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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59769113 No.59769113 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.59769235


>> No.59769278

What would Millie say if you told that to her?

>> No.59769318

ehh, more just filipino. It sure is an ugly language with ugly people with ugly attitude
meanwhile holoID talents are few of the biggest chuubas in the scene lol

>> No.59769323

This is nothing compared to the efforts Shiori made to hide the fact that she is flip

>> No.59769330

well its not really wrong

>> No.59769398


>> No.59769406

Who said she's flip retard

>> No.59769439

I mean they're right but it's shitty to hide it, maybe don't hire SEA people in the first place.

>> No.59769478

Well... kinda?
If you haven't made any significant impact and built a solid audience yet, you should never reveal that you're SEA or South Asian

>> No.59769481

Mel should move in with me in Europe. I can save her!
and she can sit on my face as well

>> No.59769520

>reveal that you're SEA or South Asian
Or mtf tranny

>> No.59769611

meanwhile Biboo
don't blame stupid shit like this for your failure

>> No.59769664

Biboo doesn’t live in SEA

>> No.59769710
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>"SEA is not attractive"

>> No.59769753

they are right. Even SEA people go for white-skinned ones

>> No.59769868

having male teenage sea fans is a net-negative because they don't donate and will make up rrats about you after any perceived slight, you're straight up better off having fewer fans than appealing to them
for examples of this happening you can read the virtual youtubers board on 4channel dot org

>> No.59770418

Honest question, what's the difference between this and Cover not letting viewers know that Bae can speak chinese during debut?

>> No.59770448

>He lacks critical information

>> No.59770491
File: 154 KB, 1029x826, smug brat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gold

>> No.59770530

>muh hololive
You are obsessed

>> No.59770538

considering how flips are notorious for gossiping bitches and their crab mentality (as shown in this whole board, which is overran by them), i can see why chuubas are reluctant to disclose that they're flips. you're asking for the most toxic demographics if you try to pander to them.

>> No.59770614

The Coco situation (she had graduated literally only a monthish before Council debuted) made it obviously a really sore topic to even potentially remind people of and touch on.

This however is more like out of just shrewd marketing strategy. I mean, it isn't wrong really, but it depends on if the girl was raised there or not more than anything IMO. If she was born and raised in the West and speaks English just fine that is a rather different affair, that is someone culturally one of us vs someone from some weird foreign society which inherently reduces the audience's trust in a medium where trust is hard to come by, only ever skin-deep and is yet an fucking essential currency for growth/success and once lost cannot be regained usually.

>> No.59770629

She said it true fuck them.

>> No.59770657

Cause speaking it isn‘t beneficial
Same with that one korean chick they just hired

>> No.59770667


>> No.59770679

You just a retarded anon who fail at baitpost. Im a japanese btw because i like, what was that dish name again, oh sushi.

>> No.59770687

SEA? more like PH

>> No.59770720

So why deliberately hide the fact?

>> No.59770783

How about HoloID? They speak SEA language

>> No.59770804

>You just a retarded anon who fail at baitpost
I'm pretty sure I've succeeded on that end.

>> No.59770820 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, SEAfag. Indo sounds like fucking ass just the same as flip. Legit the only language that sounds worse than indospeak is fucking yiddish.

>> No.59770857

>South Asian
I have never seen any south asian (indian) vtubers besides the ones from nijiIN. Indians don't give a fuck about anime at all.

>> No.59770896

I think mainland SEA is looked at more favorably than the islands

>> No.59770962

I actually stumbled into my first indie (heh) Indian Vtuber recently. She was alright.

>> No.59770981

Nta but he sure did killed your bait.

>> No.59771029

She will get more popular in Taiwan if she did

>> No.59771293

Anime MCs are too beta for them

>> No.59771323

Indians are anime mcs if the beta MC was like "ooo titties in my face, time to rape". A weird combo of betamale but also rapist.

>> No.59771341

Let's be thankful. If you thought the ID and SEAfags were bad, you'd not be prepared for how awful the fucking endians actually are.

>> No.59771349

You mean rance

>> No.59771386

You seem to know an awful lot about Indians...

>> No.59771417

Rance is an alpha, he rapes but then the women he raped come back for child support and demanding marriage. Women who he deems too old or ugly to rape get angry and demand to be raped. Rance fathered half the princes who will become kings in the future and became the demon lord.

Indians are like goblins.

>> No.59771816

It really amazes me how flips are the worst haters of their fellow flips. Fucking crab mentality at work.

>> No.59771871

>i can see why chuubas are reluctant to disclose that they're flips
Why did they keep on letting it slip while cussing?

>> No.59772057

It's called being self-aware. I'm pretty sure if Africans started hating their own race none of you would find any problem with it.

>> No.59772122

Just be proud of your ethnicity like Indians lmao

>> No.59772174
File: 185 KB, 1200x675, nijien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning sir. How did that work out for them?

>> No.59772341

Vtubers are not Indian culture, behenchod fuck you saar

>> No.59772467
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>> No.59772530

The problem is there is nothing really to be proud of. At least Indians have their own cool culture or some shit as well as a rich history.

>> No.59772749
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>Indians don't give a fuck about anime at all.
They have live action shonen anime

>> No.59772896

>not the one I know

>> No.59772901

damage control

>> No.59772905


>> No.59772917

This movie was so fucking gay

>> No.59772930


>> No.59773014

Nice try indokek

>> No.59773042

Fuck off, seriously. Niji has no fucking clue how to handle their overseas branches. HoloIN would have been much more successful.

>> No.59773093

the fuck is mainland SEA?

