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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57467856 No.57467856 [Reply] [Original]

Do you love vtubers? Have you been looking for a general where you can sperg out about science or sociology? Share or write some lore? Build worlds? Homebrew an RPG? Discuss vtubers doing any of those activities?
Welcome to the right spot. This is the thread to do all these things and more. Feel free to browse settings, lore entries, and discuss any of your work or chuubas here.

Analyzing Kiara Lyrics edition

Previous: >>57099716

Feel free to suggest vtubers who partake in our flavors of autism to be added to the list
>Dice Queen Di (TTRPG): https://www.twitch.tv/dicequeendi (embed)
>Halbernacht (TTRPG & mini painting): https://www.youtube.com/@AiaAmare
>Yurikago Kokone (Occasional TTRPG): https://www.youtube.com/@YurikagoKokone
>Mori Calliope (Occasional TTRPG): https://www.youtube.com/@MoriCalliope
>Aia Amare (Occasional TTRPG): https://www.youtube.com/@AiaAmare


>Where do I start?
1. Skim the setting introductions
2. Be inspired
3. Create something

If nothing struck a chord with you, you can always put together your own vtubing-related setting. Others might even join you in fleshing it out if they enjoy it!


Reply to OP so your work is added to the archive or the lore catch-up.
Remember to use rentry.ORG as any other rentry sites are seen as spam.

[would we need like a new archive for them things]

>Archive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uPyXMDAy0697zeDS_FgqbWJrKxFZ9vnarXTqSteAszE/edit?usp=sharing


Era After:
>Archive: https://rentry.org/EraAfterIndex
>Intro Doc: https://rentry.org/78s3q
>Map: https://files.catbox.moe/at0is0.png

Cyber Vitubia 40,000:
>Archive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ukyK3_sidebA_kLuH8i1I6TuVyFkWeJSYvyhqT6FMRU
>Intro Doc: https://rentry.org/cvt40k-start-how
>Map: https://files.catbox.moe/7y8nn7.png

Battle For Aurorai:
>Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ieZmSPEqYbGY6xvyQRzwTDihj9ouCE3Z/view?usp=drivesdk
>FE Schematics: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QO6FX0jzb12VneywMF83UMmuX01Yj3tMUzixs2VRtx0/edit?usp=drivesdk
>Guide: https://rentry.org/99iee
>Map: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iPnq4VeTFbVfamiSrFoEL2rBV3s_dOO_/view?usp=drivesdk

Planet Covolo:
>State List: https://rentry.org/d6rdp
>Map: https://files.catbox.moe/nxv14e.png
>Archive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HM_UK-qNKXQgFH-ixcWsCC3oAgBnFrxCKRPXdKiPMwQ
>Intro Docs: https://rentry.org/vtwbg-intro, https://rentry.org/ziuog
>Map: https://vtwbg.github.io/

Threads of the past week catch-up, in case you missed them!

Matsuri sekuhara virus: >>57424850
Kiara body heat canon lore: >>57391500
Pebble conlang script from Twitter: >>57287459
/vnug/ space dreamwort lore: >>57264795
vtstrategy UI update: >>57171641
Holomon idea: >>57151284
Tricky Lore Video: >>57139392
Kanata nation for Covolo: >>57003200
Blancopolis and the Red Doctrine: >>57028077 >>57040805
Dox Majica: >>57027607 >>57030923 >>57031916

>> No.57469715


>> No.57469729
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I guess it's kinda similar to a TTRPG, (Kiara even compared their stream to one0, so the Baldur's Gate stream from those four yesterday was pretty fun, lot more roleplay than in the first stream.
Sadly it seems like the next one will be two weeks.

>> No.57469956
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>first post
Dead fucking general kek

>> No.57470455

I've tried watching it but most BG3 streams I see spend like 90% of the time doing XCOM-style combat

>> No.57470652
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Yeah, that tracks with my DND experience kek.
Actually, in terms of a stream focused on roleplaying the streams from Fulgur and friends with that "Monster X" series of games was better, since that game is focused on character interactions, not combat.

