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57793603 No.57793603 [Reply] [Original]

She's only gonna stream 2 more times this year bros, its over

>> No.57793693

Reminder that on her last stream nearly 3 weeks ago she said to expect a stream "tomorrow" lmao

>> No.57793762

Okay, but if she died? Like, literally died. In real life.

>> No.57793809

no shit

>> No.57793875

>But she's busy in Japan
So are literally all of the non-JP branches, yet they manage to stream
>But she's busy with projects
So are literally everyone else in Hololive, and she already released her music video that she uses as an intro

>> No.57793919

God damn, someone please fix her 2D

>> No.57793922

I feel like none of the other EN girls would be streaming if one of them died
I'm actually kind of morbidly interested in how exactly they'd handle it...

>> No.57793937

Gura's getting close to 5 million subs and even won a stream award... Can you imagine if you actually streamed?
BTW did Cover ever say anything about the award she won?

>> No.57794003

Remember to cancel your membership if you want to see her stream again.

>> No.57794009

She only started streaming again to sabotage Advent's debuts, then disappeared again. Mission accomplished.

>> No.57794008

But hey, Hololive is a circus. And if some acrobat falls down and dies, clowns are there to distract you from that!

>> No.57794043

and this needed to be a separate thread why exactly? Pointless garbage. Seethe forever.

>> No.57794062

Holo EN account quote tweeted it, and Gura retweeted it lol. About as much recognition as it got, considering the irony of a streamer winning that award that has probably the lowest streaming hours out of anyone else in Hololive this year

>> No.57794097

so why doesn't she communicate?

>> No.57794118

goddammit now I'm morbidly curious too

>> No.57794141

She lies as naturally as she breathes

>> No.57794186

Never understood this mentality, why would you want to keep watching and supporting a streamer if they so openly revealed that they are only in it for the money?

>> No.57794239

Man, she really did just come back to overlap Advent.

>> No.57794298

How would these types of women function in society if they didn't have these jobs, they should be fucking grateful and not treat it like a side-gig even tho its their main income. Literally no other job would be this accommodating, yet they take advantage of their position by putting in even less than the absolute bare minimum effort. I cannot imagine how Pekora/Koyori/Miko/etc feel about these types of people in Hololive, they stream practically every day yet these people get away with hardly streaming once a month

>> No.57794331

Perfect timing with the Holocure update and them debuting, tons of eyes on Holo in general and made it simple for her.

>> No.57794338

She obviously felt endangered and needed to mark some territory

>> No.57794351

I wouldn't. But her fans don't seem to have a problem with being treated like an ATM so I was giving them some advice.

>> No.57794516

Anyone who thinks otherwise is coping.
>EN finally gets a new wave after 2~ years
>Arguably the biggest Holo fan game gets a major update
>Hype level for Hololive has exploded again
>Gura just happens to start streaming on a regular basis, at the same time schedule as Advent members, and immediately ghosts again once the hype runs out

>> No.57794566

No anon don't do it they still have a whole life ahead of them

>> No.57794621

>JP members mog her CCVs and hours watched constantly
>doesn't stream unless she can overlap new members
>her basic bitch personality is growing old, Advent and FUWAMOCO made people realize she isn't actually "honorary JP" material
>all SEAbuds have left is >s-seethe >c-cunny >h-heckin wholesome meme shork

>> No.57794624

I'm curious if they would even be aware if she died yet, since he never replied to Ollie for her video is she ghosting the company also? How would Cover even know if she died? Send a police wellness check to her house? Watch for an obituary? I guess they probably have her parents phone numbers, but if Cover didn't actually need to contact her about something would they even be worried enough to call them yet? Or could it be weeks between her dying and Cover finding out?

>> No.57794681

Yagoo tweeted he was proud of her.

>> No.57794685

Those faggots would rather not lose membership length than unmembering if it made Gura come back.

>> No.57794690

It really doesn't matter, there's people that literally only watch Gura. It's like that shit with World of Warcraft, those people don't want to play/wanted to play other MMOs, they wanted to play WoW. Same for this, they don't care about the others unless Gura collabs with them.
She'll never lose that hardcore base of supporters.

>> No.57794725

Gura doesn't acknowledge homobeggars, sorry.

>> No.57794756

You just need to see it as someone who won the lottery. It's a shame that a better person didn't win but whatever. In the future when they all quit, she will be remembered as a shitty person while Pekora/Koyori/Miko will forever be remembered as great people.

>> No.57794786

technically the JP branch are busy in japan too

>> No.57794862

She has acknowledged Ollie, she sent her the Ollie onion birthday video, and I think ollie was there in the twitter space with gura and some other girls wasn't she? Just off the top of my head.

>> No.57794879

At this point, most of Gura's fans aren't even Hololive fans but just Gura fans. She was at a point where she averaged 20-30k live viewers and had a more diverse audience, now she struggles to maintain 15k. Most of her fans obviously left, and the ones who have stuck around are just coping and don't watch any other Holo because then they would just drop Gura. Its the same with Ayame fans really, she herself doesn't even feel apart of Hololive because hardly anyone talks about her and her fans have been huffing that Nakirium for the past 3 years.

>> No.57794898

It's okay, sis, one day you'll find a streamer who actually puts in work for their fans for longer than a week at a time.

>> No.57794924

I was one of those people, day one fan, watched every stream despite living in a shitty time zone, sent a few superchats. The signs were always there, but when she dropped schedules and took that bullshit "health issues" break it was pretty obvious she was done. I pity the chumbies who stayed behind.

