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57258653 No.57258653 [Reply] [Original]

What's his legacy for NijiEN?

>> No.57258689
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My oshi forever.

>> No.57258743

Being the bootleg Kanae

>> No.57259638

Having an IQ in the low 80s and still being smart enough to get the fuck out of that black company.

>> No.57259661


>> No.57259681

Bottom jokes.

>> No.57259776

The only entertaining male in the branch other than Vox and Doppio.
With him gone, NijiEN is just Luca's plaything. Grim as fuck.

>> No.57259845
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Getting less viewers for his graduation than the lowest performer ever in HoloEN apparently

>> No.57259893

Don't you dare compare my cute wife to Mysta. They're nothing alike, Kanae actually loves and appreciates his fans for one, while having to deal with way more antis and schizos on a daily basis.

>> No.57259966

i literally only know of this guy because he was in that discord chat leak and was being depressed as fuck
hope hes alright now

>> No.57260283

You Kanaefags really are the worst. I remember your ilk doxxing Mysta publicly on Twitter over his hygiene of all things. No wonder he has so many antis with fans like you.

>> No.57260474

kanaefags really are way worse than mystakes

>> No.57260487

Weird boogeyman, I have no idea what you're even talking about. I literally mentioned him having schizos in my post, I'm aware he has some bad fans.
Also I just said they're nothing alike, don't be so offended.

>> No.57260718

Kanaetai have always had an incredibly poor reputation for their schizo behavior. I remember some Kanaetai with an Asuka avatar would just containment breach constantly during the early days of NijiEN. I remember another Kanaetai attention whoring in /NijiEN/ and flirting in VRChat whilst shitting on the rest of EN saying they don't live up to her precious Kanae. You're all a bunch of shitstirring faggots that cannot help yourselves from dissing other livers.

>> No.57260786

Seething over guy for almost 2 years. Puts most of /vt/ schizos to shame.

>> No.57260901

2 years? That was only a recent tweet he made

>> No.57261068

Okay, I'm aware of that? Other livers have schizo fans too.
>You're all a bunch of shitstirring faggots that cannot help yourselves from dissing other livers.
Nah, I just have a problem with the lack of professionalism on the EN side overall.

>> No.57261343

Whilst Shu was marketed as the face of Luxiem in Japan and Vox was known across the Western space for his voice and ASMR, Mysta in terms of metrics and general success was the one that carried the group for a long period of time. However it did come with various flaws.

His top/bottom dynamics with Shoto, Vox and a few others basically changed the meta for a lot of male vTubers in the western space. Like it or not, it's more common place now thanks to Mysta and he profited it tenfold. Chasing the fujo demographic with shipping like this would later harm his long-term aspirations when he attempted to soft-reset to be more "himself" which was just showcasing more of menhera.

Subject of menhera, that will forever overshadow is actual strengths and qualities. As lovely as this post is >>57258689, most anons will remember him for threating to fuck your oshi, rice or puking up blood.

>> No.57261512

>EN anti
Imagine my shock. Garbage fanbase. All this out of love for a man that forced a minor he raped to have an abortion too. Deranged people you are.

>> No.57261792

>posting a random 5ch rrat literally made up by antis because you ran out of bad things to say
You're really showing me how you're so much better, anon.

>> No.57262037

Don't act like garbage and you won't get treated like it in turn. Try not to be the reason Kanae's Suki Kirai page gets an influx of red names and squirrel emojis.

>> No.57262383

>Don't act like garbage and you won't get treated like it in turn.
Sure, because you can totally see me trying to make up shit about Mysta and not just stating facts: that is, he didn't exactly love his fans and he couldn't deal with antis, am I wrong?
>Suki Kirai page
I don't go to that schizo den, sorry.

>> No.57262881

You *are* wrong. Mysta sobbed on stream the other day when viewing fan projects out of gratefulness. He was noticably re-eneegized every time he attended a meet and greet. He would always sing songs about loving his fans, take time to compliment their fanart individually, even visit their own streams to encourage them and hang back after streams ended to tell his fans he appreciated them. He had the idea to raid a random fan's stream once and prompted the rest of NijiEN to do so just to make him happy. Hell, just read this last message to his fans:
You have absolutely no right to complain about anti rrats about Kanae while blindly parroting them about Mysta, who always did his best to show his fans he cared.
I'll concede on the anti point, though.

