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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5782197 No.5782197 [Reply] [Original]

Back for real this time! Let's shoot the shit for a while.

[LET'S TALK! 雑談]: https://youtu.be/oaZP6kK2xfE

Schedule: https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1409551092799655939

Art by: https://twitter.com/FayeMata

Previous thread: >>5734793

>> No.5782282
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>> No.5782312

Heart of the Cards is a KFP.

>> No.5782567

Take Two Draft gods are not KFP.

>> No.5782671

Fuck I don't care for Shadowverse itself but hearing Kiara gush excitedly over her little tourney experience is just so cute that it was worth it.
Just wanna hug her and pet her and tell her "yes, you did good, my little winner!"

>> No.5782890

It just goes to show how much you can carry a production with passion alone. Kiara cared, so it was an experience worth witnessing.
Just imagine:
>Be caster
>Have to commentate a series of card game matches
>Have to find some way to keep the audience engaged
>This strange, happy bird lady keeps getting excited about things and trying so hard
>Makes your job not just easy, but fun again

>> No.5783043
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I saviourfag'd when she told the story about crying because she ran out of time during a turn. She's being way too fucking cute.

>> No.5783128

extremely relatable

>> No.5783411

I can only wish that shit was enforced when I played on yugioh tournaments and there were fucktards who managed to take 10+ minutes in ONE turn. I've had cases of people who took so long that they "forgot" what they did 5 minutes ago (still in their turn) and tried to do once-per-turn actions a second time.

>> No.5783523

Kiara's throat is so chapped from all the huge uncut Greek dicks she sucked all week. Nice work tenchou!

>> No.5783577

Anon, she literally broke her neck and is on 7 types of pain meds.

>> No.5783670

She's very enthusiastic about sucking cocks

>> No.5783694

>washing your wound in the salty ocean water
Is she a fucking masochist or is her whole body just a little numb due to her constant pain?

>> No.5783697

>she literally broke her neck
Yeah, from doing that move where you lie down and throw your head right back

>> No.5784083

Why does kiara think that sounds actually pleasant to ears? Im just saying, no hate.

>> No.5784100

it does tho

>> No.5784171

she has a voice of extrovert normie that would bully introverts at high school

>> No.5784185

It's very high but also clean.
And with the music in the background it sounds really good.

>> No.5784193

> she is extremely high

>> No.5784203

J*U did I miss anything good so far?

>> No.5784223

think I'm a KFPchad now

>> No.5784275

She had a mental breakdown remembering the tournament and just sang Goodbye Declaration on stream. It was not autotuned after all.

>> No.5784295

Welcome aboard!

>> No.5784336

She talked about how she got fucked in the butt so much in Greece that she had a rectal prolapse, and also got donkey punched so hard it broke her neck. You're all caught up now, anon

>> No.5784348

It's just a matter of personal taste. Enough people like those helium-high vocaloid vocal style songs (I also have a few favorites, so I can at least tolerate these kinds of chipmunk vocals if it fits the song around it, even if they aren't my usually preferred style), that it shouldn't surprise anyone anymore, especially with how popular vocaloid music has been in weeb culture, it's not like it's 15 years ago where that shit was still new and "weird" and grandpa's could think "hah, no one would ever like that stuff, it'll never catch on!".

>> No.5784367

>5 years ago
>severe injury
>told to keep going
is this the true idol experience?

>> No.5784463

>Black for real this time!

>> No.5784557

She's on 2 kinds of painkillers, takes 7 pills per day. Cute and excited recapitulation of her SV tournament experience. Greece vacation stories (fuck sand, btw). We're now on medical lore...

>> No.5784611


>> No.5784629

>also got sunburned

>> No.5784728

>open Kiara's stream
>first thing I hear is her talking about painkillers
Seems fitting.

>> No.5785407

Welcome. Your shift starts tomorrow and ends never. Penis inspection day is the last Monday of the month.

>> No.5785518
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>new doctor
>it's House
What's the diagnosis?
Also would the interaction be better or worse?

>> No.5785530
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This anon is incredibly horny.

>> No.5785626

>What's the diagnosis?
>Also would the interaction be better or worse?
He would cure her daddy issues.

>> No.5785699

So Kiara does have AC

>> No.5785841

would fix her voice

>> No.5786520
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Don't know if anyone is interested but here's Kiara's pre-chat.

>> No.5786843
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>ywn facefuck kiara so hard she strains her neck

>> No.5786896

not with that attitude

>> No.5787106

>Gets $50k a month
>Orders the cheapest fish meal
>Doesn't eat it because it's bad

>> No.5787114

>ywn hilt Kiara so strongly that she twists her head to the side quick enough out of pleasure to strain her neck.

>> No.5787126

Welcome to the mind of a poorfag

>> No.5787193

Gotta be able to afford those cars for mama bird and brudda somehow.

>> No.5787298

Mexifag here, those small fish reminded me of a snack we call here "charales", which is just what she described, very small fried fish you eat whole. The only difference is that here they're very cheap and are sometimes even sold on the streets. They're delicious.

>> No.5787312

>yeah I'm gonna keep cracking my neck you guys are all wrong
This is why I don't feel sympathy for her

>> No.5787347

How long until the Catholic Church decrees Hololive to be a sin for its lesbianism?

>> No.5787375

Again, we have zero control over her physical well-being. We can do nothing and while sometimes mentioning something to her might get her to change, it's much easier to make her feel happy/good mentally. That's why you just gotta take the good with the bad and use your saviourfagging love on her mental anguish.

>> No.5787479

I'm not a saviorfag. She literally said she's more exhausted now than before her vacation and it's entirely her own fault.

>> No.5787491


>> No.5787571

let's get to 1mil before it's 1 week old

>> No.5787605

I hope to fuck she doesn't take the advice of most of the chat and goes to a chiropractor, those quacks will end up fucking her neck up even more

>> No.5787618

>Completely unrelated shit

>> No.5787640

Pope's too hippy for that. Guys probably SCing his oshi daily

>> No.5787668

Depends on the country and chiropractor. I've heard that in America they are all frauds, but at least in some European countries you have to be licensed and know what you are doing. Might not be 100% exact science, but its not terrible.

>> No.5787765

Holotalk is coming back. Who could it be? AZKi?

>> No.5787827

It'll either be her or Matsuri but I'm leaning more on Matsuri. She'll probably do Azki when she's finally ready to do Sora and make her the next episode.

>> No.5787845

Probably Matsuri, Haachama is on hiatus, Sora and AZKi are a bit more special and the rest have already appeared. But if not Matsuri then probably AZKi.

