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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 261 KB, 1180x590, mucho texto groomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
59584327 No.59584327 [Reply] [Original]

Black Corpo: A corporation whose management and/or coworkers are one or more of the following



>AkioAIR doesn't pay their talents on time for months
>Debuting a child is the last straw for their top earner who quits
>CEO blackmails her and threatens her with 14 page google document list of demands
>CEO threatens FalsEyeD with lawsuit

previous >>57848855

>> No.59584367
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Athena Nightingale "Athy" whistleblower longpost

>> No.59584422
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Athy's graduation post [deleted]

>> No.59584505


>> No.59584506
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AkioAIR CEO Jason Gorilla Google Drive document page 1 of 7

>> No.59584561
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>> No.59584614
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>> No.59584658
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>> No.59584703
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>> No.59584746
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>> No.59584795
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but wait there's more

>> No.59584913

You can't open up a 7 page BTFO with vagueposting, and keep that vagueposting up throughout. This is majorly padded pulp making no valid points because they're too scared/incompotent to be specific about what she's supposedly done

>> No.59585031
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Excited for the debut tod-

>> No.59585120

What a shame 4 of the new talents have health issues that prevent them from debuting, all at the same time. Let's pray for their health.

>> No.59585263

dont mention to akioair that their past lives are conveniently in good health and making comeback streams

>> No.59585335

Please understand.

>> No.59585396

>comeback streams
pitybait donothons aka SCAMs

>> No.59585468

how can something be a scam if donating is optional

>> No.59585493

Thank you, OP

>> No.59585610

>CEO threatens FalsEyeD with lawsuit
Source on this one

>> No.59585618

Is Amber Glow a black corpo or was it all fabricated by Terumi?

>> No.59585621
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Reactions from #2 Gen1 talent
Will she quit or won't she? I hope she flees.

>> No.59585722

don't have screenshots, someone else will have to post
false went into the akioair discord and said they should've just let the minor go or something, then ceo started responding with lawsuit threats for defamation.

>> No.59585728
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Taiwanese Chink thinks he is expert in American law

>> No.59585771

never trust a chink ceo

>> No.59585806

*Legal fees fund raising

>> No.59585869
File: 71 KB, 592x519, confusing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean YES
What did she mean by this? I honestly don't know.

>> No.59585949

Isn't the company chinese?
Clearly they all got akiovid

>> No.59585964

>Willingly involved in activities that can be expected to damage the company's operation
>Our agreement
>Our terms
>Huge sum of money
>Offering a 2.0 model as an incentive to stream more regularly
Simply way too vague. If I were a mediator in this dispute I would tell Aiko to gtfo and come back with a statement that doesn't pussyfoot around details. From a PR perspective I think it's even more disastrous because it just makes people confused and makes you look like you have something to hide when you're already on the back foot.

>We are unable to provide exact details as we are unsure of what extent this damage has caused
This whole section pisses me off. You have a problem employee trying to leave but you're admitting you're holding her hostage because of your own incompotence. Sever contractual ties or don't, not a good look to admit you're fucking with a young woman with no legal acumen due to your own incompotence.

>We will be forced to clear our name in court
Ridiculous, despite what claimants and defendants continually think the purpose of breach of contract lawsuits is not ego. What are the damages and what is the rememdy sought - an "apology" is not something the courts have time to give a shit about. Maybe the contract is beholden to a jurisdiction I'm not familiar with and that's how things work there, but an actual judge (this would never go to trial btw) would throw this out. They will be told that they could see they had a difficult employee/contractor but continued to both put up with her bullshit and subject her to bullshit, they had an opportunity to cut ties and they didn't take it, not they're being transparently vexatious. I suspect their "legal department" are way underqualified and in over their heads.

I hope the girl can get a half decent lawyer.

>> No.59586049

So whats the big issue with the teenage girl they hired, is this all just because she's underage and thats it?

>> No.59586078

>Suing an American for slander after he made an entirely subjective statement

>> No.59586080

"Scam" doesn't mean forcing someone to pay, it means making someone agree to give you money you under a false pretense.
Like an Indian calling you to tell you that your computer has a virus and that they'll need $500 dollars in gift cards to fix it.

>> No.59586087

Fucking bugs

>> No.59586105

>Company withholds paychecks from employees
That's the actual big deal and black corpo behavior.
Also threatening lawsuits.
The minor shit is ... minor.

>> No.59586120

>>59586080 (me)
Ignore the reduntant "you", it's late here.

>> No.59586122

>CEO threatens FalsEyeD with lawsuit

>> No.59586150

MEW is Jasons Ghislaine Maxwell
don't fall for her BS

>> No.59586154

just don't be a weak male and give money if you don't want to, fag.

>> No.59586296

yes the old roasties took all the other shit until the ceo stopped trying to groom them and tried to groom someone younger then them kek

>> No.59586354
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Do you have anything to back up your claim or are you just memeing
>Mew is Lumi's friend
On second thought, you might be on to something

>> No.59586413

>just don't be a weak male
Do you know where you are?
Vulnerable young men are being preyed upon by devouring roasties. These sensitive softbois need to be protected.

