't working right, so part 2 of her AC6 stream had to get uploaded as a video instead

>> No.60104250

Collab started btw

>> No.60104289


>> No.60104522

I don't watch Kilia on the regular. Seems like a big shift to me

>> No.60104613

Yeah she's been saying she wants to do more collabs and stream more overall

>> No.60105040

Good, Skye and Kilia are getting to do everything they want to it feels like. We truly are healing

>> No.60105244

Perhaps both the girls and the management found their footing

>> No.60105545

The conditions are perfect. Now we just need a Gen 2 announcement ||followed by notRiifu trying to upstage it||

>> No.60105594

And I apparently have discord brain. I should go.

>> No.60105618

discord bro....

>> No.60105793

Do you think notRiifu would actually be retarded enough to do that? It would just make her look like an idiot kid in a tantrum

>> No.60105840

>It would just make her look like an idiot kid in a tantrum
it already looks like that

>> No.60105847


>> No.60105906
File: 247 KB, 461x426, 1672453882732897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60106548

Am I the only one that can't watch big collabs? I actively watch 2 girls and the rest range from occasional watch to tolerable, but everybody trying to one up each other and everyone bursting into laughter every 2 minutes is like nails on chalkboard for me.

>> No.60106629

not a big fan either, usually I'll just have them in the background. The amogus collab last week was kinda fun though (probably helps that they're not speaking all together in that game)

>> No.60106660

i always skip this type of collabs due to the sheer amount of people

>> No.60107103

I enjoy the amogus collab

>> No.60107244

I only pay half attention to them because they don't really feel like they're streaming.

>> No.60107250

Amongus one was ok because most of the time, you could only hear the person you were watching and a few others close to them. Discussion time was far enough apart that it didn't get too grating.

>> No.60107827

I like Riifu but every EIEN event/announcement for the past few months have been followed by her either tweeting about progress or going on a rant

>> No.60108722
File: 147 KB, 1112x862, FvVnHxnagAIsHsL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You assumin I'm a riifling
What I gotta do to get it through to you
I'm skyebrap sniffing
Degenerative and I never shower
so that anything I huff is clinging onto me and makes its way to you
She's flatulating, more than ever captivating
Gonna gas a motherfuckin skyelight till their balls burst and they're dehydrating
Smell unfading, and the huffers are forever waiting
Till the day that skyebraps hit their nostrils, they'll be celebrating
Cause skye knows how to get em masturbating
She eats phillipine shit, just imagine if you sniffed it
"Oh he's a riifling"
Well green woman braps couldn't match up to the blonde flip
"This gamer chair smells so hot"
That's the smell of filipino raw dick

>> No.60108825

I feel the maximum amount of people for a pleasurable collab viewing experience is 4. After that it just becomes overly noisy and hard to follow.

>> No.60108944

Damn, right. I agree.

>> No.60109029

Omg hi Riifu!

>> No.60109097

Optimal collab for me is 3. 4 is manageable if people really click. One on one only for zatsu or if people have a history together.

>> No.60109105


>> No.60109138

An attempt was made. It doesn't have the punch of the real brap poster

>> No.60109278

Well I can't make it a banger every time (unlike skye's butthole)

>> No.60110396

Well, looking at the number of posts, It looks like we will need a new thread for Skye's stream. I'm going to sleep, so if there is no thread up at stream time, I'll bake. If anyone has a good OP pic, feel free to post, if not, I'll just pull some random screencap

>> No.60110602

Kilia is ruining the collab...

>> No.60110635

who the fuck is that

>> No.60110876

You are ruining the thread

>> No.60111023

Kek I can't blame kilia, such a big group can drain your energies pretty fast if you try to keep up with the overall energy

>> No.60111367
File: 3.52 MB, 2000x3597, 1677717601134859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they bullying our orca?

>> No.60111515


>> No.60111662
File: 280 KB, 447x452, 1685539488916175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whomst ever keeps submitting clips from one tv show/one creator/one channel can fuck right off. Try to diversify the content jesus fuck.

>> No.60112056

No kilia is just autistic

>> No.60112085

some of the girls in this collab are obnoxious holy shit

>> No.60112742

How about Skye's Albedo post on twitter?
The post of her carrying Kiki is technically on the table too, but ewww

>> No.60112890

If you're talking about that one weird game show with the 3 dudes making sound effects, that was what her autoplay went to after the user submitted playlist ended.