>> No.5787850

I want some relevant chuubas now.

>> No.5787907

You have to be licensed in the US as well. shit has some applicability but is usually a temporary solution to a permanent problem. Worst part is most stupid-ass insurances would rather send you to a chiropractor because they're cheaper than having you get an x-ray and actually delve into the problem. So instead of figuring it out by actually looking at things we can measure to some degree, you just go and get felt up by some schmuck while lying on a table in their office and get your body parts slapped/turnt and call it a day just to repeat the cycle in a couple of months. Also generates great revenue because of that as well. Same reason that a quarter of doctors out there are secretly just pill-pushers who want to dope you/your kids up consistently over the most trivial shit. I fucking hate the medical industry.

>> No.5788304
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healthcare is a little less capitalistic here, they generally try to heal you quickly so you don't cost the system too much money. she said she had to pay the medication but that was likely just 5-10 Euros. the emergency room doctor referred her to a orthopedist and that'll actually help, unlike a chiropractor.

>> No.5788526

We can get into the debate about the intricacies of healthcare in two different countries, but I feel like that's just jumping the ship in terms of what the thread is about so I'll just avoid it. Glad that she isn't just getting shoved off to another chiropractor. Only thing I'll say is it made me laugh when she admitted that her private insurance was a 100% better experience compared to the states insurance she was on just 2 years ago.

>> No.5788601

She didn't really get any of the private insurance perks in this circumstance.
In emergency care your insurance status doesn't matter for obvious reasons.
If she actually goes to the orthopedist or has a stationary stay at a hospital, or just goes to a general practioner it would matter way more.

>> No.5788630

>She didn't really get any of the private insurance perks in this circumstance.
If you really believe that, you're poorer than you already sound.

>> No.5788709

What exactly in the line of
>Enter Trauma center
>get initial theory and xray
>get diagnosis
>get painkillers and referal to orthopedist
is a private insurance perk for you? Because the waiting times she mentioned seem perfectly in line with regular Emergency Care depending on the amount of patients

>> No.5788787

You are automatically treated better when you aren't a leech.
Not that you would know.

>> No.5789762


>> No.5790279

I hope she does some stuff with momojelly, even if it just some sv games or something. They seem cute together, but that goes with everyone Kiara works with.

>> No.5790428

Momojelly's voice is pure sex. I wish Kiara to spend more time with her so that she starts thinking about using her normal voice as well.

>> No.5790559

Gyaru Kiara. Based.
Do (you) have the source? Thanks.

>> No.5790702

Friendly reminder she will marry you if you save her from her 24/7 pain

>> No.5790773

nta, but I've been on public and private insurance in germany, and no, for the emergency scenario Kiara described there wouldn't be any significant differences between them either, so you can replace your useless polemics with actual information if you have any (where are you from and what insurance do you have, for example?). The "perks" of private insurance here are usually just things like faster appointments with /referrals to specialist doctors (again, for "regular" visits / non-emergency situations), and more conveniences for your hospital stay (single bed rooms instead of multiple occupants, for example, or getting the chief doctor to check up on you instead of his "mere" assistant doctors) and sometimes your private insurance plan (if you determined that beforehand in your choice of plan) would cover some more, let's say "esoteric" treatment methods than what public insurance usually provides (because of pesky things like "cost efficiency" and "evidence-based medicine", whereas private has some more laissez-faire leeway of "sure, we'll get you any kind of quackery you want, as long as you can afford to pay for it"), but that's basically it (remember that in "socialist europe", even the so called "private" insurance is under so many regulations that it's almost half-public anyway and far removed from the excesses of what americans understand from their "private" insurances).

>> No.5790780

Is that even possible at this point? Her body is barely holding itself together

>> No.5790844

Source is some anon from Global threads.

>> No.5790957

Shit, to be honest, pretty much every outside collab Kiara had (yes, even the pink one) had me wishing they'd do more together again because they were so cute.
And yes, I admit part of my impression is biased because I'm already kinda bored from the intra-HoloEN dynamics that have gotten stale and played out after almost a year with very little progression, and I'm just starved and hungry for any fresh new blood...
EN2 doko?

>> No.5791001


>> No.5791095

>get Kiara to call me daddy
>fuck her issues right out of her head
>no more pain
>bird wife get
Could it really be that easy?

>> No.5791268

Hmm... do I want to be Kiara's daddy or her lover... or both

>> No.5791428

Some things can be done to improve her life quality
But if the price is her hand in marriage why would I tell you what can and can't be done?

>> No.5791445

I have (likely) the same "daddy issues" as Kiara, how do I refer a streamer I don't actually know to a neurologist in a country that neighbours "Australia" without being a creepy stalker

>> No.5795493

Hope someone reminds her about finishing her TTRPG character design

>> No.5798586

Pretty cute reaction from Kiara's coach when she found out she would be coaching either Kiara or Mori.

>> No.5798671

God, I hate how forced the stupid ships are.

>> No.5798702

I really like her, but it is really funny how little her voice matches her model

>> No.5798815
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>Kiara will never give you her eggs.
Why even live?

>> No.5798848

You can at least be her egg for 1 month before you hatch

>> No.5799183

I heard Kiara in the Summerfest stream and I always hated her up until that point but she came across as very sweet and funny albeit foul mouthed and finally came to like her and see through all the rratposters

>> No.5800001

There's a streamable of her saying "I want to give you my seed"
Dont have it at hand though

>> No.5800066

But I want to give her my seed and I want her to give me her eggs. Do you not understand Anon? I want to raise a happy family of birbs with this birdbrained chicken.

>> No.5800213

She's going to peg your anus and make you pregnant and you will like it

>> No.5800229
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Gentlemen, I love this orange bird!

>> No.5800369


>> No.5800410

Did Kiara really break her neck? Or was that an exaggeration?

>> No.5800422

It’s a muscle tear

>> No.5800491

I wish I could eliminate all of Kiara's suffering

>> No.5800879



Faye got worried she was cucking Mori

>> No.5801668

I'd follow her but I really don't care about SV

>> No.5803218

The sweet release of death

>> No.5803235
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Cute! She goes on to mention that Kiara was a delight to work with and that she considers her a friend now, haha.

Yeah, but we can at least make her happy by watching her streams and streaming Goodbye Sengen.

>> No.5803276
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She'll just revive...

>> No.5803666

She definitely lucked out with getting Kiara. Mori's great, but Kiara was very clearly more invested in the game and with becoming friends with people in general.
This is why I wish Kiara had even a fraction of the popularity Mori has among the JP holopros. Mori doesn't really have the same level friendship to give. You can see her struggling to meet the expectations of friendship whenever they come up. With Kiara, whatever you put into her, you'll get out of her and then some.

