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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5956879 No.5956879 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start, I'm military, deployed a while back and it didn't hit me what I saw until a month ago, now I cry myself to sleep with only vtubers keeping me sane. Now I'm going back next week and I won't have internet to watch gura say something funny, I told talk about it with friends or even my wife but hololive and nijisanji is all that keeps me happy anymore

>> No.5957010

It's good that you have a support system but you definitely should get the fuck out of the military as soon as you can
In the US "hero" is a codeword for "someone we can abuse without them asking for anything in return"

>> No.5957037

Lol just borrow nearby taliban wifi bro

>> No.5957056 [DELETED] 

>I'm military
Stopped reading there, nice job willingly choosing to be a war criminal.

>> No.5957059

>I'm military, deployed
But why,anon? College tuition?

>> No.5957110

>Someone we can abuse without them asking for anything in return
Fuck, first anon to have an accurate image of military here ty, we get shit on by both superiors and people outside when it's just a job we do, 90% of it not even combat related

>> No.5957116 [DELETED] 

This faggot thinks young people join the military to kill people, please go back to twitter, fucking tranny.

>> No.5957174

why else would you?

>> No.5957231

What are they doing in military nowadays? Making tiktok cringe compilation vol19?

>> No.5957235

Get a MiFi.

>> No.5957249
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are you becoming a tanker? if so put some stickers or posters on it or something while you kill haji's. Keep it up king.

>> No.5957263
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Pretty much, was rock bottom in life (NEET but married so double NEETtangre) and wanted a good source of income, that's really the story for alot of us in the armed forces, dudes who wanted a way out of a shitty life. I didn't even want or expect to see combat but it came outta nowhere.

Advice to any anons thinking of enlisting, don't be baited into combat roles, VAST majority of those MOS's will offer you jack shit in the future other than joint pain and good lawncare skills. Look for a job that looks interesting as an outside career and fight for it, it can be better than college as far as finding good work

>> No.5957316

i will never bust a nut to my oshi

>> No.5957386

im a useless neet who can't do anything despite being 25
ill probably kill myself soon
haachama is my oshi but she's gone

>> No.5957418 [DELETED] 

fuck off tranny, go back to twitter

>> No.5957465

Nope, I'm a FISTer (works with infantry but calls in artilly/mortar strikes). Feel bad for tankers though, those fuckers have to inventory and layout everything piece of that tank all the time

>> No.5957495

I only watch translated highlight reels and have no motivation to actually learn Japanese.

>> No.5957525 [DELETED] 

Why is there some lefty tranny faggot in my chuuba haven of retards? Go back to Twitter, tranny cunt.

>> No.5957562

Are you the dude that sent a super chat talking about being deployed?

>> No.5957603

For that sweet Camaro

>> No.5957634

A guy in my school keeps harassing me about joining the military and how great it is when he is a navy grunt

>> No.5957657
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I know it's gonna sound redundant but don't do it anon, 25 is still young and you have alot to do and see. Take it step by step and find ways to get out of that hole. We all end up in the same place anyway, why focus on what other pricks think?

>> No.5957714

I haven't been doing my reps for a month.

>> No.5957760

there's no point I'm literally too far gone I had flies lay eggs in my towel my room is infested in fruit flies that land on me. I have no job (haven't in years), tries going back to school (dropped out), zero friends or family. I only exist on neetbux. May be homeless soon

>> No.5957835


>> No.5957839

Depends on who, I won't lie I've sent cringy shit like that to my oishi drunk before

>> No.5957876


Lots of people find a reason to live when they hit rock bottom,ironically enough when they are struggling to survive

>> No.5957903

for everyone who does there are thousands who don't and kill theirself or fade away into nonexistence

>> No.5957923 [DELETED] 

imagine dying for israel

>> No.5957926 [DELETED] 

Fuck these boot faggots. Keep sucking their dick while they fight for government and corporate interest, oops i mean fight for “muh freedoms!!”. Retard

>> No.5958028 [DELETED] 

soliders are no better than dogs. Just dogs for the government

>> No.5958063

I understand u anon-kun.. am 25 too in shit ton of debt thanks to my late father, dropped outta college, shitty job, all money goes to paying debt, the only drive i got for living is my old mom and waiting for one piece to end, then i'll probably end myself after that.

>> No.5958072 [DELETED] 
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Cope,seeth, then come back when you can run more than a mile tranny

>> No.5958129 [DELETED] 

>choosing to be a war criminal
Fuck off liberal; the US military has an enormous fucking propaganda machine that most people fall for and don’t have any other choice

>> No.5958130

I feel bad for family but I don't know I'm selfish and the suffering is too much

>> No.5958212

Are flies there because of food?

>> No.5958357

>Fuck, first anon to have an accurate image of military here ty, we get shit on by both superiors and people outside when it's just a job we do, 90% of it not even combat related
using kids by telling them to be heroes is as old as mankind

>> No.5958363 [DELETED] 
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Are your pronouns xe/xir? Are you a trans nonbinary diaperfur?

>> No.5958369

It's not your fault, you just got unlucky like me, and many others out there.

>> No.5958373

is your wife really ugly? If not she's cheating.

