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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57031654 No.57031654 [Reply] [Original]

Youtube killed him...

>> No.57031808

I can't find him, wtf happened??

>> No.57031830


>> No.57031862

Oh yeah, he was a thing. He probably got bored.

>> No.57031865

king leech RIP

>> No.57031884


>> No.57031910

His channel got sniped, his twitter is still up

>> No.57031923

Imagine being a dramanigger *and* a homobeggar. Kek. Thanks Neal-sama.

>> No.57032008
File: 391 KB, 695x758, jewgay_slurp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a vestie dramachubba
>graduates along with his oshi

>> No.57032036

Based Cover. Kill this fake news parrot.

>> No.57032053

His patreon is also still up: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=81248689

Also, I think more as a meme vtuber than as a drama channel. His videos were definitely fun. I hope he will get his channel back

>> No.57032107

I miss his voice

>> No.57032108

>he thought he wouldn't get snapped for porn if it's privated
kinda funny, wish that's how it worked

>> No.57032152

Oh wait...

>> No.57032155

the vtubers got to him
we have to pay ransom :P

>> No.57032233

his last SELL and BUY was Golden, even done so much was still funny

>> No.57032289

Sorry for fucking him on camera. Hindsight is 20/20

>> No.57032304 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 598x224, 1692932519658487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another dead homobeggar? good
Depressed Niggersagi's next

>> No.57032380


>> No.57032385

the anti-porn rules got the channel merc'd (at least according to YT)
problem is which one did him in?
i suspect it's the one with zaion on shibari for his TN or shiori's PLAP PLAP meme

>> No.57032422

>btvm dead
>2 homos dead
>this guy dead
>Kiara btfo homobeggars
>e-thots like Nyanners are giving up on vtubing
Vtubing is healing

>> No.57032429


>> No.57032451

btvm's alts are still up

>> No.57032568

>Channels that leak things from 4chan are so afraid of making a video about how unicorns won that they are just deleting themselves

>> No.57032690

All containment breakers get the rope.

>> No.57032691

>the least horny homobegger

>> No.57032701
File: 539 KB, 1500x254, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>e-thots like Nyanners are giving up on vtubing
Nyanners gets too stressed out going flesh mode for any length of time unless she's on her boyfriend's channel.

>> No.57032773
File: 142 KB, 600x600, 1688986661718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank God
Rest in Piss

>> No.57032813

I'm not even a unicorn but I find pretty funny that both him and that brown fag only shows homobeggars in a good light and ignores all of the shit they done

>> No.57032812

He already accidentally streamed Azehara's likes (which had porn in it) and he got no issues over it. So DN probably will not get fucked (especially since he does free marketing analysis to big corpos).

>> No.57032914
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>> No.57032965

>nasally esl screaming over the most nothing posts you'll ever see with obnoxious adhd bgm
absolutely nothing of value was lost.

>> No.57033094

As someone who's never been on 4chan or /vt/ I find his content very approachable as it allows someone like myself who is too scared to post and lurk here a look into the culture without having to actually deal with you guys.

>> No.57033099

Cool, now kill Depressed Nousagi

>> No.57033206

the comments on DN's latest stream are rather unhinged, It feels like a case of "stare too long into the abyss" with the amount of rrats people are coming up with about "THE REAL REASON WHY THE TWO LEFT HOLOLIVE", insanity.

>> No.57033232

Anon he's a small indie guy who collabs with other indie vtubers (and Sayu). He a good boi, dindu nuffin

>> No.57033289

Anon, holosummer also got in the firing line

>> No.57033369

Why couldn't it be DepressedNousagi?
At least the parrot is funny.

>> No.57033588

>Nyanners giving up on vtubing
God I wish. She's fucking hot and I need her to stop wearing masks.

>> No.57033590

this thread is slowly becoming a D.N. hate and parrot appreciation, I hate it.

>> No.57033650

Don't even hate containment breakers that much, but that voice was a hate crime.
Good riddance.

>> No.57033742

>As someone who's never been on 4chan or /vt/ I find his content very approachable
This is another reason he's shit by the way but I think you already know that

>> No.57033825

It almost feels like we're going back to 2020. That year was such a golden period that even if it was full of dramas and yabs, I really miss it.

>> No.57033941

They're both garbage, but doxxing nousagi is worse by a long mile.

>> No.57034004

>DN posts dox, pretends to leave
>parrot leeches off sayu and /vt/, gets banned for being a retard
parrot is the lesser of two evils here

>> No.57034234

I think depressed nousagi already said parrot is his sub account

>> No.57034323

>D.N. posts public information you can find on google for money

>> No.57034387

Yeah I've been trying to find some news on this, but it's been radio silent. There might be some chatter on Twitter, but I avoid the place like the plague.