>> No.57472510

yeah that ends up being more of my kind of style of play
the RP is always fun
combat is fun too, but when it takes 5 years per turn when people want to min/max it gets hard to feel invested

>> No.57475501

Those bits might be a "more fun to play than to watch" thing. Though I love me some XCOM gameplay, so ymmv.

>> No.57477906


>> No.57479574
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>> No.57480453

holy shit that looks so good

>> No.57480712
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It's some fan project but they said on twitter they are interested in making a full blown animation or game based on Zentreya's lore.

>> No.57482056

I remember when that artist first posted that model, Zen was really excited about it. It's good shit.

>> No.57483353
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>Working on a TTRPG that I had on the backburner ever since the /vtwbg/ days
>Finally finish the bulk of the core system
>Good premise and logic for why PCs can adopt the lore powers of vtubers
>Go to start drafting some concept kits so I can have something to finish the core with
>Hit a block because I don't want to come off as a retarded tertiary about somebody's oshi
Anyway tell me about you're oshi's lore so I can slander her in a draft TTRPG ability list.

>> No.57484360

as a game dev, Im curious, how do you try to balance or test your TTRPG systems?
do you actually run the dice rolls through simulations to see what the spreads are?

>> No.57484420

Are you looking specifically for lore about the chuuba's lore?

>> No.57486201
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mark my words, a fully functional tabletop game will revive this thread

>> No.57486663

Selen is a moon dragon, her main thing lore wise is she's a racer! She's Elira's sister and she has a gun. She's pretty strong, especially her scaly hand. Her boobs are bigger than they seem.

>> No.57486928
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Ohoho I'll be sure to keep this one in the back of my mind for later
Which "x will revive this thread" are we on now?

>> No.57486958

I calculate typical spreads (min, max, average) on die rolls and tune as appropriate. I don't worry too much about simulating actual dice rolls unless it ends up being mechanically convoluted.

Yes. Lore stuff like how Aki has a pocket dimension in her thigh-highs, or how Ame can time travel. I don't think I'll have much room to fit in stuff about their actual stream style, but I have some ideas on how to make that work if I do end up having that room.

>> No.57487810

Bijou can shoot magical gem-powered blasts, and be wielded as a weapon, at least by Shiori.

>> No.57487941

4th me thinks

>> No.57493262

Wait, as in, Shiori can wield the gems, or she can wield Bijou herself?

>> No.57494744
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You can't tell me they didn't do it like this.

>> No.57499305

Morning log.
Lets make it as alive as last time shall we?

>> No.57503034

Shiori can wield Bijou! Maybe others too, that was a bit unclear. She did that when they broke out.

>> No.57506801

talking about advent, how fuwamoco's claws works again?
>inb4 magic
I know, something more specific

>> No.57508147
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Her combat style is mainly swinging her scythe, seems to get the job done.
Can turn into a cloud of dark particles and appear out of nowhere.
Can manipulate souls, taking them out and back into the bodies of beings.
Has an alternate reaper form that doesn't need to sleep or eat; neither the reaper nor human form age.
Is the Grim Reaper, Death, the End.
Has been seen using a katana, firearms, or summoned bones and laser-shooting skulls in side content.
Big boobs.

>> No.57508230

I think they're somewhat retractable, I feel like they change size across the arts, plus they'd get in the way a bit if they weren't.

>> No.57511247
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>> No.57512484

Since the thread's a bit dead, let me go a bit into the game's core a bit. Obviously none of this is final, but the PC plays as a "vDriver", having very little power themselves, but being able to channel "Installs", or echoes from the digital sea (read: vtubers). Each Install has 5 levels, but you're limited in how many total levels you can have installed at once by your Rank. So, at Rank 1, you could blow all of your slots on Mori and take her to Lv 3, or you could diversify and do, say, 2 Levels of Mori and 1 Level of somebody else.

vDrivers fight primarily with emotional energy, represented by their Drive. When you take damage, you lose Drive, but you can gain Drive by dealing damage. Bigger abilities require you to spend your Drive. When your Drive hits 0, you Break. If you're still Broken at the start of your next turn, you lose 1 Willpower and pop back up, with your Drive reset to default. There is no typical HP stat. Drive serves as both your HP and your MP in this system, and Willpower is an "extra life" mechanic to save you when you overextend or get caught out with your pants down. Willpower recovery is exceptionally rare compared to Drive mending, though.