>> No.5958424 [DELETED] 

>retarded Americunt who believes their military is fighting for moral reasons instead of for profits

>> No.5958471 [DELETED] 

Imagine yelling at disadvantaged youths who have no fucking idea what they’re getting into aside from getting a free education and to be a ‘hero’ because they were brainwashed by the state

>> No.5958519

It's not even a job half the time. Police calling for the thousandth time or being terminal -----< would wear down most anyone.

Still, it's not all bad dude. Are there any /vt/ freaks at your unit? If not drop a discord and I'll send you archives midweek, I got shit to do.

Hang in here dude.

>> No.5958523 [DELETED] 

One joke

>> No.5958653 [DELETED] 
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Just gonna ignore the run comment tranny? Hit you in the beer gut and you had to project?

>> No.5958678 [DELETED] 

imagine being so mentally cucked the only way you can deal with someone criticizing the american military or questioning its purpose in any way is to parrot /pol/ buzzwords about seething trannies like an npc
in the eyes of the military all soldiers are nothing more than objects to be wrung dry of all value. Trump was right when he said only a sucker wouldn't have dodged the draft. only a sucker would subject themselves to being treated as less than human by their government for "muh freedumb"

>> No.5958729

I've never watched a full stream. Only clips when they show up in recommended videos

>> No.5958736

post body and lifts

>> No.5958777

I wish she did, She's lazy as hell and if it weren't for her being a QT Asian she'd be indistinguishable from NEETs on /r9k/. I'd leaver her but we have a daughter and I can't leave her alone with someone who can barely take care of themselves

>> No.5958875

I've been to prison for hate crimes. Hololive is easily the best part of my day most days and the girls make me strive for a better life.

>> No.5958947 [DELETED] 

The amount of triggered leftists here is satisfying

>> No.5958974

>Join military
>Stationed in Korea
>Stationed in Japan
>"Deployed" back to Korea
>Back in Japan again

Life has been good. Ya'll want anything from Lawson?

>> No.5959145

Yeah I've met 2, but /JP/ from before January. Both were somehow even more fucked than me, one spouting anti Chinese shit during the taiwain shit.

And thanks anon, I'd drop my discord but I can't risk being doxxed

>> No.5959214 [SPOILER] 
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Yeah, bring back some Takoyaki

>> No.5959394 [DELETED] 

I know you fuck land beasts

>> No.5959483 [DELETED] 

yeah, like your fucking mom bro lel

>> No.5959490

Was it actually hate crimes or just a convenient label to make it worse?

>> No.5959532

You should hope not, elsewise you've got the clap, my nigga.

>> No.5959570 [DELETED] 

How is he a war criminal? Are you a terrorist? Why do you support Islamic terrorism? Why do you like Muslims?

>> No.5959593

What the hell is wrong with this board, the replies to this are cringe.

>> No.5959609

Why won't you just download 100 hours of VODs to your phone/laptop?

>> No.5959621 [DELETED] 

Fuck off Mohammed.

>> No.5959679 [DELETED] 

Fuck off Mohammed go back to the Middle East.

>> No.5959737 [DELETED] 

Why do you hate freedom and America are you nigger or a kike or a Muslim?

>> No.5959796 [DELETED] 

You hate freedom band the West and White people.

>> No.5959838 [DELETED] 

>Muh dying for Israel
Get a life Mohammed.

>> No.5959885

I have a really hard time stopping myself from cringing while listening to women speak so I hardly watch any streams, but I also sit here refreshing /vt/ constantly throughout the day

>> No.5960088

>This faggot thinks young people join the military to kill people, please go back to twitter, fucking tranny.
It's the welfare and free transitions that attract people to the military.

>> No.5960148

to get un-poor, un-fat, and get preferential legal and financial institution treatment.

It's great in some ways, shitty in others. The good outweighs the bad for the individual, if you actually set it up correctly.

>> No.5960153

Sounds cute desu

>> No.5960212

Op are you the guy who sent a superchat while the base was getting bombarded?

>> No.5960220


>> No.5960225 [DELETED] 

Two genders

>> No.5960251 [DELETED] 

get shot muslim

>> No.5960312

seething kikes

>> No.5960363

that's fair. I'll probably make a thread with an archive later. Hope you catch it before you go. Be safe.

>> No.5960368

Ah well you tried a thread OP. Next time make up something that's apolitical and the thread might go better.

>> No.5960386
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I wish with a burning passion I was, that shit killed me. For the uninitiated we aren't allowed phones out there,and a Commander would never call a Joe during an attack.

>> No.5960460

I'm just one year younger than you, but overall, same. Can relate to you bro

>> No.5960500

I joined because I was bored and working a dead-end job.

>Been taking college courses for free; college is paid for even if I decide to get out
>Living Overseas
>Don't have to worry about bills; currently have a 2-story house to myself off-base, all paid for
>Shopping on base is tax-free
>Air Force, so half of the people you meet have similar nerdy interests
>Military life, at least for me, has been only marginally different from the office jobs I was working before

Most "embrace the suck" i've experienced so far is coming in on the occasional saturday cause the network went down. woopdy-doo.

>> No.5960543 [DELETED] 

Fuck you nigga.

>> No.5960586 [DELETED] 

America is the opposite of freedom, dipshit.

