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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.57932190
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>> No.57932211

Bijous flat chest

>> No.57932297
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Resting my head on Her Holy Flatness.

>> No.57932324
File: 136 KB, 406x484, dang it biboo [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fyfrowd.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57932326

Man, this week seemed so promising for the most part. Just hope her Internet unfucks itself for the rest of it.

>> No.57932338

If I hear her heartbeat from her flat chest I'm going to cum to death

>> No.57932339


>> No.57932362

ASMR stream next week.
Source? It was revealed to me in a dream.

>> No.57932419
File: 1.07 MB, 1200x1440, Kukie_nyan idiot sandwich diamond dogs 110702954_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FWMC are apparently banned from Sims/simgames, presumably for horrendous crimes against humanity or NPC sexuality
>Biboo is an avid practitioner of war crimes and will likely be trained well on the torture tools of the trade from her senpais
It's been a while since I've even remotely looked forwards to blockgame but perhaps Diamond Dogs will save me once again

>> No.57932421
File: 133 KB, 786x778, BibooSmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biboo cute!

>> No.57932476

if your dream is fake im going to kill you for lying to me

>> No.57932499

It's sad that the stream was privated and we'll never see a soundpost about her excitement for gassing people

>> No.57932507
File: 94 KB, 402x562, B&W.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, if it is fake I will kill myself first.

>> No.57932570

>noooo stop advising things I didn't adviserino!
>I'm out! goodbye! Fuck you! I was trying to HEEEEELP!
Fucking drama queens..

>> No.57932602

>ping -t
>does it timeout when youtube lags or not
it's not that difficult to at least narrow down likely cause

>> No.57932652


>> No.57932674


I was going to say try traceroute but that is something I could barely do myself. Hopefully her manager gets her some tech support. Or maybe Hololive is less helpful than I think. Didn't Coco have to do tech support for other girls?

>> No.57932746

>expecting incompetent japanese middle management to resolve anything concrete

>> No.57932768

If she really has ISP problems it would be funny if she did a very very low bitrate zatsu tomorrow instead of canceling. 144pboo could become canon

>> No.57932783
File: 11 KB, 356x114, 1694046239337992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It begins

>> No.57932792

just get Ame on the case

>> No.57932821

just write help on a piece of paper and fax it to them

>> No.57932846

what are you using to filter the messages from chat? (she posted a lot more before that btw)

>> No.57932881

lmao I wish I could have seen it live

>> No.57932922

Ame pushed back her stream by a hour. Curious.

>> No.57932934

I found it in /who/. Ask there.

>> No.57932943

ytc-filter browser add on. nta

>> No.57932953

Definitely useful to work out where the packet loss is happening if you are trying to get your ISP to fix it. I had similar issues with my ISP and dealing with them was unbelievably painful despite me being able to provide tonnes of evidence proving it. I can't imagine how fucked it must be for normies.

>> No.57932963

Seemed like she had it narrowed down pretty clearly to her PC at the start, since she was talking about getting stream-kun to consistently start eating shit walking in and out of certain parts of the map
Just started second-guessing herself or being concerned about other issues due to chat blaming YT

>> No.57932988
File: 148 KB, 1071x856, mcprechat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so cute.

>> No.57933012


what is it called when you're getting 1guyed but it's half your chat?

>> No.57933015

Isn't biboo smarter than the average holo when it comes to tech? She fixed her elden wing issue somehow.

>> No.57933021


>> No.57933022

no she didnt, I've had this stream frame open for hours

>> No.57933023

I thought the same initially but then she said the game was 100% fine on her end

>> No.57933050

Just a piece of advice from someone who went through internet and PC memes with another streamer:
Don't let her think having scuffed streams is normal. Post comments in the VODs with suggestions, superchat if you feel you can help, but she should know fixing her issues are top priority for a streamer, or its gonna affect the experience A LOT down the line
It already happened with 10+ streams

>> No.57933073

Yes, she did.
It was initially scheduled for 9pm last night.
She changed it to 10pm at some point.

>> No.57933075
File: 373 KB, 2048x2008, a367fcc510caff797a92510ff7799d9047a9ff865e28c4db5b3d5184595742a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cute, hard-working girl who loves her pebbles! I love my wife!

>> No.57933151

I'm pretty sure she isn't happy with the stream poofing like it did tonight, anon, stop being a worrywart.

>> No.57933159

I just got out of wage slaving. Why is the solo stream today privated?

>> No.57933191

You sound like a tourist.

>> No.57933211

seconds per frame bijou

>> No.57933214

PC/Net issues. Only about 10 mins of it was actually watchable.
Im sure someone has it archived if you REALLY want to watch it.

>> No.57933231

Anyone grab the hitman vod before it got privated?

>> No.57933249

I accidentally opened her door and my voiced leaked through her mic. Sorry, I'll try to be quieter next time.

>> No.57933280

There was way more than 10 minutes that was good

>> No.57933312

I usually have nothing against MC but for it to be interesting the streamer has to have my level of autism and there is no EN girl yet that is even close. Either build funny traps, interesting and useful farms or just be creative and finish projects ffs. I loathe MC streams that consists of only fishing or looking at what JP/ID have build.

>> No.57933331

I guess. Its really not much more than that though.

