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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5933670 No.5933670 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5934171


>> No.5934422

>implying she does not have the most hidden chinafans
It will be a fruitless effort. Zhangs had Coco's JP antis falseflagging as zhangs to add to their numbers. For FBK, most of their kin will backstab them if they target her. Looking at the NGA status, this is already happening.

>> No.5934437


>> No.5934685 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 1377x469, bugbomb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will post this every day

>> No.5934759

Based, dope, and super lit of you.

>> No.5934760

Good luck with that.

>> No.5934812

If the Zhangs don't realize Fubuki is on their side and helped get rid of Coco they're retarded

>> No.5934818
File: 2.34 MB, 1024x874, haebloshed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make obvious shitpost that is clearly (You)
>take screencap
>make thread
>continue to waste oxygen

>> No.5934857

The only Graduation that China will celebrate next year is their own annihilation.

>> No.5934896

If this is true this makes me very happy.

>> No.5934966

real shit?

>> No.5935051

Nigga zhangs love fbk. Look at 'em scs

>> No.5935055

fuck off why is this even a thread

>> No.5935067

How retarded are Zhangs?

>> No.5935103

The hunters are nothing without the hunt.

>> No.5935142

Why isn't it Gura?

>> No.5935193

it amazes me how americans see a screencap and think it's true

>> No.5935244

Damn, so this was truly a nuclear resolution. They killed Coco but at the cost of themselves.

>> No.5935278

Gura already helped by having Chumkiddies harass Fubuki.

>> No.5935299


>> No.5935306

So what makes the OP screencap any better, then?

>> No.5935349

go to hololive NGA board. there's a big pin right there that says they will close the whole board due to government intervention

>> No.5935355

It's called coping anon.

>> No.5935456

Yes, it's Fubuki and Aqua. I think friend can handle it but i'm not so sure about Aqua.

>> No.5935491 [DELETED] 

It's called read the news you absolute dumbfuck.
This is out of their hands, this is literally government level.
We can shit on those bugfucks all we like, but at least they deal with these fuckers unlike Japan that let cunts go rampant on the likes of Lulu.

>> No.5935497

Gura loved by everyone except SEAniggers. You're one of them.

>> No.5935513
File: 96 KB, 640x640, 1624842204796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there is a holomember they will target after this. It will not be Fubuki, the most potential one will be:

>> No.5935568
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>> No.5935609

archive reps faggots

>> No.5935670
File: 247 KB, 370x370, 1615441490047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your fucking medicine on a spoon, retard.
Literally all of it is true.

>> No.5935677
File: 34 KB, 525x133, spam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm seeing some spam.
>Bring back Kaichou

>> No.5935719

Yes, their authorities are extremely strict about this and if they use any other place they will 100% get ratted out to authorities, it's a very common occurrence as you get social credit points if you rat people who brake the rules out

>> No.5935749
File: 202 KB, 463x453, ohey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're literally rolling dice to graduate themselves early before the board shuts down
That's pretty fucking hilarious actually.

>> No.5935794

Hahahahah, go ahead and visit the site yourself and see it's unironically true, I'm so glad they got fucked and i hope so of them spreg out and lose credit

>> No.5935807


>> No.5935829

Why not do this at start?

>> No.5935891

i hope she graduates
she is overworking herself to death and pretending everything is ok

>> No.5936022

lol no
Gura is the definition of mediocrity EN nigger

>> No.5936160

cope, Indogchama

>> No.5936267

What kind of retard threatens to dox a site admin who has CCP ties.

>> No.5936343 [DELETED] 


>> No.5936677

If their country hates them so much, why do they defend it so ardently? Do they love being cucks or what?

>> No.5936729
File: 698 KB, 917x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kek.

>> No.5936754

If you really believe what you posted then you're retarded

>> No.5936798

Gura isn't Japanese

>> No.5936835

I wonder how much actual anits Coco still have compared to zhangs who like her or just don't care/already forgot about the Taiwan thing

>> No.5936936

You could ask the same thing about /pol/

>> No.5937062

People who actually hate her? Really wouldn't be that many. Trolls who just wanted an opportunity to act like jackasses? Probably most of the people you can find still hanging out in the NGA board.

>> No.5937079

the chink TREMBLES at the sight of this

>> No.5937125

That was in HK, they have no love for the mainland

>> No.5937193 [DELETED] 

At bugs can't even leave bugland without a good social credit score.
/pol/fags can actually leave their shithole-in-the-making countries for non-pozzed ones.

>> No.5937221
File: 579 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210701-171548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All true.

They are even freaking out if Coco is just using her graduation as a disguise.

>> No.5937234

It's pretty comparable to a place like KF in that sense, just a handful of <30 - 50 people who literally just focus on one person and let them live rent-free in their head.

