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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58483156 No.58483156 [Reply] [Original]

/eien/ - shooting the shit with my bro edition

Website: https://eien-project.com/
Schedule: https://schedule.eien-project.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@EIENProject
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EIENproj


Kiki Lockheart

Kilia Kurayami

Skye Shinryu

Riifu Evergreen

Museia (Group)
Riifu [Former]

Unarchived streams archive + [Former]:

Previous thread >>58310752

>> No.58483395
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I miss Riifu

>> No.58483834
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Bro talk

>> No.58484545

>less than 2 minutes and already a discord talk mention
Yes, I'm seething

>> No.58484670

I missed it. Did she mention something before the gunpla?

>> No.58484816

discussing what can be done during the zatsu
>there were talks about doing some sort of polls in discord

>> No.58485513

Good evening /eien/ I love Kiki.

>> No.58485899

Based and ewww. I might try watching her for AC6 tomorrow

>> No.58486579

i don't remember posting this

>> No.58488364
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Hello /eien/, i'm glad i got to see you today

>> No.58489035

Why is she faking her laugh?

>> No.58489136


>> No.58489761
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>> No.58490225


>> No.58490388

>not AC stream
>still mech thirsting
Monkeys paw truly curled when we wished for Skye to return

>> No.58490883

It's kind of incredible. Sorry for number fagging She hit almost 500 viewers last night, and only a faction show up for zatsu

>> No.58490895

Me too, I like her.

>> No.58491790

I've noticed AC has been great for her overall. From the last two streams she got lots of donations and people seem to stay after raids. The backseating is the only downside desu

>> No.58491978

I mean, its fotm from a girl that enjoys mechs being compared to aimless zatsu. Hardly anyone that isn't into her as a personality will show up.
I just miss her old talks where everything was talked about and she had to say some very interesting things about everything. This one started on that way and then, as amazing people on discord suggested, we are doing a tierlist
I know she accepted doing it, but still, fuck discord

>> No.58492606

I definitely didn't expect this to become a tierlist stream. It's never going to end with it being so open-ended

>> No.58492799

Now that you mention is... is she scared of running out of things to talk about?

>> No.58493343

I'd sooner blame it on woman brain. She's easily distracted, which is kind of how we got here in the first place

>> No.58493585

Just easily distracted. Happened with Minesweeper when she just started looking at states, making a tierlist keeps her occupied and active with chat so its comfy. Kinda wish she did a topic intead of going "variety " cause of course chat would turn it into this.

>> No.58494085

>easily distracted
There was nothing to be distracted from. There is no theme. With minesweeper she said she was in a bad mood and wanted to chat with no set topic. Latching onto something this hard in a "freetalk" stream is either because you don't think people will engage on their own, or you really want to talk about a certain topic. And after 3 weeks of AC thirsting, I was hoping to just talk about ANYTHING except fucking mechs. I'd take fucking burger lands over slobbering over mechs at this point.

>> No.58494467

I'll give you that. I would still bet on the latter, since she doesn't run out of things to talk about. Granted she herself is requesting to get more than mechs, but she wanted to do this

>> No.58494696
File: 225 KB, 437x338, Well.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have used the last zatsu as an example since she's known for going on tangents for a long time but always goes back to the topic after she's done. With advice it was easy to use the question to jump off of then finish and go on to the next, but since this one had no real topic to start the tierlist became the topic. I said the Minesweeper one because it started with one idea for a little and ended up doing something else as the main focus which kinda happened here.

>> No.58495090

Ok I'll add one more thing. Tierlists are really not her forte. I feel like I'm getting brainrot from listening to this. The last 2 and a half hours have been "oh X character, let me google it" and then one of 4 repeated sentences. She just repeats the same things for every entry in the same tier. And 90% of it is :oh its a fren, hug tier"
I was in the middle of writing this so I'll use this to bounce off and talk about my main point. Her main drawing point was her zatsu for me. When I didn't have time to watch the whole vod, I used to just skip the gameplay and watch before and after zatsu. She used to be like that, point -> tangent -> interesting discussion -> finish the point. This stream has no discussion, just short opinion, go on to the next thing. Nothing interesting is being discussed, nothing interesting is being said. This is just "hehe haha quirky opinion" slop for the most basic interaction farming possible. Skye is better than this. Skye can be so much much more entertaining than this

>> No.58495726

I like when she does tierlists but yeah I can get expecting one thing but getting another. Hopefully her collab next week might be worth looking forward to for you.