>> No.5804014

Holy fuck hahaha

>> No.5804446

Let's imagine we were no good for nothing lowlifes and managed to hook up with Kiara's room mate. Would you ask her to do the voice during sex?

>> No.5804486

Not unless she was also in cosplay.

>> No.5804491
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>> No.5805202

another great piece from cristina. and she's drawing kiara on her stream right now.

>> No.5805276

>This is why I wish Kiara had even a fraction of the popularity Mori has among the JP holopros
I've been thinking about this in the past and my working theory is that because her Japanese is at such a high level, added to her openness and familiarity with japanese customs, Kiara loses out on the mystery factor the others have. She's so good at communicating with them that there's no shroud of mystery around her, unlike the other ENs (maybe with the exception of Ina, but she's still in the nihongo jouzu tier). Like Nenechi said before, sometimes she completely forgets that Kiara is not japanese.

>> No.5805354

>sometimes she completely forgets that Kiara is not japanese
That's Jouzu on a whole other level.

>> No.5805386

>shoot the shit
Sounds Austrian alright

>> No.5805449

The biggest compliment you can get is when a native asks you how long you’ve been living in Japan. Kiara got to the point where people thought she was a halfu.

>> No.5805529

>Like Nenechi said before, sometimes she completely forgets that Kiara is not japanese
Cute. I hope some clippfags translates the time she, Kiara and Polka where in the same VC
Also I really hope a Oriends 3D concert will be a thing

>> No.5805660

>Japanese is at such a high level, added to her openness and familiarity with japanese customs, Kiara loses out on the mystery factor the others have
Pretty much this. Imagine if you got introduced to a Japanese girl. You're expecting her to be, well, Japanese. But she comes in speaking perfect American English. She spends her time listening to American pop music and watching American TV shows. She knows them even better than you do, and doesn't like stuff from her home country that much. Wouldn't you feel kind of disappointed? Or at least bored?

>> No.5805749

Well, it might not be a fair comparison because in my case, I run into Asians quite a bit. Japan is basically an ethnostate and there are a lot of barriers to entry. But, your point stands regardless, Kiara doesn't quite bring enough western stuff to the table.

>> No.5805893

God I love O'riends. And what Nene said explains it all, really. Kiara is just 100% approachable and reliable. There's no need to chase, no exotic aura around her. I think I like it better that way - they're so comfortable with Kiara that they don't need to excitedly whisper about her in hushed voices from a distance. It's more like just greeting one of the girls. She's totally ingratiated into the gang, instead of a sideshow freak like Ame or Gura.

>> No.5805957

It would be funny if she used her injury as an excuse to be like "whoopsies! I forgot all my Japanese! Tehepero" and started speaking Japanese like Haachama does English.

>> No.5806543

>hates Kiara
>watches streams
>doesn't hate Kiara
Happens pretty often.

Her voice and general loudness are filters but if you can look past that Kiara is one of the best streamers and entertainers of our time.
Her early days were rough and she started as a bit of a mess but she put herself through a massive grind and has worked hard to become better and better at her job.
Among EN Kiara has had the most growth of her abilities by far.

>> No.5806969


Cute Kiara and Huke animation with Bokura No Ashiato in the background.

>> No.5807462
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>> No.5807700

Healthy early bird

>> No.5807804



>> No.5807874

New lore:
>Kiara was born in a lab not too long ago
>She died, triggering her reincarnation into another world
>It's taken her an eternity of wandering through the multiverse to return to her own world, where only a few years have passed.
>She can see Hukepapa once more
>She's managed to cling to this world in her ressurections so that she doesn't have to lose him again

>> No.5808470

So she does acknowledge she was flirting with Kiara huh

>> No.5808635

the loving couple on full display, it's obvious THEY ARE
one horny gay bird and that guy over there

>> No.5808706

>spends 7 hours with takamori
>wait, they are a ship?
Every day I mourn that Mori isn't a better partner for Kiara. I didn't want them to derail the tournament and prolong it even more but she could at least have chimed in a bit when Faye and Kiara were flirting hard.

>> No.5808976

She was too busy squirming. Imagine if we got the Mori x Coco x Kiara. God knows how it would play out.

>> No.5809179

Bro don't hate her because she can have more men than you

>> No.5809220

All things considered, I'm glad the SV tourney went well.

>> No.5809277

It was better than it had any right to be. Kiara carried this thing on her back despite her broken neck.
They really messed up their time calculations. Imagine if Kiara had used Heavencraft and slowed down the games. 10 hour tournament...

>> No.5809359

Kiara Takanashi won an olympic gold medal with a broken freakin neck

>> No.5809399

>Calli acknowledged me twice during the festival! It made me so happy!
I want Kiara to receive even half the warmth she gives to others. One of the things that makes me happiest as a viewer is when one of the others responds positively to something Kiara does, like when Ina laughs at her jokes. That's why Reine and Ina are some of my favorite collab partners for her.

>> No.5809506

No. did you not listen? It was during PE, boxing.

>> No.5809507

People keep forgetting Kiara carried loads of HoloEN collabs when they first debuted, she kept being down on herself around the same time but she was hardcarrying her entire gen's collabs.

>> No.5809707

The world does not deserve such a bright sunshine

>> No.5809734

Mori is trying but her autism is too strong.
During Jackbox when Kiara's humor did not satisfy the crowd's demand for memes Mori was constantly saying how much she liked Kiara's answers.
But sadly fangirling in the background is not really "interaction".

She still is doing that but ever since UNO it's now delayed.
The first half hour of Pummel Party was super quiet but then Kiara lost patience and started taking control.

But carrying HoloEN sadly a pretty low bar - this time she was around professional casters as well as Faye and Gigguk, two people who can actually talk.
And she was still carrying - while on pain killers.

>> No.5809846


About Anime expo.

I find it weird that none of HoloEn watches anime besides Ina.

Kiara is rewatching old long running ameriburger shows, which makes no sense to me in comparison.

>> No.5809858

They all realized anime is shit. Ina looks cringe as fuck unironically following zoomer shonen.

>> No.5809876

Most actual japanese don't watch much anime either. It's usually weebs (wanna be japanese) who constantly read manage and watch animes.

Kiara is basically a "normie" japanese, if that makes sense lol

>> No.5809950
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>makes fun of jews
>calls her viewers the superior race
>says the n word on stream

What did she mean by this?