>> No.57794927

and it probably wasn't even Gura who retweeted that

>> No.57794979

Ironically, if she had a hard life she'd probably be happier and work harder. Women are like that, if you spoil them they'll turn into rotten women. There's nothing innately evil about them but if you give them the opportunity to take advantage of you they will, it's just part of their genetics. Opportunism and all that.

>> No.57795034
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>> No.57795060
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Okay, so.

If DEV_IS girls get 100k subs each before their debut, expect Gura to stream several more times this year.


>> No.57795119

Gura is one of them numberfriends??!

>> No.57795136

Advent has an English-speaking loli, the new gen does not.

>> No.57795160
File: 40 KB, 1358x315, jj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon the only time she averaged 20-30k viewers was in the very first few months. 2021, 22, and 23 her average has always been in the 15-18k range.

This chart shows her higher than she actually is at this point this year, around 16k or so.

>> No.57795159

She fucking is.

>> No.57795163

It grosses me out that it is pretty much guaranteed to be her manager running her Twitter, she herself has been vocal about hating Twitter and social media plus all those obvious posts "she" made that were clearly made by her manager. Their managers already have access to their YouTube accounts and use them to type in chat when a link or whatever gets posted for merch, so makes sense that their managers larp as the girls on Twitter too.

>> No.57795179

>promiseschizo at it again
learn english

>> No.57795210

All the places I have worked for have always asked for second contact number in case they can't contact me.
And if Haachama is anything to go by then Cover does not tell other talents anything.

>> No.57795280
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You motherfuckers will cry like women when this woman isn't working 24/7

>> No.57795335

Coming from personal experience, I used to do that for two indies on YouTube.

>> No.57795355

It's so obvious you weren't there to witness Gura's decline during her first couple of years...

>> No.57795388


>> No.57795392

I'm happy that chumbuds got some new streams on the way from Gura with the announcement of the new Gen coming soon

>> No.57795406

Its so obvious that its fucking hilarious seeing chumbuds crying 24/7.

>> No.57795426

Anon, she shows up to work once a month. Get some actual life experience, and then realize that this mentality of thinking anyone who criticizes her work ethic is being "demanding" or "unreasonable"

>> No.57795479

>Not will

>> No.57795638

don't worry Hololive DEV_IS will be streaming on Sept. 9th, she's preparing her overlap strat

>> No.57795658

Finish the sentence, pignoise.

>> No.57795692

>I'm gunna just say it.

>> No.57795742

Is she the reason her model hasn't been updated?

>> No.57795846
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>> No.57795990

What you just call me

>> No.57796033

It’s sad since Gura can be cute and funny which is the pretty much what a streamer needs to be, but she pretty much took an option worse than the Ayame route since she only shows up to prevent the other girls from growing near debut. It’s that or only show up to 3D events which is at least something, or she’ll play a rare FOTM game, or show up plastered to her birthday only to return to sleep. I don’t know what happened to her throughout her time at Cover but it’s clear it’s not just a management issue, something caused her to lose motivation.

>> No.57796053

I believe she has said she likes the scuff. I personally don't see anything wrong with her model, but that's just me I guess, her nose does look like a smudge on the monitor though.

>> No.57796104

as if, shes too autistic to stream outside her usual slot

>> No.57796125

If she does stream on their debut, that really does clinch her being a bigger piece of shit than her currently non-existent self.

>> No.57796167

>one of them will have passable english and stream NA prime time
>somehow gura returns

>> No.57796253

Because Myth debuted right around when the China drama happened, probably killed her motivation coming in to such a big fuss and no longer able to play any of those Chinese games like Muse Dash that she wanted to play.

>> No.57796382

Love the absolute beta faggot comments that go like
>UwU my cute little sharkie I'm not a parasocial chumbie with no life but it would be nice if you said something before disappearing y'know?
They have been posting shit like this for a year. When will they realize she'll never change?

>> No.57796428

Unironically this, by the way.

>> No.57796572

Isin't it funny that Gura overlapped her streams with Advent, yet didn't even have the audacity to interact with them on Twitter or anything. She talked about the twins, but that's literally it lol. For someone who is arguably the most against doing stuff outside Hololive, she sure doesn't seem to even care about most of the people within Hololive

>> No.57796574
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She sees everything

>> No.57796754

The less she has to do the better I guess.

>> No.57796849

You people are genuinely retarded and you'd still be spinning this "she's overlapping them by streaming at her regular time" narrative even if she was streaming.
>Arguably the biggest Holo fan game gets a major update
You realize she was mostly playing Holocure well before the update right? Not to mention that game isn't even that popular anymore compared to last year.
>just happens to start streaming on a regular basis, at the same time schedule
Did you completely memory hole the weeks before Advents debut that Gura was streaming? And that she's generally been streaming at the time for 3 years?

>> No.57796875

Anon, it's mainly sunk cost loyalty coupled with the stigma against oshi-switching. There are many better vtubers in Hololive with better ethics, they just don't want to because they've invested too much time on Gura and because they'll be called disloyal faggots if they do switch away, even though it's already fine to do so with how much underdelivery Gura is doing.

>> No.57796876

But wasn't Gura active the most during her 1st year? Wouldn't a more probable explanation be that she simply burned out after the 1st year, or maybe her entire plan revolved around grinding the first mandatory year then just chilling after that.

>> No.57796909

She won’t do that because they aren’t EN. Unless one of them deliberately streams at 5pm PST/8PM EST and ends up being super popular, she wouldn’t feel threatened like she would with a new HoloEN generation.

>> No.57796976

Keep coping chumkek, i'm sure Gura will in 4 months for a Christmas or New Years stream

>> No.57796985

you know, im gonna hold you to this one.. if she does stream after DEV_IS debuts im gonna laugh so hard

>> No.57797046

Gura will do a 24 hour endurance stream on the 11th.

