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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57256158 No.57256158 [Reply] [Original]

Oh would you look at that, Kana is dead again

>> No.57256232

EN4 already?

>> No.57256251

It's not a hiatus if its permanent.

>> No.57256353

Couldn't even be bothered to use capital letters

>> No.57256514


>> No.57256653


>> No.57256704

I miss her pre-tsunderia days. She's clearly her own worst enemy though and I can't see her not self destructing at anything she chooses to do.

>> No.57256734

It's pretty soon for that, even though it would be nice to have another holoEN gen in the next 8-9 months ngl

>> No.57256762

EN4 confirmed

>> No.57256813

model designed by Henreader? don't let that die, no...

>> No.57256910

Do they really need discount EN Rushia what will implode out the gate?

>> No.57256982

Isn't this the bitch that quit before because she got a boyfriend, then recently came back to streaming?

>> No.57257031

what's wrong with having a boyfriend

>> No.57257034


>> No.57257045

Phase Connect

>> No.57257105
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Shall we?

>> No.57257175

>Actually wanting Kana in EN4
You guys are insane

>> No.57257195

I take wonton girl over this tbf

>> No.57257231

She's the one that keeps farting I think

>> No.57257273

yea, me

>> No.57257340

The current EN culture fits like a glove with Kana's mentality.

>> No.57257341

You're a genuine dumbass if you think EN4 is a thing, learn to figure out what is just trolling and what is serious

>> No.57257346

Oh, she is retarded

>> No.57257674

I was almost onboard with her general message until that last paragraph. What a disaster for whichever company gets her.

>> No.57257726

Bout time

>> No.57257759

it would make up for the disaster that was tempus 2

>> No.57257803

She would never join a company because then she wouldn't have an excuse to be menhera and randomly not stream.

>> No.57257870

You can basically time when she's offcollabing with the times she chooses to go on hiatus, yes.

>> No.57257941

EN4 would be too much of an investment since EN3 is barely sustaining performance.

>> No.57257981

The progenitor of /here/ pickmes? Before Pippa was even a thing?

>> No.57258039

If you thought Gura was lazy...

>> No.57258217

Rent free and mindbroken.

>> No.57258269

hopefully she's retiring and not going to one of the corps.
no idea who she is i just know chicks like this that don't ever use caps in official posts are gossipy catty creeps without fail

>> No.57258308

Wasn't vshojo having a new debut or something?

>> No.57258593

Wonton girl is just a 30yo brat, she's actually funny if you think of her as like a haughty lolibaba in anime laughing at you and then she falls on her dumb face and cries. Kana is a cunt, like bao and a bunch of other zoommette tubers because they have this weird idea people should give them money -just for existing- without even putting in the basic work to either lie or develop an interesting personality to compensate for the loss of unicorn bux.

>> No.57258596

everything in that post is real and you do not watch shiina at all if you think her kind of porcelain fake is better than this chick's menhera realness.
the real answer is to watch neither of them

>> No.57258695

It's too late for that, Tsunderia already died after she took her 2k ccv and left.

In another world, with a little better management tardwrangling popular girls like Kana and the Ratgirl, Tsunderia could have been a major player in EN.

>> No.57258746

>without even putting in the basic work to either lie or develop an interesting personality to compensate for the loss of unicorn bux.
all of these words are just you mad she won't reciprocate your fucked up paramour. it has no grounding in truth, just like the emotional investment you expect her to return. i mean this sincerely: seek help from a professional.

>> No.57258818

and also entirely correct. stay brainwashed, chumcuck.

>> No.57258834

Post your tits Kana

>> No.57258855

He is right. Kana has "returned" to streaming 6 times this year alone
Nobody hates streaming more than Kana

>> No.57258929

Yes, but Kana is not part of it

>> No.57258984

And who is part of it?

>> No.57259068

Wow what a surprise. Sounds like she got another sugar daddy?

>> No.57259173

Bae nepotism
Kronii nepotism
A Vsinger candidate
An active indie that will take /vt/ by surprise
A nobody
All I'll say for now

>> No.57259341

>you do not watch shiina
you got me, it was the only related yapI could think of

Emotionally attached people spend money, the non atached just move on to the nexxt thing. Is this really that hard to comprehend?

>> No.57259537

Why do girls sometimes always talk like this! They will make sure to always end things with an exclamation note even if it does not make sense at all! Anyway grats Kana on demonstrating you are still the mopey wishy washy shitter you've been for years who can't ever really tell if she likes or wants something for real or not!