>> No.5809968
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>not even the full list
Dumb newfag

>> No.5810000

She was a weeb, but living in Japan disillusioned her. Sure, there's still circles of shutin dorks who don't talk to their co-workers or go out for drinks on the weekend with them and Akihabara exists for a reason, but these types of people are much more uncommon than your salary-man/woman.

>> No.5810027 [DELETED] 

Kiara loves the BBC

>> No.5810032

When I learned that Kiara just casually talked about visiting the square during the Nazi march in 'The Sound Of Music' instead of doing what most would, I instantly turned it on and rewatched the movie with her.

>> No.5810131

Most holo JPs watch plenty of anime, especially popular shows. Its especially important to idols that cater to weebs, you wana relate to people and be part of conversation, understand memes and references and artwork crossovers.

Every Holojp and holostars seen shows like demon slayer and jujutsu kaisen that's why they sing the songs in karaoke, they arent just random songs for them.


Kiara is a normie and she would like normie anime. She was an idol and catering to idol fans, that's not "normie" Japanese.

No they didn't. Contrarianism isnt cool btw, watching youtubers doesnt make you cultured really. Anyone who cares about story, art, voice acting - hasn't stopped watching anime.

People who only watch vtubers are just lonely and want parasocial relationship, and dont care much if the content is good.

>> No.5810162

>Most holo JPs watch plenty of anime
I wasn't talking about holos. I was saying she behaves more like a normie JP. Long before she even joined HL. She doesn't care much at all about manga or anime. Literally said so herself.
She enjoys the real life culture.

>> No.5810178

Im glad Kiara is collabing with Ina and Gura more recently, it feels like genuine friendship, Idk if it's just mori autism but she always seems a bit annoyed and uncomfortable on collabs.

>> No.5810186

>Anyone who cares about story, art, voice acting - hasn't stopped watching anime
Kek, pathetic delusional zoomer.

Kiara literally said she grew out of anime and finds most of it cringe nowadays. The same is clearly true for the rest of her gen who also don't watch anime anymore, though they haven't said it out loud.

>> No.5810287

I find that the vast majority of anime is creatively stagnant. Most anime, if you put them on, have almost entirely recycled plots, jokes and characters. There are a select few that don't, and those can be worth watching.
Most in holoEN are the sorts to be put off by creative stagnation. Ina is the exception for anime because one way that you remain healthy as an artist is to keep in touch with the development of your medium.

>> No.5810324

It's Mori's autism. She cares about Kiara a lot as seen when she made the bracelets. But ya boi is not good at the whole talking thing.

>> No.5810373

Yeah the reality is that most anime that come out are, at best, a six or light seven. This is kinda just made worse with how the industry keeps trying to pump out more and more each season. Personally I gave up on watching seasonally long ago and now I just watch stuff from the past since that's already long had the really bad schlock filtered away since no one talks about it. Maybe in another 5 years I'll get around to watching what's good from the past few seasons coming out now.

>> No.5810378

Okay but JRPGS and other japanese games and gacha games are part of same nerd culture, lol. If what you implied was true that would be kind of insincere.

>and finds most of it cringe nowadays.

she didnt say this. She also cant say this if she hasnt watched anything, fuck off with buzzwords, people obsessed with vtubers are cringe, especially when you think your repetitive loner content is actually superior to actual art with original content - even adaptations is something new.

>same is clearly true for the rest of her gen

lmao you clearly dont watch them clipfag. Ame watches anime and reads manga, just not a lot.

>> No.5810405


SameTori love...

>> No.5810413

>lol. If what you implied was true that would be kind of insincere.
Then your'e calling her a lier. Because that's what she said. She said she doesn't read managa or watches any anime, like at all.
As for the rest you quoted the wrong person.

>> No.5810422

>literal mass produced trash with a writing process that involved throwing a dart at a board with cliches and overused tropes to see what to go with
>"original content"
Seethe harder zoomer.

>> No.5810449


People who make these comments clearly just have very narrow interests and dont give different genres a chance. Ofcourse it will seem stagnant if you just watch romcoms, cute girls doing cute things.

But there are quite a lot of anime originals and many new original ideas, but to you they probably dont even register on the radar. Basically you wouldnt be saying this if you actually gave things a shot.

I wish people were more aware of their shitty logic "im not watching it, so its probably not worth watching" , so dumb.

>> No.5810460

>actual /a/tranny having a meltdown ITT because people don't like anime
Lmao. Go back to your shonen threads retarded kid

>> No.5810508

a six and a seven are good dipshit, but I only have so much life to live and I'd rather spend it watching things that are more than just "good". I've never even preferred anime, manga and novels have always been more to my taste. Stop seething and talk about Kiara or get the fuck out.

>> No.5810513

The only recent anime I watched and liked was AoT ( yes fuck you haters i liked it).
That's it. The rest is only old nostalgic shit like dragon ball, FMA brotherhood, death note etc.
But I don't watch much anime anymore in general.

>> No.5810526

>Okay but JRPGS and other japanese games and gacha games are part of same nerd culture, lol.
Kiara was quite critical of Ryza and pointed out most of its flaws.
But playing them she could oogle some cute girls and more importantly use the games to create content and interact with chat. The latter two points are things she can't do when watching anime off screen.

Most anime is mediocre, Kiara has no patience for that.
And searching for the few good ones takes time Kiara doesn't have. So she just rewatches stuff she knows she likes in the few free hours she has each day.

>> No.5810553

Vt are contrarians , most ppl watching vtubers are anime fans , that's a fact. And they wouldnt be watching them in the first place if it wasnt for anime.
People always go crazy when they hear their anisongs being sung in karaoke.

So yeah, most people are normies, not ppl who have quit all entertainment in favour of vtubers.

>> No.5810569

>types like an underaged kid
Thanks for proving me right.

>> No.5810591

Wow you capitalization and punctuation is impressive for a 4channer.

>> No.5810627
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Meido, jannies someone...

>> No.5810633

I have watched anime for 20 years. Every genre. Eventually you find yourself staring at season chart after season chart realizing absolutely nothing there is worth watching, every season. And since I'm not a manchild faggot who needs to watch shit for the sole purpose of "keeping up" and discussion on a chinese knitting website, I simply stopped.

The medium is largely mass-produced garbage and has always been garbage, something worth watching only comes out once in a blue moon and the only reason I ever thought anime was good was because the "once in a blue moon" good shows had amassed throughout history, but now that I'm caught up and there's nothing good left. Maybe I missed a good show. Who gives a fuck? I'm not going to waste my time wading through shit.