>> No.57034970

>>btvm dead
>>2 homos dead
always a good thing
>>this guy dead
idc desu
>>Kiara btfo homobeggars
idc desu
>>e-thots like Nyanners are giving up on vtubing
after double checking this claim, i have to say you are a disgusting retarded schizo faggot subhuman lying whore
last stream a couple hours ago
vtuber stream
this anon knows whats up, cheers bro

>> No.57035034
File: 60 KB, 355x570, 1692908759935413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Parrot posted my meme so i cant hate him. Nutsaggy is just a homobegging nijinigger. But emzee remains my thread simulator oshi. No one reposted me more.

>> No.57035040

Both should line up and be shot 50 times

>> No.57035171

He was the only good thing i have ever found about vtubers when this whole illusion died

>> No.57035219

You're talking about her body, right? Because her face looks the most generic white woman possible, it isn't ugly but you can bang a chick like that if walk 2km out of your house

>> No.57035233

Thank for the link, gonna report this to Cover now.

>> No.57035286


>> No.57035367

Another leech down. DN next.

>> No.57035413

Desertorium, the catalog recorder

>> No.57035437


>> No.57035514

What is embarassing is you simping for women with boyfriends

>> No.57035572

>especially since he does free marketing analysis to big corpos

>big corpos

kek DN is a giant 3 world doxing monkey faggot with nothing interesting to say about chuubas that wouldn't come directly from /here/ every time he gives his own take on something it's crap.

>> No.57035648

Ach, I'll miss the parrot, he seemed so careful about censoring shit. I don't have time to sift through every thread looking for kernels of corn.

>> No.57035864

He'll probably make Parrot 4chan 2: Electric Boogaloo channel, then use this thread posts to make fun of his own death.

>> No.57035876

I hope he will kill himself at some point

more like kiwifarms and 3world-run dox discords full of fellow pagpags, charging for it just makes this extra scummy.

>> No.57035942

rip, he was kinda cool. now put me in the video

>> No.57036153

I hope so

>> No.57036580

Oh it's idol? never fucking mind

>> No.57037014

I genuinely like him. I hope he'll get his shit back

>> No.57037156

This dude's comment section was so fuckin insufferable, by far the worst out of any other "reposts 4chan content for normies to see."

>> No.57037160

How can anyone hate Parrot? He hates Nijisanji just as much as we do.

>> No.57037494

Isn't kiwifarm dead? Maybe Lolcow would be the closest to pure doxxing info's. But as far as I am concerned if it existed once on the internet then it's public information.And D.N. really was just using surface level information that isn't even considered doxxing in reality (people are just retarded). The only shit part of it all is that he charged money for the public info.

>> No.57037587

No one likes you Depressed Nousagi.

>> No.57037662

Your mom information is on the internet, so it's public information

>> No.57038595
File: 1.73 MB, 6935x5906, 1689905496569778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the homobeggar's dead
>the nijinigger barely upload
>the ambiguous fence sitter barely upload
emzee got that /vt/ mind chair, looking forward to his tempiss graduation video

>> No.57038676

Then call her. What is stopping you?

>> No.57038824
File: 354 KB, 911x564, yagoopointandlaugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy thought a vtuber was his girlfriend

>> No.57038934
File: 74 KB, 1200x675, 1654835713389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is simping for women on the internet with boyfriends

>> No.57039129


>> No.57039172

Hopefully he's next

>> No.57039297

Desertorium and that one guy that did the 4chan simulators are the only ones that I can stomach to watch and don't mind.

>> No.57039603

desertorium has the plodding, unchanging affect of a lobotomite and the other guy fucks up enough to be distracting. i hate that i'm revealing i even know who these people are but parrot is the only one that makes me raff

>> No.57039615

something about Emzee rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.57039793

No way... parrot-kun don't leave us

>> No.57039976

I was mistaken then my good fellow.
But can you blame me for falling down the rabbit hole of idol/waifu pandering only to be hit with the illusion break?

>> No.57040005

Parrot's voice is literally three steps away from just being fucking Nuxanor. the idea of listening to him for more than 5 minutes is enough to make the skin above my brow tear from cringing so hard. The fucker's throat probably skipped town while he was asleep and is hiding out in a battered woman's shelter.

>> No.57040057

the funny part is that if you saw his earlier videos he actually sounded kinda normal, but he really ramped up the screeching after the third or 4th video or so.

>> No.57040297

>obvious self shilling thread bumped by his Latinx discord clique #156
If this is an attempt to stay relevant it isn't working, try learning how to speak English at a semi passable level, instead.

>> No.57040424

I can't blame you, if i was younger i would probably do the same. Or who knows, maybe some personalities are more predisposed to get parasocial.

>> No.57040576

RIP parrot. As much as I didn't like the containment breaking, have to admit that I found some bits entertaining. Also can't bring myself to hate him considering he's a champ.