>> No.59586494

>Child acting has a very dark history of kids being financially exploited by parents/companies
>Child stardom in particular is very toxic, and vtubing is all about being a fandom around an invidivual
>Company states you must be 18 to apply
>Grant a minor not only an audition, but let her in
>Most vtubing culture is heavily hentai-adjacent, existing talents reference it frequently and so does the new kid
>Only announce to the world she is a minor in a statement saying "by the way do not lewd this character because then it would be child porn" which is an incredibly weird way to put it
>This is also howthe other talents found out they would be costarring with a child, meaning it is mandatory for their reputations and legal safety to walk on eggshells and be kid friendly
>Not only is it fucking weird to submerge a kid into a somewhat horny environment like this you're witnesses privately calling and playing games with her as her adult boss
>Statement referened earlier justifies hiring the kid because she has "good prior experience" that made you enamoured with her
>The implication being that they couldn't wait for her to turn 18 because they wanted to snap up this cunny before anybody else could

So basically, not only is Aiko choosing to do a controversial thing, they're also mandating a change in the culture of their existing stars, and the creepy CEO is transparently grooming this kid by showering her with praise and getting in lots of alone time.

>> No.59586530

But what if those vulnerable men are preyed upon by bratty kusogaki cunnies instead? I think we should cut them some slack then.

>> No.59586574

I'm not considering donating any money, I just explained to you what a scam is. No need to get upset.

>> No.59586627

>CEO threatens false with a lawsuit

>> No.59586757

Unironically what Nophi did to Jason

>> No.59586826
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Jason's first letter about the underaged b&

>> No.59586895
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Jason's second letter of the underaged b&

>> No.59587247

Are any of these post-Hololive boom vtuber companies actually legit? They all seem to be either run by schizos or so small that there's no way that they're profitable. Aside from like Vshojo, maybe Phase and Idol.

>> No.59587298
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>graduation/peaceful termination
something new

>> No.59587329

They will never be legit until they stumble their way into success like Cover

>> No.59587361

Yes unless Chinese or already exposed as buraku
Yes, unless they pander for EOPs or any of above

>> No.59587367

meant for this >>59587247

>> No.59587397

I quite like Mew, its a shame that AkioAir seemingly hasn’t done much for her because she could probably be a lot more successful

>> No.59587410

>do some moral grandstand for absolutely no reason
>company implodes
Amazing. All they had to do was nothing. Just shut the fuck up and thats it.
But no, gotta do the twitter thing.

>> No.59587562
File: 163 KB, 350x787, 1696051313372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think responding to Athy's statement about AkioAIR withheld paychecks and harassment with a family guy gif like a vtsister makes Phase Connect's CEO a "professional?" Why is he getting involved in other corpo business either? He insulted Akio on his livestream too just like he insulted Cyberlive in the past.

>> No.59587609

Why would you be this shocked? The fishman must poach. it's in his nature.

>> No.59587620

Jason tried ward off groomers by staking his claim first lmao
Now his company is fucking dying.

>> No.59587619

Based fish

>> No.59587642
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>> No.59587662

>He insulted Akio on his livestream too just like he insulted Cyberlive in the past.
They deserve nothing less. It's not hard to do bare minimum to avoid imploding like them.

>> No.59587674

But what about Shion?

>> No.59587672

All I know is that they have at least 2 big talents and I never heard of the CEO trying to rape anyone so that definitely makes them a lot better than some of these other corpos

>> No.59587685

Phase, Idol, Vreverie, V&U, Kawaiipro, Pixellink, and Prism are all legit with varying levels of success and varying levels of competence at the helm. I wouldn’t say any of these are outright confirmed black companies even though some of them have made some questionable management decisions. Phase and Idol are the top, but V&U and Vreverie have been doing quite well recently.

>> No.59587753
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>> No.59587841

I’d be cool with fishman poaching Athy desu, she was wasted on a corp like AkioAir.

>> No.59587900

>2 big talents

>> No.59587937

>how are phone scams real? the elderly don’t HAVE to pay
That’s what you sound like.

>> No.59587949

>literally who: the thread

>> No.59587953

pippa and the white one with the accent

>> No.59588151


>> No.59588217

Kuro is a thread for black companies so if you want to talk about nijisanji it's technically on-topic, numberchama

>> No.59588325

>nijisanji is a black company
Whatever you say holobrony
>bows to china and fires coco to eat dung

>> No.59588350

Recouping their losses.

>> No.59588392
File: 1.01 MB, 1077x865, vesper coin tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that if Cover was a white company, Vesper would still be streaming as Vesper to this very day

>> No.59588539

Nobody cares because Yagoo wasn't grooming Shion to be his discord kitten. Akio's problem wasn't so much the underage thing itself - sure it's stupid (especially considering that they could've just hired other applicants who are of legal age, but nooo the CEO ~for some reason~ just had to put her in over others), but they could've just shut up and probably got away with it. What really broke off this snowballing footshot cascade was their retarded public statement which brought unnecessary attention to this, and made people ask questions where the answers make the boss look like a dumbfuck groomer. Other talents who were supposed to debut in the new gen decided they didn't want to be associated with this shitshow and dipped. Older talents decided they had enough of underlying ongoing problems (not getting paid on time, etc.) and dipped (to be fair, they already weren't streaming regularly before, another bad look for the corp), and in another genius owngoal the corpo thinks their best course of action is now to continue the public shitflinging and "clap back" at an outgoing talent with a 7 page google doc as if that's going to make them look any better.

>> No.59588797

> Yagoo wasn't grooming
and you have proofs, right?

>> No.59588925

Didn't hololive have a different CEO at the time? I thought Yagoo came later?

>> No.59588963

Hiring the 16 year old was just the icing on the cake for everyone

>> No.59588973

What? No, Yagoo is the founder of Cover.

>> No.59589102

No, Yagoo was the founder and has always been the CEO/President of the whole company thus far.

>> No.59589228

I must have entered the other berenstein universe.

>> No.59589343

you're a youthful man growing up in the age of technology not a dementia ridden hag who doesn't know how to use a computer.