>> No.57797058

Its been about 2 weeks since she's streamed right? Would line up pretty well for an almost 3 week break lol

>> No.57797072

I hate the idea of anonymous posters knowing that I, anonymous switched my oshi...

>> No.57797076

Bitch, you look at her live stream archives right now and tell me why she decided to start 'consistently' stream right at their debut and then bolt

>> No.57797103

It cannot be! The shark is dead!
Dark science... Cloning... Secrets only sharks know.

>> No.57797175

Anon, overlaps are normal and expected as a corporation grows with more and more members. If she was streaming constantly no one would bat an eye, but people are understandably suspicious that she came back to stream at around the same time that Advent debuted and then fucked off the moment the debut hype died.

>> No.57797195

That's pathetic

>> No.57797250

>How would these types of women function in society if they didn't have these jobs
They can't, that's why they want these jobs. Every zoomer these days aspires to be an """influencer""", because everyone recognises it as a do-nothing job. Very few actually make it though.

>> No.57797256

The people who enable this behavior are equally guilty. Even know they're making up all kinds of excuses for her ghosting like they always do.

>> No.57797273
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Meanwhile, deadbeats eat well.

>> No.57797284

Anon, Advent was already teased as early as the Connect the World concert, which is when exactly she started "returning".

>> No.57797332

>she decided to start 'consistently' stream right at their debut
So like I said you're just going to memory hole the weeks she streamed before their debut.

>> No.57797338

she always streams, she's a fucking workaholic even bad numbers can't stop her

>> No.57797487

>She was only streaming right when they debuted
>No it was when they were teased!
Nice narrative shift

>> No.57797561

>goes from streaming once a week to streaming daily when advent debuts
Yep, not sus at all.

>> No.57797667

so you are going to ignore that you have multiple replies that arent the same anon
he is incorrect, yes-- gura didnt start streaming when advent debuted, but rather when advent was first teased

>> No.57797808

Make your voices heard in Japan too. Vote the hate option (the blue one) on this popular vtuber ranking site:
You can vote once per day.

>> No.57797814

Gura died, FWMC doomposted in member

>> No.57797886

>Ame disappears
>Ina suddenly postpones her stream and has meetings all day
>DEV_IS is delayed in their announcement by five hours (at the end of one meeting and thirty minutes before another one Ina had)
>Gura is still MIA
>FWMC suddenly talking about how it's been Ruff
I'm actually scared

>> No.57797892

>tfw being a Youtuber/streamer/ticktocker/etc is what most kids these days aspire to be, instead of astronaut/firefighter/etc
This is one of the things that has truly dimmed my view of humanity as Ive gotten older, that the young generation just wants an easy pass to a life that gives no benefit to society. Its because of how coddled people have gotten that we are at this point, we no longer push people to strive for great things but accommodate people for their weaknesses and negatives.

>> No.57797901

>If she was streaming constantly no one would bat an eye
Except you people where spinning the overlap narrative when she was streaming, so thats just a lie.
>then fucked off the moment the debut hype died.
They still have debut hype. That doesn't just disappear after a week or two.

>> No.57797983

>so why doesn't she communicate?
It's called autism.

>> No.57798023

Well hey.

I am the one who made this post >>57797886
What if I was right?

>> No.57798116

She literally does take all her fans for granted now. She hasn't said a single fucking thing in almost three weeks after she talked about all these things she wanted to do.
She just pretends her fans don't exist and the two retweets on her twitter were done by her manager in the middle of the night EST.
She's betraying and cucking her fans and laughing about it. No one who cares about anyone else treats them the way Gura treats chumbuds. It's pathetic and gross.

>> No.57798227

does somebody have that gura message stating she was gonna do when she can stream shit? that was funny

>> No.57798316

Again, Gura only streamed consistently around the time of Advent, both predebut and after. She mostly was MIA before and after that, especially during the lead up to a major event like her birthday stream.

>> No.57798324

shareholders finally got to them, for fuck sake

>> No.57798372

I messed up post numbers, fuck.

>> No.57798382

It's actually self-esteem. Nobody believes in themselves. Nobody believes they can achieve great things anymore. And yes, social media, has a lot to do with it.
But don't worry bro, a solar flare will wipe out all electronics in 2027 and people will be forced to rediscover themselves.

Source: I am from the future.

>> No.57798426

It was also around the time she came back from Japan. So it could've been that she had time to stream and was healthy enough to do so.

>> No.57798479

She's nothing but a manipulative liar. Everyone fucking knows what she's doing and who she's with. The fact she can't even pretend to like her fans anymore after everything that was given to her is the most disgusting thing in all of Hololive. I honestly hope she loses it all and I say this as a day one member.

>> No.57799063

>taking advantage of people who give you the opportunity is not evil

>> No.57799219

>Day one member who's too much of a pussy bitch to say anything to Gura but antis her in internet forums
A likely story

>> No.57799373

The question is why Hololive doesn't push her to do better, are they that afraid of pushing someone too far that another Coco situation will happen? Clearly not the case because management has been pushing people to participate in their retarded esports idea, just wtf is going on within Hololive. I want an insider to leak something because this level of 0 transparency is mindblowing.

>> No.57799567

>suddenly no health issues
>suddenly no family is suss
>suddenly no pc issues
>suddenly no isp issues
>suddenly no secret projects
>suddenly has the initiative to ask for collabs
>suddenly has the stamina to pull off 7-hour streams
I mean, basically the fucking stars aligned. You can't blame people for being a little cynical and suspicious.

>> No.57799724

>I honestly hope she loses it all and I say this as a day one member
Have you ever considered unmembering?

