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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5775030 No.5775030 [Reply] [Original]

How do we stop the clipfag menace?

>> No.5775241

Please link the vid. I'll be nice to him I promise.

>> No.5775301

shouldn't the right form be clippee?

>> No.5775334

>meanwhile on /vt/
>"I'm getting close to be more interested in /vt/ threads than the content they are about"

>> No.5775411

make more based clips to rival them

>> No.5775871


>> No.5776491


>> No.5776538


>> No.5776616

Fucking lol
I knew this was happening. Only way to stop leeches from siphoning off the vtubers they clip is to basically have official clippers and copyright strike all these hundreds of leeches

>> No.5776673
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>re-circulated pekomiko rrats
>coco incident x y z
>cover being incompetent
>ayame gone mia
>EN branch final yabe collab

this your weekly menu, Bon Appétit

>> No.5776737

>people caring more about some guy basically wearing Ayame's skin and avatarfagging with her image than Ayame herself
Absolutely retarded and the retards that keep giving him (you)s to boost his ego to continue doing it everyday, but I guess it is sort of Ayame's fault for streaming once a month, but some larping faggot on an imageboard doesnt really affect her image too much in general.

>> No.5776800

Fucking hell, imagine unironically thinking this

>> No.5777075

Make it so they can't monetise their videos with adverts.

>> No.5777137 [DELETED] 

>be more interested in /vt/ threads than the content they are about"
true dat

>> No.5777145
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>learn Japanese
>become a clipper but with good practices
you won't

>> No.5777168

i like sodafunk she's cute

>> No.5777305

Probably because it's easier to receive validation and attention from a non-corpo streamer.

That shit is pretty rampant on sodapunk(?) ever since that hi honey.

>> No.5777474
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>> No.5778200

>disgruntled austrian teams up with the japs and calls out the jew
I can see where this is going

>> No.5778391

What is sodapunk?

>> No.5778423

I have made this communication as short as I can, assuming you might not be knowledgeable on these terms but you must change these circumstances with haste.

>Kiryu Coco’s graduation stream is almost over.
>Generation 4 of Hololive’s Idols come out onto the stage and they all sing an original song they have been working on together in 3d
>As the song ends the group tearfully says their goodbyes to Coco and walk off stage
>Coco stands alone on the stage and begins talking about how grateful she is to her fans and the community.
>She suddenly starts speaking in a more natural tone of voice and explains the reasoning behind her retirement.
>The livestream starts stuttering and it turns off
>It it thought by some that covercorp has shut the stream down, and by others that chinese “anti-fans” shut down the stream.
>The 300k+ live viewers are outraged, they begin protesting on websites such as twitter, 4channel and the Japanese equivalent 2chan. they demand Coco be given a platform to properly say goodbye to her fans.
>Amane Kanata, Who is part of Kiryu Coco’s debut generation, as well as being her roommate, threatens to leave hololive on her twitter if the stream does not come back online.
>suddenly the stream goes back online and Kson ( Kiryu Coco’s “Roommate”) is wearing a complete kiryu coco outfit and there is a giant taiwanese flag hung up on the wall.
>The real kiryu coco walks offscreen to turn on a projector using the taiwanese flag as a display.
>it is a video of Tanigo Motoaki the CEO of covercorp.
>“I have become fed up, by the pressure put onto my idols by the dirty chinese bugs, cover corp has decided to fully cut off all of its connections to china, thank you.”
>A schizophrenic chinese man named Yuan Huizhong, finds where the “holohouse” is and murders kiryu coco and amane kanata .
>Some then find where tanigo motoaki lives and murder him as well.
>hololive is completely shutdown, only Usada Pekora has continued to stream by using a bootleg software where her character live2d has blanatanly been rigged poorly, possibly by herself.
She is the main reason this message can be delivered to you all now, this is the first major conflict that has begun after the invention of the internet, so I can give you this message using “hindsiight”. This unending conflict has given rise to grand technologies but I am yet unsure whether or not we will have access to them in a time of peace.
>Chinese anti-fans threaten the ceo of nijisanji riku tazumi, telling him to graduate any nijisanji streamer that has ever collabed with any hololive member
>riku tazumi refuses and is subsequently murdered in his own home 2 months later.
>The japanese media and government take this as a threat against their lives and tensions between the two countries rise.
>Akai Haato, real name unknown, was a streamer and content creator for cover corp.
>her being indirectly responsible for Kiryu Coco's graduation took a heavy toll on her mental health, this was only compounded by the isolation from her family she faced while studying abroad, as well as the bullying and dangerous bugs she must have dealed with frequently in australia.
>bugs, the reason an idol vtuber would eat bugs on stream, to satiate a desire for revenge, for comeuppance against an unfeeling bug, an unfeeling family, an unfeeling country.
>Akai Haato went on indefinite hiatus after Kiryu Coco announced her graduation.
>it is believed she lived in mainland china in a dirty hut, begging and eating livestock to survive
>her only valuable possession was a small, barely functioning crt tv, where she most likely watched chinese news stations.
>a Chinese politician claimed that this annihilation of Virtual youtubers was only beneficial to society and that extended exposure to Vtubers would cause Autism and prodigal behaviours in the viewer.
>Chinese scientists deem this to be true.
>shortly after the broadcast announcing Kiryu Coco’s death came to chinese news stations, it is thought Akai Haato slowly made her way to Zhongnahai by foot.
>her youthful, unthreatening appearance, most likely allowed her to be able to get past police officers and city guards.
>during a conference regarding the rising tensions between Japan and China, Akai Haato seemingly waited for the president of the peoples republic of china, Xi Jinping to mention a character she played in her livestreams known as “Haachama”.
>After the mentioning of this character, Haato proceeded to pull out a kitchen knife and mutter an indiscernible sentence, that sounded like a mix of japanese and australian english before stabbing The former president in the Neck. Akai Haato is shot and killed on scene and Xi Jinping dies on his way to hospital.
>This starts World War 3.