>> No.5937245

They're scared. We have confirmed alphabet chumbuds

>> No.5937336
File: 334 KB, 653x595, fuckunevercomeback[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fay1dpk.m4a].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good riddance.

>> No.5937341

So realistically speaking, what happens now?
Seems like the admins don't want to deal with their shit anymore and will just rat them out for social credit points.

>> No.5937369

A lot of Chinese fans still love Hololive. Just they have no significant area to show it. The antis are just a bunch of /pol/tard tier fucks abusing bots and shoddy website coding like always.

>> No.5937483

>implying /pol/fags actually managed to get someone cancelled
If anything, the chink antis are more like SJWs

>> No.5937508

Can't help but feel sorry for genuine fans. Not only there is no place for them to show their love, the dystopian hellhole they live in is only going to get worse

>> No.5937521

I can buy that, but even so it'd probably be a mistake to return to bilibili after what they did last time. I don't think even the remaining Chinese fans want the holos to return to bilibili, do they?

>> No.5937578

We ever get confirmation or more about the rrat that one or more of the CN Generation was a Wolf Warrior or at least WW sympathizer?

>> No.5937583

You're implying SJWs are somehow not capable of being /pol/tier?

>> No.5937657

I think Artia or Artia's roommate once talked about that movie on her social media

>> No.5937696

Artia and Civia watched Wolf Warrior when the yab happened

>> No.5937899 [DELETED] 

Does your subhuman brain always reacts to an opposing opinion with "Americans", mongrel? You were raised by communists, and your reaction is very natural for your type of "humans".

>> No.5937904

They're different things in his mind because /pol/ "doesn't try to cancel anything they don't like" when they absolutely do, it's just that bending to rightwing pressure doesn't make sense in the west because leftwingers are the biggest consumers whereas every western rightwinger's dream is to go off the grind and never pay companies a dime again.

In china nationalists are the biggest consumers

>> No.5937928

>implying that /pol/fags are worse than SJWs
Come on, now. SJWs cancelled a lot of people and ruined a lot of companies and industries.
/pol/ on the other hand, haven't really accomplished anything, at least not at that big of a scale.

>> No.5937997 [DELETED] 

Not him, but burgers are bred to worship the nose, so...

>> No.5938042

Tip off authorities about discussing Hololive? This reeks of bullshit

>> No.5938052

is this what they call the chumbuds that passed first grade?

>> No.5938203
File: 758 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210701-171701-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5938213

Social credit score, anon.
The higher ups definitely don't give a shit, but they have to feed the dogs regularly

>> No.5938332

Yeah but they sure try to.
Besides, they are still /pol/tards in that they shove politics in to everything and attack people over it.
SJWs, alt-right fuckwits, commie fucks, capitalist fucks, ancap fucks, corpo dicksuckers, all of them are subsets of the same superset - big gays that can't have fun without sperging out over virtual lines on a map.

>> No.5938403

What about the normies in the middle that were supposed to defend us from all that shit so we could just grill but completely failed? I hate those motherfuckers.

>> No.5938526

Do they not realize that they were the tools of a government sponsored psyop?
You would think even the most loyal CCP supporter, after getting banned from places that use to welcome them with open arms, and having filters added that tip off authorities if they start to discuss the thing that they were told to rally against, would realize that they have been used, right?

>> No.5938531

Yeah, it can be surprising for people who don't follow the Chinese entertainment scene but the commie authorities do act frequently due to "public" pressure, the public in this case usually being whichever schizo group is screaming the loudest. It's just that the reaction from the authorities is invariably a heavy handed ban applied to everything involved because they don't give enough of a shit to investigate.

>> No.5938564

>Tip off authorities about discussing Hololive?
The entire thing about making Hololive leave Bili was a government project. They wanted to force them out because they were overtaking their own talents.

>> No.5938602

You're right in the 'fuck them all' mentality, but one is not like the other in that nobody listens to poltards.
They want to grill, too.

>> No.5938845

When Coco first announced the graduation, a few chinese fan groups surfaced in different sites. They were actually super hardcore about their love for Coco, probably because of the retardation of some of their countrymen.

>> No.5938905

The chinese actually tried to have "official" chuubas. Like, chuubas who represented the government and shit. It went south pretty fast because even the chinese themselves thought it was retarded.

>> No.5938914

it amazes me how thousands chinese men ruined a girl career just because she said the word "Taiwan"

>> No.5939460

about using VPN to circumvent the great firewall

>> No.5939517



>> No.5939575

It becomes real through shear belief

>> No.5939588

I'd love to believe it, but I don't get a thread when I click on that link, just what appears to be the whole board. That might have to do with script blocker though.

>> No.5939689

I've saved this picture for future use anon. Thanks a lot for that small light in these dark times.

>> No.5939728

It's astounding how much of chinese politics is like that

>> No.5939788

Not discussing anon. Being suspected of watching Hololive on another platform other than Bilbili is a good way to drop your social credit and possibly ruining your family's status.