>> No.57040820

he sounds completely retarded, yes. that's well suited to the kind of high brow humor that is "i read unhinged 4chan shitposts". sounding like you just cleaned out a bottle of ambien doesn't

>> No.57041140
File: 44 KB, 720x932, 1650299519335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high brow humor
There's nothing "high brow" about reading unhinged 4chan shitposts but if you think there is then you're probably his main audience

>> No.57041389

deeply ironic post considering you are so fucking slope headed and peabrained that you missed the obvious intentionality of the irony in that statement.
>b-but you can't heckin read sarcasm on the inter-
shut the fuck up, you special needs child, in the very same statement i said it was well suited to being presented by a retard

>> No.57042444

I don't understand how people like you will spit fuck out every two words when someone points out the obvious and pretend as though your fefes weren't hurt.
Regardless of your schizophrenia, I don't need some esl screeching into my ears about the most inane witless shitposts this board has to offer period. Desertorium is at least not an offense to my eardrums

>> No.57042480

Based, i will now buy youtube premium

>> No.57042555

i really don't care that much who you like, i didn't shit talk you until you deliberately misrepresented me in a way so obvious a child could see through it, and i don't know why you care that i said fuck a whole two times in one post.

>> No.57045003

>Leporine hands typed this post

>> No.57046072

i'm pretty sure youtube has a +18 button, why not click it?

>> No.57046326

Parrot uploaded Patreon video to youtube for membership, the fucking idiot doesn't know how it works there.
I can't blame him since his rise is relative recent. So I'm gonna shill his X

>> No.57046615
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And that's a good thing, hope he can't pay the cartel on their next visit

>> No.57046684

>something about Emzee rubs me the wrong way.
Emzee is unironic /vt/ schizo, his content is flat out pro unicorn and anti homobeggar. That alone makes him /vt/ golden child, but of course, /vt/ also hates themselves and containment breakers.
Emzee is uncanny like that.

>> No.57047024

is that what he is? the types of people that comment on his youtube videos seem to suggest otherwise, or maybe it's because they just don't get it?

>> No.57048908

>they just don't get it?
The comment section between the three (Desertorium, Emzee, and Parrot) are almost identical. The content of the three are staggeringly different in focus, however.
Emzee focus on the argument between /vt/ posters and skew heavily on shit-talking homobeggars and those who disrespect Idol culture.
Parrot always choose the ones with most unhinged statement and thumbnail because it is funnier. He is not so much homobeggar as focusing on the most bombastic aspect of /vt/.
Desertorium is a lot more neutral, presented everything in deadpan documentary voice instead of emotionally charged drama rant (emzee) or crazy post highlight (Parrot)

>> No.57049005

the rare parrot? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.57049110

Anon, she looks like a fucking horse.

>> No.57049370

advertising and begging is against the rules
see you in 3 days!

>> No.57049478

RIP Bolivian parrot

>> No.57049511

>They simp for Containment breakers
Holy kek you fags are even worse than the unicorns

>> No.57049704

>shill his X
>link says twitter
Anon....its still called twitter

>> No.57049736
File: 66 KB, 768x768, 1679972928362486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

useless janner why tf this offtopic thread's still up?

>> No.57049858

>thread about a vtuber
>off topic
anon.....your a fucking retard

>> No.57049989
File: 270 KB, 1400x788, Screen_Shot_2020_09_14_at_12.36.00_PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by your logic pewdiepie & pokimane are on topic too

>> No.57050178

Pokimane stopped using VTuber avatar day one because people chimped out.
Pewdipie all but retired as active content creator and just post whenever he wanted.
Parrot literally streamed few days ago.

>> No.57050883
File: 274 KB, 512x512, parrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i pray he gets the channel back

>> No.57051220

hate his fake retarded voice he does, so thats no loss

>> No.57052379 [DELETED] 

this nigger oshi is fucking pippa lole
also saw him attentionwhoring in bvtm's replies couple times
why are browns such a homobegger...

>> No.57053155

Get fucked. Cringe retards leeching off /vt/ posters. I hate YouTubers that earn money doing effortless shit like that.

>> No.57054046 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 1046x1280, 1693083855031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if he won't upload his videos on archive.org, he's a nigger and I wish him the worst

>> No.57054071

alright you've convinced me to give him another shot since i did remember liking the kanata video he did

>> No.57054135

He often appears in Kikis chat (the /pyon/ Kiki) so do with that what you will.

>> No.57058492

So true sister, now he can't expose how much we're scared of anime boys

You niggas really are scared of when you're exposed to normal ass people. Not even normies, but bare minimum level of saneness. That's why we get made fun of by the other boards. Acting superior over anime characters and swinging dicks around trying to harrass people into not interacting with anime (males).

>> No.57058638

>someone has already made a shalom edit of ogeyslurp
i roru, i rumao

>> No.57062367


>> No.57064692

desertorium is better, few vids but all are kino

>> No.57066265

Ah, the guy got sniped after trying to upload the uncensored version to his members only. I don't know why some idiots are saying he's one of those dramawhores. He's just posting comments off \vt\ stupid pussies and add's some comedic shit to it. It's funny most times nothing like those dramawhore bitches.

>> No.57066335

Oh nyo~

>> No.57066841
File: 42 KB, 598x419, retardest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This retard killed himself.