>> No.5960606
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>Air force

>> No.5960654

Sorry anon, just wanted to see what other people on /vt/ were like and wanted to vent.

>> No.5960685

I don't care about or even like anything related to Japan. I don't care about Japanese culture, the language, anime, or idols.
I only like Amelia and Gura and think everyone else in EN ranges from boring to shit. Never tried watching any JP girls because they're irrelevant.
I make $90,000 a year and have no expenses since I live with my parents and I never have or will ever donate to a vtuber. I also use ublock origin on my computer and YouTube vanced on my phone so I never have to watch ads.
I don't really care about coco graduating and think everyone (especially fans) crying about it are mentally underdeveloped children that probably deserve whatever difficulties they're facing in life.
I think the whole rule about not mentioning a vtuber's past identities is extremely stupid and it's pretty retarded that every forum including this one actually enforces that rule.

>> No.5960708 [DELETED] 

Israel should be nuked to hell.

>> No.5960726

I think you forgot to take your meds anon.

>> No.5960778
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had to bust out a reaction image from my old folders for this one holy shit

>> No.5960814 [DELETED] 

Still the same fucking joke

>> No.5960825

The only warmth in my life comes from Kiara reading my superchats and thanking me for my support. And I'm glad to do it, because I do support her. Not married, no kids of my own, decent income where I more than make ends meet for myself, including saving up for retirement. But the thing that's missing for me is the happiness she gives me. It's a very worthwhile investment.

Also, I have all the timestamps saved of every time she's read one of my messages, and I'll go back and rewatch it every now and then when I just need a quick pick-me-up. Of course it's not just the superchats, it's her streams that give me something to smile and laugh about, something to look forward to when I get home at the end of the day. And I know other people feel the same way I do, even if they can't afford to pay for it, or just simply don't wish to spend money on it. I see it like treating my friends to a round of drinks, or something.

>> No.5960858 [DELETED] 

you'll have to forgive anon, it's considered a really cool and argument-winning joke where he came from

>> No.5960915 [DELETED] 

Show me your firearm then cuck

>> No.5961024

You sound like a pathetic loser who will never move out of his mom's basement.
I do agree with your last point though, and about not watching ads. Fuck that.

>> No.5961025

I posted the video of Polka's roommate.

>> No.5961071

>You sound like a pathetic loser who will never move out of his mom's basement
I graduated last year and started working remote because of covid, so there was no reason for me to move out. They're calling me back in september though so that will probably change.

>> No.5961091
File: 1.11 MB, 560x315, 1623005982389.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as it makes you happy, anon. Just don't go too far and completely rely emotionally on her, it'll put you in a rough spot if she graduates or you get bored of her

>> No.5961112 [DELETED] 

>needing to own guns to defend yourself from other people with guns or from a tyrannical government
>land of the free
o i am laffin

>> No.5961151 [DELETED] 

>no pic
QED faggot, America wins again.

>> No.5961170

Don't worry, I'm old enough where I've gone through plenty of different sources of joy and if I ever had to I could probably find something else. I'll enjoy Kiara while I can, and eventually I will either get tired of her or she'll retire and I'll move on.

>> No.5961203 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5961206

>Just don't go too far and completely rely emotionally on her
>The only warmth in my life comes from Kiara reading my superchats
He's already way too far gone.

>> No.5961225 [DELETED] 

Joke? Just stating a fact

>> No.5961266


>> No.5961267 [DELETED] 

The only thing America wins is death by gunshot lmao. Enjoy living in fear of your fellow man.

That is some top cringe my dude.

>> No.5961268

is this /vt/ or /pol/?

>> No.5961287

Feels like bait but
Is there anything more pathetic than people who are proud of being emotionally dead inside out of all things? The nihilistic cope is unbelievable

>> No.5961313 [DELETED] 

only correct answer
>willingly dying for a flag

>> No.5961325

unfortunately the whole website has been /pol/ since 2016

>> No.5961332 [DELETED] 

>still no pic
keep coping

>> No.5961351

I'm not baiting and I'm not emotionally dead.
I can understand being sad about a streamer you enjoy quitting, it's happened to me as well. Actually crying about it though? There's something wrong with you if you're placing so much importance on an online entertainer that them quitting actually drives you to tears. It's like crying because your favorite reality tv show character got voted off.

>> No.5961372
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why is /vt/ so shitty?

>> No.5961391

Reddit migrants

>> No.5961424

There are people who come to 4chan specifically because they want to be rude or edgy and they think that is what this site is for. Whenever you see those people you can pretty much rest assured they are newfags who don't actually use the site.

>> No.5961949

Why can't you just let other people care about things without using it as an opportunity to pretentiously tell yourself you're better than them for not caring though? I think there's something wrong with you for having a psychological need to pat yourself on the back about how put together you are for something as stupid and subjective as that.
Also you can extend that logic forever. Where's the line for when it's stupid to cry about something? If you're sad that your dog died, and someone comes up to you and says it's stupid to cry about that and there's something wrong with you for doing it, wouldn't you just assume they're a pretentious nihilist?
Just let people have their attachments, nobody is completely without them. Again, except emotionally dead people whos nihilist attitudes lead to pointless lives anyways

>> No.5962316

I used VTuber as a coping mechanism to move on from my menhera tomboy ex and it's working.