>> No.57799997

Hololive doesn't hold any talent accountable when it comes to streaming and they don't care about transparency. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.

>> No.57800008

>say anything to Gura.
She doesn't even stream, you stupid faggot. How the fuck am I supposed to say anything to her if she never even reads anyone's comments or messages or even tweets so much as a single fucking time in 3 weeks?
Kill yourself, you know-nothing shit-eating retard.

>> No.57800122

I did this past week.

>> No.57800230

I see a bunch of her members voicing their complaints in her comment sections.

>> No.57800278

I hope Gura graduates, it would be mutually better for everyone involved including Gura herself

>> No.57800294

And it's about time anons start to respect her for that even if everything else she does is despicable to them

>> No.57800351

considering her glacial pace nowadays she still has a long road to 4.5 mil.

>> No.57800394

It would actually be a loss for Cover. They sell a lot of Gura merch. It's actually more profitable for them to just keep her and have her do nothing than it is to get rid of her.

>> No.57800455

Maybe there might need issues (like maybe now) but yeah around that time I guess there wasn't that many issues. Also if you watched Gura you'd know she actually doesn't have much of a problem initiating collabs and doing long stream sessions, it's just that she just been too inconsistent with streaming the past year.

>> No.57800474

They can just double down on the Peko and FuwaMoco merch, that will be just as good in the end

>> No.57800541

What push? push her so that she would want to graduate?

If you think upper management hasnt done anything beyond this point, you clearly havent work to a corporate world..

If your absence is affecting business.. upper management will sure push her.. but that is not happening.. think anon, think! fuckin use your brain..

I dont why these people still seethes and create posts like this almost everyday.. there are fuckin thousands of vtubers to watch, but still focuses on one.. lmao

>> No.57800555

If Gura was an indie no one would get mad at her for streaming once a month because tons of indies do exactly that already.

>> No.57800558

Honestly the best thing for Gura would just be to tell people that she doesn't plan on streaming much from now on, legit just be honest about how much she's going to work, that way she can keep collecting money from people who are okay with that and the people who aren't okay with it at least don't feel strung along and lied to.

>> No.57800713

Why people have such small brains that cant decide for themselves? why would they need to be told? After what is happening now, cant they just fuckin cancel their memberships themselves and move on?

>> No.57800720

This. It wouldn't be half as bad if she at least said something. Anything.

>> No.57800814

gura would 100% be happier as an indie in every way

>> No.57800826

That's what everyone with brain cells were saying. They also called it that once the debut buff for Advent wore off she'd fuck off again and she did just that.

>> No.57800895

Logic partially goes out the window when you feel a strong emotional connection to something. It's hard for a lot of people to just move on from something they really care about, they just wait around and hope things go back to the good old days eventually, and you can't really blame them from hoping when she fuels those hopes like she did when she came back this time.

>> No.57800935

IF gura somehow return in sep 9 I´ll call her cirno (ie: spam BAKA BAKA in chat)

>> No.57801045

It's too late for chumbuds they're brain has rotted to the core and if it isn't gura they dint care. If gura officially graduates it would lead to a massive chain suicide of chumbuds.

>> No.57801079

>wants transparency from a corporation
>the corporation's main source of income is taking a percentage of an entertainer's revenue
>they provide the entertainers a cartoon avatar that acts as a shield to protect the entertainer's identity
>you expect transparency
>from a company literally named COVER

>> No.57801118

Does Gura just dislike streaming? What else is she doing all day?

>> No.57801139

You won't say anything to her even when she does stream and you know it bitch.

>> No.57801178

On most of her streams Gura did mention multiple times she was streaming because of the new gen, she was motivated and excited because of new kouhais and stuff. But my assumption is that none of the girls seemed that interesting to her, so she stopped streaming. With Council she was infatuated with Kronii for a while though. She didn't care about no one else but Kronii but she barely paid any attention to Gura. That's when her long breaks began.

>> No.57801179

I think she kind of did by saying "I'm doing what I can, when I can". The problem was that it wasnt somewhere many people probably saw it like a tweet or an official video on her channel.

>> No.57801196

if anyone seriously believes in the overlap rrat or gets offended by it they are retards, I'm just laughing at how her actions have somehow made that a logical possibility worth discussing

>> No.57801206

Watching the History channel's latest Hitler/Alien/Hitler Was An Alien documentary, playing Baldur's Gate 3, and masturbating.

>> No.57801213
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If you're a true chumbud, you would know that she has this kind of tendency to just fuckin go silent for months..

Old days is different, shes a new hire to the company, she pushed herself to become what she are now.. now that shes at the top, she is coming back to her old ways..

I'll say this again, just fuckin move on man.. watch other vtubers and be happy.

>> No.57801219

She dislikes Hololive and streaming, yes.

>> No.57801220

Probably either spending the money she's made or literally locking herself inside her place as much as she can until Cover comes knocking

>> No.57801284

She doesn't stream, she ztreams.

>> No.57801291

>go silent for months..
That's fine if you're indie, less so if you decide to join a company for vtubing.

>> No.57801347

No, "I'm doing what I can, when I can" implies that she's doing what is possible. That does not carry the implication that she is purposely shafting her fans and viewers because she doesn't want to stream.

>> No.57801366

The human mind is amazing at rationalizing. As long as Gura doesn’t flat out say it, then there will be chumbuds who’ll never snap out of it.

>> No.57801367
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>we are in a timeline when fucking mori is better that gura

>> No.57801377

Maybe she is burnt out of playing le dumb cunny shark. How feasible would it be for a complete character remodel? Maybe have a rotating set of characters or something.

