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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59133260 No.59133260 [Reply] [Original]

>marketed herself as the singer to carry EN, huge potential at debut
karaokes: 1
karaokes: 5
picrel, 99% of her thumbnails are steam game pic with this lazy shit slapped on top

>> No.59133633

Remember how she said she knew 2000 kanji too?

>> No.59133735

she hates the idea of being only known for that.

>> No.59133737 [DELETED] 

so true sis

>> No.59134011

She's so fucking fake I can't believe they let her into hololive, is there a single that makes her stand out aside from the low quality coom bait/yuri bait and lucking out with a 10/10 model?

>> No.59134076

>marketed herself

>> No.59134142

theres nothing else to know her for though. she's bad at games (and not the funny bad like fwmc but the frustrating bad), and can't carry a zatsu on her own like shiori with her endless rambling. unless cover already has her in the studio 24/7 recording a new album she's just lazy or she faked her entire resume to get in here

>> No.59134195

>generic stream bait games
>doesn't sing after her failed 30 min karaoke
>annoying lesbian act
>started that cancerous joke about fwmc
>sounds like a mentally ill person every collab

I'm glad she can barely pull 5k viewers anymore she fucking sucks

>> No.59134237

>She only knows to be horny for other girls, mostly Kiara and that's it. I mean, I enjoy it, but she is becoming her accesory.

>> No.59134254

She is obsessed with Kiara, that’s about it. It will be interesting to see where she is at in a year.

>> No.59134272

She lied to cover about her japanese knowledge, bitch doesn't know any kanji and probably did anki for like 5 days.

>> No.59134290

>novellite seethe thread

>> No.59134295

Is it too late to recast her
A model this good can't go to waste on this shit hire

>> No.59134448

Based retard-kun

>> No.59134452

She lucked out extremely hard with that model pulling in all the coom artists

>> No.59134511
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towa says this belongs to her

>> No.59134640

>friends with reimu endou who also never fucking sings
Funny how that works out.

>> No.59134641
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>> No.59134728
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green towa

>> No.59134924
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>> No.59136077

Nerissa has done 2 karaokes

Nerissa Ravencroft Unarchived karaoke


albeit ones unarchived
you still have a point, but have the decency to type ‘ nerissa karaoke ‘ into the youtube search bar

also, from what little I’ve heard, professional singers (?& radio hosts?) seem to treat their vocal chords as if they were fine china
ie not drinking cold water

>> No.59136082
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>> No.59136131

Fakest "talent" in holo en

>> No.59136179

>>started that cancerous joke about fwmc

>> No.59136324

I think anon’s referring to fuwawa not being real and is only mococo hallucinating

>> No.59136933

started the 'fuwawa isn't real' joke that is being spammed and led to fuwawa scheduling a solo stream bc she doesn't want to be known as the backseating ghost anymore

>> No.59137768

>>being spammed


>>and led to fuwawa scheduling a solo stream bc she doesn't want to be known as the backseating ghost anymore

correlation doesn’t mean causation, nor does it exclude it
basically it “could be a factor”

>> No.59137950

It's been 2 karaokes actually but I was a fan of her as an indie and she never did karaoke. She just doesn't like it

>> No.59138695

Why you guys hating on nerrisa? While she isnt the blast i expected i thought ahe was going to be the best out of advent but shes still okay. Its just the others ended up way better.

>> No.59139061

based on her live singing her vocal chords are more like cheap plastic

>> No.59139615

My rrat: the twins are actually good at games, purposely failing to make the streams funny, but showing extreme competence (see fuwawa donkey kong) to get past the frustrating sections.

>> No.59140074

Why would she? Her stream's waiting room makes as much as fuwamoco's whole karaoke.

>> No.59140243

this anti is funny
just picks a holo every day to have a meltdown about
failed audition?

>> No.59140443

>and led to fuwawa scheduling a solo stream bc she doesn't want to be known as the backseating ghost anymore
fuwawa does not unironically think this

>> No.59140913

>she faked her entire resume to get in here
she only applied so that she can fuck kiara
kiara still thinks that its a joke
nerissa will get booted for sexual harassment one day

>> No.59141055


>> No.59141153

Here's the KFP damage control as per usual

>> No.59141432

watch streams

>> No.59141569

i did try to watch streams, I watched her play resident evil and was reminded why women being bad at videogames is a stereotype

>> No.59141593

So true sister, I can't believe you didn't get in instead.