>> No.58495750

Tierlists in general are boring outside of maybe tag tierlists because I might pop a boner at least.

>> No.58495997

next week?
I know she has a talk show collab tomorrow, but nothing about next week. You goofed or is there a collab I'm not aware of?

>> No.58496215
File: 400 KB, 603x529, Huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right..

>> No.58497092

Just fyi, these suggestions being rated now have been sent about an hour and a half into the stream.
This stream would literally go on forever if she didn't put a cap on it.
Hope she learns to put a restriction or skip suggestions if she ever does anything similar. Or you know, only comment on the actually interesting ones

>> No.58497254

Another FYI, she does read maros, even if she doesn't publicly address them. If you have a problem, you can voice it. Just don't be a piece of shit if you want to be taken seriously.

>> No.58497294

What did you write?

>> No.58497472

About today? Nothing. In the past? Something regarding her Silent Hill playthrough. Recently? She mentioned she does read maros and some people sign them. This was not on stream

>> No.58497654

I thought you said something and she listened to feedback, but it was just mentioned in that cursed place.
Also now that i read it, it really reminds me of early days of Kiki maros.

>> No.58498395
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I find the girls fun, and the streams enjoyable

>> No.58498578

My feedback was the Silent Hill part. It's not like I got verbal confirmation about it, but either she took the feedback to heart, or it was pure coincidence, so I'll take credit until proven otherwise kek

>> No.58501098

Finding girls?

>> No.58501159

Good night /eien/, I look forward to drunk Skye in 30 hours

>> No.58502429

But anon, do you really? Do you really watch all 3? Do you really watch Kiki, Kilia and Skye's streams? Are you really being HONEST?

>> No.58503287


>> No.58504393
File: 36 KB, 430x433, 1681321340833806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, that I do. mostly vods as I can't watch lives do to timezones and work.

>> No.58505029

Skye is cute

>> No.58505531

Kawaiifags have been having a melty over the Skye Lua collab tomorrow. Should they be worried?

>> No.58507205


>> No.58507296

You gonna have to say more than that, mate. What are they having a melty over?

>> No.58507843

They think Skye is a whore with no class

>> No.58508055

A month ago I would have called them retarded

>> No.58508137

Yea, then the melty is deserved.

>> No.58508550

Lua will teach Skye how to properly milk a man

>> No.58508560

Great talents, but shitty fanbase. Disregard them and their thread, and just focus on the collab.

>> No.58509715

Riifu my love...

>> No.58509758

Mel applied to /EIEN/ and she's confirmed /here/ and she was upset that she didn't get in.
Was she the femanon upset she didn't get in, in the previous threads?

>> No.58509926

Lmao she probably didn’t even pass the first round because of the shitstorm she’s always in. You have to be crazy to think that someone like her would be accepted in a corpo

>> No.58510236

She said as much, that she understood why corpos wouldn't want her because of how she is.
If she made it clear she didn't want to brap anymore and wont ever again and stopped disappearing everytime and stopped scamming people out of their money things could probably work out for her, but she never does.
It's a vicious cycle she perpetuates for herself.
I don't blame any corpos for seeing so many redflags and saying no.

>> No.58510432

I sure hope Skye's members won't ruin this one.

>> No.58510519

the kiki x kilia is nice but i wanted something more risque and kilia being lewded more strongly

>> No.58511002

Lmao even

>> No.58511717

Kilia was the one who chose it to be like that.

>> No.58511853

no surprises here

>> No.58512351

She will surpass kiki soon

>> No.58512452

What? Did i miss something?

>> No.58512544


>> No.58512723

I just keep on cumming to Skye's ASMR.
I don't think she's my bro anymore.

>> No.58512748

Oh that thing

>> No.58513214

It's weird how as an eurofag I have both Kiki and Kilia to watch, yet I'd rather watch Skye, while Skye being the one with having the worst time to stream for me. I want to catch a stream live :'(

>> No.58513227

It's okay anon, your wife should be your best friend too.