>> No.57259611

I can see her joining EiEN

>> No.57259635

was she ever back?

>> No.57259973
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Sounds like Pipkin Pippa

>> No.57260020

>Kronii nepotism
Now I know you're full of shit. Kronii doesn't have friends. I know, I'm a Kronie.

>> No.57260064

I bet she comes back in a couple months and then immediately quits again when she notices her numbers are even worse. Because no one can muster up the will to give a fuck about her since she'll just vanish again in no time.

>> No.57260274

Please God don't be Kawaii

>> No.57260326

Kana’s entire “career” makes no sense. Honestly I didn’t even know she was back from the last time she quit forever this time fr fr

>> No.57260609

This position is more understandable when you consider she had a discord mod or whatever turn schizo on her after his grooming attempt failed. I mean she still is a menhera retard with a long list of other woman moments, but I don't don't particularly blame her for getting One Guy'd on this issue.

>> No.57260870

EN3 hit their ceiling after 2.5 weeks and their growth is starting to hit the plateau, so EN4 likely won't happen again for nearly two years or if there are multiple graduations. Kurosanji or that other small corpo that every keeps saying is debuting a new group soon is possible.

>> No.57260952

>parasocials wah wah
>muh idols culture boogeyman

>> No.57261069

even if kronii has a friend I can't picture her actually doing something to help them. if anyone gets a nepo it'll be bae

>> No.57261209

model was cute, personality was vile and insufferable

>> No.57261259

>Discord mod
Worse, it was an actual staff member at the company she was under, who was most likely the CEO's gay fuckbuddy considering all of the shit he got away with.

>> No.57261470

Don't know who this bitch is but she sounds like a retard who couldn't keep the vtuber and the person behind the character separate.

>> No.57262186

There was a year or so where Kana seemed like she was going to explode in popularity, but it just become too obvious that she hates her fanbase, and her streams took on a weird unpleasant vibe. Classic example of a vtuber selling their soul - commissioning a model and developing a persona that panders to a demographic they look down upon, thinking everything will be fine as long as the creeps give her lots of money - but eventually they just can't conceal their disdain for the fanbase they cultivated.

>> No.57262357

the owner would have had to care about the company for that

>> No.57262962

sounds kinda based

>> No.57263097

that's called an indefinite hiatus anon

>> No.57263189

She said permanent

>> No.57263814

>it is so utterly horrendous of someone to think they are owed ANYTHING from a fucking stranger of all things
I completely agree which is why I never have, and never will, give any internet entertainer money.

>> No.57265132

The fact that it was this above anything else that straight up killed her career is funny.

>> No.57265318

I don't watch 2view

>> No.57265733


>> No.57265969

she was a 4view at one time

>> No.57266998

>lost relevancy after dividing her fans onto 2 platforms and went menhera towards them and some artists
>only known for having a god tier model
word on the street is she's going to the jew corp

>> No.57267079

All she had to do was APOLOGIZE to her youtube viewers.

>> No.57267267


>> No.57267488

because installing twitch is so hard. like i googled twitch and i couldn't even find the website. so when Kana moved, she was just gone, forever, never found her again.

>> No.57267627
File: 149 KB, 897x557, EVERYOOOOOOONE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youtube viewers? fuck em

>> No.57267660

>word on the street
which fucking street?

>> No.57267933

>Dropped her original corpo
>Dropped her original model
>Dropped her YouTube viewers
>Dropped her Parasocial viewers only to notice that her fanbase was pretty parasocial
>Dropped her henreader model to switch between streams with a purple girl one
>Now dropped her vtuber career forever
What a life

>> No.57268013

I believe it

>> No.57268760

she's right though, youtube is full of rude esls

>> No.57268942

I invested two months into watching her back when she was on youtube and then I dropped her ass, and I STILL feel bad about giving her two months of my view time. I cannot imagine how people put up with this bitch for so long.

>> No.57269319

Was she funny or charming before your view of her soured?

>> No.57269365

She literally had her vtubing career paved for her in gold by Hololive and threw it all away by being retarded. She could have still been a 4view to this day. I don't feel bad for her because it was her own fault.

>> No.57269994

lmao what makes you think this literal who bitch would get in Hololive

>> No.57270154

she's more successful than most people who get recruited

>> No.57270430

Bae made it.

>> No.57270662
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>> No.57270735

I can too and Eri deserves it. Kilia and Skye don't though.