Soul manipulation is an interesting idea for a mechanic. People would probably expect you to go straight to the Instant Kill effects for Mori, but I think it's more interesting to go the route of letting her use the souls AFTER she reaps them.

>> No.57514695

I think any mechanic that goes "The enemy dies instantly" would be very hard to balance kek.
Sharing HP and MP with the same stat is interesting. Are successful attacks enough to get back more Drive than however many you used to make the attack? Or you have to rely on some other recovery mechanic?

>> No.57514842

Another for the grappler class it seems. Too bad that:

A. There's no fist class in GBA
B. I do not know how to make animations
C. There's no fist weapon type
D. There's a lot of people in the cast already and no, I am not removing the males.

>> No.57515980

Regular attacks don't eat Drive to use, but lack utility and generally don't have high damage. Some Installs will include a Catalyst ability, which gives you a weapon associated with the vtuber, which will be stronger than typical equipment or provide better utility, and in those cases, their kit will generally supplement using basic attacks as a core strategy.
When spending Drive, you should generally at least break even, unless you critically misplay or get really sour luck.

>> No.57516223

Oh, catalysts are like a magic weapon you summon, or something like that? Kinda Fate-esque, cool. What's your preferred source of random? D20s?

>> No.57517972

I prefer clusters of smaller dice. It allows some consistency with action planning without giving up the random factor. 5d4 is a tighter spread than 1d20, for example.
I also only really use dice for things that would actually be reasonably affected by luck, like combat. Generally, stuff like skill checks I design to be Pass/Fail, or reliant on player roleplay to get through. I haven't come up with any real skill system for this game yet, though.

>> No.57518966

More importantly, lots of smaller dice are more fun to cast. Good choice.

>> No.57520091
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Ninomae Ina'nis
>Human who became a priestess of the Ancient Ones after picking up the Necronomicon (May also be a family business
>Can use Void magic
>Commands tentacles summoned from the void, not attached to her body, but they are near useless since they are only about as strong as her actual arms and are pretty clumsy. In her words they are basically "pool noodles."
>Can turn her tentacles into Takodachi, Octopus-shaped void creatures that can evolve into just about any form they can think of. However they are kinda dumb, not that strong on their own, and don't smell nice. Basically a Tako is there to be cute. At the very least they can survive in any environment and even thought it isn't necessary, they can eat and love cookies. They're disciplined with a crowbar.

>> No.57522850


>> No.57522991

r8 & h8

Origin - Nijisanji (other Nijis you have Installed will grant this Install +1 Lv)
Nature - Dragon (other Dragons you have Installed will grant this Install +1 Lv)
Lv 1 - Catalyst (Gun) - Creates a ranged weapon that deals 1d6*4 Pierce damage to a unit. This weapon must be reloaded after each attack (a reload can be performed during a Move action, or as part of any Finisher ability).
Lv 2 - Winner's Pride - If you have the most Drive of all units in the encounter, add 2 dice to any Attack or Install Ability rolls. If you have the least Drive of all units in the encounter, remove 2 dice from all Attack or Install Ability rolls (to a minimum of 1 die).
Lv 3 - Crescent Claw - Finisher. Spend a mild amount of Drive to deal 4d8+POW Dark damage to a target in melee range. If this ability Breaks the target, gain Drive equal to the total value of the dice rolled for this ability.
Lv 4 - Dragon's Shadow - Spend a mild amount of Drive. Until the end of your 2nd turn after using this ability, your Attacks gain the following effect: "If you gained Drive from this Attack, you can move 1 space, as if you had used an action to Move"
Lv 5 - Summon (Ember) - Spend a moderate amount of Drive to Summon Ember, who will take his turn immediately after yours. Ember deals Fire damage to a unit in the same space, will always move to match your position (even when it is not his turn), and will automatically be dismissed at the end of his third turn. When Ember is dismissed (except by losing Willpower), you gain half of the Drive that Ember had stored.