>> No.57801416

I hate how she's trying to appease people by acting like a little girl and expecting leniency. But she's a grown woman, she's either superficial or malicious to be obsessed with retaining people's attention but ultimately despising them. But the chumkeks are equally at fault for enabling someone who is dishonest with them. Would you sincerely appreciate IRL that always fucks off while making excuses. That would make a terrible friend / girlfriend. People are stupid taking it from a streamer.

>> No.57801440

Ill repeat what i said above:
>If you think upper management hasnt done anything beyond this point, you clearly havent work to a corporate world..
>If your absence is affecting business.. upper management will sure push her.. but that is not happening..

>> No.57801469

That's her business if she wants to do that, but it's a real disservice to the fandom of hers, even if they don't realize it. I wonder if someone else catches up to and surpasses her sub numbers, would that make Gura try at all? I think the only reason she gets away with this is because she has a high sub count (ghost subs or not, the number is the biggest in Hololive).

>> No.57801512

real life isn't real

>> No.57801513

Gura basically became the embodiment of what the antis were saying 5% Mori would eventually become.

>> No.57801554

Look out guys we got a real iconoclast here. Surely he will convince us the internet anime girl with clinical depression, severe anxiety, and heart complications is a villain.

>> No.57801581

She only came back to overlap advent and build a pen around her paypigs

>> No.57801610

3k, while low for hololive standards is doing very well in the streaming sphere. Especially for a niche area of streaming, playing niche boring games.
I swear it would be a buff for most vtubers to actually shed the character and stream in person.

>> No.57801640

>I think she kind of did by saying "I'm doing what I can, when I can"
No she didn't. That implies she's actually trying to do something when she in fact isn't and it gives her leeway to do what she does.

>> No.57801687

If she actually returns the day before or after their debuts (if not on the 9th) I'm going to laugh so fucking hard.

>> No.57801689

Do you honestly think they can just can her easily for not wanting to work? She's doing the bare minimum with showing up for special appearances and other's events, but that's it. As long as she does that, she's safe. They literally cannot fire her if she just doesn't want to stream more than 3-12 times a month.

>> No.57801692

This is the best option.

>> No.57801730
File: 5 KB, 343x111, mpsa1H8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhere deep inside I always liked everything she does...

>> No.57801795

In another timeline she's the grunt, streams daily and cries on stream.

>> No.57801815

I think people's problem with that statement is it sounds like at some point she will do more, and that when she said it things were just getting in the way, but at this point people are noticing that she doesn't seem to be plagued with health problems (since her doctor gave her the okay to travel to japan and dance and everything else she did while there) or actually have a lot of things releasing that she could have been working on, so the thought is what is actually stopping her from streaming? She puts too much of a positive/hopeful spin on the situation that gives people the wrong idea. She oversells what people should expect from her.

>> No.57801901

Thats why i always say to stop this non-sense seething posts. just move-on to other vtubers worth your time.

>> No.57801935

Why didn't you move on from this thread?

>> No.57801943

I mean, there is no "firing". Both sides have to agree to the contract terms. Just because you are a contract worker who puts in a bare minimum amount of effort doesn't mean that you'll stay a contract worker as long as you want. Surely you can understand this?

>> No.57801969

Being malevolent does not forcibly exclude having reasons for it. But if she had real issues, wouldn't it be reasonable for the company to help their employee. And that still doesn't make her not accountable for being dishonest and superficial.

>> No.57802013

…I have no idea what this was supposed to make me think, but for some reason I think even less of Gura now.

>> No.57802037

Chumbuds and unicorns will dislike it but the thing Gura may need to actually find the motivation to stream is to get a bf who can take care of her and keep her emotionally happy.

>> No.57802091

If she actually wanted to stream as something besides gura she could just do it from her old account, kiara and calli have done it a bunch, gura just does not want to stream.

>> No.57802153

I mean, alright, I am only subbed to her because she used to be funny.

>> No.57802194

If she gets a bf she will jump ship instantly but I do think that would still be a good thing

>> No.57802195

Where did heart complications come from?

>> No.57802249

i don't care if she becomes the local cum dumpster as long as i get regular streams

>> No.57802274

Just say something to the fans. Communicate. Put them out of their misery.

>> No.57802312

I'd prefer not to support chuubas that would lie to my face

>> No.57802336

She literally doesn't have to nor does she owe that to them. If she did, Cover would've forced her to do something by now about it. But expect a message from her in the next two days

>> No.57802346

The voices in my head.

>> No.57802352

That is strange, she is a very good entertainer and has mentioned she used to want to work in children's entertainment. Has she just become disillusioned with the whole being entertaining to autistic anime manchildren?

>> No.57802354

Imagine still thinking Gura is a streamer. She's a mascot who just so happens to stream sometimes when she feels like it. She makes Cover money with or without streams so it makes no difference to them.

>> No.57802357


>> No.57802403

Are FWMC okay?

>> No.57802491

>shed the character and stream in person
from a purely numbers and money perspective, likely, but if they don't enjoy or feel achievement by it what's the point. If for example Mori wanted to reach more people, 95% of her songs should've been about love, instead they are about whatever the fuck they are. I feel like niches in artistic stuff is more artist than demand driven

>> No.57802636

If you watch Gura, you are already doing that

>> No.57802641

>Where did heart complications come from?
From heart rate monitor streams you didn't watch faggot.

>> No.57802691

vtcucks at it again

>> No.57802764

I finally got around to canceling it back in july, that karaoke was really disheartening. there was such a huge difference between it and the older ones I was listening to a couple days before

>> No.57802861

just looking for practical solutions, anon

>> No.57802868

They can't stream as vtubers, she would need to create a new explicitly non-vtuber account

>> No.57802981

i am unsure if mori can even sing anout non chuuni stuff. She seems like a gigantic dork.