You are CLEARLY very young so you don't see this because your hormone-overdosed ADHD brain can't see past the emotions anime tries to induce with stale tropes. But it will happen to you too.

>> No.5810637

Did you do your good bye sengen reps yet? Already streamed it over 10 times today.

>> No.5810670

I really need a new ametori collab

>> No.5810702

>ya boi is not good at the whole talking thing
I really fucking hope the next batch avoids collab autists. If we get even more, I fear that the branch dynamic starts to fragment and tribalisation ensues, which just leads to more shitflinging.

>> No.5810718

Same, I love their strange chemistry.

>> No.5810745

>Kiara has no patience for that.
And searching for the few good ones takes time Kiara doesn't have.

You are assuming shit about Kiara that she never said, and that which also makes no sense.
All shows she was rewatching takes way more time and commitment than most anime, with longer episodes.

And finding good anime to watch doesnt take any time. Your opinion that something is mediocre is worthless. Kiara is someone with normal, normie tastes and she'd appreciate things most people like - and there are real and more reliable metrics for that. It can be anything - rating, awards, reviews, popularity.

It's solid entertainment that takes less time, and also does something for Kiara and helps her content. As she'll relate more to audience, know more songs, understand memes and references and people like to hear others talk about things they enjoy, especially their oshi.

Rewatching a burger show doesnt do anything like that.

>> No.5810764

Yeah, but i guess it's most timezone problems and Ame isn't the sharpiest social tool in the shed.

>> No.5810827


>> No.5810850


What a hot stacey

>> No.5810867

I'm kind of lost at what you think "most would do".
It's not like it was her first time watching the movie or a big surprise that Nazis were in power at the time

>> No.5810954


>> No.5810985

I just realized that every single ID who was there other than Iofi tried to feel up Kiara while she was sleeping.

>> No.5811045

I can relate more to her when she said she rewatched Scrubs than if she mentioned any fotm anime

>> No.5811067

It's funny to see how jps treat her like one of them and Kneel to mori like she's God. Also Samechan Kawaii, Ina is so Cool and Ame ame ame.

>> No.5811072

>erofi still hasn't forgiven kiara for taking watame from her
The chances for a German collab within Hololive get smaller and smaller...

>> No.5811098

She should just collab with the German T Rex already

>> No.5811099

Ok? But you'd be the exception, and have you actually watched the "fotm" anime? Because i can guarantee you more people in her audience have watched the latter.

No young person who is interested in vtubers is going to go and start watching old shows, especially ones that are older than they are.

>> No.5811197

You have no idea what her viewerbase looks like if you actually think that

>> No.5811267

kiara's viewers are on the older side. If you're looking for fellow zoomers, the chumkiddies have their own thread you could spew your off topic bullshit in.

>> No.5811278

Judging by the amount of SC, I assume she has probably the most mature fanbase. Sure there are some grey kiddies but I guess most members are 28+yo

>> No.5811311

Subaru didn't even know who Goku was till chat told her she sounds like him.

>> No.5811328

>I'm not a manchild faggot

You watch vtubers all the time and post on 4chan, because youre shunned in any moderated space, my "unpopular opinion" guy.

> staring at season chart

I dont think you learn anything staring at a chart, Big doubt on your experience, which clearly is not typical at all.

> waste my time
Youre good at wasting your time. If you werent a contrarian you'd just have to look at ratings and reviews.

>hormone-overdosed ADHD brain can't see past the emotions
that's very ironic for someone watching vtubers and posting 4chan.

None of what youre saying is popular at all among people who have watched a lot of anime. That's just narrowminded.

There's also no vtuber who agrees with this kind of mindset.

Kiara doesnt dislike anime at all, she was just more focused and interested on other things.

>> No.5811348

>young person
anon, there's a reason Kiara is rolling in superchat money

>> No.5811407

This. There's about ~100 legitimately good anime (including movies) and it's been a long while since anything decent has come out, with a couple of exceptions.
Most of the anime airing now is only good for waifu designs.

>> No.5811436

>No young person is going to go and start watching old shows, especially ones that are older than they are.
Yeah zoomer, we can tell. Kek. What was your first anime, fucking Naruto?

>> No.5811456 [DELETED] 

Kiara does know a lot of anime but only from the early 2000's and some from late 90's. Her interest was always centered around Idol stuff and music.

>> No.5811477

Makes me happy to see Rich with a KFP hat, even if his laugh is absolute shit.
Fag, it's not that ALL anime are bad, it's just that a majority do not have that creative and unique spark you're talking about. You get a hood new show at max once a year, in the same way you do with qny other shit TV.

>> No.5811495

Kiara does know a lot of anime but only from the early 2000's and some from late 90's. Her interest was always centered around Idol stuff, music and fashion.

>> No.5811600

>Big doubt on your experience, which clearly is not typical at all.
You have no idea what the "typical" experience is because you're a fucking child.

>If you werent a contrarian you'd just have to look at ratings and reviews.
What's the matter, I thought you had to "P-P-PLEEEEASE WATCH MY FAVORITE SHOW I BEG YOU PLEASE JUST WATCH IT" to be able to tell whether something is good or not? Suddenly I can look at reviews?

>None of what youre saying is popular at all among people who have watched a lot of anime.
It isn't, there are plenty of people who have watched a lot and think anime in general is shit. But you're too young to know that.

>Kiara doesnt dislike anime at all, she was just more focused and interested on other things.
She has LITERALLY said she can't enjoy it anymore because the clichés and acting makes her cringe. And no, I don't give a fuck if she literally used the word cringe, I'm just paraphrasing her. I'm not digging out the moment she said it.

>> No.5811604


That's a massive cope and denial of reality. Yes most big donors are older, but not the general audience.

Streamers are pretty much always focused on getting more members and viewers (on growth), rather than catering to whales, and people who would say "ILL WATCH ANYTHING YOU DO QUEEN".

No you cant judge the age of audience by SCs, which is the minority.

Sorry, but her audience isnt all balding single guys in 30s.

>> No.5811630

>None of what youre saying is popular at all among people who have watched a lot of anime. That's just narrowminded.
This is such a losing argument. There are numerous people here who are legitimately telling you that they're ex-seasonal anime watchers who got tired of anime because of the exact same reason. It's fine if you like seasonal anime, but not everyone is able to look past the flaws of fotm anime.

If you look at the millenial shows that Kiara watches, it's stuff that stands the test of time because of the people who worked on it. Community, Parks and Rec, Scrubs, The Office. You might not like these shows, but they're all shows that rose above their contemporaries and are still beloved today. (Personally I don't like the Office, but I can't deny that it's different from what came before)

>> No.5811728

I am 30, balding and single...

