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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57812544 No.57812544 [Reply] [Original]

your support to your oshi, your oshi's sweat & blood are being used to fund this

>> No.57812679

Would Hololive be a better corp without them ? I'm not a hardcore vtuber viewer, but their male branch doesn't seems to be popular ? Also wtf is a unicorn ? i see that term mentioned in multiple thread

>> No.57812683

Even if I only watch the girls I respect the stars and want them to success.
I think Cover should invest in them more.

>> No.57812955
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>Would Hololive be a better corp without them ?
The stars are harmless that's why them taking money from the girls is thr only argument against them.
>wtf is a unicorn ?
At first it's a fan who wants a pure oshi and who will go as far as doxxing the roommate to be ensured. But now it's used here for people against male collabs.

>> No.57813060

I have never spent money on vtubers

>> No.57813104

Unless they're taking more collectively, than they're putting in, I don't care. If Cover discloses merch, sc earning, sponsorships, etc. etc. and the numbers don't add up then yeah go ahead and continue crying. Otherwise you're just being a schizo faggot obsessing over cocks.

>> No.57813210

As with everything the Twittards touched, unicorn have lost all its meaning by this point.
>You hate star?
>You criticize Cover for favoring star over the girls
>you have dick

>> No.57813234

we will have more girl, so they are bad

>> No.57813245

All doxxing and slander is done by salty homobeggars who hate unicorns, though.

>> No.57813257

>doxxing the roommate
I only saw homobeggar post doxxing of the girl every time, they even infested in the girl doxx site

>> No.57813296

I supa the homos, so it fucking better.

>> No.57813394

>Would Hololive be a better corp without them ?

>the girl complain about studio being full most of the time
>all the homoJP new gen got 3D even before Myth
yes, they should shutdown the homo branch and gave more time to the girl instead

>> No.57813455

If you want to hide your ESL you should start removing the space between the end of your sentence and the question mark

>> No.57813485

>"Hey buddy, you know she's a real person and not just some anime chick who pretends to be into other girls and her audience, right? Here's proof"
I think both beggars and unicorns are both retarded faggots but to insinuate unicorns aren't buttchugging retards with sometimes borderline violent tendencies is retarded. Actual idols have died, been attacked, stalked and harassed because of actual unicorns.

>> No.57813639

Way to out yourself as a vesper "fan" mouth breather

>> No.57813730
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>not stalked and harassed

>> No.57813774

Because you don't know what a real unicorn is. If your chuuba did something bad a real unicorn would just stop watching her and switch to someone else, they will never give money to someone who betrayed them. Fans who keep bitching but still watch are gachikois who are too beta to jump ship just like some guy are still with a girl who cheated on them.

>> No.57813794

these people look dumber with an avatar and name lol, if every baitposters and falseflaggers got one in this site, we would all be making fun of them.

>> No.57813803

I support them so it better.

>> No.57813807

It feels like soft NTR and it's making my dick hard.

>> No.57813849

The males are ultimately harmless but they've been neutered by holopro unlike niji which is why niji have more successful male talents. Unicorn is a derogetory term which original was "Unicorn Hunter". It is meant to mock the obsessive, nearly borderling delusional and ultimate fruitlessness of fans who actively try to ensure the absolute purity of their oshi (no husband, no boyfriends, no sex, no hanging out with other men, no romance). Since no human being is completely pure, attempting to find why is like hunting for a unicorn. But now the term unicorn just gets used against anyone who pushes back against the talent's original selling points which was usually some level of GFE and male-exclusion.

>> No.57813925

>I'm so fucking tired I start typing like an ESL

fuck, I'll jerk off to chloe once more and go to bed.

>> No.57813929

I could not give any less shits than I currently do for Vesper. The raid shit was so fucking retarded and crying about it on twitter doesn't help your case at all. Noelle definitely hates your guts, she's open bad mouthed fans like you. The fact that you refuse to take the hint is on you.

>> No.57814136

Holy shit there's a collab between Black Clover and Hololive? And Noelle is involved?
Sucks that she hates unicorns but I'm excited nonetheless.

>> No.57814178

Good night

>> No.57814196

I only wish that the Stars would take an interest in their own growth instead of coasting.

>> No.57814362
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Here, I'll help you out!

>> No.57814434
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>> No.57814657


>> No.57814697

I beseech you to not get all your info from this board. Stars has its audience, and success is not reflected by CCV.

>> No.57814946
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>success is not reflected by CCV

Oh, do tell of this mystical metric that you use to measure success that is so very different from the accursed CCV.

>> No.57815302

To be fair it goes both ways. The tiny amount of money the Holostars gets also ends up funding shit the girls use too, even if they only watch the boys and don't watch the girls. It's one big collective pool of money.

>> No.57815789

Both the en and jp stars seem like decent folk even if they don't appeal to me, if I had one complaint it's that they haven't captured enough of their target audience so their numbers are pretty dismal compared to their holo counterparts, cover's always been bad at promotion so I don't expect that to change much.