>> No.60113232

I've only been able to catch bits and pieces. Rank the girls

>> No.60113776

It's a collab

>> No.60114076

>Skye collab at 3am
>Minecraft at 10am
that Minecraft stream is getting canceled or pushed back isn't it

>> No.60114917

No idea who was speaking, it was just a cacophony of high-pitched fake anime girls voices. The most annoying one was the one spamming loud as fuck noises like airhorns

>> No.60116198

Just wrote a maro and sent it but now the more i think about the way i wrote it the more i feel like i wrote it too much like zow...

>> No.60116345

to whom? what did you write?

>> No.60116401

Post it here, or no balls

>> No.60117113

No i will not

>> No.60117811

Did you sign it?

>> No.60118321

Who did you send it to?

>> No.60120295

I Iike this skye

>> No.60122666


>> No.60124757

I'm waiting for Skye's stream to start (at 4am) before i go to sleep because I'm stupid

>> No.60125073


>> No.60125524

EIEN is recovering? Does that mean gen 2 soon? Eri was just waiting for the wound to heal before announcing them?

>> No.60125924

You're just schizoing out anon. She cares more about updating the riiflings, which you conveniently forget she does on a very often basis not once every 3 months when EIEN has some new info if your speculation was correction. She would be doing months of radio silence at a time.

>> No.60126303


>> No.60126388


>> No.60126411

Oh boy a Skye stream!

>> No.60126489

We're at the point now where Kiki collabs with Skye are good

>> No.60126519

It's already kino...

>> No.60126523
File: 351 KB, 523x521, skyeay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60126533

kiki and kilia participating in whatever the fuck goes on in skye's mind is kino

>> No.60126614


>> No.60126732

It's time to wake up anon. Your rotting brain is still stuck in early May

>> No.60126751

Kiki is still eww

>> No.60126829
File: 219 KB, 314x314, kikidisgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60126913

holy fuck this is amazing ahahaha

>> No.60127156

why is there basically 0 notice for this collab? it's not on Kiki and Kilia's schedules, and it's not written as a collab on Skye's schedule. I only knew about it because of the thread

>> No.60127176

That's fine, but don't ignore my bro because of it

>> No.60127604


>> No.60127958

It’s on the title and thumbnail of the stream anonchama

>> No.60128408

so the only to know there was a collab was to go to the waiting room, kinda my point

>> No.60128726

You're right. We didn't get any details about the stream. Not genmate participation, not chat giving evidence, nothing outside of a trial happening

>> No.60129472

>What do you want hag?
I missed this brat

>> No.60134293

... Nice guard uniform

>> No.60135230

I ment Smolryu

>> No.60135427

Why is notRiifu on such a high horse after all this time?
“I wish I was in a position to offer the girls more help other than cheering them on from the side lines for how brave they are.” my ass
If you really cared you would have shared with them what happened with management so they could be aware and take any necessary steps
But it has just devolved into notRiifu throwing rocks at the eien house while they continue on with their lives

>> No.60135876

Please explain this one retardchama. You expect her to get into contact with the former AkioAIR vtubers so she can tell them "My former corpo also treated me badly and threatened me with termination and lawsuits behind the scenes"?

>> No.60135905

That's what happens when you give retards and shitty people a platform

>> No.60135978

GTFO tourist-chama archivebros know why

>> No.60136222

You do realize I’m talking about Museia right? She may be talking about AkioAir, but to say that when she left her genmates in the dust is very twofaced behavior.

>> No.60136470

It's almost like she's a schizo with absolutely nothing to back her claims

>> No.60136737

shouldn't you be having a circlejerk about Zow moddy boys

>> No.60136795

Yes, I am definitely the tourist boogeyman
What reason is there to NOT share potentially life ruining/career threatening actions with your other co-workers through private channels?
“Oh she had her reasons” and yes thats why Im asking why she’s on such a high fucking horse after all this time. Her reasons are actually stopping her from helping people she could have /actually/ helped.
I couldn’t give two shits about whatever the fuck notRiifu is cooking up, but to still be flinging shit and placing herself on a pedestal after all this time is just pathetic.

>> No.60137038

You're insanely fucking retarded, and forgot again that this isn't a catalog thread that will attract tourists so nobody is going to humor you.

>> No.60137311

I don’t want to be humoured, contrary to popular belief.
I want to express frustration with an ex-talent that can’t seem to let go.
Sorry, I thought this was a discussion board anonchama, did your feelings get hurt?

>> No.60137625

You'd have to say something that tracks for that to happen.

>> No.60137732

Care to explain what doesn’t track then? You seem to be so confident in yourself for not actually saying anything.

>> No.60137749

>Oh she had her reasons
Retard-chama doesn't know how to read archives apparently
>flinging shit and placing herself on a pedestal
She basically carried Museia while she was there and was their most popular chuuba so she deserves that pedestal.

>> No.60137878

Kilia was just as popular