>> No.59589426

>just prove a negative
lol nice try retard, if you want to prove that Yagoo has ever groomed anyone the burden of proof is on you

>> No.59589724

NTA, but if he was, you don’t have any proof or even possible hint / indication either. I am not following this drama closely, but if
> creepy CEO is transparently grooming this kid by <…> and getting in lots of alone time.
Was true, it does set up some red flags (I’m not counting the “showering with praise” part because it isn’t particularly problematic)

>> No.59589780

Don't even need to go that far. It's Cover's fault that contract negotiations dragged to a point where a proper graduation streams for the two was infeasible.

>> No.59589817

>you're a youthful man
You don’t know that.

>> No.59589883

Holy shit, the writing in this is so so bad. It just oozes "I need to sound formal and professional but I'm a seething ESL". The structure, formatting and page layout are a mess, on top of all the subtle grammatical issues and straight up wrong word choices (e.g. "willingly *involved in activities"). Literally ChatGPT could write better given a basic rundown of points to make.

>> No.59589963

Is this one of those 'final yab' that I hear so much about.

>> No.59590101


>> No.59590104

Yes this is the actual kind of final yab that people keep joking about

If it comes out that Yagoo was doing any of the same things here to Shion when she was underage I'd be mad at him too

>> No.59590394

>Gen 1 and 2 were direct auditions/scouting by Yagoo

>some red flags
he's asian, that's enough for me

>> No.59590706

No one will ever top Wactor, the GOAT black company, they even doxx their own talents

>> No.59590759

If 66% of a wave quitting before debut isn't a final yab I don't know what is

>> No.59591100

will see. drama isn't over yet

>> No.59591139

If Jason doesn’t even get to fuck the cunny then he really screwed the pooch.

>> No.59591164

I dunno. The story that's still unfolding around Taiyaki Studios is really trying. They didn't go as far as posting their equivalent of a social security number for their talent like WACTOR, but they did publish her real name and the address of their studio where she's livestreaming every day, among like 100 other shitty things.

>> No.59591272

Yeah, I don't see a way in which AA can survive this. Losing 4 talents before debut is basically a loss of a $10k investment just for the models if not more. Not to mention the time and resources invested into auditions, interviews, training, and prep for debut. They're left with 2, maybe 3 talents to collect revenue from and try to recoup that investment. Delfi debuted to 250 live viewers. Unless Jason is sitting on a lot of capital, AkioAir is done for.

>> No.59591414
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>in most jurisdiction and states whether if it's report or not

>> No.59591513

How much of that did Akio even pay for? The talents/leaks were making it sound like they had to fund a lot of stuff themselves

>> No.59591555

>I hope the girl can get a half decent lawyer.
A random 1view who streamed an Ace Attorney game in the last year could win this for Athy, what a clown show.

>> No.59591616

Seeing his retarded response to and handling of Athy, I genuinely believe he could be stupid enough to get conned into blowing up his whole company by a teenage girl.

>> No.59591619

Remember when the website originally went live and they were talking about implementing their own payment processor or some shit like that?

>> No.59591857

what did they do? I only know there were a lot of vtuber pandering to the spics

>> No.59591877

AA almost certainly payed for the models. That's one of the biggest incentives for joining a small corpo in the first place. The talents probably paid for their own stream assets, which is pretty common. The other things I mentioned, while not having a direct, tangible monetary value, they do require someone's time. If any managers are involved, they have to be paid.

>> No.59591929 [DELETED] 

So phasecucks and the Jews really are Mossad glowniggers.And False Eyed D and that faggot depressed nousagi I hope they killed themselves.

>> No.59592023

Intentionally doxxed their own talents as punishment for not being obedient. Multiple times. Among other things

>> No.59592187

This is how things used to be done on the internet.
With complete mockery of other people's real problems as it gets in the way of what internet was made for, fun.
The overemotional Gen-X(Formerly Gen-Tweet, not to be confused with Gen-X(1980s)) wouldn't get it

>> No.59592248 [DELETED] 

Blackrock is funding vtubers faggots. Even the Rockefellers and Rothschild have they hands in this. The new world order. 2030 world order.

>> No.59593033

the last time we had this thread vreverie was unstained, and the talents are able to collab with whoever they want. So I guess them

>> No.59593111

Don't forget how HoloEN suddenly banned male collabs with Stars EN

>> No.59593488

Just to make sure, (You) did know that "Motoaki Tanigo" is the same person and the "Yagoo" name results from one of the talents misreading the name kanji?

>> No.59593884

Why do the sweetest chuubas get the worst deals? Shit sucks. Athy didn't deserve any of this.

>> No.59593970

Reminder that MyHoloTV had an entire gen walk out after like 3 months, lost two of three from the next gen after that, retconned their original single talent into that gen along with a new hire (who lasted less than a year), and lost one of the three from the next gen after that... and still exists.

>> No.59594080

>Delfi debuted to 250 live viewers.
how about the other one?

>> No.59594110

Cyberlive schizo spotted

>> No.59594113

It's only over when you run out of money

>> No.59594142


>> No.59594207

>lolicons are pedos
Why are you people even here

>> No.59594449

if he was grooming anyone it was one of the stars

>> No.59594511

because it goes along with being trusting and bad at spotting red flags when applying somewhere

>> No.59594656

>homo derangement syndrome

>> No.59594704


>> No.59594877

Fuck this gay earth, man. Athy will be happier back in the indie sphere.

>> No.59595497

It's just how the economy is set up, really. Being kind and trusting means getting exploited by the greedy and cunning, and that's shaping people more and more when social norms become looser.

>> No.59595593

I would have groomed kira if I could have

>> No.59595916

They're legit, doesn't mean retards and groomers don't run them.
Phase is led by unashamed 4chan tier racist.

