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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58485566 No.58485566 [Reply] [Original]

Just a small question here, I'm having trouble understanding some people.
When anons on /vt/ call themselves unicorns, and call an idol who collabs with male vtubers a whore, are they being honest? or is it just trolling?

Most importantly why do you hold non-idol vtubers to these standards?

I have seen an infinite(hehh) number of posts like these and I am starting to believe anons aren't trolling with these posts; and that they are heavily emotionally invested in being unicorns.

If anyone could share their experiences being an unicorn and do you go out of your way to harass vtubers or their fans for collabing with men, I'd appreciate it because to be frank with you this board doesn't make sense to me in the slightest.

Is it all a big joke???

>> No.58485702
File: 755 KB, 824x913, 1680531679407141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

terrible post, terrible thread

>> No.58485886

of all the important things in this world, absolutely zero of them revolves around you understanding or not understanding them

>> No.58486039

Reddit spacing.
To answer your question, most of it it's ironic.
To be a vtuber fan you have to accept your role as a cuck to begin with, when people shitpost it's just a reminder of what we are.

>> No.58486176

does it matter? why care?

>> No.58486181

dont just expose false flagging antis like this
it's rude

>> No.58486234

>new holo gen debuts
>this place gets flooded with mongoloids like this one

>> No.58486263
File: 85 KB, 827x793, voox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>f anyone could share their experiences being an unicorn

>> No.58487013

I've been here in /vt/ since 2021 I just never paid attention to the retards.

>> No.58487529

Imagine investing tons of your time, money, and emotional support into a woman who gets creampied by some other guy when the stream is done.
Imagine enjoying watching your oshi have more fun with other guys than they will ever have with you.
Imagine wanting to be a third wheel as you watch the girl you like flirt with other guys or laugh at their jokes, or just generally be closer to her than you ever get to be.
Imagine supporting a woman for years and being told that you are nothing more than a fan while some male streamer who just met her is now called her friend.
That shit is so much more fucked than being "parasocial".

>> No.58487883

yeah, just ignore the beggars who harrass vtubers to collab with men when they dont want to. also ignore all the anti-idol culture assholes who want to push their shit on everyone when theyre basically just insulting all the vtubers that just want to be professional and enjoy idol culture. which is a massive amount of them. if you pay attention youd realize a lot of "non-idol" vtubers got into vtubing because of those types and are often big fans themselves, they just admit not being able to do it themselves. also non-EOPs have a large varitety of japanese vtubers to watch, corpo or indie, who have a strong work ethic and respect their viewers, unlike the self-entitlement bullshit the west is trying to push as what should be "the norm"

>> No.58487898

>Imagine investing tons of your time, money, and emotional support for Abortion

>> No.58488333

Truth. I can say just don't get attached, but it doesn't "just" happen, most people can't choose if they want to attach themselves to some chuuba.
It's really simple, I gachi certain girl, I don't want her to laugh with some other guy and getting all flirty it's that simple.
Honestly, even without gachi part, the same way how I wouldn't want to sit in fleshtuber male stream, that is usually streaming alone and having fun with his audience suddenly flirt with some girl on stream.

>> No.58488645
File: 18 KB, 282x282, f47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it all a big joke???

>> No.58489434


>> No.58489609

I identify as a unicorn. I don't expect VTubers to stay single for their fans, however if they get a boyfriend then I will stop watching. It's just weird for an adult male to spend hours watching a woman with a boyfriend especially when they're pretending to be cute and doing fan service. When it comes to male collabs specifically the problem is they break the CGDCT illusion, it doesn't matter if they are actually dating the guy or not. And yes it makes me feel jealous even if I don't really like the VTuber that much, unless it's some old guy or loser like me then I don't really care. I won't harass tubers that collab with men, but I believe they should tell their fans if they get a boyfriend or plan on dating and stop doing fan service , especially GFE content. I think it's immoral to make millions from mentally ill men because of the illusion that you're single while you're fucking some guy after the stream. At least give a heads up for the people that don't want to feel like cucks.

>> No.58490138

>call an idol who collabs with male vtubers a whore, are they being honest? or is it just trolling?
The vast majority just do it because they are nasty misogynistic trolls.

There is a very small minority of mentally ill people that actually believe they are in a romantic relationship with their Oshi.

>> No.58490878

>holo EN debuts
>this place is filled with mongloids relentlessly like a wide open faucet
newfags shouldn't throw stones at other newfags

>> No.58490956

a vtuber fan:
- watches a woman almost daily
- spends hours learning about her
- gives her money
- buys her gifts and art
- offers emotional support

in the normal society that would akin to being in a relationship. what's the problem with wanting some level of reciprocity?