>> No.57933382

I've been watching hololive since 2019 anon, you're the tourist here
I know what Watame went through and how long it took her to take action

>> No.57933399

even if you do know how to start diagnosing the issue, it's probably best to just end stream to do that instead of having everyone watch you faffing around outside the game (which is exactly what she did anyways)
considering the issue with ER she's also likely tunneling on/assuming problems with her being underequipped on older indie streaming gear, which presumably can't be helped until she gets paycheck and some spare time to upgrade

>> No.57933444

problem is this issue could have a thousand and one reasons behind it and without having more information you are basically throwing darts in the dark, or some might even throw worthless ideas like turning off vsync or checking CPU temps. the best way for Biboo to fix it is to ask someone she knows to help her.

>> No.57933514

>n-no you!!
If you watched her streams you wouldn't worry about her thinking that scuffed streams is normal. At least watch the fucking streams, retard.

>> No.57933552

Believe in the Members Only Handcam PC building stream Pebbles.
I wont take my meds.

>> No.57933660

I won't tell you to take your meds because I also believe it. I won't doubt.

>> No.57933725

she is above average but it's mostly surface level knowledge, like she said she used speedtest to test for issues but speedtest is not a real-world test, it only shows you the best case scenario for your connection with the closest and best route it can find.
i think she said it was someone in comments that gave her the solution for the elden ring issue.

>> No.57933742

I don't know if any of the girls are truly more autistic than any of us anons here though I suppose becoming an anime girl for a living may beat us out, but I have hopes for
>funny traps
at least from the murderhobos of this gen, even if it's unlikely they'll get to it this stream since it'll probably be server tourism as you mentioned

>> No.57933806
File: 73 KB, 472x472, take_meds_pebble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if biboo wants you to?

>> No.57933823

>Members Only Handcam PC building stream
That sounds pretty difficult and stressful to setup for a Holo.

>> No.57933838

>Biboo's ISP is shitting itself

>> No.57933836
File: 7 KB, 338x81, 1955586418481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit oh fuck

>> No.57933849

>Disconnecting from minecraft now
Hopefully that clears up any doubt and she contacts her ISP

>> No.57933915


>> No.57933933

>contacting her ISP
Kek I wish this would change anything
They don't give a fuck unless you're paying for premium

>> No.57933939


>> No.57933960

She 100% knows now it is.
She even said so herself.

>> No.57934028
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Last time I took my meds, I stopped hearing her voice for 12 hours. I'm never doing that again, even if she wants me to.

>> No.57934057
File: 1.15 MB, 1280x720, bugman[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fkqj01j.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least the Hitman stream granted us some neat stuff.

>> No.57934081

Hey its good that this is happening in her first few months, that puts more pressure on her to solve it faster, even if it means moving to another place
ISP monopolies will fuck you over and sometimes theres nothing you can do other than moving because even their premium plans will shit the bed

>> No.57934188

i thought the west coast was supposed to be well developed what the fuck is with the isp issues

>> No.57934238
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Its over...

>> No.57934268

west coast is garbage lmao
I dunno where you heard that

>> No.57934272

They oversell bandwidth and then everyone hangs during primetime. Just because the total bandwidth in the state is bigger, doesn't mean the ISPs are less likely to gouge

>> No.57934271

How is her ISP blocking her from Minecraft?

>> No.57934289 [DELETED] 

Well developed just means there's more troons, niggers and commie tent camps nowadays

>> No.57934339

Do you have an archive by any chance?

>> No.57934359
File: 282 KB, 480x480, 1693637618369391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-no more Biboo? But, but we were supposed to get hours and hours of Biboo!!


>> No.57934386

West Coast USA is probably the WORST possible place to live. Maybe Detroit is worse but it's close.

>> No.57934400

No, I only saved a few action clips before it went to shit, only 30 second basic ones for soundposts.

>> No.57934410

Biboo ruining the plans for everyone yattaaaaaa

>> No.57934432

Wuffian here, sad it didnt pan out today. Much love to bijou. Diamond dogs forever.

>> No.57934450

West Coast is second worst. First worst is down south and Midwest, where you don't even have SHITTY big providers like Comcast, you have fucking Cox and a bunch of other no names.

>> No.57934455

Holy kek this joke got me.

>> No.57934468

How do you guys somehow have a worse internet situation than Australia when we are still using fucking copper

>> No.57934495

depends where you are
there's cities and fucking nowhereland mountain areas
and deserts
the forests have shit internet

>> No.57934529

>doing speedtest
Please, someone inform her that many speedtests outright lie to you because they're owned by the same corporations who throttle your Internet if you don't shell out for the expensive plans. You'll never get an accurate result from most of them.

>> No.57934531

Oh man, Biboo must be sad about this turn of events. Fuck ISPs

>> No.57934541

I have gigabit internet with 0 downtime in south america
California is just that bad

>> No.57934565

We're getting a chatting stream!

>> No.57934577

>Become Subhuman: California

>> No.57934595

West coast has a lot of money but everything costs more and living there is garbage. Rentoids pay up to 2000 dollars a month for a 6 square meter "apartment" because they have no other choice.

>> No.57934601

Looks like it's going to be a chatting stream now

>> No.57934609

Brazil Numero Uno Uma Delicia

>> No.57934623

>1 company has a monopoly on a quarter of the country
>has no reason to improve because no competition
>has no reason not to offer an "improved quality" connection for increased prices that doesn't actually do anything different from its normal quality because no competition

>> No.57934680

Classic case of "it's funny because it's true"
Gotta make sure the fax reaches Tanaka in receiving so he can fax it to Aoi on the 4th floor who'll convert it to a BMP and attach it to an email to send to the entire company, who will then print it out to bring it to tomorrow's hour long morning meeting.

>> No.57934688

>quarter of the country
Id argue its likely ALOT more than this.