>> No.5962713

Vtubers brought me out of depression from a breakup with a coworker who got knocked up from a married man after we broke up. Gura is my oshi. And I actually believe half the girls really are fucking each other.

>> No.5962755

Guaranteed employment

>> No.5962797

I don't even like Coco and I had a hard time not tearing up during the farewell stream, just because of how conclusive and poignant it was

>> No.5962843

>The only warmth in my life comes from Kiara reading my superchats and thanking me for my support. And I'm glad to do it, because I do support her. Not married, no kids of my own, decent income where I more than make ends meet for myself, including saving up for retirement. But the thing that's missing for me is the happiness she gives me. It's a very worthwhile investment.

That's fucking pathetic anon. Find some happiness that doesn't rely on someone who doesn't even remember your name

>> No.5962915

Why would I use my name on Youtube?

>> No.5963672

Honestly Vtubers, Sseth, and some SCP vids I downloaded were the only thing keeping me sane underway. While I've seen weebs spread through the military, I've yet to meet another Vtuber fan.

>> No.5964284 [SPOILER] 
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31 year old security guard at a casino
Fucked a lot of bitches ever since working there
Co-workers love a man in uniform
The girls in my opinion seem pretty wholesome which is a nice palette cleanser from the horrible degenerate place I work at and partake in
Majority of the hololive girls can't sing for shit
Didn't think Coco was that entertaining
I'm still going to miss that bitch so hard. She's done a lot for the community and said fuck off to the Chinese. Girl has been through a lot and I really hope she's happy. I work grave so I got to watch a bit and acted like I was napping in our lunch room when I was actually trying to hide me from sobbing

>> No.5964417

>Now I'm going back next week and I won't have internet to watch gura say something funny
Just download her streams. Rewatching is not that different
I'm in my shithole's chair force and I'm often "deployed" to outposts in the middle of the jungle or to small villages to build bridges, wells, etc. Usually there is no electricity so before leaving I download some of Suisei's streams, mostly utawukus, and put them on tapes. Hearing her voice makes me feel at home.

>> No.5964437

>married to asian
ah, a sailor

>> No.5964661
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I suggest you start becoming a clipfag and just download clips of them doing cute stuff. Or just put Polka Oruka on repeat.
>I'm military
How accurate do you think this image is.

>> No.5964733

>without using it as an opportunity to pretentiously tell yourself you're better than them for not caring though?
Because this is the confessions thread.

>Where's the line for when it's stupid to cry about something?
The line is decided by society at an aftertast aggregate level. Crying when a pet dies makes sense. You likely spent many hours with that pet directly and you considered it part of your family. Crying over a celebrity death is strange though, because you never knew them as a real person, you had no relationship with them. Crying because a celebrity retired from a role (essentially what is happening here) is just ludicrous. It's like someone crying that RDJ won't be in any more iron man movies. He's not dead or gone or even truly retired, he's simply finished with one of his roles and will continue to have more in the future.

>> No.5965108

Really, anon, some people are more empathic than others. I got sad when Coco graduated, and I understand why people can cry over it.
>you considered it part of your family
Same thing happens with other people. To a certain point, they let the streams become part of their daily routine. Everyone gets upset when something that was part of your routine gets removed, and it varies person by person.
Even from a logical standpoint, it's something very simple to understand, so your position really baffles me and makes me think >>5961949 was right and you're just being like the pseudointellectuals that huff their own farts.

>> No.5965113

While I've never eaten a bale of coke, I did get to skip a piss test after we dropped a bale and it puffed a little onto us. I didn't feel anything, but one of the BMs was manic to say the least.

>> No.5965143

i have a fat cock but im a virgin

>> No.5965187

But coco seemed like a genuinely nice person who helped build something I enjoy it's kinda sad something negative happened to someone I like

>> No.5965247

My favorite thread on this board is the lamy images fetsih one

>> No.5965387

I always try to argue with the /pol/fags to make them realize the t-people are people that need actual mental therapy and that their own worst enemy are themselves (hell, even /lgbt/ agrees with me on that).

>> No.5965388
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my senpai sent me to the US last month. Air Force food is ok and Army food sucks enough for me to fast for 2 days

>> No.5965434

I respect Coco for her influence on Hololive, but I didn't wake up early enough to watch her retirement stream and didn't watch the entire VOD because I thought it was boring. I just skipped to the part with HoloEN and then the 4th gen interview and mini-concert. Even the HoloEN part wasn't actually worth watching though, someone could just watch the 4th gen interview and the concert and they wouldn't miss anything.

>> No.5965488

I participated in many of the ringo threads and I feel partially responsible for the piss alchemist guy.

>> No.5965576


>> No.5965593

>previous guy brokered an agreement to have troops out by may
>new guy cancels that and extends military presence to tentatively september but possibly longer
Sorry, anon. The establishment demands blood.

>> No.5965637
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When I first saw Kizuna Ai in 2016 it was cool and I thought to myself "this is the future huh". Otherwise I've barely followed vtubing outside of watching the occasional clips in 2017 and 2020. I started browsing this board a few weeks ago and its generally increased my disdain for e-celebs and the cancerous followers they attract.
I've also decided to send in apps to any company accepting them cause you miss every shot you don't take.