>> No.57263285

He cared so much that he left.

>> No.57263543

And made it clear to his fans from day one he'd be reincarnating so they could follow him, yes.
He also held off his graduation for months after staff initially told him he could go as he felt indebted to them. Wanted to give a proper goodbye and allow them to send letters, which he reads to his mom as they make her happy.

>> No.57263552

total numberfaggot death

>> No.57263614

>You have absolutely no right to complain about anti rrats about Kanae while blindly parroting them about Mysta
A very extreme rrat tied to PL with 0 evidence made up by people with nothing but malicious intent isn't the same as making an observation about the way a liver treats his fans.
I'm starting to feel a bit bad here though, you guys did just have your oshi graduate. It wasn't my intent to argue in the first place, I just hate when people compare Kanae or my other NijiJP oshis to ENs who are nothing like them, and I happen to personally dislike Mysta.

>> No.57263747

>an observation about the way a liver treats his fans
You mean like writing all of his long time fans' names down by hand, kissing the paper and putting them in heart shaped boxes for safekeeping? Dumb catalogfag acting like you aren't the same kind of shit people spew against your oshi.

>> No.57264243

Mysta was actually one of the first livers I watched before I started watching JP, I get you're emotional right now but he absolutely did not treat his fans with love for quite a while. Whatever he said during graduation doesn't undo the fact that he started doing things that he knows will piss off his fans, and hell, he kept that up during the graduation month too. And this is without going in detail about all his menhera moments and drama he kept involving himself in.
In the end, his love for fans ended up losing to the pressure from antis anyway.

>> No.57265034

Mysta has always been good to fans that are good to him. There are ad infinitum moments of this long before his graduation. Moments of weakness that were obviously not faked, such as ranting about how he doesn't feel he deserves his fans whilst drunk and bursting into tears on his Birthday over the support. Fans that went schizo and actively harassed his friends, yes - he did attempt to filter them. Mind you he always acknowledged these fans were not the majority, and Mika corroborated this:
Anyway, if you want to have a serious conversation about this I can provide many, many timestamps of Mysta being good to his fans in recent months and even before that. Or you can brush me off as just an emotional fool if it's more convenient for you. Your choice. But your superficial knowledge of the man post-debut I can assure doesn't match up to mine.
Also, he has denied many times it is the hate leading him to graduate - hence why he is reincarnating despite also having received hate in his PL and knowing he will continue to receive hate as well. You are just absolutely mistaken in every single aspect.

>> No.57265880

>And made it clear to his fans from day one he'd be reincarnating so they could follow him, yes
So he's just a grifter then, got it

>> No.57265922


>> No.57266065

>He's reincarnating
Why leave if he's going to continue doing the same thing? To get rid of the majority of fans that he despises so much of course.

>> No.57266136

>Fans that went schizo and actively harassed his friends, yes - he did attempt to filter them.
In my opinion the way he went about this was kinda extreme though, he didn't only filter the really bad fans, he pushed away a lot of normal fans who weren't harming anyone as well with that behaviour. And the way he responded to some antis was also very off-putting, to the point it felt like he really cares more about some random anti opinion than his fans.
You brought up me being an EN anti earlier, but it's a fact that JP deals with way worse issues with way more consideration for fans, I wish EN had more people like that. You can find clips of countless livers saying they're ok with gachikois for example, and you know how that issue is on the EN side.

>> No.57266163

He wouldn't be telling his fans every single stream he was reincarnating if that's the case. It's far more likely to do with management as he hinted he couldn't speak about it more due to NDA in his last mengen.

>> No.57266327

You wish death upon Fulgur?

>> No.57266355

being a homosexual flip menhera

>> No.57266613

Well, I won't deny it was extreme. But it worked, and eventually after many months Mika and Mysta were able to publicly show their friendship again. I also wouldn't make this an EN vs JP issue if I were you, knowing Axia and sunflower's whole debacle. Mysta also explicitly said it was okay for his fans to be parasocial (and mind you in EN this is synonymous with gachikoi) as long as they didn't take it to extremes. Did Mysta handle everything perfectly? Fuck no. But he did truly love his fans.