>> No.59595938

He only hates SEAmonkeys, what’s so bad about that?

>> No.59596228

pixel has been pretty good so far, so good that Jason tried to sabotage them

>> No.59596494

Nope. The rumors abounding those places stink to high heaven. The rest are good though.

>> No.59596720

>7 pages
The dramatuber said he had 60 pages to look at before monday's episode on akioair. I wonder what the pages were.

>> No.59596849

Yeah, rumors, they certainly could be black companies if i just run with every /vt/ rrat I find, but they could also just have stupid management which isn’t quite the same thing. Of the 2 I would most likely lean towards Kawaii being a black company, but nobody really has confirmation on who is in the wrong in the gen 3 debacle.

>> No.59597467

AkioAir was full of bad rumors until being confirmed by a single individual exposing the company. I'm not claiming rrats are the only thing one should use to determine whether a corpo is good or not, it's the quality and believability of the rrats when used in conjunction with seemingly innocuous but retrospectively incriminating evidence.

You're right though, Kawaiipro is much worse than Prism as prism is more of a retarded management type rather than a hostile workplace with a hostile management.

>> No.59597590

The rumor of Kawaii are the dumbest shit ever.
Kawaii is just too lenient a lot of ex-talent took advantage of them.

>> No.59597660

That's a lot of text for what amounts to nothing. There's nothing concrete in all that text at all. Just a bunch of words trying to paint this as something big but in the end they can't even specify what she's allegedly done wrong. It's obvious they're scared as hell and are desperately trying to cover their asses. It's also obvious that the retarded ESL who typed all that out is seething.

>> No.59598064


>> No.59598072

one of Wactor's talents, Hina Misora was threatened, sued and doxed by her own company in February
the two original OPs of the /WACTOR/ thread (anon-chama and miutomoOP) left the site after the doxxing but one of wactor's employees continues to create them for the sole purpose of attacking its former members throwing shit and posting doxxshit of all of them although now they are indies, he only strives to cause them as much damage as possible and even posts on Facebook and Twitter about how to get here to use them as his personal army
Currently there are only 4 talents left within wactor, all of them are 10views and they are not even mentioned in any thread

Is there a way to blacklist that general and close it forever?

>> No.59598297

Or maybe they provided no support and the talents decided they were better off on their own? Nobody knows the full story but kawaii is the only "successful" small company to lose half their talents outright for one reason or another. The girls taking advantage of Kawaii is pure misogynistic cope by /pkg/, as Gen 3 rose the company out of 2view status and there was no reason to end that relationship and growth unless there was a good reason to end it.

/kuro/ has proven more often than not, that a corpo has more power in a relationship, through threats or harassment, and a group of workers deciding against working in one is totally within their rights as a worker.

>> No.59598480

What's so damning about Prism?

>> No.59598552

>blacklist that general
Not unless they start breaking the law and the mods need to be involved.

>> No.59598695

Wtf I love black companies now

>> No.59598759

In a nutshell?
There is a lot of pressure to perform well and they have implemented very retarded decisions in the past to achieve this, while also limiting the amount of support talents get to achieve their goals as a cost cutting measure.

Recently, there's been changes within management that have turned for the better and it's more of a regular chuuba company nowadays, but the old rumors are still concerning as we don't know if it was top-down decision making.

>> No.59598854

> misogynist cope
Sister' hands write this post
Kawaii pulled those gen 3 girls out of 1 view PL status. None of them were relevant prior joining kawaii. Let's pretend that they would all be 3 views without ever joining Kawaii due to their sheer "talents" or w/e. They took their exposure then ran away with it to maximize their gain.
Kawaii was a top 3 small corpo before gen 3 debut and that alone put gen 3 on a good spot to succeed as soon as they debut. Kawaii number isn't the top anymore because the current girls debut way back before the small corpo boom and newer gen/corpo simply have better number as shiny new debuts. Their number is only unimpressive because gen 3's action hurt their growth.

>> No.59598961

This is pretty based, combined with him calling the SEAmonkey he hired a SEAmonkey and being the originator of the League Grooming strategy I have to kneel

>> No.59599096

>carrer as a nurse
>save me from legal department
What a huge clusterfuck from literally who.

>> No.59599235

Again with the cope. Gen 3 did terrible after the initial debut because Kawaii's fanbase was very small with all of Gen 1 and 2 except Nene being 2views. It was only after Aletta started cranking out high quality shorts and grew exponentially that they grew collectively. And again, there was no reason to end that trajectory unless there was a good reason. Something that also caused 4 other girls before them to leave the company.

The funniest part is that they had a better debut as V-Dere than they did when Gen 3 debuted.

>> No.59599249

COVER had their problems with this before all your EOPs starting paying attention to it, Chris literally sold her ass for equipment to a groomer and Mel's Manager unironically only recruited her because he was a roommate schizo
The difference is they just moved on and didnt release a company announcement about how they hired cunny but it's okay just dont lewd her your perverts :) and Japanese women dont give a fuck so they got away with it

>> No.59599433


>> No.59599908

There's still nothing concrete but only rrats and sisters seething about kawaii. It'd be more realistic that the four girls saw that kawaii didn't offer much and they could do just as well on their own. They'd be right considering how well they're doing now.

>> No.59599968

>nothing concrete
Half the talents in the corpo are no longer there, anon.

>> No.59600214

Here is one of their staffs btw.
>In short

And it is the corp that claimed they are better than hololive at protecting their talents/giving them freedom kek.

>> No.59600312
File: 729 KB, 789x979, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another person speaking out against AkioAIR

>> No.59600456

I know Yura got told to private some VODs for no good reason like AI Somnium files

>> No.59600521

Westerners should really stop applying to agencies based in random eastern countries

>> No.59600602

>he insulted Cyberlive in the past
And where are they now?