>> No.57815841

Well money is one thing but time, human resources, PR and most importantly good wills is something that can never be regained once wasted on a fail product

>> No.57815863

bettel funds all of holostars en, theyll be fine. holostars jp broke even a while ago, yeah they make only a couple smackaroos but theyll be fine.

>> No.57815927

>your oshi's sweat & blood
lol. The Hololive girls are streamers who sing sometimes, let's not exaggerate how hard their job is. At any rate, my oshi wants everyone to succeed.

>> No.57815961

>Failed product
Hololive CH was a failed product, /#/fag

>> No.57815989

If it's Gura money? I'm glad they are using it because Gura sure as fuck isn't using it.

>> No.57816023

Even Hololive got popular through the power of memes and the Chinese bat flu. Cover never did much to actively promote their talents, they just debut them and let them cook until they start magically making money.

>> No.57816691

>Customized merch got taken away (and they only get merch for birthday or anni, not both)
>No concert this year
>No equivalent of Hololive summer
>Four members just dropped an orisong and unit they funded and planned all on their own
>Astel eats ice cubes because he drops his life savings every time he has a live

The only argument you really have is that they get to benefit from the facilities that were built mostly thanks to the girls success, but anyone who genuinely thinks the branch is running off direct Hololive money is retarded.

>> No.57816834

>they are success because the voice in my head told me

>> No.57816870

We don't have to go full reddit mode to make that happen. Just add post IDs, the retards posting in maritime-african hours would provide endless entertainment, being too dumb to understand everyone can see them replying to themselves.

>> No.57816919

Eventually we'll get a proper english speaking brotuber group.

>> No.57817022

nta but I measure success on the basis of "Can vtubing be their sole line of work now and into the future?"
In this context """declining""" only matters if there's a chance their income sources would also decline to a point where they could no longer rely on vtubing by itself.
I don't know enough about membership, spacha and merch sale numbers for Stars to say if they're "successful" but every member of Hololive is as long as they don't go on leave for 6 months (RIP Haachama).

>> No.57817028
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>> No.57817396

Good. Women don't deserve the money. They should be used to fund men as God intended.

>> No.57818032

Doxing? I'm not the one doing the doxing anon, I'm just checking the info that someone already put out there, of there is no info fine, I don't care. Doxing would imply I post it anywhere, am I doxing my friend by knowing his phone number? No. But if I post it online, then yes, I doxed him.

>> No.57818133

wasn't an issue until tempus and their retarded fans showed up

>> No.57818698
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>> No.57818829

Homosister cope

>> No.57818869

Not just funded but also PAID FOR THEIR CONDOMS that they used on YOUR OSHIS!

>> No.57818898

I don't know how to tell you this but more people = more donations = higher possibility of tubing being their "sole line of work"
Is it always EXACTLY the same? Perhaps not, but to claim that it isn't correlating is simply not true

>> No.57818943

Third worlder take. You clearly have no idea how a business works and operates.

>> No.57818984

That's true, most fans like talking about roommates if there's some good things but weirdly you are a doxxer if you talk about her boyfriend.

>> No.57818992

nigga at this point they surely can stand on their own feet

>> No.57819047

i wish all industry is like this, women should do all the work as we can pimp them out and enjoy the fruits of their labor
it's only fair !

>> No.57819114
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Cucks like you are hilarious tbdesu. I'm a "homosister" now just for not hating the homos like small cucks like you who can't stop talking about them.

>> No.57819410

The JPs are unironically a funny group of dudes. They've always given the girls a respectful amount of distance. ENs are a different story.

>> No.57820130

Yeah, whatever let's you cope best sister. That's right, I just can't stop bringing them up IN A THREAD ABOUT HOLOSTARS, really it's just so unwarranted and out of the blue.
If you don't dislike male vtubers you are not welcome here outside of your containment general

>> No.57820161

Don't care, seethe

>> No.57820341

>Don't care
You evidently do

>> No.57820369

Anyone who uses the word projection seriously is a faggot

>> No.57820373

yeah the fans funded that shit. they also fund their condoms.

>> No.57820388

Reminder that the only thing holostars has done is take condom boyfriend gifts funds from the girls.

>> No.57820437

i don't understand, why would they invest so much money into a bunch of failures? it has been proven many times that males will never thrive in hololive

>> No.57820484

if i was not boring i would have applied to HoloEN
fuck slavewaging

>> No.57820542

Last time I looked they were pulling their weight.
Obviously they're not as profitable as the girls but framing them as a drain needs evidence.

>> No.57820567

Instead of asking these questions you should be working on your English reps.

>> No.57820590

Schizos don't need evidence, they just need anger. Hoes mad

>> No.57820610

Grammar doesn't matter if you understand what he's trying to convey

>> No.57820651

Um sweaty, it's current year, homophobia has no place here

>> No.57820663

this branch is one massive dead weight

>> No.57821072


>> No.57821137

>Looks at ReGloss
>Looks at Holostars
Because Cover Corp actually want fans that aren't just straight male weebs. Dread it, complain about it, but thems the facts.