>> No.57803006

Maybe HoloEN is just shit?

>> No.57803164

HoloEN is surely performing better than some of the jp gens.

>> No.57803282

No, I mean management for it.

>> No.57803335

I'm choosing to believe in one person, don't worry about whether I can deal with that

>> No.57803418

How do you fuck up managing a vtuber? Is it that hard to schedule recording sessions here and there, coordinate with other managers and get perms?

>> No.57803483

Looks pretty easy considering all the management issues Cover and others have had.

>> No.57803520

At this point, I think it's safe to say something is going on with Gura. They are either fixing to or Firing her or they are trying to keep her and she just wants to leave the company. But these are scary times. I hope everything is ok.

>> No.57803570

Alright man, calm down a bit. You're being a little too silly.

>> No.57803621

what happened in the past couple hours do spawn this line of thinking?

>> No.57803658

Surely they arent just nepotism hiring managers that have no clue what to do. Dead Island 2 is a pretty decent and entertaining coop game that has recently come out and nobody in hololive has tried it.

>> No.57803673
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Wait for DEV_IS debut

>> No.57803739

>nobody in hololive has tried it.
If nobody in Holo plays it, chances is that there was permission issue

>> No.57803744

>that have no clue what to do
Do you think most had any clue how to handle streamers, let alone Vtubers coming to the scene years ago?

>> No.57803809

Gura has not been heard from in the last 3 weeks, Which is pretty on brand for her at this point but no communication at all is still bad. And to add fuel to the fire, she seemingly came back to grind on advent's debut while avoiding any contact with them. So, it just feeds into speculation about her motives.

>> No.57803927

Yeah but, how do you run into perm issues? Hololive has a giant audience. Surely devs will want the exposure. Indie chuubas with around 1k viewers have been playing it no problem.

>> No.57803935

I have nothing left to lose. I don't want her to come back.

>> No.57803987
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by god there really is a group of people who do nothing but circlejerk about how much they hate gura 24/7, funniest shit I've ever seen

>> No.57804059

Yes, I know but still got me worried. With her MIA and losing to Holostars (don't care about them).
I think it would be bad if they let her walk but I would not put it past them because Japanese companies are not known for their intelligence.

>> No.57804116

All she does now is come in a couple of weeks before the event, do the event, then leave until the next event. She's basically the John Cena or Brock Lesnar for HoloLive at this point. Only she doesn't do the amount of charity work or major movie projects like Cena.

>> No.57804137

She's gonna stream over the new Japanese girls debuts. Then take another extended break.

>> No.57804302

>that gives no benefit to society
have you considered that they aspire to be like these people because these people benefited THEM when they were growing up?

>> No.57804361

How many fucking times are we going to have this thread.

>> No.57804398

??? What about them?

>> No.57804557

It's ok anon the other gen debuts next weekend so she's gonna stream for a week straight.
She's probably gonna disappear right after though, sorry

>> No.57804567
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>This is one of the things that has truly dimmed my view of humanity as Ive gotten older, that the young generation just wants an easy pass to a life that gives no benefit to society
You can blame the fucking boomers and their lift by the bootstraps bullshit. Being a content creator is the definition of one, until you join a corpo at least.

>> No.57804581

It's funny because they come from all different places. Femcels jealous of the attention she gets, incels bitter that she's beyond them, ex-fans who came to seethe about how she handles herself. They're all projecting their desires and insufficiencies onto her. Basically, people are pathetic.

>> No.57804761

the en perms guy ghosts the girls. it'll be hard to get rid of people like him because of jp business laws
gura had a very high resting heart rate

>> No.57804797

>gura had a very high resting heart rate
That is not enough to diagnose a heart condition.

>> No.57804820

Unironically, the best chuubas are crafted from hardship. Maybe it's not saviour yagoo, but savvy yagoo instead

>> No.57804889

Color me shocked that a person who spends all day every day inside drinking energy drinks has a high resting heart rate. I feel like at least half the board would have heart complications if that's your standard of proof.

>> No.57804957

Were you rewarded financially or sexually for your services?

>> No.57804976

>Concernfags don't know how heart disease works

>> No.57804985

(me again)
Stack that with the fact that she's streaming to an audience while playing a horror game while you guys claim she has intense anxiety all the time why is the high heart rate concerning in the slightest?

>> No.57805044

I dont know anon, if a guy so critical to my operation was fucking me over that hard I would just instantly replace him. Firing can come later. Its not like cover is out of cash to litigate.

>> No.57805088

is true that gura doesnt like anime?

>> No.57805179

I dont blame her, I dont like anime

>> No.57805203

I don't think this is always true
Ame had a difficult life and she turned into a bitter cunt. Unresolved personal baggage and trauma can carry over.

>> No.57805280

She doesn't dislike it, it's just not her preference of what to watch, she has talked about several that she has watched, like konosuba, watenten, the one with the shaaak girl that I can't remember the name of, and probably a few others.

>> No.57805284

please jannies ban this heretic

>> No.57805306

wait, then is true?
that..... is disgusting, but she seems to be kinda knowledgeable with internet culture, so i guess is a normie girl that likes to be in social networks? thats even worse

>> No.57805386

Just a matter of time until some anon blamed the evil nature of women for gura not streaming

>> No.57805446

I have no clue if she likes anime or not anon. She does seem pretty savvy about internet memes.

>> No.57806106

>high resting heart rate
>extreme shortness of breath when frightened
>sporadic feinting

>> No.57806122

Fine, I'll do it. I'll take one for the team buds.