Origin - Hololive (Other Holos you have Installed will grant this Install +1 Lv)
Nature - Golem (other Golems you have Installed will grant this Install +1 Lv)
Lv 1 - Crystal Blast - Spend a miniscule amount of Drive to deal 2d20+FOR Light damage to a Target.
Lv 2 - Gem Flash - When you take damage that reduces you below your Base Drive, deal 1d20 Light damage to the unit that dealt that damage.
Lv 3 - Emotional Refraction - When you gain Drive from dealing Light damage, increase your allies' drive by an amount equal to 10% of that damage.
Lv 4 - Diamond Heart - +1 Willpower while installed; +15 Base Drive while installed
Lv 5 - Crystallized Feel - At the end of your turn, store a small portion of your current Drive in a Crystal Heart. If your Drive is reduced to 0 by a foe, instantly consume the Crystal Heart and recover that much Drive. Your Drive cannot be decreased by damage until the start of your next turn.

Origin - Hololive; HoloDeath (Other Holos/HoloDeath you have Installed will grant this Install +1 Lv each)
Nature - Reaper (other Reapers you have Installed will grant this Install +1 Lv)
Lv 1 - Spirit Guard - Immune to drain effects and effects from enemies that reduce your Drive without dealing damage.
Lv 2 - Catalyst (Scythe) - Creates a melee weapon that deals 4d4+POW Slash damage to a unit. If you roll all 4s for this weapon's damage dice, triple the damage dealt.
Lv 3 - Reap Soul - When you Break a unit, spend a moderate amount of Drive to place a Death Mark on that unit until the end of their next turn. When a unit with a Death Mark gains Drive, drain 44% of that Drive (rounded up).
Lv 4 - Head Cut - Spend a moderate amount of Drive to reduce all of the 4s in all units' Drive values to 0.
Lv 5 - Soul Transfer - Spend a significant amount of Drive to drain 44% of a unit's current Drive and transfer it to an ally.

>> No.57524175

Just to note: These descriptions are lacking hard numbers because I haven't finished tuning base Drive values. Right now I'm working on 75+(Defensive stats) for Rank 1, then +25 each rank after, but that could be too high to reasonably punch through with damage without dragging combat out too long. That's why I wanted some test kits to use for testing the scaling on Drive and other stats.
For example: Selen's R-301 has a damage range of 4~24, but the average expected damage is 14, and unless you have Dragon's Shadow up (which you might not even have at all) or you can Crescent Claw, you have to waste an action reloading (you normally only get 3 actions in a turn, and in Crescent Claw's case, Finishers have to be used as your last action for the turn). This damage range might not be effective if the player is running 85 Base Drive, or it could be considered that the inconsistent damage is the price of having the CHANCE to drop a quarter of somebody's Drive.

This is all to say that this is very autistic and I apologize to anybody expecting otherwise.

>> No.57525171

Tis indeed is the place to be autistic.

T. Fellow autistic.

No, not diagnosed with it lol

>> No.57525984

Pardon my autism, but I always thought it would be cool to explore Selen's moon side a little more. I don't know how you would represent it in game, but may I suggest a couple thematic abilities?
Lunar Lunacy - Gives rage status effect to all enemies and friends. Meant to reference the full moon, and how crime and mysterious happenings statistically more on full moons than any other day. Also a reference to Selen pissing people off.
Dark Side of the Moon - Selen gets attack buffs based on how many good/light people are near her. Reference to the heel villain role she plays, in contrast to the rest of the industry.

>> No.57527233

This makes me think Provoke on Selen would be good if I ever did a NijiEmblem (may also be set in Aurorai). Players would however have to watch out for archers, since bows deal hefty damage to everything with wings.