>> No.59600933

More incoming

>> No.59601042

/kuro/ my beloved schizo shitpost that somehow is real
how the fuck do they fuck up like this???

>> No.59601239

>This guy that insulted Cyberlive for horrible management is not insulting Akio for horrible management

Ummm, and this is supposed to make him look bad?

>> No.59601405

Sakana has made it very clear that irregular payments are a huge red flag. He practically brings it up every time someone asks him about what to watch out for when joining a corpo. Your crying about "professionalism" means jack shit.

>> No.59601839

Imagine if Yagoo went around calling other companies shit. Sakana is also guilty of a lot of things that Jason has been doing. Must be shitting his pants seeing this

>> No.59601844

Sakana, you're next.

>> No.59601871

They're all doing pretty well or even far better than ever with like 1 or 2 exceptions

>> No.59602013

clearly not referring to the individuals, dumbass

>> No.59602148

We're talking about companies anon, not the talents.

>> No.59602948

This is slander, Lumi is a corpo buster

>> No.59603244

Shiina is on the rise too

>> No.59603595

I wonder who those harassers ate.

>> No.59603604

ESL commit neckrope

>> No.59603823
File: 1.30 MB, 1240x1010, 219483284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lumi is a corpo buster
You got the wrong citrus woman

>> No.59604086

the "company" was 3 people, 1 of whom went back to being rich and doing whatever, and the other 2 are hopefully crying and sobbing eternally.

>> No.59604550

what >>59586494 said, and even ignoring that or any grooming allegations it makes sense that it would be the last straw for many people

>> No.59604778

His name is Jason Gorilla?

>> No.59604873

>7 pages
I'm quite literally not reading that. Nigga shoulda just have paid his workers.

>> No.59604967

Because it hurts my feelings.

Ojisan (29) confirmed.

>> No.59605119

Unironically society doesn't care at all if a girl tells you she's 21, shows you her fake ID and then she turns out to be 15. No one will take your side, just as no one will take your side if the government drafts you to die in a great war. The true redpill for men is that no one cares about you and you have to keep that in mind at all times.

>> No.59605288

Kawaii gen 3 debut was very good within the standard of small corpo at that time. Small corpo scene was just small back then. No shit you need to continue working on algo to grow more after debut. Kawaii was doing fairly well during that time period. 3 views in small corpo was VERY rare. N**na was also low 3 views back then but she left trying to maximize her profit as well. Lua was a low 3 views as well. Oceane, Nene, Aletta all hit top number for small corpo during that time period and the new gen 3 get their shiny new gen debut buff and get decent low 3 views.

>> No.59605674
File: 2.29 MB, 935x1280, the partioning of cyberlive version 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/WACTOR/ general investigates the rumors and is one of the biggest groups who fight against WACTOR. They also simp sometimes but way less often now. Without the general, almost no one cares to figure things out.
Even more. Unbelievable
The cyberlive diaspora, see image related

>> No.59605697

Regardless, Cyberlive still failed.

>> No.59605780

He uses the Gorilla as his fursona like Sakana the Fish or Aviel the Jew

>> No.59605984
File: 57 KB, 589x496, MILLIONS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know that vtuber models costs MILLIONS of dollars?!

>> No.59606709

since anon didn't clarify, this is one of AkioAIR staff. their Twitter is filled with hate towards the ones who walked

also millions is an actual joke especially when one of the talents had very few assets at their debut

>> No.59606864

do they mean millions as in millions of yen?

>> No.59607169

Taiwanese dollars, Einstein

>> No.59607294

Idk but you might be right it's yen

does anyone know who aa investors are? I wonder if they know about all of this happening

>> No.59607315

Seeing that the original post was in Chinese, I suppose those millions were TWD (1M TWD = ~31k US$ according to Google right now)

>> No.59607764

I talked about it on >>59601970 >>59600989. Keep bringing Holo with Haachama and Shion all you want, Jason. Nophi is no Haachama or Shion, she's nothing special and if anything is pretty boring. You got to her because she was unirnically already groomed and up for grabs, unlike the rest of the girls that bailed.

>> No.59608006

She was, then she canceled a subathon reward and took a month long vacation.

>> No.59608505

fishman at least didn't hire a minor, and delegating to managers is what saved phase

>> No.59608912

No she isn't

>> No.59608970

Oh it's really going to blow things open once she says stuff. And other S2 members are going to start saying stuff too.

>> No.59609188

He had his chance to scoop up some of them before they joined this trash fire corpo and went with Dizzy and friends instead.

>> No.59609234

you're probably thinking of Nijisanji since Riku is the second CEO of the company after Iwanaga.

>> No.59609570

man, the only complain I remember after all these years, coming live directly from a Holo talent, was Coco remarking that her (and Kanata i guess) first check was smaller than she expected, I like that she didn't let even that go despite becoming the face of superchatting at the time

>> No.59609970

>other S2 members
She isn't even S2, she's from his "vtuber training academy."{ A groomer's wet dream. Nophi might be only one out of many underaged in there.

>> No.59610136

btw my point is that shit was wild back then but now it looks so pathetically unimportant with how things keep turning out all around, makes me think if REGLOSS is under a different contract of some kind and being a new branch is an excuse for it

>> No.59610735

phasefag damage control
fishman is even worse than Jason and you retards are too blind to see it

>> No.59611170
File: 327 KB, 839x899, place your bets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 down. 5 remain.
Who leaves next?