>> No.5811760
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i will start

>> No.5811797

>burnt chicken

>> No.5811809
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I'm looking forward to their collab.

>> No.5811877

Any guesses what they are gonna play?

>> No.5811884
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hot birb

>> No.5811974
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>> No.5812075

Sminem Kiara.

>> No.5812105

I mean if it was minecraft or something else they'd done before they probably would have signposted that, right?
I bet it's something they haven't played together yet

>> No.5812112
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If you wanna be a schizo then fuck off to another thread

>> No.5812135

maybe MonHun But I doubt it.

>> No.5812143
File: 960 KB, 800x1279, __takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_niwata0__aea4f84135136958d318a041f1eb809c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>numerous people
First of all this is 4chan, i'm well aware there will be pushback and im not communicating to an average vtuber fan - a redditor is literally far more representative.
4chan is contrarian and more obsessed with a single thing.

> flaws of fotm anime.

i dont even know what that means. Is it worth only watching masterpieces? That's a weird perspective.

>the Office

Literally a copypasta of BBCs The office with Ricky Gervais, which many people prefer. Though its not as popular.

Those shows are just popular, in the same way Naruto, Bleach and OnePiece was popular and people grew up with them.

Scrubs is like isekai or shounen - similar formula but with a twist to make it more interesting.

Popular anime, fotm shows is far more culturally relevant to anyone who is part of nerd culture, anime culture/community - which like it or not, this is. More so than any old show, no matter how popular it was back then.
Id never recommend anyone watching Friends, Seinfeld today.

Another problem with those shows is that their quality between seasons is very inconsistent, the creators have no clue where it ends, they keep making things up as long as ratings are good and actors are staying.

Besides, dont forget that Kiara also has a JP audience. No Japanese person has watched any of those hamburger shows, but anime - yes.

>> No.5812282
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>Id never recommend anyone watching Friends, Seinfeld today.
Friends and Seinfeld especially are a million times better than what's currently "popular" today in terms of sitcoms. They're timeless, and Friends recently had an anniversary reunion that got the entire Internet talking. Nobody will care in the same manner about the sitcoms airing today.

>> No.5812306

Please no MonHun, Kiara obviously does not like it at all

>> No.5812316

Still mad at greyfuckers pushing her to play "what's currently mainstream among holos"
I swear if she randomly says Apex greyshits would immediately spam her to play it

>> No.5812356

Maybe it'll be clubhouse 51. Gura Kiara chess?
One of the things I like about Kiara is she resists playing what the crowd wants. I do not like watching other people play FPS.

>> No.5812417

She bought it specifically to play it with Gura and/or Ina.
And she said she wants to get a few more streams out of the game to make the purchase worth it.

Is MonHun still relevant? I thought its 15 minutes had passed weeks ago.

>> No.5812446

>clubhouse 51
Please no, I know sametori can make pretty much anything work, but please do literally anything else

>> No.5812481

Yes and then Gura ghosted her
All Kiara did was the fucking Great Izuchi, it will be boring as fuck to do these low rank quests

>> No.5812536
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Comedy is not as timeless as you think, a lot of it can be appreciated only by boomers. Its easier to appreciate something like New girl with Zoe Deschanel for a young person. But i think sitcoms are not that popular today in the first place.

>> No.5812541


>> No.5812753
File: 995 KB, 1920x1080, WANT TO FIGHT_!(Ina and Kiara SP animation) - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's shift this thread from /a/ to /jp/ to /tv/ shall we!

>> No.5812839

To be fair, our oshi is more /tv/ than she is /a/, so we're at least getting a little bit closer to being on topic.

>> No.5812872

>Comes to 4chan to talk about vtubing.
>Gets mad when they give him the average 4chan viewership opinion.
>Yells about how reddit is more important.
What the fuck is wrong with you? If you actually watch Kiara at all, you'd know that she has specifically said that she doesn't want to have to dig through all the shit recc's from seasonal watchers to find something she'd actually like. Her popcorn viewing is casual romcoms and sitcoms because they make her laugh. She likes old anime that she grew up with and a few of them stand the tests of time, but a lot of shows she watched and liked when she was younger were also shit. Who would have guessed that when you start working a consistent job, you don't have the time or mental energy to gobble down 10 trash shows before finding something good.
As for 'look at my recc's then!' kind of people, yours and hers taste are not a 1 to 1 meaning it's still a flip of a fucking coin if she's going to like it. Obviously some people want her to do it for her job, which she could, but she's never had much interest in watching seasonal as Kiara. Get over the fact that most of us here, along with her, don't watch much anime anymore.
Anime asthetics are fine, but vtubing offers so many benefits to both the viewer and the streamer. The disassociation with looks is the most major of these as a stream doesn't have to look their best on cam for the viewers to not be repulsed and the viewer gets some cutesy anime avatar bouncing around. Most don't dig into the person behind the vtuber, and luckily in Kiara's case for those people who do go digging, she's actually at least a 7 for most so she doesn't lose the illusion of cute girl.

>> No.5812900

she's more /trash/ than anything else.

>> No.5812945

>taste are not a 1 to 1
Yeah I still remember how everyone was like
>she is gonna LOVE princess bride!

>lol I think cats was better

>> No.5813006

wew lad that's a lot of off topic. Why are /tv/ and /a/ faggots in here of all places? Nobody's reading all these paragraphs and of course meidos will just leave it up but the amount of autism over boring shows and anime is hilarious

>> No.5813027

Alright, that made me laugh. Deserving of a (You), my egg.

>> No.5813034

I accept that she likes Cats more, I'm still confused as fuck how anyone can think that

>> No.5813056

That's not what she said though

>> No.5813069

Yeah she said it was ogey and it was weirder than cats. but you get my point.

>> No.5813072

Please tell me she at least likes the 1998 version more

>> No.5813093

Nope, 2019

>> No.5813112

It's a combination of:
>the movie being about cats, Kiara's favorite subject
>Kiara's subpar taste
>The Princess Bride not being as good as it's remembered
Don't get me wrong, The Princess Bride is definitely much better than Cats. But honestly, you're better off watching a compilation of the funnier scenes from that film rather than the entire film itself (like the ROUSes, the game of wits, the "inconceivable" stuff, and the "you killed my father" scene). Outside of these scenes, the film is quite dated.

>> No.5813127

Yeah, I accept her taste more into /tv/ since occasionally talk about a tv series she rewatch in Netflix / other services. I wonder her old binge watching laptop still alive or totally dead.