>> No.57934689

I mean, it's cool that the girls aren't ditching Biboo and they all change their plans for the night.

>> No.57934707

Oh I can just skip this Minecraft stream then

>> No.57934717

I'm in the Midwest and have Xfinity, not sure what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.57934735

no you can't, there is no minecraft stream to skip

>> No.57934741

Biboo is joining, they're just chatting instead of minecraft

>> No.57934756

North East ISPs are pretty damn good when they aren't down for "maintenance". Never had a slow connection.

>> No.57934804

>skipping a biboo stream

>> No.57934810
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>> No.57934813
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>> No.57934822

>>57933915 and >>57934081 mostly
same as other anons, haven't had any issues in a long while but had to swap to the premium plan on the only option on the area
but honestly even the cheap plans in the developed areas still did way better for me than anything out in bumblefuck nowhere, though definitely too flaky for streaming as a fulltime job, if she's still cheaping out on it

>> No.57934842

A lot of the Midwest and the Southern US are still using copper as well. ISPs go like this.

Expensive but usually the best


Literally so shit they had to rebrand to Xfinity so people wouldn't know it's still just Comcast.

>A bunch of other shit ISPs that serve bumfuck nowhere

So basically it's a monopoly by 2 ISPs, only one of which isn't as shit.

Source: American who works in IT for both enterprise level and home level.

>> No.57934903

>I have a big problem right now
Yeah, mine.

>> No.57934962

here comes the trolling

>> No.57934986

Xfinity is a fucking nightmare, from trying to institute data caps, to that fact that their high speed is not even close to Verizon FIOS, to the fact that their entire corporate and customer service structure is AIDs.

>> No.57935006

Immediately sniped by a creeper?

>> No.57935112
File: 36 KB, 930x694, sniff2[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fehu34a.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The invisible owl

>> No.57935150

It’s all nip office worker situations too. Just ask anyone that’s worked with them. People imagine Japan as a techno wonderland but it is much more like how you describe.

>> No.57935152

I'm more sad that there may not be a Kaela minecraft collab now

>> No.57935172


>> No.57935186

biboo stream.......?

>> No.57935244

You forgot ATT, who are also mediocre at the best of times. At least their fiber is mostly stable here.

>> No.57935247

seeing FWMC's POV is pure C H A O S while Biboo is standing still like a stone

>> No.57935251

I don't disagree it's shit. You said the Midwest doesn't have it. It does, and has for like 20 years.

>> No.57935310

She's invisible because she hardly ever streams right?

>> No.57935328


>> No.57935409

Australia's issue is having a disgusting third world Internet infrastructure. It's legitimately fucking awful and 30 years behind the times. USA's issue is capitalism and corporate greed throttling the fuck out of your connection unless you shell out big bucks for an actually usable plan but even then it's pretty shaky in certain areas.

>> No.57935476
File: 1.35 MB, 1004x1423, three midget diamond dogs in a suit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Swap over to Diamond Dogs
>MC is screaming and having a fucking seizure and being murdered at Biboo's feet while she stares at her feet

>> No.57935528

ATT is in the third tier with other ISPs, they're nowhere near the marketshare of Verizon and Comcast.

>> No.57935630
File: 387 KB, 2403x2400, 1667285906502034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're having fun without her....

>> No.57935632


>> No.57935675

they should just push biboo in a cart and drag her around

>> No.57935746

Are bweh posters winning or losing right now

>> No.57935758

>Biboo being groped by her genmates while she stands helpless and motionless like a rock
D-does this count as petrification fetish doujin material
Can Biboo even be petrified

>> No.57935823

Every pebble is losing right now

>> No.57935846

I'm sad now... Poor Biboo...

>> No.57935850

Weekend at Biboo's

>> No.57935855

They killed her

>> No.57935891

haha the EN curse am I right guys?

>> No.57935895

Even when DCing Biboo has impeccable comedic timing.

>> No.57935952

advent are so much better at handling technical issues than the other gens

>> No.57935965

>FWMC were being attacked by phantoms
>couldn't even see it on her pov, had to watch on Nerissa's stream
holy shit I thought it was Rissa or someone sucker punching them as a joke not actual mobs

>> No.57936087

>FWMC throws food at afk Biboo
>She DCs just in time for the food to fly into someone else
Even playing with her eyes closed, she's DEXbuilding...true gamer ultra instinct...
>6k pebbles still waiting in the dead MC collab stream
Loyal pebbles...unable to leave on their own without feet...

>> No.57936088

True rock roleplay...

>> No.57936239

Did she even power cycle her modem

>> No.57936289
File: 538 KB, 513x686, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my oshi.

>> No.57936315 [DELETED] 

Good to see Bijou ruin another collab

>> No.57936351


>> No.57936410


>> No.57936462

Rissa is begging to be the runt of advent

>> No.57936473

I understand the disconnecting but why can't she move at all?

>> No.57936528

Takoyaki ryona...

>> No.57936550

Literally can't, she sings.

>> No.57936554

something ISP or something idk, she can move her head and they can see it move in game but apparently on biboo's end there's just literally nothing

>> No.57936557

It's fucking weird that Bijou had no problems with Terraria but can't even move in Minecraft. Usually Terraria is the one with connection issues.

>> No.57936568

I feel like she's on limited internet and passed her limit so she's being throttled into the ground. You can't really play on dialup

>> No.57936588

Feels good to be a south american bro
600 Mb download 600 Mb upload for 10 bucks

>> No.57936610

It's not minecraft per se, it's her ISP.