>> No.59141712

i watched her from day 1
i woke up at 4am to watch her debut stream
i stopped watching her when i realized the yuri larp isnt actually larp and that her entire personality is wanting to fuck kiara and coombaiting

>> No.59142224

So you watched one stream and decided to post in every thread about her based on that one stream? Solid SEAbro /vt/ strat, I can appreciate the hustle.

>> No.59142752

I tried but gave up after her being a total retard in games and that godawful unarchived karaoke
too much cursing too

>> No.59143071

I watched her debut and most of her other streams when I had the spare time for them. I was perfectly capable of tolerating her fangirling towards the chicken but I lost all respect and stopped caring about her in the Advent Phasmo collab when she bitched about wanting to play on easy mode and treated biboo like shit and left her silent for some minutes after calling her something demotivating (was it condescent?).

If you want to continue ruining the reputation of KFPs by larping as some sort of glorified PMC, go ahead. But know that much like your oshi, Kronii and the wigger, there are reasons for people to not give two shits about her and anti her ass.

>> No.59143138

literally where did i say i watched ONE stream you genuine fucking troglodyte?
i watched every stream up until the poorly disguised date with kiara one

>> No.59143369
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>the wigger
we may have a shared hatred for nerissa but you dont get to talk about my oshi that way >:(

>> No.59143979

you don't have to belt it out like whitney houston every karaoke though. the best karaokes are the lighthearted fun ones that don't have to destroy your throat. she just doesn't even want to try

>> No.59144278

She had a great debut and I’m still interested enough to keep following and see how she turns out. But out of advent she has been the most disappointing thus far.

>> No.59145931

Didn't FWMC say they would only do a solo stream if one of them was sick? Maybe they changed their mind? Either way that meme is cancer.

>> No.59147378

Please help her to become better

>> No.59150998

I don't watch garbage

>> No.59151430

based she mindbroke the puppies with a single devilish meme -- even with only one horn can she control the minds of the weak with her voice

>> No.59152867
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>She was supposed to be the holo version of picrel.

lol. lmao

>> No.59153031


>> No.59153792

She was the only Advent absent during Mumei's 3D
No live tweets and not a message on her chat

>> No.59155778

I don't really watch her streams but I had a lot of hope for her music because her PL was known for translating JP songs to English while preserving the tune, rhyme and feel of the song.
Her first Cover basically raised that hope very high, but then she followed up with a lot of JP song covers that have already been done better, and a subpar Magia cover.
I was hoping for more Jp -> En songs because I have a few music enthusiast friends who are tired of existing English music and are looking for more variety (they loved her Aishitex3 cover), and because that's arguably her strongest niche.
I don't know why it is that so many EN holos just revert to doing things that others have already done rather than focusing on new and powerful niches and expanding the box.

>> No.59156896

Getting new things approved by holo management seems like pulling teeth. And doing a cover and rewriting the lyrics is likely harder to get permissions for than just a straight jp cover.

>> No.59156922

no one else could ever possibly be that unpleasant

>> No.59157758

I can't give Nerissa credit for singing when she spent her first karaoke flailing and flopping around for an hour, singing horribly and having terrible issues with her audio.

>> No.59159074

The VSingers thread said she's pretty good so her claiming to be a singer isn't entirely fictitious

>> No.59159197

>is singer
>compared to Enna
I don't get it

>> No.59159874

EN Kanata

>> No.59160937

I've watched her, She's utterly dogshit

>> No.59161109

there's no way she said that, I watched her collab with Lui and she could barely string together a sentence

>> No.59161140

Ok is fine for phase/ idol.
Not when you get 100k ppl watching your debut.

>> No.59161146

Nerissa is a liar/fake and yes she did say that, then she dialed it back to 2000 words and then retracted it further to 200 words. Bitch is absolutely lying, she doesn't know japanese at all

>> No.59161336

>holo vs holo
as expected of bau bauniggers
basically cumbuds 2.0

>> No.59161403
File: 401 KB, 600x800, NijiNiggerSpotted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59161544

>SEAniggers wake up
>bait threads galore
Every fucking day. What a disgusting bunch of brown monkeys, you deserve the shit life you undoubtedly have.

>> No.59161568

thread is 5 hours old retard, also Nerissa really is fake as fuck. Nothing about her stands out besides her obsession with kiara

>> No.59161617

>fake as fuck
Kill yourself nijinigger
Sorry she doesn‘t spend hours talking about having a train ran on her like your whores

>> No.59161636

It's sisters shitposting. Come to /baubau/ where they shit up the thread with jp cuckposting and trying to get everyone to hate Advent.