>> No.58513272

That's not weird anon, that's preference.

>> No.58515930

No thread death.
I will delay the inevitable.

>> No.58516017

And we thank you for your service

>> No.58516303

>go to Kawaiithread
>ctrl+F whore
>38 results
that is just the way they talk over there

>> No.58516875

Nami fat lol

>> No.58516905

After seeing how the recent asmr stream went, I would never join her membership for asmr ever. Go off topic in any other stream but just don't do it for asmr streams. They are already rare enough as is.

>> No.58517369

bump for my love...

>> No.58517411

Unironically just go to sleep at grandpa hours. I'm euro as well, but when a particularly good stream is coming up I take some sleeping pills and go to sleep at 9. I even baked this thread because I was excited to have a good old fashioned zatsu with Skye. In retrospect it was a mistake, but still a plausible way of catching at least some streams live.

>> No.58517453

Maybe all of those were about skye-chan

>> No.58517713

Your appreciation is appreciated anonymous.

>> No.58518035

Checked out a couple of threads and its meh, most of them are self admitted dramafags.
The funniest thing I saw was anons from /eien/ responding to them with "I wish you get a Zow."

>> No.58518099


>> No.58518874

New Kiki video

>> No.58518918
File: 207 KB, 403x325, 1684230866572301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, Skye and Cheri collab. Skye really is collabing a lot these days

>> No.58519043

I like it, Mortimer looks adorable!

>> No.58519062

Imagine he latches onto Lua and they actually get him kek

>> No.58519174

Wouldn't be surprised, Lua is the womanliest woman to ever exist

>> No.58519272

I don't understand dota but the video is nice and well done

>> No.58519456

That would be fucking amazing if it happens kek
Only for him to crawl back when gen 2 drops

>> No.58519685

Please God, let this happen. Not only would I actually go to that shit infested hellhole to laugh at them, but it could be a turning point for Skye to become our bro again

>> No.58519806

He gets so much, albeit forced, attention that he wont go away anytime soon

>> No.58520313

Unfortunately I don't think he's ever going to leave. I could only see it maybe if he didn't didn't know about /here/. But he does and he likes the attention you fags give him, it makes him feel special

>> No.58520846

Keep dreaming

>> No.58521238

They had this collab scheduled on the week that she started her month long break so I’m surprised it took this long to reschedule

>> No.58521317

This is the most work she’s done in terms of her pixel art work. Turned out really nice

>> No.58523159

I nutted to Skye's asmr

>> No.58523323

Live now

>> No.58526251


>> No.58527070


>> No.58527885

>actual Minecraft server
EIEN is gonna make it

>> No.58528976
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>nobody streaming
>alive thread
>Kiki and Kilia streaming
>dead thread

>> No.58529027

This is an anti thread, as it should be as long as Kiki exists

>> No.58529420

Gen2 will save us. Just a few more weeks.

>> No.58531400

Wait a few months for this thread to become the gen 2 + AV corpo thread

>> No.58531429

Skyelights are the actives ones these days, they make the thread, talk when skye is live and then leave it till Skye streams again

>> No.58531508

The karaoke was fun but I don't really like Taylor Swift's older songs, they feel immature compared to her newest songs

>> No.58532447

I'm here the whole time, its just that I don't watch other girls a lot, so can't livepost. If someone wants to discuss something, I'll participate, but... well just look at this thread

>> No.58533765
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Why are we still here?

>> No.58537149

We love the girls

>> No.58537410

I do love Kiki.

>> No.58537515

Fuck off retard

>> No.58537653

Based, Kiki antis should fuck off, this is the whore corpo.

>> No.58537764

Are you telling me to fuck off because you think I'm trolling or because you hate Kiki?

>> No.58537843

Nobody likes the pink whore so you're obviously trolling

>> No.58538159

I'm not trolling but I'm sure you don't believe me anyway.

>> No.58539164

Me too

>> No.58542076


>> No.58544491
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Thank you anon, I will live on.

>> No.58544531
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>> No.58548309

Terrible opinion

>> No.58548514
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>> No.58549949

I was reminded of your miserable existence once more, have a bump.