>> No.57936624

her internet only started shitting itself during Monhun with Ina.

>> No.57936721

Its because its an intermittent ISP issue.
Its shitting the bed now, but maybe in a hour, maybe by tomorrow it'll be better.
That's why she needs to get ahold of them and either get it fixed or upgrade her package.

>> No.57936770

It was shitting the bed during pico park too. She disconnected several times and was having obvious connection issues.

>> No.57936782
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>> No.57936813

It's probably a bad node, somewhere in her area. I hope she has a business acct to get a repair guy out there ASAP

>> No.57936836

>biboo logged back in
>instantly died

>> No.57936848

man it will look so fucking bad if her ISP is working for the minecraft kaela collab tomorrow (which is not that unlikely)


>> No.57936883

Over 5k people still having her stream open. The true Pebbles stay, the fake ones closed it.

>> No.57936904

It's been around for most of debut month I thought? Just was mostly just outages for a couple seconds so they were pretty easy to ignore, she probably figured it wasn't immediate priority to fix, maybe even behind PC upgrades

>> No.57936908

Jwu what happened to the mineral

>> No.57936943

These kind of internet issues broke Ina, I hope this gets resolved quickly

>> No.57936990

if she's got spectrum the west coast is basically plagued with fucked nodes

>> No.57936998

Yeah, it's been an ongoing issue but she doesn't seem to realize it's on her end. Each time chat has blamed youtube so she has too.

>> No.57937062
File: 610 KB, 896x489, 1667864857202314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My harem

>> No.57937076

They might cancel it since they reschedule the minecraft advent debut to next week.

>> No.57937093
File: 815 KB, 487x767, rip biboo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57937133

business class internet time. you're in hololive now biboo. it's a necessity, as well as pc upgrades (on stream)

>> No.57937150

it has been youtube a few times though, you were able to see nerissa having the exact same graph for example

>> No.57937170

saved, kek

>> No.57937197

Don't worry, I'm calling my ISP for Biboo.

>> No.57937219

>she doesn't seem to realize it's on her end
She does, at least now.
Shes already stated both in prechat and in the stream that its her ISP.

>> No.57937259

>he hates Fuwawa

>> No.57937264

Only Diamond Dog (singular) now...

>> No.57937310

Yeah, it's good she's finally realized. We might see some fixes to it now.

>> No.57937340

Shiori spelling Mococo as Mo-kou-kou is triggering me, why do americans pronunce japanese words and names that way?

>> No.57937365

Terraria multiplayer is mostly processed at client side, bad internet won't make it nearly as bad as minecraft.

>> No.57937402

also, don't forget to claim it as deductions on your taxes :D

>> No.57937485
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>> No.57937489


>> No.57937511

Our rock has WIIINGS

>> No.57937580


>> No.57937587

Bijou has left the game.

>> No.57937593

I'm sure she knew since the first time or two she outright DC'd but thought it was still manageable
Hitman and now MC disintegrating entirely is certainly the worst its been by a large margin

>> No.57937653

I hate that this will likely kill the Biboo/Kaela MC stream tomorrow.
And might result in no stream either.

>> No.57937704


>> No.57937764
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>> No.57937780
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What's she lookin at

>> No.57937854
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>> No.57937868

my moai statue

>> No.57937873
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>> No.57937884

Mococo giving everyone the Koseki Blowjob experience

>> No.57937913

>fakes internet trouble because she know Minecraft collabs are boring horse shit.
Galaxy brain Biboo

>> No.57938006
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>> No.57938042

nta but this really isn't a meds take. I'll be surprised if they do minecraft before the group collab tour which is being postponed to next week. I could absolutely see them swapping games to do something else if her internet is fixed by then though.

>> No.57938051

I am so fucking sad

>> No.57938087

>my teeth are straight
>unlike how you act
Shiori just killed Nerissa live on stream.

>> No.57938127

I want to become a janny for the sole purpose to ban everyone attempting to shitpost about Biboo

>> No.57938131

I can't believe they're snowballing live on stream

>> No.57938170

slightly stronger meds

>> No.57938221

That's actually such a smart comeback.

>> No.57938231

Sounds like Nerissa is still going to do her MC stream with Kiara tomorrow.

>> No.57938250


So, you want to be her white knight, anon? Pathetic.

Honestly, same.

>> No.57938252

I actually did forget to take my meds today, thanks anon.

>> No.57938266


>> No.57938324

I'm poor but can anyone tell Biboo to set up her DNS using and

>> No.57938405
File: 76 KB, 300x315, White_Knight_Chronicles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57938472

This is genuinely a not great collab if this is just them talking. God damn.

>> No.57938479

You're welcome! I funpost meds but I take those to sleep as well

>> No.57938498

that would be a waste of money

>> No.57938563

Kino collab, it's extremely autistic

>> No.57938582

i like watching fuwamocos reaction to the fucking retarded shit rissa and shiori say

>> No.57938599


>> No.57938605

>This is genuinely a not great collab
>this is just them talking
that's what makes it great

>> No.57938623
File: 347 KB, 506x518, 1693945951746857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time try to look at her elden ring for the first time shit stream because of net, first minecraft stream shit neat the fuck man go to id with this shit you fuck all the gen

>> No.57938698

>Bau Bau
Wow such great reaction to everything.

>> No.57938722

Take a deep breath and try again, anon.

>> No.57938736

7 second attention span zoomer confirmed. Their chatting streams have been their best collabs.