>> No.59611182

Outside of a few talents and semi-recent news I'm not particularly knowledgable about the nature of akio or their CEO, do you guys think he's actually sexually grooming nophi or that he's just convinced if he waits this out he'll somehow groom her into being the next biggest thing in vtubing

>> No.59611320

Those sound too much like pedophilia and insincerity.

>> No.59611984

>you should be THANKFUL because the company SPENT MONEY on operational expenses
why are asians like this

>> No.59612131

Nophi liked some tweets bashing AA including Athy's post. Jason cant even groom them correctly

>> No.59612753

I thought I quoted the Megumi tweet, oops.

>> No.59612842

kek. Company crashing with no survivors

>> No.59612895

>shits on holo
>watamage gets mad
>revealed itself as a black company

>> No.59612965

Based. That abusive retard is going to bully the cunny over it next. I enjoy watching this train wreck.

>> No.59614048

In the absurdly low chance that he's not a groomer, Jason has made it as hard as possible to come off as innocent

>> No.59614986
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Fucking Hell
What happened to management running her account? >>59586895
I guess that was a lie.

>> No.59615081

I have experience working in an asian black company and this whole thing reminds me of it so much. The whole corpo statement is shaky as hell. Besides, if they admit being late with payments, they have already fucked up.

>> No.59615822

It’s over

>> No.59616406

I honestly think she's doing it to save face, seeing that False got involved and people are siding with the girls that left.
It's too late for Nophi. No one will want to associate with a twice groomed minor unless they want to be called groomers by association. She didn't stop when everyone warned her to and was on corpo going all "teehee all this clout is great". Not looking so good now, huh?

>> No.59616776

>the kid you're grooming asks for access to her twitter account
>you give it to her because you think you successfully groomed her to your side
>she's mad because you denied being attracted to her(she could also be mad for whatever other reasons a teenager could be mad about)

>> No.59618428

Another one

>> No.59618692
File: 51 KB, 500x500, artworks-E5vyNYjN9i5pqzuu-zBKYMQ-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesnt end

>> No.59619042

Jason's gonna have to sue every vtuber in the West at this point

>> No.59619051
File: 35 KB, 594x283, promise kept.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunienade said promised she would spill and indeed she delivered.

>> No.59619184
File: 39 KB, 679x779, F7UqyLWWcAAvTgc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunie / Vix AkioAIR documents 1/2

>> No.59619262
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>> No.59619526

Why does Nophi go around saying "I am a child" to everyone apparently?

>> No.59619648

Jason said
>we'll deal with the consequences when the time comes
fucking K E K

>> No.59619722

>be bong
>get mad when called bong
Stupid bong.

>> No.59619840

Unironically she did that to Bunie/Vix in discord VC in the 1st of 2 images above.
Maybe that's her kink. To creep adults out or maybe a cry for help underneath all that zoomerism is a consciousness who knows it's wrong

>> No.59620116

I'm not on anyone's side but seeing how weak and prone to illness/fatigue/mental stress/etc streamers are is funny because it reminded me of sakana talking about just how prone artists are to illness when they get commissions.

>> No.59620336

Don't me started on fucking artist. 90% of them have the mental strength of a toddler who just shit their diaper.

>> No.59620345

>thoughts of taking my own life
>[jason kept] upping the damage costs (in the supposed lawsuit)
Menhera vs Groomer. It's a mudmatch

>> No.59620517

>Jason ignored me and said "we'll deal with the consequences when the times"
How'd that worked out?
>He wrote me an apology using chatGPT
lol, can't be any more incompetent
>Jason said he would sue me if I didn't work for him under a bad wage becuase I had breached contract
slaver chink

>> No.59620618

What a fucking retard. I love this.

>> No.59620691

Wait did he actually say this? kek

>> No.59620868

so did all this happen cause they were retarded and hired a minor? how did people even figure out she was a minor?

>> No.59620977
File: 342 KB, 467x700, Alois-Trancy-kuroshitsuji-34522455-467-700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultra groomed victims use both sex and their age as a selling point. Picrel

>> No.59621076

>how did people even figure out she was a minor?
The CEO literally told everyone about it on Twitter

>> No.59621389

this all happened because somehow the retarded CEO thought it would be a good idea to announce they had a minor on payroll, all he had to do was keep his mouth shut

>> No.59621599

The minor herself was bragging to everyone about how she is a minor. Read the 2 page document above. The latest one.

>> No.59621613

This is what happen when you surrounded yourself with yesmen, there is literally no one to voice out logic or common sense

>> No.59621661

and she's like 17, not even an actual kid

>> No.59622074

I still don't get why hiring a teenager is "problematic", most teenagers have part time jobs
are we going to cancel cafes and convenience stores too now?

>> No.59622252

It's why whenever a vtuber talks about stress, illness or whatever I just laugh it off because they are so babied and instantly supported it creates an incentive to claim you have an illness/can't stream.
The only time I'll believe it is if I can see that the streamer has a good track record.
It was during Airi's bday donothon and I'm too lazy to get the timestamp

>> No.59622447

Nice try, Jason. She's 16 and a groomed minor that despite claiming not wanting NSFW still makes lewd jokes.

>> No.59622574

she's 16 most assume, based on why? well her birthday is in november, Jason would have to be incredibly retarded to announce she is a minor only for her to turn 17 in a few months

>> No.59622717

what's wrong with teenagers making lewd jokes? and 16 is legal in almost every single country
I swear you burgers are fucking retarded. You're probably a jealous roastie

>> No.59622970

I just don't get why he would even feel the need to announce anything about her age at all. Did he think he would get internet points or something? No one would even know or care if he didn't flaunt it around.