>> No.5939826

Fubuki is far too powerful for the chinks

>> No.5941788

Happy CCP 100th Anniversary Day, faggots

>> No.5941860

Well, they got mad at Coco, but not Google and Youtube, for naming Taiwan as a country.

>> No.5945854

I know chinese, read it all, and there is a list of threads that have been locked by the site admin. I can't get into the specific threads though, probably because we're in america.

>> No.5946208

No joke Gura is universally loved in all regions including China. Despite her channel being inactive on Bilibili she's continuing to get subs on there.

>> No.5946233 [DELETED] 


>> No.5946401

Any expert on NGA or chink lingo? What exactly does "Wild Monster" (according to google translation) means? To whom is directed that word (or insult).

>> No.5946486

Why would anyone hate gura?

>> No.5946508


>> No.5946524

Don't worry NIJICHAD, we got plans for her

>> No.5946765 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 675x866, 20210701_152945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why OP didn't link the source but he is telling the truth


Protect our friend bros

>> No.5946796

how fucking nice of them
slow clap please

>> No.5946824

Gura a shit

>> No.5946906

It might be a legit screencap but it doesn't mean there will be a huge movement against her like there was with Coco

>> No.5947037

unironically Zhangs targeting FBK might actually make Yagoo get off his ass and actually do something other then be a meme CEO.

>> No.5947065

At least they know what they are

>> No.5947263 [DELETED] 

how do we get them to target Gura

>> No.5947282

Are these "Zhangs" in the room with you right now?

>> No.5947535

you dont after all NGA is full of gurafags.
they even make stories about gura beating up coco
same goes on bilibili and weibo

>> No.5948837

>they even make stories about gura beating up coco
Even after she sang Judgement for Coco in her first unarchived karaoke?

>> No.5948913

someone please glass Beijing

>> No.5949104

The only reason why they were able to rally against coco is because of her brash american persona. Can you imagine how terrible it would look ganging up on fubuki?

>> No.5949387

Why not go after kson??

>> No.5949491

Mori has been inclining a lot on bilibili because of her MVs, at least according to holostats

>> No.5949600

A week ago Kson got that anti spam program that Coco had in her channel.

>> No.5949679

Gura sang it here on /vt/sings also

>> No.5950670 [DELETED] 

yes. yakuza series is also big there anyway

>> No.5953074

This adds up. The NGA technical team that just disbanded mentions Ksons streams in their bot journal.

>> No.5956395

So they actually spent money for this whole bullshit while Coco graduated loaded with cash and they still said they won? Seriously? Kek

>> No.5956443
File: 7 KB, 252x252, 5634513465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zhangs are a special breed of stupid. I look forward to them eating themselves.

>> No.5956450

Furries are good at protecting their own.

>> No.5956585

Of fucking course. /pol/ doesnt hold institutional power and literally no one sides them. The people who can cancel are those who are in power or following the modern zeitgeist. Anyone who says otherwise is a fucking retard

>> No.5956593

>Weathers harassment for months and tells them to fuck off
>Cover sides with her and closes Chink branch
>Harassment becomes less frequent, as they give up after getting banned on Twitter and Youtube enforces more filters.
>Leaves on her own terms to pursue personal projects, with every holomember paying respects live.
>"w-we won!"

>> No.5956619

they're cowards, not complete retards, although the idea of 20 zhangs trying to take on the biggest corporation on the internet is kekworthy

>> No.5956760

Do not worry

Coco's legacy protect Hololive members already but you just don't know about it.

>> No.5956933

i already emailed cover about the details of that chink insect shit in japanese last month. i explained about that chink colony board called n-something ( i cant recall the name now) and the related chink IDs and some other info from what i got from the taiwanese recon force. theyve probably recognised it.

>> No.5957197

But anon, some of the execs at cover are zhangs

>> No.5957629

dont worry, chink bug. im aware of security and social engineering shit. i emailed 3 divisions of holo jp. at least one of them would reach some higher up in their management.

>> No.5957750

Coco was one of the most active in Chinese outreach before bugs targeted her as only the latest who had shown or even mentioned Taiwan on-stream, the only difference being she was American-born.

>> No.5959065

It's all about face, anon. Been like that since Mao. Hell, maybe even since the old dynasties depending on which one where talking about. You make big moves you look powerful, makes people respect you, and let's outsiders know that you are in charge but you still "care" enough about those beneath you to fix their problems. It's a fix all that "removes" the problem, while letting you show off.

>> No.5960021

I want to see Fubuki pull a John Cena just to see the reaction.

>> No.5960035


They're literally disbanding and eating themselves as we speak after yesterday's attack failed miserably.

Also, you should really stop trying to b8. It's getting boring. This is the third time you've posted "FBK is next." No, she's not next. No one is next. It's over. Stop it. Get some help.

>> No.5961382

kill yourself