>> No.57938741
File: 485 KB, 724x407, 1680454816483808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57938753

No, I'm saying is that if this is what we have to look forward to when they just have to wing a conversation stream/zatsu/whatever the fuck, this is awful. These guys can't really play off each other.

>> No.57938773

say that again but in english

>> No.57938779

Is it SEAhours already?

>> No.57938810

Go back to school

>> No.57938822

>gaslighting Mococo

>> No.57938853

Biboo is the glue that holds it together but she's distracted trying to do tech fixing.

>> No.57938861

Would a server tour even have been anything beyond a similar zatsu, just with occasional reactions to landmarks?
>As I type this FWMC fists a fucking cat and has a meltdown
I suppose they may have also spread slightly more destruction across the server along the way

>> No.57938872
File: 21 KB, 567x567, 52ff6613af3eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57938873

Is this yet another great collab then?

>> No.57938898

It's 8:30 am where you live, go to school already.

>> No.57938908

It's bijouver...

>> No.57938938

Unironically yes

>> No.57938971

What do you like best about how well they play off each other?

>> No.57939004

>conveniently has auto-jump enabled

>> No.57939006

you're right, I've consumed the bottle so far, but that doesn't mean I'm not right, she should do something about the internet in the 3rd world by now

>> No.57939019
File: 1.26 MB, 1289x862, waiting room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pebbles tell me the truth, do you think she is ok, I'm waiting for her even if that means skip job

>> No.57939037
File: 522 KB, 724x407, 1670703927947353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57939088

her stream isnt going to start anon, its over

>> No.57939091

Bijou is dead, anon...

>> No.57939101

She's not coming back today, anon. Go to work.

>> No.57939105

it's enabled by default, she hasn't touched her settings yet

>> No.57939109

Realistically speaking, I don't think she's going to be streaming but people have been chatting in her room while watching the other pov's.

>> No.57939124

one more time but in english. also california is not third world its just communist

>> No.57939149

You have to let it go, anon... The accident wasn't your fault

>> No.57939166

Yeah, I'd assume she would turn it off, since everyone does it on EN but she really has never played it before today.

>> No.57939167

Nerissa walking off alone again but thist ime with the dogs on the leash.

>> No.57939195
File: 551 KB, 724x407, 1673947033901901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57939240

God damn why didn’t you guys tell me biboo had such a phat ass

>> No.57939265

Alright, Shiori is cool. I like her now.

>> No.57939275

I dont want to open nerissa or shioris stream, I will keep Fuwamoco open to hear her voice

>> No.57939280
File: 2 KB, 240x315, 1691291537756585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be fun if all the other ENs joined at the same time and started attacking Advent

>> No.57939302

90% of the bandwidth is being used by the giant tech/entertainment corporations, the remaining is held in the clutches of Comcast and ATT

>> No.57939307
File: 474 KB, 550x900, mean2me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57939362

Shiori stocks do be rising rn, her guiding around Biboo is pretty cute

>> No.57939390

She is probably using mobile data for discord right? Couldn't she just play minecraft with that if she isnt streaming her pov?

>> No.57939449

ngl Biboo not being able to see is kind of moe.

>> No.57939469 [DELETED] 

/gem/ - collab ruiner general

>> No.57939467

Maybe you're alright, Shiori

>> No.57939478
File: 613 KB, 724x407, 1684447093609726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57939490

Blind and crippled Biboo being pushed around in a wheelchair...

>> No.57939549

Damn, I kinda want to marry a blind chick now

>> No.57939550

True, Shiorin is cute now.
>becoming Biboo's guide when the inevitable erosion sets in

>> No.57939557

Shiori has redeemed herself.

>> No.57939593

how little EN have they all watched that they don't know their way around?

>> No.57939597
File: 303 KB, 540x1170, biboorightnow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biboo is like

>> No.57939611
File: 106 KB, 226x315, 1691222450381839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want to tie biboo up in my basement. Blinding her would just make her more dependent.

>> No.57939626 [SPOILER] 
File: 865 KB, 3488x3416, F0w4RWoagAQ1X1Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57939677

Brother, when was the last time EN even played to be watched

>> No.57939706

wtf I love shiori now everything is forgiven

>> No.57939710
File: 25 KB, 500x500, 1693648763927206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is me
jesus sry plebs, I tried to read what I wrote and I don't understand anything, this is the brain after a bottle of jagermeister

>> No.57939721

cant wait for biboo's season finale then

>> No.57939735

Please anon, I can only get so hard.

>> No.57939851

like two polished orbs at the local crystal shop..

>> No.57939945

The only EN that still plays MC is fauna and she's 24/7 on her world tree...

>> No.57940026

Being able to take care of a physically disabled Biboo would be a dream. I've had a deep desire to marry a blind girl and Biboo would be perfect for it.

>> No.57940040

Oompa Loompa

>> No.57940054

what the fuck biboo just swam up and jumped on the lilypad

>> No.57940082
File: 210 KB, 2208x1495, headpat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there there

>> No.57940095
File: 480 KB, 1200x1670, 1670002864889456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57940115

2nd person pov gaming

>> No.57940123

Biboo slowly sinking should be a webm.

>> No.57940133

Elin Bijou. This style looks familiar.

>> No.57940145

ウーパールーパー ウーパールーパー
true future sight >>57939597

>> No.57940151

God damn it Anon, now I have to go jack off again

>> No.57940248

I should have this finished tomorrow hopefully.

>> No.57940283

Is that the fucking Werewolf Head?

>> No.57940319

Will you add a giant dick on this one as well?