>> No.59773125

Mainland = thailand, vietnam, myanmar
Islands = indonesia, malaysia, philippines, singapore

>> No.59773132

>HoloIN would have been much more successful.
How lmao

>> No.59773183

As a western man, it's true. If I know that I'm watching a disgusting sea creature then I'll unfollow and never watch her again. We only tolerate Japan and Korea.

>> No.59773192

He already said shounen

>> No.59773206
File: 55 KB, 696x816, 1691995172559688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this bait? you can literally see "tagalog" in her about page

>> No.59773252

wait. Singapore is an island? i thought it was just a small fishing village at the tip of the Malaysian Peninsula that became a huge city thanks to their founder Lee Kuan Yew?

>> No.59773341
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>> No.59773391
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>Hero and rival face each other at the end
>Ready for the ultimate shounen battle
>Instead of charging their powers, indian music cues and they have a Bollywood-liek dance battle instead
fucking kek, I want this to be true

>> No.59773397

Same with how Bae is not allowed to say she speaks Cantonese during debut. Even now she's acting like she can't speak it well

>> No.59773476

Probably posts in /pw/

>> No.59773544

im from SEA but this is based ngl

>> No.59773660

>SEA is not attractive
Spoken like someone who only know VTubing from 4chan
But knowing what he did as CEO? Perfectly /vt/ behavior.

>> No.59773805

meanwhile, Kaela and Kobo

>> No.59773921

Annoying SEA men aren't attractive, SEA women who are looking for white trophy husbands are attractive because clearly it somehow keeps working

>> No.59773953

filipinos seethe at this but deep down they know it's the truth

>> No.59774138

That's actually true. I don't think there are any female flips /here/. Even if there are they wouldn't be like the male flips who constantly shitpost.

>> No.59774175

>Trying to say flips are not SEAmonkeys.
I guess since they are the utter bottom of the barrel of SEA, they need their own category. PagPag it is

>> No.59774274

>I don't think there are any female flips /here/
Really anon? Did you forget the secret GC stream?

>> No.59774487

Flip chuubas don't count.

>> No.59774927

>I don't think there are any females /here/
Ftfy. There are no females on the interwebs until they post tits, like >>59668801

>> No.59775039

what the hell does Tagalog even sound like, can someone give a good representative video? Like a newscast or something

>> No.59775144

>what does Tagalog even sound like
Bad, but not as bad as Hindi/Urdu/Malayalam or whatever other variation of unga bunga pajeets speak t. UAE resident. As for hearing it, just search Tagalog news on youtube, I don't want to taint my reccs.

>> No.59775154

Can someone explain why Flips are so self hating? I've never seen a race where the women fetishize foreigners so much and the men are completely fine with it and don't even raise a bit of a fuss when foreigners get together with flip women.
Most of the shitposting about SEAfags being shit are also from them who are also SEAfags, and they're overrepresented when it comes to homocollab faggotry and general net cuckoldry behaviours.

>> No.59775194

It's correct, Kobo got hard doxxed by her fellow countrymen.

>> No.59775305

What the fuck is going on in that company. Sounds like the talents are all just unprofessional zoomers and peer pressuring each others to 'own le company'

>> No.59775387

>What the fuck is going on in that company
Nothing because there are no talents left.

>> No.59775592

Definitely true except for Singapore. I've gotten almost only negative impressions of the Phillipines and Indonesia, but Thailand and Vietnam are totally fine, as is Singapore. I dunno why islanders seem to be so unlikable. Whenever a vtuber says she's from there I'm immediately turned off.

>> No.59775664

Consulted my SEA friend and he said nobody calls it "mainland" or "islands".

>> No.59775749

Yeah, but he's probably from the Philippines.

>> No.59775830

SEA women make my pp very hard though

>> No.59775973

I look up Philippine vtuber and I got Millie
Honestly I've heard the language sound so different depending on who is speaking it it's weird
Sometimes I hear Spanish, sometimes it sounds like Chinese, sometimes Arabic, Javanese and other languages
It reminds me of Indonesia where there are thousands of dialects and they all sound different depending on the location

I've watched Purin before and in her streams she says she can barely understand the main dialect because it's so different from her own dialect
She's struggling having it as 3rd language

>> No.59776637

Bollywood is the only reason I don't openly hate Indians. It's a international treasure.

>> No.59779188


>> No.59779240

Self awareness does that. I'm not going to lie to myself

>> No.59779279


>Cow piss
>Shitting on the street
>Small penis

>> No.59779289

But RRR is not bollywood...

>> No.59779318
File: 215 KB, 1535x2048, FpoVBmNXwAA4Yc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss this brat so much

>> No.59779395

SEA = Philippines

>> No.59779436

what is wrong with telling hoe it is?

>> No.59779592

I'm not a Filipino, I don't care

>> No.59781175

>criticizes Filipino language
>is from the Middle East
lmao even

>> No.59781563

It already is, they didn't bother and have saved money on managers models and equipment

>> No.59781686

Go to /sp/ to get a taste of them and you would understand. The worst posters in the entire site.

>> No.59782149

Nobody in Thailand and Vietnam calls themselves mainland SEA anon since thats a chinese only thing.

>> No.59786131

maybe the talent herself doesn't want to reveal that info in this case?
kinda funny, doesn't Bae have the largest Korean fanbase?

>> No.59786246

National heritage is being bottomed by every other country in the world, they evolved to enjoy it. When they don’t get enough abuse they go around making it for themselves

>> No.59787482

did you even read the tweets
it actually sounded like a stereotypical techbro startup, which is not a great environment for young women (or young people in general unless they're the ones actually getting paid and it seems like these talents were barely scraping by, their top earner still needed 2 other jobs)

>> No.59787572

because getting out of the Philippines is a W
life is only good there if you're considerably rich and their average citizen is absolutely not