>> No.57806392

>not a single "yeah, me" response to this

>> No.57806409

I personally never thought she had heart problems, so many v tubers live insanely unhealthy lives. mold is a common problem for most of them
they could be busy with other things they consider more important. there's probably a bunch of things they have to fix because of their predecessors

>> No.57806620


>> No.57806885

Wasn't she unable to name her top 10 anime?

>> No.57807350

The first two can very easily be attributed to her sedentary lifestyle. Fainting could be, but is not guaranteed to be something serious, and most causes are easily treated with medication. Which it very well could be being treated with medication since she hasn't talked about any fainting spells, and also she got the okay for travel from a doctor, but for something like a blood pressure issue, most wouldn't call those "heart complications" I think that term would be more suited for like a defect, or an actual disease.

>> No.57807606

could her size be a factor, like a reverse giant thing?

>> No.57807854

or maybe she's just enjoying her time with someone, I know if I had a girlfriend like Gura, i'd cum inside her every chance i get. Imagine if she has someone. It makes sense

>> No.57808174

If she actually did stream, she'd probably drop in popularity. Gura is more popular as a brand than as a streamer.

>> No.57808248

It's five fucking dollars. Who gives a shit? Y'all are talking like she was a cheating wife. She's not your wife m8.
If you don't like it just cancel, if people don't cancel it's because they don't care

>> No.57808592

NTA, but even if I wasn't paying my 5 sheckles a month I would still care that she doesn't stream. I love her content, I want more of it, when she streams my brain makes extra happy chemicals and I like that, I honestly don't care one bit what she does off stream, I just want my happy chemicals back.

>> No.57808648

in hololive, she found that she finally had the opportunity to pursue whatever she wished to do. it turned out that what she wished to do most of all was nothing.

>> No.57808659

correct, she has always been only her model.
her best option is to stream little and just be the vt pet.

>> No.57808772

If Gura graduated, that would sour merch sales.

>> No.57808817

she has a lot of money, most probably traveling with her family and boyfriend.

>> No.57808935


People this invested in this shit are fucking pathetic. For real? You feel an "emotional Connection" with a woman playing a character that doesn't even know your name?
Come on

>> No.57809003

>any criticism that anybody levies against anybody else comes from a place of insecure projection and there is no such thing as sincere commentary because everything is hidden behind my 8 layers of irony and I have forgotten what it is like to actually be a human being and not a societal byproduct

The world objectively got worse when zoomers learnt what the word projection meant.

>> No.57809087

>wtf you feel emotions for a character
>no i have never read a book, watched a movie, played a video game or listened to a song

>> No.57809096

I gotta hard disagree there, she has been clipped more than everyone in hololive except pekora, marine, miko, and subaru, and her account is younger and has less stream time than all of them I'm pretty sure. So people definitely like what she has to offer beyond just what her model is.

>> No.57809119

to be honest gura deserves all the hate

>> No.57809170

Why are you even here if you aren't invested in a vtuber? What did you come here to talk about? Are you just a # fag? Or is one of the corpos your oshi?

>> No.57809181

go back to whence you came you tourist/woman

>> No.57809208

>gura clips
>bad math
>yabai little girl

>> No.57809304

One of them is my girlfriend and the other is my bestfriend

>> No.57809378

Do you think that membership is something she or cover care about her channel ?
She's a brand now, they could even close the memberships just to protect the brand and she would still be fine. Youtube money (memberships and superchats) are so low for her atm that it's not worth the risk.

>> No.57809400

>marine clips
>I'm hornyyyy
>miko clips
No idea what subaru has so many clips for, she's the only one that was surprising to me.
Gura clips are usually funny, my favorite has to be the roomba clip.

>> No.57809452
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>> No.57809545

If Gura streamed full-time, she would drop in popularity after 1-2 months. It's easy to maintain decent numbers when your overlapping a new gen, have the "oh my god gura is back" buff, Holocure exploded in popularity and have a smorgasbord of low-hanging fruit for content that people are excited for you to try when every other holo did it 3 months ago. Once all those buffs wore off and people would realise that Gura, compared to the other girls, doesn't offer anything unique anymore, she'd be a low 5 view or high 4 view.

>> No.57809615

Marine and Miko actually have personalities. I think Gura is genuinely scared of streaming because she doesn't want to ruin the perception of Gura as a brand. The longer she is away, the stronger the brand perception gets because people don't have anything else to percieve.

>> No.57809676

>still seething
>can't unsub

>> No.57809758

I mean it's cool that you think that, but there's no evidence to support it.

>> No.57809814

i think marine clips are more like
>im hornyyy
>chat bullying her
>other holomems bullying her in collavs
but she is a caring vt that gives to her fans like in her animations, talented artist and puts a lot of effort in everything and really good in games.

>> No.57809849

>I posess no abilities of forethought

It's okay anon.

>> No.57809883

I just can't fathom feeling offended or angry at a vtuber. Unless they did something like saying racist shit or something like that.

>> No.57809966

>Unless they did something like saying racist shit
Go back.

>> No.57810034

Miko and Rushia literally said nigger you nigger

>> No.57810170

Gura is in a weird and frustrating position where her success has nothing to do with anything she has personally done. She's actually trapped as a mascot.

>> No.57810183

Personally I think it's based of her to keep stringing chumbuds along.

>> No.57810206

the absolute state

>> No.57810301

I like that I literally predicted this back in march
>she comes back for easter
>disappears again
>comes back for her birthday, sticks around for summer events, then fucks off until october
>comes back in october for scary games month
>promises big stuff
>fucks off again until the prerecorded new year's stuff
>continues to fuck off into the new year
Have fun :)

>> No.57810300

well she dint lie
tomorrow is yet to come, today is today

>> No.57810340
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I still love her

>> No.57810353

There's a difference between anger and disappointment, I'm disappointed she doesn't seem to take her job seriously, but that doesn't cause me to want to yell at her, or hurt her, or any other kind of reaction that would come with anger, I will just stay disappointed until things change or I get fed up and move on.