>> No.57940372

Incredibly based drawpebble

>> No.57940384

There's an alt where she has a dog cock

>> No.57940408

I'm late, why did she deleted her hitman vod?

>> No.57940466

Incredibly scuffed internet issues

>> No.57940503

Agent 47 showed up IRL and shot her. It made a mess but in the end she won the fight.

>> No.57940601

must lick bijoutum

>> No.57940703

her ISP is being a huge shit.

>> No.57940741

This was a bad stream.

>> No.57940755
File: 1.13 MB, 2000x4000, 1693522663289346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx bro

>> No.57940752
File: 87 KB, 999x795, carbuncle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what an Elin is but I'm pretty sure thats supposed to be a carbuncle Biboo.

>> No.57940808

Do you have your art uploaded anywhere? I've got the clothed and the naked gemlin, but missed that one

>> No.57940869

Oh so that's the problem she is having right now in mincecraft collab too, oh poor Biboo

>> No.57940928

I might be coming round on Shiori.

>> No.57940929

I haven't posted it outside of fanbox

>> No.57940975

Yep, it started mid Baldman47 stream and it just kept getting worse, probably being throttled to hell and back.

>> No.57941018

>Random flying monsters spawn in despite all the light around.
The hell?

>> No.57941077

Nightmares spawn in when you don't sleep. Sleeping is hard on a multiplayer server

>> No.57941113

Shiori is cute and dorky and a great friend, but her fanbase is fucking awful SPECIALLY here on /vt/. The best way to enjoy her is to avoid her goslings and schizos, I've been enjoying her streams a lot more since blocking her split.

>> No.57941122

ahh but I just took a shower...

>> No.57941140
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>> No.57941176

my internet can be fine for months and then randomly go down one day for a couple hours. always wondered if such a thing happened to streamers

>> No.57941223

Biboo will call the ISP and yell at them!

>> No.57941240


>> No.57941242
File: 221 KB, 332x541, 1674578459626768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, Ruff here.
This stream went that good. Hopefully next week is better. Sorry about your gem

Bye, Anon.

>> No.57941258

she is.. just some of her topics I can't relate

>> No.57941278

>Shiori was being mom in Pico Park
>Shiori being mom in Minecraft guiding blind Biboo around
She's the Fauna of Advent collabs

>> No.57941293
File: 90 KB, 371x371, BibooOh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hory shit

>> No.57941406

Thanks, wuffianbro. Things will turn out fine, surely...

>> No.57941410

I wish I could unclick that link

>> No.57941447

Oh hell yes, thank you drawpebble, very nice art

>> No.57941478 [DELETED] 

fucking bitch ruined the mincraft stream
fuck off already and just play final fantasy

>> No.57941525

he's still trying

>> No.57941538

The split is bad?
That's a shame, I figured the catalogfags weren't the ones in the split but if it's in there, that's unfortunate.

>> No.57941568
File: 820 KB, 875x1050, meds 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too easy.

>> No.57941574

Oh, well.
Prepare for a wave of shitposters.
I'm sure they'll see this as an opportunity to shit on Biboo.

>> No.57941592

I hope your oshi didn't tech the technical issues too hard. She was still very cute.
Signed, a Novelite

>> No.57941604

Thanks hotdog, your dogs did a good job keeping things cute and lively too
Someone had to commit NPC violence with Biboo frozen solid, glad Mococo took the plunge and slapped the kitty

>> No.57941628

Gotta read reply chains, I already figured it was futafag shit, hence why I didnt bother even checking it.
Seems like I was correct in my assumption.

>> No.57941639
File: 176 KB, 484x366, 1684998139703645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not true I've a novelite who's also been posting /here/ since debut

>> No.57941687

Some of her goslings are really getting on sapling levels of schizo and her split is one of the most raided splits on this server because SEAschizos really hate her for some reason. It's just terrible being there.

>> No.57941711

Oh boy, here come the schizos

>> No.57941726

Pebbles, your rock ruined the collab. Apologize on her behalf now.

>> No.57941735

Anon, let Sana go...

>> No.57941749
File: 1.95 MB, 860x610, B D S M[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3huifx.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on this server

>> No.57941761
File: 79 KB, 249x242, 1691292584971506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh lord jesus i need you because I'm about to do something wrong

>> No.57941771

What? The Shori Novella split is comfy, just gosling central.

>> No.57941773

I appreciate your oshi sticking with our rock even when the others ran off.

>> No.57941787
File: 105 KB, 1044x1198, BibooSuperiority.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57941793

I don't think it's bad. I've been in there the past few days and it's different from here for sure but nothing terrible.

>> No.57941820

Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. Novelite since the designs were revealed and the parasocials/Goslings make me avoid the split most of the time. I like comfy places like here and /ope/.

>> No.57941847

Stream was cute, watching Shiori guide Biboo like a disabled child is something I didn't expect to find out to like.

>> No.57941902
File: 1.01 MB, 514x524, bweeeh[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F84q6y8.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls forgiv phone postin

>> No.57941903
File: 58 KB, 750x600, BibooEhe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Oshi also very cute, leading our blind rock around was adorable

>> No.57941904

No joke though, I'm glad to see you take after Asanagi in both eyebrows and your dedication to acquired taste fetishes, drawpebble

>> No.57941914

no, anon
your butt isn't supposed to be penetrated by something this big

>> No.57941969

Anon no

>> No.57941982
File: 1.10 MB, 2894x4093, 1689737853523925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's my disabled blind daughter

>> No.57942025

The split's fine, just different from here because the fanbases are quite different. It's definitely not on the level of /ggg/, /∞/, or any of the other bad splits.