>> No.58491460

I always speak the true the way I see it, if you take it as a shitpost it's your problem

>> No.58491629

I just do it because the male fans are fucking disgusting pieces of shit and bitches like the one on your picture exist

>> No.58491751

I don't know how they square away the whole ass company being owned by a man and him being involved in the hiring process. Every hired streamer has already privately interacted with a man lmfao

>> No.58492010

The OP is asking men not you wretched bitches. Go wash your stinking pussy and your ass. And I would bet Enna has the best personality between herself and both of you cunts.

>> No.58492018
File: 59 KB, 581x273, Screenshot 2023-09-13 234211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a unicorn for some people and not others. I love to watch Enna, but I don't care if she goes and gets married. I hate and dont't watch or support content with Kyo though I hate that guy.

But if my Kami Oshi were to have a yab with a man I'd probably go on month long stage of grief cycle and end up just quitting watching all vtubers all together.

>> No.58492366

They're not idol fans and they're not anime fans. They're a combination of CGDCT fans, incels, and porn addicts that have a history of harassing cam girls and ASMR hot tub/yoga pants flesh streamers. They just use all the other terminology incorrectly to justify their behavior and their demands, but they generally do not support anyone that wants to grow and be successful as an idol. Some of them even consider any form of success as an idol another form of betrayal, because now she's not going to do ASMR or zatsudan for them or spend as much time pandering to their sexual innuendo because she's too busy. The English fandom has allowed these people to think they're in good company and think that if they parrot the same nonsense that they can keep justifying their obsessive behavior.

>> No.58492544

Stop imagining so much. Then you won't be giving strangers your time and money in hopes of getting something back, but actually never registering to them as a real person.

>> No.58492570

All the idiots decided to lump CGDCTfags into the same category as the original definition of unicorn (never ever had a boyfriend or had sex) to discredit them, calling it a smokescreen and whatnot.
Except shame barely works in the first place, and especially on an anonymous forum its even a badge of pride nad influence because people show they care enough to insult them.
So it took the term from an almost-nonexistent group and legitimized it. Congratulations.

>> No.58492635

Usually they collab with male vtubers, and no man wants to feel like he's below a dude who puts on anime makeup.
If they were collabing with pro wrestlers, I think far fewer people here would have an issue with it.
Guys who actually want them to shave their heads and apologize for grabbing their uber eats from a male delivery man are far rarer.

>> No.58492685

Anon, that is legitimately creepy. If you did that to anyone in real life you would be considered a stalker and probably find yourself on the wrong end of a restraining order. You have to start with genuine reciprocity and mutual acknowledgement in a one-on-one situation, then you do all the other stuff.

>> No.58492976

>You have to start with genuine reciprocity and mutual acknowledgement in a one-on-one situation
Many 2views are glad to offer you that too, if you're stupid enough to take them up on it. To someone who doesn't know any better, who's maybe never had that sort of attention before, it's an easy trap to fall into.

>> No.58492984

the girls seem to enjoy all that money and attention. most vtubers wouldn't survive without those kind of fans

>> No.58493020

>a vtuber fan:
a fleshstreamer fan:

>> No.58493166 [DELETED] 

You're a in a site where schizos gather to circle jerk their worthless opinions that nobody else gives a fuck about. Most of them are actually serious about the dumb shit they say especially those in Islamic regions.

>> No.58493288

This is why I can't bring myself to give a vtuber money. I would start getting too attached.

>> No.58493713

People hate male collabs because 90% of men are sex pests, online and offline.

>> No.58494336

>original definition of unicorn
The meaning comes from literally a mythological lore of a male unicorn only allowing female virgins to ride on his back, idiot.

>> No.58494446

Damn you're a fucking moron. You don't even know what a stalker is.

>> No.58494469

Those are CGDCT schizos. You just have to say "CGDCT? Does it mean Cuck Gentlemen Developing Cuck Tendencies" to trigger them, because they unironically think those it is ok to have bf but as long as they hide it well. They even have a permission list of who everyone should watch in hololive, and ironically Mumei and Fauna are on the list.

>> No.58494495

Yet here you are on said site stupid hypocrite.

>> No.58494604 [DELETED] 

Cry more faggot. How does it feel everyone outside this shithole think of you of a circus attraction you unmedicated twat. Not all of us come here to shit post and gossip some of us want to discuss chuubas in peace without faggots like you shitting up the joint.