>> No.58550308

ewwwwwwwwwwwwww cuck

>> No.58551143

Fuck you rav

>> No.58551807
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if only they understood how good things were...

>> No.58554181

Lottie likes skye, this pink woman is alright

>> No.58554288

I won't let this thread die unless I'm sleeping.

>> No.58555962

with my final breath...bump...

>> No.58558701


>> No.58558711
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this thread will die tonight

>> No.58559537
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I thought I missed the collab but I forgot its in the morning instead of at Skye's usual time

>> No.58560278
File: 379 KB, 914x540, 1679633458226388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If /eien/ should die tonight...
Though it'd be far before our time...
I won't die blue...
'Cause i've known you...

>> No.58563108
File: 427 KB, 569x569, 1679875886045819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Night /eien/

>> No.58565931

Goodnight /eien/.

>> No.58566855

I'm still here... and Skye is in 6 hrs 45 mins. Can we make it?

>> No.58567962

I think we can make it

>> No.58568129

bump before i'm laid to rest...

>> No.58568245
File: 139 KB, 1024x1024, skyewaffle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're all gonna make it, anons (to the stream).
goodnight everypony

>> No.58569355

Drunk Skye is very rare. What kind of drunk do you think she'll be on stream?

>> No.58569690

I imagine she'll get whiny and start complaining while still being cute.

>> No.58570601

I shall not let this thread die this day!
This thread will see the collab happen, whatever it may bring. Weal or woe we shall see it through.
It will probably just be a cute collab

>> No.58571341

I feel like drunk collab would be different than being alone with skyelights. They'd definitely take advantage

>> No.58572036

>Skyelights would take advantage of a drunk woman
Never would have guessed

>> No.58572184

If someone said that 1-2 months ago, I'd probably defend them

>> No.58573254
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>> No.58573653

Kind ugly desu

>> No.58574271

It's not supposed to look nice, the bun is only there for you to stick your dick in

>> No.58574345

Y'all incels should touch grass fr

>> No.58574476

Fr fr? Ong?

>> No.58575076

omg, Kilia hi!

>> No.58575173

omg, Zow hi!

>> No.58575467

Its a kawaii dramafaggot... ignore him, retards

>> No.58576379
File: 188 KB, 413x380, Screenshot_20230615_211413_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll keep it alive just to spite (you)

>> No.58576840
File: 68 KB, 189x218, 1684944593109467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a good bouy, thank you

>> No.58577912

Skye Collab with Lua begins:

>> No.58578276

I wanted whore talk, they just keep talking about keyboards.

>> No.58578671

I'm pretty sure Skye is already tipsy, but she's definitely letting Lua take the lead. This is her 2nd collab outside of EIEN after 6 months. She's probably really nervous

>> No.58578800

Skye's railing other girls reps payed off.

>> No.58578999

kek skye is too overwhelmed by lua's womanliness

>> No.58579070

She's just like me fr fr

>> No.58579659

Lua is a very talkative hag with no outlet except for when she streams

>> No.58579703

Kek it's almost like react content. All Skye can do is follow the lead

>> No.58579893

>lightbulbs are an expense like furniture

>> No.58580402

This is just Lua flexing her middle class cosmopolitan experiences to Skye who has never left her home country.

>> No.58580488

I'm actually curious how this collab came to be to begin with. I've never seen any interaction between the two

>> No.58580633


>> No.58580972

And now Lua is flexing having a functional family

>> No.58580976

I'm still don't understand Skye's family circumstances. Something about host family and Skye bros.

>> No.58581144

She's basically an orphan

>> No.58581172

She lives in an orphanage

>> No.58581247
File: 471 KB, 800x600, img-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Skye knows about the kino MTG game from the 90s.

>> No.58581276

Just a bit more and Lua will start flexing about her fat tits and fat ass (while still having a thigh gap) ans height while Skye is probably a womanlet sticc like all of the flip girls

>> No.58581361

Skye is short/average by western standards, but tall amongst flips. Bare minimum, her tits are real, but she says she doesn't have a dumpy

>> No.58582177

an old mtg game?

