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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59251870 No.59251870 [Reply] [Original]

>entertaining without making baby sounds and talking to her fans like they're children
>genuinely creative
Unironically the best of Advent

>> No.59251937

>berates chat on debut
I don't think you know what professional means

>> No.59252033

I wonder how many more falseflag praise threads are going to be made today.
You fags don't even provide examples. You just scrape out of the barrel and rapidfire words hoping they'll stick so that the same retards give you your (You) talking about how she's awful or doesn't belong, or how le hekkin "catalog is making me hate her aiiiiiiieeeeeee" or whatever else.

>> No.59252047
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>clarifying things from the very beginning
>not even being stuck-up about it
>not professional
does unprofessional just mean "won't bend to my will" to you?

>> No.59252101

I'm going to plap Shiori and fertilize her eggs. Imagine hearing her moan "oh good golly!" as you put your cock in

>> No.59252137

A thread died for this. Maybe it was one of those retarded "It's funny when the shork says booba" threads or something. That would be better than this. At least that would be honest about having no point to make.

>> No.59252150

you cucks are actually delusional

>> No.59252362

Why is there, like, 6 Shiori threads up? Did she do something?

>> No.59252433

>takes off 2 weeks after debut. In the honeymoon period.
>jokes about BBC on stream

>> No.59252449

This seems to happen at the start of every week when she posts her schedule and surprise. No male collabs on it.
So instead of shitposters saying "LOOK LOOK I TOLD YOU SO" they pivot to "LOOK LOOK SHE'S SO GREAT"

>> No.59252505

I caught myself watching 40's movies recently... my god she has the effect on me

>> No.59252520

HoloEN and NijiEN fans are seriously obnoxious and annoying.

>> No.59252552

>takes a week long break in the first month of her debut
>disables her model in every group collab so no one can tell what she's doing
>barely talks at all to top it off, so she might as well have gone fully AFK during her corpo-mandated watchalongs of summerfes
Yeah sure. Shiori's model definitely won't conveniently break again for the next Hololive event that Advent has to participate in.

>> No.59252770

"gee willickers anon! its going so darn doodily deep!"

>> No.59252828

"Holy heck anon, I think I'm gonna go bonkers!"

>> No.59252874

>Unironically the best of Advent
I like Shiori but Biboo is my favorite Advent member. They're all great though.

>> No.59252950

>be Fuwamoco
>promise fans during debut they'll protect their smiles
>not even two months in they start solo streaming which upsets fans
>cuck their core fanbase with JPs who've now dropped them for the smoker gen which did NOT make ruffians smile
>actively try to btfo /vt/ antis instead of just ignoring them (fuwawa is /here/)
>instead of playing games people want them to play, they play shitty games their fans don't want to see which evident by their low numbers, because their good content gets high numbers meaning their fans basically sit out most of their shitty content which does NOT protect their smiles
>make out you're hard-working by filling out the week with streams when 3 of them of low effort morning streams with the same routine and template mostly filled with baby noises because there's so little content to actually talk about every 2 fucking days, especially on the EN side, so you have to make up bullshit
Nice caring and professional oshis you've got their ruffians

>> No.59253061

>brings up fuwamoco seethe in a shiori thread

>> No.59253181

Vtubers shouldn't really promise anything, unless you want the ticking time bombs to go apeshit and go all dramatic and shit. See Kronii for example

>> No.59253742

Shiori fags really have something with FuwaMoco huh, I don't watch either but it's pretty obviously that the fans favorites are FuwaMoco since they have the triple of Shiori viewers kek

>> No.59253892
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>> No.59254015

>Pic unrelated

>> No.59254123

They hate all other Advent fanbases. When Shiori collabs they get rabid and froth at the mouth they stole attention away

>> No.59254224

You know what? I'm not saying Shiori is the best in Advent, but she's a real nigga. All your points are good except that the creative part might be debatable.

>> No.59254320

holo vs holo
nuh uh cunt

>> No.59254644

Shiori Defense Force has arrived

>takes a week long break in the first month of her debut
Family trip on a cruise, Cover was informed months in advance that it was happening and they were ok with it
>disables her model in every group collab so no one can tell what she's doing
Her model frequently breaks in solo streams. She vaguely attributed it to a connection issue, maybe between her phone and Cover's servers or something.
>>barely talks at all to top it off, so she might as well have gone fully AFK during her corpo-mandated watchalongs of summerfes
She is autistic and doesn't want to overtalk, so she's quieter the more people there are. Compare her 1-on-1 collabs with nerissa/biboo and how much she talks there, to any collab with 2+ people and there's a huge difference.