>> No.59622980

The company never had a good reputation to begin with and the CEO hilariously keeps digging himself deeper. There is no magic switch that makes a 17yo magically become more mature upon hitting 18, it’s that AkioAir had a stink about them ever since the stories about their unprofessional discord interviews were brought to light

>> No.59623107

oh I know, I'm glad it's fucking dying. I just don't understand why it's happening over this and not the actually bad things he's been doing for years

>> No.59623126

Why are the talents going after Nophi? Bitches just leave her name out of your walls of text.

>> No.59623181

the rodent in my head thinks it's because he saw Idol being transparent a few days before, about their talents cut and so on, so in his head he thought "cool we will look accountable and transparent and professional"

>> No.59623188

A company withholds paychecks for months and refuses to pay their contractors on time. Late payments is an actual problem, the minor shit is the final straw as both Athy and Bunie said in their letters READ NIGGER READ!

>> No.59623290

Jason most likely is a groomer. Though on it's own, her being a minor basically would be a non-issue.

>> No.59623336

The Jews do it again.
I knew that transparency report was some sort of bait.
Imagine how many kuro companies didn't fall for it.

>> No.59623338

this whole thing is happening because women are extremely jealous and they hate younger girls. they didn't say shit about anything until this happened

>> No.59623340

>Bitches just leave her name out of your walls of text.
ok cool way of telling us you didn't read

>> No.59623358

>having to use chatGPT to write an apology
Holy shit my sides.
You know that saying "the straw that broke the camel's back"? It's not just him hiring a minor and going fuck it, it's him hiring a minor and going fuck it on top of everything else he's done so far.

>> No.59623413

When the boss is having private meetings with her and she's sexualized in official material it starts to look bad.
Age of consent at 16 is fine by me, but not for people in positions of power over the minor.

>> No.59623734

Lewd jokes that made even other adults uncomfortable, and overall a very sexual and worrying behavior, even with how horny teens tend to be.
Quit deflecting, Jason. AA was and never will be like Cover but better.

>> No.59623784

once he releases how his contracts are written other dumbasses will take the bait too

>> No.59624025
File: 59 KB, 575x499, ven1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The company did its best YOU FUCKING BIGOTS
It's the artists who truly suffer. Pray for them.

>> No.59624084

Why are they bringing her up when Nophi has nothing to do with Jason's treatment of them?

>> No.59624215
File: 58 KB, 590x484, ven2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artists earn a portion of stream revenue? Is this accurate?

>> No.59624253

>have a full essay on how the company is black
>"yeah well they also said this 1 word so it doesnt count:)"
I hope you are being paid well

>> No.59624267


>> No.59624296

I'm gonna be honest anons I heard Jason doesn't let the talents have boyfriends and forces them to play league of legends with him in vc and that sounds really based. sakana wishes he had half the audacity this guy has.

>> No.59624420

So quick question. I've seen a bit of this drama but I hate dramatubers. I've heard there's talk that false has made up some details on the case and it's devolved into a he said/she said thing, what are the thoughts on that?

>> No.59624483


None of this is related to their reason for leaving so they shouldn't be bringing her up in their reasons for leaving. Just talk about how Jason threatens to sue all the time.

>> No.59624624

>None of this is related to their reason for leaving
blind or retarded, call it

>> No.59624639

They're in full damage control mode. Nothing they say is going to be accurate

>> No.59624664

Ok, remove Nophi completely out of the picture and out of your head. Now since you read it tell us what you are left with in all these statements

>> No.59624809

He will completely ignore this since he is a little bitch running damage control

>> No.59624834

It's not concerned a bout a doubled groomed minor, double nigger. It's how her past as such and her mere presence was the last fucking straw for them. Her being around already chemos your reputation. Nobody wants to be the genmate of the minor that's being groomed by your boss.

>> No.59624839

Before it gets deleted.

>> No.59624890
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>> No.59624987

lmao what a retard

>> No.59625083
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>> No.59625305

lol wagie on full meltdown
>implying legal department exists and isn't just one guy they hire per job

>> No.59625521

>Why aren't my legal threats WORKING!?

>> No.59625908

What gets me is they could've been the normal deep black company that eventually falls apart from all these other major issues but they decided to hit the turbo button by hiring Nophi and going full groomer

>> No.59626335

If the only thing they did wrong was hiring a 17 year old they would have been fine. It's all going down because they refuse to pay their talents while threatening to sue them if they quit

>> No.59626738

can you really blame them for trying to use the drama to help themselves

>> No.59627255

Cute Asians not knowing that Americans have free speech. If it's true it's not slander.

>> No.59627339

yassss so true sisters, believe all women

>> No.59627937

So who is this guy? Is he on the AA website?

>> No.59627943

>. And again, there was no reason to end that trajectory unless there was a good reason.
Anon, you can't actually believe that people always act 100% rationally at all times can you?
You can't actually believe that young 18-25 year old women working in an entertainment field aren't prone to emotional and psychological instability, can you?
You ever hang out with the girls in your schools drama club? You ever get close to a girl who was in a band or did performance arts or anything of that nature?
What fucking planet do you live on my guy?

> Something that also caused 4 other girls before them to leave the company.
Who's coping now? 1 of those left two months after debut because she had no confidence in the brand new corpo that everyone has admitted didn't understand all of what it needed to be doing when it launched. 1 up and ghosted the company with no explanation or indication that she was leaving. 2 were terminated.
Only the 4 girls in Gen 3's ad hoc union could be surmised to have left over a genuine conflict with management but the verbal testimony of any individuals involved in that situation who have spoken on the topic specifically stated that management was willing to meet all of gen 3's demands before they walked and they left anyway.
To say anything other than that happened is to assert without any evidence what-so-ever that that claim is a lie.