You must find some way to intervene. Keep questions brisk our time is dwindling.

>> No.5778455

A clipper. Probably a troon or just a faggot who paid some chick to voice his character

>> No.5778468

Based clippers filtering normies

>> No.5778559

This is not how green text works

>> No.5778584

The -ee form is mostly seen with words from French, whereas the term clip is from Old English, so clipped is more appropriate with the understanding that it's a short form of 'clipped streamer'. Also clippee sounds dumb.

>> No.5778588

>this is your average EOP

>> No.5778631

some one very likely to be in EN gen 3

>> No.5778677
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>> No.5778756
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>> No.5778830
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Realise that vtubers are mainstream now, and that everything is far too out of control to be fixed.

>> No.5778837

what the fuck...

>> No.5779066

fun rrat, now take meds

>> No.5779156

this is why i can stand this retarded board

>> No.5779228
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>> No.5779232

By mass reporting like a bunch of jobless, homeless, gfless chinks.

>> No.5779257

No seriously so much green

>> No.5779274


>> No.5779341

The chinks can only murder children, not grown adults.

>> No.5779419

Clips are why your oshi keeps gaining subs

>> No.5779508

I kekked

>> No.5779952

Wait, Coco is seeking help from the City Hunter after an incident?

>> No.5780180

I like sodafunk,he's cute

>> No.5780186

Sodafunk popped up in my suggestions this morning. She really might be planning to go for holoEN at this rate. Or at least whoever is doing her voice. Maybe the clippers will become the clipped.

>> No.5780997

What would sex with Sodafunk be like?

>> No.5781228


>> No.5781290

That scene in Blade Runner where the AI hires a prostitute to pretend it's her.

>> No.5781400

100 bucks this is a simp for that spanish girl clipper who recently got her own model

Do I win?

>> No.5781489

The only translators I respect are the two chinese goslings translating every watame tweet within seconds of eachother and never interacting with one another. They dont even like eachother's tweets, they probably hate eachother.
That and chicken onigiri because he subtitles in japanese too, helps with my reps.

>> No.5781787

I agree

>> No.5782215

Constantly replayed recording of Ollie saying SO DA FUNK into Sodafunk singing Money on my mind Remix?

>> No.5783093

You lose, now send me 100$
It's from SodaFunk video not Aiko one

>> No.5783204

>get rid of thousands of hours of free weekly PR
>pay people to do the same shit
>hope they're good at picking the right moments to clip and that the algorithm catches on to them


>> No.5783235

Who gives a fuck? Watch your oshi.

>> No.5783326

But what if SodaFunk is my oshi.

>> No.5785090

Thats fine. Some people have Kiara as their oshi, so it's not like you'd be the only person here with shit taste.

>> No.5785540

t. salty faggot

>> No.5785575


>> No.5785638

>Blade Runner
You mean "Her"?

>> No.5785746

Never link clips. Link streams with a start time GET param.

>> No.5785828

Sodafunk doesn't pop up in my suggestions because I blocked that channel.

>> No.5786926
File: 136 KB, 280x360, kiaritler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kicked out of art school
>went on rants about the uselessness and incompetence of Italians
>detailed her fantasies of genociding the Mushroom Kingdom
>abstains from drugs
>built a concentration camp for chickens in MeinKraft
>excellent public speaker
>made Gura do the Roman Salute
>was unjustly imprisoned by Jewtube for a period, during which she created her anti-Jewtube manifesto
>keeps sneaking extreme racist pejoratives against blacks into her streams
>her morning cry is the name of an anti-semitic satire magazine that ran in Austria and was partnered with the Nazi party
>literally said "real jew" on stream
The list grows again.

>> No.5788723

t. cuckbeat

>> No.5789048

oh wow look at this guy

>> No.5789095

You don't.

I rely on clippers. Not being a NEET, I would be unable to watch vtubers otherwise as I don't have the time.

>> No.5792061

>Cute and funny vtuber clips
a giggle

>> No.5792183
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>> No.5792239

I unironically love the chimkin now

>> No.5792828

Imagine if all clip watchers were watching streams instead and actively participated in chat.

>> No.5801431
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fuck you

>> No.5801486

Close. It's all about numberfagging who got more live viewers than if the actual content is good or not.

>> No.5801632

They honestly get a pass because the alternative was the Chilean Ayame whore poster.

>> No.5807752

Used to play Apex with Sodafunk at Pikamee's fan discord.
Used to be a dude, I wonder how he change his voice like that lmao

>> No.5807795

She knows it's gonna get clipped lmao.

>> No.5807834

tbf, Ayame is never around anyway.

>> No.5807960

all clippers are SEANigs

>> No.5808448
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>clips, which are the reason a majority of this community was formed(admit it, most of you would not be here if it wasn't for people clipping Miko saying nigger and what not, nor would this board exist) are now somehow bad because the people being clipped are too popular and thus the normies are invading

I like gatekeeping as much as the next fag but this is some real bitchboy behavior

>> No.5810678

How does this even happen.

>> No.5810944
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Ayamefriend, doko?

>> No.5811043

didn't read but damn does coco have fat tits

>> No.5812674

You just gave even more reason to hate clippers if they're the reason the community is garbage nowadays, not that one of the hijackers that came from clips would care

>> No.5813028

surely this can't be a hired actor. I mean that would just be something that would come back and bite her ass if it was. No way someone would risk her channel with over 100k subscribers like that.

>> No.5813053


Ask KFP how they did it