>> No.57529474

Wow he really paid for that. That's really cool.

>> No.57529515

The fan didn't pay for it, he made it himself.

>> No.57529575

>and no, I am not removing the males.
I have never met a guy that is owned by the catalog this much, it's kinda impressive

>> No.57532723


>> No.57533211

That'd mean I would remove the males to appease them lot. Check your definitions next time.

>> No.57533213

I tried to get in Selen's attitude and the Dragon side in stuff like Winner's Pride and Dragon's Shadow, but those effects might be slightly too generic. I'll see if I can squeeze in some "darker" or more moon-related stuff.

>> No.57533532

True, and you know more about the game then I do. Just thought if you needed flavor it might be an interesting tack to take

>> No.57536096
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Foob and Mio.

The former is an NPC due to too many swordies in the game and the latter you get the services of if you defeat Ch7's boss before the turn limit.

>> No.57536166

>Too many swordies
That's Koei-Tecmo talk. Put in all the Sword Lords.

>> No.57536246

So reclass Azki back to Swordmaster then? Which directly competes with Enma, Ayame, Regis, and maybe Foob if I ever put her in...

>> No.57536326

If your roster doesn't have 15+ more swordies than you really should have, did you really make an FE game?

>> No.57536924

That'll get staler than cheap bread. Not even including people like: Sora, Ollie, Oga, Shinove, and male! (You).

>> No.57536975

Listen I've been lurking in here for about a month or two and whatever you have goes beyond just simple rent free. Catalog and its hate of homos owns your mind like a goddamn nigger in the 19th century southern plantations. Whether you want to admit it or not, it's always on your mind whenever you even so much as think about the homos. It's honestly sad, and I hope you get help regarding it.

>> No.57537157

Ahhh, what vt does to a mother fucker.

>> No.57538077

(Same anon)
I kinda also blame the lack of things to distract me from the slop since my laptop isn't fixed yet. Once it is, I'mma binge fixes to my ROM like a mofo.

>> No.57541001

The bonuses from origin and nature synergies is a nice way to encourage thematic builds, nice. What's the FOR stat? Actual, what are all the characters' stats?

>> No.57541464
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>The numerology in Mori's
Kek, all 4s, perfect. I wonder what the odds of dealing 40 damage with Head Cut are, on the long term. It's really interesting and mind bending that with that ability the best move at times would be to deal less damage to get the enemy's drive into something with a 40.
Also, does drive get up to 400? I assume no kek, but I'm kinda hoping yes.

>> No.57542483

Core stats are
>Power (POW) - Physical ability.
>Durability (DUR) - Physical toughness.
>Force (FOR) - Mental ability.
>Presence (PRE) - Mental toughness.

Resource stats are Willpower (defaults to 2) and Drive (Currently tuning).
Main measuring stick for progression is Rank, which determines how many Levels you can Install at once, but bonus levels from Origin/Nature Synergies don't count against this. Rank starts at 3.

Rough theorycraft testing shows that it is possible to get to 400 Drive in gameplay, but the system isn't developed enough that you could do it reliably, and there's not yet a way to start with 400+ Drive.
It's also possible for Head Cut to only drop your Drive by 4, so if you have 34 Drive, you drop to 30.

>> No.57544111

I guess DUR and PRE are the defensive stats you mentioned that add to Drive? Are there mechanical differences between the two otherwise?

>> No.57544313

When I start working on status effects, they'll be more relevant there, but as far as damage is concerned there's no distinction yet.

>> No.57544647

holy autism, I kneel
this is neat though anon
how are you defining what "mild","moderate", and "significant" amounts are?

>> No.57545137
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Kokones tits for now, want to check out the FE stuff when I get home

>> No.57545388

Still in tuning. Those values will eventually have actual hard numbers in them. It's basically a notation for the draft.

>> No.57547226

ah, fair enough

>> No.57547847

A heads up:

In Ch1, you will have to Escape with Sora before the Turn 10 reinforcements come too close.