>> No.57942073

I appreciate it. I don't post the futa stuff here for obvious reasons but I do always laugh when someone else does due to the reactions it tends to get.

>> No.57942105

did she also close her free chat?

>> No.57942124
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>> No.57942130

I'll fuckin make it fit

>> No.57942205

She closed the big 1 year long one earlier and I guess the MC one now?

>> No.57942277
File: 42 KB, 194x164, 1690950024597074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I... I don't want to scare you but there is at least ONE female pebble in this thread, right now, be aware

>> No.57942326
File: 1.18 MB, 1731x1454, eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no more biboo today
>raiders getting uppity
Yep, time for me to go to sleep. Cheers pebbles, catch you guys tomorrow hopefully.

>> No.57942343 [DELETED] 

ame stream scuff
bae streaming gacha shit
and miecraft stream died
holy fuck im just gonna watch holosta-
>testicle joke within 30 seconds of opening
im going to bed early tonight

>> No.57942359

Yeah me.

>> No.57942384

I had this same problem during Councils debut with Kronii's coomers. Hopefully it gets better with the Novelites instead of worse.

>> No.57942451
File: 42 KB, 1291x860, It is over!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is how end, glad to know some of you pebbles, it is time to become hard as rock in honour of Biboo

>> No.57942468

Guessing prechat got too out of hand over the past few days and management shut it down.
Called it.
They were getting heated over stupid shit.

>> No.57942481

post boulders

>> No.57942500
File: 897 KB, 900x900, 1685080800041145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kino collab
>Shiori finally being unhinged
>Rissa isn't going autistic and is actually going along well with everyone
>Fuwamoco with the cat autism
>Collab ended in an hour because of Bijou
This is all your oshi's fault pebbles and the karma because of you pebbles being cocky all the time. Bijou ruined a great collab

>> No.57942530

huh? What were they getting heated about?

>> No.57942613

Was it really being a problem? Every time I checked it, it was completely dead and everyone was just talking in the prestream chats.

>> No.57942617

Sex jokes mostly.

>> No.57942659
File: 34 KB, 1000x1000, 1683365484850720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that smell was a sister from the catalog aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.57942688

oh yea keep that shit contained to /vt/
fucking idiots

>> No.57942703

It's okay, I get it, it sucks when your Oshi hasn't streamed in a month, but you're in a better place now chumbud, no need to be toxic.

>> No.57942763

>4k-5k+ pebbles sat through it
>actually made nonzero $ from it, somehow
Sasuga rock...profiting from extra immersive rock simulator MC stream...

>> No.57942922
File: 1.53 MB, 3932x4096, f60e5da51c61f470aadd77a481a16448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like that sort of thing there's an artist who does a ton of wholesome art regarding blind girls, look up popopoka for some nice heartwarming pics.

>> No.57942924

The free chat was fine as far as I could see, it was mainly prestream chats.
Guessing free chat got caught in the crossfire.

>> No.57942980

Let's face it we knew the EN curse had to strike Biboo sometime this week, she was doing too well

>Mario Kart was pure joy
>Moom stream was be collab yet
>Ina stream happened without spagaetti

The curse was long overdue to strike her.

>> No.57943125

I just wanted to see her smile tonight rockbros...

>> No.57943157
File: 107 KB, 717x638, 1690941680518739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> was be collab
> spagaetti
Anon u ok?

>> No.57943158
File: 33 KB, 500x375, real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57943219


>> No.57943245

few know this giving what happened in this stream and management's incompetency, japs for sure dont but if your ISP is acting like a fucking bitch then you're forced into using a VPN.


>> No.57943265 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.90 MB, 1802x1370, shhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry but you will have to wait

>> No.57943298

*bows* milady

>> No.57943367
File: 418 KB, 759x640, 1691539919985271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57943392

The acronym shit was a bad idea from the get go

>> No.57943499
File: 4 KB, 125x125, 19565285441884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no prestream/free chat for her to pop into
>no certainty on stream tomorrow
Im ngmi...

>> No.57943560

Dunno about the prechats specifically, but I guess I've seen a (un?)surprising amount of heated shit flying by in her chat proper
>Retards constantly pestering her about stuff she's addressed, like her challenge run build or REMEMBER TO STOP FOR XXX, and others telling them to fuck off
>The usual lolicons vs Twitter brigade/protect the uwu wholesome babygirl slap fights, usually after Biboo does some teasing or just has goes on some bizarre unseiso tangent
>Memes being beaten to brutal death
I would optimistically hope that anyone nolifing her chat would be just ojiisans like here, but I suppose it's more likely where the actual underage users gather to cause shitstorms

>> No.57943601

she must feel like shit right now

(prechat is open again btw)

>> No.57943613

Stay strong for 4-5 more hours and a room will probab-wait fuck is she still doing minecraft with Kaela?

>> No.57943630

Your VOD reps? Hold on tight pebblebro.

>> No.57943687

They might still stream but probably not Minecraft

>> No.57943693


>> No.57943699

>That spelling
Clearly I'm not

But really the Week started off so well, Moom stream was fun, Ina stream went off without any real thing going wrong.

Clearly something had to come down on her.

>> No.57943735

>(prechat is open again btw)

>> No.57943739

If her internet was down then how was she on call with everyone?

>> No.57943844
File: 7 KB, 383x57, 1694054015168190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is her head okay?