>> No.59161667

I have never seen a niji stream but keep deflecting, instead nerissa talks 24/7 about how she wants kiara to rail her

>> No.59161707

Yeah guess what time it was in SEA when the thread was created faggot.

>> No.59161793

>nerissa talks 24/7 about how she wants kiara to rail her
Timestamps for her talking about Kiara non stop in her streams? She just dida couple solo streams, I'm sure you can provide atleast 4 timestamps if what you say is true.

>> No.59162570

maybe she's just an ankidrone and thinks completing core2k means you know 2000 words lmao

>> No.59162606

its the pebblefags

>> No.59163066

not even
I really had high hopes for a new singer in HoloEN and was really disappointed by what we got

>> No.59163788

The thumbnails are the best thing of her channel fucking retard, but yeah, probably the weakest member of advent by far and it's her fault. If the 30 day collab ban exist is for people like her that just gives up on forming a fanbase and has to take it from the others, literally her biggest trait of personality is that she likes Kiara and she has to mention her every 30 sec. And Kiara loves the attention, so they are the best/worst combo that could've happened. And by no one's surprise, her other biggest trait is being lewd and moan every 5 words, that's at least hot since she has a nice voice. Unless you're KFP, I wouldn't even give her a chance besides cover. Biboo is another collab spammer, but at least she does solo content

>> No.59163879

I hate Nijisanji

>> No.59163898

She traumatized herself in her first karaoke. It's so crazy. Nerissa fucking sing ffs!

>> No.59163938

Anyone have any timestamps of her talking about Kiara every 30 seconds or 24/7? Shit not even timestamps. If she talks about Kiara that much there must be hundreds of clips by now. Anything?

>> No.59163975

>get everyone to hate Advent
Seems easy enough

>> No.59164017

Anyone expecting a girl to be competent at games when their history is not playing games has only themselves to blame.

>> No.59164181

..."Do you really believe yit"?

>> No.59164253

Then where'd the singer thing come from?

>> No.59164289

Then she should diversify her content. What about.... karaokes?

>> No.59164314 [DELETED] 

i-i-it's the n-n-ijis
wait p-pebblephiles
w-wait actually the ruffians
jesus christ you niggers are so butthurt, eat shit and die your oshi will graduate by next july she can barely pull 5k viewers anymore

>> No.59164481
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Name other Holo that lucked out on their model, I'll start:
>Akai haato
>Nakiri Ayame
>Murasaki Shion
>Ookami Mio
>Uruha Rushia
>Kiryu Coco
>Tokoyami Towa
>Shishiro Botan
>Omaru Polka
>Mori Calliope
>Hakos Baelz
>Ouro Kronii
>Nerissa Ravencroft
>Shiori Novella

>> No.59164806
File: 153 KB, 746x872, 1691897672257743(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you trying to say mio,towa,polka and botan were bad hires?

>> No.59164970
File: 554 KB, 860x1060, 1695527008293395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're gonna need to try harder on that bait

>> No.59164978

>Kiryu Coco
??? the model was the worst thing about her it was ugly af

>> No.59166121

Shiori is the one with the worst thumbnails in advent

>> No.59166473

never trust a KFP in any situation
i dropped her and all hope for advent after she came out as a diehard kiara fan, disgusting

>> No.59166530

You're thinking of Shiori.

>> No.59166553

Apparently she mindbroke herself with the tech issues during her first karaoke and had to mute her stream to cry about it. She did however say she's planning another karaoke stream either next week or the week after, so I think I'll wait and see how that turns out.
She is pretty bad at games though, the only game she eplayed well was that shitty trombone champ game and that unpacking shit she played on her first stream

>> No.59166568

>led to fuwawa scheduling a solo stream bc she doesn't want to be known as the backseating ghost anymore
actual fanfiction

>> No.59166777

Your forgot La+.
Not only some of those lucket out on their model, some also overlap the list of mediocre streamers that lucked out by getting into hololive (I'm talking about Kronii).
In that aspect, Sana really got the short end of the stick. It's funny how this very mediocre genshin streamer got nepo hired into hololive yet got a literally shit model.

>> No.59166908

Idk, Rissa is growing on me. I hate her "mhmmmm", but she has the ability to make the other girls feel at ease when she's around.

>> No.59167046

actual debuff model
best gamer in holo and it's not even close.
>not Lami
>not Gura
>not Fauna
We get it, you're a unicorn.

>> No.59167426

To be fair Magia is a very had song to cover. Unless she specifically asked for it, I blame this on the management.

>> No.59167489

WIth games, imho she struggles with the idea of being outside her confort zone. It's why she doesn't want to increase difficulty, and why she plays games offstream before.