>> No.57267485

That's just the kind of unprofessionalism I have a big problem with, yes there was Axia's case but JP is a LOT bigger and the % of livers who dislike/talk shit about their fans is pretty low. In the end I guess Mysta was just not good at handling many things, hopefully as indie he can establish a smaller fanbase and not need to ''filter'' them.

>> No.57268190
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In the end he was very happy with the fanbase he'd developed. I'm sure he'll be a satisfied man should he get them back.
You stick to supporting your oshi based on your standards and I'll do the same for mine - when he comes back of course.

>> No.57268917

Sure, you do you too anon. In the end graduations do suck even if they're of vtubers I dislike, but at least Mysta should come back soon and not have to deal with everything that came with being in NijiEN since that didn't really work out for him.

>> No.57269645

Mysta was my oshi, and it was the first time I ever cried during a graduation stream.

As someone who is also menhera and a corporate wage slave for my company, dude just sounded like he was unmedicated and unable to keep up with his work in a way that satisfied himself.

aka. Work affected his mental health, his mental health affected his work.

And it takes a lot of strength to see that despite someone caring about their base/coworkers/etc, or their successes... that it's time to move on and focus on themselves.

I don't think he left because he "wanted" to, but realized that he was just not happy especially when having conditions that make you overall not happy in the first place.

>> No.57269816

After listening to his graduation announcement the impression I got was that Mysta despised his fans, but by now, I think he's just tsundere.

>> No.57269945
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This one was better and more inspirational

>> No.57272390

Proof that hard work DOES pay off.
Never stoip anti-ing, one guy

>> No.57274254

Part of Kanae's appeal is acting like a sociopath. Just don't try to understand yumejoshi and their deranged shit.

>> No.57274721

It really isn't, though. Only people who have seen 2-3 random English clips say this, he's essentially stopped playing into the whole bit as people started taking it too seriously and trying to say he's faking his whole personality/acting nice, etc. I'm not a yume, by the way.
And I hope you're not trying to say that his fans believe that stupid rumor because that's retarded.

>> No.57275796

their biggest numberfag
who else has ever edited their peak ccv into their stream title and thumbnail after the stream ended? he's basically the vtuber version of /#/

>> No.57277179

His legacy is being basically the least mentally stable vtuber NijiEN has had while somehow also being a fucking moron.
His early days are leaning hard into bottom jokes alongside Shoto, reminding us he doesn't wash rice and generally making himself out to be a literal retard who says things like "Trees aren't plants" and "I ate it because I thought it was chocolate but it was mold."
His mid-career is starting to flip out because his schizo fans are treating him like a boyfriend and he's getting sick of his career being pretty much the same three jokes repeated to infinity.
His later days are "I LOOOOOVE my fans" while getting one-guy'd even harder than he previously had been while his fans seethe their way into being one of the worst EN fanbases with delusions about how sweet and lovely they are.

>> No.57277702

bottom jokes
I don't wash my rice jokes

>> No.57277985

We'll see him soon in Vshonen.

>> No.57278022

Funny thing with all his "I'm relocating" bs, he hinted so hard that he is going to reincarnate, but most of his female viewers will drop him outside the niji framework (i.e. fujo shippers).
He basically got owned by one hater he called out and cried about not being able to collab with trash taste. I hope it was worth ruining your career.

>> No.57279774

>did a graduation stream.
way better than vesper and magfag

>> No.57279840

No, I'm saying the sickfuck kanaetais were into that act. It does come up sometimes as a bit. But of course rrats would try to strike from that angle regardless of rumors having any proof backing them up or not..

>> No.57281033

It's honestly a bit bizarre how hard some fans tend to misunderstand their own oshi. Some things I've seen people say sound like they're talking about an entirely different person, to the point I'd have an easier time believing it's an anti rather than an actual fan being genuine.

>> No.57281840
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Proving that men are just as menhera if not worse than women

>> No.57282961

Tricking other corpos into starting their own male branches

>> No.57284517


>> No.57285184

Somehow getting one guy'd into graduating a job that literally pays him six figures just to play video games on stream