>> No.5813152
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Man anime zoomers are retarded, not even eggs are this annoying.

>> No.5813158

Jesus Christ.

>> No.5813162

I don't think she has ever seen the original one.

>> No.5813211

It's also the fact that Kiara didn't realize what kind of movie it was so her expectations were completely out of whack. She was expecting a fantasy romance, when it was more of a comedy masquerading as a fantasy romance.

>> No.5813230

Dude, most of these threads are rrats, numberfagging and cooming, and you also didn't add anything valuable to the thread.

At least discussing anime/tv is relevant and it was discussion centered around Kiara anyway, it's an honest weebnerd discussion.

Especially since they will be in AnimeExpo soon, so talkin about animays is more relevant.

>> No.5813233

Her completely losing it at the ROUS fight scene was perfection

>> No.5813245

I actualley expecrted this too t b h. Even you faggots here were hyping it up, saying it's cute and Kiara is gonna GFE. I thought there would be lots of romantic kissing and shit.
Fuck you

>> No.5813262
File: 433 KB, 1382x2048, MV5BMjkyMTE1OTYwNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDIxODYzMw@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly >we should get her to watch Stardust. It's basically a more modern The Princess Bride that's both a comedy AND a fantasy romance. It's also funnier imo

>> No.5813312

Never heard of it. If that description is accurate, I'd be happy to try it out with Kiara and KFP

>> No.5813369

I'd take rrats and numberfagging over a bunch of faggots like you shitting up the thread with off topic shit. This thread is about Kiara, not your zoomershit animoos and tv shows. Fuck off back to where you belong

>> No.5813426

No, >we should get her to do more drawing streams or other special things. It's members content after all. Karaoke, drawing, zatsudan, anything like that. I'm ogey with 1 watchalong every other month or so, but spamming it would be a bad idea.

>> No.5813443

Why the fuck are you changing your IP after every post you make?

>> No.5813475

Not saying >we should watch it now, I'm just throwing it out there as a suggestion for whenever the next watchalong happens

>> No.5813490

She liked Princess Bride. Not loved, but she enjoyed it and that's all I can ask for.

>> No.5813537

I'm not him retard. I came in and saw all this bullshit and told you to fuck off. Now be a good boy and go back

>> No.5813663

Nah you have that same aggressive under age schizo tone

>> No.5813883

I wonder when Kiara will announce her next single? Did she learn anything from Goodbye Sengen?

>> No.5813931

It will be for her birthday.

>> No.5813940

Just in case some of you fags don't know, coco is currently interviewing Yagoo


>> No.5814020

The biggest interview since A-Chan HoloTalk.

>> No.5814152
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>> No.5815117

Coco promised Kiara she would make it happen and she kept her word.

Yagoo on HoloTalk #20 is actually possible now.

>> No.5817060 [SPOILER] 
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KFkeks your oshi look like this?

>> No.5817302


>> No.5817460

I love her!

>> No.5817637
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Apparently Goodbye Sengen will hit 1M under 7 days, i hope she learns from it and dont stream right after her next song an let it sit alone on her channel.

>> No.5817761

Sadly there's like 99% chance that she'll have the fullgen collab after the song releases.
I really don't think she understands why Goodbye Sengen did well and why Heart Challenger was debuffed even without the shadowban

>> No.5817776

The eggs are out in full force I see

>> No.5818240

She won't and you know it

>> No.5818276

She cute

>> No.5818832

wow what a lively discussion after the anime and tv talk ended! Good thing we kicked those tourists out!

>> No.5819008

I want to believe it was because it's a good song for the chicken voice and not just because everyone missed her...

>> No.5819040

B-b-but numberfagging is better and more on topic!

>> No.5819069

Ok, Kiara said that she wants Yagoo to model her birthday merch. I'm assuming it's just gonna be a tee-shirt/hoodie, but what kind of wearable merch do you want? I'd be pumped if it were like a wristband or underwear to really go out of the regular merch ballpark. Imagine having chicken protect your balls and Yagoo doing an underwear shoot.

>> No.5819286

Kiara's original outfit has the best shoes in Hololive and I want them!
Sadly there is no way they would make them in my size as it apparently doesn't even exist in Japan. Damn Asians and their tiny feet.

>> No.5819311

I want a KFP hat and a pin of her badge

>> No.5819318

>Yagoo hairy salaryman legs

>> No.5819345


>> No.5819401

There is nothing female about those shoes.

>> No.5819847


>> No.5819986

That one faggy mod is spamming my twitter timeline again. The song doesn't even need help for views and Kiara said to stream it whenever you feel like it, not just to make the number move.

Fucking annoying I want to mute that fag.

>> No.5820069
File: 17 KB, 1321x73, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calli please pay attention to your wifes birthday party and don't stream at the same time

>> No.5820138

What is she talking about?

>> No.5820159

Mori's Zatsu overlaps Kiara's planned birthday totsu.

>> No.5820197

Are you really surprised?

>> No.5820200

Fucking stop complaining and do it then

>> No.5820253

While I like that Kiara plays what she likes, I kinda hate that she out right refuses to play things out of her comfort zone. I can understand fps multiplayer games, the last thing I want to see is someone die as soon as they land in apex for 2 hours, but she could play some single player fps games and that would be cool, even if she wants to play on easy just to get her into the genre better.

>> No.5820265

Holy shit, first she left Kiara's (and only Kiara's) TTRPG stream off her schedule, now this. Does she just not ever look at Kiara's schedule when she makes her own?

>> No.5820453

Why would she? She's her own person.
It's Kiara who should've made sure she didn't overlap with anyone else, not the other way around. Chicken brain...

>> No.5820552

Bruh it's literally her birthday. Unless you're talking about the TTRPG stream which Calli was a part of.

>> No.5820556

He would take the lesbian straight out of her

>> No.5820570

It's Kiara's birthday stream dipshit. That means the rest needs to try to not overlap.

>> No.5820608

The truth is this anon: Germany (and some parts of Austria) got the Nazi-club so bad for so many years that there's now an underlying desire for them all to be actually proud of their heritage again, to make edgy humor again, to actually say things they weren't allowed to. Kiara is no exception.

>> No.5820644

Soooo, she does know that many of the JP's take dancelessons and gym right? Or was this only for the EN? Then why the nip-translation?

>> No.5820678

Only when they’re close to a concert.