>> No.58582321

From what I gathered, her family was fine when they had money, but very emotionally distant. Something happened, they lost a lot of money and became really dysfunctional. They had a falling out and don't talk anymore.
All the "Skye X" are her "adopted" family. I don't think they actually adopted her, but from the way she speaks, they took her in when she had a falling out with her family.
If she ever mentions "Shinryu X" or "Host X" She is talking about her biological family.

>> No.58582497

holy shit you just aligned everything for me
i finally understand

>> No.58582605

what was confusing you anyway?

>> No.58583506

My brain just couldn't find the differences between host/skye/shinryu

>> No.58583657

Based Zow spreading Orc Daddy lore in Lua's chat.

>> No.58583812

>attentionfag attentionfagging
shit is cringe in Skye's chat, forcing that shit in others peoples chat is even worse

>> No.58583894

Is real? Skye is a fucking orphan?

>> No.58584053

I mean unless Skye is telling us an Odyssey-sized lie for no fucking reason, yes. She's talked about her family, biological and current, several times

>> No.58584108

Calling Skye the Batman of vtubers wouldn't be wrong.

>> No.58584193

>big tits no ass
the worst combo

>> No.58584293

Wait, what does this mean? My sleepy literal brain interprets this as her being a rich playboy vigilante with a butler, a side kick, and dead parents

>> No.58584327

what the fuck are you anons talking about?
Skye has talked a lot about how her parents are both alive and their communication stopped when Skye was very much an adult.

>> No.58584365

Kawaii is the feminine energy corpo, it can't be helped

>> No.58584655

I think if Skye got Kiki's model she would have quit before Riifu.

>> No.58584664

Until Skye does her serious ara ara

>> No.58584684

Anyone can gain ass(except paraplegics)
Not everyone is blessed with tits

>> No.58584879

I don't believe your parents have to die to orphan you. I did not recall her age however

>> No.58585025
File: 23 KB, 651x193, 1674345782276509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the definition.

>> No.58585104

So skyebro is not blood related

>> No.58585211

There are 2 Skyebros. Elder and Elden Skyebro. Neither are blood related.
My rrat is that one of them is her long term BF and his family took her in when she had a falling out with her family.

>> No.58585257

there are 3 iirc, and a sister I think? i can't remember

>> No.58585371

is this just a shilling stream for Kawaii?

>> No.58585531

Nobody needs tits, but everybody should have ass.

>> No.58585707

After hearing she grew up with like 13 or so boys I kidna just assumed its two of them and "SkyeSib" who I forget about. She said she had a bunk beds and talked about how she wasn't in a stable living situation to stream a few years ago so I kinda guessed she moved in with some close friends for money reasons and to get away from her original family.

>> No.58585785

There are 3: Elden, Elder, and Eldest. Eldest is rarely around and has his own living space

>> No.58586036

yes but backfired they like skye better now

>> No.58586222

Oh you're right, I completely forgot about eldest.

I actually don't remember that story about living with a lot of people. I do remember her talking about how she had a nanny.

>> No.58586551
File: 10 KB, 229x220, AssBeTheFoodOfLove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a profound truth in your words brother

>> No.58586600

I knew Skye was a zoomer, but this much? She hides it really well

>> No.58586646

The beginning of her last stream before it became a tierlist she said she grew up with her mom and dad letting a bunch of boys live with them for to play badminton and the fact that she grew up with a bunch of older brothers shaped her intrests and the way she acts. Also why her taste in men is so specific since "the illusion was broken early" iirc

>> No.58586808

holy shit, you're right. I was just very sleep, it was 4 am...

>> No.58586854

Having a fucked up life tends to mature you beyond your years, so you get some of both worlds with her

>> No.58587348

Damn Lua is drunk.

>> No.58587712

Its funny cause Skye is kinda tipsy and letting her go

>> No.58587924

Skye's probably less drunk now than in the beginning

>> No.58588069

this is normal for lua, she already had a drunk yab once

>> No.58588257

Yab? Maybe the chinese supremacy thing that almost got out, but this stream is more and more kino the drunker Lua gets. Hope they collab once again, but Skye actually gets drunk as well.

>> No.58590529

Well... at least we survived through the collab

>> No.58590628

Back to shitting on Kiki the revolting whore I guess...

>> No.58590690

What was the yab

>> No.58590739

Sorry, we love Kiki here now.