Forethought based on no evidence is a hell of a claim, if you could show a trend of her ccv declining I would give you some benefit but that doesn't exist, she keeps the same baseline of viewers no matter how long she leaves or comes back, it's minimum 12k up to like 18k solo, 20-30k in collabs, and a lot more for events. Your "forethought" just assumes everyone else feels the same way you do, and it's obvious the majority of her audience doesn't.

>> No.57810503

How can a human cope this much and still believe it

>> No.57810534

I don't know where you're getting those numbers but Gura has done 34 streams this year not 11 so if you don't have something as basic as that correct I seriously doubt the rest of your data.

>> No.57810539

Yes it is quite hard to predict when you don't have any information to go off. Maybe she should do her job, or something.

>> No.57810544

Not giving out any (you)s but I'll tell you all I don't care what you think. I've been watching Gura since the beginning, if she's not streaming I will watch other EN members but if she's feeling up to it I will be the first one there.

>> No.57810561

That isn't a good metric to measure anything by. Her name is just an automatic algorithm boost. so even if you clipped other people, it would be good for the health of your channel to drop a Gura clip when you can. I've seen her name tagged in completely unrelated shit, and it'll still add a couple hundred views.

>> No.57810702

Why do people insist that some of the girls are autistic? She's not even remotely autistic. She's just lazy and a loser.

>> No.57810716

I'm just saying that the more popular someone is, the more clips they usually have, if she was truly as boring and uninteresting as they were claiming then what would be getting clipped?

I fully agree, she should stream more, I would happily watch every day if she streamed for 365 days straight, as would most of her audience.

>> No.57810856

Now I really believed she was mogging advent all along this time.

>> No.57811023

She does on x sometimes

>> No.57811101

Garlic Bread.

>> No.57811284

Then her fans need to stop buying the merch too. Cancel memberships, stop buying merch, stop supporting bad behavior.

>> No.57811351

You mean twitter?

>> No.57811355

It's not mostly her fans buying merch though. It's normies and ironic weebs. She's the most "popular" western vtuber with an extremely cute and marketable model. Going to an anime convention two months ago really opened my eyes to the kind of people buying vtuber merch, especially Gura stuff.

>> No.57811509

Doing honest work gets you wageslave money. Internet bullshit gives you good money. If you want more people doing blue collar shit instead of jerking off on the internet then they need to be paid better to do it. Simple as.

>> No.57811575

nta and even though I think it was retarded to change the name so early I also think it's equally retarded to correct anyone that decides to call twitter as x, at least make a joke

>> No.57811582

If she is seriously that autistic she should take a hint from Vesper and realize she isn't cut out for corpo work in the long term.

>> No.57811594

Yep, gura is the Mickey Mouse of vtubing, people who have never watched one stream in their life probably know who she is.

>> No.57811796

Can confirm. My gf doesn't even know gura's name, she just calls her the shark girl. She still owns a gura hoodies though.

>> No.57811862
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It's fucking sad but this is the truth. If you want people to do "real" work in the free market place you have to make it financially worth it.

>> No.57811907

I'm about to pass out at any second so I literally don't have the energy to. Does musk even own the domain? It still says Twitter in the URL.

>> No.57811992

>With Council she was infatuated with Kronii for a while though.
She still regularly streamed when Council first started though.

>> No.57812106

At least Vesper just turned tail and left instead of whatever dragged out bullshit Gura is doing. People would be less mad at Gura if she just quit than doing this dumb back and forth shit.

>> No.57812302

Honestly Gura has it made. The meme "more merch than streams" is real. Gura streaming Ive a year but staying on so Cover could still sell acrylic standees or whatever is probably a mutually beneficial deal.

>> No.57812338

If she starts communicating, she can't ghost her fans anymore, it's easier this way

>> No.57812342

"Few times a year" it was meant to read

>> No.57812467

Who's mad?

>> No.57812561

Fem anon go to bed

>> No.57812862

Well, Gura is making money even if she does not stream now. All the views she gets from the videos and memberships and merch sells and concerts she is in She makes money no matter what so she only has to come back to keep members and views nothing more. If she had very little income or lacked it because of her not streaming then she would. As long as she makes money then Cover/Hololive is fine with her doing this. If it caused a problem or threatened her and Hololives/covers income then they would make her stream normally.
Just enjoy Gura when she streams it's better to have some of her than not any at all. You need to think she will not be here forever so let's make it the best we can why we have it.

>> No.57813547

>Well, Gura is making money even if she does not stream now.
Yeah no shit.

>> No.57813670


>> No.57813790

It pisses me off.
>Hololive only grows stronger

Yeah, no thanks to you. Just retire and free up some space for a new gen that has members that give af about Hololive. And this goes with every member that never streams.

>> No.57814156

Her vod views have collapsed too. Sad to see

>> No.57814192

He's using an outdated chart with return streams and special streams buffing the average. Her current average is probably lowest

>> No.57814436

what a silly website

>> No.57815979

Kill yourself nigger

>> No.57816424

Like Haachama?

>> No.57816854

She is fine nothing is wrong with her so watch the streams. Unlike Gura who lies about what she will stream constantly Haachama does not.

>> No.57816899

>Haachama has not streamed for 6 months
Unlike Gura Haachama did update and communicated with her fans.

>> No.57817050

Saplingbro btw

>> No.57817138

It's funny. He is using outdated data, but it actually helps Gura. Her average isn't even close to as titanic as it once was.