>> No.5820681

>Responding to eggposts

>> No.5820695
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I can see the universe in her eyes

>> No.5820709

But Kiara's the one forcing everyone else to call her? If she's gonna do that, the least she could do is make sure that they're not busy at that time

>> No.5820735

Shut up, egger

>> No.5820759

Get a load of this guy

>> No.5820804

Retard, they all have a shared google calendar that they put their stream times so they know when everyone is streaming. What most likely happened is that Mori didn’t look at it before making her schedule and now she will realize that she scheduled her stream at the same time and delay her zatsudan.

>> No.5820828

If Kiara didn't want an overlap, she shouldn't have had her birthday on the same day as Calli's stream. Get with the program, anon.

>> No.5820859

She expressed interest in it during A Way Out.
I wouldn't say it's impossible but something interesting would have to come along.
But most shooters are light on hot anime girls.

>> No.5820863

Onahole modeled after her vaginal walls

>> No.5820898

Wait I don't get it. You are following someone you don't like and then complain he is annoying?

>> No.5820938

Kiara playing Tomb Raider and Ame playing Dishonored would be the shit

>> No.5820967

I dont follow him but his shit still appears on my homepage

>> No.5820986


Can you even call yourself a Kiara cosplayer if you don't break your neck for maximum accuracy?

>> No.5821004

Oh ok. I don't know shit about twitter. I only created an account to follow Kiara's account/s lel.

>> No.5821063

God Mori is such a piece of shit

>> No.5821074
File: 111 KB, 391x344, 1617237125515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara playing Tomb Raider
Imagine the fan art...

>> No.5821081

Sit, I can't find that "She's just like me' kfp pic. Someone post it! Quick!

>> No.5821097


>> No.5821256

No one is forced ya fuckin dip. She may ask others to call in but I'n sure she won't be hurt if they don't. On top of that go back to something like Gura's birthday just last month. Kiara was watching the time on that day to make sure she shit her stream down before the birthday stream started. Are you really that retarded or are you just trying to rile us up.

>> No.5821262


>> No.5821317

There are actually a lot of times where Kiara runs a stream until a big event and stops right before it. I think one of the outfit reveals and Amelia's charity stream come to mind

>> No.5821320
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>> No.5821428

is true that Kiara is a member of the 4th Reich?

>> No.5821431

Totsu calls are planned ahead of time, Kiara has already said this and Mori during her totsu clarified that the order is set and everyone has a time window.
Ame’s birthday was a disaster because she didn’t tell anyone she was doing a totsu.

>> No.5821505

Not the fourth Reich, but rather the Fourf Reich

>> No.5821512

Reine literally called in only because she saw Ame was streaming, it was the first time they ever even talked

>> No.5821525

>a mere member
she's called The Leader by her fans for a reason

>> No.5821597

Mori... that's why the shared calendar is there...

>> No.5821617

Kiara was adorable in the Shadowverse collab. I will re-join KFP.

>> No.5821628

Excellent. Into the folder you go.

>> No.5821747

>Ame playing Dishonored
She'd hate it. Ame is allergic to good games. Her domain is team shooters and indie crap.

>> No.5821749

I really hope she sticks to her own advice. Hell, I'm shocked and amazed to see that she acknowledges not going to the doctor as a mistake. I thought the day would never come.

>> No.5821778

Someone superstar this to her.

>> No.5821820

I remember when Kiara shared the calendar on Twitter and it's just her and Ina interacting.

>> No.5821831

Why did you leave, traitor? and no don't give me bullshit like vshojo. No1 betrays their oshi because she does 1 stream they don't like
Answer me, vermin!

>> No.5821888

In another world where numbers wouldn't a problem, She could play the og Black Ops, that game is so fucking good and made me give a chance to shooters.

>> No.5821927

That was so cute. Ina and Kiara's interactions are the best.
I dream of a day when they live in HoloEN house and can off-collab together

>> No.5821930

>unironically uses "oshi"

>> No.5821933


>> No.5821951

>ever paying attention to anything any of the other girls do

>> No.5822016

God, imagine threads when she gets to the NUMBERS MASON and the fanart too.

>> No.5822101

I like that Kiara doesn't play FPS because it makes me motion sick when I watch other people play FPS games. Minecraft is OK because it's slower paced, though when she runs through tunnels while constantly jumping that will fuck me up.

>> No.5822149

WaW, BO1 and 2 would be my fever dream but she really doesn't like shooters. I'd watch any holos playthrough of those games

>> No.5822155

>I think this is a result of 1. no exercise 2. horrible posture 3. not going to the doctor
Is this...finally...did she come to her senses with the doctor shit?

>> No.5822187

Hi I watched TAKOTORI Cats whatcha long and Kiara singing along with the movie during the magic cat Mistoffeles song and getting Ina to sing along was very cute for the year. Kiara is cute too.

>> No.5822418

Intense pain can do weird things to a person.

>> No.5822438

Pain is a good teacher

>> No.5822516

Pain is good. It sets you on the right path. I hope Kiara remembers that pain is a thing that tells you you're doing something wrong.

>> No.5822700

She had pain for like 5 years and never went to the doctor.
It literally took her almost legit breaking her neck that she finally decided "Mh well, maybe going to the hospital is not so dumb".

>> No.5822732

had the same thing happen to me, cracked my neck habitually, then pulled something. the following weeks of pain taught me to not do that anymore.

>> No.5822833
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Chicken feet... wanna lick...

>> No.5822852
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And all of that because of the faggot doctor who went "Referral for physical treatment? I know better, I'm gonna start psychological treatment instead!"
There is a reason you don't randomly start treatment like that on any patient, it made her mistrust doctors for years because she thought they don't take her seriously.
Fuck him and his daddy issues.

>> No.5822925

based on the most recent vacation story and the one she told about getting blisters while in Spain, her feet are probably hardened and leathery like those of a Hobbit

>> No.5822979

Her feet are soft enough sand can cut them open even while she is wearing flipflops.

>> No.5823233

Myeah, I've been cracking my neck for a long time too. I went to the hospital once to have things checked out and they told me it was a 'frozen shoulder'. Not much you can do about it. I've tried massage, a chiropractor and accupuncture. Every time a temporary solution. It always comes back during times of stress or if I sleep in a bad position. I've kind of learned to live with it.

>> No.5823793

Her feet are soft. Don't pretend you don't know

>> No.5824344
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I won't be able to watch this stream. Hope you guys have fun!

>> No.5824400

Thanks bro

>> No.5824422

>Plug & Play
You aren't missing out on anything anon, I won't be watching either

>> No.5824941

I love my boss

>> No.5825017

all me

>> No.5825179

Okay, your oshi can be pretty funny.