>> No.57270813

>because the vtuber and the person behind the character are completely separate
KILL every vtuber that thinks like this. ALL of them fucking talk about their real life ALL THE GODDAMN TIME. They are not playing characters and they know it.

>> No.57270919

bau bau?

>> No.57271299

They talk about their parents and real life all the time. Calling your parents by fake anime names doesnt change the fact they are still irl parents.

>> No.57271351

I didn't even know she was sick

>> No.57271413

I thought she died like last year, cant believe shes still not given up until now

>> No.57272101

Heck Pippa made it into Phase Connect they were brave to take a gamble on her and it paid off.
Love her or hate her Kana has the potential to be big she got past 100K despite Tsundria being a dumpster fire behind the scenes.

>> No.57272739

bau bau bau!

>> No.57272956

blues clues has human parents and nothing you bau can fix the kayfabe

>> No.57273046

still more than any Nijis tho

>> No.57273674
File: 24 KB, 118x106, 1673011135921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek this always remind me of that stream where she complains that twitch viewers backseating is horrible while raging
absolute women moment

>> No.57274178

>god tier model
is just okay

>> No.57277578

Phase Gen 3

>> No.57278708

she was right both times

>> No.57278939

Gonna try Kick next time?

>> No.57279012

I can't wait for her to completely ignore Ember and Dizzy again

>> No.57279081

Jesus Fucking Christ, I've read it as "Kanata" and almost fainted.
Oh, Jesus. God. Fuck.

>> No.57279518

Pipkin Pippa is a libtard in disguise??!?

>> No.57279864

The jews want autistic cunny. Not completely insane, self-destructive cunny.

>> No.57280054

Jews just want any cunny that they can control like good cattle

>> No.57280385

I reckon Kick is even worse than those two

>> No.57280550
File: 62 KB, 397x496, 1625275422278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao you do not know Kana

>> No.57281868

IdolEN 3

>> No.57282051

You have no idea who Kana is do you
There is nothing that can make Kana stream

>> No.57282204

Fill in the blanks.

All w____ are w_____.

>> No.57282246
File: 545 KB, 620x570, 1690788171486805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All wombats are wicked.

>> No.57282445

KEK Kana hated her time in tsunderia, now chance in hell Dizzy would ever let her get in

>> No.57283269

Rare lucid post. It's still shitty when the mask off moments show contempt for their viewers though.

>> No.57283613

I do. I want her to yab and take Kronii out with said yab, I hate that bitch. Ina too

>> No.57283730


>> No.57283917

My hatred for Kronii and Ina isn't Niji related. Why would it be?

>> No.57284035

Rest in piss. She won't be missed

>> No.57284070

Ayame they are your co-workers, be nice

>> No.57284151

>vtuber doesnt like creeps wah wah

>> No.57284254

>Calling out creeps = contempt for your viewers
Some viewers deserve to be called out, and if you feel called out your probably a creep

>> No.57284309


>> No.57284417

Her reincarnation will also be a loli. Maybe she'll get Mochi as her designer this time.

>> No.57285377

So what's the bet on how long it takes for her to come back? I say six weeks

>> No.57285815

Is Kana good at all? Like what are her 3 strong points?

>> No.57285925

>kanacord still defending milady
this is why she will continue to sink lower and lower. in a year we will have this thread again except this time it will be "sucking dick for crack is NONE of your business, chud" as she continues to scrape by off her old identity as a full time discord kitten

>> No.57285946
File: 103 KB, 225x225, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new wave of nijisanji EN

>> No.57285970

Menhera, weird, bitchy, if those are your things I guess.

>> No.57286023

Ojou I love you!

>> No.57286159

>Black lives matter, chud
So this is the "based and redpilled" vtuber you guys keep shilling?

>> No.57286265

I remember watching her birthday pizza stream and thinking she was pretty entertaining. Fell off my radar soon after though. Not cut out for it apparently. Shame.

>> No.57286438

sounds interesting

>> No.57288523

V&U next gen

>> No.57289417

fucking bitch whore

>> No.57291624

oh no no

>> No.57293181

>EN4 already?
Hopefully before march 2024

>> No.57293195

bitch please

>> No.57293225


>> No.57293261
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1683975637804425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Kana, the words I wrote are specifically about you thinking you deserve money for free while being untalented and cunty.

>> No.57293320

She's still around? I thought she drop the gig a while back

>> No.57294361

I think she moved together with her bf and went on a hiatus but only lasted for a few months and she was back streaming and living with her parents

>> No.57294748

hopefully they hire EU chuubas