>> No.57823523

Tempuss is a fail experiment of stars en. Clearly they are not welcomed except for homobeggars and nijisis. Sad thing about this their supporters not even willing to financially support them while be the loudest dog in the room. Useless? Yes I know, they're belong on twitter.

>> No.57824220

really nigger?

>> No.57824338

>doxxing the roommate
You can just go to sister site and see how they trying to figure out how to use wayback machine to doxx the girl and this is last week.

>> No.57824430

By what metric is the Holostars branch a success, sister? Their viewership is in the toilet and last I heard Stars JP wasn't even going to get individualized merch anymore.

>Because Cover Corp actually want fans that aren't just straight male weebs
Then they're incredibly stupid and will quickly learn the hard way that there is no feasible audience of outside of straight male weebs.

>> No.57824434

During their first anniversary stream yesterday, Axel and Altare straight up admitted they're doing fine and we would have known they were flopping if they had to bust out the dick sucking popsicle asmr.

>> No.57824573
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>lost half their gen
>dropped to being 3views
>doing fine

>> No.57824767
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Lets be honest. If any of the male vtubers were not completely shit and fun to watch people would hate them less.

>> No.57824818

>would Hololive be a better corp without them?
Yes, but they can't give them the boot now, that will be a poor PR move and will attract the ire of the sisters.
So, better let them rot away, no more homo gens and not pushing them more like that holizontal shit.
They will never catch the nijisister audience.

>> No.57824901

wow, they've been funding these guys before the boom? That's amazing.

>> No.57824903

>Would Hololive be a better corp without them ?
yes, you could axe the entire branch tomorrow and nobody would give a shit in a week I fucking kid you not, not matter how many faggots cope that things would change I assure you they wouldn't

>> No.57824907

Timestamp? Yeah there's no one, retard

>> No.57824934

If you were really honest, you'd say you've never watched them and just hated them for the sole purpose that they're literally anime men looking to fuck your waifu.

>> No.57824972

>caring about #
lol lmao

>> No.57824978

>Couldn't even refute his point. Other than cope sister ree! NPC like response when they're defeated.

>> No.57825075

And currently Gura is, and has been for multiple weeks in other periods, a zero view. Stars were more profitable to the company in those times.

>> No.57825424

Homobeggar hands types this

>> No.57826044

>He thinks vtubers make money from $2 donations

>> No.57826230

By keep using the girls' funds retard

>> No.57826326

Are you implying that they cost more money than they make? If so, provide evidence.
Before you say it
> I heard Stars JP wasn't even going to get individualized merch anymore.
That doesn't mean they are in the negative.
If anything this can be seen as a counterpoint to OP's argument since if they were actually subsidized by the girls then that wouldn't have been cut even if it doesn't earn them enough to cover their cost.

>> No.57826534

At this point stars en is a liability and at one point it's not worth to be saved

>> No.57826674

Homosister seethe

>> No.57826683

You can repeat that however often you want but without showing any evidence it doesn't mean it's the truth.

>> No.57826753

Starting a new vtuber is dirt-cheap. Holostars is self-sufficient and doesn’t need help.
No, cover is wasting money on stupid shit like holo earth or holoplus.

>> No.57826804

Anon... What makes you think they used condoms?
The stars fucked them raw and creampied your oshis and they are now preggo.

>> No.57826895

holostars also attract homobeggars, toxic fans, fujos and chase away fans of cgdct(the most valueable fans). that as well as occupying management with useless shit(themselves) and taking the girl's money, because they dont make any themselves.

>> No.57826994

you also have to take into account all the fans that dropped hololive because of them, and the one that stoped buying merch and etc. because of them. and all the gens that could have been but instead management focused on making more homos.
so yeah, stars is a failure and they all deserve to graduate

>> No.57827107

i bet you cried your eyes out watching oshi no ko

>> No.57828356

Preach it sis! #cut4hex

>> No.57829008

proof when?

>> No.57830085

Retard alert

>> No.57833803

>pulling their weight

More like leeching their way, these deadweight can’t do anything on their own.

>> No.57834114

Then add in all the fujos and yumes that have been gained.

>> No.57834237

Exactly why I stopped superchatting. Those parasites will not get a cent out of me.

>> No.57834642

>Also wtf is a unicorn
A unicorn in mythology is a magical fairy in the guise of a horse with a spiral horn that only ever appears to virgin women, it then fucks them and buggers off since they're not pure anymore.
In the sense of Vtubers/idols, they're rabid assholes who demand negative male interaction with the object of their admiration/desire/lust, not even family or management.

>> No.57835082


>> No.57837303

Prove it.

>> No.57837446

>what is memberships
>what is merch

>> No.57837452

I didn't support shit. I'm a catalogfag.