>> No.58590809

>I guess
Nobody is forcing you, faggot. If you have nothing to say shut the fuck up

>> No.58590830

reflection yab on her switch screen

>> No.58590981

Was she cute?

>> No.58591049

not really no
that doesn't mean I won't marry her and her drunk ass

>> No.58591071


>> No.58591092


>> No.58591353

secret mod discord

>> No.58593017
File: 43 KB, 430x433, 1681320699927430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the weekend, time to catch up with some vods

>> No.58593094

What are you watching anon?

>> No.58593247
File: 11 KB, 431x433, 1681322975356646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to watch skyes AC and latest zatsu. Didn't have to before to watch them.

>> No.58593477

We are so back

>> No.58593851

I want to have have sexual intercourse with Kilia and make her pregnant

>> No.58593904

Unironically this but with

>> No.58594027

So many possibilities...

>> No.58595111

The corpse is a vit cold but i think it adds to the stimulation, like kissing someone right after theyve had ice cream

>> No.58595818
File: 59 KB, 453x439, my disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58596589

Just heat her up in a microwave

>> No.58597475

I will put you in the dirt where you belong, you worm.

>> No.58597674

this woman came by lottie's stream yesterday, i liked her, she seems to be nice

>> No.58598534

How nice of you, making sure I can be closer to her

>> No.58601305

Pretty late, but rate the drinking collab?

>> No.58603699

Eh, it was pretty meh. Lua dominated, but didn't say a lot of interesting things. Also seemed the whole time Skye was trying to be the wingman to Lua, trying her hardest to not showcase herself while praising the most miniscule things about her. Things were getting pretty good with Lua making a fool out of herself the drunker she got, but still, from the point of a skyelight it wasn't really a Skye stream.

>> No.58605208
File: 407 KB, 669x678, 172625265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say goodnight to kilia in her last tweet because i assumed she actually fixed her sleep schedule so i went to sleep early. I'm a failure of a buoy and I wanna kms

>> No.58605916

look at the kawaii thread

>> No.58606017

Sorry but qrd

>> No.58606199
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>> No.58606354

What did she mean by that? QRD?

>> No.58606403

Lumi really is perfect

>> No.58606622

I saw. Some of them want to trade Lua for Skye kek

>> No.58606948

The kawaii thread seems fun unlike ours

>> No.58607235
File: 17 KB, 98x105, pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really not. Such nice girls do not deserve a general in that state

>> No.58607427

Tbh, it was like staring in the mirror. They resemble us

>> No.58607588


>> No.58607645

in some ways yes, but holy shit they are just hate filled mob. I spent 2 days there and the only positive posts were horny posts. I thought we were bad, but over there is truly hell. But I can imagine /eien/ being like that if we end up with 3/5 girls in gen 2 being Kiki clones

>> No.58608012

a lot of the genuine fans have given the thread up for /corpo/ or discord because of all the shitflinging, doxxing, and bait. It's sorry affairs. Especially bad because if you watch the streams, things are fine.

>> No.58608128

EIEN was wrecked by Riifu leaving, Kawaii by gen3 leaving. Both need new gen badly to get over it.

>> No.58608181 [SPOILER] 
File: 98 KB, 1920x1080, It's Always Sunny in pkg[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1ih1lh.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/eien/ is pretty bad for similar reasons, but it looks like these guys have eased up on the name-dropping since the last time I looked here

>> No.58608762

Not exactly true, the threads became extra shit after somebody leaked discord screenshots of "fans" shitting on one of the talents. Since then they have destroyed the threads and it has been unusable. Almost everything that comes up in the threads now is related to discord drama and random shitposters spreading it because its easy to get a (You) but in the end the girls still like the thread more than the creepos on discord

>> No.58608904

No fucking way, this is actually comical
All things considered we turned out somewhat ok.

>> No.58609759

I think in this thread's case, Eien just hasn't been around as long, so there wasn't much room for attachment to the girls when all the drama drop. Those who were the most attached are currently in a year-ish long cryosleep, and all the dramafags moved on.

>> No.58610486

I dont like some vtubers Kilia interacts with at all and idk what to do about these feels...