In Ch4, there are two bugs: Shion spawning without her vulnerary and weapon, and vanishing if not recruited within Turn 1. In case of the first, reset till she spawns with her rightful belongings. In case of the second, place A'chan leftmost and carry (Rescue) Shion with her. Lift her off A'chan with anyone (Take, then Drop), then Talk with Sora.

>> No.57549039

Question before I sleep:

How do I handle Sora's transition to her "jaa, teki da ne?" mode? I plan for it to begin when she sees how Polaria has been desecrated in the brief time they were away. Their return happens in Ch8.

>> No.57549147

What's "jaa teki da ne?" mode? New outfit?

>> No.57549204

Nice tits!

>> No.57549475

New lore incoming

>> No.57549577

It's going to be 3deep5me wannabe-edgy nonsense, like everything else he does.

>> No.57551383

a hump

>> No.57551498

Has he done lore before?

>> No.57551550
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>complaining about serious lore in the lore thread

>> No.57551740

No, I'm complaining about bad lore pretending to be good lore in the lore thread. Don't get it twisted.

>> No.57551862

It's not even out yet.
And Merry's lore is unironically some of the best in the vtuber world.

>> No.57551913

Stop posting on /vt/ and go leech some more of your parent's money to pay Fiverr artists, Merry.

>> No.57552009

I'm not Merry, retard.

>> No.57552048

What lore did he make before?

>> No.57552794

You sound like a big dumb baby

>> No.57553319

Completely forgot she existed.

>> No.57553479

I'm pretty sure he's responsible for vshojo's lore, big ones being Mouse, Nyanners, and Zentreya

>> No.57553752

Huh, I thought that was pretty well done. I guess anon doesn't like vshojo kek.

>> No.57553858

yeah I think he did a pretty good job on all of those and Im not huge vshojo fan

>> No.57554503

If seethium, copium, hopium, and schizo energy were tangible stats in an rpg, what could their effects be?

>> No.57554759

rage/attack -def down
tank/hp up/def up -mdef down
luck only
effects% up only

>> No.57556482

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rD_ZE3DrWlY (15:24 onward)
>They're magic
>Useful for guard dog duty
>Cab be summoned when needed but they didn't always have them, only gained them after enough training
>Strength is tied to the gem embedded in them

On the subject of the dogs, you guys should keep an eye on FWMC morning, they've been consistently doing this segment where they talk a little about themselves on subjects like this.

>> No.57560871

He's done a chunk of lore videos.

>> No.57560920

Oh, what Holds? I don't think I've seen that one.

>> No.57561041

That was supposed to be Holos. He worked on a video for Mori and much more recently the comic at the start of Reine's 3D showcase.

>> No.57561261

Huh, wait you're right, Mori's Christmas special was by that studio, I completely forgot about that kek. Neat how some people have their fingers in so many pies.

>> No.57563150

I dont really watch them, but I might peep just for this, ty anon

>> No.57566118

>lore segment
damn, based, I gotta check these out.

>> No.57569565
File: 25 KB, 1300x956, cocoСпокойная[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6mzhko.mp3]Солдат[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F412ncp.flac] Группа[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9b7jl8.flac]Давай за[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4kb0e5.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57572432

...you dont know that quote? Its when Sora terrorizes Aqua and The Resistance in Minecraft.

>> No.57572517

Ohh right! I remember the event, I guess the phrase slipped my mind. That was a good arc.

>> No.57572577

It translates to "So, you're the enemy?". In a very threatening tone.

>> No.57576734


>> No.57579443


>> No.57583050


>> No.57584574

I think I missed that from Reine's thing, gotta check it out.

>> No.57588141

Do it like how people react to strong Newtypes. Make the other guy feel a suffocating pressure.

>> No.57588875

I didn't forget you, Takobro; just been busy.

>> No.57590357

Liking how Mori got in tablebro's game first

>> No.57593469


>> No.57594239


>> No.57595899