Shiori successfully defended.

>> No.59254994


>> No.59255174
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Holy shit they're not even clutching at straws at this point, they clutching at empty air.

>> No.59255228

Professional means catering to me specifically.
t. average /vt/ user

>> No.59255284

You're either falling for bait or are baiting yourself.

>> No.59255337

>without talking to her fans like they're children

>> No.59255382

every thread makes me want to watch her even less

>> No.59255482

I'm a day 1 Novelite and day 1 member and this is only part of why I ended up leaving the split. Everybody things she belongs to them and goes fucking rabid when there's a collab because they don't get their toxic Gosling attention. The split was fun until she came back from her break, then Goslings and deep parasocialfags became actual whiteknights and ruined the split with mass reporting anyone who disagrees with them.

>> No.59255493

Jokes on you, I’m into that shit

>> No.59255657

You maybe accounted for 30% of the anons in her split.
The rest either just do not care, or are actively unity.
I get it though, the vocal minority is annoying.

>> No.59255845
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I was definitely pro-unity since it was fun seeing her interact with the other girls as long as it wasn't the bulk of her content. Balance always being important and all that. It's a shame that it became what it is since my kamioshi's split is pretty slow, but the Pebbles have been pretty welcoming of Novelites tired of the Gosling circlejerk. I feel for the sane Teammates and Kronies now, if there are any left.

>> No.59255940

Yeah I'm another who left. I'll just watch her when I have time. Their behavior actively drove me away and nobody wants to tardwrangle the parasocial gosling retards.

>> No.59255985

Lol who'd want to cater to a retarded neckbeard?

>> No.59256066

I like visiting the splits of whoever she's in a collab with, it's always fun when you actively ignore the "shiori bad" posters.
The more she collabs, the less of them that seem to appear, which is pretty nice.
But at the same time, part of me thinks the parasocial posts are being ironic or made by the same anons that shitpost her. IP count in Shiori split always goes up during then.
Goslingposters though, well, yeah guess they're still a thing, but I hardly ever see them now, except for when Shiori ends her stream. Or gives some fansa.
Think the split is pretty healthy except for when it's getting raided by the usual. just don't type your post like how a typical shitstirrer would and you probably won't get ignored or reported immediately.

>> No.59256078
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That's where I'm at as well. I still enjoy watching her when I have the time, but there's no benefit to being in the split during the streams anymore when it's just Goslings clipping every other sentence and spamming reaction images to every clip. And I won't even get into the mental gymnastics behind the attentionfag hypocrisy going on in there.

>> No.59256203
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the only thing that i like about the split is the writing content that comes out from there
there's one anon that's really good at stories

>> No.59256272

I just don't like her voice.

>> No.59256292

I know a few 4chan posters won't account for all her viewership, but judging by the greater community she fosters, she will need to make things clear sooner or later. At this rate the rabid attentionfags will drive off casual viewers and she's already doing pretty poorly on that regard

>> No.59256344
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I did the same, honestly. I would visit /ope/ or /gem/ when she would do group collabs or 1v1 collabs with them and it was always comfier since both splits were very welcoming to visitors. As for the reporting stuff, my personal case was saying I could have done without the 45 minute (or whatever it was) Dimitri tangent that took up 1/3 of an entire stream and got shit on/reported until I got a 24 hour ban. Don't understand how that justified a ban, but I just stopped going there after that.
The creative stuff was always my favorite part. Genuine writers, artists, readers, etc. were a bulk of the posters up through the side-stories, but it dwindled to some writers and sometimes a drawfriend after she returned. I just like any creative fanbase though, even if I'm not an active viewer of their oshi.

>> No.59256418

personally i just dont bother going to the split when she streams
only after the streams are done or the after hours when the guy that writes stuff does a story work. maybe it's shiori posting or something because story is always good.

>> No.59256420

Even then you can tell that there's other people clamoring for attention. That one writefag is all good, but there's schizophrenic ones that compete over that and they should leave. Luckily only the good one tends to get the attention he deserves

>> No.59256445

You're not wrong. There's already a number of rabid attentionfags in pre-chat and stream chat that aren't anons, even that annoying Mike Tyson guy came back to try and farm clip attention again. I have a feeling it'll eventually turn into a "we are not friends" situation, but I hope it doesn't since I feel bad for the saplings who still have to deal with all of that shitposting regularly.