>> No.59628052

i want nene amano to leave

>> No.59628120

>None of them were relevant prior joining kawaii
completely wrong. Gezu and Spica's numbers didn't change when they joined Kawaii

>> No.59628203

kawaii gen3's debut was fine. it was before phase and idol completely killed the small corpo scene with competitive and aggressive numberfagging

>> No.59628207

Jason didn't want to stop grooming. He could have recasted one chuuba and held the rest for a while longer but he went full retard

>> No.59628275

Menheras being menheras. I read these callout twitter posts and just think to myself "stop being such a woman".

>> No.59628340
File: 320 KB, 2564x3168, F7VB97rXcAAZKm3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59628346

yeah, too bad most people here are also seething women or twitterfags now

>> No.59628359

pay your talents on time Jason and stop talking to underage girls on discord

>> No.59628407


>> No.59628458

lmao, nice one

>> No.59628542

Iwanaga never has been CEO of Anycolor, he was COO, a complete different position. Riku is CEO of anycolor since day 1

>> No.59628568


>> No.59628607

its all americans. theyre mentally ill and have a weird moral compass

>> No.59628881

I used to watch them, and I think he is just power-tripping. He seriously thought that talents still being stuck in 2view hell after 6 months was a good progress. Back then I thought he was just a dumbass amateur techbro-turned-businessman. Now it just seems like chinks being chinks, doesn't matter if taiwanese or mainlander.

>> No.59629133

Vtuber manager? Didn’t Hylo leave?

>> No.59629232

>117 IPs
how many of those are twitter tourists and seething chuubas?

>> No.59629492

How Subaru read the kanji is not exactly wrong. It's just that Japanese kanji spellings can be read in multiple ways. it is so fucked up. For example, some people with the name Hajime have their name written in "Ichi" kanji. Ina's surname is written the same.

>> No.59629512

Everyone makes lewd jokes at that age

>> No.59629833

I need a drama vtuber channel to summarize this in a video im not readin all that.

>> No.59629868

Weird bigoted cope. It's not like women in other corpos are all sane, and yet only a few crash and burn.
You can try and blame the talents all you want, but the management sucks regardless. Other corpos do it better.

>> No.59630029

tl;dr black company doing black things, threatening lawsuits to his former and current talents to shut the fuck up, grooming (actual)

>> No.59630030

>yet only a few crash and burn

>> No.59630449

That's Taiyaki Studio vs. Lola Loading.

>> No.59630619

Cute reply. Name 6-10 corpos that crashed and burned or shut up.

>> No.59630642

name 10 corpos

>> No.59630716


>> No.59630760


>> No.59630925

Which is fine, in their own age group in a nonprofessional setting. But when the boss hires a bunch of underage girls to serve drinks and flirt at the office Christmas party, you get the fuck out of there and call the cops, because you're about to be a perp on Law&Order.

>> No.59631000
File: 162 KB, 1200x675, 1682520410989624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you burn your company to the ground just to have a slice of that sweet forbidden cunny pie, /vt/? Could you withstand the tempting allure that few get to experience outside of the world elite who have forbidden it from the plebian masses.

Imagine the pleasure she could bring to you, what use is money when you have something that money can't buy?
Sheer delight.

>> No.59631039

how sheltered are you

>> No.59631067

KoMeta <---- Classic groomer meltdown

>> No.59631142

>chink barely holding back his seething for 7 pages straight
Holy kek.

>> No.59631181

why are you americans like this

>> No.59631214

If you're gonna do it, you probably shouldn't announce to the entire world that you are and to keep their hands off

>> No.59631234

Isn't MyHoloTV still alive?

>> No.59631520

I already told you. The statements are about Jason threatening to sue them and not giving them proper support or pay. Literally nothing to do with Nophi. They could have left her out and still had the same effect.

>> No.59631931

The >>59600312 letter doesn't mention Nophi a single time. At least not by name.

>> No.59632145

Remember we probably got AA Employees here trying to do damage control. It's happened before with wactor after all

>> No.59632286

seething femanons: the thread

>> No.59632627

Just pay the artists for the fucking Job regardless of people debuting you faggot

>> No.59633409

The only thing worst than a washed up roastie hag is a washed up roastie before she hits 18, Nophi.
Jason, if you really wanted that cunny so bad you could have not told everyone about it and keep her in the back burner.

>> No.59633420

I just want to ask, due to the age of consent being different in different countries does that change the definition of "minor" as well? Or is the term always 18 around the world? It seems like one of the former members is British and I believe the age of consent for them is 16 but she still calls Nophie a minor.

>> No.59633512

Always bugged me how the age of consent being 16 is actually the most common by a small margin but a lot of people balk at it despite that.

>> No.59633624
File: 357 KB, 915x875, 1673180046397764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hold the keys to the cunny, literally have her in your pocket ripe for grooming
>Instead of keeping tight lipped about it, announce it to the world
What did he mean by this? Fucking amateur. Better hope she doesn't turn against you too now, because if she does then you're truly fucked.

>> No.59633661

Age of consent isn't the same as being of age. Several places have age of consent being a bit under the age when one's legaly considered an adult. Japan used to have 20 as the age in which young people became adults, but recently they switched it down to 18.
Nophi being able to consent at 16 in Britain doesn't make it any less weird that it's with a 30-something chink, regardless of how legal it is.

>> No.59635456

all chinks are the same, scummy fuck

>> No.59636265

Age of consent is a different concept to the age of majority/minority and there are many jurisdictions where you are entitled to consent to sex before 18 but cannot produce any pornographic or erotic material before 18 (or be a prostitute). 18 is a standard in international law for porn.