>> No.58494990

You're the stupid dumb whiny ass mf bitch making hypocritical comments and bitching about some islamic cult bullshit that has nothing to do with the topic you deranged ugly freak. You don't know a god damn thing what I do on this site low life two time loser. The ones shitting up the site are pussies like you cracker who can't help but project with deluded trash posts as you're making.

>> No.58495239 [DELETED] 

The fact you were trigger tells me everything I need to know about your usage here you uneducated baboon, but please keep exposing yourself for everyone else to point and laugh at.

>> No.58495545

>watches a woman almost daily
Most fans don't do this. I only watch some streams, the ones that look fun.
>spends hours learning about her
> gives her money
>buys her gifts and art
>offers emotional support
You are delusional
>in the normal society that would akin to being in a relationship.
lmao, utterly hopeless

>> No.58495740 [DELETED] 

You're still fucking crying white boy?

>> No.58495771

Why is it so difficult to understand that some people are unicorns and also enjoy CGDCT. I don't want to watch VTubers that have a boyfriend and I also don't want to watch them talk to males on stream. Those two things are not mutually exclusive. Nobody cares what 3DPD idols do they are irrelevant and 2D is superior.

>> No.58495817

Anna Ellouette SUCKS! she's GARBAGE!

>> No.58495951 [DELETED] 

>brown hands schizo thinking he's superior to THE MASTER RACE that brought colonization and civilization to the world.

As many other such cases.

>> No.58496088

Cgdctfags: ok with irl bf, against male collabs
Gachikoi: ok with male collabs, not ok with irl bf
Unicorns: against irl bf and male collabs

>> No.58496141

nta but
>Most fans don't do this. I only watch some streams
You're not a fan in any sense of the word.
Creepy? I'm pretty certain you're a hypocrite on that.
>You are delusional
More hypocrisy. Words have power. Maybe you're just a piece of shit incapable of speaking or writing kind words.
>in the normal society that would akin to being in a relationship.
You're the one whose delusional. The relationship could be one with the intention is man and woman, it can also be that of mutual friendship, etc.
>lmao, utterly hopeless
I guess you are a piece of shit. Reciprocity could be receiving kind words in return and more retard.

>> No.58496152 [DELETED] 

Gachikois are paying fans the ones paying for merch and memberships
Unicorns are mostly poorfags larping as gachikois pretending their opinion matters.

>> No.58496154

I just don't want males on vtubing stuff I consume, content changes once a male joins I can tolerate in other things but not when it comes to vtubers

>> No.58496199

>Just a small question here, I'm having trouble understanding some people.
>When anons on /vt/ call themselves unicorns, and call an idol who collabs with male vtubers a whore, are they being honest? or is it just trolling?
Being honest. Idols don't exist in a world that acknowledges men. If you want to be an idol then you play by the rules. If you collab with men and are claiming to be an idol then you are a whore.

>Most importantly why do you hold non-idol vtubers to these standards?
Nope, I don't care, if you don't claim to be an idol collab with all the guys and take all the cock you want.

>I have seen an infinite(hehh) number of posts like these and I am starting to believe anons aren't trolling with these posts; and that they are heavily emotionally invested in being unicorns.
>If anyone could share their experiences being an unicorn and do you go out of your way to harass vtubers or their fans for collabing with men, I'd appreciate it because to be frank with you this board doesn't make sense to me in the slightest.
>Is it all a big joke???
Nope, no joke. This is the pulse of the industry, if you're an idol stay away from men, or say outright that you're not an idol or aspiring to be an idol.

>> No.58496337

What am I then?

>> No.58496398 [DELETED] 

Or maybe you're just an insecure little bitch who's making schizo scenarios in your head about your closeted cuckoldry fetish.

>> No.58496433

Isn't this hilarious from a people who spread white supremacy all across the world. The absolute hypocrisy and arrogance of trash like you. I'm black btw and I don't need to tell you how superior I am. Just being born makes me superior to you in every way. That's why your people have to go out of their way to keep us down.
Just look at how we are in the low state but yet we excel in almost everything unlike you trash where your people have to create allusions in movies showing off your god complex while pretending you every important ethnicity on the planet which is funny af watching you cave beasts who have no actual cultures but those that your people have stolen the identities of the original people in Europe.
You crackers are the only retards on the planet who actually believe you brought civilization to anybody as well as the only people on Earth that gained their wealth only through slavery and free labor. I cannot wait till you devils fall and return back to where you actually belong at the bottom. You animals are sad.