>> No.5965778

>completely forget there are better places to be stationed than the Middle East or dying for Israel
military looking alright suddenly

>> No.5965852

>he married the 4chan dream girl
I kneel.

>> No.5966156

Hey, me too!

>> No.5966267

replace top left with a red beret and sad joint aching wings sewn on and thats perfect, the DFAC kills more of our servicemen than actual combat

>> No.5966412

>da faq

>> No.5966480
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I'm not gonna call you names because I don't know your circumstances, but generalizing people into groups in order to create a clear target for you to hate is not healthy.
For example, I'm a muscular manlet that started his day with Coco's stream, and I was about to cry when I heard Kanata's letter while on the gym. I don't particularily cared about Coco's retirement, but I watched the stream out of morbid curiousity, and that raw display of pure emotion triggered my empathic receptors way too hard.
If you can't put yourself in someone else's shoes every now and then, you can't hope to understand humankind. But at least try not to be rude to your fellows. Some of us might have a harder time on this rock than others, and having something to let them keep going on, be it Jesus Christ, mathematics, their child, Michael Jackson or Pekora is ok.
I also couldn't understand why people cried when their football team lost when I was a kid, but now I know better and let them be without judging them.

>> No.5966536
File: 74 KB, 598x192, cfb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a morale patch of your favorite vtuber and always rember happy day

>> No.5966608

been like that for a while. you just have to make sure things improve every day, even if that improvement is a tiny thing like putting some shit in the garbage. keep doing it every day and you get back on your feet surprisingly fast, but the key is actually doing it every day

>> No.5966759
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I wish I cared about this stuff or could even get into it just slightly as much as you people seem to.

Sometimes I think I'm just watching streams so I can post in threads about them.

>> No.5967067
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>> No.5967149

That's sound advice.
I've been drifting around life for 30 years and while I still don't have a clear goal in my life, I started doing good things for myself this year.
I started brushing my teeth again a month ago. I'm doing light exercise before going to bed since a week ago. I filled a job application today and maybe I'll use it tomorrow. If I get a job, I might clean my room later. Etc.
Point is, things can only start to change if you move. I thought once about doing an hero, but I was honestly too lazy to even do that. Now that I'm active again I could do it, but now I don't want to.
There's a lot of things in life to be discovered yet, and I want to be there if android waifus or SAO-tier virtual reality happens.

>> No.5967289

I used to do that to fit in a sports bar. I don't really give a shit about handegg at all, but I had no one else to talk with.
I instead opted to go to a TCG store and now I can finally talk about something I like around people that understand what I say.
Try another boards for a while, my man. Hell, try some other suites as well. You never know when you're gonna find your comfort place, until you walk around.

>> No.5967394

It really only takes finding a personality you vibe with, someone you could listen to talk about and react to things for hours. I can't guarantee you'll find the perfect one, but it might be worth seeing if anyone catches your eye by shopping around.

>> No.5967560
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Gura triggered something in me to cause an overwhelming need for someone to bite into me.
Something about those fucking teeth changed me.

>> No.5967563

The hobbies I'm into don't really get discussed here (also aren't even really hobbies I care for talking about) and I just like posting on 4chan in general.

Left this place for years but everywhere else on the internet is garbage now, whenever I found a new place it would just get ruined or die so I came crawling back here.
Yeah that's basically what I'm hoping/looking for.

>> No.5967683
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patrician fetish

>> No.5967768
File: 2.70 MB, 720x480, Wii Polka [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fc9v9by.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My air force experience was roughly the same being stationed in Japan, except was flightline maintenance -- so no cushy office job filled with daily gym breaks or locking the door early for squadron BBQs. The many TDYs to tropical paradises filled with LBFMs on the government's dime was well worth the year or so I had to spend dodging morale snipers in the sandbox.

>> No.5967856

Biting is top tier, both being bitten and doing the biting. Its something primal that you tap into.

>> No.5967860

Make an alternate one just for /vt/

>> No.5967873

Me too

>> No.5967977

My condolences. From what I've heard, the majority of modern military are just office jobs with worse schedules, mandatory fun shits, and a bunch of cunts for superiors.
Pretty nice benefits but not worse the awful experience,

>> No.5967999


>> No.5968031

I watch more vtubers on Twitch than on Youtube.

>> No.5968047
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In a recent holo stream very personal information popped up for ~2 frames and no one else is talking about it. I expected the vod to be privated, but that didn't happen. I took note of the time, took a screenshot, and I'll take it to my grave, but it makes me wonder how often things like this have happened and no one caught it.

>> No.5968048

I have multiple oshis, because I can't decide who I like more between the (non-kiara) EN girls.

>> No.5968122

I unironically think Gura is the most talented vtuber. She’s just so in charge and aware of what she’s doing every second of every stream. It’s like she can see ten seconds ahead or something. And she’s not even my oshi either.