>> No.57943853
File: 138 KB, 856x898, towelguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57943863

She used my phone

>> No.57943904

>ISPfuckers will take TWO days to go fix her problem

>> No.57943903


>> No.57943905
File: 103 KB, 234x279, 1692143688410290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57943943



>> No.57943997
File: 86 KB, 263x263, 1691471725886934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biboo is here to check your internet tips, help her

>> No.57944012
File: 71 KB, 257x309, 144p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE luckily(?) I missed the last two hours of moomster collab so at least I have that

>> No.57944084

Phone and maybe she had severe packet loss which doesn't matter for web browsing but will drop game connections

>> No.57944088
File: 9 KB, 520x56, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah beep she's so cute

>> No.57944113

I'm just now catching up with the Stoneage stream and I'm already dying from the cuteness seconds into it.

>> No.57944155

Everyone in chat except for like the two people actually helping are so fucking annoying. "How can I fix this problem?" "I dunno, throw your router into a well lol" I'm gonna have a fucking stroke

>> No.57944218

Bijou instant loss internet trouble doujins, just imagine...
>Cocky genki brathime popping up to brag to pebbles and boulders at all sorts of ungodly hours of the night to show off her stream prep and frame and tell them to look forwards to it
>Tearstained, apologetic, naked dogeza gaki afterwards, mumbling pleas for forgiveness while the crowd (the twins) pelt her with food (takoyaki) and boo (autistic screaming) her off the apology stream
>Afterwards the Geiger Counter ISP employee shows up and tells her it can't be fixed quickly unless she gives an extra premium payment or risk letting pebbles down again

>> No.57944242


>> No.57944298

She said her internet still returns good numbers from speedtest or fast.com or whatever she used to test, but she's still getting throttled.

>> No.57944376

Yeah, its painful.
"Did you try restart the modem?"
"Did you try restarting your house?"
Fucking morons.

>> No.57944423

My brain is hurting from the retarded suggestions in free chat

>> No.57944465

>factory resetting her modem.
oh boy

>> No.57944523

I really hope someone from Cover or from EN is goin to help her instead of trying to troubleshoot with these retards.

>> No.57944529

Oh fuck, oh no.

>> No.57944535

Retards are going to guarantee no streams tomorrow it seems.

>> No.57944543


>> No.57944626


>> No.57944640

>Sacrifice a pebble to the gods!
>Throw router at wall!
>Restart the house!

Some great troubleshooting here.

>> No.57944692

Wouldnt be my first solution, but if the ISP is coming out on Friday regardless...well, cant hurt to try. Kek.

>> No.57944777

if she is on wifi then may be a router problem. if so, she should use an ethernet to the modem to pc if it works. if that doesn't help then might be an isp issue

>> No.57944796

The little hole in the back of the router isn't a factory reset. It's essentially the same as unplugging it, waiting for 20-30 seconds, and plugging it back in.

>> No.57944800

My guess is that she's being throttled due to excess usage recently.

>> No.57944818

If I could give one piece of advice to Holomems it would be to not take technical advice from chat and not to use them to troubleshoot problems.

>> No.57944827

This is the first time where I felt like if I could afford it, Id be throwing supas just to get her away from chats retarded suggestions.
Someone be a chad who knows what the fuck they are talking about and start supa'ing ACTUAL suggestions.

>> No.57944862

>streamer using wifi
that's suicide

burger internet can't be that shit

>> No.57944867

Begging for the hitman vod, someone with an archive pls

>> No.57944879

it wouldn't matter. they'll just charge her each time she passes the data cap limit again

>> No.57944891
File: 5 KB, 330x27, 1682953278856646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57944899

> biboo stopped talking in the chat room
RIP modem

>> No.57944904


>> No.57944936

>biboo followed chat's suggestion and factory reset her router
>she's been MIA for five minutes
It's over. I can't recover from this.

>> No.57944940

Some plans have a soft data cap or something in the fine text that mentions they can limit you if you use too much.

>> No.57944959

It's gonna suck, I doubt she has the password for both the modem(though this is easy to find) and the ISP.
Depends on the modem brand, most of them use that for factory reset.
>can't be that shit
it is.

>> No.57944966

She's not dumb enough to follow through with these suggestions without at least googling them/asking someone about them first, right?

>> No.57945000
File: 57 KB, 285x161, 72a84bb0649c95e16118731d5e8cc4b151c702170c27500623950bb3b2346f1b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rock for brains. She only knows how to game.

>> No.57945014

She mentioned looking for the small hole on her router, she actually did it. Jesus fuck chat.

>> No.57945025

Sounds like she confirmed she's already on ethernet and she also tested wifi on phone to confirm it's also eating shit
If 800 mbps is actually her speed she may want to bump that plan at some point though, yeah

>> No.57945061

I am so mad

>> No.57945112

usually phone has that.. where I live.. most internet providers give you a 1 Tera cap and will charge after that for every x gigs used

>> No.57945132

Kek yep, radio silent for 10+ mins. She actually did it.
WELL, see you on Friday!

>> No.57945198
File: 136 KB, 528x523, 0092I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it.

>> No.57945215


>> No.57945229

I hope she doesn't feel too bad and stressing herself out with this ;_;
It's not her fault

>> No.57945238

New bread.

>> No.57945305

Comcast at least has 1.2 TB caps on downloads, no idea what uploads is.

>> No.57945309

Cheer up sex with biboo!

>> No.57945493

Stinky rock...

>> No.57945598


>> No.57945848

Good on them to say not to trust chat with tech issues after they've already fucked it up.