>> No.58496437

>Talking to a man makes you a whore
You clearly don't know what that word means

>> No.58496463

>Long post
Lmao, made you angry.

>> No.58496486

Whore hand typed this post

>> No.58496493

It's in the post.

>> No.58496545
File: 105 KB, 960x720, 1577813363064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope and seeth, your oshis will never be idols.

>> No.58496546

>enna picture
Coulda made the bait a little less obvious

>> No.58496567

It's quite a bizarre thing. They want to get cucked, badly. But they can't get a gf.

So they invent this scenarios in their head where their make-believe gf cucks them.

>> No.58496569

Whether you read it or not it is not going to change what the future has coming for you mf. If I am worthy you'll be on my plantation working vigorously and no mercy.

>> No.58496578 [DELETED] 

>Long post
Totally assblasted.

>> No.58496608


>> No.58496624

I don't care what the fuck my oshi doing, I just like to watch her and want her happy. But hanging around numbers threads corrupted my brain. I don't want her to end up like ...you know.

>> No.58496693

Gachi's like me don't want to see male collabs but if it happens it happens. I may or may not be watching.

>> No.58496696 [DELETED] 

>brownskin pretending like his culture means anything
>While typing in English
Can't make this shit up.

>> No.58496821

>When anons on /vt/ call themselves unicorns, and call an idol who collabs with male vtubers a whore, are they being honest?
>why do you hold non-idol vtubers to these standards?
Because vtubing is for cute girls doing cute things.
>If anyone could share their experiences being an unicorn
My oshi is 100% unicorn friendly so being a unicorn feels like winning
>do you go out of your way to harass vtubers
I don't need to get my hands dirty. Market forces take care of punishing Homo collabers.
>their fans
Yes but only on /vt/.
>this board doesn't make sense to me in the slightest.
Do your IQ reps.

>> No.58496916

*Sees Enna. Disregards anything anon has to say.*

Fuck off and take your cuck queen whore with you.

>> No.58496952 [DELETED] 

There's a different between the opinion of those who really support their oshi and then the opinion of those who couldn't even send them an red ARS. Is fair for paying customers to have an opinion. That's fine and I totally get that. I'm just saying those who never supported their oshi in anyway shouldn't be running their mouths. They just look silly.

>> No.58497014

The only questions are these: Are you a Nonna from the farms, a random SEA troll or is this yet another raid from some shitty discord?

>this board doesn't make sense to me in the slightest.
Excellent. Go back to where you came from.

>> No.58497051

It's a control thing. Nobody actually believes collabs are sexual. They just get off on having control over women.

>> No.58497351

Let's establish what a unicorn is
>NOT okay with male collabs
>NOT okay with them having boyfriends
>any combination of the following
>NOT okay with male collabs
>okay with male collabs
>NOT okay with them having boyfriends
>okay with them having boyfriends

>> No.58497423

>Cuck cuck cuck
She's not your gf.

>> No.58497565
File: 206 KB, 464x447, 1642602502437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you said something profound in your blogpost, but reddit spacing + Enna pic invalidates your post, so I ain't reading it
Better luck next time

>> No.58497573

Fujos are better otakus than fudanshi

>> No.58497591

>They just get off on having control over women.
You make it sound like that's wrong when it isn't. Anybody with a brain knows women are more often controlling and manipulative then us guys.

>> No.58497755

If she has a bf, he can pay for her expenses. Simple as.

>> No.58497925

When Vtubers have leaderboards that list whoever donates the most.
People get competitive and harsh in aiming to be the record breaker.

Its not more of a "I do this because I support" Its more like "I'm number one. I invest the most and everyone else is poor/pitiful/useless."

So depending on how extreme it gets. Female Vtubers just cope with it and tries to treat every fanboy with fake *Oh I love you bourgeois assholes." Because if they say "Don't do that please. Don't spend money on me" *which ironically not many Vtubers say this because they love money*. They will pretty much make their viewers all conscious with their spending.

>> No.58498110

Dramafags be stiring drama. Unicorns who watch male collabers and homobeggars watching non male collabers alike, are all degenerates, honest or not does not matter.

>> No.58498353 [DELETED] 

This mindset is an existing problem with the real idol community in Japan that the yellow-skin bleaching race traitors in /jp/ inherited. In the west, no one has problems with pop stars getting into relationships etc. The people that do care are labeled as obsessive weirdos. The fear of being "cucked" is so prevalent now on the internet that the word has lost all meaning.