Just download your favorite clips into your phone, you ZOG puppet. I’ve archived dozens of clips and full streams into a USB drive I keep in my desk drawer. You could easily store like 30GB of your oshi in an iphone

>> No.5968145

If it was Matsuri it's a daily occurrence

>> No.5968614

I'm also another 25 year old college dropout. I spent 4 years in college but I switched majors in my 3rd year, then I dropped out 2 years ago after the 4th , tried to get a footing by studying for certificates, got a job to pay for the costs of the tests, and then the rona happened. The store I worked in closed down and I completely gave up, for the last year my thoughts were filled with killing myself, with little to no distractions and a bigger sense of disappointment with living with my parents. I never went through with it though. I got swept up by Miko's "nigga" and it kept rolling from that. I watched Miko, then clips of other holos showed up, then eventually I subbed to all the holos. Now I also watch obscure indie vtubers to give them a little bit of support. My life has been an utter failure since getting out in the real world, I've had no dreams to fight for, but seeing them try their hardest to grow themselves gives me a bit of hope for myself. I've been investing my neetbux, hoping to make more and start a business, so I can stop being a disappointment to my family. Like these obscure vtubers, I'll be trying hard to make it.

>> No.5968733

Your milage varies by job, location, and leadership.

>> No.5968751

You just need to take things one step at a time and the first step should be to clean your fucking room.

>> No.5968872

They were the real deal, yeah

>> No.5968927

I dig through the /jp/ archives pre-2020 to larp as a vtuber oldfag even though I started off as an EOP clipnigger in early 2020.

>> No.5969418

I think most of pol agrees that it's a mental illness. They're just pushing this shit everywhere we look, which has a lot of the younger anons trigger happy.

>> No.5969641


I heard military is soul-crushingly boring but what about Special Force who get lot of action like Navy Seal, SAS or Sayeret Matkal?

>> No.5969644

Been daydreaming about being a vtuber lately, even though I'm boring as shit and would probably fail hard. I don't even want to do it out of the fame or money (I make more than enough camgirling on some shitty Colombian site) it's just to have something interesting in my life, IDK.

>> No.5970013
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Matsuri got me a smell fetish, one day I tried smelling my own pits out of curiosity and until now I've been smelling it here and there regularly on a daily basis.

>> No.5970141

I refuse to watch Coco's final stream until the entire thing gets subtitled

>> No.5970348

SF are for the cream of the crop. You have to be tough both physically and mentally. Doubt many anons here fit the criteria.

>> No.5970609

I spread the Gura dox and I don't feel bad for it.

>> No.5970672

I think the reason I like vtubers is because I'm terrified of real people.

>> No.5970818


Hey hey!

>> No.5970899

If it counts for something, I'm on the exact same boat as you.

>> No.5971066

IT guy, used to be on /a/ back in the mid 00's, got married drifted away from this place. my daughter and wife intro'd me to vtubers (gura in particular). i didn't get it but i caught the korone no-confidence meme, and watched her all english mario play through. nearly died laughing at it.

caught gura singing fly me to the moon and i was hooked.

Well it dragged me back to this hell hole, but atleast we got a wholesome entertainment source the whole family can watch; we all shrimp of course. speaking as a father, i got to say i love in terror of my little girl deciding to become a twitch thot, so her loving gura is something i'm happy to endorse as long as it keeps her away from twitch.

all her friends are getting into the vtubers too, so i can safely say this is one trend i'm glad is happening.

>> No.5971240
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Good for you anon, glad to have you back here
Just remember to keep your daughter out of this site

>> No.5971285
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I donate most of my excess income to Pekora, often times I don't have enough to pay for food shopping.

>> No.5971288

Pretty based ngl

>> No.5971322

Lol same mercenaries, just a bit more glorified. Routinely get slaughtered without mention.

>> No.5971338

>vtubers inadvertently killing lonely weebs

i love vtubing now!

>> No.5971355

feels bad man

>> No.5971437

I remember you.

>> No.5971489

>I wish she did
holy shit
>I'd leaver her but we have a daughter and I can't leave her alone with someone who can barely take care of themselves

>> No.5971584

>Just remember to keep your daughter out of this site
haha, yeah, that is pretty much a given.

>> No.5973142

My misogyny prevents me from truly enjoying vtubers, knowing that there is 3DPD behind everyone of them. I can appreciate and respect when they are good at something (like Ina's art, Botan being good at FPS etc) but I can't for the life of me understand how you are all gushing at their antics and attempts at "humor". Most of the time I see no differences between vtubers and ethots.

>> No.5973217

>le special snowflake the post

>> No.5973361

SF are fucked up dude. They get away with getting drunk, domestic violence, and drugs because they go through shit and they know they can't get replaced, so commanders just let em be and keep em separated from everyone else.

>> No.5973387
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I don't really watch chuubas whenever they stream vidya unless if it would pique my autism like Factorio, Medieval 2 or Europa Universalis IV. Only watching my oshi's zatsudan streams. T-that's completely normal right? I was watching a 12 hour Eggman from /r9k/ instead of Ame playing some artsy kusoge. Sorry Ame ;_;

>> No.5973418

Really dodged a bullet there. Hopefully this gets your daughter to put some initiative into singing, drawing, developing a personality and a skillset worthy of vtubing.

>> No.5973469

SAS and JTF2 feel like a mercenary more. They always appear out of nowhere. Navy Seal and Spetnaz feel like a common soldier. Matkal is more like a SWAT.

>> No.5974717

I started with Hololive and was a fan for a long time, but now I only watch VShojo because they feel more "real" for some reason.

>> No.5974964


>> No.5976700

Which one? There are like 3 different Gura dox.