>> No.59256586

Sometimes the bandaid needs to be ripped off for their own good. She's being too considerate with the 'See me any way you want.' She needs to be firm and tell people how she wants to be seen otherwise you foster delusionals that run rampant and have a melty at any small perceived slight.

>> No.59256749

Dunno, it feels somewhat manufactured.
Earlier I talked about how I visited /ope/ because the collab with the cooking vtuber intrigued me, then got accused of being a jailbird for a good 20 minutes, interesting stuff.
As for the whole Dimitri thing, maybe you got caught in the rapidfire bans of various shitposters and antis talking about how "catalog is right and they're being cucked".
Bad timing?
Thankfully I think the heartschizo arc has ended. Though I heard FWMC has entered a heartschizo arc also and it's like: "Bro, that's cool."

>> No.59256922

FWMC heart almost every reply to a member post, so the bare minimum of people feel left out. That's the ideal way to do it.

>> No.59257073

greentext aussiebro is fine the jealous parasocial who has to compete with him is not

>> No.59257120

Agreed, I'm all for kayfabe and all that, but schizos genuinely don't know how to process that and believe she's actually in love with them. There's always a balance that has to be kept whether it be a fleshtuber or a vtuber.
Possibly bad timing, but it's hard to say since I've been warned for on-topic stuff during normal hours because it didn't fit the Gosling narrative at the time or whatever. I've never shitposted her, but I've given constructive criticism to the stream review posts that anons would make and it was always met with seething. Also got a similar reaction for saying I've hung out in /gem/ and /ope/ though, they treat it like you're some kind of glowie that's out to get them.

>> No.59257220

Never clicked with her content, but I still believe you. Although Advent really is the gen "with a little bit for everyone".

>> No.59257252

Heart schizo here, I've been fine because Shiori hearted my last comments, just wait until my next menhera breakdown

>> No.59257272

If she clarified things then why do so many people misunderstood what she said?

>> No.59257309

>They don't watch streams
>They don't care for the truth, only the easiest (You), see Fauna for example.

>> No.59257541

Um actually we only hate Nerissa sir, Shiori is fine. She's really nice to them!

>> No.59257580

qrd? being able to identify an anon is never good

>> No.59257729

He's a whore who likes other fanbases, likes to write and encouraging other anons, if he wasn't pro unity he would be the best poster.

>> No.59258071

when he announces a write there is another anon who tries to show him up its pathetic

>> No.59258076

>not allowed to like other chubas
Is this the state of Novelites?

>> No.59258159

This thread was linked in the split, it's likely the aforementioned schizo.

>> No.59258261

Gotcha, hopefully the sane Novelites will realize not everyone here is a shitposter and behave normally.

>> No.59258306

Do you really love your oshi if you can find entertainment in others? I can't find myself to like anyone other than Shiori.

>> No.59258308

are you talking about the esl writer that tries to make continuations or variations of his writefags?
the writefag guy has been encouraging them and giving them advice on how to write better.

>> No.59258458

Then you're not a fan of vtubers, you're just a fan of Shiori. I know this is bait, so I'll just leave it at that.

>> No.59258572

this one >>59253537 an attention seeking faggot

>> No.59258607

It's not bait, it's what I truly feel.

>> No.59258625

>exceptionally cringey
>awful voice
>no, really, how is she so cringey
she should just go be a a twitch streamer or join niggy-sanjeep already

>> No.59258777

Every single chuuba chat deserves to be berated for being retarded.

>> No.59258989

NTA, but I don't know, I think more writefags are good. Could just be me though.
The esl anon that the other anon was referring to was this one. >>59169507

>> No.59259226

There's no law that only one writefag is allowed. Not sure why you care so much.

>> No.59261470


>> No.59262229

stop shitposting, she's already the runt with an annoying fanbase, there's no need to falseflag for her grating fanbase of dishonest coomers who hate hololive

>> No.59262424

>novelites can't praise their oshi without attacking fuwamoco
Weren't you fake fans supposed to leave?

>> No.59262969

she kinda does treat chat like children, but it’s comforting to me and not a con

>> No.59267687

Best of hololive even.

>> No.59268352

>>entertaining without making baby sounds and talking to her fans like they're children
Based never watched a stream in his life chad

>> No.59268981

>MSG is good

Asian moment. (She's right)