>> No.58498416

Having experienced everything but the creampied aspect (she's not a whore) I can honestly say the worst thing is being in the fan zone aspect. Years of being their friend destroyed because some new guy comes along that quickly forgets her existence. Good riddance and never again.

>> No.58498494

Remember that, membership perks aside, vtubing is a practically free hobby. If you chose to do any of that shit you listed then that shit is on you, and reciprocity should not be expected unless you're the type to believe that doing someone a good deed DEMANDS one in return.

>> No.58498531

Learn english first and then try to get your point across.

>> No.58498566


Unicorns in a nutshell.

>> No.58501779

>Are you all being honest?
are you?

>> No.58502020


>> No.58502391

if I have to guess, 90% of people /here/ are shitposters larping as unicorns and this board serves to contain the 10% that are genuine

>> No.58502544

Joke? The unicorn money is real nigger. There are many vtuber these days, if someone didn't meet their fan's expectation, fan would have moved to someone else eventually.

>> No.58503474

>Enna pic

>> No.58503645

Every other hobby of mine has been destroyed by the same people who push for male collabs, I'm fucking pissed and want to drive them as far away from the last thing I have left as possible
I don't even care if a vtuber has a boyfriend in her private life, I just don't want to see males on stream

>> No.58503937

From past experience, a lot of us have noticed there’s a really high correlation between collabing with males and suddenly snapping at the audience, so people get tense. Personally, I think Kronii handled it disastrously, Ame was needlessly antagonistic, Bae was fine, and Mori didn’t get any more or less annoying than she already was.
Some people just want to avoid any risk of that bullshit and don’t bother with male collabers since there’s plenty of alternatives to choose from. Can you blame them?
I’ve personally never dropped a vtuber for collabing with males, but I know most of the vtuber I enjoy also happen not to collab with males. There’s less drama that way, and I like that.

>> No.58503962

cute enner

>> No.58503991

>>58503937 (me)
Oh. And to answer your question, some of the people who just don’t want to waste their time taking chances on male collabers probably are being ironic. They just don’t give a fuck and want to filter normalfags like you
Like Serbs calling their fathers war criminals. It’s sarcasm.

>> No.58504026

>why do you hold non-idol vtubers to these standards?
even porn camwhores take a hit in interest when they reveal their boyfriends, it's natural for men to not want other men near women they watch or support regardless of idol culture.

>> No.58504037

>imagine investing tons of your time, money and emotional support into a woman
Already lost me there. I truly cannot believe you guys do this to random internet women disguised as anime. You know that is worse than simping for e-thots right?

>> No.58504348

There are a lot of vtubers and a comparitively small amount of my attention to go around. I'm not a unicorn or truly in love with any vtuber, but when I'm portioning my attention or money out, a Vtuber visibly connecting with some dude on stream makes them not worth the investment. I just don't watch. I can understand people who are driven to hating on her, it's kind of just that thought process amplified by feeding off itself. I blame it on dudes never being strung along in real life and learning their painful lesson there.

>> No.58504419


>> No.58504448


>> No.58504470


>> No.58504506


>> No.58504514

The average delusional Aloucuck, lmao.

>> No.58504543

The reality is that streaming for women is inherently sexual and built on being the viewer's surrogate girlfriend compared to men being valued for their ability to entertain. Fleshies pretty much need to hide or have their relationship out in the open in the beginning because GFEfags (even those in denial) are typically the audience if left unchecked.

>> No.58504561


>> No.58504589


>> No.58504621


>> No.58504657


>> No.58504711


>> No.58504747


>> No.58504880


>> No.58504933

No excuses

>> No.58504947

Not worth watching.

>> No.58504974

Rei Kirihara
Thoughts, feelings, opinions.

>> No.58505000

I member anime e-girls in ARS and never superchat. Best not to spend any money on them at all, but ARS is basically for free anyway

>> No.58505055

Not worth watching

Why are you even here shitter?

>> No.58505300

Youtube is the only one worth watching. Kick and rumble may as we be non-existent, and shitok is only a platform for subhumans. The fact that you even see it as a viable option proves to me that you are one of those subhumans. Your opinions are worthless and you should consider suicide.

>> No.58505411

Yes and no.
I stopped caring about labels long time ago.
Like I'm not unicorn, but since nowadays this label gets thrown on anyone that don't want mixed gender collabs might as well call myself that. The term already lost it's meaning just like nazi in politics.
Might also as well call every male collaber a whore since that term lost it's meaning even before vtubing become a thing.

>> No.58507092

>Are you all being honest?