>> No.5977695

>caring about things is wrong

>> No.5979542


>> No.5979565

Everyone already knows the Gura "doxx" well in advance.

>> No.5979681

I got my first job last week, I'm 24 and still in college. I don't give a single fuck. You still have a chance, anon.

>> No.5979775

Me too because I'm a girl

>> No.5979861

Confession time: basically everything in my entire life is going wrong, whenever I solve a problem I get dozens of new ones. I am currerntly at uni because the government gives me money for sitting at home but I failed a class 3 times and if I fail it a 4th time I am getting expelled. I had multiple suicide attempts and wanted to leave this world earlier this year but I discovered vtubers and it's the only thing that makes me feel happy. When I watch my oshi I have this weird feeling of happiness and I forget all the pain. I wanna stay in this world for now so I can keep enjoying vtubers. Yes I know I am retarded.

>> No.5979895


>> No.5979945
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>> No.5980091

>chumbud got fragged for CIA heroin shipments somewhere

>> No.5980281

Unfathomably based. I used to be somewhat edgy, now stopped giving a fuck and drop a tear here and there whenever something makes me sad. Empathy is nice, honestly. I'm likely autistic, most of the time when people tell me about something happy or sad in their lives I can only try giving some advice from a logical standpoint and don't actually empathize with them, but sometimes their emotions get through to me and it's nice. Same with entertainment, if some media or celeb or vtuber makes you really happy or sad it means someone's emotions got through to you, and that's a good thing. It's a sign we're alive, not just robots moving through life not feeling anything.

>> No.5980499

Good taste, zatsudans and utawaku are the best content.

>> No.5981969

im at a SF base and work with them alot, they go through hell to pass the SF course but life when theyre in seems pretty great, can wear civilians to work and are treated pretty damn well when not training

>> No.5982074

yeah pretty much, SF are already pretty isolated from the rest of the military so alot of dumb shit they do can be swept under the rug, had an SF dude shoot someone at a party and nothing came of it

>> No.5982116

i heard the froot ones are great quality and always sent on time

>> No.5984279

Are you allowed to bring any personal electronics? If so just download a bunch of her best stuff to rewatch. I know its not the same as new content but its something and if you happen to get a wifi connection at some point you can get some new material.

>> No.5985022

What branch?
I’m going into the Marines and wondering if Okinawa is the only Nihon spot I can get.
Pilot, if that makes a difference

>> No.5985160

I cried like a bitch in one MC stream of Gura when she randomly mentioned how the father once told her that the sparkles on the sea during a sunset are fish paparazzi taking pictures of her. It reminded me of a similar childhood memory during those years when everything felt so innocent and simple back then.

>> No.5985667

Fuck off to reddit with this shit, you pathetic fucking losers

>> No.5985827

And you're fighting for a country that hates you for less than 30,000 a year LMAO

>> No.5986319

you will never be a real woman

>> No.5986656
File: 85 KB, 616x719, hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deployed a while back and it didn't hit me what I saw until a month ago
you saw that the military is nothing but spics, niggers, faggots and trannies now? yeah that would mentally scar me too anon

>> No.5986995


>> No.5987494

Based, same. “People” on this board are too pathetic to even enjoy FREE ENTERTAINMENT.

>> No.5990449

is this an edit? no one can be this retarded

>> No.5990607

I do, and I still teared up in Coco's graduation stream. People like the retard who you quoted just want to feel validated for their lack of empathy and want to know they're not alone and that everyone has to be like them. Kinda like the faggots.

>> No.5990874

What is with all the normalfags?

>> No.5996094
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When Coco announced her graduation, I felt a mixture of sadness, pity, but mostly relief. I don't like her V-shojo tier content and continuous attempts to influence the other talents into doing what she does. I actually knelt to and agreed with pretty much every restriction that management put on her (except the collab ones).
Or I guess, it's not that I don't like it, I actually kind of do, it's more that that isn't what I come to Hololive for.
I really hope Mori, Kiara and Ollie are next. Again, I don't particularly dislike them, I just don't want them and their fanbases influence in Hololive.

>> No.5996328

Why the fuck are you even here then?
Not 4chan, but this board specifically?

>> No.5996582

Spetznaz is an abbreviation from "special purpose/operations", so it should be more like SWAT.

>> No.5997486

I miss pre-trumptard 4chan.

>> No.5997616

>I think the whole rule about not mentioning a vtuber's past identities is extremely stupid and it's pretty retarded that every forum including this one actually enforces that rule.

preach. i don't get why 4chan is hindering free speech in this particular catergory.

>> No.5998858

t. trannies who came here in 2014

>> No.6001959

I fucking wish, maybe I could actually leave this place if that were the case.

>> No.6004369

dude the only time you're too far gone is when you're actually dead, if youre alive then theres always a way
See relevant thai ad

>> No.6005137
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> daughter and wife loves Gura and you all watch together for happy family time
why is life perfect for you wtf

>> No.6005323

What subject are you studying?

>> No.6005427

>why is life perfect for you wtf

life isn't perfect for anyone.

>> No.6005719
File: 103 KB, 722x690, 1598485871089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure seems a lot more perfect than mine.

>> No.6005932

i often shitpost on my oshi just so I can see other people step up and defend her

>> No.6006045

Do your reps, anon.
It's never too late.