>> No.58610535

True, but we also got really acclimated to the shit. We had month and a half of honeymoon period and shit hit the fan pretty hard. After that it was one bad situation to the other. If pkg is rage, this thread is depression. We have nothing left, only a sliver of hope with gen 2

>> No.58610557

I only care about Kilia and her wellbeing. I try to act like i support the other girls but i actually don't care about any of them. I couldn't disagree more with the ritualposter that loves all the girls

>> No.58610593

qrd on the famed Zow?

>> No.58610656

The past few threads haven't been so bad, even the kiki hate got milder i feel like

>> No.58610886

I don't even have the energy to be mad anymore. I just want to have a comfy thread and have fun again. Accepting the kichains and kiki talk is a price I'm willing to pay

>> No.58611031

Fuck off Zow

>> No.58611103
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Positivity chads won, yeah that's right

>> No.58611220

we are so back

>> No.58611223


>> No.58611287
File: 508 KB, 598x787, 1685346418722936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nta, love you bro

>> No.58611416

death to rats, next year this dogshit corpo will go under as SHE comes back

>> No.58611576

SHE would be disappointed in you if she saw this post...

>> No.58611703

She herself probably made that post

>> No.58611721

whatever let's you sleep at night, rat bootlicker

>> No.58611776

Don't leave me okay bros?

>> No.58611800

Thanks, I needed a good laugh.

>> No.58611997
File: 325 KB, 384x557, 1694343347269239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we still bros if the bro we had in common is no longer a bro?

>> No.58612017

Anon you will probably post and talk about them in this thread because you can't keep a thread alive

>> No.58612029

You can't seriously believe an actual riifling posted this and not a baiter do you?

>> No.58612071

I won't if you don't leave me bro.

>> No.58612111

I'll stay as long as I can bro

>> No.58612136

I'm looking forward to the return too, but I'd still fuck the rat's tits

>> No.58612319

Kemomimi-Refle manages to live well enough inside of /asmr/. We might have to colonize depending on how things go. We'll see.

>> No.58612488

schizoriifling want nothing more than you forgetting about them but they will be back

>> No.58613053

SHE doesn't actually give a shit

>> No.58613223

The schizo riiflings were antis the whole time if you remember the modcord situation back then.

>> No.58613745

Discord faggotry is happening again. What has become of my bro?

>> No.58615003

Have we?

>> No.58615443
File: 581 KB, 661x720, 1686180392605787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mhm. As long as you'll call me bro, I'll do the same

>> No.58617965

I love you bros

>> No.58618152

Your bro is dead

>> No.58619350

The leaks? Unless something else happened since then, It was mainly because the mods in that server were coordinating bans and protecting certain people. I wouldn't say that was really anti behavior.

>> No.58619477

they took her away, they will pay

>> No.58621206
File: 363 KB, 523x521, 1682170874145208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is alive and well, she just isn't our bro anymore. She was taken from us and my hatred is renewed. Positivity has left this bro.

>> No.58621285

the renegade skyelight

>> No.58622587
File: 356 KB, 592x641, punished riifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm going to make them give back our past

>> No.58624798

the flame that burned twice as bright and lasted half as long...

>> No.58625535
File: 570 KB, 618x728, 1672351421664158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her.

>> No.58630919


>> No.58630995
File: 141 KB, 434x434, 1680460050122322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread WILL die tonight. Mark my words

>> No.58631122

and tomorrow it shall rise again, for its revenge hasn't been satiated

>> No.58631411

It will. Bump limit is approaching

>> No.58633226

I just got linked one of the top reddit posts on the armored core place, it was Skye's fanart of her and Chatty. Very cute but also unbased.

>> No.58634492


>> No.58634750

Look up her account on reddit, she's been pretty active there recently.

>> No.58634797

Oh you mean her being on reddit at all is unbased. I thought you meant the art

>> No.58634894

Yeah, that's what I meant. Her art is very cute and I have nothing bad to say about it.

>> No.58635212

>talking about images on an imageboard
>doesn't post them
may Allah destroy you

>> No.58635491
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>> No.58636464
File: 78 KB, 220x189, 1678137853027718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rewatching a vod and holy shit...Kilia...

>> No.58639579

I miss that cute plant scottish accent

>> No.58641508