>> No.6006253
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I know nothing about virtual youtubers besides what I can infer from the name and the little offhand I've seen posted about them. They remain an impenetrable mystery to me and I feel too old and stupid to catch up with them. I come here to feel out of touch. I don't post, I don't participate, I don't even know what most of the posts are about. I can't pronounce half the names posted and I mostly jerk off when I can because my libido is dropping.

>> No.6006389

good luck anon

>> No.6006418
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I'm doing okay, finished college, have a pretty good job, alreay know Japanese, pay attention to fashion, have friends, go outside.
I just don't know how to make romantic relationships so I've never been in one. Not that I don't try but I'm probably autistic when it comes to this, no idea how other people manage it. Hence why I keep watching vtubers

>> No.6006430

Not Marine? Why does she always get the exception among the purityschizos even when they gave Coco shit? I like Marine alot mind you I just can't stand purityschizos who pretend they watch Hololive

>> No.6006577

>Sure seems a lot more perfect than mine.

got to take what you want with your own hands bro. Life won't give you anything unless you're born to royalty or fame and fortune. everyone else has to fight and claw for whatever it is they want.

I know this sounds like crap coming from someone who has what you want. But you don't know what i did to get here. I left a lucritive career in finance because i was miserable; financial security is nice, but if you are working 60 hours a week you can't get the things you want. I watched a girl i loved walk away because i couldn't spend time with her.

I gained weight because i was depressed, I struggled with terrible jobs, one after another. I hooked up with human trash for human companionship, i wasted years on these boards.

Then i looked at myself in the mirror and realized i was depressed, unhappy, in my late 20s, going no where, i now was 80lbs overweight. I was disgusting.

So I did some serious thinking, and made a guess at to the type of career i'd be happy with (IT), then made a plan for how to get there. I worked a year for free in Guatemala for a Christian missionary group, just to get IT work on my resume; came back to the states basically broke, living in my car, I cleaned up trash after a nascar weekened to get a few hundred dollars together, got a rent by week roach motel for a dwelling, got an obama phone, and started looking for work. I was hired by my current employer 4 weeks later, I actually had to ask my new employer for a paycheck advance on my first paycheck in order to avoid sleeping in my car until i got paid.

Well that 18mo helped with the weight, had lost the spare tire... a few months later i had a company car and cell phone, an apartment in a trash neighborhood (my roommate got killed in a home invasion, i got a shotgun in my face and robbed, not sure why they didn't kill me); 2 years later I owned a home and had a new wife who is way too good for me. 3 and a half years to get to where i wanted to be. and those were not easy years.

so believe me, you got to fight and claw for everything you want in life. it doesn't just land in your lap.

>> No.6006616

>they go through hell to pass the SF course
What kind of things do they go through?

>> No.6007008

It bothers me that someone so grossly unprofessional and incompetent like Amelia can make thousands of dollars basically doing nothing.
A few months ago after she came back from a break, she streamed for like an hour cause her raging disconnected her modem, she made like 3k or something SC's.

Never felt like more of a loser, like holy fuck, here I am thinking hard work and merit=equals recognition and it really fucking doesn't. Just get lucky, be one of the chosen and just coast through life.

>> No.6007079
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What influence? What are these girls doing that bothers you so much?
You sound like one of those FINAL YAB faggots, Kiara has done nothing that the JP girls haven't done(beyond collabing with a Vshojo girl I guess), same with Mori, Ollie I assume you refer to how impulsive she is and yet fuck all has happened.

>> No.6009813

>NEETs meeting each other and having children
Sounds like an /r9k/ fantasy. How'd you two even meet?

>> No.6010010
File: 27 KB, 352x418, amelia tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only VT confession is that I've developed a bad habit since being moved to a night shift. I have to sleep in the morning so I almost have to have to have some vtuber as background noise to sleep.

I'm kinda grateful my life isn't horrible as some of y'all.

>> No.6010514

Its not an edit.

>> No.6010562

Based and empathy-pilled
I remember when I used to be a little edgy shit who thought he was something special, before life kicked the shit out of me.
Watching an autistic farm girl pretend to be a shark is what brings me joy, who am I to judge what other people cherish.

>> No.6010710

how does this stuff actually happen? It seems so alien to me that there could be people I see in the grocery store living like this

>> No.6010799

coco's entire personality was largely based around general vulgarity. Marine on the otherhand does alot of hornybaiting but she doesn't base her entire personality around it

>> No.6010846
File: 1.70 MB, 1439x968, 1624848102602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We met in a hs /tg/ club, she was a motivated and more cheerful person back then, but something happened along the way and she just gave up, to this day idk why. Femcels are real anons be aware

>> No.6015720

I've always thought that Amelia had zero talent for anything that she could show viewers. Knowing that, it surprises me that Kiara gets the most hate - or is that just the SEAmonkeys still? At least Kiara can speak several languages, draw decently, and sing decently.
I take several month breaks from any chans, so I don't keep up with the narrative here. These places are bad for your health.

>> No.6018794

I want gura to get impregnated. Even if it's not me, I just want to see her become a mother.

>> No.6018873

hope you're taking advantage of the free college and using to get experience in some real field you can get a career in
